Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...Tues at the beach!
    Beautiful here. Weather has been perfect...upper 70's and low 80's, with just a quiet breeze, and sunny! Yesterday was a LOT of walking, which was great. My dinner was not that great! Tasted good...but 'not my food'. Will be happy to get back on track today.

    LeeAnn, it won't take long to ditch that 5 pounds...just stick to the basic NS plan and it should be gone before your NS Big Brown Box is empty! :)

    Had to laugh, the past two nights we've walked back to the condo from dinner, and we've been amazed at how 'DARK' it is....talk about being in the city for too long!!! Oh, my!

    Off to my shower, and let the day commence!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I never did get out yesterday for a walk. It just did not look that good out. Every-time it would look like it was done raining it would startup again, then the breeze picked up putting wind chills in the low 30s. Between the wind chill and wind blown rain I stayed home.

    I walked 8.5K steps today. I picked up a couple of things at the local market. I can not find nutrition information on the Internet for DiDi Puddings, The Label shows 93kcal per serving. I know that can not be right, As I understand it that would be 93,000 calories in the under 4 ounce cup. Pure sugar would not be that high. I am thinking it means 93 calories and something got mangled between the maker and the label printer :) 93 calories and the rest of the label make me think it will work as a SC.

    Just for Fun:
    What month has 28 days?
    All of them :)

    Have a Great Tuesday
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    I also skipped walking today. Mondays I can only walk after work (I leave for work by 4:45 AM)...but it was raw, nasty, rainy when I got home. Did you make it for your walk?
    Back on NS to knock off about 5 pounds I picked up. They are like glue...I managed to keep off the weight for about 4 3/4 years, then poof! It started to creep back on. Maybe it has something to do with the number "55"...as in years..
    Take care all,

    Hi LeeMom
    I have to agree with Valerie, a month should get rid of that small speed bump of weight.

    You can see my comment on the weather above :)

    It may be related to Your age, OTOH I am older and still managed to lose weight so....

    Good Luck
    Good Morning...Tues at the beach!
    Beautiful here. Weather has been perfect...upper 70's and low 80's, with just a quiet breeze, and sunny! Yesterday was a LOT of walking, which was great. My dinner was not that great! Tasted good...but 'not my food'. Will be happy to get back on track today.

    LeeAnn, it won't take long to ditch that 5 pounds...just stick to the basic NS plan and it should be gone before your NS Big Brown Box is empty! :)

    Had to laugh, the past two nights we've walked back to the condo from dinner, and we've been amazed at how 'DARK' it is....talk about being in the city for too long!!! Oh, my!

    Off to my shower, and let the day commence!


    Hi Valerie
    Can I guess dinner was non vegetarian?

    It is dark here every night except for the pools of light around the street lights, or is if is cloudy we do get some reflected light off of the clouds.

    Enjoy Your vacation.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    No Roger, my dinner was Veg...but it was on a pita that had been fried on a griddle with oil. :)
    The pita was the issue...no wheat ya know!

    I'm not at all familiar with DiDI Pudding, but I think the issue is the 93kcal. They left out the /. As in 93k/cal per serving. Many countries use "k" instead of the word calories. Same meaning in this case. The more 'languages' we get on a package the more confusing it is becoming. SO, you are right....93 calories per serving! Enjoy.

    LeeAnn, I don't know what foods you have been eating, so if its been NS, don't bother to read the rest of this....
    I have to wonder if something you've been eating (boxed or packaged) has changed its formula?? They do that sometimes, and I suspect there will be a bit more of it, as we get closer to the cut off date for Trans Fats. I know that almost all packaged food lists trans fats as 0%, but the food people gave them permission to not have to list it if it was under half a percent. So, if you eat a couple of them...... anyhow, removing fat generally means something is being replaced, most frequently its sugar. Just a thought. I'm sure you'll do well with NS, as you've had such success already. You've had 4 ¾ years, so rein it in now, and by year 5, you will be among the 1% who keeps the weight off for 5 years!!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day, but it's supposed to be fairly pleasant outdoors today.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was walking today, 8.2K steps + I found a Quarter. Next up now that Breakfast is done is going to the Shoprite for some PFs, SCs etc. I am looking for something affordable to replace the now vanished NS Strawberry Protein Shake, It worked out to be less than $1 a serving after the standard discount and the 40% off of that price for using the On Sale at CostCo NS Gift Cards. According to my math they end up at $0.88 cents a packet.

