Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,712 Member
    Paratha is a North Indian unleavened flat bread that is quickly pan fried in ghee. Quite tasty. We got them frozen at an east Indian grocery near where J works. Just heat up some ghee in a frying pan, toss one in. Cook until brown on bottom and flip. Cook until brown again and serve.

    And now I'm boiling two eggs. One each for the lunch salad I'm planning! Italian dressing already made and in the refrigerator for the the flavors to mingle...

    Laundry is ready to fold now, so off I go!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Later Sunday Morning! it is still morning for another hour! :)
    VD is not on vacation just yet, Roger, but sure would like to be! Leaving in March. So soon!!!

    Sorry but yesterday just flew by... last Hockey game, Nate got his 2nd Hat Trick of the season, and his Mom, and Papa (Jenn's step Dad, who Nate has loved above all of us since birth!) anyhow, the two of them were there to see it happen. And he added a 4th goal for good measure :). Then it was on to Whole Foods, where I picked up well, food. :) And topped the afternoon off with a good long nap!

    Started a book also, its not a new release, but it is going to be a page turner I think! Always good!

    Cats out, everyone's fed, boxes cleaned, sweeper run...now I just need some motivation or another cup of coffee....hmmmm?

    I ate lunch for breakfast! Had some left over sautéed kale, a couple chunks of herb roasted red skinned potato, and some lentils...made for a tasty bowl, followed with a banana and some fresh blackberries. I don't expect to be hungry for awhile today.

    Sunny, and warming quickly today. I think we'll top out really close to 70! I love it!!

    Think I'll nix the coffee and the motivation, and go read some more of my book....

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,712 Member
    Howdy y'all. I's marvelous Monday! Supposed to be quite nice today. I think I'll leave the jacket at home.

    Last night's roasted root vegetable gratin was fantastic! Unfortunately, no leftovers, but I do remember how I whipped this one up and will be repeating that procedure for sure. Topping with cheese AND breadcrumbs at the end really gave it a nice crusty finish.

    Oh well. Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    My agenda is pretty clear today. Other than a trip to the gym, and gassing the car...its a free day!! I hope to be outdoors to enjoy a good bit of it.
    Was nice out yesterday as well. Had fun going around with Ted..we ate at RThomas, which is always fun. One entire side of his building now has yard art objects and what has to be over a hundred pinwheels all pretty much the same size, but in multitudes of colors. It was fun just seeing them! There was just enough breeze to keep them mostly moving. :) (some old kids just never grow up!)

    Hope everyone has a great day...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    When I started out walking it was sunny, very shortly the sky clouded over with dark clouds, However The rain held off, it is now raining outside, I got lucky as with the Sun shining I decided I did not need to bring the Umbrella :)

    I went in the grocery store and examined Cereals. The Kellogg's All bran Wheat Flakes have similar Nutrition values for serving size & calories, Fiber, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates and are a lot cheaper so I am not reordering the NutriFlakes from Nutrisystem.

    General Mills Multi Grain Cheerios vs the NS Sweetened O's do not compare quite so good however at a lot cheaper, They could work, especially since I Do have a Banana and a protein shake with the cereal.

    I need to look at the stores Granola cereal too. if I can save Money, Why pay more :)

    Have a Nice Monday
    Paratha is a North Indian unleavened flat bread that is quickly pan fried in ghee. Quite tasty. We got them frozen at an east Indian grocery near where J works. Just heat up some ghee in a frying pan, toss one in. Cook until brown on bottom and flip. Cook until brown again and serve.

    And now I'm boiling two eggs. One each for the lunch salad I'm planning! Italian dressing already made and in the refrigerator for the the flavors to mingle...

    Laundry is ready to fold now, so off I go!

    Hi Ed
    Thank You for the explanation. Sort of a Fried in Butter unleavened bread then.
    Howdy y'all. I's marvelous Monday! Supposed to be quite nice today. I think I'll leave the jacket at home.

