Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!
    I am slow starting again this morning! Maybe if I got up as early as Ed, I could get moving sooner!!
    Antonio is here to reframe the outside of the fireplace box thingy. (Technical Builders Term). It will be nice to have it looking nice again. That side of the house is so shaded in the mornings that any dew, rain, etc it stays wet and it grows green algae and it rots. This should fix that problem...I hope. We've had to replace this cedar at least twice since I've lived here. So, hopefully third time will be 'charm'!!

    Pull a few weeds, and that should be my day!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Back again.
    Antonio and the guy helping him showed up about 10 minutes after I ended the first post...I was brushing my teeth! LOL!!..they're hard at work, should have everything done except for the paint today. :).
    I noticed my neighbors front yard wasn't cut...so I did it. I'll hear about that! I'm sure that job belonged to one of the kids...but as many times as they've cut mine....just returning a good deed!

    Yesterday Roger, I logged almost 11,000 steps. Not sure how I did that! Yes I went to the gym, but I left after I'd logged 6,500 steps...which was all I needed on Friday to make my weekly goal on my Fitbit. Where those other 4,000 steps came from, darned if I know.
    I was in and out of the house moving the hose to water the lawn and front flower bed??? surely not 4,000 steps work though...weird, huh??
    The good part is my knees and hip don't hurt. (I did take an Aleve last night with dinner), and this morning I was a little 'creaky' but had walked that off before the cats were fed...
    Yea Me??!?!

    Hope LeeAnn has had a pleasant time here in GA. I know she came to meet her daughter who was in town for an event...and wish her a safe trip home!


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Despite getting out an hour earlier than normal I am running late today posting and may easily run out of time shortly. If I miss anybody/anything I will finish up tomorrow :)
    Currently at 9500 steps. It was HOT out there this morning, I could really feel the heat of the sun when I was in the sunlight. Then after Breakfast My Brother & I took out a small tree 1.5 to 2 inches that was growing between the back fences. Using a electric Saws-all AKA Reciprocating Saw and a wood blade we broke it down into manageable pieces into a plastic tub to fit into the car cleanly and finished the job with a Recycle Leaf bag and disposed of the dearly departed at the recycle center.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Afternoon!!!
    I wanted to get outside before it got hot...so I came in about 11:30, hungry! Big salad with mixed beans, and now I'm ready to go again!

    Finished my weed whacking, saw 'Sam' the yard guy, and he and his daughter came over and moved those falling apart big pots...looks so much nicer. Was worth the 50 bucks!
    In my weeding, (some by hand) I suddenly saw an eye looking at me...and a head, and what appeared to be a long slender body....fortunately I also noticed a leg, and a foot that was clinging onto a small violet plant...cute little lizard! Even if he did give me a little bit of a startle. I didn't see any legless long thin things so it was a good morning!

    Picked 10 big hydrangea blooms, and you can't even tell I touched the bushes...Now I just have to dry them.

    I had to turn on the AC last night. Temp in the house got up to 80, and that is just not sleeping friendly. So, May 26th first AC day of the summer. I can almost hear GA Power cheering! LOL! :smiley:

    Heading to the shower, and then the gym. Dinner tonite is going to be frijitas with sliced cooked Portabella mushrooms subbing for meat! Some avocado and an ear of corn should round out my menu...oh...also some pineapple for my sweet treat.


    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as If You had a productive Friday.
    My Brother and I have done the same thing, Pay someone to do the heavy lifting, In this case it was removing the Ivy in the back yard and 1-800-got-junk for heavy items in the basement.

    I left my small bedroom AC on from Friday morning and it may not be off except to clean the grill & filter until this fall, Good news is that it worked :) Knock Wood.
    PS...the fajita's were amazing! :)
    I forgot to save you one!!! LOL!

    Was the orange berried bush your aunt used to clip Bittersweet by any chance? There was a whole fence row of it behind the house we rented in N.J.
    Does nicely in dried arrangements.


