Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Oh, sweet onions...there are 3 that are most found, and I can only remember 2 at the moment...Walla Walla, and Vidalia. Maybe Ed can remember the other one for us!!! :)

    Sweet Spanish or Maui Maui? I think you're more likely to encounter the Sweet Spanish at the grocery.

    Then there are some sweet red and sweet white onions but it's hard to tell if they're not marked. Most yellow onions are suitable, some more so than others. :)

    And, after cooking, most all onions are sweet!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! some decent chance of rain today, but otherwise supposed to be nice.

    Tagging yesterday wasn't too bad. Just a few tags for inside and one BIG pump topper for outside.

    Lilo has been fed, and so have I. Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016
    I was warm enough when I started out the door, then the Sun went behind some clouds and it was chilly for most of the walk, I ended up under-dressed somewhat due to the warmth of the Sun when I started.

    No Rain in the forecast until at least next week at some point, that means I need to get out and water the newly planted plants. The Blackberry bush is showing some growth as is one of the 10 Raspberry plants. Nothing on the rest of them or the Trees yet. Fingers Crossed.

    Tracking shows 6:55 am On FedEx vehicle for delivery for my NS Ready To Go foods. Whee, I guess I know what I'll be doing later, checking it for shortages.

    Have a Really Nice Day

    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You had a easy day yesterday at work. It is Cloudy here with more cloudy periods than Sun but a Decent looking day despite that.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Valerie
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Trying to 'shower' here (its April ya know), but at this point its just 'intermittent spitting'...
    I'm amazed at how green my 'forest' has become behind the house. Just in the past week its turned green!!

    Late start to my day...need to grab a shower and head to the gym...
    Have a coupon for a free lunch at Chipotle's, and think I shall go there for my lunch today!

    Thanks Ed for the sweet onion reminders. I've not ever seen the Maui Maui, and only occasionally the Sweet Spanish, which is the one I couldn't remember.:) I know all are eventually sweet if cooked right. I personally think the 'sweet' ones are way too bland...which is why I love good old fashioned yellow onions, and red onion. Red ones have more nutritional value for the phytonutrients, etc...and are more colorful in salads, etc.

    I've gotta go, I keep getting alerts, apparently my SIL in Texas is tagging and posting about me on fb...have to see what she's doing now...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Trying to 'shower' here (its April ya know), but at this point its just 'intermittent spitting'...
    I'm amazed at how green my 'forest' has become behind the house. Just in the past week its turned green!!

    Late start to my day...need to grab a shower and head to the gym...
    Have a coupon for a free lunch at Chipotle's, and think I shall go there for my lunch today!

    Thanks Ed for the sweet onion reminders. I've not ever seen the Maui Maui, and only occasionally the Sweet Spanish, which is the one I couldn't remember.:) I know all are eventually sweet if cooked right. I personally think the 'sweet' ones are way too bland...which is why I love good old fashioned yellow onions, and red onion. Red ones have more nutritional value for the phytonutrients, etc...and are more colorful in salads, etc.

    I've gotta go, I keep getting alerts, apparently my SIL in Texas is tagging and posting about me on fb...have to see what she's doing now...


    Hi Valerie
    I see that the Early Bloom Bleeding Hearts are starting to open today in the front yard.

    Nothing wrong with free :)

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Supposed to be a nice day, with a small chance of rain. As the whole house is going through a second round of what we fondly call "crud" and am on the fourth day or so and taking Mucinex DM 12 hour caplets twice a day to help control the cough. It sorta works, most of the time...

    Well, off to the salt races or rat mines. I've lost track of who's turn it is.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016
    8300 steps so far, I picked up my coffee, cashed a check and Bought Fuji Apples at the grocery Store. The weather seems to be slightly warmer today compared to Yesterday. I am still listening to Boston Blackie while walking. I dug out so more records to convert through the computer, Mainly Old Time Radio Shows.

    Link of the Day

    I suspect I will be getting the Frozen portion of my NS order later today. I go the call saying it will be delivered in the next three days, only once have I had the call and it did not come later that day.

    Have a Good Friday
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Supposed to be a nice day, with a small chance of rain. As the whole house is going through a second round of what we fondly call "crud" and am on the fourth day or so and taking Mucinex DM 12 hour caplets twice a day to help control the cough. It sorta works, most of the time...