    It is a nice sunny day out, not to cold and not to warm :)

    Did Anybody get this one? I repeated it below
    Just for Fun:
    What month has 28 days?
    All of them :)

    I will be posting a Mini Review of the Smart Ones Pasta with Swedish Meatballs. Real Short version, It was good and made a nice change. That made two meals with meatballs yesterday. I used the 150 calorie NS Meatballs dinner with 90 calories of bread for Lunch. Very close in calories to the NS Hamburger for example.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    No Roger, my dinner was Veg...but it was on a pita that had been fried on a griddle with oil. :)
    The pita was the issue...no wheat ya know!

    I'm not at all familiar with DiDI Pudding, but I think the issue is the 93kcal. They left out the /. As in 93k/cal per serving. Many countries use "k" instead of the word calories. Same meaning in this case. The more 'languages' we get on a package the more confusing it is becoming. SO, you are right....93 calories per serving! Enjoy.

    LeeAnn, I don't know what foods you have been eating, so if its been NS, don't bother to read the rest of this....
    I have to wonder if something you've been eating (boxed or packaged) has changed its formula?? They do that sometimes, and I suspect there will be a bit more of it, as we get closer to the cut off date for Trans Fats. I know that almost all packaged food lists trans fats as 0%, but the food people gave them permission to not have to list it if it was under half a percent. So, if you eat a couple of them...... anyhow, removing fat generally means something is being replaced, most frequently its sugar. Just a thought. I'm sure you'll do well with NS, as you've had such success already. You've had 4 ¾ years, so rein it in now, and by year 5, you will be among the 1% who keeps the weight off for 5 years!!!

    Hi Valerie
    Your comment made me go look closer, no ., OTOH looking closer I see Product of Malaysia. The Supermarket does carry a large line of foreign oriented foods, Many from Central & South America. For Example in their Bakery Aisle many of the bins and items are Various Mexican Sweet breads and Pastries.

    I believe that most places fry the Pita on a griddle with Oil.

    I was at the ShopRite, a large Grocery store in another town. Far enough I have to drive to it. $87 spent and that was mostly on "On Sale" items too. OF course I now have no need for a run there for several weeks :)

    Enjoy Your Vacation
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day, but it's supposed to be fairly pleasant outdoors today.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    Hi Ed
    Whee, Tag Day, I know You are so overjoyed by that :)

    Enjoy the Pleasant Weather, I intend to enjoy the next couple of days
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Breakfast was leftover shepherd's pie that I made for dinner last night. One of my favorite dishes! I saw we had some vacuum packed ground lamb in the manager's special bin and bought four pounds. One pound went to dinner, and the remaining three to the freezer.

    At $5.99/pound, still not "cheap" but at least reduced to "affordable"...

    I generally only buy lamb when it's marked down. I have a small lamb shank that I bought a while back that I intend to roast for Easter. I felt really lucky to find that in the mark down bin! Any leftover shank will be made into Irish stew.

    Off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is a Nice day out, I got out walking at 7:15 and home at 8:50 and 8,200 steps :)

    I just delayed my next order again. I have lots of foods left due to A La Carte additions to past orders and trying out other Breakfast & Dinner items from the grocery store.

    Have a Great St. Patricks Day
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Breakfast was leftover shepherd's pie that I made for dinner last night. One of my favorite dishes! I saw we had some vacuum packed ground lamb in the manager's special bin and bought four pounds. One pound went to dinner, and the remaining three to the freezer.

    At $5.99/pound, still not "cheap" but at least reduced to "affordable"...

    I generally only buy lamb when it's marked down. I have a small lamb shank that I bought a while back that I intend to roast for Easter. I felt really lucky to find that in the mark down bin! Any leftover shank will be made into Irish stew.

    Off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    Hi Ed
    My Brother generally buys all his lamb from the mark down bin too. He usually manages to find chops.
    I do not recall him ever bringing home ground lamb however.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...
    Just checking in.. Have on my green today. Keeps my Irish ancestors happy :) Thanks for the St. Paddy day prayers Roger.

    Looks like you two, and LeeAnn are having a good week...weather here has been spectacular, pretty much like ATL weather. Loving it. Beaches have gobs of peeps on them, which for this time of year is 'different'. Sent pix to DS1, and he wondered it if was the locals..trying to get some peaceful beach hours before the crowds come. Could well be! Saw 4 kites sailing in the wind up the beach from me. Looks like fun.

