Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. Happy Valentine's Day!

    I've been up for a while, but distracted by the usuals. Lilo is not in my lap right now and didn't stay long. I think it's warmer on her box and she seems happy there. We also have a small, Apple computer that she likes to lay on and we call it her bun warmer.

    I just had a little bit of ciabatta bread and one piece of guilty pleasure fried boneless, skinless chicken thigh filet that I made for my dinner last night. There are still some collards left but may not eat them all, as some of these leaves were really HUGE and had developed some bitterness. The collards came out OK, but not as nice as I usually make them. Reminded me of why I hated them as a kid though. LOL.

    The chicken was perfect. Dredged in flour seasoned with salt, pepper, Italian seasoning and extra rosemary. I love rosemary. Then dipped in egg wash, then plain bread crumbs and fried fairly quickly before being drained on paper towels. Not something I make often at all, but very nice for an occasional treat. Making schnitzel last week reminded me how delightful lightly breaded, fried food can taste. Now I need to forget all about it again.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning.
    I'm awake?? Cats!! ARGGGG!! :smiley:
    Cats fed, and I have my cup of coffee...all's right with the world...
    Agenda only has a trip to Whole Foods ... if the weather really does get icy here I am going to be short a few greens...so a couple of bunches of kale, and a bunch of Swiss Chard should see me thru whatever falls from the sky.

    Roger, hope you are safe and warm...the weather I've seen predicted for Philly and north is not exactly Floridian! Glad you planned a home brewed coffee morning. I know you've heard Ed and I talk about Trader Joes, they sell cans of Half-Decalf, and its pretty decent coffee!
    But, mainly just stay warm. Listen to your old time radio shows, and whatever else strikes your fancy!

    All that said, I so hope we don't get ice here Ed. Though it can be beautiful to look at if the sun shines on it....its just to hard on linemen having to repair electric lines, etc. not to mention the idiots who try to drive on it, etc. Schools are already out on Monday for President's day....so everybody stay home!!!!! :)

    I think today I'll color in at least one of my coloring books, and read. I have about 3 new books, and 2 new to me cook books, and I'd like to try my hand at making a vegetable broth. I think I'll opt for the old fashioned, pot on the stove for hours, instead of the quick, Instant Pot method, just for the hours of good smells, etc. Wish me luck! I very much hate paying for cartons of broth and stock...my fav. is Pacific brand Organic....its far ahead of any other I've ever used. And expensive as all get out.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    It is cold out there this morning in NJ, in a nearby town local cable News12 channel is showing 2 degrees there, with a wind chill of -16 and a temperature at their studios of 1 degree at 8AM. No walking for me today. Tomorrow looks as if I will be going out later than usual too to give the Overnight temperatures a chance to warm up.

    Not too much planned for today except to work on staying warm.

    I have added the latest new foods I just saw available from NutriSystem here, 2 Frozen Dinners and a Shelf Stable Lunch Bar.

    I keep checking to see if the CostCo NutriSystem Gift cards are back on sale, no luck so far this year. I have enough for the upcoming order, if they do not I will have to pick them up at the $79.99 for $100 face value. Still better than paying $100 for $100 of NS.

    Have a Good Sunday, Valentines Day
    Good Morning! Cold start to Saturday..
    Ed your daffodils will be fine...even the ones in bloom. Mine are about half bloomed, and they do well in cold temps..sorta like pansies!
    I read thru the recipe...got everything except ...the directions are screwy. Will come back to that later...right now, heading for the shower....DS2 coming shortly and we are doing a couple chores, and having lunch then going to the afternoon hockey game. I nixed driving to Cumming Ga twice in one day. There is a game going on right now..

    Hey Roger.
    You posted while I was still typing...
    Bacon....NO, No, no, no no!!!! :) That was my vegetarian son, Ted, DS2's worst craving when he gave up meat nearly 30 years ago.... mine is cheese... Interesting how we all have our own triggers!!
    Will be back this evening....
    Good Sunday Morning.
    I'm awake?? Cats!! ARGGGG!! :smiley:
    Cats fed, and I have my cup of coffee...all's right with the world...
    Agenda only has a trip to Whole Foods ... if the weather really does get icy here I am going to be short a few greens...so a couple of bunches of kale, and a bunch of Swiss Chard should see me thru whatever falls from the sky.