    Hi Again
    That's it, Bittersweet, However she used to go out on the gravel roads around town out in Iowa.
    Good Saturday Morning!
    I am slow starting again this morning! Maybe if I got up as early as Ed, I could get moving sooner!!
    Antonio is here to reframe the outside of the fireplace box thingy. (Technical Builders Term). It will be nice to have it looking nice again. That side of the house is so shaded in the mornings that any dew, rain, etc it stays wet and it grows green algae and it rots. This should fix that problem...I hope. We've had to replace this cedar at least twice since I've lived here. So, hopefully third time will be 'charm'!!

    Pull a few weeds, and that should be my day!


    Even Cedar has a finite life and staying wet does not help. It is a tossup, shade the house and be more comfortable or clear out the shade so the Sun hits it and saves the wood.
    Back again.
    Antonio and the guy helping him showed up about 10 minutes after I ended the first post...I was brushing my teeth! LOL!!..they're hard at work, should have everything done except for the paint today. :).
    I noticed my neighbors front yard wasn't cut...so I did it. I'll hear about that! I'm sure that job belonged to one of the kids...but as many times as they've cut mine....just returning a good deed!

    Yesterday Roger, I logged almost 11,000 steps. Not sure how I did that! Yes I went to the gym, but I left after I'd logged 6,500 steps...which was all I needed on Friday to make my weekly goal on my Fitbit. Where those other 4,000 steps came from, darned if I know.
    I was in and out of the house moving the hose to water the lawn and front flower bed??? surely not 4,000 steps work though...weird, huh??
    The good part is my knees and hip don't hurt. (I did take an Aleve last night with dinner), and this morning I was a little 'creaky' but had walked that off before the cats were fed...
    Yea Me??!?!

    Hope LeeAnn has had a pleasant time here in GA. I know she came to meet her daughter who was in town for an event...and wish her a safe trip home!

    Hi One More Time :)
    I suspect that the mowing did do it for those steps or a majority of them. I will be mowing tomorrow, it takes 30-45 minutes and if I remember I will check the steps before and after. I do know that the day I mow my steps are much higher.

    Congratulations on finishing the day pain free
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning.
    Been up since 6:30, just doing little things, like starting the dishwasher, feeding cats, folding some clothes...and yes, reading the internet!
    Yesterday did end up being a very long day...Antonio and his helper were here for about 12 hours....but, old siding gone, new HardiePlank installed, and caulked....ready for paint so it matches the house. The real shock was the condition of the Chimney Cap....it was so totally rusted out, never was installed correctly. So a new one has been ordered...and will be installed probably next weekend. Meanwhile, there is the ubiquitous blue plastic tarp over the top of the chimney. Decorative touch??? :):wink:

    Ok, I need breakfast, and I have a few more chores to do.... always chores.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! I've been up since about 6:00, but distracted by the internet, feeding Lilo, feeding me, washing dishes, etc...still need to do BIG WATER indoor, and laundry.

    I've made the barbecue sauce, and the boneless chuck short ribs will be going into the slow cooker in about an hour and a quarter, with the sauce, to cook until this evening. Broccoli and some potato dish will go with it I guess. And I may open a bottle of wine. Heaven knows I have plenty.

    Meanwhile, here's a possible giggle for today.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi All,
    Will need to go back and read, but I haven't fallen off the planet. I am just on the road trip to GA since Tuesday, not home until Monday night. Hope everyone is well.

    Valerie and I are in Georgia too. But no road trip...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was somewhat cooler this morning than Yesterday, a Whopping 2 or 3 degrees, Whee. Today's weather looks like a rerun of the last two days until this afternoon When that Tropical Storm from down South moves in, it is currently forecast to last into tomorrow Afternoon. Thus the Picking up the fruit today. There goes tomorrows holiday for many in this area :(

    I got out the door early 6:30AM and shortened that green strandy weed that covers the lot around the house on my return, 8400 steps total :) On the way back home I stopped and picked up some assorted types of Apples, a head of Lettuce, 2 Green Pears, 3 Greenish Bananas. I would have skipped the Bananas if they had not been fairly green :)

    Have a good Memorial Day
    Good Sunday Morning.
    Been up since 6:30, just doing little things, like starting the dishwasher, feeding cats, folding some clothes...and yes, reading the internet!
    Yesterday did end up being a very long day...Antonio and his helper were here for about 12 hours....but, old siding gone, new HardiePlank installed, and caulked....ready for paint so it matches the house. The real shock was the condition of the Chimney Cap....it was so totally rusted out, never was installed correctly. So a new one has been ordered...and will be installed probably next weekend. Meanwhile, there is the ubiquitous blue plastic tarp over the top of the chimney. Decorative touch??? :):wink:

    Ok, I need breakfast, and I have a few more chores to do.... always chores.