    Enjoy your Irish Foods today! I got quite tickled at the email this morning from Sweet Tomatoes, (my salad bar of choice)....it was captioned "Eat your greens before you Drink your green" Meaning the green beer will flow today!! LOL! (green beer is beer with green coloring added, but it tastes wretched!!! (and yes, its all in my mind)

    Off to the spa for an hour's massage. Great way to start the holiday!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good Morning...
    Just checking in.. Have on my green today. Keeps my Irish ancestors happy :) Thanks for the St. Paddy day prayers Roger.

    Looks like you two, and LeeAnn are having a good week...weather here has been spectacular, pretty much like ATL weather. Loving it. Beaches have gobs of peeps on them, which for this time of year is 'different'. Sent pix to DS1, and he wondered it if was the locals..trying to get some peaceful beach hours before the crowds come. Could well be! Saw 4 kites sailing in the wind up the beach from me. Looks like fun.

    Enjoy your Irish Foods today! I got quite tickled at the email this morning from Sweet Tomatoes, (my salad bar of choice)....it was captioned "Eat your greens before you Drink your green" Meaning the green beer will flow today!! LOL! (green beer is beer with green coloring added, but it tastes wretched!!! (and yes, its all in my mind)

    Off to the spa for an hour's massage. Great way to start the holiday!!


    Hi Valerie
    You could always go to McDonalds for their McCafé Shamrock Shake, Minty flavored AFAIK :)

    Green beer could never tempt me either. I do not think I could get past the color.

    I wore a green sweatshirt while walking this morning too. My Brother is cooking a small Corned beef as I type this. The second one in two weeks. I just got over the sodium in the last one and here comes another one. It is not the calories as much as the Sodium, per the label, a 4 ounce serving is 200 calories and 1100 mg sodium. Since a NS Lunch or dinner that goes with a small whole wheat muffin is 150 calories I could do a 3 ounce serving and be OK that way. My Brother picked up some

    Your DS1 could be right about the people on the beaches.

    Enjoy the Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Almost bedtime here! My dinner was a home made corned beef hash (low carb!) of corned beef, cabbage, bell pepper and onion. Quite tasty, but I'm pretty sure I rocked out on the fat and sodium. Enough leftovers for a couple more meals and then I'm done with the corned beef.

    As for lamb, I have several packages of boneless loin steak/chops in the freezer along with my ground lamb. I find it often enough on the mark down rack that I usually have lamb in the freezer if I feel like having it, which is nice as I love lamb. If there's not enough shank meat left for Irish stew after Easter dinner, I can always thaw out some chops and round it out with that. :)

    The ground lamb generally goes to shepherd's pie or middle eastern spiced lamb patties, in lieu of shish kabob, as the patties are easier to cook and don't require wrapping the meat around a skewer.

    Once in a great while I'll make a Greek style lamb spaghetti sauce, but I don't make spaghetti often as I tend to eat too much of it in one sitting.

    Well, the cats are jonesing for their evening treats.

    G'nite all!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Still haven't heard back from the bank regarding that one, single, "replacement" card with the wrong name on it or why we only go the one, instead of four.

    I guess I'll have to take that card around to the bank after work today and find out what's going on. And let them know that this is REALLY ANNOYING and will NOT happen again...at least with this bank, because if it does, then we're through. Changing banks is a pain too but I've done it before.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Friday Morning!
    Hope everyone survived St Paddy's Day! Today a bit cooler, more like normal temps. This has been the warmest week in the 19 years I've been coming here. Yesterday ended up being near 90 degrees....in MID MARCH no less!

    Ed your Corned Beef hash dinner sounded good. No doubt it was a bit high on the fat and sodium side! But, its just once a year:) right?

    Hope Roger is having a good walk. I've checked in on you all more often than posted, and Roger had a 'high dollar' walk this week...$0.21 as I recall. Hope today is as profitable. I found a dime this week! LOL!!

    Lazy day planned, and packing up, dinner out. and then home Saturday morning. It will be nice to be home, but I'll already be planning and thinking about next year! I do love this island.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016
    I walked to the next town for a haircut 12.4K steps round-trip. Just my luck, the Barber was closed for a vacation :) So I ended up at a nearby diner and had two eggs, a fruit cup, and a a little Dry Rye toast with coffee before heading back.

    The weather so far is good today, warming up nicely. I only needed one layer to keep warm and medium warmth gloves.

    Have a Great Friday
    Almost bedtime here! My dinner was a home made corned beef hash (low carb!) of corned beef, cabbage, bell pepper and onion. Quite tasty, but I'm pretty sure I rocked out on the fat and sodium. Enough leftovers for a couple more meals and then I'm done with the corned beef.