    Roger, hope you are safe and warm...the weather I've seen predicted for Philly and north is not exactly Floridian! Glad you planned a home brewed coffee morning. I know you've heard Ed and I talk about Trader Joes, they sell cans of Half-Decalf, and its pretty decent coffee!
    But, mainly just stay warm. Listen to your old time radio shows, and whatever else strikes your fancy!

    All that said, I so hope we don't get ice here Ed. Though it can be beautiful to look at if the sun shines on it....its just to hard on linemen having to repair electric lines, etc. not to mention the idiots who try to drive on it, etc. Schools are already out on Monday for President's day....so everybody stay home!!!!! :)

    I think today I'll color in at least one of my coloring books, and read. I have about 3 new books, and 2 new to me cook books, and I'd like to try my hand at making a vegetable broth. I think I'll opt for the old fashioned, pot on the stove for hours, instead of the quick, Instant Pot method, just for the hours of good smells, etc. Wish me luck! I very much hate paying for cartons of broth and stock...my fav. is Pacific brand Organic....its far ahead of any other I've ever used. And expensive as all get out.

    Hi Valerie
    That sort of cross posting happens a lot to me here and on other forums, Most likely due to my being slow at replying.

    Bacon, Cheese & Pizza in one dish hits three of my likes :)

    My Biggest weakness is if I sit down with Nuts, Macadamia or Black Walnuts or Salted Peanuts, Less so with Pecans or Hickory Nuts.

    What my brother brought home is Folgers 1/2 caff. Our Trader Joes is now closed since their roof fell in in the really deep snow this winter. There are three more in NJ, None all that near the house, The now gone Westfield location was the only NJ store that sold wines, My brother liked some of their inexpensive wines now and then.

    The worst thing ice on the lines can do is bring them down and cause power outages.

    I think I have several years worth of old time radio shows to work my way through and could download more from the Public Domain site too.

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. Happy Valentine's Day!

    I've been up for a while, but distracted by the usuals. Lilo is not in my lap right now and didn't stay long. I think it's warmer on her box and she seems happy there. We also have a small, Apple computer that she likes to lay on and we call it her bun warmer.

    I just had a little bit of ciabatta bread and one piece of guilty pleasure fried boneless, skinless chicken thigh filet that I made for my dinner last night. There are still some collards left but may not eat them all, as some of these leaves were really HUGE and had developed some bitterness. The collards came out OK, but not as nice as I usually make them. Reminded me of why I hated them as a kid though. LOL.

    The chicken was perfect. Dredged in flour seasoned with salt, pepper, Italian seasoning and extra rosemary. I love rosemary. Then dipped in egg wash, then plain bread crumbs and fried fairly quickly before being drained on paper towels. Not something I make often at all, but very nice for an occasional treat. Making schnitzel last week reminded me how delightful lightly breaded, fried food can taste. Now I need to forget all about it again.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    That sounds like the perfect method to cook tasty, crunchy, breaded chicken :)
    Personally I prefer the Breast or Wings, My Brother prefers the legs and thighs makes for a waste-less cooked chicken that way too.

    The newer computers seem to throw out less heat BTW. I know that the LED backlit screens use much less energy and put out next to no heat. The older technology Fluorescent backlit screens use much more energy and put out heat. As do Plasma HD TVs FWIW. I could feel the heat radiating off of the 32" HDTV I was using for everything including computer display in the one room. Now the 42" has a energy star tag that shows a $10 yearly energy rating and I feel no heat from it, OTOH the old TV did add some nice heat to the room in the winter and cause the AC to work harder in the summer. Just to satisfy my curiousity I need to hook up the watt meter to the old TV or read the tag on it just to work out what the payback in Electric savings would be if I change out the Sony Triniton in the Living Room. The Cable box and the Satellite TV DVR both supply HD if I had a HD TV there.

    FWIW I would have gone bigger than 42" if I had the room for bigger where it is.

    Have a Good Sunday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    I think today I'll color in at least one of my coloring books, and read. I have about 3 new books, and 2 new to me cook books, and I'd like to try my hand at making a vegetable broth. I think I'll opt for the old fashioned, pot on the stove for hours, instead of the quick, Instant Pot method, just for the hours of good smells, etc. Wish me luck! I very much hate paying for cartons of broth and stock...my fav. is Pacific brand Organic....its far ahead of any other I've ever used. And expensive as all get out.