    Well, off to the salt races or rat mines. I've lost track of who's turn it is.
    Hi Ed
    I am sorry to hear You are under the weather, Get Well Quickly
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Yay! Friday work is done, lunch is eaten, and nap is pending. Right now Lilo is busy watching J eat his lunch so I need to wait until that is no longer interesting (as in he's done) before we go for our nap. LOL!

    My CSA box was at the front door when I got home. My usual 5 bananas, some lettuce, tomatoes, two Pink Lady apples this week, two avocados (*YAY*), 4 green kiwi fruit, a cucumber (they repeat on me, but J likes them), some young, tender, green beans (looking forward to that! They look really nice too), some broccoli crowns, two small/medium red bell peppers, and a HUGE rutabaga, which will be very nice cut up and roasted with spicy seasoning.

    I think J is about done so it's almost nap time!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    My philosophy on work days when I feel like ick?

    I'm out of bed. I'm dressed. I'm HERE. Don't ask for too much more...(but I'll get the necessities taken care of)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    My Frozen NS order arrived around 1:30PM and was checked in and put away by 2PM :)
    One shortage between the Shelf Stable & the Frozen and it was a Thick French Toast and the One wrong item was the wrong bear. I know they will not replace the one frozen with another frozen, sigh....

    Nice to be home from work isn't it. I go through 7 bananas a week :)
    One a Day

    Have a Good Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! My head didn't explode during the night so I guess I'll survive. Lilo has been fed. I've been fed. Lilo is busy playing with a moth in the kitchen, so my lap is free.

    I take it NS will just provide a credit on the next order for the missing item? That was usually what they offered me first, rather than replacing it, as a credit is MUCH easier for them.

    I also remember them making some really bizarre substitutions at times. Once I ordered a "Chocolate Lovers" dessert/snack sampler type selection, supposed to all be chocolate snacks and desserts. They were out of one of the items and substituted the old NS sliced ham lunch entree instead.

    I thought that was a pretty strange item to sub for a snack/dessert but I didn't actually mind as I LOVED the old NS sliced ham, and it was a package that was actually supposed to be three lunch entrees in one, though it was only counted as one in the packing, so you got a couple of extra lunches or proteins in it. It was a bit salty, but I liked the taste and could use two slices instead of one, with my whole grain, low carb bread to have a WHOLE sandwich for lunch, utilizing the second slice of ham as the protein add-in, and saving the third slice for my breakfast protein add-in the next day. That ham was a good deal. So of course it was discontinued shortly after I joined...like too many of my favorites.

    They changed the recipe on the zesty snack mix too, from an original recipe that I really loved, to one coated in some glop that was sort of OK, and still crunchy, supposedly to help keep you full or satisfied longer, but I didn't care so much for the new texture and taste so it ceased to be a favorite snack.

    I understand trying to improve the foods and make things more satisfying, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

    Well, J is off to Asheville for an orchid show, and my head is threatening to explode again. Computer is hard with this cold/flu/whatever bug so I'll likely get back into bed in a bit.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Folks,

    Bouncing back in for a few minutes. In one week and two days I hope to be able to spend more time here. As of April 26 (I know...that is one week and 3 days, but then it is the day after my deadline), I will be done - yes completely done - my course work for my doctorate. Woo hoo! No more weekly assignments. I have completed a good portion of my dissertation proposal (one of the things that is keeping me away from your smiling faces). I hope to have that completely done in 1-2 weeks (first draft), and submit that for feedback from my committee. And, if things go as I hope, do my dissertation in one year. Then I can play here lots more! And then just my regular work that I always have...

    So, yes, I do miss you folks, miss reading about all the fun and challenging things you share. I learn so much from everyone. Hope to catch up more in a couple of weeks.

    Until then, stay well!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016
    Another Day another walk 9.2K Steps, I think I forgot to mention I did find a badly corroded penny Thursday & Friday. I wasn't sure what I had Until I scrubbed them :)

    With stops at the drugstore, Acme, and Gas Station, Gas station for the car and Tiller + Mower, That makes $60 and change spent. Acme for some frozen breakfast Entrees that are on sale at $2.49 or Buy for and pay $1.99 each. Then a Coupon for $2 off of 6 that I can use next visit. If I make that visit by Thursday I can get 6 at $1.99 each and then take an additional $2 off making it basically 6 for $10.