    Hi Valerie
    I have You beat for early at 6:03, OTOH Ed beat me up early by a few minutes :)

    I guess You had trouble finding a Red, White & Blue tarp for the chimney.

    I looked up HardiePlank and as I had guessed it looks to be a Cement board type of product that should not rot out in the future, Good Choice for durability.

    Have a Great Holiday
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! I've been up since about 6:00, but distracted by the internet, feeding Lilo, feeding me, washing dishes, etc...still need to do BIG WATER indoor, and laundry.

    I've made the barbecue sauce, and the boneless chuck short ribs will be going into the slow cooker in about an hour and a quarter, with the sauce, to cook until this evening. Broccoli and some potato dish will go with it I guess. And I may open a bottle of wine. Heaven knows I have plenty.

    Meanwhile, here's a possible giggle for today.


    Hi Ed
    My simple plan is to put the thin cut Pork chops on the BBQ later on. I am thinking I will go the lazy method and use up some of the open bottle of Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce on them. So will get used during the day and some will go in the Refrigerator for Tomorrow. BBQing today due to the weather forecast. I brought the grill in and scrubbed it in the sink. Interesting item in the news the other day about people getting hurt from using wire brushes to clean their BBQs. It seems that some of them have left pieces of the wire behind that got overlooked and ended up in their Burgers and then in the people eating them, Not good.

    Enjoy the Holiday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    The barbecue is about done. The potatoes and J's barbecue tofu are in the oven. Broccoli is ready to steam, and will be steamed while the baked items stand.

    Today is D's birthday, and we've already eaten chocolate cake. Barbecue, potatoes, broccoli soon...and I opened a bottle of old vine Zinfandel to go with dinner.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! We are open for business, as usual. Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...
    Off to an early start here. Woke earlier than usual, don't know why. Maybe a nap day!
    Cool, sunny...will get to 90 again today, but for now in the mid 60's and feels good to have the doors open.
    I seem to be missing a cat again today. They both got spooked Saturday when the guys were here working...strangers, noise, etc and they run hide. Hoot came back later that night, wanted to be petted, did that and put him back out to eat some of the cat food...he took off again, and hasn't been back.. I'll give him another day before I give up hope of his return.

    Laundry going...wouldn't want to miss doing laundry on Monday...Ha! Just needed to get a white load done.

    No real plans for today...Antonio may be back today... will depend on his 'real' job. If they need him, he'll go there and work. All Ok with me.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well I did it, I walked today 8200 steps so far. I need to check and see if our towns memorial Day Parade is cancelled, many here in NJ are cancelled for today due to the rain in the forecast. According to the Weather report this morning we have had .8 inches of rain overnight. No rain while walking, I did take the big umbrella along just in case.

    Have a Great Memorial Day
    The barbecue is about done. The potatoes and J's barbecue tofu are in the oven. Broccoli is ready to steam, and will be steamed while the baked items stand.

    Today is D's birthday, and we've already eaten chocolate cake. Barbecue, potatoes, broccoli soon...and I opened a bottle of old vine Zinfandel to go with dinner.
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! We are open for business, as usual. Off to the rat mines!
    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You had a great Sunday off of work. Hopefully today is good too.

    My Pork Chops turned out tasty with the BBQ sauce even if I did get them slightly over cooked :)
    I Put my brothers Pork chunks on the BBQ to crisp up the outside, he had baked them the day before so They did not take to long. He gets what is marked as Pork fat at the Local ShopRite for a really low price and they are 90% Pork and not to fatty so they are a bargain for him. The Little Bargain Hunter that he is.

    I had a Suspicion that Your job would be open, what gas station closes on a holiday? None!

