Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Happy Friday!
    I'm heading for the shower, and then Sweet Tomatoes...I woke craving salad stuff??? Wonder what's with that? :)
    Also while out, gonna buy a big bag of dog food and take it to my next door neighbor. They had 3 dogs of their own, a 4th came a month ago, and hasn't left. And we've just acquired a new neighborhood dog...it escaped from its home....who knows where, dragging its vinyl covered wire 'rope', and the screw in anchor that had been its tether. It got caught up in one of my big huge shrubs...my neighbor found it, and set it free....but it has not left....anyhow, I thought since they are feeding it, I would/could/should at least make some contribution.....
    That's my day....along with little dailies, like unloading the dishwasher, etc :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2016
    I was out walking today already, somewhat warmer than Yesterday too. On my return before breakfast I packed up some old too large clothes to go to the Salvation Army bins at the recycling center. I still need to do a whip through of the closet as I believe I have more in there to go through and check. Banana before the walk and NS Waffles + NS Chocolate Protein Shake for Breakfast.

    I tried the Salt & Vinegar Snack-A-Rounds the other day. I ate two and that was all I could choke down so I passed them to my brother who eats most of the NS foods I did not like, such as the Hot & Spicy ones. He tried one and more or less said Yuck :) so I dumped the rest and had something else for my Evening Dessert. No stars from me. Now I need to figure out what to do with the other package of them, maybe the Food Collection tray at the Library. One more to try, the Creamy ranch.

    As Always try one for Yourself as what I do not like others do. I can only assume that they must have taste tested them and they got the OK so it could be me :)

    Have a Nice Friday
    Hey! Good Thursday! (no longer morning!)
    I've watched a most interesting presentation in the Fat Summit! Dr Hyman, has been advocating adding fat back into our diets..better fats like olive oil, avocado's, nuts, etc. His guest, Dr Dean Ornish...also is his colleague, friend, and opposed to the fat stuff!!! It was most interesting!! I watched while I cleaned up the kitchen, which had been neglected for several days...dishes, the few that I used were rinsed, and stacked, not put into the dishwasher...some of those days that was the very best I could manage... Fortunately getting some 'oomph' back in these old bones! So, dishwasher doing its thing, all the knives and other not dishwasher items, washed and in the drainer, and I'm seriously considering LUNCH. I don't usually 'want' salad...just not a total rabbit, but right now I do want a salad...but don't want to get dressed to go get one....so, CONSIDERING, taking off my robe, putting on my pea coat, driving thru Wendy's for their salad, no dressing...and coming home and making a citrus based dressing for my salad. What do you think??? (winter time is a great time for this 'trick'...I used to sometimes do that when taking the kids to the mall....it really didn't make their day when they figured it out...and it freaked out my neighbor! "What if you have a car accident??"....remember I worked in a big hospital. So I'd tell her with a big laugh that it would give the EMT's something interesting to talk about over dinner!!! LOL! Yes, I did say and do that! )

    Roger, I hope you have some warm weather coming your way. Talked to my bro in MO last evening, and they're getting the 60 degree weekend like we are. I know you all up and down the East Coast would appreciate having the same!!! Good Idea to move the car.... :)

    Ed...what a joke with the pricing...do they really think consumers are not noticing??? (that aspect of the job as frustrating as dusting!!) Wash, rinse, repeat......

    Ok, its a decision. I will drive out for a salad...not sure yet the attire....


    Hi Valerie
    Good to know You are feeling better.

    I did like the Wendy's salads in the past, Not sure how diet friendly they are, I would have to look online and see :)
    Roger...flipped over to fb lots of shaking going on in NJ...at your house? Apparently it all started around 1:30. Hope you weren't out walking.

    Later... (FYI Fox 29 said they'd compile data, etc and return about 4p today)
    Ok...it was all sonic booms! Time that fb peeps reported shaking, and noise, corresponded with time from the FAA!
    If you felt them, or not, it made for an interesting couple hours this afternoon....