    Does that make me cheap or frugal? :)
    Right now I am listening to Boston Blackie while walking with more of them to go and sitting here a Capture of a Old Time Radio Record of the Andrews Sisters Radio Show. The one I am listening to is from during the War years. Bing Crosby & Gabby Hayes.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Roger, I think I forgot to mention I did find a badly corroded penny Thursday & Friday. I wasn't sure what I had Until I scrubbed them :)

    With stops at the drugstore, Acme, and Gas Station, Gas station for the car and Tiller + Mower, That makes $60 and change spent. Acme for some frozen breakfast Entrees that are on sale at $2.49 or Buy for and pay $1.99 each. Then a Coupon for $2 off of 6 that I can use next visit. If I make that visit by Thursday I can get 6 at $1.99 each and then take an additional $2 off making it basically 6 for $10.

    Does that make me cheap or frugal? :)
    Right now I am listening to Boston Blackie while walking with more of them to go and sitting here a Capture of a Old Time Radio Record of the Andrews Sisters Radio Show. The one I am listening to is from during the War years. Bing Crosby & Gabby Hayes.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! My head didn't explode during the night so I guess I'll survive. Lilo has been fed. I've been fed. Lilo is busy playing with a moth in the kitchen, so my lap is free.

    I take it NS will just provide a credit on the next order for the missing item? That was usually what they offered me first, rather than replacing it, as a credit is MUCH easier for them.

    I also remember them making some really bizarre substitutions at times. Once I ordered a "Chocolate Lovers" dessert/snack sampler type selection, supposed to all be chocolate snacks and desserts. They were out of one of the items and substituted the old NS sliced ham lunch entree instead.

    I thought that was a pretty strange item to sub for a snack/dessert but I didn't actually mind as I LOVED the old NS sliced ham, and it was a package that was actually supposed to be three lunch entrees in one, though it was only counted as one in the packing, so you got a couple of extra lunches or proteins in it. It was a bit salty, but I liked the taste and could use two slices instead of one, with my whole grain, low carb bread to have a WHOLE sandwich for lunch, utilizing the second slice of ham as the protein add-in, and saving the third slice for my breakfast protein add-in the next day. That ham was a good deal. So of course it was discontinued shortly after I joined...like too many of my favorites.

    They changed the recipe on the zesty snack mix too, from an original recipe that I really loved, to one coated in some glop that was sort of OK, and still crunchy, supposedly to help keep you full or satisfied longer, but I didn't care so much for the new texture and taste so it ceased to be a favorite snack.

    I understand trying to improve the foods and make things more satisfying, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

    Well, J is off to Asheville for an orchid show, and my head is threatening to explode again. Computer is hard with this cold/flu/whatever bug so I'll likely get back into bed in a bit.

    Hi Ed
    I seem to remember they usually replace instead of a credit in my experience. I am not sure why, I had them replace a frozen lunch with two shelf stable entrees, Not sure why, however that was what they offered.

    I never had the old NS sliced ham lunch entree, it must have been gone by the time I joined, It sounds as if I would have liked it too. They discontinued the Broccoli Pesto and Pasta frozen dinner and kept one I only tried once and never ordered again, go figure.

    Some of their improvements seem to mostly make the calorie counts higher :) One of their delicious additions is their highest calorie snacks too.

    I agree, do not fix what is working.

    Good Luck beating that Bug
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi Folks,

    Bouncing back in for a few minutes. In one week and two days I hope to be able to spend more time here. As of April 26 (I know...that is one week and 3 days, but then it is the day after my deadline), I will be done - yes completely done - my course work for my doctorate. Woo hoo! No more weekly assignments. I have completed a good portion of my dissertation proposal (one of the things that is keeping me away from your smiling faces). I hope to have that completely done in 1-2 weeks (first draft), and submit that for feedback from my committee. And, if things go as I hope, do my dissertation in one year. Then I can play here lots more! And then just my regular work that I always have...

    So, yes, I do miss you folks, miss reading about all the fun and challenging things you share. I learn so much from everyone. Hope to catch up more in a couple of weeks.

    Until then, stay well!

