100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    I did go out walking Today for a total of 9,129 steps. I went to Dunkin Donuts for my Coffee, Closed :( so I went to my alternate that never closes, 7-Eleven for the coffee. I swung by the local grocery store to see if they were opem or closed, They were Closed no surprise :)

    The baking is done. That would be the Sweet Potato Pie using a recipe where it uses Plain Yogurt and is topped with chopped Pecans, More Fruit Cakes since we had all of the ingredients and a Bacardi Rum Cake using this recipe to see how it tastes as it is something new to us.
    I had to do a few changes to the recipe as the Yellow Cake Mix weighed less than the Recipe calls for. I added a little flour to bring the weight up and I used French Vanilla Pudding mix as that was what we had. Probably the largest change was when I went to make it I realized we did not have cooking oil so I substituted Olive Oil. The Batter tasted good, Hopefully when we slice into it today it tastes good too.

    I got an addition to help me walk in this weather, Heated Mittens. The nice thing is that being mittens I can also add a Electric Hand warmer into the mitten for really cold weather if the high heat setting is not enough or I plan to be out beyond the 2.5 hours battery life when set to high. If I had been thinking ahead better I would have gotten these instead of trying the heated Gloves :(

    Have a Great Christmas Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    As part of my gifts from my ever helpful Brother :) there was a smallish box of Macadamia Shortbread Cookies that are 75 calories per biscuit and 12 in the box. A Dollar store box of Dipped Peanut Brittle120 calories per ounce serving, Two Russell Stover Truffle Santas 1.25 ounce and 180 calories, I had one last night in place of the NS dessert so Tasty too. And last but definitely not least Box of Christmas Dots candies where11 dots = 130 calories. on the good side as long as I am careful I can use them, I just need to be Strong and not overeat them once they are opened :)

    Thank You for the Holiday Wishes
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Merry Christmas. Em and i had a leisurely stroll around the zoo low 70s here. I feel like im about to get a major bloody nose again...i can feel the blood vessels swelling. I'm scared. If it were during business hours, id call doc and grt an mri...but ER won't do that because they won't believe there's a problem until after it bursts. Very worried.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    The nose-thing is subsiding...feeling improved!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi All!

    Sounds like you all had a good Christmas day! I was shocked McDonalds was closed. I was glad to see it, though. People should be home if they can be for Christmas. I just rested today after church, and the puppies just snoozed. We watched some movies and just relaxed. It was so good to be home! Val, the zoo sounded awesome with those temperatures, though!

    Great job on walking Rodger! And I admire your willpower on spacing out the goodies! I have no willpower,apparently. LOL! The rum cake looked delicious too looking at the recipe, and easy! I wonder if I could use a chocolate cake, and have Bailey's in it? :)

    I have got my steps up into the 4200-4500 range. That is better than I have been doing!

    Val, I am glad your nose is better! I am sure your sinus'es contribute as well as the weather being so changeable. Please be careful with it! Aggravating, I am sure!

    Take care all! Hopefully continue to enjoy the season! Jan--80's Monday! B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking Today for 8K steps. I stopped at the Grocery store for two bananas and 3 Bartlett Pears. I bought light as today is only 5% off versus Wednesdays 10% Senior Discount. Outdoors it is a gray looking day some precipitation in the forecast. Traffic on the roads is very light this morning.

    The Holiday baking was taste tested yesterday :) Final report, I liked the Bacardi Rum cake much better than the Sweet Potato Pie. Sadly the Rum Cake is so much more expensive to make due to the cost of the ingredients.

    Have a Good Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Merry Christmas. Em and i had a leisurely stroll around the zoo low 70s here. I feel like im about to get a major bloody nose again...i can feel the blood vessels swelling. I'm scared. If it were during business hours, id call doc and grt an mri...but ER won't do that because they won't believe there's a problem until after it bursts. Very worried.
    The nose-thing is subsiding...feeling improved!

    Hi Val
    Fortunately the Bloody nose did not happen to You. I think that runs in the family here. I am susceptible to them, they happen so easily. That is the way that Ers work :(

    It does sound as if You had a good weekend overall
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All!

