Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016
    Only on the Calendar, it was 32 degrees this morning
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday!

    My produce box came yesterday, with a big head of Romaine, lots of other veggies and fruits.

    I am a bit overloaded on some things because J and I were so busy last week. In the salad, we didn't use real bacon bits because J won't eat that.

    I've been eating a lot of mineola tangelos because the prior week they sent me double on those (no extra charge, someone just put them in the box twice I guess...) and there are other citrus put back in the fridge that we need to catch up on. Also quite a few root veggies that need to be sorted out and roasted for a good dinner some night or two or three...

    They sent three LARGE onions yesterday so there will be onions in the roasting too! Plenty of them!

    We have a party to attend tonight so I need to start getting things together for that. Making a cheesy noodle casserole to bring along. They don't get all my nice organic veggies. :)

    Hi Ed
    The Citrus and root vegetables should keep well in the refrigerator so that is a plus :)

    I had forgotten that You can serve no meat, OOPS!

    Onions I do not care foe fresh, OTOH I love them in I Onion Rings or nicely Caramelized, go figure.
    Good Sunday morning!
    Home! Cats were wild!!! And ate like little piggies. They must have missed having breakfast for the week, or else they only ate bits of the wet food put out for them, and then the raccoons polished off the rest. I can tell by the paper plates they were fed on that the raccoons were here. Just not sure how much they were left to eat!

    Good to be home, but I loved the week at the beach. It was the warmest/driest in the 18 years that I've been going to Hilton Head. Really nice. Lots of great food, restaurants have become much, much more compliant to vegan/vegetarian eating.

    Sun is just now peeping thru my 'forest',( the time change). Had to change all the clocks last night. Got them all except the chiming one, and I pulled its dying battery before I left. So, tonite at 5-ish I will put in the new battery, and not have the hassle of resetting it. :)

    New grass seed has sprouted in my yard, and no rain in sight, so I'll be watering! Oh well...I also need to be outside pruning the heck out of a bunch of stuff anyhow!

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    Roger, read your post about walking to the next town for a haircut....no I didn't laugh. Might want to call next time though. :neutral:


    OH!! This may be old news to Ed..but I had the most amazing dinner Friday night...the vegan selection was:
    Braised Romain Lettuce,
    Wood (hickory) Fire Grilled Portabello Mushroom cap, filled with onion squash, peppers, and the whole thing drizzled with a Balsamic Glaze. It was SOOOO GOOD! I need a wood burning grill!!! LOL!!! (I can't grill to save myself, but DH1 sure can.)

    Hi Valerie
    If I said it never occurred to me to call and check? Not a big problem as I do walk anyway, so I sat down in the diner a couple of doors down and had a light breakfast and rest before walking back.

    We have a Battery powered clock that chimes too. It has the weirdest sounding chime when the battery needs replacing :)

    It sounds as if You had a great vacation

    You can get a small countertop Electric Grill that might give much the same effect as long as You can put it by the stoves vent to get rid of the smoke.

    Have a Nice Day
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! A bit chilly out, but not too bad. I need to get laundry done today. And Val reminded me that I need to get some pruning done out there too! The daffodils are looking great out there, and the grape hyacinths have come up and are blooming. This is their first year so next year I expect more of them, as they tend to spread and cavort all over the place once established.

    Right now I need to make some tea.

    That has been my experience with the grape hyacinths that they spread all over too.
    We finally have Grape Hyacinths and Daffodils and I have seen some Hyacinths in bloom while walking. It seems to depend on whether they are in a Southern or Northern exposure if they are blooming yet. What We call a Tulip tree around here are in bloom too.


    That has been my experience with the grape hyacinths that they spread all over too.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Yes, I did have a great vacation!
    Your tulip tree (its what we called them in MO too) is a deciduous magnolia! They now come in a variety of pink-ish and purple-ish colors. I my day they were all purple with some white.
    I had two grape hyacinths pop up in my yard...dug them up! They do spread something terrible here. Regular hyacinths don't do that, so thats what I have, or have had..don't think I've seen mine this year. Need to look, as my tulips bloomed while I was gone, and because it was so warm, they are already way past prime!

    Hope you don't have to mess with snow again Roger. Is supposed to be 36 here tonite and tomorrow nite. Guess the cats will be inside :) It may snow an inch or less in the mountains, but dry here...no snow! YEA!!