    I did not feel them although I believe people north of me did so I'm not sure why I didn't. News says they were using a test track that normally does not cause problems on land and that the weather conditions must have contributed to the Booms. I saw some reports indicating that some were blaming Aliens (UFOs) :)
    Good Morning!
    Happy Friday!
    I'm heading for the shower, and then Sweet Tomatoes...I woke craving salad stuff??? Wonder what's with that? :)
    Also while out, gonna buy a big bag of dog food and take it to my next door neighbor. They had 3 dogs of their own, a 4th came a month ago, and hasn't left. And we've just acquired a new neighborhood dog...it escaped from its home....who knows where, dragging its vinyl covered wire 'rope', and the screw in anchor that had been its tether. It got caught up in one of my big huge shrubs...my neighbor found it, and set it free....but it has not left....anyhow, I thought since they are feeding it, I would/could/should at least make some contribution.....
    That's my day....along with little dailies, like unloading the dishwasher, etc :)


    I tend to think cravings like that are the body saying I need a certain something.

    Did You check with the Police regarding the dog? It may have been chipped by the owner.

    Good Luck
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    J is back finally. He just got back a few minutes ago. He's gone to bed with the cats.

    I'm off to the rat mines. Supposed to be cool and dry today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Not the best looking day outside, The Sun was out when I started walking and then it went into hibernation behind clouds. Possibility of flurries or rain showers today here.

    Have a Good Day at the Rat Mines :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 30 degrees out there right now but supposed to get up to 65 today. I've been up since about 4:20 but distracted by breakfast for me, breakfast for Lilo, etc. Especially etc. Yes, that's a euphemism for the internet. :smiley:

    I think I'll go back to bed. Maybe I can enjoy some of this warm weather this afternoon.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    A little cold outside this morning, Warmer later and for a few more days. I walked a route I have not been on since the Snowfall as I was not sure if the sidewalks would be shoveled due to where they run. I had to walk in the highway for 50 feet to get around a snowbank so I waited for a red light, no problem. Weekends there is much less traffic then in the weekday rush hour so it was feasible and safe.

    Got a coupon for a free 24 oz. travel cup with the purchase of a medium or larger beverage + $1.69 refills through April 30 from Dunkin Donuts so Tomorrow Dunkin Donuts for me. Hopefully they are not out of them by then.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 30 degrees out there right now but supposed to get up to 65 today. I've been up since about 4:20 but distracted by breakfast for me, breakfast for Lilo, etc. Especially etc. Yes, that's a euphemism for the internet. :smiley:

    I think I'll go back to bed. Maybe I can enjoy some of this warm weather this afternoon.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    You are having such nice weather now. I have to agree that the Internet is a huge timesink :)

    I also waste time with 4 different Solitaire games from Microsoft :)

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Valerie
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Afternoon!
    Hi Back Roger!! Hope you get one of those mugs and the nice refills from your Dunkin Doughnuts! Make it well worth traveling that route! And the coffee's good too.
    I finally figured out the "REAL" reason for the shaking in NJ! Wasn't any ole sonic boom...the earth shook because I've radically changed my breakfast! Since I was sick, I have had no taste/desire for oatmeal???so I've switched to a seed and nut breakfast. 1.5 oz of a seed mix...(usually hemp hearts and chia seed, and ground flax)..and another ounce of chopped nuts. Add some almond milk and about 2-3 oz of frozen wild blueberries and a medium banana....= New Breakfast!!! Filling, and so far I haven't gotten hungry before lunch which is usually about 4-5 hours.

    Hockey this morning...I was 5 minutes late, and they were about to send out the dogs to find me! Traffic for some reason. I think everybody went out early to get their chores over with so they could enjoy this warm and sunny beautiful afternoon! Don't blame them! I'll be out there shortly, unless I get distracted by 'etc.'! I like that Ed....etc = internet!!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Supposed to be a pretty nice day again today. My mother in law came back with J this trip, but she'll be leaving today sometime. She wants to get back to Kentucky while it's still daylight, if she can. Considering how J times things, I think that unlikely but we'll see...

    Meanwhile, here's one way to lose weight:

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was a little chilly out this morning, I walked to the Dunkin Donuts for my Coffee and used the coupon for a free 24 ounce Refillable coffee cup, Cup comes with $1.69 refills until the end of April :) When I looked at the cup closer I see that it has a covering that changes what is displayed depending on Your viewing angle.

