Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    5 p.m.and no snow...not so sure now we'll see any. (Hope, Hope)
    Non-GMO may be superfluous to some, but for some of us, we want to see some evidence of how its grown, etc. Non-GMO is a second best label to Organic in my opinion. :) I'm not a picky eater, but I'm a really picky shopper!!! :)
    Time to go poke around the kitchen in hopes of finding dinner!! :)
    Don't forget to tell us how far you're new walking route is taking you!! You're walking is admirable! Keep up the good work!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! If a weather person said SNOW then people down here are FREAKING OUT!

    Off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I decided to abandon my walk this morning. We had what looks like a dusting of snow overnight, However when I walked down the driveway I slid on that and then the street that looked Dry turned out to be icy so after slipping twice in 50 feet I turned around and am home making coffee home today. I may decide to take the day off from walking entirely or head our later if/when things get better for walking outside, Part of that decision will hinge on the weather forecasts for overnight into tomorrow.

    Mini Review:
    NutriSystem Ranch Snack-A-Rounds, What can I say 4 out of 10 on a 1 to 10 scale. I won't be reordering. I fed a sample to my brother and the feedback was Meh. I suggest You do try them for Yourself, They must have had taste tests so It is probably me, However the Snack-A-Rounds are three of the new Desserts I will not reorder.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    5 p.m.and no snow...not so sure now we'll see any. (Hope, Hope)
    Non-GMO may be superfluous to some, but for some of us, we want to see some evidence of how its grown, etc. Non-GMO is a second best label to Organic in my opinion. :) I'm not a picky eater, but I'm a really picky shopper!!! :)
    Time to go poke around the kitchen in hopes of finding dinner!! :)
    Don't forget to tell us how far you're new walking route is taking you!! You're walking is admirable! Keep up the good work!


    Hi Valerie
    I never did get to the mapping of the alternate route yesterday :(

    Yesterdays Snow was a no Show, So far today's looks like a dusting, unfortunately slippery underneath as if it came in as sleet turning to snow.

    I can see Your viewpoint regarding Organic first vs Non-GMO. My Brother is a Ban GMO foods type and refuses to buy anything with Corn Syrup too.

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! If a weather person said SNOW then people down here are FREAKING OUT!

    Off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Around here in NJ when it snows people get silly. Some slow to a crawl other drive as if the road was clear & dry and others are in-between. Throw all of them onto the same road and watch out.

    Have a Safe Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good No Snow Tuesday Morning...
    We'll see what today brings.... ??? Weather still saying snow showers....they'd be just that, as its 34 degrees out! OTOH, I've seen some real snow doozies down here at about that temperature...those BIG fluffy flakes can accumulate quickly!
    Roger, you brother and I would have good times shopping together...but ?, is it corn syrup he won't buy, or High Fructose Corn Syrup...there is a huge difference. HFCS is really nasty stuff to put into a human body! And after reading your assessment of how peeps drive in NJ, I see where staying home could be a great option if at all possible! :)

    I think this afternoon I will venture out to Walmart. Pick up some cat food, price the kitty litter, etc. Then again, maybe not! I have over a weeks worth of wet food, and quite a bit of the dry, as well as Kitty Litter. I did put a 'help' email out to my youngest son, asking if next time he's out he would go to COSTCO with me to lift the kitty litter....it comes in 48 pound bags....I couldn't get it in the cart, which was probably a good thing, cuz had I gotten it off the pallet which was about thigh high, I'd have NEVER been able to get it OUT of the cart!!!! That would be interesting....old lady in parking lot with Kitty Litter in basket, unable to get it out....I don't think you can call 911 for that!!!! LOL!!

    Ed, hope you have a quiet day...but if that snow shower business kicks in around 10 a.m. like they're predicting....watch out!!! Fuel, probably would be your best place to be though....the poor stockers, checker and baggers in the main store will be in for Hell!!! Sure glad I don't eat eggs or bread! :)

    Time to get some stuff moving around here....mostly ME! Laundry and unloading the dishwasher would be helpful!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 25 degrees out there right now. Brrrrrrr! Only supposed to get to 37 today and likely to get a bit colder before that, as we usually hit the low for the night around 8:00 a.m. or so this time of year.

