Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016
    Not raining however in the 40s with a mist in the air, Generally a dreary looking day outside while walking + 6800 steps today. I walked to the Post Office to mail off a bill on the outward bound leg of my walk.

    Nothing planned beyond doing laundry today, Whee, what a thrilling day I'll be having :)

    Have a Nice Thursday
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi All,
    Just realized I haven't been here for several days...this end of the semester grading is time consuming!
    I know spaghetti squash is better for me than garlic toast, but the garlic toast probably tastes so much better! Actually, spag squash can look very pretty, with the bright yellow of the squash strands contrasted with bright red sauce. I have cooked it in the past - it is very easy.
    Roger, it suddenly hit me how long your walks must be - and in the rain! Wow.
    Val, Ed - looking to hear more about the courses and cooking. Val, as soon as I have time for free courses, maybe I will try something just for fun. For now, it is the dissertation.
    Take care all - will try to walk between the raindrops,

    Hi Lee-Ann
    I'm sure that properly done garlic toast is better tasting :)

    The FitBit thinks I am walking 3+ miles a day, When I use MapMyRun it says 2.75 and up. I try and avoid the rain TBH. Tuesday, Wednesday for example I went out after it had stopped raining and before it started back up later in the day. I did carry a Umbrella strapped to the Backpack just in case. I strapped it to the Backpack so I could have it along hands free if not needed. That Makes it easier to use a walking stick in the right hand and hold the coffee I am drinking in the left hand :) If it rained I could have used a third hand. I took along a smaller folding Umbrella in my pocket today as it did not look that nice out just in case.

    Stay Dry
    Good Morning All,
    Woke up to chilliness this morning! Yesterday I was feeling sorry for Roger having morning walks beginning in the 40's....well guess what!??! That Arctic Clipper arrived in GA!
    Will be better by the weekend though! Meanwhile my hot oatmeal breakfast really tastes good this morning.

    Listening to the speakers I missed yesterday...should finish up by the time todays speakers begin...my poor ears...and busy brain. (we need a meme with a squiggly mouth and crossed eyes)!

    LeeAnn, hopefully you'll have your semester end grading done quickly, and can put a big check mark on your 'to do' list!

    Hi Valerie
    If I said I prefer temperatures in the 40s to ones in the 80s, It is easier to bundle up than stay cool when it is hot. That cord to the AC unit strapped to the back in hot weather gets to be a drag :) Actually that is why I try and get out walking before Sunrise and home shortly after the sun appears. For example today I wore Glove, a Pocket T-Shirt to hold the iPod and a thin long sleeve shirt with a flannel jacket over it and I was comfortable. That means I guessed right on what to wear based on the weather report I watched when I got up.

    I like a hat Oatmeal on a cold morning myself. I do add a packet of sweetener to it however as I have a bit of a sweet tooth :)

    Stay Warm

    Hi Ed
    Have a Great Day at Work
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey All,
    Roger, I do understand walking in cooler weather...I'd think the cord wouldn't be as restrictive as the A/C unit you'd have to pull in a little red wagon...oh, just close your eyes and enjoy that visual!!

    Also, I'd be more inclined to believe the milage on the Map My Run app...why? Because the pedometer type, (in this case our Fitbits) assume a certain stride length..and I'm sure your stride length is longer than mine, and possibly shorter than LeeAnn's..(because of the hiking, etc)...MMRun is using actual land measurement. IMHO.

    I'm gonna chime in about the garlic toast.... while real, well made garlic toast is delicious, you can get 'credible' result by toasting the bread, and rubbing a peeled and cut clove of garlic on the toasted bread....nice garlic flavor...no fat/fewer calories and saturated fat. Just sayin'. :)

    Ok, I bought a green pineapple at Costco when I was there last week...its been sitting out these past 6 days, being turned several times a day....and has now gotten a pretty golden glow, and SMELLS like pineapple. I think its time to take it to the cutting board. Will let you know how good it is tomorrow! :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hey All,
    Roger, I do understand walking in cooler weather...I'd think the cord wouldn't be as restrictive as the A/C unit you'd have to pull in a little red wagon...oh, just close your eyes and enjoy that visual!!

    Also, I'd be more inclined to believe the milage on the Map My Run app...why? Because the pedometer type, (in this case our Fitbits) assume a certain stride length..and I'm sure your stride length is longer than mine, and possibly shorter than LeeAnn's..(because of the hiking, etc)...MMRun is using actual land measurement. IMHO.

