100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Good call to head back to the house if it was getting slick! I had checked a weather map before bed as the system was coming in and was in Mississippi. It was snowing and icing there. It was 38 degrees with rain, and an occasional sleet pellet here when feeding the birds. The wind is brisk. I have not checked the weather update yet. If it does not dry out and it freezes tonite, it will be interesting. At the moment, though, the rain has slacked off. The wind might dry the pavement. School was cancelled, which is a hoot, but down here a wise choice as many people can not drive safely. We shall see. The moisture coming from the gulf was less than I expected. That might be a saving grace! The best part is being retired, and not having to worry about the whole scenario! :)

    Germans drive in anything, and are quite good at it! Of course, on the autobahn if there is an accident, it can involve lots of cars. We heard of ones involving 50+ cars, and one closer to 100 cars, due to snow and freezing fog. That rarely happens, though. They know their laws and drive with precision. They do get snow in the 12-36 inch range that stays. Of course, that was 25 years ago! Climate change might have occurred.

    I forgot to write of a great experience yesterday while feeding the birds! I heard all this honking and commotion instead of the usual dog and rooster sounds, and 8 beautiful geese flew directly low over me in their V formation. I was a little worried for them as they seemed headed north. (I would be going south, lol!). I have seen them in autumn, but higher up, so this seemed unusual for here, anyway! It was great!

    Great job on being sensible with losing, BTW! Always a help! ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    The possibility of snow got me up and out the door an hour earlier today, I wanted to get walking before any new snow covered up icy spots. Just as well I did have to detour around icy patches of sidewalk or be careful where I stepped.

    Sleet AKA Freezing Rain is one of the worst. Before I retired I hated looking out the window and seeing it on the car and know that I had to clear the car windows and then drive home on it. Fog, Snow and ice are the weather conditions that really slow me down.

    We get multi car pile ups every year and those are just the large ones that make the news on TV. The worst seem to be the ones caused by Fog IMO.
    I am not sure I believe in Climate Change to where it has much of a effect. any change will most likely be in the range of 1 or 2 degrees a century.

    I hear the Geese flying overhead every morning shortly after sunrise. They have settled into year around habitation in many parts of NJ. There is a fair size flock of them in the Towns park that has the man made lake.

    They do look nice flying overhead.
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Checked local weather. Tons of moisture from the gulf! Ice and sleet should be headed my way as the temperature drops. Just about 10 miles north is sleet. We are at rain still. Apparently we are due to get hit as the temps drop. I-65 north is a icy mess. I hope everyone is smart and gets home or to shelter. Sat will be interesting after all. :o

    From what I have seen on news broadcasts over the years, The Deep South does not handle Ice or Snow well. Usually here in NJ the first snowfall has the worst effect on drivers. One theory is that it is the new drivers that hot their licenses after the last snowfall the previous winter.

    Stay Safe & Warm
    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I lucked out apparently.The sleet line was about 10 miles north of me! It is bitter this am! I know you are always putting up with it, lol. It's 20 degrees with a wind at about 8 miles/hr. There is ice on my gates and fencing and pools of water are frozen. I have 1 3/8 inch of ice in my rain gauge. I guess we are still deficit in our rain, but I don't know how much. It is sunny however. I forgot what it looked like. :) Really thankful we have power!

    There were a couple of cute tweets. Our weatherman always asks to tell him conditions and where you are. People were sending "rain" or sleet" or mix, ect. and their city. One person sent a picture of a measuring tape with 1.5 inches of ice cubes from his freezer. I thought it was pretty funny. There was the inevitable run on groceries, esp. bread and milk. One person sent in a picture that showed a box of fresh Krispy Kreme donuts with a few missing that said, "got mine!" that person was not on NS obviously. Well, hope not!

    No one is out! Trucks, cars, people, animals. Quieter than Christmas! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went out for some of my walking Today and I did 4100 steps Outdoors. I have done some more walking indoors with more to come and I am now up to 5700 steps. The temperature was 15 degrees this morning and more of a wind and thus wind chill then yesterday. It to snow between 9:30 and 10AM yesterday. This morning according to the weather report nearby they had 2.8" of snow, My Brother believes that we had over 4" here. We went out shoveling twice yesterday once around 3:30 and for a final shoveling around 7:30PM as the snow had finished falling.

