Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Windy, overcast, but 66 degrees! No complaints!
    Going to spend some time this morning in ATL with DS2. Taking a bit of my computing stuff, needing a little 'guidance'. :) (he made the mistake of appointing himself as the 'administrator' :) )
    Also going to finally pick up my Chef Knife...Wusthof Classic. Can't wait.

    Slept well, apparently I 'got away with' eating the little Peeps without kicking in my sugar issues!!!!

    Everybody fed here, cats out, dishwasher running,....time to hit the shower and head out.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Today is the last day of the CostCo Gift NS card sale.
    $20 manufacturer’s discount is valid 3/3/16 through 3/28/16. While supplies last.
    Online Price $79.99
    Less -$20.00 manufacturer’s discount
    Your Price $59.99 Shipping & Handling Included

    I did go out walking in the rain, No Singing in the rain however. I did put on full rain gear. I ended up overdressed towards the end of the walk with the Hoodie under the rain jacket. I did get Damp inside the shoes.

    Yesterday We got the 10 Raspberry plants, the Blackberry plant, The Three Columnar Apple trees, and three of the four bundles of the various types of Onions planted. We were both tired by the time we were finished doing the digging and planting. Watered them in and now with today's rain they should be good for a couple of days with no watering needed :) The rain in the forecast is why the push to get them in the ground on Sunday.

    Have a Great Monday
    Good EASTER morning.
    Cats fed, out, and cleaned up after.
    Me fed. Watched a very moving and interesting Easter Sunday Service from North Point Online.
    Am now ready to begin my day.

    Roger the salads are with the other bagged lettuces, salads, etc in fresh produce. The ones I have been enjoying are made by Dole. (not sure that is a good thing or not). The onion dressing is a creamy one, and I guess I will be trying several from the grocery shelves...and then reading the labels of the ones I like..trying to replicate. Probably has a zillion calories, and most of them fat...but worth looking into.
    In just a few I will be heading to the kitchen...lunch will be leftover delicious tofu scramble. I wanted to eat the whole pan last night at dinner. Glad I didn't! I want to make the eggless Egg Salad that Ted made for us Christmas. Its tangy and delicious...or at least his was. I have the recipe, so hopefully mine will be good as well! Have asparagus and caramelized onion to put on top, and sweet potato to mash or something...will be a 'spring' dinner.

    Roger glad you'll be able to plant the bushes and trees. I wish I had planted the berries, plus blueberry but I haven't/didn't. It would be daily fight with the squirrels, birds, etc. so maybe I've just saved myself some aggravation?

    I ate 2 peeps early this morning...will have several after lunch, and the remainder after dinner. My poor pancreas is probably wondering what the heck I'm up to! And my itchy skin tonite when I'm trying to sleep will remind me of my errant moments of pleasure!!!

    Sorry Ed...the sweet onion dressing was creamy, not a vinaigrette. And it is sweet. So, no doubt sugar along with the onion and oil...arg. BUT, it perked up a salad!
    Hope that lamb shank is tasty, and that everyone who eats at your table appreciates the excellent meals you share with them. They have no idea how lucky they are.

    Wishing for you Peace and Happiness and Renewal, on this Easter Morning.


    Hi Valerie
    I am hoping the berries are OK with the critters. The Wild Raspberries seem to have more than enough that I can grab a handful of ripe ones when I walk past them, at least they did last year. One More Bundle of Onions to plant, My Brother wrapped the roots in a wet paper towel to hold them, I am sure the ground is to wet to plant today.

    I'll be off to create some DVDs from VHS Captures for my Sister when I finish here.

    Thank You for the information on the Salads
    Final Easter menu:

    Deviled eggs.
    Potato salad.
    Cheesy scalloped potatoes.
    Broccoli, rice, cheese casserole.
    Parkerhouse rolls.
    Honey ham.
    Lamb fore shank, slow roasted to perfection.
    Chocolate pudding cake (that no one ate any of...)

