Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Supposed to be in the mid 70s again today so I think the jacket will be staying home.

    Tagging, even outdoor tagging, at work shouldn't be too bad unless there's just a whole lot of it.

    Anyway. Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was out early for this time of year, I could not sleep and as the weather is good I went out walking and was home by 8:20, an hour early from my walk +21 Cents and 8200 steps.

    We are supposed to be above average temperatures for the next two weeks :) Good news as long as it does not carry over into a Summer Heat Wave.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Yes, I am back (Val, thanks for checking). Roger, now I remember! My apologies for not recalling properly. And, if I remember correctly, we are not too far away from each other. I am south Jersey, although I work in north Jersey.
    Val, the roasted radishes sound - intriguing. Is it worth it for me to buy a bag to roast? Maybe the next time I roast the frozen brussels sprouts (I know...you shudder at the frozen descriptor!) I may toss in some radishes. And thanks for the try at a private message...even if the system didn't make it work!
    Ed, great advice about not doing a name change. Many years ago - over 20 - I went through a name change to drop my husband's last name. We were not getting divorced, but I wanted my birth name back. I just never felt like "me" with someone else's name. It took YEARS, even with my court documents, for things to be straightened out. Today, I would not change it for anything - if for no other reason than what you talked about!
    Roger, you bring up a good point about the move by NS away from the forum. That was such a major support system for so many folks (including me). I enjoy reconnecting with all of you, but I found you only because I saved the link in my "favorites" bar on my computer. It is impossible for me to find info easily about NS. In my opinion...bad customer service.
    I know this is the early morning forum, and I seem to be here only in the evening. It's morning somewhere, isn't it?
    Will be back to see you folks again,

    Hi LeeMom
    You remember correctly, I am in Central Jersey :)

    FWIW If You need info I saved much of the Information and recipes from the old NS Forums and can post here for You.

    Also if You are using NS did You order any of the NS Gift cards while they are currently on sale at CostCo.com or in the store for $59.99 per $100 face value.

    I have been posting Mini Reviews here about NS entrees, Lean Cuisine and Smart Ones Frozen Entrees that I have been trying out as Lunch and Dinner Entrees. For Example today is a Steak Portobello entree, 160 calories for lunch http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10342509/lean-cuisine-comfort-line-steak-portabella-160-calories#latest and a Glazed Chicken Entree for Dinner, 240 calories.
    I had them before and liked them.

    Have a Good Day

    P.S. I use Frozen vegetables too, Often to almost always they were processed and frozen while fresher than grocery store vegetable. The Only way to get fresher IMO is when You can buy at a roadside farm stand. That is how my brother gets really sweet vine ripened Cantaloupe for example.

    Hi Ed
    Hi Valerie
    When I left the house to walk it was 44 degrees, by 9:15 it was up to 59 degrees already, Whee!

    Have fun tagging :)

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Spent the morning sorting thru a bazillion doc's on my desk top! I really am a garbage collector!!! BUT, everything is nice and tidy now, filed away in folders, etc. :) (you know how long THAT will last!!!)

    LeeAnn, its always morning here! And no, while I prefer fresh produce, I have no issues with frozen. And yes, the little size bag of radishes, to start. Cut several in half, and oil, salt, pepper as you would the rest of what you're roasting. If you don't like them...you still have half a bag to eat raw as snacks, or sliced or quartered in your next green salad. :)

    Ed, what a great Wednesday! Hope there aren't a ton of changes to do, but whatever it is comfortable in shirt sleeves. (I really don't like having to bundle up to stick my nose out the door!...good thing I'm not in Jersey any more, and that I landed in GA!)

    Today's To-Do list is long and has been neglected all morning...I have to get to it!!
    This vacation is all about relaxing and I'd like to be relaxed already when I get there!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Supposed to get to 78 today and 81 tomorrow! Summer will be here by the weekend I guess. Surely by the end of the month.

    Well, I've fed Lilo, had some of my home made hamburger stew for breakfast and it's off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Thursday Morning!
    I've spent more time than usual 'fiddling around' this morning, long enough I just brewed a second cup of coffee!

    Yes, Ed....it is a taste of summer. Don't totally discount old man winter though...I've seen some pretty impressive, and paralyzing snows in March! We still have Blackberry Winter, and Dogwood Winter to endure...and those stinky Bradford Pears haven't bloomed yet. But that is yet to come....today and this weekend we celebrate and relish our beautiful warm days and nights. How was 'tag day' yesterday?