    I had a customer get mad at me yesterday because I refused to "buy" (he didn't like me using that word "buy" either) his $1.00 or more of loose pennies and give him a solid dollar. He probably DID already buy gas, to be fair, and it was only a dollar. But I generally don't buy change unless the till happens to need that denomination of change, and even then I will limit the amount I buy, so the small amount really didn't come into it. It was 100 coins that these old, arthritic fingers would have had to count up and roll up, and really, even in the store they won't buy unrolled change, as they have a Coinstar machine in there and they direct the customers to that. I don't know what percentage it charges them to "convert" their change to bills.

    Would they buy $1.00 in unrolled pennies at the customer service desk? Probably. I don't know for sure. But I'm not the customer service desk, and I'm not the bank either and I don't have lots of room to store lots of excess change. He then said that anyway I didn't have to be a d*** about it (I wasn't being, but he claimed it was in my "tone of voice") and he "came here all the time and bought stuff" and my customer service sucked. I just said I was sorry if he perceived it that way, but I certainly wasn't trying to be a d***. I think he was just mad that I wouldn't stand in for the Coinstar machine. Maybe he does "come here all the time" but honestly he didn't look all that familiar to me...and I've refused to buy change from other customers who I KNOW "come here all the time" and they were nice about it. Then again, they always ASKED if we "bought" change rather than demanding it as this guy did, like it was a service we were supposed to perform.

    Needless to say, we accept loose change (or rolled) in payment for anything we sell, but sometimes it's hard to keep that happy, chirpy, smiley face on when a customer is out there apologizing for paying me with $23.15 in assorted, unrolled coins, or even with $4.00 in unrolled quarters. I've even had them be apologetic about paying with ROLLED coins.

    Whether he went in the store and said anything about my customer service I don't know. The store manager didn't say anything to me when I went in, later, other than to ask if I'd "attended" my conference call at noon, which I had. I didn't speak to the Front End manager over the fuel center, as he is also over a lot of other stuff and with the snow blowing, he was, as expected, busy out in the store.

    Anyway...off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I decided not to go out walking yet. When I looked out the window as I ate my pre-walk Banana It was lightly snowing, a fine small powdery looking snow, however given the temperature at the freezing point I decided to go after my noontime snack. Safety first :)

    I did get out yesterday at that time and it was fine by then.

    I am toying with doing a maintenance month as I have been at it slightly over 2 years now. And I am fine where I am, Just not where I would like to be based in the Mirror and what research on the Internet shows is a normal weight.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    Good No Snow Tuesday Morning...
    We'll see what today brings.... ??? Weather still saying snow showers....they'd be just that, as its 34 degrees out! OTOH, I've seen some real snow doozies down here at about that temperature...those BIG fluffy flakes can accumulate quickly!
    Roger, you brother and I would have good times shopping together...but ?, is it corn syrup he won't buy, or High Fructose Corn Syrup...there is a huge difference. HFCS is really nasty stuff to put into a human body! And after reading your assessment of how peeps drive in NJ, I see where staying home could be a great option if at all possible! :)

    I think this afternoon I will venture out to Walmart. Pick up some cat food, price the kitty litter, etc. Then again, maybe not! I have over a weeks worth of wet food, and quite a bit of the dry, as well as Kitty Litter. I did put a 'help' email out to my youngest son, asking if next time he's out he would go to COSTCO with me to lift the kitty litter....it comes in 48 pound bags....I couldn't get it in the cart, which was probably a good thing, cuz had I gotten it off the pallet which was about thigh high, I'd have NEVER been able to get it OUT of the cart!!!! That would be interesting....old lady in parking lot with Kitty Litter in basket, unable to get it out....I don't think you can call 911 for that!!!! LOL!!

    Ed, hope you have a quiet day...but if that snow shower business kicks in around 10 a.m. like they're predicting....watch out!!! Fuel, probably would be your best place to be though....the poor stockers, checker and baggers in the main store will be in for Hell!!! Sure glad I don't eat eggs or bread! :)

    Time to get some stuff moving around here....mostly ME! Laundry and unloading the dishwasher would be helpful!


    Hi Valerie
    You nailed it, I meant the High fructose corn syrup. It is in so many things due to being cheaper as I see it. The Good news is often You can get the same products with and without anymore.