    Will you be coloring in your pillow fort? ;)

    I'm doing laundry and cooking some boneless, skinless chicken thighs in broth, in a crock pot. Later I'll dice up the meat, add peas and carrots, and either make a small recipe of egg dumplings to put in, or just add some kluski noodles. I'm leaning toward the egg dumplings, as that makes a hearty winter meal, though kluski noodles would be almost as good.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    My day did not go as planned. :)
    Marietta called, her FIL was on his way to hospital, via ambulance. Suspected stroke. (he just turned 90 last weekend). Would I/could I, keep the puppy as she was heading for the hospital with her DH...
    So, quickly dressed, headed for Whole Foods, got my greens, and decided I might like some potato soup, so headed for that area, a guy was stocking potatoes, and pretty much in my way, so I politely ask if I could disturb him, just for a few seconds. He quickly said he'd move, and I should stay right there until he got back....???? He returned very quickly with a bouquet of pink sweetheart roses for me!!! Jaw drop!!! What a nice gesture. I suspect that it was something the associates were doing all day. I'm just never lucky enough to be the recipient of things like that.
    Got home, Marietta's FIL had had a suspected TIA, and they were keeping him overnight. So no dog duty. Maybe on Tuesday....
    So, my VD was flowers and a nap! Now, time to color :)
    Hope you've all had a great day, that Ed's chicken and dumplings were as delicious as they sound, and that Roger stayed toasty warm!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    My chicken and dumplings came out quite nicely. Of course it was more chicken and veggies (peas, carrots, onion) with broth than it was dumplings, as I made only a small "recipe" of herb egg dumplings so there wouldn't be too many flour carbs in a serving. I had one medium serving and D had two small servings. Really more like a chicken stew with a few dumplings, but that was pretty much what I was aiming for anyway. :) There is some leftover, perhaps two more servings to enjoy.

    J is running late returning from a talk in Anniston, AL, but I have made up a bowl of guacamole and have everything to make him a nice refried bean taco salad when he gets home. He likes guacamole OK as a dip but prefers it as a salad topping, so all I have to do is heat the beans, make the salad, and let him spoon as much guacamole as he wants on top of it. Maybe I'll make a small amount of honey mustard oregano dressing for him too. That's really good on a taco salad...

    Then I need to go to bed!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 32 degrees out there. Supposed to start raining this afternoon and then on into the night. Possibility of freezing rain/snow was mentioned earlier, but schools are out regardless, for the federal holiday, so no worries about the school children getting home.

    I've fed Lilo and fed me so off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    I thought about typing Good Tuesday Morning...just to confuse, but thought better of it!!! LOL!

    Working with what looks like and goes onto paper like regular colored pencils, but in truth is watercolor pigment is really weird. I did some playing with it before I got too carried away last night. Very interesting. The watercolor brush does indeed then give the look of having used water colors, without having to 'drown' the paper!! Its kinda cool!!! I can see already that I need a few more 'pencils' than the starter set Ted got. It has some really nice basic colors, but there are a few 'gaps', in my opinion!

    I think I am allergic to the cats....Tom E. in particular. He loves to sit on my lap, and gets down right belligerent if I don't pick him up and let him get his face in mine. But, twice now I've had to use the Clariten...Not nutty about drugs...When warm weather gets here...its 'Out ya go' on a real permanent basis. They have adjusted quite well to being indoors, but I don't need to be taking antihistamines just for their convenience.... :) (old meanie me)

    About to go make a pot of pinto beans...have leftover veg. soup from yesterday, and tofu in the press. I'm in for the duration, rain, sleet, snow, you know, all those bad words! :)

    Roger I looked at Fox 29 this morning...you're not 'hit' just yet I don't think....but I'm really sorry to say, its coming!! Take care and be safe.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    No walk yesterday, just too cold, I did get out today despite the 15 degree starting temperature. It was OK out for most of the walk until near the end, Around the time I left the Dunkin Donuts with my coffee it started to snow, there was enough snow to be swirling in the street when cars passed by. Then a little breeze came up and it felt colder despite being 20 degrees when I arrived home. Snow later today turning to rain at some point. If we get the wind whipped rain forecast for tomorrow no walk :(