    Beaujolais-Villages, Georges DuBoeuf, France, 2013. A nice, fruity, not TOO acid, Beaujolais. I was the only one who had wine.

    Dishes are all done and the last load of laundry is in the dryer now. I haven't eaten TOO much of the chocolate. The bunny even still has his ears! I ate the one large Cadbury egg and two of the small ones.

    Dinner was served at 3:00, a bit late but it worked out as D got home just as the last items were set to "stand" on the stove, so everyone got to eat hot food. As expected, I ate most of the lamb but D did have a couple of bites. I had a few pieces of the deviled eggs and J pigged out on deviled eggs, and of course his favorite potato salad, that I made from his deceased grandmother's recipe. We all had a little of the scalloped potatoes and the rice casserole, I had a little of the potato salad, D and I had rolls. As stated, no one had any desire for chocolate cake after all that food.

    After dinner, I took a nap. :)

    Supper will be whatever one wants, from the leftovers, whenever (or if) one wants it. I'll have to have SOMETHING but can't say that I'm really hungry for anything as yet. Have to eat with my evening metformin though, so at some point I guess I'll at least stuff a slice of ham into a leftover roll or something.

    Hope everyone had a great day! I know it sounds like I worked my tail off on a holiday, but I feel like I had a good day.

    Hi Ed
    FWIW here is my Sunday food menu. Yours sounds much more involved with more foods too.

    We had Baked Ham for lunch and I ate a lot as it was so good along with Mashed Potatoes and home made ham gravy and a Fuji Apple. For Dinner I used a 60 calorie Sandwich wrap that my brother had bought. That was the only good part of dinner, Then I took that and put some light mayo on the wrap, lots of ham sliced across the grain for easy eating, A Slice of 40 calorie Velveeta and Lettuce, Very tasty Too. Then I added a couple of Clementines and the rest of the 1/3 head of lettuce that I picked up that morning for 59 cents.

    On the good side we plan to Vacuum seal and freeze the rest of the ham for later use. And Thus temptation will be gone.

    Have a Good Monday
    Good Morning!
    Windy, overcast, but 66 degrees! No complaints!
    Going to spend some time this morning in ATL with DS2. Taking a bit of my computing stuff, needing a little 'guidance'. :) (he made the mistake of appointing himself as the 'administrator' :) )
    Also going to finally pick up my Chef Knife...Wusthof Classic. Can't wait.

    Slept well, apparently I 'got away with' eating the little Peeps without kicking in my sugar issues!!!!

    Everybody fed here, cats out, dishwasher running,....time to hit the shower and head out.


    Hi Again
    My Brother has been buying Cuisinart lately, They seem to hold an edge OK too.

    Good Luck with the Computing stuff
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,686 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 47 out there right now but supposed to hit 72 later today. No chance of rain in the forecast.

    Sounds like a pretty nice day.

    Off to the salt races.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...Tuesday
    Late with breakfast this morning, and lots to do... Have to make an appearance at the gym, have my car inspected so I can go online and put results, etc (money) in, and like magic in about 3-4 days my new tag sticker will arrive in the mail. :) Before Online, this used to take several weeks!
    I have need of a lottery ticket, lunch, and then its Tuesday, so it will be off to see O at gymnastics.
    May not be a huge amount of stuff to do, but enough to keep me busy, and hopefully out of trouble for the day. :)

    Ed, little confused about the 'salt races'...just how is that judged? And does the salt care? LOL!!

    Got my new, overpriced, 9 inch chef's knife yesterday, and had 'chop salad' for dinner...what else? Also used it this morning to roughly chop some english walnuts to go into my oatmeal. Learned something...a good SHARP knife and the walnut pieces don't pop all over the place!

    Roger, your shrub and tree planting sounds like you'll have perfect weather to get the new little roots growing for a healthy happy fruit orchard. And did I read correctly? you have wild raspberries growing where you walk/live? You lucky duck you!!! Wild blackberries abound here, and are a pain in the neck in flower beds, etc...but no wild raspberries..Yummm, she said jealously!

