100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi Rodger!

    Great job on walking! Your weather has seemed a little crazy lately.I would have thought you would have less rain, and more snow. I don't know why!

    We have some vultures that live up the street. (I don't know why but that sounds rather amusing!) There is a big spread for cattle on both sides of the street. They like to hang out there, and it is fun to watch them fly, especially on warm days when they drift on drafts, lol!
    I have a huge hawk that lives by my house. He (she?) had a nest in the woods behind my house, but I am not too sure he does not have several. He has quite the wing span, and I have seen him many years now. He likes to watch the dogs sometimes when they are out. Thankfully they are not chihuahuas... :)

    Great job on steps! I can not buy 7 bananas at once, they ripen too fast! As much as I love banana bread, I sure do not need it, lol! I have a little Christmas Cheer to lose! :#

    Take care! ...Jan ..cloudy and cool!...

    Hi Jan
    I suspect we could all use the Time gadget that Hermione used. I think that might be the spelling :)

    The first thing I did with the Bananas was pop them into the refrigerator, they keep much better that way and depending on how ripe they were when they went in I pull them in the morning or evening for the next day. The skins tend to turn blackened but the insides are in good condition that way. I bought 7 as they were a little green, if they had been riper I would have bought 4 to take me to Sunday morning and then picked up more while walking that day, normally. However since Sunday is New Years Day I would have either bout 3 to go to Saturday or 5 to go to Monday :)

    And You are right really ripe Bananas work good in Banana Bread, which we all need :(

    I have some left over Christmas Cheer to lose over again too.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I love the Harry Potter reference! That would be very handy. I'm feeling more positive today... which is good because i was getting sick of being so glum. I'm actually making progress on on proposal and helping Norm keep me out of the doghouse on another. Amazon just delivered my nee book "the lose your belly diet" that focuses on keeping your gut bacteria healthy...and thereby improving your overall health. I'm going to mow my lawn...80 degree weather makes the weeds grow!

    Hi Val
    I noticed this " hope4change_val 14 hours ago, burned 422 calories doing 60 minutes of Gardening, general" so Congratulations on getting out doing.

    I will be very interested in a review of that new book. Hopefully it works as the belly is the one stubborn area.

    80 degrees, Ha, I was showing 31 degrees on my porch when I started out today.

    Good luck, Stay Cool
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I'm feeling good! It's startlingly because I've felt so sick for so long (October sinus infection and overall yuck and stomach ache). I LOVE the new book "Lose your belly diet." It will help with weight loss but it is focused on what your body needs yo be healthy (not on you can't have this or that). The recommended proportions are different for weight loss vs maintenance. I eat 6 proteins, 2 grains, 2 fats, at least 2 fruits (apples pears or berries) and at least 6 veggies (not corn lima beans or potatoes)...and at least one serving probiotics. Did I mention I feel good! Hugs, Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My new FAVORITE treat: dark chocolate nuts and sea salt KIND bar. Heaven!!! And my gut microbes like it.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi All!

    Val, Your lentil recipe looks awesome. I love lentils and plan to try it. I never think to put tomatoes in, and I love the spices! That book looks like it will be good and healthy. I think even if you eat healthy food and go over some, it will be only good for you. It looks like that book will really be good for your body! Glad you found it! You are the second person who has raved about those KIND bars! I may have to try them! Good luck and great start! :)

    Rodger, I was almost :# under my calories for today! Doing better for getting on track! Way too much Christmas cheer here! I did find a product I liked. Silk put out a soy eggnog I tried and it was quite good. You could not tell it was soy, even though I do like Silk's soy. It had a great eggnog taste and was light and refreshing. It was not thick like rich eggnog, but at 80 cal. for a 1/2 glass, it was wonderful. Better than 260 calories, and who has a 1/2 glass? lol!

    Windy today and turning colder, especially at night. Covered my honeysuckle that I am babying along. It did not do well this summer, but is making a comeback with the warmer days and nites, and the rain. If it just looks good in the spring!

    Hang tough all! ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I did not read all the requirements and rules, but this site claims to pay money for accomplishing step goals. ha2wb2j50flc.jpg
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking Today for 8K of steps. I Noticed that the roads and sidewalks had a glitter from frost this morning. The footing was OK except in a couple of areas where traffic through puddles had splashed and then frozen overnight. I was able to easily detour around those areas. Traffic on the roads is still light this morning.

    I just had my first NS Chocolate Turboshake this morning :(
    It is drinkable however it is not as good as the NS Protein shake was and I will not be reordering them when the four boxes they substituted are used up. It leave a bit of a after taste too. Tomorrow I will be using the first of the NS Vanilla Turboshakes that they also substituted in my last order. I do have 2 more packets of the discontinued NS Coffee protein shake and I will be treating myself to one Sunday Morning and the other the following Sunday.

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm feeling good! It's startlingly because I've felt so sick for so long (October sinus infection and overall yuck and stomach ache). I LOVE the new book "Lose your belly diet." It will help with weight loss but it is focused on what your body needs yo be healthy (not on you can't have this or that). The recommended proportions are different for weight loss vs maintenance. I eat 6 proteins, 2 grains, 2 fats, at least 2 fruits (apples pears or berries) and at least 6 veggies (not corn lima beans or potatoes)...and at least one serving probiotics. Did I mention I feel good! Hugs, Val
    Hi Val
    If I said that looks a lot like the NS 1800 calorie Mens Plan :)
    The NS plan is 2 PF & 2 SC for breakfast and lunch
    3 PF & 2 SC for Dinner. And 4 Vegetable servings per day
    Plus a PF +SC midmorning snack and a SC Afternoon and evening Dessert.