    When I see Peeps in a post the image I get in my mind is those little yellow Easter Candy Chickens :)

    I think some kind soul would have helped You with the Kitty Litter.
    48 pound bags, why am I suspicious that is size creep down from 50 pound bags. Just like happened to so many other things, 1/2 gallons of Ice Cream, 1 pound cans of coffee etc.

    I am currently only buying Toilet paper at Costco since the Charmin brand there seems to be the only one that has not gotten narrower with no price drop.

    Breakfast in a little while

    Have a Great Day
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 25 degrees out there right now. Brrrrrrr! Only supposed to get to 37 today and likely to get a bit colder before that, as we usually hit the low for the night around 8:00 a.m. or so this time of year.

    I had a customer get mad at me yesterday because I refused to "buy" (he didn't like me using that word "buy" either) his $1.00 or more of loose pennies and give him a solid dollar. He probably DID already buy gas, to be fair, and it was only a dollar. But I generally don't buy change unless the till happens to need that denomination of change, and even then I will limit the amount I buy, so the small amount really didn't come into it. It was 100 coins that these old, arthritic fingers would have had to count up and roll up, and really, even in the store they won't buy unrolled change, as they have a Coinstar machine in there and they direct the customers to that. I don't know what percentage it charges them to "convert" their change to bills.

    Would they buy $1.00 in unrolled pennies at the customer service desk? Probably. I don't know for sure. But I'm not the customer service desk, and I'm not the bank either and I don't have lots of room to store lots of excess change. He then said that anyway I didn't have to be a d*** about it (I wasn't being, but he claimed it was in my "tone of voice") and he "came here all the time and bought stuff" and my customer service sucked. I just said I was sorry if he perceived it that way, but I certainly wasn't trying to be a d***. I think he was just mad that I wouldn't stand in for the Coinstar machine. Maybe he does "come here all the time" but honestly he didn't look all that familiar to me...and I've refused to buy change from other customers who I KNOW "come here all the time" and they were nice about it. Then again, they always ASKED if we "bought" change rather than demanding it as this guy did, like it was a service we were supposed to perform.

    Needless to say, we accept loose change (or rolled) in payment for anything we sell, but sometimes it's hard to keep that happy, chirpy, smiley face on when a customer is out there apologizing for paying me with $23.15 in assorted, unrolled coins, or even with $4.00 in unrolled quarters. I've even had them be apologetic about paying with ROLLED coins.

    Whether he went in the store and said anything about my customer service I don't know. The store manager didn't say anything to me when I went in, later, other than to ask if I'd "attended" my conference call at noon, which I had. I didn't speak to the Front End manager over the fuel center, as he is also over a lot of other stuff and with the snow blowing, he was, as expected, busy out in the store.

    Anyway...off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Any reasonable person will roll the coins. I buy my coins that way from my brother :)
    I prefer to carry exact change in a separate pocket when I go for my morning coffee. I also do not carry more than that excluding some loose change in another pocket, just in case of a price change.

    IMO this person comes across as exactly what he called You. As well as a cheapskate that did not want to pay the percentage to the coin counting machine. FWIW a local bank here in town has a free of fee coin counting machine.

    When I was working retail I quickly learned that most customers are nice, not all, some are just cheap. Example we had to have a rubber stamp made up due to abuses of the return policy. We sold hardware that You could hook up a hard drive to for data recovery from a dead computer. Cheapskates would buy them, use them and then return them.

    As the Superbowl approached Stores selling portables and big screen TV sets would have a No return for the same reason. Buy that TV, watch the game and return types.

    We even banned a few people as customers

    Have a Safe Easy Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    As mentioned, its COLD in GA! Groceries will wait til after lunch. :)
    Ed...aren't some customers real 'charms'? As Roger mentioned there are a few that got 'removed' from the gym, (some with the aid of a police officer would you believe)...and their computer page stated that they NEVER be re-admitted as a member or a members guest again.
    I had one angry guy stand at the desk and in the presence of our owner, bless me out, telling me I was too old to be working in a gym, and that I should be home sitting on my couch eating bon-bons! For years I'd look at Buzz and announce I was going to stay home and eat bon-bons! and we'd always have a good laugh....
    Most managers realize that the folks who act out like your customer did Ed are just being a jerk. They're out there, and those managers have all had to deal with them along the way....I wouldn't lose any sleep over it!