    As for lamb, I have several packages of boneless loin steak/chops in the freezer along with my ground lamb. I find it often enough on the mark down rack that I usually have lamb in the freezer if I feel like having it, which is nice as I love lamb. If there's not enough shank meat left for Irish stew after Easter dinner, I can always thaw out some chops and round it out with that. :)

    The ground lamb generally goes to shepherd's pie or middle eastern spiced lamb patties, in lieu of shish kabob, as the patties are easier to cook and don't require wrapping the meat around a skewer.

    Once in a great while I'll make a Greek style lamb spaghetti sauce, but I don't make spaghetti often as I tend to eat too much of it in one sitting.

    Well, the cats are jonesing for their evening treats.

    G'nite all!

    Hi Ed
    That is the same reason I do not cook up any spaghetti these days.
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Still haven't heard back from the bank regarding that one, single, "replacement" card with the wrong name on it or why we only go the one, instead of four.

    I guess I'll have to take that card around to the bank after work today and find out what's going on. And let them know that this is REALLY ANNOYING and will NOT happen again...at least with this bank, because if it does, then we're through. Changing banks is a pain too but I've done it before.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    They do make it harder to open an account these days than in the past. Now I believe it is Federal Regulation that make it tough.

    Good Luck getting the bank straightened out
    Good Friday Morning!
    Hope everyone survived St Paddy's Day! Today a bit cooler, more like normal temps. This has been the warmest week in the 19 years I've been coming here. Yesterday ended up being near 90 degrees....in MID MARCH no less!

    Ed your Corned Beef hash dinner sounded good. No doubt it was a bit high on the fat and sodium side! But, its just once a year:) right?

    Hope Roger is having a good walk. I've checked in on you all more often than posted, and Roger had a 'high dollar' walk this week...$0.21 as I recall. Hope today is as profitable. I found a dime this week! LOL!!

    Lazy day planned, and packing up, dinner out. and then home Saturday morning. It will be nice to be home, but I'll already be planning and thinking about next year! I do love this island.


    Hi Valerie
    I think I survived the day. I had a 200 calorie portion of the corned beef with the fat trimmed off, with 2 slices of 7 grain bread 70 calories worth as a sandwich and a Nectarine. That works out as a equivalent NS lunch entree + a PF & SCs. Keeping me on plan as I see it. The scale said I was the same weight as yesterday so that's good too.

    My Goal for the month is to maintain my weight and decide in April if I want to lose anymore weight. I am currently between the lower weight that I see on the internet as my goal weight and the Doctor saying I'm good where I am as somewhat higher and I did lose some more after that visit.

    It Sounds as if You were experiencing a heat wave :)

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Well, the bank blamed Visa and said that after all the name on the one card WAS the name I had when that account was opened. I didn't really buy that, since the last Visa card I got has my right name on it, but Jose said that they no longer processed them here locally but in Virginia since they wanted the new chipped cards.

    Supposedly all 4 cards will now be re-issued to us, with correct names on them, for each of our individual accounts and one each for the joint account. In seven to ten days, we'll find out!

    Turns out the bank dude got married in January. I didn't suggest that I hoped his wife kept her name because changing it is SUCH A *kitten*!



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Tonight's dinner was mega-salad. The last of the red leaf lettuce, the last bell pepper, the last cucumber, about half the radishes, one nice tomato, some fake bacon sprinkles, a few crispy fried wontons, a light sprinkle of cheese, and two quartered boiled eggs per salad, topped with my homemade thousand islands dressing.

    J and I both had a LARGE salad that was quite satisfying.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016
    I walked a total of 9471 steps so far today. That includes My regular walk, The Produce store for myself and my brother. I picked up 4 Apples, some Bananas, Lettuce @ 89Cents and Two 1 pound containers of Strawberries at a decent price of 2 for $1 and other items for my brother. His total came to $10 even, I could not do that again if I were trying to. Then over to the Dollar Store for a Quart of UHT Milk for $1 and two Brown & Serve Breakfast entrees for $1 each. They are a decent calorie count at 340 calories and 350 calories, Sausage links, Potatoes, Eggs and French Toast or Pancakes considering they will be replacing a NS Entree, a PF & a SC in one plate, I did not worry about the Sodium which is a little high at 800+mg :) They will only be a Sunday Morning treat/change of taste.

    Then on to the Acme for a few Lean Cuisine Entrees at $1.88 or $2.29. The ones I bought will mostly work as a lunch at 180 to 200 calories and 8 ounces plus.