    I hit 7901 steps by the time I got back home. The sidewalks are getting a little better each day as the snow melts, excluding a few spots such as slopes at driveways where the snow melts and runs down the slope causing a icy spot until the sun can melt it.

    Have a Great Sunday
    Good Saturday Afternoon!
    Hi Back Roger!! Hope you get one of those mugs and the nice refills from your Dunkin Doughnuts! Make it well worth traveling that route! And the coffee's good too.
    I finally figured out the "REAL" reason for the shaking in NJ! Wasn't any ole sonic boom...the earth shook because I've radically changed my breakfast! Since I was sick, I have had no taste/desire for oatmeal???so I've switched to a seed and nut breakfast. 1.5 oz of a seed mix...(usually hemp hearts and chia seed, and ground flax)..and another ounce of chopped nuts. Add some almond milk and about 2-3 oz of frozen wild blueberries and a medium banana....= New Breakfast!!! Filling, and so far I haven't gotten hungry before lunch which is usually about 4-5 hours.

    Hockey this morning...I was 5 minutes late, and they were about to send out the dogs to find me! Traffic for some reason. I think everybody went out early to get their chores over with so they could enjoy this warm and sunny beautiful afternoon! Don't blame them! I'll be out there shortly, unless I get distracted by 'etc.'! I like that Ed....etc = internet!!!


    Hi Valerie
    Interesting breakfast, The Seeds and nuts may digest slower leaving You to get hungry later than something quick and easy to digest. Example a breakfast like Your should digest much slower than a equal calorie count of something sugary :) All calories may equal the same energy but IMO are not really equal in how long they last.

    I expect You enjoyed the Hockey.
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Supposed to be a pretty nice day again today. My mother in law came back with J this trip, but she'll be leaving today sometime. She wants to get back to Kentucky while it's still daylight, if she can. Considering how J times things, I think that unlikely but we'll see...

    Meanwhile, here's one way to lose weight:


    Hi Ed
    I'll have to look at that later on, I have to leave the computer shortly and still other message threads to answer first :)

    Enjoy Your Day Off
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am now back from the grocery store where I bought some Light & Fit Greek 4 packs @$3.33 and some Atkins Dinner Entrees to try and Jimmy Dean Delights using coupons, Coupons on the Yougurts if over $7 hence the 3 @ $3.33, it was the four packs or the 10 for $10 and that made the four packs a lot cheaper. Then Some No Sugar Added Vlasic Bread & Butter Spears on sale @ $1.99, Shoprite Frozen Vegetables @ $0.88 and $1.50 off coupon if $6, $0.75 coupon for Breakstone Cottage cheese, Total on sale savings + Coupon was $22.39.

    Have a Nice Sunday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi guys!
    Overcast, but warm. Should be close to 70 by late afternoon..Would love to see the sun, but warm will be fine!!
    Have listened to more of the food summit, and had my nutty seedy breakfast. It does stay with me for a good 4 to 5 hours, which is nice!

    Cats out, and all their boxes clean.

    Couple of chores I'd like to at least 'tackle'...and pretty much a quiet day. Maybe a bit of outside time.

    Jack posted the results of the first game today ended in a tie. Better than a loss IMO...but not necessarily the spin of the coach!! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Supposed to be the first day working with my new pay rate, which was a surprisingly high raise from the old one. I'll enjoy seeing that in my paycheck next week.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking 7900 steps + 2cents :)
    We are heading into a brief period of warmer weather, Yea. The Snow is slowly melting away, That caused some problems when I went out with icing on the sidewalks due to overnight temperatures.

    Today I think I will be somewhat lazy and not do to much. Tomorrow on my walk I need to return a book to the library and pick up Bananas as Tomorrow before my walk I will be eating my last Banana.

    Have a Good Upcoming Week
    Hi guys!
    Overcast, but warm. Should be close to 70 by late afternoon..Would love to see the sun, but warm will be fine!!
    Have listened to more of the food summit, and had my nutty seedy breakfast. It does stay with me for a good 4 to 5 hours, which is nice!