    Ok, guys...let the day get moving!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016
    It was very windy outside starting in the afternoon and building in the evening. By this morning the wind and wind chill were tolerable.

    I did make a stop at the grocery store for Fuji Apples, Somewhat greenish Bananas a I still have a ripe one for tomorrow and Heads of lettuce :)
    For Breakfast I had Multi-Grain Cheerios, and a Banana, the banana before I walked and the Cereal after the walk.

    Have a Great Tuesday

    BTW the Costco NS Gift Card Sale has ended.
    Good Morning...Tuesday
    Late with breakfast this morning, and lots to do... Have to make an appearance at the gym, have my car inspected so I can go online and put results, etc (money) in, and like magic in about 3-4 days my new tag sticker will arrive in the mail. :) Before Online, this used to take several weeks!
    I have need of a lottery ticket, lunch, and then its Tuesday, so it will be off to see O at gymnastics.
    May not be a huge amount of stuff to do, but enough to keep me busy, and hopefully out of trouble for the day. :)

    Ed, little confused about the 'salt races'...just how is that judged? And does the salt care? LOL!!

    Got my new, overpriced, 9 inch chef's knife yesterday, and had 'chop salad' for dinner...what else? Also used it this morning to roughly chop some english walnuts to go into my oatmeal. Learned something...a good SHARP knife and the walnut pieces don't pop all over the place!

    Roger, your shrub and tree planting sounds like you'll have perfect weather to get the new little roots growing for a healthy happy fruit orchard. And did I read correctly? you have wild raspberries growing where you walk/live? You lucky duck you!!! Wild blackberries abound here, and are a pain in the neck in flower beds, etc...but no wild raspberries..Yummm, she said jealously!

    Ok, guys...let the day get moving!


    Hi Valerie
    We can go to the nearby Motor vehicle office for renewals, mail or online in NJ. For inspection We can go to a private garage or a state run inspection facility. They put the Sticker on the window for passed or failed at that time.

    I hope they root in quickly so as to not need daily watering this summer :)
    Along one sidewalk below our lake I was picking Raspberries last Summer and since that area is a wild area that abuts a flood area along the stream I do call them wild Raspberries. When I was in High School we could walk through woods and pick Muberries/Balckberries, Raspberries and Gooseberries that grew wild. Until they put town houses in that section and that was the end of them :(

    I would think You would like the Blackberries off of the wild plants?

    The Columnar Apple trees are interesting, We planted three of them too. They can be planted pretty close together or even grown in large pots.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Ed
    Excluding the wind it is not to bad outside today. I did see lots of smaller branches littering the sidewalks on my walk with larger ones up to 2 or 3 inches in size also.

    Have a Good Day at work
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,686 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Maybe there will be some tags today. If so, I can deal. Currently 49 degrees out there and supposed to reach 74 this afternoon. Finished off the Easter ham for breakfast, with a banana.

    Off to the rat mines!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Slower start this morning, but lots to do...guess that means??? :)

    Roger I do like the blackberries from the wild bushes, its what I grew up with. The problem is they'd take over the yard. So many have to go...and the thorns...well, that's another thing. Berries from these bushes are small, and tart. The cultivated bushes are thornless, or at least you can buy thornless varieties, and the berries are much tastier. Raspberries, I've never seen wild here. But I know you can plant cultivated ones, I just don't have enough sunny places for them. And thanks for the pix of the apple trees! I have been really out of touch with fruit trees, and this form is new to me. Will be interested to know what kind of pruning, spraying, etc schedule you'll have. I think I could manage the pruning...the spraying might be an issue for me.

    Ed, its going to be a great day for tagging! Sunny, warm, and dry!! :) Easter ham, history! I know it was good. Are you planning to do any gardening this year? I remember you grew a lot of micro greens when you first arrived in GA.