    Have a Great Sunday
    Well, the bank blamed Visa and said that after all the name on the one card WAS the name I had when that account was opened. I didn't really buy that, since the last Visa card I got has my right name on it, but Jose said that they no longer processed them here locally but in Virginia since they wanted the new chipped cards.

    Supposedly all 4 cards will now be re-issued to us, with correct names on them, for each of our individual accounts and one each for the joint account. In seven to ten days, we'll find out!

    Turns out the bank dude got married in January. I didn't suggest that I hoped his wife kept her name because changing it is SUCH A *kitten*!


    Hi Ed
    Congratulations on resisting that temptation :)
    Corporate Customer service is dead!
    Tonight's dinner was mega-salad. The last of the red leaf lettuce, the last bell pepper, the last cucumber, about half the radishes, one nice tomato, some fake bacon sprinkles, a few crispy fried wontons, a light sprinkle of cheese, and two quartered boiled eggs per salad, topped with my homemade thousand islands dressing.

    J and I both had a LARGE salad that was quite satisfying.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    I suspect that it may be time for Your next box of produce.

    I guess I may be strange as I would just have used real bacon bits, either store bought or home made from a low sodium bacon crisped in the oven.

    Good Luck with the Visa. Chipped cards!
    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday!

    My produce box came yesterday, with a big head of Romaine, lots of other veggies and fruits.

    I am a bit overloaded on some things because J and I were so busy last week. In the salad, we didn't use real bacon bits because J won't eat that.

    I've been eating a lot of mineola tangelos because the prior week they sent me double on those (no extra charge, someone just put them in the box twice I guess...) and there are other citrus put back in the fridge that we need to catch up on. Also quite a few root veggies that need to be sorted out and roasted for a good dinner some night or two or three...

    They sent three LARGE onions yesterday so there will be onions in the roasting too! Plenty of them!

    We have a party to attend tonight so I need to start getting things together for that. Making a cheesy noodle casserole to bring along. They don't get all my nice organic veggies. :)


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday morning!
    Home! Cats were wild!!! And ate like little piggies. They must have missed having breakfast for the week, or else they only ate bits of the wet food put out for them, and then the raccoons polished off the rest. I can tell by the paper plates they were fed on that the raccoons were here. Just not sure how much they were left to eat!

    Good to be home, but I loved the week at the beach. It was the warmest/driest in the 18 years that I've been going to Hilton Head. Really nice. Lots of great food, restaurants have become much, much more compliant to vegan/vegetarian eating.

    Sun is just now peeping thru my 'forest',( the time change). Had to change all the clocks last night. Got them all except the chiming one, and I pulled its dying battery before I left. So, tonite at 5-ish I will put in the new battery, and not have the hassle of resetting it. :)

    New grass seed has sprouted in my yard, and no rain in sight, so I'll be watering! Oh well...I also need to be outside pruning the heck out of a bunch of stuff anyhow!

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    Roger, read your post about walking to the next town for a haircut....no I didn't laugh. Might want to call next time though. :neutral:


    OH!! This may be old news to Ed..but I had the most amazing dinner Friday night...the vegan selection was:
    Braised Romain Lettuce,
    Wood (hickory) Fire Grilled Portabello Mushroom cap, filled with onion squash, peppers, and the whole thing drizzled with a Balsamic Glaze. It was SOOOO GOOD! I need a wood burning grill!!! LOL!!! (I can't grill to save myself, but DH1 sure can.)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,700 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! A bit chilly out, but not too bad. I need to get laundry done today. And Val reminded me that I need to get some pruning done out there too! The daffodils are looking great out there, and the grape hyacinths have come up and are blooming. This is their first year so next year I expect more of them, as they tend to spread and cavort all over the place once established.

    Right now I need to make some tea.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The weather is OK so far, The wind was adding enough chill that I pulled on the hood from the hoodie and tied it around my face which made the walk OK and 7.7K Steps. I forgot to mention that I found one whole cent yesterday, Whee, I'm getting rich :)
    Snow is still in the forecast for later on into early Monday :(

    Local prices are strange, Cheap Strawberries & Bananas, Local Supermarket has Chicken Leg Quarters for $0.39 a pound. Cheapest meat available right now when even Ground Beef is around $3 a pound. last two weeks they had whole chickens for $0.99 a pound.

    I tried the Brown & Serve Pancake breakfast, I made a mistake in Yesterdays description, neither one has eggs :(
    So I had two sausage links, 2 pancakes and some Potato Bites. 340 calories, 9g protein, 39g carbs and 820mg sodium. Tasty if a bit high on carbs & sodium. A nice change for a Sunday Morning Breakfast.

    Have a Good Day