    Enjoy the Holiday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning...
    Off to an early start here. Woke earlier than usual, don't know why. Maybe a nap day!
    Cool, sunny...will get to 90 again today, but for now in the mid 60's and feels good to have the doors open.
    I seem to be missing a cat again today. They both got spooked Saturday when the guys were here working...strangers, noise, etc and they run hide. Hoot came back later that night, wanted to be petted, did that and put him back out to eat some of the cat food...he took off again, and hasn't been back.. I'll give him another day before I give up hope of his return.

    Laundry going...wouldn't want to miss doing laundry on Monday...Ha! Just needed to get a white load done.

    No real plans for today...Antonio may be back today... will depend on his 'real' job. If they need him, he'll go there and work. All OK with me.


    Hi Valerie
    I missed Your post earlier, Oops.

    I was up earlier but managed to roll over and get back to sleep until after 7AM.
    Our weather here looks better than what they showed last night on the news as heading our way.

    Good Luck with the Cat(s)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Today is supposed to get to 92. I guess Memorial Day really did usher in the summer here.

    Lilo has been fed, I've been fed. Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is warmer already compared to yesterday and the promised drop in humidity has not happened yet. I was out walking and picked up the cloth AKA Handkerchief I dropped yesterday and said I'm not going that far when I realized it was not in my pocket. Sure enough there it was just sitting there waiting for me to pick it up. I keep it in my pocket to sit on if/when I stop for a minute or two to clear my nose. Most of the routes I walk have places that van be used to sit and relax if needed. They also come in handy as a place to dispose of anything that needs it as some of them have City garbage cans :) IOWs when I see garbage / Litter I have been known to pick it up and dispose of it that way. I carry a plastic grocery bag in my pocket when I remember to replace the last on I used up for that purpose. Some of the City cans scattered around have a recycle can next to them otherwise on recycle pickup day I just chuck recyclables into a handy recycle can.

    For anybody the is working, Have A Great Back To Work Tuesday

    Hi Ed and Valerie
    The forecast is for today to hit 88 degrees, the rest of the week shows as a little cooler each day as the week progresses.

    Stay Cool
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning!
    Doesn't feel like Tuesday, but it really is...
    Good News/Bad News..
    Hoot showed up last night...hunger does fix hurt feelings, and brings them back to the table, so to speak. I was glad to see his silly little self.
    Bad news?? This is really mostly embarrassing, and maddening! I have lost/misplaced my car keys...like they are 'nowhere to be found'...I was going to go to the gym and the Mex Market yesterday afternoon. Antonio was in the back painting the chimney, and I'd told him I was leaving, asking if he needed anything before I went....got my gym clothes on, my water bottle filled, my phone, my purse...opened the hall table little drawer...and no keys. And so the search began...when did I use the car last? Even that took some figuring out... fitbit told me I'd been to the gym on Friday....pix I'd taken and sent to the boys showed Sam had been here Friday and removed the broken big pots on the storm drain top...back to Fitbit...showed the big step expenditure was about 3-4 in the afternoon Friday....I knew I'd stayed home all day Saturday...and Sunday...and Monday there were no keys....
    Ted has my extra key...so I called him, and he brought my key to me...I also ordered a TILE, for when I do find the damn thing it will not be lost again!!! Kinda like 'find my phone app'. I am so frustrated. Antonio realized I hadn't actually left and came to the door to make sure I was alright...he even helped do a bit of looking, like looking under pillows on the couch, etc. Surface stuff...Ted went thru drawers I'd already been thru, but 2 sets of eyes are always better than one.... I even caught him looking in the freezer and the refrigerator...:) I have searched and searched. My last act today, and I'm saving it for the very last possible place., is the little daily sacks of waste in the garbage can...they garbage was picked up Friday morning, so I know if the keys were accidentally tossed, they haven't left my property... I've already looked thru the recycles..that was easy...but that garbage already doesn't smell so good...gag!!!

    Predicted 90+ here all week... and slim chance of rain...yesterday I think they said we'd topped out at 93. Hot, I know for sure.

    I've finished half of this weeks class, and intend to do the other half tonite over dinner...get that DONE. Then I think I only have one more week...not sure, will have to check on that.