    Time to get a move on.... 3 "G's" today on my list...gym, gas for lawnmower, and groceries!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another Day, another walk :)
    7500+ Steps and 15 Cents today, Whee....
    The Weather is clear and just above freezing so I wore a sweatshirt & over that a Hoodie. Walking I am listening to a old time radio shows. Intro to the show goes

    There he goes, into that drug store. He's stepping on the scale.
    Weight, two hundred thirty-nine pounds.
    Fortune ... danger.
    Whoooooooooo is it?
    The Fat Man.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Maybe there will be some tags today. If so, I can deal. Currently 49 degrees out there and supposed to reach 74 this afternoon. Finished off the Easter ham for breakfast, with a banana.

    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You are having great weather. FWIW I have a Banana Every morning when I get up and then I go out walking and being lazy I buy my days coffee during the walk.

    Have a Good Wednesday
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Slower start this morning, but lots to do...guess that means??? :)

    Roger I do like the blackberries from the wild bushes, its what I grew up with. The problem is they'd take over the yard. So many have to go...and the thorns...well, that's another thing. Berries from these bushes are small, and tart. The cultivated bushes are thornless, or at least you can buy thornless varieties, and the berries are much tastier. Raspberries, I've never seen wild here. But I know you can plant cultivated ones, I just don't have enough sunny places for them. And thanks for the pix of the apple trees! I have been really out of touch with fruit trees, and this form is new to me. Will be interested to know what kind of pruning, spraying, etc schedule you'll have. I think I could manage the pruning...the spraying might be an issue for me.

    Ed, its going to be a great day for tagging! Sunny, warm, and dry!! :) Easter ham, history! I know it was good. Are you planning to do any gardening this year? I remember you grew a lot of micro greens when you first arrived in GA.

    Time to get a move on.... 3 "G's" today on my list...gym, gas for lawnmower, and groceries!

    Hi Valerie
    For eating I think I would prefer the Cultivated Blackberries, OTOH if I were making preserves or jelly with the Blackberries I think I might prefer the Wild version. One year just for the heck of it I made Crabapple Jelly using ones that were growing in the wild. It turned out very good too. Just a lot of work :)

    I do not expect any problems maintaining the Apple trees, from the Internet here is a description.
    Columnar apple trees are an easily maintained, manageable size. All apple trees need full sun and columnar trees are no exception. Because they average about 8 feet tall and 2 feet wide.

    Columnar apple trees thrive in containers, making it possible for you to have more control over their growing environment. Shift container-grown trees to a different location to protect them from inclement weather or move them to a partially shaded spot during a heat wave. An appropriate container size for a columnar tree is about 20 inches wide and deep. Alternatively, you can plant columnar trees in the ground, just as you would any apple tree, spacing them about 2 feet apart.

    Because they are small trees with small root systems, columnar apples require regular watering throughout the year.

    Enjoy Your Day shopping
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,686 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Tagging was OK yesterday. There was a bit outside but not too cold, not too hot, not wet so not a problem.

    Today...80% chance of thunderstorms. Whee!

    Not doing much in the way of pot planting...er, planting in pots this year. Just don't feel that I really have the time or energy to deal with it. But I'm enjoying my CSA boxes! Another one due tomorrow!

    Off to the salt races.

    (Morton's has the lead, but Kroger brand is coming up fast...)


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    As Ed said...gonna be a rainy one here today.
    Ed, you had me grinning ear to ear... the salt races, are those the Iodized Races, or the Sea Salt venue? LOL!! Loved your answer to the microgreens. :) And yes, I've tried it both ways.

    Ok, silliness aside. hope everyone is doing well today. Marietta and I are having lunch at Stone Mountain, and coffee with our good friend Starbucks...:) I need to get some breakfast going, and hit the shower.