    Geeze...its now 9:30 and 23 degrees out there....somebody needs to turn on the heat! :) So far its getting colder, not warmer...not nice!!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Hoooweee! That little bit of outside tagging today was COLD! I had to do it in small bursts, even though it wasn't all that much.

    Nap time now!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Not quite as cold as yesterday, but still cold enough this morning. Supposed to get to 51 today though, which is much nicer than yesterday.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did not go walking yet, Cold and breezy today. Temperature in the 20s as of 7AM. Forecast is for colder this weekend too. The local News12 Cable only channel just showed a overnight low for Saturday night into Sunday of 0 degrees, Last night the NYC stations were saying possible record low, The old record was I believe 2 degrees almost 100 years ago.

    That will probably have an impact on my walking, especially if it is also breezy. Out the door later to the Have Taxes done for My Brother and I, Then Home, Noon Snack and go for a walk.

    Have a Good Thursday
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    As mentioned, its COLD in GA! Groceries will wait til after lunch. :)
    Ed...aren't some customers real 'charms'? As Roger mentioned there are a few that got 'removed' from the gym, (some with the aid of a police officer would you believe)...and their computer page stated that they NEVER be re-admitted as a member or a members guest again.
    I had one angry guy stand at the desk and in the presence of our owner, bless me out, telling me I was too old to be working in a gym, and that I should be home sitting on my couch eating bon-bons! For years I'd look at Buzz and announce I was going to stay home and eat bon-bons! and we'd always have a good laugh....
    Most managers realize that the folks who act out like your customer did Ed are just being a jerk. They're out there, and those managers have all had to deal with them along the way....I wouldn't lose any sleep over it!

    Geeze...its now 9:30 and 23 degrees out there....somebody needs to turn on the heat! :) So far its getting colder, not warmer...not nice!!!


    Hi Valerie
    As You can see from my opening here You are blessed with Your weather even if You don't think so :)

    We had the police in a time or two also at my last job. I worked a Gas Station when I was young and retail at the end of my work career.

    Stay Warm
    Hoooweee! That little bit of outside tagging today was COLD! I had to do it in small bursts, even though it wasn't all that much.

    Nap time now!
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Not quite as cold as yesterday, but still cold enough this morning. Supposed to get to 51 today though, which is much nicer than yesterday.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I think I would have been doing the same thing, I seem to feel the cold more now than when I was younger. The worst part is I get it in the fingers first then in the ears.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning,...Thursday already!
    Not as cold on my porch...well not as cold as predicted! Going to warm nicely. Yep Roger, I am very aware that my 'cold' would be your pleasant! Having 'wintered' in MA, NH, NJ, I do know winter. :). Somehow, though, maybe because I was younger...maybe because the clothes I purchased in those areas, were somehow warmer than the 'threads' I own here???? I KNOW, beyond doubt that the green wool, ¾ length 'car coat' that I bought in NH was the warmest coat I've ever owned. I kept that coat for YEARS.

    Lunch today with Marietta in Tucker, GA. Going to see the puppy..she says he's grown since I've last seen him. Puppies have a way of doing that, don't they??? :) First time dog owners are kinda fun/funny!

    Other than that, trash night, and the usual...
    Oh, the gym manager called yesterday to make sure I was well.... I so love their 'wellness checks'! And no, they don't do that for just anyone. (remember, I was their 'grandma' while I worked there!)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good Morning,...Thursday already!
    Not as cold on my porch...well not as cold as predicted! Going to warm nicely. Yep Roger, I am very aware that my 'cold' would be your pleasant! Having 'wintered' in MA, NH, NJ, I do know winter. :). Somehow, though, maybe because I was younger...maybe because the clothes I purchased in those areas, were somehow warmer than the 'threads' I own here???? I KNOW, beyond doubt that the green wool, ¾ length 'car coat' that I bought in NH was the warmest coat I've ever owned. I kept that coat for YEARS.

    Lunch today with Marietta in Tucker, GA. Going to see the puppy..she says he's grown since I've last seen him. Puppies have a way of doing that, don't they??? :) First time dog owners are kinda fun/funny!