    Last night's roasted root vegetable gratin was fantastic! Unfortunately, no leftovers, but I do remember how I whipped this one up and will be repeating that procedure for sure. Topping with cheese AND breadcrumbs at the end really gave it a nice crusty finish.

    Oh well. Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    Nice Weather here too, until the rains moved in. Hopefully the weatherman is right and the rain moves out early afternoon. I want to go look through the grocery store this afternoon, they are advertising fantastic prices on a couple of items :)

    Have a Great Day at work, if that can happen :)
    Good Later Sunday Morning! it is still morning for another hour! :)
    VD is not on vacation just yet, Roger, but sure would like to be! Leaving in March. So soon!!!

    Sorry but yesterday just flew by... last Hockey game, Nate got his 2nd Hat Trick of the season, and his Mom, and Papa (Jenn's step Dad, who Nate has loved above all of us since birth!) anyhow, the two of them were there to see it happen. And he added a 4th goal for good measure :). Then it was on to Whole Foods, where I picked up well, food. :) And topped the afternoon off with a good long nap!

    Started a book also, its not a new release, but it is going to be a page turner I think! Always good!

    Cats out, everyone's fed, boxes cleaned, sweeper run...now I just need some motivation or another cup of coffee....hmmmm?

    I ate lunch for breakfast! Had some left over sautéed kale, a couple chunks of herb roasted red skinned potato, and some lentils...made for a tasty bowl, followed with a banana and some fresh blackberries. I don't expect to be hungry for awhile today.

    Sunny, and warming quickly today. I think we'll top out really close to 70! I love it!!

    Think I'll nix the coffee and the motivation, and go read some more of my book....

    Good Monday Morning!
    My agenda is pretty clear today. Other than a trip to the gym, and gassing the car...its a free day!! I hope to be outdoors to enjoy a good bit of it.
    Was nice out yesterday as well. Had fun going around with Ted..we ate at RThomas, which is always fun. One entire side of his building now has yard art objects and what has to be over a hundred pinwheels all pretty much the same size, but in multitudes of colors. It was fun just seeing them! There was just enough breeze to keep them mostly moving. :) (some old kids just never grow up!)

    Hope everyone has a great day...

    Hi Valerie
    I see, I though You were already gone from not to many posts lately.

    Don't feel bad Motivation is sorely lacking here too in Both of us. I saw my brother sorting through printed out recipes, However I suspect they don't get going for several more days :)

    It seems You are being very active lately, Yea for You.
    I have been a bit of a stick in the mud lately myself.

    Have a Good Upcoming week
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, take a run by your CostCo, and in the cereal area, check out Kirkland Brand Granola! I loved it. Used to put yogurt on it, tasty!! You'll have to do the cost per serving vs the NS Granola, but it tastes every bit as good...ummm, better as the NS Granola.
    Just a thought, and I know you have a Costco card!! OH, OH, and I got my costco flyer, and the gift cards are $20 off, limit 10 cards.

    Hope that helps!!!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,712 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! I must remember to vote today after work.

    Last night I made my first attempt at chicken fried tofu for J. It came out fairly decent, though I think I need much more spice and perhaps some marinade for the next time. At least my breading stayed on the tofu pretty well, which was what I was the most concerned about, for this time.

    I had lamb chops, the last of my beet and carrot greens, and some of my home made refrigerator pickled beets, which also turned out quite nicely.

    Today is supposed to be fairly warm, with 40% chance of scattered showers.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another Day, Another walk + a Nickel . The weather is still nice and was comfortable for my walk. I did go out for my walk later than usual so I could go by the bank. So I hit the 7-Eleven for my blend of Regular and decaf coffee, then towards the end of the walk the Supermarket and then the bank.

    I did go by the Supermarket and picked up some greenish Bananas. They had Yellow Bananas or Green Bananas for the same price $0.39 a pound. I opted for the Green ones as I had already eaten todays Banana and have one more sitting in the refrigerator to keep it from getting to ripe for my taste. I put three of the last bunch in their when they were where I like them and although the skin has turned brown the inside is still nice & firm and tasty so that works for me.