    I'm gonna chime in about the garlic toast.... while real, well made garlic toast is delicious, you can get 'credible' result by toasting the bread, and rubbing a peeled and cut clove of garlic on the toasted bread....nice garlic flavor...no fat/fewer calories and saturated fat. Just sayin'. :)

    Ok, I bought a green pineapple at Costco when I was there last week...its been sitting out these past 6 days, being turned several times a day....and has now gotten a pretty golden glow, and SMELLS like pineapple. I think its time to take it to the cutting board. Will let you know how good it is tomorrow! :)


    Hi Valerie
    I'm not surprised that the Pineapple gad to sit for days, most fruits are picked when firm & green so they ship safely and not when ripened for taste sadly.

    I trust the MapMyRun mileage too, However when walking I have to have something easily portable :) Plus it does not cover everything such as the one park were You can walk around the Basketball & Tennis courts in a loop. I need to research to see if and how to add to the database and since it seems to be tied to Google I am not sure if that is possible. One way I knew that the FitBit mileage is off is that I am covering the same course in fewer miles these days so I know my stride has changed.

    Enjoy the PineApple and thanks for the tip on garlic bread too
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    So now it isn't our fault? From here:
    Obesity could be contagious like superbug C.diff, suggest scientists
    Obesity could be a contagious condition which spreads in the same way as bugs like C.diff, scientists have suggested.

    A huge study of bacteria in the human gut has found that one third of species produce spores which survive in the open air and can potentially move between people.

    Scientists now believe that many diseases and conditions, are triggered or exacerbated by changes in gut bacteria.

    A decade ago, Washington University discovered that adding gut microbes from obese mice to thin mice caused huge gains in weight, a finding which has been replicated many times.

    And more in the article

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger...I think the word 'could'..... not saying that gut bacteria isn't playing a role in some disease...I think I need to know more about the study...how big was it, what kind of time span? Who paid for it. How was it structured? can it be replicated, Not all things that happen in mice, etc. are valid for humans. and then there's that word 'could'. :)

    I tend to believe its the food. (and people in the same house, etc, generally eat the same foods or typed of foods.)
    Roger you should be watching the Food Revolution Summit...it would blow you away! :):smiley:

    And then there's the Global Health class....test due Sunday...arggggg!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    I have to agree that how much and what kind of food has to be a big part of it. OTOH I watch some game shows such as Family Feud and it is amazing how many families they are all thin or all overweight which makes me wonder. I could imagine a bacteria that affects metabolism for example.

    Did You read the entire article? It mentions "The research was published in the journal Nature." I wonder if that could be looked at? Based on the article date of May 2016 it might be possible to find it if it is available on the Internet. I would think the article might answer Your questions.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,597 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's finally fabulous Friday!

    And the weather page says it's 45 degrees out there. Yikes!

    Only supposed to get to 73 today, which is nice. No rain in the forecast either. This weekend I'm going to try a new (to me) pot roast recipe. Hope it's good.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    7300 steps + 20 cents walking but not singing in the rain. It was actually not to bad out, so far the rain is light and steady with a mild breeze. I did gear up for it however with a rain jacket and pants and a Sun visor to keep the jackets hood up from covering much of my face when I tied the drawstrings on it. Without the Sun Visor it pulls down to eye level and blocks a fair amount of view to to sides. Not the safest way to walk across side streets.

    Hopefully tomorrows weather will be better in the morning.

    Have a Good Friday
    Howdy y'all. It's finally fabulous Friday!

    And the weather page says it's 45 degrees out there. Yikes!

    Only supposed to get to 73 today, which is nice. No rain in the forecast either. This weekend I'm going to try a new (to me) pot roast recipe. Hope it's good.

    Off to the rat mines.
    Hi Ed
    Rainy and it was 50 when I went out the door this morning :)

    A new pot roast recipe? I just throw it in a pan with some water and salt to taste when serving. I guess much of my cooking would seem bland and boring to You.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning you guys!
    It is quite chilly here this morning Ed...but its sunny, and although we are once again under a wind advisory til 10pm, right this minute its not very windy...more breezy.
    Roger....ya gotta have some veggies with that pot roast. Potato and carrot..classic. Anything after that, like mushrooms, onion, garlic, celery, seasonings, etc...is pure artistry! :) Bland? well to some, maybe...but cook what 'you' like!