    Roger, that earlier than usual walk yesterday, was financially lucrative!!! $0.21!!! :) Hope your walk today is equally pleasant and financially beneficial!!! LOL!!! Are you seeing any signs of spring yet? Like maybe daffodil leaves popping up thru the grass or mulch bringing hope of flowers to come? Can't do that down here....daffodil leaves come up in December, hang out all winter, and finally bloom February ish, and most of mine are beginning to show signs of old age! I need to plant another variety...late bloomers! Cherry trees are in full bloom right now, its amazing to see huge pink trees!

    Cats are dumb. Correction...MY cats are dumb. I've been setting their food on the back porch, hoping that they will be ready for me to leave on Saturday. I think they'll probably be really hungry by about Tues or Wednesday. I fix their food, and show it to them, let them smell it, let them watch me put the dish on the back porch...(less than 3 feet away from their food mat....and they SIT on the mat looking at me, like so, when ARE you going to feed us.....yep, Tues or Wednesday....
    Today I'm removing their winter straw beds, and replacing with new clean straw. Hopefully they'll figure that out.

    Time to get working on today's 'list'. :)


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was warm enough that I started out in a thin long sleeve shirt and light gloves, they proved to be to much :) Record Warmth Yesterday & in the forecast for today. At least one city in NJ was 8o degrees yesterday, Newark NJ. I picked up some cash at the bank for the rest of the month and a Irish Decoration and a Easter Decoration for the window at a Dollar store while I was out and hung the Irish one.

    I was off plan last night since I ate what my brother cooked and he did a early St. Patricks day meal for dinner. Corned Beef, Boiled Cabbage, Boiled Red Potatoes, and Home made Irish Soda Bread with Raisins. Then for Dessert I used a Skinny Cow Caramel Vanilla Cone at 160 calories. That one was delicious and since I substituted if for a NS Snack (Dessert) Would not have a real impact. FWIW When I say delicious it tasted like a soft serve Vanilla Cone with a drizzle of Caramel on top and has that texture too. The Problem is the Dinner.

    Have a Great Thursday
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Spent the morning sorting thru a bazillion doc's on my desk top! I really am a garbage collector!!! BUT, everything is nice and tidy now, filed away in folders, etc. :) (you know how long THAT will last!!!)

    LeeAnn, its always morning here! And no, while I prefer fresh produce, I have no issues with frozen. And yes, the little size bag of radishes, to start. Cut several in half, and oil, salt, pepper as you would the rest of what you're roasting. If you don't like them...you still have half a bag to eat raw as snacks, or sliced or quartered in your next green salad. :)

    Ed, what a great Wednesday! Hope there aren't a ton of changes to do, but whatever it is comfortable in shirt sleeves. (I really don't like having to bundle up to stick my nose out the door!...good thing I'm not in Jersey any more, and that I landed in GA!)

    Today's To-Do list is long and has been neglected all morning...I have to get to it!!
    This vacation is all about relaxing and I'd like to be relaxed already when I get there!


    Hi Valerie
    You would feel at home with the warmth here too FWIW.
    To Do List, I really need to get on mine too :(

    I had a couple of slices of frozen french toast. Not that impressed with it either. One more serving to use up and I will not be buying that brand again :) Then at noon some Quaker reduced sugar Instant Oatmeal. A minor misnomer as it takes me a minute to set up and then a little over two minutes in the 700 watt Microwave.
    Good Thursday Morning!
    I've spent more time than usual 'fiddling around' this morning, long enough I just brewed a second cup of coffee!

    Yes, Ed....it is a taste of summer. Don't totally discount old man winter though...I've seen some pretty impressive, and paralyzing snows in March! We still have Blackberry Winter, and Dogwood Winter to endure...and those stinky Bradford Pears haven't bloomed yet. But that is yet to come....today and this weekend we celebrate and relish our beautiful warm days and nights. How was 'tag day' yesterday?

    Roger, that earlier than usual walk yesterday, was financially lucrative!!! $0.21!!! :) Hope your walk today is equally pleasant and financially beneficial!!! LOL!!! Are you seeing any signs of spring yet? Like maybe daffodil leaves popping up thru the grass or mulch bringing hope of flowers to come? Can't do that down here....daffodil leaves come up in December, hang out all winter, and finally bloom February ish, and most of mine are beginning to show signs of old age! I need to plant another variety...late bloomers! Cherry trees are in full bloom right now, its amazing to see huge pink trees!