    I know that the news today will be a lost cause as it will mostly be talk about Super Tuesday and tomorrow it will be full of pundits dissecting the results.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
    Roger AKA RogerToo
    Roger, take a run by your CostCo, and in the cereal area, check out Kirkland Brand Granola! I loved it. Used to put yogurt on it, tasty!! You'll have to do the cost per serving vs the NS Granola, but it tastes every bit as good...ummm, better as the NS Granola.
    Just a thought, and I know you have a Costco card!! OH, OH, and I got my costco flyer, and the gift cards are $20 off, limit 10 cards.

    Hope that helps!!!

    Hi Valerie
    I had heard that the cards were going on sale, I had not heard about the 10 card limit. I wonder if that is per card or per order? I knew that sooner or later NS would figure a way to close that unlimited loophole Bargain :)

    I just went to CostCo.com to see and their search did not find it. Google does show it however :)

    I really need to ask CostCo why I do not get a flyer anymore. I have not had any in years.

    Thank You for the Dual Heads Up
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! I must remember to vote today after work.

    Last night I made my first attempt at chicken fried tofu for J. It came out fairly decent, though I think I need much more spice and perhaps some marinade for the next time. At least my breading stayed on the tofu pretty well, which was what I was the most concerned about, for this time.

    I had lamb chops, the last of my beet and carrot greens, and some of my home made refrigerator pickled beets, which also turned out quite nicely.

    Today is supposed to be fairly warm, with 40% chance of scattered showers.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    Hi Ed
    By the time NJ has its primaries the issue is already decided. At least You can actually make a difference where You live.

    Have a Great Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi guys....morning is long gone!
    I have been into ATL to my Chiro, shopped the hot bar at MidTown Whole Foods, (and got their Chicken Fried Tofu, vegan mac&cheese, and a cauliflower and tofu Indian dish...splurged on a very small container of green garbanzo bean salad, which I dumped into my greens with lunch, and a small container of Citrus/Fennel salad..orange slices, pink grapefruit slices, fennel, red onion, and a tad of mint! (That's going to be breakfast fruit tomorrow), I also picked up a small container of Num Num sauce (mustardy BBQ low cal, and almost no sugar), and a small bottle of 365 organic lemon juice....which when I put it in the basket, slid right out and broke all over the floor...glass and juice. Lovely!!!not, not, not. Some unlucky guy came right away to clean it up...and I had the nerve to get a second bottle, placed in a better place in the cart..yes, I was embarrassed.

    Then I stopped and voted on the way home. I parked up by the bus parking lot, and walked, and was fooled, the voting entry was all the way around the back of the building...some lady came by and said she'd been back there and the door was locked, but I walked on...saw where she must have tried, but also spied a sign still farther around the building...was able to walk right in and vote, (sweet) and as I came out the back door, I stopped to look thru the trees, as my house is back there....and that same lady drove by, stopped and offered me a ride! I took it! She was not happy, and work had been bad, so I asked if she was thru for the day, or expected back at work, ...she said she was going home to watch TV on the couch!!! Thanked her for the ride...she was shocked at how far away I had parked.... I appreciated the ride...but now the question is, do I go to the gym? Leaving for O's gym in less than 2 hours. I may go walk, and then go straight to Suwannee from the gym. I've been wearing my gym clothes all day now...hate to waste the effort!! LOL!!!

    ED>>> what kind of coating did you put on the tofu you made? I've been pressing my tofu, and cutting into cubes, rolling in cornstarch seasoned with salt and pepper...which is what I read WF's does. Works pretty well. But, you know me, always open for new suggestions!!!!

    Roger, look again at your CostCo...could be they were just out? Mine is always over with the oatmeal, and cold cereals. I really love it.