    Ok, off to whole foods...there is a very noticeable lack of FRESH food here! Hope to see some fried tofu. If not, I'll be pressing tofu this afternoon. :)


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Yes, I did have a great vacation!
    Your tulip tree (its what we called them in MO too) is a deciduous magnolia! They now come in a variety of pink-ish and purple-ish colors. I my day they were all purple with some white.
    I had two grape hyacinths pop up in my yard...dug them up! They do spread something terrible here. Regular hyacinths don't do that, so thats what I have, or have had..don't think I've seen mine this year. Need to look, as my tulips bloomed while I was gone, and because it was so warm, they are already way past prime!

    Hope you don't have to mess with snow again Roger. Is supposed to be 36 here tonite and tomorrow nite. Guess the cats will be inside :) It may snow an inch or less in the mountains, but dry here...no snow! YEA!!

    Ok, off to whole foods...there is a very noticeable lack of FRESH food here! Hope to see some fried tofu. If not, I'll be pressing tofu this afternoon. :)


    Hi Valerie
    FWIW I went out walking again at 5PM, now at 16.4K steps. I went back out as insurance against not being able to get out tomorrow, I saw some snow flakes around 5:27 to 5:35 and then they were gone. I suspect they are a forerunner of the snow forecast for later on. As long as I do not have to go shovel tomorrow I am OK with a little snow. I hope my snow also does not stick and disappears quickly too :)

    I Think the ones I see are all the Pink ones, Decent size too. .

    I do not mind the Grape Hyacinths spreading, I liked them when they spread into the lawn, Sort of a naturalized look TBH.

    I wonder Why there could be a dearth of fresh food in Your house :)

    Have a Good Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Currently 38 degrees out there but might drop a couple more before it goes up to 58 later today.

    J headed off to Kentucky last night as one of his uncles was dying (and did, in fact, die, during the night) so he'll be coming back probably Friday night.

    In last minute grabbing of clothes he accidentally seems to have taken a pair of my work slack in lieu of his dress slacks, but they won't fit him. He'll have to make a run to Wallyworld to buy some I guess.

    I'll get by down here.

    Off to the rat mines! Hope the rats don't try to get in to keep warm.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Pesky little things, rats!
    Will return..need some breakfast, but you made me laugh Ed....
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out the door before 8 as the forecast of snow was more or less a non starter in my area. There was a little on the parked cars in the driveways and street and in the grass of the lawns. The sidewalks and street were a little wet but that was it. It was 33 degrees outside but with no wind it was not a bad walk.

    Have a Good Week
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Currently 38 degrees out there but might drop a couple more before it goes up to 58 later today.

    J headed off to Kentucky last night as one of his uncles was dying (and did, in fact, die, during the night) so he'll be coming back probably Friday night.

    In last minute grabbing of clothes he accidentally seems to have taken a pair of my work slack in lieu of his dress slacks, but they won't fit him. He'll have to make a run to Wallyworld to buy some I guess.

    I'll get by down here.

    Off to the rat mines! Hope the rats don't try to get in to keep warm.

    Hi Ed
    You have it warmer than we do up here, OTOH it is March, changeable weather and all.

    If the rats do get in, ignore them or get some nice rat eating snakes to clear them out :)

    Have a Good Monday
    Pesky little things, rats!
    Will return..need some breakfast, but you made me laugh Ed....

    Hi Valerie
    I can see signs of spring when I am walking now, flowering trees in bloom, Some Daffodils in bloom and some getting ready and so on. Pretty soon we can plant some pansy's for early color in the flower beds as they will take the cold.

    Enjoy Your Breakfast and the day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good Morning!
    Bright, bright sun this morning. Maybe will help warm Ed's 'shed' a bit.
    I'm going groceries today...talked myself out of it yesterday. LOL!

    Cats had their breakfast and are fast asleep. I suspect they'll stay 'indoor' cats today!

    Need to make a gym run as well as groceries. Brought back Salt Water Taffy pieces for the kids at the gym. Its been an annual thing for 9 years now. They'd think that "grandma' (yes they called me that) was angry with them or something! LOL!! They really are 'kids' still.

    Eating my breakfast of oatmeal, nuts/seeds/ and fruit, and then its hit the shower, and I'm off.

    Roger hope you are not shoveling snow. Good move getting your steps yesterday evening!