    Today is 3 hours of summit, and another solid hour of my class, and somewhere I'll squeeze in a walk with the lawn mower! I saw a pasta dish from my InstantPot group, which I am going to have to have for dinner...very simple...and super fast! 3 or 4 minutes fast. (and the steam release time, which is 10 min. or less.) Some things you do an instant release, others a natural release... Still, a quick dinner!

    I watched the most beautiful TED TALK this morning. I'll see if I can find it again and post the link. It was a 9 minute view of beautiful breathtaking scenery!
    There I go again....it was artistic....I must be in a creative mood today

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,597 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    A new pot roast recipe? I just throw it in a pan with some water and salt to taste when serving. I guess much of my cooking would seem bland and boring to You.

    Have a Good Day

    What about the vegetables? Do you roast them with the meat?

    Try this recipe...it's my standard pot roast.

    3 to 4 pound arm (chuck) or bottom round roast. You could use a sirloin roast too, if desired, but why would you want to do that?
    1 envelope onion soup and dip mix
    1 can Campbell's Golden Mushroom soup

    Place roast in slow cooker.
    Sprinkle the onion soup mix on roast.
    Spread the Golden Mushroom soup over the top. Do NOT add the whole can of water called for if making soup.
    Add 1/2 can (use the Golden Mushroom soup can) of water or one cup of red wine, drizzled over it all. If using cooking wine, which is already salted, you may find the meal rather salty so I don't really recommend that. Use a nice, but not too expensive, dry red wine for drinking. You can cork the bottle and serve the rest with dinner if you like!

    If you want to roast some vegetables with it, now would be the time to put them in. (Note, if you aren't using a slow cooker, the vegetables would go into the pan in the oven later...you'd have to work out the timing. Google is your friend!)

    So...if desired, add half a pound of carrots, whole, ends trimmed, just washed if desired or you can use a vegetable peeler to skim off the outer skin.

    Add 2 to 4 medium large potatoes, peeled but NOT CUT UP. If you cut them up, they'll overcook and dissolve. (If cooking in the oven, you can cut them up but they'll be added at a later time than the carrots)

    Some celery stalks, cut to desired length, if you like celery with your roast.

    If you like onion roasted in gravy, you can put in a whole, peeled onion if there's room, and of course some mushrooms if desired.

    Lightly salt and pepper the potatoes (which should be on top of everything else) and sprinkle a little paprika on them too.

    Put the lid on the slow cooker. Cook on LOW for 8 to 10 hours or HIGH for 4 to 6 hours.

    Your gravy will pretty much make itself, though you can thicken it up a bit more if you like, with a bit of cornstarch mixed with cold water, and then bring the gravy back to a boil, stirring constantly.

    Leftover roast, vegetables, and gravy make a splendid stew.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Afternoon!
    Well I learned something today! Thanks Ed....
    I misread your original statement about the wine in the recipe..and thought you'd said wine had a lot of salt...... I'm sitting here looking for every excuse I can think of to keep from going back outside and finishing the lawn stuff...so I sat here scratching my head.. Can't be true Ed, I heard myself saying.
    SO I LOOKED it all up....6-10 mg salt in 5 oz red wine...not much at all...
    Campbell's Golden Mushroom Soup, 750 mg per ½ cup....now we're talking salt...and then
    Lipton Onion Soup..for the whole packet is 2,440 mg salt...so you'd have to divide by the number of servings...6? 4?...would depend on how much 'gravy or juice' you put on your plate........so 6-10 oz salt in the wine and we're worried about the salt??????? WTHeck????
    Then I Fortunately, Re-read what Ed ACTUALLY wrote... 'Cooking Wine has a lot of salt....' OOPS!!!! yes it does! indeed!!!

    OK, I'm awake now...and will gladly go finish the grass mowing....boy did I come close to making a fool of myself!!!! YIKES!! Maybe I need more coffee, or smaller lunches?


  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi All,

    It looks like we might need Noah and his ark building skills soon! According to the national weather forecast folks, May - which has already been extremely wet - is supposed to continue as wet for the entire month. I want a refund for May!