    Ok, guys, I have to 'make up my decide' as my little brother used to say...gym or no gym????
    Stay tuned, place your bets, answers tomorrow! LOL!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi guys....morning is long gone!
    I have been into ATL to my Chiro, shopped the hot bar at MidTown Whole Foods, (and got their Chicken Fried Tofu, vegan mac&cheese, and a cauliflower and tofu Indian dish...splurged on a very small container of green garbanzo bean salad, which I dumped into my greens with lunch, and a small container of Citrus/Fennel salad..orange slices, pink grapefruit slices, fennel, red onion, and a tad of mint! (That's going to be breakfast fruit tomorrow), I also picked up a small container of Num Num sauce (mustardy BBQ low cal, and almost no sugar), and a small bottle of 365 organic lemon juice....which when I put it in the basket, slid right out and broke all over the floor...glass and juice. Lovely!!!not, not, not. Some unlucky guy came right away to clean it up...and I had the nerve to get a second bottle, placed in a better place in the cart..yes, I was embarrassed.

    Then I stopped and voted on the way home. I parked up by the bus parking lot, and walked, and was fooled, the voting entry was all the way around the back of the building...some lady came by and said she'd been back there and the door was locked, but I walked on...saw where she must have tried, but also spied a sign still farther around the building...was able to walk right in and vote, (sweet) and as I came out the back door, I stopped to look thru the trees, as my house is back there....and that same lady drove by, stopped and offered me a ride! I took it! She was not happy, and work had been bad, so I asked if she was thru for the day, or expected back at work, ...she said she was going home to watch TV on the couch!!! Thanked her for the ride...she was shocked at how far away I had parked.... I appreciated the ride...but now the question is, do I go to the gym? Leaving for O's gym in less than 2 hours. I may go walk, and then go straight to Suwannee from the gym. I've been wearing my gym clothes all day now...hate to waste the effort!! LOL!!!

    ED>>> what kind of coating did you put on the tofu you made? I've been pressing my tofu, and cutting into cubes, rolling in cornstarch seasoned with salt and pepper...which is what I read WF's does. Works pretty well. But, you know me, always open for new suggestions!!!!

    Roger, look again at your CostCo...could be they were just out? Mine is always over with the oatmeal, and cold cereals. I really love it.

    Ok, guys, I have to 'make up my decide' as my little brother used to say...gym or no gym????
    Stay tuned, place your bets, answers tomorrow! LOL!!


    Hi Valerie
    If I were a suspicious type I would think they do not want a large turnout to vote.

    You had a busy day so far :)

    I think You misread what I posted or more likely I was not very clear. I only looked on the CostCo website today. I most likely will not be there for a couple of weeks for several reasons one of which is that I'm more or less skint until Social Security fattens up my bank account. I like to keep a cushion on hand. The other is that I was just there the other day and have nothing else I would need for now.

    My bet is on Gym BTW.

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I did have a busy day Roger....
    I did go to my gym, and from there right on to O's Gymnastics! Home now, cats fed, my dinner was ready, just needed a warm up in the microwave....
    Storming rain and thunder boomers right now. Should pass in about 2 hours I think.
    I also like to keep a 'cushion' in my bank account. :)

    Tomorrow looks like laundry day...so I may very well just sleep in til late. Only have 2 or 3 loads to do, so ....... If its not raining I may make a quick run to Publix. Only need one or two items, and a BP check. Simple enough!

    See you tomorrow...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,712 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Rain finally did come last night but not until 8:30 pm or so. Didn't affect me at work at all. Today is supposed to be zero chance of rain so that's good.

    Val, I tried just rolling the pressed tofu in seasoned flour and that was OK but J really liked it when I did the same three step process I use for schnitzel or fried chicken.

    Not sure how this would be adapted for a vegan.

    Use firm or, better, extra firm tofu. Marinate if desired beforehand, and press most, but not quite all, the marinade out, just as you would press the tofu anyway.

    1) Shake gently in bag with seasoned flour.

    2) Gently shake off excess flour and dip gently in egg wash (egg with about equal amount of water, all whipped together).