    Have a Good Week
    My day did not go as planned. :)
    Marietta called, her FIL was on his way to hospital, via ambulance. Suspected stroke. (he just turned 90 last weekend). Would I/could I, keep the puppy as she was heading for the hospital with her DH...
    So, quickly dressed, headed for Whole Foods, got my greens, and decided I might like some potato soup, so headed for that area, a guy was stocking potatoes, and pretty much in my way, so I politely ask if I could disturb him, just for a few seconds. He quickly said he'd move, and I should stay right there until he got back....???? He returned very quickly with a bouquet of pink sweetheart roses for me!!! Jaw drop!!! What a nice gesture. I suspect that it was something the associates were doing all day. I'm just never lucky enough to be the recipient of things like that.
    Got home, Marietta's FIL had had a suspected TIA, and they were keeping him overnight. So no dog duty. Maybe on Tuesday....
    So, my VD was flowers and a nap! Now, time to color :)
    Hope you've all had a great day, that Ed's chicken and dumplings were as delicious as they sound, and that Roger stayed toasty warm!


    Hi Valerie
    If I remember a TIA is not as bad as a heart attack, so good news there.

    That was nice of him to go get the bouquet for You.

    On the news yesterday
    New Yorkers were able to warm up Sunday with free hand warmers from Modell's.
    Employees from the sporting goods retailer gave hand warmers out for free in Times Square and Penn Station.
    Temperatures dropped to record lows Sunday, making it the coldest Valentine's Day in New York City in 100 years.

    Which was nice of them. Also it seems that there were weddings taking place in Times Square despite the record cold for Valentines day too, Only in NYC
    Good Monday Morning!
    I thought about typing Good Tuesday Morning...just to confuse, but thought better of it!!! LOL!

    Working with what looks like and goes onto paper like regular colored pencils, but in truth is watercolor pigment is really weird. I did some playing with it before I got too carried away last night. Very interesting. The watercolor brush does indeed then give the look of having used water colors, without having to 'drown' the paper!! Its kinda cool!!! I can see already that I need a few more 'pencils' than the starter set Ted got. It has some really nice basic colors, but there are a few 'gaps', in my opinion!

    I think I am allergic to the cats....Tom E. in particular. He loves to sit on my lap, and gets down right belligerent if I don't pick him up and let him get his face in mine. But, twice now I've had to use the Clariten...Not nutty about drugs...When warm weather gets here...its 'Out ya go' on a real permanent basis. They have adjusted quite well to being indoors, but I don't need to be taking antihistamines just for their convenience.... :) (old meanie me)

    About to go make a pot of pinto beans...have leftover veg. soup from yesterday, and tofu in the press. I'm in for the duration, rain, sleet, snow, you know, all those bad words! :)

    Roger I looked at Fox 29 this morning...you're not 'hit' just yet I don't think....but I'm really sorry to say, its coming!! Take care and be safe.


    I decided to get out a little early and not wait for a warmup just in case it did snow earlier than forecast.
    Off to have some oatmeal as I feel a little chilled today.

    I get confused enough with the day a of the week and the date. Luckily I can get both by hitting a button the Satellite Box remote or in the lower left of the computer screen. Both my Brother & I kept feeling as if Saturday was Sunday :)

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 32 degrees out there. Supposed to start raining this afternoon and then on into the night. Possibility of freezing rain/snow was mentioned earlier, but schools are out regardless, for the federal holiday, so no worries about the school children getting home.

    I've fed Lilo and fed me so off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Todays snow that is due to start around noon depending on Your location is supposed to turn to freezing rain and then rain. Lucky traffic is lighter today and schools are closed.

    Have a Good Day at Work
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Doctor appointment this morning so I'll be working the middle shift today. And of course they decided to do pump testing TODAY starting at 9:00 and going until whenever...3 or 4 hours. I briefed the guy I've got filling in this morning on how to take care of that. We'll see...I already changed this doctor appointment once and am not doing it again.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    The Local weather report shows that there is no rain currently so I thought I would go walking before the heavy rains come in later. The overnight snow that turned to rain has ended. I went out the front door and tested the footing before getting geared up to go as things are looking slushy and wet. Not good to walk in as the sidewalk is icy, Better safe than sorry. Traffic accident reports coming in as I type this listening to the radio.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Doctor appointment this morning so I'll be working the middle shift today. And of course they decided to do pump testing TODAY starting at 9:00 and going until whenever...3 or 4 hours. I briefed the guy I've got filling in this morning on how to take care of that. We'll see...I already changed this doctor appointment once and am not doing it again.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I'm guessing that Pump testing is where they check the pumps for accuracy. IE one gallon shown on the gauge must be at least one gallon and not be significantly over either. In NJ Weights and Measures comes in and tests, issuing fines if under too. Flow test?