    Roger, Thanks for the information on the columnar Apple trees! I find this very interesting. I could probably fit one or two onto my little spit of land...but I think I'll hang tight til I let you run thru a season....I have one or two 'reservations'..and will explain another day. Time issues right now...
    I grew up on blackberry jelly for toast and PB&J's..there was one area in a field that Dad let go wild just for the berries. Some past summers I did have blackberries from the wild bushes in my breakfast granola. My Grandmother had a Mulberry tree. I had one volunteer here, but had to cut it...it was mulberries or house ... decided house was most important. :) And there was ONE big gooseberry bush that grew at the gate to our woods....you had to hit it just right, cuz those things, like the wild persimmons can be way more than tart!!!

    Ok, time to hit the floor running...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Once again I was walking then home for breakfast and out again to CostCo for Frozen vegetables, 2 Normandy Mix and once French Green beans, 18 Pack of Light & Fit Greek, Pink Lady Apples, I thought I was grabbing the Honey Crisp, A Customer must have moved them :) they are OK too, and a Bag of Clementines. 9200+ Steps so far.

    The weather is great today, I made the mistake of overdressing for the temperature so I was feeling a little overheated by the time I got home. I picked up a free cup of Dunkin Donut coffee as I had received a email notice that the coupon was about to expire.

    I just started copying a Record Album featuring 180 old time radio themes into the computer.

    Have a Good Thursday
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Tagging was OK yesterday. There was a bit outside but not too cold, not too hot, not wet so not a problem.

    Today...80% chance of thunderstorms. Whee!

    Not doing much in the way of pot planting...er, planting in pots this year. Just don't feel that I really have the time or energy to deal with it. But I'm enjoying my CSA boxes! Another one due tomorrow!

    Off to the salt races.

    (Morton's has the lead, but Kroger brand is coming up fast...)
    Hi Ed
    I can see why You might not feel the need to plant if Your CSA boxes are priced right.

    I see You had a Good Tag day too. We get the rain moving in overnight into Friday here. I may just decide not to walk Friday and take a Off day instead.

    Have a Good Day
    Good Morning!
    As Ed said...gonna be a rainy one here today.
    Ed, you had me grinning ear to ear... the salt races, are those the Iodized Races, or the Sea Salt venue? LOL!! Loved your answer to the microgreens. :) And yes, I've tried it both ways.

    Ok, silliness aside. hope everyone is doing well today. Marietta and I are having lunch at Stone Mountain, and coffee with our good friend Starbucks...:) I need to get some breakfast going, and hit the shower.

    Roger, Thanks for the information on the columnar Apple trees! I find this very interesting. I could probably fit one or two onto my little spit of land...but I think I'll hang tight til I let you run thru a season....I have one or two 'reservations'..and will explain another day. Time issues right now...
    I grew up on blackberry jelly for toast and PB&J's..there was one area in a field that Dad let go wild just for the berries. Some past summers I did have blackberries from the wild bushes in my breakfast granola. My Grandmother had a Mulberry tree. I had one volunteer here, but had to cut it...it was mulberries or house ... decided house was most important. :) And there was ONE big gooseberry bush that grew at the gate to our woods....you had to hit it just right, cuz those things, like the wild persimmons can be way more than tart!!!

    Ok, time to hit the floor running...

    Hi Valerie
    Lets not ignore the Kosher Salt too, We seem to have Three types, Something to do with recipes my Brother uses.

    Blackberries in the morning cereal sounds delicious. I Agree, The House is much more important than some fruit. You are so right, Gooseberries can be very tart however as a change of pace....
    I would like to find some growing wild where they can be accessed.

    Enjoy Your Coffee and lunch with Your friend
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,686 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Supposed to rain all day. That would really mess up the salt races so it's off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Friday Morning!
    I think we get a few hours of no rain before it starts again. During that time a cold front is apparently moving in across the entire East coast. ABC is saying temps in NY, DC, etc dropping and temps are also supposed to fall during these 'quiet' hours. Rain should return here in time for a soggy drive to baby sit the littles. We're going out for dinner. Much, much easier than trying to cook food I'm not familiar with, in a kitchen I'm not really that familiar with, and also have something for myself....Yep, Mexican tonite!