    3) Shake gently in bag with bread crumbs, plain or seasoned as desired, but hopefully not salted as there was already salt in the seasoned flour. Press crumbs gently if necessary to get them to stick better.

    Place in hot oil (medium heat), fry on one side until brown, flip and fry on the other side until brown.

    Drain on paper towels and eat after cooling somewhat!

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was windy out when I left to go walking + 11 cents and the temperature is dropping too. The overnight rain was gone before I left. I could hear it still coming down at 5:30 and it was gone before I started to get ready at 6:30 to go walking.
    The Bananas I picked up yesterday did not look like they would be ripe enough for tomorrow so I stopped and picked up two ripe ones @ $0.39 a pound :)

    I will be posting a review in a while of the Lean Cuisine Entree vs the NS version here FWIW
    http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/105887-ns-food-reviews for reviews I have done.

    Have a Great Day
    I did have a busy day Roger....
    I did go to my gym, and from there right on to O's Gymnastics! Home now, cats fed, my dinner was ready, just needed a warm up in the microwave....
    Storming rain and thunder boomers right now. Should pass in about 2 hours I think.
    I also like to keep a 'cushion' in my bank account. :)

    Tomorrow looks like laundry day...so I may very well just sleep in til late. Only have 2 or 3 loads to do, so ....... If its not raining I may make a quick run to Publix. Only need one or two items, and a BP check. Simple enough!

    See you tomorrow...

    Hi Valerie
    What did I win, What did I win? :)

    That reminds me I have a load of colors to wash myself, Actually that is all I ever need to wash. Everything I wear is colors and so is the bedding :)

    Have a Really Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Rain finally did come last night but not until 8:30 pm or so. Didn't affect me at work at all. Today is supposed to be zero chance of rain so that's good.

    Val, I tried just rolling the pressed tofu in seasoned flour and that was OK but J really liked it when I did the same three step process I use for schnitzel or fried chicken.

    Not sure how this would be adapted for a vegan.

    Use firm or, better, extra firm tofu. Marinate if desired beforehand, and press most, but not quite all, the marinade out, just as you would press the tofu anyway.

    1) Shake gently in bag with seasoned flour.

    2) Gently shake off excess flour and dip gently in egg wash (egg with about equal amount of water, all whipped together).

    3) Shake gently in bag with bread crumbs, plain or seasoned as desired, but hopefully not salted as there was already salt in the seasoned flour. Press crumbs gently if necessary to get them to stick better.

    Place in hot oil (medium heat), fry on one side until brown, flip and fry on the other side until brown.

    Drain on paper towels and eat after cooling somewhat!

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if we all got lucky with the rain coming in overnight and being gone in the morning.

    Have a :) day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning...
    Sunny, but not warm! Should be warmer by weekend.
    Grocery store, and laundry, chat with DS1 at 4p. That should be my day....except for a chuckle at the cats here and there! They're playing chase right now....not at all sure who's winning....not sure what Roger won on the bet either!! :)
    Just call me 'not sure'??? Naw!!!

    Spent the morning updating my security app on the computer and adding the app to my phone. Junk like that causes me stress....can't wait to see what my BP is this morning. ARGGGG. And on that note, I think I'll go make a cup of decaf......)0

    Ed, your 3 breading option sounds just like mine used to....now that egg and flour are off the table, its just me and cornstarch.... Works for a real light coating...and appears to be, and I"ve read that's what Whole Food uses for my Chicken Fried Tofu...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,712 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Had a bit of COLD outdoor signage to change yesterday, but at least it wasn't wet.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Heads up, the NutriSystem $59.99 cost for $100 face value sale has started at CostCo.com

    I was out walking today, Again :) The temperature is 20 degrees colder than yesterday according to News 12 the Local cable only News Channel. It is sunny so far, possible snow later on tonight into Friday, Probably, They still are not sure where or how much, the best guess is 1 to 3 inches depending on where You are in the state. I stopped at the Dollar Store and I did pick up a new quart of milk for the pantry shelf, use by date of February 15, 2017 from the latest delivery as they were out the other day. I also picked up two boxes of Pancakes that should will work for breakfasts, total outlay $3, no sales tax on food. Next NS Delivery ship date is the 14th currently so These will give me a change of taste from cereal until then.