    I decided to go out today for two reasons, The first reason was I wanted to get some walking in before the traffic packed it down into slippery conditions. The second reason was to pick up Fruit at the Grocery Store where I picked up 8 nicely greenish Bananas so they should last well in the refrigerator, Two types of Apples and D'Anjou Pears for a total of 6 pieces. Last but not least some sliced Ham that will work to stay on plan as the PF to go with the SC Wrap as a mid-morning snack.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I lucked out apparently.The sleet line was about 10 miles north of me! It is bitter this am! I know you are always putting up with it, lol. It's 20 degrees with a wind at about 8 miles/hr. There is ice on my gates and fencing and pools of water are frozen. I have 1 3/8 inch of ice in my rain gauge. I guess we are still deficit in our rain, but I don't know how much. It is sunny however. I forgot what it looked like. :) Really thankful we have power!

    There were a couple of cute tweets. Our weatherman always asks to tell him conditions and where you are. People were sending "rain" or sleet" or mix, ect. and their city. One person sent a picture of a measuring tape with 1.5 inches of ice cubes from his freezer. I thought it was pretty funny. There was the inevitable run on groceries, esp. bread and milk. One person sent in a picture that showed a box of fresh Krispy Kreme donuts with a few missing that said, "got mine!" that person was not on NS obviously. Well, hope not!

    No one is out! Trucks, cars, people, animals. Quieter than Christmas! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I would say You lucked out with the sleet line being North of You and maintaining power. Freezing Rain has a unfortunate tendency to like power lines for Dinner :)

    I am always amazed how people run out for those particular items when there is bad weather in the forecast, Both my Brother & I have enough foods in the house that we would be fine for over a week if we got snowed in.

    I am guessing the same as You that the Krispy Kreme eater is not on a diet :)
    I have seen those and did think that they are on the small side, especially compared to the ones sold at the Local 7-Eleven which are huge and priced around the same as the Smaller Dunkin Donuts. The Fresh Donuts at the Local Acme Supermarket AKA Grocery Store are huge too and even lower in cost FWIW.

    I would say that They are being smart staying indoors. The Local Cable News channel last night was showing a Bar/Eating place that had a packed parking lot and the snow was still falling there. I guess NJ drivers are either hardier or more Foolish ?

    Have a Nice Day

    P.S. Did You see the humorous images I posted Yesterday? Most likely more tomorrow too :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2017
    I went out for some of my walking Today and I did 7K steps Outdoors. Yesterday I did some more walking indoors and I am ended up with 7.8K steps. The temperature was showing 5.7 degrees this morning and that was on the closed in porch that gets some warmth through the wall of the house and runs warmer than outdoors.
    I picked up Eggs, a head of Lettuce and some frozen vegetables at the Grocery Store. Just as importantly it gave me a chance to warm up before heading for home.

    I wore my Insulated Boots today, Those are the ones with a nice tread for traction and Rubber Bottoms with leather laced tops. They kept my feet warm and I was wearing four layers above the waist for warmth and even the heated Mittens were OK but not that warm today. However much better than the unheated ones I had used in the past.

    Today's tasting is a EAS AdvantEdge Strawberry Cream Protein shake. 11 ounces, 100 Calories and 15G Protein and it tastes OK. A slight after taste but not bad. It sort of reminds me of the Muscle Milk Shake I had bought at CostCo in the past which had similar stats.

    Have a Great Monday

    P.S. I ended up posting more images yesterday rather than today :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    My Sunday went so quick I did not post for the first time. I really don't like being that busy. I was just trying to get back into the swing after my "snow days" that apparently got my routine a little messed up, lol! Today (Mon.) was our last cold day! In the 55- 60 range tomorrow, thank goodness, and in the 70, the rest of the week! I can not wrap my head around your 5 degree temp, and I know it was much lower! It is a good thing you are so prepared! I am rather surprised your lettuce did not freeze on the way home! :# You guys are used to the driving every winter, so it is not too crazy for you all to be out! When we were in Germany we did what we wanted outside, no matter how cold! Of course their train and subway systems were pretty awesome for cold weather! No driving if you did not want to!

    I love your pictures you post, they are so funny and always bring a grin! I really appreciate them! They should probably include more of that in the daily news on T.V. Maybe the world would be a happier place!