    Roger, I also use the Fitbit and MayMyWalk when I go out (I have been skipping it recently because of the rain) and find they are not quite together on the length. I was thinking I might need to recalibrate the Fitbit to my steps. I recall doing that years ago with my original one (I am on the 3d or 4th one now...I lost a couple before this one). Perhaps my stride length has changed. Is that something you might need to consider also?

    Val and Ed, I suppose your gardens would appreciate all the rain we are getting. Can we ship ay of it down to you? Unfortunately, it does make for dreary days and outlooks. I am convinced the therapists who treat for SAD (seasonal affective disorder) are quite busy right about now!

    A couple of more assignments to grade and I am done with the semester. I start the summer session on May 23, so I really need to do the syllabus for that class. I am excited about the changes I have for that one!

    Will try to get out and walk between the raindrops,
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Chilly!!!! Wow! Where did summer go? Little devilish season is playing peek-a-boo with us!
    Should warm up nicely though today and tomorrow. This is Roger's 'walkin' weather':)

    Hope to get out after it warms, and do a little more yard work...I think my marigold and petunia plants are due (overdue) for their second round of booster fertilizer. And I am finding little, and some not so little, Poison Ivy plants. They gotta go pronto. ETC. My non-gardening buddy, Marietta, asked me the other day if I was finished with my lawn and garden. When I quit laughing.... its just never 'done'. There are always things going 'needy'. Her DH works long weekday hours and on Saturday's he puts on his 'lawn and garden hat' and spends the day mowing, weeding, etc. She just doesn't understand that. :)

    I'm also thinking I may have to cook today...I believe the planned leftovers, are pretty much all eaten. I may throw together a 3 bean chili, and bake some tofu....and that will get me into Monday.

    LeeAnn, thanks for the offer for rain. Can we put a hold on that until about July and August? Right now things are fairly good. Plenty of 'ground moisture', so weekly something around an inch is good. I saw a cartoon the other day my brother in MO posted...it was a farm field, with an oscillating fan and a box fan attached to an extension cord...captioned, "Yep, about a week it should be dry" They too have had your rains. And now you know why I do not farm! I'd be crazy rather quickly.

    Roger, hope you had a good walk, and I'm guessing Ed got to sleep in a bit this morning...:)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,597 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday!

    "New" pot roast is going in the slow cooker now.


    Boneless Chuck
    A tablespoon or so garlic powder (didn't measure)
    1 packet Zesty Italian Salad Dressing mix
    1 packet Brown Gravy mix
    1 packet Ranch Dressing mix
    1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup, NOT diluted (don't mix in the water you'd use for soup...)
    1 cup dry red wine (you can use a whole soup can of it if you want, it's not much more than a cup...)

    Put all that in the slow cooker, in the order listed.

    Then, for vegetables this round:

    All the parsnips left in the crisper. They're older than the new carrots...not as colorful, but they taste good and need to be used up. Scrape with vegetable crisper and lay on top of the meat and other ingredients.
    Those two or three medium large russet potatoes that have been in the crisper for a while, peeled but not cut up. Lay on top of the carrots. I mean on top of the parsnips! Lightly sprinkle with salt, pepper, and paprika.
    That half a medium large onion left over from making that omelet the other night. Just wedge it in there somewhere...

    Put the lid on and set cooker to LOW. Cook for 8 to 10 hours. Eat.

    I hope it comes out good and I can't taste all the salt I know is in there...

    Time to take Lilo to the vet for her annual stuff.

    Then back to configuring my new phone. Galaxy S7 Edge.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I go Misted on while walking 7500 steps. When I left the house everything was wet so I took a folding umbrella along just in case, 1/2 way through the walk things were starting to dry out slightly so if course it started misting and making things wet again :)

    It was around 50 degrees out with a forecast high in the low 60s for later on.

    Around here at least It has not been to bad walking, even yesterday when I got out early I was lucky that it was not too bad. Later in the day not to long after I got home the rain picked up and it got breezy. The Power went off for less than a minute. So of course I had to reset the clock on the Microwave and wait for the Satellite TV DVRs and Cable box to initialize. Most of the clocks are battery powered or have a battery backup fortunately.

    Have Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning you guys!
    It is quite chilly here this morning Ed...but its sunny, and although we are once again under a wind advisory til 10pm, right this minute its not very windy...more breezy.
    Roger....ya gotta have some veggies with that pot roast. Potato and carrot..classic. Anything after that, like mushrooms, onion, garlic, celery, seasonings, etc...is pure artistry! :) Bland? well to some, maybe...but cook what 'you' like!