    I also did go to Costco's website and order more Gift cards now that the $59.99 per hundred dollar face value sale has started.

    Have a Good Friday
    Good Wednesday Morning...
    Sunny, but not warm! Should be warmer by weekend.
    Grocery store, and laundry, chat with DS1 at 4p. That should be my day....except for a chuckle at the cats here and there! They're playing chase right now....not at all sure who's winning....not sure what Roger won on the bet either!! :)
    Just call me 'not sure'??? Naw!!!

    Spent the morning updating my security app on the computer and adding the app to my phone. Junk like that causes me stress....can't wait to see what my BP is this morning. ARGGGG. And on that note, I think I'll go make a cup of decaf......)0

    Ed, your 3 breading option sounds just like mine used to....now that egg and flour are off the table, its just me and cornstarch.... Works for a real light coating...and appears to be, and I"ve read that's what Whole Food uses for my Chicken Fried Tofu...


    Hi Valerie
    As You can see I did order more of the CostCo gift cards now that the sale has started. I ordered 15, the Website took that quantity @ the sale price, we shall see if they all come. I know You mentioned a 10 card limit at the sale price :)

    I hate having to update Security software too, Since I run windows 7, 8 & 10 I use Malwarebytes AntiMalware and Norton Internet Security which seems to have been replaced with Norton Security, I suspect that means that when it expires I will be in for a uninstall and install new software drudgery.

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Had a bit of COLD outdoor signage to change yesterday, but at least it wasn't wet.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    Hi Ed
    As You say better Cold than Cold and Wet :)

    Have a Safe, Comfortable Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    FWIW the CostCo gift cards are now available at a good price once again, I broke down and ordered 15 :)

    I plan to apply the Income tax refund to paying for them as well as the regular amount I pay my balance should stay where it was. I managed to run the card up a bit over the last year and am now working on paying it down, I hate paying interest.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Guys,
    Its nearly 11 a.m....cats fed, me too. Not much else done house wise. Will start a load of laundry and then head out to the gym. I plan to do a bit of range of motion work, as well as ride the bike. 8 days til vacay, so you know where my mind is!!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016
    HI Valerie
    I did get my laundry washed and folded yesterday. I also vacuumed the lint trap area on the Clothes Dryer while I was at it. Not to much on my agenda for today now that I bought the Gift Cards :)

    As I was on the last few blocks of my walk the ipod played a low battery warning through my headphones.

    I'm not saying that the Episode of the Shadow I was listening to was old but it had a commercial for the US Coast Guard that started out with the A Coast Guard ship sinking a Submarine and saying join up and help defeat the Axis powers :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,712 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Cold now but supposed to be around 60 later, cloudy but no rain. I like that!

    One of my banks has issued a "replacement" check card (changing from MC to Visa) but the replacement has my unmarried name on it. We had to go to the bank TWICE last year to get all that, supposedly, fixed up, spending quite a lot of time at the bank and signing a lot of papers.

    When I called the service number on the back of the card (rather than the activation number) I was told by the smarmy young man at the other end that I'd "have to go to the bank, with the card" to get this fixed. I didn't argue with him, just thanked him for his time and then sent a smoking letter to the bank via the online "Contact Us" link pointing out that we DID go to the bank, last year, TWICE, to get all this worked out and that they have my correct, legal name in their records all over the place. I also said that my having to go to the bank and bring the card to get this fixed was just NOT ACCEPTABLE and that if it turned out this was necessary I might well just decide that since I have to go there I can also decide to take my business elsewhere hereafter. We'll see how that flies, but this is ridiculous.

    Rant off.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...