    The reviews are worthwhile too! I have tried something new, Nature Valley biscuit packets. There are 4 in a pack with five to a box. I tried both the blueberry and lemon poppy seed. I used them for breakfast for a change. They are a little high in calories at 230 for the pack, but they have 28 grams of whole grains, 4 gms of fiber, 9 gms fat, 33gms carbs and 4gms protein. But they fill you for hours, and do not leave you hungry later. Perfect crunch and great with coffee! Of course you do not have to eat the whole pack! But of course I do, lol! They are relatively new down here. My daughter also told me they are finally carrying the cauliflower pieces that substitute for rice in our Walmart now, for more low carb options. She said they were pretty good and had several varieties. Maybe I will brave Walmart to see one day soon!
    Stay warm! Stay safe in walking! ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    I went out my walking Today for 8,432 steps + 1 cent. Yesterday I did some more walking indoors and I am ended up with almost 11 K of steps. The temperature was showing 9 degrees this morning and that was on the closed in porch that gets some warmth through the wall of the house and runs warmer than outdoors. The footing was OK until the last block approaching the house where I had a foot slip on the Packed snow twice, No fall luckily.

    I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some Large Curd Cottage Cheese. That gave me a chance to warm up before heading for home.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    My Sunday went so quick I did not post for the first time. I really don't like being that busy. I was just trying to get back into the swing after my "snow days" that apparently got my routine a little messed up, lol! Today (Mon.) was our last cold day! In the 55- 60 range tomorrow, thank goodness, and in the 70, the rest of the week! I can not wrap my head around your 5 degree temp, and I know it was much lower! It is a good thing you are so prepared! I am rather surprised your lettuce did not freeze on the way home! :# You guys are used to the driving every winter, so it is not too crazy for you all to be out! When we were in Germany we did what we wanted outside, no matter how cold! Of course their train and subway systems were pretty awesome for cold weather! No driving if you did not want to!

    I love your pictures you post, they are so funny and always bring a grin! I really appreciate them! They should probably include more of that in the daily news on T.V. Maybe the world would be a happier place!

    The reviews are worthwhile too! I have tried something new, Nature Valley biscuit packets. There are 4 in a pack with five to a box. I tried both the blueberry and lemon poppy seed. I used them for breakfast for a change. They are a little high in calories at 230 for the pack, but they have 28 grams of whole grains, 4 gms of fiber, 9 gms fat, 33gms carbs and 4gms protein. But they fill you for hours, and do not leave you hungry later. Perfect crunch and great with coffee! Of course you do not have to eat the whole pack! But of course I do, lol! They are relatively new down here. My daughter also told me they are finally carrying the cauliflower pieces that substitute for rice in our Walmart now, for more low carb options. She said they were pretty good and had several varieties. Maybe I will brave Walmart to see one day soon!
    Stay warm! Stay safe in walking! ..Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    Today is our last Frigid day also, Although our warming trend is not as warm as Yours, Enjoy the warmup.
    My guess is that the Lettuce was warm enough from the store to not freeze. Defrosted Lettuce that had frozen is a total loss IMO.

    You are Right, however the news will not do much in the humorous line.

    I was curious so I looked up the Nature Valley Breakfast biscuits on Amazon and Walmart, Not a large surprise to me that Walmart was cheaper BTW. Just curious where You got Yours?

    Congratulations for being under Your calorie goal yesterday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2017
    I went out for my walk today for 8,516 steps, yesterdays 1 cent was the first money I found this year while walking.
    It was a comparatively balmy as compared to the last two days 45 degrees this morning. The walk was more comfortable, no money I I did hit a few slippery spots where the snow had been packed down into ice and not melted away by the overnight rain and warming.

    Later on The bank so I have the $ to go to CostCo for frozen vegetables, Apples, and a case(s) of protein shakes depending on flavors :)

    Have a Great Wednesday

    Hi Jan
    Congratulations on being under Your calorie Goal again.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I don't think you are going to get rich again on your finding change until spring and people can stop bundling up, lol! Glad it is a little warmer, though it sounds like it could be messy having snow, rain or mix with the fluctuating temperatures! Continue to be careful walking!

    I had got my Nature Valley biscuits at Winn Dixie. I paid $2 dollars and something, I can't remember. Probably around $2.60- ish a box. It was pretty in line with other fairly healthy breakfast bars. Winn Dixie is good about having a 2 for one sale every few weeks also in these products. I alter between there and Publix, where I go if I need my Mocha creamer, which I am addicted to. I drank my coffee black for years and years, but I seem to not want to in the last few years. I can forgo a lot of sweet things, but the creamer and pie can be a downfall! :#
    Mostly it is just too big of servings. I try to weigh out things, and do better than I used to! That is the good thing about NS, no guessing! Or fudging, as the case may be.