    Hi LeeMom
    Nice to hear from You.
    I can understand why You have no free time, when I went back to school and was still working I had no free time either. I did meet people and make friends as well as learn so it worked for me.

    Have a Good Weekend
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Slept in...just finished breakfast and am thinking about a 2nd cup of coffee.
    Had a great day with Marietta yesterday... after a nice lunch we had coffee at the Marriott, (just down the road in Stone Mt.), then we did a whirlwind of shopping..a slice of cake from a cake shop..(talk about specialization), Home Goods, and Kroger! I wanted more of the coat hangers from Home Goods, and Marietta had gotten me some nice foodie items from there, so I wanted to 'see it' for myself...WOW! Home Goods Store has come a long way! They had a whole 'Gourmet' section, and I found the Balsamic Fig Vinegar I'd been looking for, (sweeter and great on fruit), and several other things...like dried goji berries, etc. And M needed to pick up scripts at Kroger, and I wanted the Dole bagged salad with the Sweet onion dressing! Method to my madness....now I can make the recipe I found online, and tasted it compared to the dressing in the bagged salad...and make adjustments to my recipe. Then I can quit hunting all over for that specific salad. (which they do not have at Kroger nearest me, nor at Publix...weird)
    All that and more chat time at her house, and Doug arrived home from work with the puppy, so then there was puppy lovin' time.... IT WAS A GREAT DAY!!

    Ed, my DS2 Ted, and a lot of folks have the 'crud' again. There is a new flu bug out there, and I think you all, and Ted have found it. He and I MAY go out for lunch Sunday, if he's still fever free and wants to eat. (this weird kid of mine stops eating when he's sick...and being vegetarian he of course won't even eat chick noodle soup) I am a very lax (bad) Vegan. If I'm sick and my head is stopped up, there is ALWAYS an emergency can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle in my pantry! Bad on me, I guess.

    Roger I laughed at your 'Frugal or Cheap' question. Frugal it its something you really like, cheap if its just to use a coupon! IMHO! :) Your walks are surely productive, if not financially lucrative! LOL!! 2 corroded pennies...mmmm, gonna have to up the $$$$ a bit!

    My step 'goal' on the Fitbit is going to have to be adjusted. I've already exceeded it this week, and I exceeded it last week as well. The arthritis folks tell me 6,000 steps a day..but I've been pretty close to 7,000 daily with no pain or other signs of joint stress. So... will have to work that out, as my week begins with Sunday.

    Ed, I do hope you're feeling better, and that the flu bug flies out the door and lets you feel well again. Exploding heads are not fun....

    It was good to 'see' LeeAnn, and to know that her course work is nearly done, and that her dissertation should be finished Spring of 2017!! Will THAT be cause for celebrations!!! WOW!


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Slept in...just finished breakfast and am thinking about a 2nd cup of coffee.
    Had a great day with Marietta yesterday... after a nice lunch we had coffee at the Marriott, (just down the road in Stone Mt.), then we did a whirlwind of shopping..a slice of cake from a cake shop..(talk about specialization), Home Goods, and Kroger! I wanted more of the coat hangers from Home Goods, and Marietta had gotten me some nice foodie items from there, so I wanted to 'see it' for myself...WOW! Home Goods Store has come a long way! They had a whole 'Gourmet' section, and I found the Balsamic Fig Vinegar I'd been looking for, (sweeter and great on fruit), and several other things...like dried goji berries, etc. And M needed to pick up scripts at Kroger, and I wanted the Dole bagged salad with the Sweet onion dressing! Method to my madness....now I can make the recipe I found online, and tasted it compared to the dressing in the bagged salad...and make adjustments to my recipe. Then I can quit hunting all over for that specific salad. (which they do not have at Kroger nearest me, nor at Publix...weird)
    All that and more chat time at her house, and Doug arrived home from work with the puppy, so then there was puppy lovin' time.... IT WAS A GREAT DAY!!

    Ed, my DS2 Ted, and a lot of folks have the 'crud' again. There is a new flu bug out there, and I think you all, and Ted have found it. He and I MAY go out for lunch Sunday, if he's still fever free and wants to eat. (this weird kid of mine stops eating when he's sick...and being vegetarian he of course won't even eat chick noodle soup) I am a very lax (bad) Vegan. If I'm sick and my head is stopped up, there is ALWAYS an emergency can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle in my pantry! Bad on me, I guess.