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! It really is Tuesday, And I'm eating lunch!
    Made a tofu scramble yesterday...that and a salad made for a quickly assembled lunch!

    Sunny here today, not exactly warm, and there is some wind...but I may still make a Walmart run... Case of cat food, and a couple of other 'pick up' items, and get that off my list.

    Ed, hope your Dr. appointment is a good one.

    Talked with Marietta this morning...turns out her FIL did have a small stroke, evidenced by his MRI or CAT scan...forget which.

    Tonite is Gym with Olivia!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again
    I walked after I posted early this morning :) It drizzled a couple of times and after I was home home the skies opened up and it poured with high wind gusts. Then it ended this afternoon and I was out walking again as I was a little under on @ 7K+ steps + 1 cent, now I'm over @ 12K steps.

    there was some slush and puddles this morning so I wore the insulated waterproof boots, this afternoon it was fine just a few puddles I could easily avoid.

    Good Morning! It really is Tuesday, And I'm eating lunch!
    Made a tofu scramble yesterday...that and a salad made for a quickly assembled lunch!

    Sunny here today, not exactly warm, and there is some wind...but I may still make a Walmart run... Case of cat food, and a couple of other 'pick up' items, and get that off my list.

    Ed, hope your Dr. appointment is a good one.

    Talked with Marietta this morning...turns out her FIL did have a small stroke, evidenced by his MRI or CAT scan...forget which.

    Tonite is Gym with Olivia!

    Hi Valerie
    Lucky You with that weather compared to mine.

    A small stroke that needs to be diagnosed by a MRI or Cat scan is a not that bad. The bad ones leave after effects. In this case I suspect they can head off another one with the proper medication.

    Enjoy the Gym
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day. Wheee! But not supposed to rain, and not too terribly cold, so that's OK.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Enjoyed O's gymnastics last night. I'd missed quite a few weeks from the flu in Jan until last night. She greeted me with 'well, you finally got here'....her Mother was appalled, and I fell out laughing. Her choice of words shows her age...frontal lobe missing a few filters yet, and a 12 y.o.'s vocabulary!

    Should be sunny and cool today, better warmth coming as the week progresses!!

    Roger you're right about the stroke being small...but the neurologist warned that he needs to be carefully watched for a second stroke within the next few months...and added that the next one would be a larger stroke. 90 y.o. Alzheimer patient.. Not a good spot to be in.

    Groceries today and a couple small chores then p.m. phone chat with DS1

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Much better weather today when walking. Not as warm but OK and no rain :) There was a little icing in a few minor easily bypassed spots.

    I am working on capturing family Video Tapes, VHS for a family member. It is a little frustrating however, The captures look really good, however the capture stops every time the video was stopped and started again due to loss of video. I have tried two capture software so far maybe more research is needed. I need to babysit the process so I will be shortwinded here today.

    Have a Good Wednesday
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day. Wheee! But not supposed to rain, and not too terribly cold, so that's OK.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Your weather sounds more or less like what I am experiencing here, Not to cold and temps into the 40s, however no Sunshine either.

    Enjoy the day
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Enjoyed O's gymnastics last night. I'd missed quite a few weeks from the flu in Jan until last night. She greeted me with 'well, you finally got here'....her Mother was appalled, and I fell out laughing. Her choice of words shows her age...frontal lobe missing a few filters yet, and a 12 y.o.'s vocabulary!

    Should be sunny and cool today, better warmth coming as the week progresses!!

    Roger you're right about the stroke being small...but the neurologist warned that he needs to be carefully watched for a second stroke within the next few months...and added that the next one would be a larger stroke. 90 y.o. Alzheimer patient.. Not a good spot to be in.

    Groceries today and a couple small chores then p.m. phone chat with DS1


    Hi Valerie
    I'm happy that You had a good time. True words out of the mouths of babes :)

    Hopefully the next stroke will be MIA

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Cold right now out there (31) but will supposedly get to around 60 today. J's whatever he had has come back on him, coughing, add sneezing this time, and general blah. I've ben sneezing a lot and having nasal congestion but not a lot (as yet) of coughing.