    It is drizzling here, believe it or not! It is cooler feeling than 55-60, but I will take it! Also a little gloomy, but also rather quiet, too. It could be the loss to Clemson by Alabama here. They do take their college football rather seriously here! It is a full time profession down here for 94% of everyone. I am in the 6%, though I do like to watch a good game occasionally. I tend to pull for the underdog, Auburn. Not my mission in life however, lol!

    It is slow going keeping off that last 4-5 pounds, but I feel so much better when I eat right. I will keep that in mind! :) Jan....Take care!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    South Florida
    January 10, 2017 8:07 AM
    Walk of death? Florida is the most dangerous place for pedestrians

    Walkers, it's dangerous out there.
    With pedestrian fatalities at a 10-year high, Florida leads the way among the seven most dangerous metropolitan communities to walk around in the country. Though South Florida didn't crack the top 10, Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach came in at a not-so-respectable 11th, according to the Dangerous by Design report released by Smart Growth America, a Washington D.C.-based organization that advocates for walkable cities.

    Cape Coral-Fort Myers claimed the top spot, followed by Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, Jacksonville, Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach, Lakeland-Winter Haven, and Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater. North Port-Sarasota-Bradenton placed 10th. An interactive map on Smart Growth’s website shows the most dangerous spots in those metro areas.

    The report ranks the 104 largest metro areas in the country, as well as every state by a “Pedestrian Danger Index,” or PDI, which factors in the share of commuters who walk to work, along with the most recent data on pedestrian deaths. Rankings are based not on the total number of fatalities but on population size, the number of people who commute on foot and the number of fatalities.

    In Florida, during the 10-year period ending in 2014, 5,142 people were killed by a car while walking. In South Florida, the toll was 1,508.

    The rest of the country didn't do much better. The total number of pedestrians killed in the same 10 year period was 46,149. Between 2005 and 2014, Americans were 7.2 times more likely to die as a pedestrian than from a natural disaster. In 2014 alone, an average of 13 people were struck and killed by a car every day while walking.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I don't think you are going to get rich again on your finding change until spring and people can stop bundling up, lol! Glad it is a little warmer, though it sounds like it could be messy having snow, rain or mix with the fluctuating temperatures! Continue to be careful walking!

    I had got my Nature Valley biscuits at Winn Dixie. I paid $2 dollars and something, I can't remember. Probably around $2.60- ish a box. It was pretty in line with other fairly healthy breakfast bars. Winn Dixie is good about having a 2 for one sale every few weeks also in these products. I alter between there and Publix, where I go if I need my Mocha creamer, which I am addicted to. I drank my coffee black for years and years, but I seem to not want to in the last few years. I can forgo a lot of sweet things, but the creamer and pie can be a downfall! :#
    Mostly it is just too big of servings. I try to weigh out things, and do better than I used to! That is the good thing about NS, no guessing! Or fudging, as the case may be.

    It is drizzling here, believe it or not! It is cooler feeling than 55-60, but I will take it! Also a little gloomy, but also rather quiet, too. It could be the loss to Clemson by Alabama here. They do take their college football rather seriously here! It is a full time profession down here for 94% of everyone. I am in the 6%, though I do like to watch a good game occasionally. I tend to pull for the underdog, Auburn. Not my mission in life however, lol!

    It is slow going keeping off that last 4-5 pounds, but I feel so much better when I eat right. I will keep that in mind! :) Jan....Take care!

    Hi Jan
    I do my best to take care :)

    I try and buy on sale too, any type of a 2 for one sale is great. I do however regard the prices that way as being what they really should be.
    I still take my Coffee Black and unsweetened and always have.

    IMO there is no reason that NS could not sell frozen pieces of pies in their desserts. Pie slices like Apple, Cherry, peach etc.

    I can feel the difference when I eat poorly such as yesterday :(
    OTOH I was at a good weight beforehand so I am bit going to get gray hair, OK, Really it is more gray hair to finish the job of going gray.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went out for my walk today for ? steps + $0.50, my Fitbit did not record any steps beyond 28 steps :( , Temperature was 52 degrees.