    Cats out, and all their boxes clean.

    Couple of chores I'd like to at least 'tackle'...and pretty much a quiet day. Maybe a bit of outside time.

    Jack posted the results of the first game today ended in a tie. Better than a loss IMO...but not necessarily the spin of the coach!! :)


    Hi Valerie
    Too true, better a Tie than a loss OTOH...

    I should Vacuum today, but tomorrow I should do Laundry and maybe that will be Chores day including Vacuuming :)

    Enjoy the Warm Weather
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Supposed to be the first day working with my new pay rate, which was a surprisingly high raise from the old one. I'll enjoy seeing that in my paycheck next week.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    A Raise in pay is a good thing. I'm still waiting for Some tax documents and Pension check. They seem to always wait until the last minute to mail.

    Enjoy the Extra $$
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Afternoon you Early Risers!!
    I have been up for quite awhile. Did some of those 'chores' that just get done periodically..(like when your conscious begins picking on you!) So, that done, kitty stuff done, listening to the Summit interviews that I either missed, or enjoyed enough I want to hear them again. They're out there for another 20 hours or $80 bucks!!! I'll stick with all day listening.
    News is on now, and phone on the charger.
    Back door is open, its that mild this morning! Too early for many bugs, and pine pollen...yet feels good and smells good. Tom E. Cat has been in and out all morning. He's loving this. :) The other cat took off as usual and won't be seen til late afternoon when he's hungry again!!!

    This morning early I saw a commercial for Avocado's from Mexico...it was cute...showed how much guac it would add up to if they put all the guac we'll consume during the Super Bowl....like 53 feet deep in the Super Bowl!!! The other high demand item will be Pizza. Oh, but that made me really want to change my diet for the day!!! I don't think I've had pizza in 5 years....I dare not order one, cuz I'd eat the whole darn thing! May look at Whole Foods for a very small fresh one...surely one day of cheese on a little pizza won't kill me??? :)

    So much for my day...
    Ed congrats on the raise! Always makes for happier pay days! I'm sure it was large cuz they like your work and work ethic.

    Roger...your walking is inspiring! Hope you can find some nice ripe banana's. Ours are always so green they need a couple days to ripen.... Although looking at my banana's...I'm going to be in the same place you are this week!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to be unseasonably warm again today with thunderstorms tonight. Just what we need, more rain.

    Anyway, off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...its Tuesday...and its not quite noon... :)
    still watching bits and snatches of the nutritional summit. Its been extended twice...so I'm pretty sure this is the end, unless I wake in the middle of the night. :) NO!

    Cats out, boxes cleaned, dishwasher running, washer washing...I'm the only lazy one sitting on my bottom! LOL!!

    I think today I will do my weekly Wednesday groceries....I'll miss out on the discount, but I have that make up appointment with my chiro, tomorrow and it just makes for less 'time demands' if I do general shopping today, and then pick up a couple things at Whole Foods in MidTown tomorrow. By the time I'm finished seeing Dr. Pat, the rain should have moved out...fingers crossed for that to happen!

    Friday Marietta and I are going to try having lunch again...since our plans got slashed last week. So Friday will be a 'salad lunch' and a lot of fun gabbing!

    I'm thinking that's about all I know...

    Roger hope you have a great walk today, and that you found all the sidewalks clean, and no ice. Oh, throw in a quarter or two for a fun find. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking this morning at approx 7:40 and it was 11 degrees colder than yesterday for the same time. Not to bad however, Then when my brother left at 11AM I walked up to the bank and then over to the dollar store looking for the UHT milk quarts. No Joy :(
    Total Steps so far 14,598 as of 12:30.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
    Good Afternoon you Early Risers!!
    I have been up for quite awhile. Did some of those 'chores' that just get done periodically..(like when your conscious begins picking on you!) So, that done, kitty stuff done, listening to the Summit interviews that I either missed, or enjoyed enough I want to hear them again. They're out there for another 20 hours or $80 bucks!!! I'll stick with all day listening.
    News is on now, and phone on the charger.
    Back door is open, its that mild this morning! Too early for many bugs, and pine pollen...yet feels good and smells good. Tom E. Cat has been in and out all morning. He's loving this. :) The other cat took off as usual and won't be seen til late afternoon when he's hungry again!!!