    Ok, Roger posted while I was making breakfast! Glad your snow was a 'non' event, and that you are seeing spring happen. The nice thing about walking...you really do get to SEE the seasons change.
    Rat eating snakes! OMG! How about he just walk to the store and buys a little rat food?...brand I'm familiar with is D-Con. It works! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Bright, bright sun this morning. Maybe will help warm Ed's 'shed' a bit.
    I'm going groceries today...talked myself out of it yesterday. LOL!

    Cats had their breakfast and are fast asleep. I suspect they'll stay 'indoor' cats today!

    Need to make a gym run as well as groceries. Brought back Salt Water Taffy pieces for the kids at the gym. Its been an annual thing for 9 years now. They'd think that "grandma' (yes they called me that) was angry with them or something! LOL!! They really are 'kids' still.

    Eating my breakfast of oatmeal, nuts/seeds/ and fruit, and then its hit the shower, and I'm off.

    Roger hope you are not shoveling snow. Good move getting your steps yesterday evening!


    Ok, Roger posted while I was making breakfast! Glad your snow was a 'non' event, and that you are seeing spring happen. The nice thing about walking...you really do get to SEE the seasons change.
    Rat eating snakes! OMG! How about he just walk to the store and buys a little rat food?...brand I'm familiar with is D-Con. It works! :)

    Hi Valerie
    FWIW the rat eating Pet snake was tongue in cheek :)

    I plan to go to the local Quick Chek for a can of Not Gourmet Lite Whipped cream to put a drizzle on all those NS Pound cakes, chocolate cakes, Chocolate Brownies and Carrot cakes I found where I had left them out of the way for a while. They are just past the Use by date and taste OK. I figure since I am working at maintenance as a test this month 20 or 30 extra calories for my evening dessert should be OK. As well as keeping in mind that the NS Snacks/Desserts run up to 200 calories for the highest one and these cakes are around 150 calories.

    Good Luck Shopping
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Roger, I knew you were kidding about the snake! I was being equally as tongue in cheek!

    Had a good visit at the gym, rode that danged bike, which does seem to be helping my knees, as opposed to the TM, my fav cardio piece...oh well.
    Shopping was confined to the Mex. market next door. Picked up the essentials for a lunch salad and tonite's dinner. So tomorrow will be another short trip this time to Kroger. We found Wymans Wild Blueberries in the freezer while on vacation...checking to see if they're carrying them here as well. They are small, very sweet, organic, blueberries. I used to get that brand at Costco, and they've switched...

    See you in the morning.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    36 degrees out there right now but supposed to get up to 70 this afternoon.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    7.6K steps so far for the day. It was 31 degrees this morning, hard to believe it is supposed to be 60 as a high. The Sun is shining and there was nearly no breeze so it was a nice walk.

    Nothing much planned for later on today. Currently as I type this I am converting some Phonograph records into Digital format on the computer and plan to see what ones I want to do next. Also I can capture some videos into the other computer at the same time :) Currently capturing is a Petula Clark record, Maybe I will dig out the Old Time Radio Show records I bought years ago and capture them next to listen to when I walk, Or maybe the Glenn Miller Albums. Hard to decide, It may come down to what I dig out of the basement first.

    Have a Good Day
    Hey Roger, I knew you were kidding about the snake! I was being equally as tongue in cheek!

    Had a good visit at the gym, rode that danged bike, which does seem to be helping my knees, as opposed to the TM, my fav cardio piece...oh well.
    Shopping was confined to the Mex. market next door. Picked up the essentials for a lunch salad and tonite's dinner. So tomorrow will be another short trip this time to Kroger. We found Wymans Wild Blueberries in the freezer while on vacation...checking to see if they're carrying them here as well. They are small, very sweet, organic, blueberries. I used to get that brand at Costco, and they've switched...

    See you in the morning.

    Hi Valerie
    I was being tongue, OTOH in my Younger days I did have friends that had pet snakes that they fed mice to.

    That was handy finding that the bike is easier on the knees, I would have thought otherwise as I thought that the knees were designed to work in a upright position.

    Good Luck finding the Blueberries. I have some frozen ones and some dried left over from My Brothers Christmas baking that I have been adding into my Cereal when I have that.

    CostCo does tend to do that with fruits, I think it is tied to price and availability.

    Good Luck on Your search
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    36 degrees out there right now but supposed to get up to 70 this afternoon.

    Off to the salt races!

    Hi Ed
    We are showing wide temperature swings in the weather forecast here too.

    Have a Good Day at work
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning..currently @ 49 degrees and climbing! :)
    Gym, Kroger, and Olivia's gymnastics tonite...that's my focus points today!