    House chores today, and a trip to the gym. That's my list for the day!

    Right now, breakfast is on my mind.....:)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is warm outside and occasional light rain too. I went out in a Pocket T-shirt and Rain gear and was too warm. Harder rain is in the forecast for later on today.

    Some of the new NS frozen Dinners in case You missed them are the NS Beef and Broccoli with Orzo 200 Calories
    The NS Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry 250 Calories
    and the NS Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo 230 Calories

    Have a Good Friday
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Supposed to rain all day. That would really mess up the salt races so it's off to the rat mines!
    Hi Ed
    Considering the forecast I keep looking out the window and thinking whee did the rain go?

    I agree rain would be hard on the contestants in a salt race :)

    Stay Dry
    Good Friday Morning!
    I think we get a few hours of no rain before it starts again. During that time a cold front is apparently moving in across the entire East coast. ABC is saying temps in NY, DC, etc dropping and temps are also supposed to fall during these 'quiet' hours. Rain should return here in time for a soggy drive to baby sit the littles. We're going out for dinner. Much, much easier than trying to cook food I'm not familiar with, in a kitchen I'm not really that familiar with, and also have something for myself....Yep, Mexican tonite!

    House chores today, and a trip to the gym. That's my list for the day!

    Right now, breakfast is on my mind.....:)


    Hi Valerie
    We are supposed to have a high in the 70s by 4PM today. Have fun babysitting, and stay dry :)

    Dinner out sounds like a good idea given what You say.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,686 Member
    edited April 2016
    Well, Valerie was right. We got quite a few hours with no rain, and the sun even peeked through a few times! I came home, catnapped, as we had an appointment with the AC guy to do our spring maintenance. Then catnapped some more and then made dinner:

    Broiled lamb loin steaks, boneless, seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic, rosemary.
    Baked Potato.
    Boiled, then sautéed fiddle head ferns, prepared in ghee with garlic, salt and pepper.

    Bonarda-Merlot wine, 80% Bonarda, 20% Merlot.

    This was my first (and possibly ONLY) time preparing fiddle heads - those suckers are EXPENSIVE! But oh, my, they were tasty. At least I can mark that off my bucket list. :)

    I got them in last week's CSA box, but had to trade several items in to get them. Worth it, every bite, but probably won't be doing that again.

    Next week's box I've traded in several items to get some nice (I hope) asparagus. Trading in several items for one does make for a smaller box, but one gets less food then...but it's asparagus season so I'm hoping for the best on that! I'll find out next Friday. I traded in collards, green beans, and something else, I forget what, to get the asparagus so it better be good!

    This week's box, which arrived today, didn't have anything terribly exciting in it, but everything in it did look good. Three green/yellow pears, two Ataulfo mangos, some lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, a large yellow onion, a ruby grapefruit. Maybe something else, but I forget. It will all be eaten. :)

    Later, gators!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,686 Member
    Those new dinners certainly look tasty in the pictures.

    I remember when growing up that a neighbor had a crabapple tree and a gooseberry bush. His wife was long deceased and he had no use for the fruit himself, so he let us pick all of it and my mother would send back some crabapple jelly (delicious!) and a gooseberry pie for him, and we ate the rest. She would also send blackberry (wild) jam and strawberry jam in season, and he was always invited to Easter dinner. He was like a third grandfather to us kids. That is the only gooseberry bush I've ever seen in the ground. I wish I had one here, as we loved them. I'm sure it was a lot of work for my mother to make the crabapple jelly, but she has never been one to waste ANY food, and with 10 kids to raise, you can be sure she didn't during that time. The jelly was really good, and we enjoyed it.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,686 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! fed Lilo. Had breakfast. Watching an old Harvey Korman and Tim Conway sketch on YouTube. The Oldest Wardrobe Manager.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXjOyQubyX0

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Ed certainly started my morning off with a good laugh! That was a fantastic clip from Carol Burnett Show!
    Also, glad you enjoyed the fiddleheads. I've tried them once, and recipe just had them steamed, and they were not tasty. SOOOOO, if I ever see them again I may very well try the 'Ed' method...ghee and all. I"m thinking the garlic and ghee would make quite a difference.