    Today is 3 hours of summit, and another solid hour of my class, and somewhere I'll squeeze in a walk with the lawn mower! I saw a pasta dish from my InstantPot group, which I am going to have to have for dinner...very simple...and super fast! 3 or 4 minutes fast. (and the steam release time, which is 10 min. or less.) Some things you do an instant release, others a natural release... Still, a quick dinner!

    I watched the most beautiful TED TALK this morning. I'll see if I can find it again and post the link. It was a 9 minute view of beautiful breathtaking scenery!
    There I go again....it was artistic....I must be in a creative mood today


    Hi Valerie
    I was amazed when I looked here, six new posts from yesterday, Whee!

    That reminds me, I need to pick up a bag of the baby carrots, I'm out. The only carrots in the house currently are in a can and they are as is common with canned vegetables high sodium even if rinsed I suspect they are still high sodium. Did I forget to mention vegetables. A small potato, some carrots and if in the refrigerator some celery and some onion.
    Good Afternoon!
    Well I learned something today! Thanks Ed....
    I misread your original statement about the wine in the recipe..and thought you'd said wine had a lot of salt...... I'm sitting here looking for every excuse I can think of to keep from going back outside and finishing the lawn stuff...so I sat here scratching my head.. Can't be true Ed, I heard myself saying.
    SO I LOOKED it all up....6-10 mg salt in 5 oz red wine...not much at all...
    Campbell's Golden Mushroom Soup, 750 mg per ½ cup....now we're talking salt...and then
    Lipton Onion Soup..for the whole packet is 2,440 mg salt...so you'd have to divide by the number of servings...6? 4?...would depend on how much 'gravy or juice' you put on your plate........so 6-10 oz salt in the wine and we're worried about the salt??????? WTHeck????
    Then I Fortunately, Re-read what Ed ACTUALLY wrote... 'Cooking Wine has a lot of salt....' OOPS!!!! yes it does! indeed!!!

    OK, I'm awake now...and will gladly go finish the grass mowing....boy did I come close to making a fool of myself!!!! YIKES!! Maybe I need more coffee, or smaller lunches?


    It sounds as if the hight sodium in cooking wine is a good reason to use regular wine :)
    I have been avoiding dry packets of foods due to the high sodium levels. I think they use it as a cheap way to add some flavor.

    Good Luck getting going on the Mowing. Our weather forecasts are saying Monday & Tuesday will be the best days.
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Chilly!!!! Wow! Where did summer go? Little devilish season is playing peek-a-boo with us!
    Should warm up nicely though today and tomorrow. This is Roger's 'walkin' weather':)

    Hope to get out after it warms, and do a little more yard work...I think my marigold and petunia plants are due (overdue) for their second round of booster fertilizer. And I am finding little, and some not so little, Poison Ivy plants. They gotta go pronto. ETC. My non-gardening buddy, Marietta, asked me the other day if I was finished with my lawn and garden. When I quit laughing.... its just never 'done'. There are always things going 'needy'. Her DH works long weekday hours and on Saturday's he puts on his 'lawn and garden hat' and spends the day mowing, weeding, etc. She just doesn't understand that. :)

    I'm also thinking I may have to cook today...I believe the planned leftovers, are pretty much all eaten. I may throw together a 3 bean chili, and bake some tofu....and that will get me into Monday.

    LeeAnn, thanks for the offer for rain. Can we put a hold on that until about July and August? Right now things are fairly good. Plenty of 'ground moisture', so weekly something around an inch is good. I saw a cartoon the other day my brother in MO posted...it was a farm field, with an oscillating fan and a box fan attached to an extension cord...captioned, "Yep, about a week it should be dry" They too have had your rains. And now you know why I do not farm! I'd be crazy rather quickly.

    Roger, hope you had a good walk, and I'm guessing Ed got to sleep in a bit this morning...:)


    My Brother picked up a couple of things to scratch into the soil to add nitrogen where we tilled in the Mulch for example.

    Poison Ivy? Be careful, personally I think for that I would pay a professional to eradicate it.

    We are having weird growing seasons for sure.

    Enjoy the Weekend
    RogerToo wrote: »
    A new pot roast recipe? I just throw it in a pan with some water and salt to taste when serving. I guess much of my cooking would seem bland and boring to You.