    The bike puts less stress on the knees, and the 'push' knee is straight at the bottom of the arc, if you've adjusted the seat right...the other resting knee is the one bending, and is stress free. Works the muscles around the knee to strengthen them... That said....I still hate the bike. Always felt like I was making some progress on the TM...oh well, so much for thinking!!!

    Gave the new grass a good watering yesterday evening, so it should be care free today!

    Cat (Tom E.) wants something....not sure what. Wish he could talk! .... they have food and water. I've spent time petting and talking to the rascal..what now???

    I'd vote for Glenn Miller for walking! :)

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger I forgot to mention that what I wrote is about the 'recumbent' bike...not the upright one. I thought about this while at the gym today, and was watching someone on an upright! :)
    Just an FYI afterthought!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Well, everyone has been fed, even D. J is out of town for an uncle's funeral. I made pork Marsala for dinner, but really pork Chardonnay since that was the wine I used. Got it a little bit too salty, but still tasted good.

    Going to bed now.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day again already! Whee!

    45 out there but supposed to get to 73 this afternoon.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!

    Updates for the phone and iPad ✓
    Cats fed, ✓

    This morning got off to a quick start! Time to drink my coffee and get my breakfast together!
    Then down the road to ATL, and my chiro, and Midtown Whole Foods. (read hot bar Vegan foods) Kitchen closes after breakfast! :)

    Ed, I am looking forward to this wonderful afternoon.! Think my afternoon chat with DS1 will be while I walk the neighborhood! Used to do that all the time...now I need to restart that habit.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I stopped at the Post office to mail a letter on my walk + 1 cent. When I was Younger there were Mail boxes all over the place, No more.

    The weather was nice and tomorrow promises to be somewhat better too. I think I'll go get my haircut tomorrow, That is the date the note on the door said he would be back from vacation.

    Enjoy The Day
    Good Tuesday Morning..currently @ 49 degrees and climbing! :)
    Gym, Kroger, and Olivia's gymnastics tonite...that's my focus points today!

    The bike puts less stress on the knees, and the 'push' knee is straight at the bottom of the arc, if you've adjusted the seat right...the other resting knee is the one bending, and is stress free. Works the muscles around the knee to strengthen them... That said....I still hate the bike. Always felt like I was making some progress on the TM...oh well, so much for thinking!!!

    Gave the new grass a good watering yesterday evening, so it should be care free today!

    Cat (Tom E.) wants something....not sure what. Wish he could talk! .... they have food and water. I've spent time petting and talking to the rascal..what now???

    I'd vote for Glenn Miller for walking! :)

    Roger I forgot to mention that what I wrote is about the 'recumbent' bike...not the upright one. I thought about this while at the gym today, and was watching someone on an upright! :)
    Just an FYI afterthought!

    Hi Valerie
    That makes more sense that You meant a recumbent bike. I bought one last year and that is what I chose as my research showed it to be better for me.

    I was digging around in the basement, It looks like I need to move some things to get to all the records as I did not find my Old Time Radio Show Records and I know that the Shadow ones was a fairly large Box Set so it should be easy to find.
    Good Wednesday Morning!

    Updates for the phone and iPad ✓
    Cats fed, ✓

    This morning got off to a quick start! Time to drink my coffee and get my breakfast together!
    Then down the road to ATL, and my chiro, and Midtown Whole Foods. (read hot bar Vegan foods) Kitchen closes after breakfast! :)

    Ed, I am looking forward to this wonderful afternoon.! Think my afternoon chat with DS1 will be while I walk the neighborhood! Used to do that all the time...now I need to restart that habit.


    I did some updates to my computer too. Mainly the Windows Security updates, A new updated version of Malwarebytes Anti Malware and Of Course Norton updates. I had already updated some of the applications I use as well as FireFox.

    Have a Great Day

    Hi Ed
    I hope You arr having a Good Tag Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It was a GREAT tag day. There were no tags! Couldn't ask for a better tag day. LOL!

    Almost Easter and then I can get those silly Cadbury eggs and Reese's eggs out of the fuel kiosk and back in the store for them to sell at half price. They never sell well there but the district wants 100% participation so we always put them in the window during the season. If we could set a basket of them out on the ledge, like other stores, we might sell more, but John's Creek won't allow much outdoor vending as it looks trashy. We have our one Coke cooler and one small ice freezer out there and that's all we can have outside.

    Well, off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member