    This morning early I saw a commercial for Avocado's from Mexico...it was cute...showed how much guac it would add up to if they put all the guac we'll consume during the Super Bowl....like 53 feet deep in the Super Bowl!!! The other high demand item will be Pizza. Oh, but that made me really want to change my diet for the day!!! I don't think I've had pizza in 5 years....I dare not order one, cuz I'd eat the whole darn thing! May look at Whole Foods for a very small fresh one...surely one day of cheese on a little pizza won't kill me??? :)

    So much for my day...
    Ed congrats on the raise! Always makes for happier pay days! I'm sure it was large cuz they like your work and work ethic.

    Roger...your walking is inspiring! Hope you can find some nice ripe banana's. Ours are always so green they need a couple days to ripen.... Although looking at my banana's...I'm going to be in the same place you are this week!


    Hi Valerie
    I did pick up Bananas this morning, I think the ripest one will be edible tomorrow :)
    Also a head of lettuce for me and Small Red Potatoes, two Red Peppers, Portuguese Rolls, 2 Mushrooms and Cherry Tomatoes for my Brother. TBH they have not been that tasty since the Fresh Summer harvest ended. The Ones we grew were so much better.

    Nothing like being able to leave the door open and get fresh air into the house.
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to be unseasonably warm again today with thunderstorms tonight. Just what we need, more rain.

    Anyway, off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I suspect that is the same rain headed my way for Wednesday.
    Last forecast I saw said into the area by 6AM which would definitely disrupt my morning walking :(
    OTOH it could be worse either of us could be having lots of Snow.

    Good Morning...its Tuesday...and its not quite noon... :)
    still watching bits and snatches of the nutritional summit. Its been extended twice...so I'm pretty sure this is the end, unless I wake in the middle of the night. :) NO!

    Cats out, boxes cleaned, dishwasher running, washer washing...I'm the only lazy one sitting on my bottom! LOL!!

    I think today I will do my weekly Wednesday groceries....I'll miss out on the discount, but I have that make up appointment with my chiro, tomorrow and it just makes for less 'time demands' if I do general shopping today, and then pick up a couple things at Whole Foods in MidTown tomorrow. By the time I'm finished seeing Dr. Pat, the rain should have moved out...fingers crossed for that to happen!

    Friday Marietta and I are going to try having lunch again...since our plans got slashed last week. So Friday will be a 'salad lunch' and a lot of fun gabbing!

    I'm thinking that's about all I know...

    Roger hope you have a great walk today, and that you found all the sidewalks clean, and no ice. Oh, throw in a quarter or two for a fun find. :)


    Hi Again
    Will You be missing out on much of a discount?

    The Sidewalks were in decent shape, Some puddling from snow melt that I had to work around and I had to cross the highway twice to have sidewalks that were clear. I was talking to the School Crossing Guard Monday and he said where is the enforcement for having the sidewalks cleaned off within 24 hours of the Snowfall ending.

    No Money Today, 2 cents yesterday, I'm going to be rich this way :)

    Good Luck with the Rain moving out for You
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi...glad to know 'most' of your sidewalks were clean Roger.
    Sun is shining brightly right this minute....and warm. Yeah, I do love to open up the doors, but very soon it will either be to cold, too hot, to much pollen, especially that yellow pine pollen...but till then, taking this weather as a gift!
    Savings for seniors is 5%..so it varies from week to week, depending on what I buy. I don't think I have that much to pick up today, so it will probably be less that $1.50 savings. Sometimes its worth it to not have the hassle!...
    If your getting our rain on Wednesday, this will be one quick moving front. I haven't looked at a weather map, but I'm guessing you're getting somebody else's rain!!! maybe?
    I'm heading out....
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Boy, was it foggy this morning! Positively creepy. The fog didn't start lifting from the fuel center area until after 10:00!

    But I got through the morning, restocked the candy, chips, motor oil, fuel treatments, Red Bull, chewing gum, and cold coffee drinks - well, I got them all from the store and left the J that works for me to actually place the goods. Then I went back in the store and, hopefully, completed next week's schedule, came home, ate lunch and took a nap.