    Cats are dumb. Correction...MY cats are dumb. I've been setting their food on the back porch, hoping that they will be ready for me to leave on Saturday. I think they'll probably be really hungry by about Tues or Wednesday. I fix their food, and show it to them, let them smell it, let them watch me put the dish on the back porch...(less than 3 feet away from their food mat....and they SIT on the mat looking at me, like so, when ARE you going to feed us.....yep, Tues or Wednesday....
    Today I'm removing their winter straw beds, and replacing with new clean straw. Hopefully they'll figure that out.

    Time to get working on today's 'list'. :)


    Well if You count the money I cashed a check for then it was financially rewarding, other than that the money all flowed out and not in, Coffee, Window Decorations from the dollar store, Wear on the shoe soles :)

    We have had Crocus and Snowdrops in bloom since the end of last month, Spring is Sprung. No dropping below freezing in the next week or two according to the weather forecasts. The trees are starting to bloom, not the flowering types, not that lucky, the ones that cause the tree pollen in the air to be high and then they drop red bits on the parked cars.

    Good Luck with the Cats finding their food, they sound like they do not adjust to change easily.

    Have a Nice Day
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Supposed to get to 78 today and 81 tomorrow! Summer will be here by the weekend I guess. Surely by the end of the month.

    Well, I've fed Lilo, had some of my home made hamburger stew for breakfast and it's off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    Hi Ed
    I am loving the weather, OTOH my Cooler loving brother has already run the AC in his bedroom yesterday and will likely do it again today. I am sitting here with a Fan blowing gently on me and it is fine. Most of the summer when I am in this room I can get by with what cold air comes in from the wall mounted AC in the living room and the fan.

    Stay Comfortable and enjoy the weather while You have it.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Turned out to be an excellent Thursday! Cloudy, but that was fine, as I didn't have any issues with the sun glaring in at me in the middle morning.

    And I hate that the district guy came around AFTER I left, but despite my non-presence (or maybe because of it?) my fuel center got 100% on our quarterly fuel audit.

    I'll take that! Now got to figure out what to get as appreciation gifts for the staff. Maybe Kroger gift cards, if that's allowed.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's finally fabulous Friday! Supposed to be 78 today with 20% chance of rain. I can take those odds, but I will bring my umbrella in with me.

    Off to the salt mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! TGIF
    D Day for the 'to-do' list! Car will be packed tonite, ready or not! :smiley:

    I will at least read your posts this coming week...and knowing me, probably respond as well.

    Time to get packing!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another Great looking day outside, The rain has moved out and the temperature is Good, Not to cold, not to hot. I walked 8K steps + 6 Cents today. I was out early since I could not get back to sleep, I finally admitted defeat and got up. I had forgotten to pull my Banana from the refrigerator last night so it was cold and not that tasty this morning as a result. Oh Well :)

    FWIW I just checked the Internet for information on the Lean Cuisine recall, it appears that the only affected products are the ones with Spinach. None of which I have on hand or have tried.
    • DiGiorno Thin & Crispy Spinach and Garlic Pizza
    • DiGiorno Rising Crust Spinach and Mushroom Pizza
    • DiGiorno pizzeria Thin Crust Spinach and Mushroom Pizza
    • DiGiorno pizzeria Tuscan-style Chicken Pizza
    • Lean Cuisine Spinach and Mushroom Pizza
    • Lean Cuisine Spinach Artichoke Ravioli
    • Lean Cuisine Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli
    • Lean Cuisine Spinach, Artichoke & Chicken Panini
    • Lean Cuisine Mushroom Mezzaluna Ravioli
    • Stouffer's Vegetable Lasagna
    • Stouffer's Spinach Soufflé
    • Stouffer's Chicken Lasagna

    Have a Good Friday
    Turned out to be an excellent Thursday! Cloudy, but that was fine, as I didn't have any issues with the sun glaring in at me in the middle morning.

    And I hate that the district guy came around AFTER I left, but despite my non-presence (or maybe because of it?) my fuel center got 100% on our quarterly fuel audit.

    I'll take that! Now got to figure out what to get as appreciation gifts for the staff. Maybe Kroger gift cards, if that's allowed.

    Hi Ed
    We have now had three great days of weather this week, Monday & Tuesday were OK too.
    Howdy y'all. It's finally fabulous Friday! Supposed to be 78 today with 20% chance of rain. I can take those odds, but I will bring my umbrella in with me.