    Sounds like you all had a good Christmas day! I was shocked McDonalds was closed. I was glad to see it, though. People should be home if they can be for Christmas. I just rested today after church, and the puppies just snoozed. We watched some movies and just relaxed. It was so good to be home! Val, the zoo sounded awesome with those temperatures, though!

    Great job on walking Rodger! And I admire your willpower on spacing out the goodies! I have no willpower,apparently. LOL! The rum cake looked delicious too looking at the recipe, and easy! I wonder if I could use a chocolate cake, and have Bailey's in it? :)

    I have got my steps up into the 4200-4500 range. That is better than I have been doing!

    Val, I am glad your nose is better! I am sure your sinus'es contribute as well as the weather being so changeable. Please be careful with it! Aggravating, I am sure!

    Take care all! Hopefully continue to enjoy the season! Jan--80's Monday! B)

    Hi Jan
    When I walked by the Dunkin Donuts and the Supermarket Sunday they were closed. In talking to Gloria the Cashier today she said the the market opened from 10 to 7 Sunday, rather then the regular opening time of 7AM. I do not know about the Dunkin Donuts. From memory many of the McDonalds in this area used to open for Breakfast on Christmas Day and then close. I am guessing that the theory was people would not want to be cooking a breakfast and a Christmas Dinner or would want something while traveling to a Christmas Dinner.

    Sadly I broke down and overate the Ham yesterday. Today with what I believe is water weight I added over 4 pounds yesterday. Way to much and way to soon to be from the calories :)

    Wow, 80s, I'm jealous of that temperature
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    You may have to walk double Rodger, lol! Wow, 4 lbs is a lot, but not with ham! It is that salt, gets you every time! :)

    I am baking a small turkey today for one or two more meal and leftovers! The dressing calls every time. I love cornbread dressing, even more than our families herb dressing recipe! Then it is apply myself time!

    It is already cooler today, with cooler temps and rain on the way. No where near your temps! I guess you get the bitter with the sweet when you get to have 4 real seasons! I miss that!

    I messed up, it was Christmas day that was 82 degrees and set a record. It is cloudy and cooler today, in the 60's! A nice day, none the less!

    Take care with those leftovers and stay warm! Glad your fingers stay warm! Jan

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I am pretty sure most of it is water retention :)
    I still have frozen left over Turkey in the freezer to use up. I cut a lot of t he Bacardi Rum Cake up and froze it, Tomorrow I need to vacuum seal it for long term freezer storage. Baked goods need to be frozen first otherwise they get crushed when You pull any type of vacuum on them. We are forecast to have a high around 60 Tuesday with temperatures rising overnight into morning, then in the afternoon the They start dropping. Their is some light scattered rain moving in later today into tomorrow too.

    I think it is a remnant of You warm weather moving in that is going to cause our warmth.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking Today for 10.9K steps. The temperature out the door was 55 degrees and mow 2+ hours later it is all the way up to 56t degrees. The forecast high is 60 degrees before it starts falling to the 30s overnight. Today I was fine in just Gloves and the Hoodie and left the hood down :) Outdoors it is a gray looking day some precipitation must have fallen overnight as everything was wet. Traffic on the roads is light this morning too.

    Today I need to vacuum seal the slices of Rum Cake I put in the freezer yesterday as well as Portion out most of the remaining Ham to Vacuum Seal and Freeze for later use, Not to mention to reduce temptation to indulge AKA Overeat.

    Have a Good Monday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Another day I get to stay home all day! I feel like I have died and gone to heaven! I know some people that like to be on the go, but I guess I am not one of them! I would like to get out though and take the granddaughters to lunch. We will probably go for pizza or maybe Steak and Shake. They are an old fashioned type malt shop, and have all kinds of selections as well as floats,malts and milkshakes. My favorite being an old fashioned orange shake, fairly reminiscent of a creamsickle. Not calorie friendly though! :#

    Glad you had a slight reprieve in the weather! It is drizzly here, and grey, but kind of nice actually. The traffic has picked up some today. I really like the time between Christmas and New Years because for me, it is still quiet and uneventful. It is kind of like a prolonged Christmas Day! We always took the tree and decor down on New Year's Day and I am in no hurry to do so! :)

    Great job on the steps! I had 4500 again yesterday. For me that is good, so I hope to stay steady! Keep up the good work! Jan- waiting for the cold to come back! :D
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    If I said the best thing about being retired is not feeling guilty when You decide to have a lazy day home :)

    The Sun actually came out for a while this afternoon.