    Guessing that Roger has posted while I watched the vid, so will look at his post before I leave the computer. Cuz its about time to get showered and ready to get to my hair appointment.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It started to rain just as I was heading out the door so I came back in and put on the entire rain suit, 7.9K steps & 51 cents today. Poor looking weather forecast for the rest of today and High wind warnings overnight into Sunday :(

    Have a Good Saturday
    Well, Valerie was right. We got quite a few hours with no rain, and the sun even peeked through a few times! I came home, catnapped, as we had an appointment with the AC guy to do our spring maintenance. Then catnapped some more and then made dinner:

    Broiled lamb loin steaks, boneless, seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic, rosemary.
    Baked Potato.
    Boiled, then sautéed fiddle head ferns, prepared in ghee with garlic, salt and pepper.

    Bonarda-Merlot wine, 80% Bonarda, 20% Merlot.

    This was my first (and possibly ONLY) time preparing fiddle heads - those suckers are EXPENSIVE! But oh, my, they were tasty. At least I can mark that off my bucket list. :)

    I got them in last week's CSA box, but had to trade several items in to get them. Worth it, every bite, but probably won't be doing that again.

    Next week's box I've traded in several items to get some nice (I hope) asparagus. Trading in several items for one does make for a smaller box, but one gets less food then...but it's asparagus season so I'm hoping for the best on that! I'll find out next Friday. I traded in collards, green beans, and something else, I forget what, to get the asparagus so it better be good!

    This week's box, which arrived today, didn't have anything terribly exciting in it, but everything in it did look good. Three green/yellow pears, two Ataulfo mangos, some lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, a large yellow onion, a ruby grapefruit. Maybe something else, but I forget. It will all be eaten. :)

    Later, gators!

    Hi Ed
    The Sun came out here too for several hours, then Thunderstorms rolled through.

    I have never had fiddleheads, I know what they are of course from watching cooking contest shows. I have never seen them in a store so.....
    Those new dinners certainly look tasty in the pictures.

    I remember when growing up that a neighbor had a crabapple tree and a gooseberry bush. His wife was long deceased and he had no use for the fruit himself, so he let us pick all of it and my mother would send back some crabapple jelly (delicious!) and a gooseberry pie for him, and we ate the rest. She would also send blackberry (wild) jam and strawberry jam in season, and he was always invited to Easter dinner. He was like a third grandfather to us kids. That is the only gooseberry bush I've ever seen in the ground. I wish I had one here, as we loved them. I'm sure it was a lot of work for my mother to make the crabapple jelly, but she has never been one to waste ANY food, and with 10 kids to raise, you can be sure she didn't during that time. The jelly was really good, and we enjoyed it.
    Making things look delicious is a art form that is used by every prepared food source. From what I read McDonalds is one of the few that uses real food in their commercials. That may have changed in recent years however.

    You had a good neighbor there.

    Have a Good Saturday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,686 Member
    Dinner tonight was lamb taco salad. I didn't have any ground beef but there is still plenty of vacuum packed ground lamb in the freezer so I thawed some out and used that to make the taco salad.

    Quite tasty, and spicy, but then the spicy guacamole I made the other night got even spicier after sitting in the fridge!

    I'm pondering doing something else with this week's avocados. Don't know what yet, but I'll be perusing avocado recipes for ideas...and may end up making guacamole again anyway. We like it, and it's not difficult to make. And I always seem to have all the ingredients for it lately.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...