    Dinner was salad (thanks, CSA box from last Friday!), home made spicy vegetable soup, and some mini-quiche appetizers that were in the manager's special sale freezer at work. The soup was spicy enough to make me sweat and open up my sinuses, which was exactly what I needed!

    Just the soup pot and ladle left to wash and I'm done.

    Leftover soup too, that can be tomorrow's lunch, with a small, grilled cheese sandwich.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Supposed to be thundershowers today. And it's tag day. Joy!

    Off to the salt races.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    I used Atkins frozen Dinners as I had a coupon for it and it looked good. I had the Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo Frozen meal. The calories are a bit higher than the NS Chicken in BBQ Baked beans @ 330 calories. 26G Protein, High Sodium @ 1070mg, 4g of fiber seems low and 9g of carbohydrates, Not unexpected as Atkins is a low Carb high protein diet plan. 9ounces weight vs the NS Chicken Alfredo, however the NS has no vegetables and lots of pasta and less chicken. The Amount of Chicken in the NS seems to be all over the place too.
    Mini review. Tasty with pieces of Broccoli and several Nice sized pieces of Chicken Breast meat, slightly salty taste but I will probably buy again if I can find another $1 off coupon for one entree.

    The other Atkin Entree I tried was their Beef Merlot with Broccoli. Tasty will buy again Nice quantity of Beef. 9G Carbs, 920g sodium, 3g fiber and 310 calories. 9 ounces weight

    I did get out for my walk this morning, The rain has not really moved in yet :) I did get drizzled on for a little while and then it stopped. 20 degrees warmer that yesterday for the same time according to the Weatherman.

    Have a Nice Wednesday
    Hi...glad to know 'most' of your sidewalks were clean Roger.
    Sun is shining brightly right this minute....and warm. Yeah, I do love to open up the doors, but very soon it will either be to cold, too hot, to much pollen, especially that yellow pine pollen...but till then, taking this weather as a gift!
    Savings for seniors is 5%..so it varies from week to week, depending on what I buy. I don't think I have that much to pick up today, so it will probably be less that $1.50 savings. Sometimes its worth it to not have the hassle!...
    If your getting our rain on Wednesday, this will be one quick moving front. I haven't looked at a weather map, but I'm guessing you're getting somebody else's rain!!! maybe?
    I'm heading out....

    Hi Valerie
    I agree for $1.50 probably not worth the bother. I only had one somewhat slippery spot this morning and that was where the snow had been beaten down rather than properly shoveled.

    I used to leave the front doors open as much as possible at work.

    I think the weather map showed out rain streaming up from Your area so we are getting Your used rain :)
    It is also supposed to be nice and warm today. It seemed somewhat chilly this morning. I should have worn the Mittens rather than the gloves so my fingers were a bit cold as a result.

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Supposed to be thundershowers today. And it's tag day. Joy!

    Off to the salt races.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Foggy Tuesday as well as stocking up and Tag Day today, Your area showed lots of rain for Tuesday too.

    Did the fog slow down sales?

    I hope You have an easy day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good Afternoon Guys!
    I really was an early riser...honest! Up at 6:30, needed to take a shower, and we were having loud thunder boomers! Hmmm. Wonder has anyone ever really died from lightening while showering? I didn't want to test that out, so I waited, ate breakfast, had my coffee...saw my 'window of opportunity' and got my shower in before I left for Atlanta and my Chiro....
    Had a good visit with her, left her with a word of surprise/wisdom. She fixed my lower back (only second time in all these years we've had to do that), and my mid back, and my usual old C6...she told me to have a good day, thanked me for not coming last week while contagious, and I told her I was heading for my pharmacy...she looked at me kinda funny and I told her I was heading for the produce section of Whole Foods...that it was my "Farm-acy". She liked that! And its the truth to boot. :)

    I've got about 50 minutes to take an nap before DS1 calls, and I think I will do just that. Had my farmacy salad, and the chicken fried tofu from the hot bar, and now I'd like to sleep a few minutes.