    Roger I laughed at your 'Frugal or Cheap' question. Frugal it its something you really like, cheap if its just to use a coupon! IMHO! :) Your walks are surely productive, if not financially lucrative! LOL!! 2 corroded pennies...mmmm, gonna have to up the $$$$ a bit!

    My step 'goal' on the Fitbit is going to have to be adjusted. I've already exceeded it this week, and I exceeded it last week as well. The arthritis folks tell me 6,000 steps a day..but I've been pretty close to 7,000 daily with no pain or other signs of joint stress. So... will have to work that out, as my week begins with Sunday.

    Ed, I do hope you're feeling better, and that the flu bug flies out the door and lets you feel well again. Exploding heads are not fun....

    It was good to 'see' LeeAnn, and to know that her course work is nearly done, and that her dissertation should be finished Spring of 2017!! Will THAT be cause for celebrations!!! WOW!


    Hi Valerie
    I think we have been lucky here as regards Flu, Knock Wood.

    Good to hear Your shopping success stories. Frugal it is as I can skip using coupons easily unless I have a use for the product :)

    It was a beautiful day here.
    I got a few things done, I thought I had finished vacuuming the Living room and then noticed I had missed a Lampshade and the Wine rack. I did get the laundry washed and folded however.

    Then later I tried my brothers experimental bread and loaf. The Loaf was a Fruitcake recipe with Mince meat filling instead of the fruits, Not to bad. The Bread was a modified Irish Soda Bread with Sugar and yeast, still came out sort of dense and so-so. OTOH his Homemade Baked Beans and The Homemade Pastrami came out excellent as usual.

    Have a Good Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Head still feels like it might explode, so won't stay up too long. Was running a low grade fever when I went to bed. As of last check this morning, no fever but then I DID take some painkiller fever reducer before bed and it might still be working. I do need to try to get some laundry done today. Other than that, I think just more rest and recovery.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I had a good walk, 7900 steps + 20 Cents :) It was in the 40s when I started out and I took of the light jacket on the return leg as I was getting too warm under it.

    The new Carburetor for the Lawn Mower was delivered yesterday so that is next on the agenda after Breakfast. The Cost for a new one was the same as the parts to rebuild the old one. Darned things are plastic. The Tiller Carb was worth rebuilding so that is what we did with it.

    Grass needs to be shortened so the question is see if the mower will run first, The main problem is hard starting or change it first. Decisions, decisions :)

    Have a Great Sunday

    Hi Ed
    I am sorry to hear that the Bug is still affecting You. Rest sounds like a good Idea

    Get well Quickly
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 47 out there right now but supposed to get to 84 today!

    Still got that last load of laundry to fold after work, but it's small...just didn't ever get around to it yesterday.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I found one penny on today's walk, it was warmer than yesterday and I was overdressed despite wearing one layer less. Today is forecast to be in the high 70s to 80 degrees :) It seems early to me for these temperatures here in NJ, I could also be wrong.

    I changed the carburetor yesterday morning, then I mowed the front and side lawns, the back grass did not really need it.

    I watered the garden too. Two of the three Apple trees have started to leaf out as have more of the Raspberry plants. The Onion plants are growing pretty good too.

    Have a Good Upcoming Week
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 47 out there right now but supposed to get to 84 today!

    Still got that last load of laundry to fold after work, but it's small...just didn't ever get around to it yesterday.

    Off to the salt races!
    Hi Ed
    It was 50+ when I got out the door this morning. I wish I had got out a little earlier to beat the warmup :)

    Have a Good Day working, If possible.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    Sunshine in my woods...Makes me smile!
    I think a Whole Foods run today, for no reason that I can think of this very minute. It may dawn on me later...:) Then again staying home would be cheaper!!! LOL!

    Ed, I really feel for you and Ted (DS2). We had a great lunch yesterday, but he still has a nasty cough, all the while maintaining that he 'feels' so much better. (His pesky Mother, (me) took him a thermometer yesterday. He kept teasing me, asking how he sync'd it with his iPhone, etc.

    And my ever so smart computer, with the help of this software, just alerted me that Roger has posted. :)

    Since I know nothing new I think I'll go read Roger...