    Meanwhile, I have the little barcoded tag from Honda which I will need to have to get a new key...I'm thinking I heard something like $75 for a new key?? Maybe I made that up...not sure. So, looking til about Thursday, and then going to have a new one made. :(

    Sorry such a long post...but Im just frustrated....

    Later....and hopefully happier!!!!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Keys found. That only took 26 hours of my life!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day already again.

    We passed our company audit for this quarter, with 98 out of 100 points. I'll take that for sure.

    Glad you found your car keys, Valerie!

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    It's Wednesday...grocery list in phone..time to eat, and shower, and hit the store before it gets too awfully hot!
    I was sooo happy to find those keys! And TILE should be delivered today. All is well. Excitement ran high after the 'find', and I cut the dead blooms on the rose bushes, and a few other things, just to 'relax'! LOL!
    Also spent some time on my class. I thought I was almost done, and then found out there was another set of 'lessons'...argggg! So I guess when it is hot this after, I'll be indoors studying. I think this set will not be holding my attention...its a long list of 'directives' from WHO. (World Health Organization), among other things...But I just need to test out at 80%. I can do this!

    Ed, congrats on the great score for the quarterly audit! I'll bet its a 'record' for fuel.

    Roger, I know you're walking, so I'll check in later to see what you found, what you bought, and how the weather was...or, are you sidelined because of the weather? Needless to say I haven't seen your weather today, and totally missed yesterday's news and forecasts. I'd make a lousy recording secretary/historian!! :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    7200 steps in what is somewhat warm already. It was fine in the shady areas and too warm in the sunny parts of the walk today. A slight breeze helped somewhat. Today is forecast to be a little cooler than yesterday.

    Yesterday we mailed a combined care package to our sister on the west coast. My portion had the DVDs and Thumb drive of the first batch of Videos I captured and worked on for my Sister. DVDs for her and Apple format for her Kids. We used a Post Office Flat Rate Box. My Brother stuffed it with things that we get easily here and not at all out there. Pork Roll, Frozen and Shrink Wrapped and Yes it will be fine as it was insulated too. Some Coconut covered Marshmallows, Home Made Chocolate Balls covered with Powdered Sugar, shelf stable package of Stuffed Cabbage Leafs, since there was room and the price is the same for a Box of feathers or Lead weights :)

    Have a Good Wednesday
    Keys found. That only took 26 hours of my life!
    Good Morning!
    It's Wednesday...grocery list in phone..time to eat, and shower, and hit the store before it gets too awfully hot!
    I was sooo happy to find those keys! And TILE should be delivered today. All is well. Excitement ran high after the 'find', and I cut the dead blooms on the rose bushes, and a few other things, just to 'relax'! LOL!
    Also spent some time on my class. I thought I was almost done, and then found out there was another set of 'lessons'...argggg! So I guess when it is hot this after, I'll be indoors studying. I think this set will not be holding my attention...its a long list of 'directives' from WHO. (World Health Organization), among other things...But I just need to test out at 80%. I can do this!

    Ed, congrats on the great score for the quarterly audit! I'll bet its a 'record' for fuel.

    Roger, I know you're walking, so I'll check in later to see what you found, what you bought, and how the weather was...or, are you sidelined because of the weather? Needless to say I haven't seen your weather today, and totally missed yesterday's news and forecasts. I'd make a lousy recording secretary/historian!! :)


    Hi Valerie
    Did You want to share where the keys were? I always keep both sets in my Pockets FWIW so I do not lose them. I have seen TV shows where they throw them in bowl by the door on the way in. I know if I did that I would manage to lock myself out of the house.

    The weather was over by the time I left the house Monday and the next rain is forecast to descend on us Friday at some point.

    Have a Great Day
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day already again.

    We passed our company audit for this quarter, with 98 out of 100 points. I'll take that for sure.

    Glad you found your car keys, Valerie!

    Off to the rat mines!
    Hi Ed
    Congratulations on the score, I would suspect that is in the top percentile of what is achieved when they do them.

    Have a Good Tag Day

    Hi Lee-Ann
    Enjoy the Day