    Other than that, trash night, and the usual...
    Oh, the gym manager called yesterday to make sure I was well.... I so love their 'wellness checks'! And no, they don't do that for just anyone. (remember, I was their 'grandma' while I worked there!)


    Hi Valerie
    I used to vacation in Florida in January, Off season, lowest room rates and crowds etc. So much better weather than here in NJ. I do remember You mentioning being in NJ :)

    The big problem with NJ weather is the variability.

    FWIW I did get out walking at 2:53PM until 4:20PM and am at 8700+ steps currently. I felt it advisable not to go walking and drinking coffee before Going out of the house for a extended time :)

    I paid the price on my walk. It was nearly the same temperature as it was around 7:15AM this morning but windier so The Wind chill was worse :( I am not looking forward to this weekend and may end up doing 1/2 or 1/4 normal distance walks. especially Sunday morning when it is supposed to hit around zero + any windchill factor. I did find 31 cents yesterday, nothing today however.

    Have a Good Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    edited February 2016
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! Supposed to be a fairly nice day today, so we have that to look forward to.

    I've eaten my creamy buckwheat cereal and sausage links and ready to face the world.

    But I do need to feed Lilo...got distracted taking my blood glucose.

    Doing that and off to the rat mines!

    Check out this great picture of David!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did better today than yesterday, I got out early before 8AM, 8100+ steps currently, Despite the temperature being colder than yesterday at 15 degrees it was more comfortable due to a much lower breeze so the wind chill was warmer. This upcoming weekend the forecast is for a windchill in the -15 to -25 degree range for this area. Since that is getting into a danger range for frostbite I may stay home or do a much shorter than usual walk :)
    I picked up Bananas and a head of lettuce on the way back home. I would have picked up more except that I did it on the spur of the moment and therefore was not wearing my backpack as well as being worried that the lettuce might freeze on the way home.

    I was listening to music from the 50s, 60, and 70s as a change of pace from listening to "The Shadow" radio shows form 1946 for the last week or so.

    Have a Great Friday
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! Supposed to be a fairly nice day today, so we have that to look forward to.

    I've eaten my creamy buckwheat cereal and sausage links and ready to face the world.

    But I do need to feed Lilo...got distracted taking my blood glucose.

    Doing that and off to the rat mines!

    Check out this great picture of David!


    Hi Ed
    There is a certain truth to that picture :)

    I wish I were brave enough to have sausage links, I am still trying to lose some more weight, Maybe in maintenance. Breakfast for me was a Banana before I walked, a NutriSystem Sausage muffin with egg, Turkey Sausage & 1/2 a slice of Velveeta sandwich and a NS Vanilla Protein Shake.

    I should check my FBS one of these mornings. I have only been doing it on a irregular schedule since It has been good since shortly after I started on NutriSystem.

    Have a Good Day at Work
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Friday Morning! I only have 7 minutes to get this done...before I have to say 'good afternoon'.
    Been busy making up for lost time from yesterday. Nose and eyes much drier this morning...thank heavens!

    Cats fed and out, me fed, and 4th, yeah, fourth load of laundry in the washer....whites in the dryer, and everything else folded and put away. Dishes in sink from yesterday either washed or nestled in the dishwasher. (knives get washed by hand always, and things I know I will need to use on a daily basis..since it probably won't be totally loaded until Sunday..)

    Taking myself out for salad lunch, followed by a quick trip to Whole Foods...need some kale and some swiss chard. I'd normally do that tomorrow after the hockey game, but tomorrow's going to be a 'zoo' of a day.....

    Poor Ole David had one or two too many trips to Mickey D's, and obviously developed a love of pizza while here in the US... The pix is really sad, if you think about it for a few minutes....Sad pix...SAD diet.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    The trick to eating sausage links is to NOT EAT THE WHOLE PACKAGE!

    Tonight's dinner was east Indian cauliflower with besan.

    Val, you might LOVE this recipe. Give it a try!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Cold out there right now, but will get to (supposedly) 42 or so this afternoon.

    I think with this weekend, some of my daffodils that are already coming up may be doomed. :(

    Orchid judging this afternoon.