    Have a Good Day

    What about the vegetables? Do you roast them with the meat?

    Try this recipe...it's my standard pot roast.

    3 to 4 pound arm (chuck) or bottom round roast. You could use a sirloin roast too, if desired, but why would you want to do that?
    1 envelope onion soup and dip mix
    1 can Campbell's Golden Mushroom soup

    Place roast in slow cooker.
    Sprinkle the onion soup mix on roast.
    Spread the Golden Mushroom soup over the top. Do NOT add the whole can of water called for if making soup.
    Add 1/2 can (use the Golden Mushroom soup can) of water or one cup of red wine, drizzled over it all. If using cooking wine, which is already salted, you may find the meal rather salty so I don't really recommend that. Use a nice, but not too expensive, dry red wine for drinking. You can cork the bottle and serve the rest with dinner if you like!

    If you want to roast some vegetables with it, now would be the time to put them in. (Note, if you aren't using a slow cooker, the vegetables would go into the pan in the oven later...you'd have to work out the timing. Google is your friend!)

    So...if desired, add half a pound of carrots, whole, ends trimmed, just washed if desired or you can use a vegetable peeler to skim off the outer skin.

    Add 2 to 4 medium large potatoes, peeled but NOT CUT UP. If you cut them up, they'll overcook and dissolve. (If cooking in the oven, you can cut them up but they'll be added at a later time than the carrots)

    Some celery stalks, cut to desired length, if you like celery with your roast.

    If you like onion roasted in gravy, you can put in a whole, peeled onion if there's room, and of course some mushrooms if desired.

    Lightly salt and pepper the potatoes (which should be on top of everything else) and sprinkle a little paprika on them too.

    Put the lid on the slow cooker. Cook on LOW for 8 to 10 hours or HIGH for 4 to 6 hours.

    Your gravy will pretty much make itself, though you can thicken it up a bit more if you like, with a bit of cornstarch mixed with cold water, and then bring the gravy back to a boil, stirring constantly.

    Leftover roast, vegetables, and gravy make a splendid stew.

    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday!

    "New" pot roast is going in the slow cooker now.


    Boneless Chuck
    A tablespoon or so garlic powder (didn't measure)
    1 packet Zesty Italian Salad Dressing mix
    1 packet Brown Gravy mix
    1 packet Ranch Dressing mix
    1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup, NOT diluted (don't mix in the water you'd use for soup...)
    1 cup dry red wine (you can use a whole soup can of it if you want, it's not much more than a cup...)

    Put all that in the slow cooker, in the order listed.

    Then, for vegetables this round:

    All the parsnips left in the crisper. They're older than the new carrots...not as colorful, but they taste good and need to be used up. Scrape with vegetable crisper and lay on top of the meat and other ingredients.
    Those two or three medium large russet potatoes that have been in the crisper for a while, peeled but not cut up. Lay on top of the carrots. I mean on top of the parsnips! Lightly sprinkle with salt, pepper, and paprika.
    That half a medium large onion left over from making that omelet the other night. Just wedge it in there somewhere...

    Put the lid on and set cooker to LOW. Cook for 8 to 10 hours. Eat.

    I hope it comes out good and I can't taste all the salt I know is in there...

    Time to take Lilo to the vet for her annual stuff.

    Then back to configuring my new phone. Galaxy S7 Edge.

    Hi Ed
    being a lazy impatient type I might use a tender cut of beef, Maybe Rib Eye or Filet Mignon. I would use a crock pot especially in the warmer weather and since we have a electric oven I believe the crock pot would be a lot cheaper to use.

    The Phone needs configuring? My brother and I use dumb phones, IE Flip Phones and all that is involved is transferring the Phone Number List mainly and learn to use he new button layout.

    Thank You for the suggestions on how to do the Pot Roast
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    It looks like we might need Noah and his ark building skills soon! According to the national weather forecast folks, May - which has already been extremely wet - is supposed to continue as wet for the entire month. I want a refund for May!

    Roger, I also use the Fitbit and MapMyWalk when I go out (I have been skipping it recently because of the rain) and find they are not quite together on the length. I was thinking I might need to re-calibrate the Fitbit to my steps. I recall doing that years ago with my original one (I am on the 3d or 4th one now...I lost a couple before this one). Perhaps my stride length has changed. Is that something you might need to consider also?