    One of the things I miss is many Mom & pop type businesses in town anymore. The Last Bakery I knew of closed a little while ago.

    Luckily there are a few good Pizza & Chinese Take out left. Now I need to get rid of this Christmas weight so I can have a slice of Pizza and not feel too guilty.

    Have a Nice Day (Evening)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I slept most of Monday! Drowning in work (unable to do all that's assigned). Very far behind with house cleaning and maintenance. My kid's birthday is on the 4th... I need to figure out some way to celebrate.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Everybody
    I was out walking Today for 9K of steps. I stopped at the Grocery store for Seven Bananas, a Cup of Ruby Red Grapefruit slices and a pack of White Meat Chicken since today is Wednesday and the 10% Senior Discount. Outdoors it is a gray looking day some precipitation in the forecast for Tomorrow. Traffic on the roads is still light this morning. Temps out the door was 38 degrees a fair drop from yesterday, oh well, Back to seasonal temperatures :)

    While walking the other day I saw one of the Vultures that live in this area feeding.

    Have a Good Wednesday
    I slept most of Monday! Drowning in work (unable to do all that's assigned). Very far behind with house cleaning and maintenance. My kid's birthday is on the 4th... I need to figure out some way to celebrate.

    Hi Val
    I'm sorry to hear that You are being overloaded during this Holiday season.
    Fortunately You sill have some time to figure out what to do for the Birthday.

    Good Luck
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi Val!

    I am glad you slept! You must have really needed it! Too bad you can not buy that time changer thing in the Harry Potter books that Hermine (sp!) used to get all her classes attended to! Not only would your daughter love it, you could borrow it! As you can tell, no practical suggestion here!

    Take care and do not worry about being behind for the house. I think if we ever catch up, it messes with the universe! :# ..Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi Rodger!

    Great job on walking! Your weather has seemed a little crazy lately.I would have thought you would have less rain, and more snow. I don't know why!

    We have some vultures that live up the street. (I don't know why but that sounds rather amusing!) There is a big spread for cattle on both sides of the street. They like to hang out there, and it is fun to watch them fly, especially on warm days when they drift on drafts, lol!
    I have a huge hawk that lives by my house. He (she?) had a nest in the woods behind my house, but I am not too sure he does not have several. He has quite the wing span, and I have seen him many years now. He likes to watch the dogs sometimes when they are out. Thankfully they are not chihuahuas... :)

    Great job on steps! I can not buy 7 bananas at once, they ripen too fast! As much as I love banana bread, I sure do not need it, lol! I have a little Christmas Cheer to lose! :#

    Take care! ...Jan ..cloudy and cool!...
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I love the Harry Potter reference! That would be very handy. I'm feeling more positive today... which is good because i was getting sick of being so glum. I'm actually making progress on on proposal and helping Norm keep me out of the doghouse on another. Amazon just delivered my nee book "the lose your belly diet" that gocuses on keeping your gut bacteria healthy...snd thereby improving your overall health. I'm going to mow my lawn...80 degree weather makes the weeds grow!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I made a vegetarian version of the attached recipe and it's delicious! Em even loves it, even though she still thinks lentils are weird.7xsz68xwo36c.jpg
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking Today for 9.6K of steps. Since today's forecast was for Snow turning to rain depending on where the snow line started and I was having trouble falling back to sleep I decided let me get a early start on my walking. Success, I beat the weather back home. Outdoors it is a gray looking day and as of 8AM some precipitation is falling. From looking at the Weather report it appears that we are on the line between Snow and Rain, just as well I did get out early. Traffic on the roads was still light this morning. The traffic reports mention slippery going to the north and west.

    While walking past the Brook below the dam the lights from the park looked nice reflected on it and then as I approached the lake I said to myself "What the heck is that floating on the surface", Surprising me it turned out to be lots of Geese sitting and swimming there. I see them flying overhead mornings with their non melodious honking noise, I did not recall seeing them in the lake like that, usually I see them walking in the park or flying overhead :)

    Have a Good Thursday