    Yesterday at CostCo I bought two bags of Normandy Style Mixed vegetables and Green Beans in the frozen vegetables area. Gala Apples, Anjou Pears and and a 10 pack case of Kleenex. As well as a case of each of Chocolate, Banana Cream and Vanilla protein shakes :) Two of the Protein shake cases which had $5 off applied at the register
    Ialso bought a paperback at $5.99 which is $ 4 off of list price. I passed on what looked like a Harry Potter hardcover when I noticed it was not written by J.K Rowling and is this one. The eighth installment of the Harry Potter series, the two-part play, "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" This one Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two (Special Rehearsal Edition)
    Book 8
    Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, a new play by Jack Thorne

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just got a new toy in today I am playing with. It is a Marantz Professional PMD-300CP | Dual Cassette Player & Digital Recorder with USB Output
    I have downloaded their capture software, "EZ Vinyl Tape Converter". Which I am familiar with as it appears to be the same software supplied by Ion for their Turntable with USB port as well as Right & Left audio outputs. Currently I am testing it with a capture from a audio cassette I made back in the 70s.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    Congratulations on being under Your calorie goal again.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited January 2017

    That is some horrific news on walking and being killed statistics! I had no idea it was that bad. I wonder if some of it is because of the lack of sidewalks now. Most developers do not build them anymore. I know I miss them for ease of walking.

    You must have gone out to eat, if you had a day you did not do so good! :)

    That new book you mentioned for Harry Potter got some pretty dismal reviews on publishing and on Amazon. That is too bad. She (Rowlings) should have stopped while she was ahead! I hate to see that. I meant to ask my daughter about it, and forgot! (eyes roll!)

    Thanks for the encouragement on my calorie control! Always helpful!

    Your player/ recorder sounds pretty cool! It must be nice to be that knowledgeable about it that you can set it up and transform your older cassettes! I'm impressed! Sounds like it will keep you busy! Did you ever dream of the technology that is offered today?

    Keep up the great steps! Glad you are warmer! We were 77 yesterday, and 80 today! :# Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2017
    Today is not Your day if You suffer from Triskaidekaphobia :)

    I went out for my walk today for 11.5K steps, The temperature was 54 degrees out the door. During the walk the temperature was dropping and the breeze increasing. Back out later with my brother driving for a little more running around.

    They are talking about a Wintery Mix tomorrow on the radio :(

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    That is some horrific news on walking and being killed statistics! I had no idea it was that bad. I wonder if some of it is because of the lack of sidewalks now. Most developers do not build them anymore. I know I miss them for ease of walking.

    You must have gone out to eat, if you had a day you did not do so good! :)

    That new book you mentioned for Harry Potter got some pretty dismal reviews on publishing and on Amazon. That is too bad. She (Rowlings) should have stopped while she was ahead! I hate to see that. I meant to ask my daughter about it, and forgot! (eyes roll!)

    Thanks for the encouragement on my calorie control! Always helpful!

    Your player/ recorder sounds pretty cool! It must be nice to be that knowledgeable about it that you can set it up and transform your older cassettes! I'm impressed! Sounds like it will keep you busy! Did you ever dream of the technology that is offered today?

    Keep up the great steps! Glad you are warmer! We were 77 yesterday, and 80 today! :# Jan

    Hi Jan
    If You look carefully the Harry Potter book is from the Play and no written by Rowlings, The play might be good but I had a feeling it would not be a good book.

    The Builders would install sidewalks if the towns required them.

    Actually my Brother brought back a Chicken Broccoli lunch special for me which I did a eat em up on :(
    The White Rice and the Wonton Soup was OK, The Chicken & the Broccoli were better tasting after I blotted off most of the sauce :)

    Congratulations on yet another day under Your Calorie Goal
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I did not think about the city ordinances and sidewalks. I wonder why they don't want to require it, at least in neighborhoods, maybe.

    I was assuming Rowlings still had to give her permission , and with her money, I sure would have retained some control.

    I guess you are getting that icy mess from the plains coming in? I hope not! It was a nice day today and we sat outside some, it was good to be home!

    Our news had a story about a man being caught in the neighbor's house nude. Apparently he was rummaging thru their kitchen looking for sesame seeds to put on his hamburger bun. He had been smoking spice, or whatever you do with it. Sounded like an Alabama story...Thankfully it was not, lol!

    I am going to Texas Roadhouse for supper Sat. with my daughter. I am pretty sure I may not be in my calorie allowance then, but will try! :#

    I had not congratulated you on finding the $.50 on your walk! Impressive! Kinda made up for your tracker not tracking! I have done that twice! Bummer! ...Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2017
    I went out for my walk today for 9,900 steps + 10 cents, The temperature was 29 degrees out the door which is a 25 degree drop from yesterday for the same time. During the walk the temperature was dropping and the breeze increasing.

    They are talking about Snow to a Wintry Mix today from inches to a coating depending on what part of the state. The southern portion getting it worse :( The latest weather forecast says moving in this afternoon.

    Have a Great Weekend