    Picking up meds for him after work today. He wants real Sudafed, not the other stuff that I take...so that means filling out paperwork at the pharmacy. He also wants Mucinex but that is easy to get.

    Dinner last night was home made spicy vegetable soup with grilled cheese. Before dinner I was drinking hot beef stock (tasty) because warm fluids do seem to help, at least in the short term. The soup was good and spicy and opened things up temporarily. Leftover soup will be lunch. Likely with more grilled cheese.

    Well, off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...yep, its cold this morning!
    Not planning to go out until much later, if even then.
    Ed, I hope you and J ditch this upper respiratory business soon. Its been going on awhile! (like that would be news to you!) :smiley:
    I haven't seen national weather...Roger could be having a heat wave and I'd not know..
    Cats out, and sweeper run, but boxes yet to be cleaned and several other small tasks to do.
    Come to think of it....I haven't had breakfast either...hmmmm. To skip breakfast or eat every 4 hours today??? Decisions decisions. (at least I'm lucky enough to have options....there are hungry peeps out there who don't) I think I'm going to have a go at eating smallish meals every 4 hours.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another day, another walk + 1 cent. It is colder and somewhat breezier this morning. My hands were getting cold too, I should have opened a HotHands warming pack before setting out :( So on the way back I stopped in at the Quick Chek and got a second refill of coffee, 100% Decaf instead of 1/2 regular & 1/2 Decaf like I got on the way out and of course warmer up for the rest of the walk.

    I checked for a later update version of the video capture software and that seems to be working better. So now to get going on the captures and then the editing and conversion to DVD. No Sense going to BluRay as the source is VHS.

    Have a Great Thursday
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Cold right now out there (31) but will supposedly get to around 60 today. J's whatever he had has come back on him, coughing, add sneezing this time, and general blah. I've been sneezing a lot and having nasal congestion but not a lot (as yet) of coughing.

    Picking up meds for him after work today. He wants real Sudafed, not the other stuff that I take...so that means filling out paperwork at the pharmacy. He also wants Mucinex but that is easy to get.

    Dinner last night was home made spicy vegetable soup with grilled cheese. Before dinner I was drinking hot beef stock (tasty) because warm fluids do seem to help, at least in the short term. The soup was good and spicy and opened things up temporarily. Leftover soup will be lunch. Likely with more grilled cheese.

    Well, off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Is Sudafed a prescription required or is it some sort of government thing instead?

    It was colder when I was out earlier and it is over two hours later and I still feel a chill so I think I'll have Oatmeal at Noontime. I have Some Quaker Instant Apple & Cinnamon Oatmeal. My Steel Cut oatmeal using Brother says it isn't real oatmeal for taste or texture. I say since he has never used it his preconceptions could be wrong. I like the taste and easy fixing of it.

    Have a Good Day at work
    Good Morning...yep, its cold this morning!
    Not planning to go out until much later, if even then.
    Ed, I hope you and J ditch this upper respiratory business soon. Its been going on awhile! (like that would be news to you!) :smiley:
    I haven't seen national weather...Roger could be having a heat wave and I'd not know..
    Cats out, and sweeper run, but boxes yet to be cleaned and several other small tasks to do.
    Come to think of it....I haven't had breakfast either...hmmmm. To skip breakfast or eat every 4 hours today??? Decisions decisions. (at least I'm lucky enough to have options....there are hungry peeps out there who don't) I think I'm going to have a go at eating smallish meals every 4 hours.


    Hi Valerie
    Heat wave? Nope, into the 40s today later on after a start to the day in the 20s. Tomorrow and Sunday it is supposed to be in the 50s with overnight lows above freezing.

    Sweeper, That reminds me, one of these days I want to get a Bissel floor sweeper. Something like this one for when You do not need to do more than a small spot on the floor.

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    LOL!! Just read your thoughts about the sweeper! Did you spill popped corn on the carpet again? :) Your Grandma would have called that a 'carpet sweeper'. They were very popular decades ago...
    Sorry you got so cold on your walk today. I hate it when I get cold and just can't warm up.
    Hot soup, hot herbal tea, hot shower :)