    I've been up for quite a while but distracted by breakfast for Lilo, breakfast for me (bean and bacon soup) and cleaning and tearing up a bunch of collards to get them going in a small slow cooker with some vegetable broth and seasoning.

    Well, just finished this cup of tea so time to evict Lilo from my lap and go brew another...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    based on the weather report on our local News12 Cable only channel I decided to go walking today early before the Temperatures dropped and the wind picked up. +5 cents, then as a I was walking the wind picked up and it started snowing, I was headed into the wind at that portion of my route so I reversed course and headed for home, The streets and sidewalks had enough snow on them to cover them. I was passing the Dollar Store at opening time so I went in a picked up a quart of 1% UHT milk for shelf stock. $1 for the quart size, dated use by January 5, 2017 :) Even with the warmup in the dollar store My fingers were getting cold by the time I got home.

    Given that the forecast for Sunday shows wind chills in the -10 to -25 degree range for my area, Worse to the north FWIW, I have decided to set up the coffee maker tonight for tomorrow mornings coffee. My Brother picked up a can of 1/2 regular and 1/2 decaf coffee for me. Since I drink 24 ounces of coffee that is one way to cut down on caffeine.

    Have a Good Saturday
    Good Friday Morning! I only have 7 minutes to get this done...before I have to say 'good afternoon'.
    Been busy making up for lost time from yesterday. Nose and eyes much drier this morning...thank heavens!

    Cats fed and out, me fed, and 4th, yeah, fourth load of laundry in the washer....whites in the dryer, and everything else folded and put away. Dishes in sink from yesterday either washed or nestled in the dishwasher. (knives get washed by hand always, and things I know I will need to use on a daily basis..since it probably won't be totally loaded until Sunday..)

    Taking myself out for salad lunch, followed by a quick trip to Whole Foods...need some kale and some swiss chard. I'd normally do that tomorrow after the hockey game, but tomorrow's going to be a 'zoo' of a day.....

    Poor Ole David had one or two too many trips to Mickey D's, and obviously developed a love of pizza while here in the US... The pix is really sad, if you think about it for a few minutes....Sad pix...SAD diet.


    Hi Valerie
    I'll be heading in to fix Breakfast in a few minutes myself. I got my Colors washed yesterday, they went in with my brothers colors so One item checked off. One benefit of having a large washing machine.

    Pizza could do that to You, OTOH it is a tasty treat. I am somewhat tempted by on of the pizza chains advertising on TV. It is a Deep Dish Pizza wrapped with bacon around the edge and as a topping. Bacon on Pizza is one of my likes too, hence the temptation.

    Have a Good Day
    The trick to eating sausage links is to NOT EAT THE WHOLE PACKAGE!

    Tonight's dinner was east Indian cauliflower with besan.

    Val, you might LOVE this recipe. Give it a try!

    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Cold out there right now, but will get to (supposedly) 42 or so this afternoon.

    I think with this weekend, some of my daffodils that are already coming up may be doomed. :(

    Orchid judging this afternoon.

    I've been up for quite a while but distracted by breakfast for Lilo, breakfast for me (bean and bacon soup) and cleaning and tearing up a bunch of collards to get them going in a small slow cooker with some vegetable broth and seasoning.

    Well, just finished this cup of tea so time to evict Lilo from my lap and go brew another...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    That is the trick, My problem is I always cook them all so they can be microwaved quickly later and then they are so ready to go :)

    Bean and Bacon soup, two weaknesses of mine in one dish!

    Daffodils are pretty hardy, they can take a freeze and perk right up when it warms up.

    Good Luck
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Cold start to Saturday..
    Ed your daffodils will be fine...even the ones in bloom. Mine are about half bloomed, and they do well in cold temps..sorta like pansies!
    I read thru the recipe...got everything except ...the directions are screwy. Will come back to that later...right now, heading for the shower....DS2 coming shortly and we are doing a couple chores, and having lunch then going to the afternoon hockey game. I nixed driving to Cumming Ga twice in one day. There is a game going on right now..

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Roger.
    You posted while I was still typing...
    Bacon....NO, No, no, no no!!!! :) That was my vegetarian son, Ted, DS2's worst craving when he gave up meat nearly 30 years ago.... mine is cheese... Interesting how we all have our own triggers!!
    Will be back this evening....