    Off to the salt mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    I di have my folding umbrella in my back pocket for my walk just in case, I did not need it, OTOH if I did not take I probably would have needed it :)

    Good Morning! TGIF
    D Day for the 'to-do' list! Car will be packed tonite, ready or not! :smiley:

    I will at least read your posts this coming week...and knowing me, probably respond as well.

    Time to get packing!


    Hi Valerie
    I can tell You are ready to go :)

    Have a Great Vacation
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Been up for a while, fed Lilo and fed me. Lilo is now having lap time. J and I have to go do the orchid photography later for the monthly orchid judging. This weekend is also the big orchid show at the botanic garden, which, because of work, I have NOT participated in at all, which is unusual. I usually help out a lot with the hospitality, some with the ribbon judging and do a stint or two at the registration table.

    This year I will probably just pop in for the judging photography, cruise quickly through the show and come home for a nap.

    Breakfast included two mineola tangerines. My box this week was scheduled to include 7 of them and it did, indeed, include 7 of them. Twice. So I've got twelve left to eat! Fortunately I love those so this won't be a problem. There are also two blood oranges, three pears and a couple of avocados and three tomatoes in the "fruit" section. Some watermelon radishes, some leaf lettuce, a large kohl rabi, one small bunch of baby broccoli and some beets with tops round out the veggie portion. Lots to play with!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    7.6K of walking today. It was around freezing when I left and warming rapidly. Today is supposed to be in the lower 60s for a high temperature :)

    I was listening to the Philip Marlowe radio show from 1949 while walking. The sun is shining and I passed a couple of yards with Easter displays set up.

    Have a Good Weekend
  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi Folks,

    Yippee! I made it here in the morning this time! I also have been enjoying the out-of-doors this post week.

    Roger, thanks for the Lean Cuisine info. I don't have any right now, but it is good info.

    Ed - no orchid involvement? That sounds unusual for you. I suspect by next year you'll be involved again.

    Val - it looks like you are traveling somewhere, but I missed it (sorry). Enjoy the trip - if that is what it is.

    Will get out walking soon - need to beat the rain. Take care,
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! I've fed Lilo and I've eaten, and am still drinking my Crystal Light Morning Classic Orange drink.

    Tea will likely be later.

    Need to do laundry today too.

    Oh well, back to other internet distractions for a while!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking today. It was around A nice day when I left and warming rapidly. Today is supposed to be in the upper 50s to 60 for a high temperature :) Tomorrows forecast is for rain. I got a later start than usual due to the change to Daylight Saving Time.

    I just realized I missed posting earlier and now I have no time :)
    I will have to update and respond to Your Questions tomorrow.

    Have a Good Sunday Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back for a few minutes while I have a little time waiting for my brother :)
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi Folks,

    Yippee! I made it here in the morning this time! I also have been enjoying the out-of-doors this post week.

    Roger, thanks for the Lean Cuisine info. I don't have any right now, but it is good info.

    Ed - no orchid involvement? That sounds unusual for you. I suspect by next year you'll be involved again.

    Val - it looks like you are traveling somewhere, but I missed it (sorry). Enjoy the trip - if that is what it is.

    Will get out walking soon - need to beat the rain. Take care,

    Hi Lee-Ann
    I used the LC Glazed Chicken as my Dinner tonight. It is a tasty entree. I like the Nuts mixed into the Rice & Green Beans :)

    I agree the weather for the past week has been really good for this time of year.

    I beat the rain today, it did not start until it was nearly dark outside when I could see it starting to hit teh Window.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You had a relaxing day planned.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I Have not gone walking, yet, I am trying to decide if I want to go later, it will depend on the weather and whether I decide to make today that off day from walking I had been thinking of taking for a while. Currently it is raining and the weather radar shows that it will be raining for a while.

    I was not 100% On Plan Saturday due to eating a fresh baked Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Muffin from my brothers baking that day. It was still slightly warm and really moist, Tasty.

    Have a Great Day

    Hi Ed
    I hope Your weather is dryer than what I currently have. It is a dark dreary looking day outside the window.

  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    I also skipped walking today. Mondays I can only walk after work (I leave for work by 4:45 AM)...but it was raw, nasty, rainy when I got home. Did you make it for your walk?
    Back on NS to knock off about 5 pounds I picked up. They are like glue...I managed to keep off the weight for about 4 3/4 years, then poof! It started to creep back on. Maybe it has something to do with the number "55"...as in years..
    Take care all,
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to be warm and dry here.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...