    Val and Ed, I suppose your gardens would appreciate all the rain we are getting. Can we ship any of it down to you? Unfortunately, it does make for dreary days and outlooks. I am convinced the therapists who treat for SAD (seasonal affective disorder) are quite busy right about now!

    A couple of more assignments to grade and I am done with the semester. I start the summer session on May 23, so I really need to do the syllabus for that class. I am excited about the changes I have for that one!

    Will try to get out and walk between the raindrops,

    Hi Lee-Ann
    I am not sure if I can calibrate the FitBit Zip, I would have to research that. This is the second one, Thanks to Valerie's comment I got in touch with them for warranty when the first one died. I am not sure why that did not occur to me, however when it was mentioned to me I pulled the box from the first one and looked at the receipt from the online purchase and determined it was under warranty :)

    I know my stride length has changed to longer than when I started walking and how fast I walk changes during the walk and I suspect the stride length slowly changes too.

    I think I am lucky here I am not getting rains like out west or Texas is getting, It makes the evening news here.

    This week the garden has not had a chance to dry out all week. It is not tons of rain any day it is just every day, from .1 to .8 inches each time depending on where in NJ You are located.

    Stay Safe & Dry
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,597 Member
    Update: I ended up putting another half cup of wine into the mix for the roast. It came out DELICIOUS. While it definitely did not need any additional salt at the table, it wasn't so salty as to taste bad. I'm sure the sodium level is still ridiculous, but I don't make pot roast very often

    The remaining roast, vegetables, and gravy, are already cut up and placed in a dish for stew, which has been put in the refrigerator.

    All dishes washed up and in the rack too!



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Sunny this morning, and much more 'temperate' that the past few mornings. Back porch says 60. I can go with that.

    Luncheon today with my boys, and family. Have to be in Cumming GA at 12:30. It'll be an hours trip mostly because of the morning traffic. There will be more folks out, longer stop lights, etc. But, lunch will be fun and the food good.....

    Then this after I have to address my Global Health class....yep, end of unit due today. I have listened to one of the modules... and the one I need to do is only about 40 minutes of videos, so I should be able to get it done rather nicely.

    I think Ed, since the wine got doubled up, we'll have to upgrade the name of your chunk of beef to "Boeuf bourguignon-ala Ed" :wink: :smiley: I'll bet it was delicious. I'm a tad jealous of all those nice roasted veggies in your refrigerator...if I was a cat burglar..........hmmmmm.

    LeeAnn, weather says you're sending me some rain on Wednesday! Thanks, that should be about right! I hope your weather improves this week.
    Happy Mother's Day!! Hope you have a wonderful day.

    And, finally if we don't hear from Roger, ever again, I think we'll know why....some body in NJ won $415M last night. or was it LeeAnn???? I don't know if LeeAnn plays, but I think either Roger or his brother does...(trusting old brain on this?)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,597 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Nice day here, but I'm inside doing laundry. I have a little extra today because Ariel politely threw up on the bed yesterday and I wasn't actually planning to wash that stuff today, but there it is. I put fresh, NEW (but washed) sheets on the bed and it looks nice.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is raining outside, once again :(
    Right after I wrote that I looked outside and the rain had stopped so I geared up with my Backpack & the Umbrella strapped to it. I got on block and it started drizzling, then another block and I stopped under a woody leafy lightning rod AKA Tree and put up the umbrella. By the time I got to the Dunkin Donuts for my Coffee and was ready to leave it had stopped so I strapped on the Umbrella and did not need it again on the walk. I stopped at the Supermarket for Bananas, Apples and a Orange. That will hold me for a couple of days when I will stop again for more fruit as I have decided that this spring & summer I will buy less more often so as to not have things go to ripe before using them. I checked and the 10% Senior discount is on Wednesdays so that will be my shop heavier day :)

    I ended up with 8800 steps.

    Now that I am home from my walk I think I may be lazy myself. I plan to go re-capture a VHS Family tape, I was not happy with the way it came out, much to bright and washed out looking. I could adjust that in the encoding to DVD and BluRay, however I would lose Dynamic range that way so I can recapture it and adjust the settings in the capture device to capture it darker to start with. IMO that will give better results. That will just be a simple start it capturing and do something/nothing else.

    Happy Mothers Day