    I'm not surprised that the recommended veggies exclude the ones that primarily starch.
    My new FAVORITE treat: dark chocolate nuts and sea salt KIND bar. Heaven!!! And my gut microbes like it.

    How nice for You that You found a bar You like. It sounds like the delicious NS Dessert bar called "Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Nut Bar"
    Nutrisystem® Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Nut Bars give you that sweet and salty fix combined with the goodness of almonds, peanuts and walnuts. These delicious nut bars are drizzled in chocolate with just a touch of sea salt. They have 7g of fiber and 6g of protein all wrapped up in a guilt-free snack!
    I did not read all the requirements and rules, but this site claims to pay money for accomplishing step goals. ha2wb2j50flc.jpg
    I looked up the site mentioned in Your post and this is what Google showed.
    https://www.achievemint.com/ - Cached - Similar
    "My sister told me about it, and it seemed too good to be true at first. But when she said that she had already received $20, I signed up. It was so easy and a ...

    WOT AKA Web Of Trust gives it a green light rating FWIW.
    No Smart phone here and I'm not sure how the site is paying for steps. Or IOWs Now are they Monetizing the expense of running the site and paying out money?

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All!

    Val, Your lentil recipe looks awesome. I love lentils and plan to try it. I never think to put tomatoes in, and I love the spices! That book looks like it will be good and healthy. I think even if you eat healthy food and go over some, it will be only good for you. It looks like that book will really be good for your body! Glad you found it! You are the second person who has raved about those KIND bars! I may have to try them! Good luck and great start! :)

    Rodger, I was almost :# under my calories for today! Doing better for getting on track! Way too much Christmas cheer here! I did find a product I liked. Silk put out a soy eggnog I tried and it was quite good. You could not tell it was soy, even though I do like Silk's soy. It had a great eggnog taste and was light and refreshing. It was not thick like rich eggnog, but at 80 cal. for a 1/2 glass, it was wonderful. Better than 260 calories, and who has a 1/2 glass? lol!

    Windy today and turning colder, especially at night. Covered my honeysuckle that I am babying along. It did not do well this summer, but is making a comeback with the warmer days and nites, and the rain. If it just looks good in the spring!

    Hang tough all! ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    Congratulations on doing better and finding a EggNog You like :)

    From some reading I have done in the past, the Thanksgiving through New Years day holidays are the worst for causing weight gain and for not losing :(

    Good Luck with the Honeysuckle
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    I was out walking Today for 9.6K of steps. It was 30 degrees out the door and a little chilly while walking.

    I just had my first NS Vanilla Turboshake this morning :(
    It is drinkable however it is not as good as the NS Protein shake was and I will not be reordering them when the four boxes they substituted are used up. If I had been thinking ahead I would have saved some of the Banana I ate before setting out to blend in with it. Maybe the next time, However for the next few days I will be taste testing the assorted flavors of ready to drink Protein drinks from the Grocery Store.

    Have a Good New Years Eve



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi all!

    I survived pizza and Toys r Us with the Grandkids! We walked so much I went over the 5000 mark! For me, that is good. I was tuckered out!

    I hope you all have a joy- filled and safe New Year! It will take forever to write 2017. I barely remember writing 2016! :)

    Love the funnies! I might skip the celebrity bacon though! :# The veggie cracked me up! Sorry Val! ... Sorry those turbo shakes are not as good as the protein shakes. I wonder if they are just cheaper to make?

    We are to have a cold and rainy New Year! It was 39 this am and drizzly, but a few fireworks are sounding in the distance. Supposed to be a soaker tonite and tomorrow!

    Take care all! ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Happy new year!!! Em and i got to play with 10 six-week-old puppies today. Sinuses are feeling good! Wishing you good health and happiness throughout 2017.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2017
    I was out walking Today for 9.1K steps + 1 Cent. The temperature was 43 degrees this morning and Sunny. Rain in the forecast for Monday.

    Have a Good New Years Day, And a Healthy, Happy upcoming Year
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2017
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I survived pizza and Toys r Us with the Grandkids! We walked so much I went over the 5000 mark! For me, that is good. I was tuckered out!

    I hope you all have a joy- filled and safe New Year! It will take forever to write 2017. I barely remember writing 2016! :)

    Love the funnies! I might skip the celebrity bacon though! :# The veggie cracked me up! Sorry Val! ... Sorry those turbo shakes are not as good as the protein shakes. I wonder if they are just cheaper to make?

    We are to have a cold and rainy New Year! It was 39 this am and drizzly, but a few fireworks are sounding in the distance. Supposed to be a soaker tonite and tomorrow!

    Take care all! ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    I used to buy the occasional can of that Bacon many years ago. It was OK and handy because it could sit on the shelf until needed.

    I suspect part of the reason for the change was to raise prices, That is what my suspicious mind is telling me :(

    I went to be around 10PM as I was tired. I Woke up around Midnight to the sound of people in the Neighborhood firing Guns into the Air :)

    I am drinking a Atkins Cafe Caramel Protein Shake right now. It is just as I remembered it being Tasty if somewhat Higher in calories than than the old NS Protein shakes were. It is higher than the replacement shakes too by 30 calories.

    I suppose the rain will not hurt?

    Congratulations on Surviving and the walking.
    Happy new year!!! Em and i got to play with 10 six-week-old puppies today. Sinuses are feeling good! Wishing you good health and happiness throughout 2017.

    Hi Val
    I know You must have enjoyed playing with those Puppies.

    Congratulations on the Sinuses feeling better
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My fur-babies were (as always) scared of the fireworks....ended up moving a twin mattress into the bathroom and snuggling 200 pounds of dog until about 1am. I'm considering adding sound absorbing panels in my master closet and moving that mattress in their...needed every July 4 and New Years plus less so on Christmas. Working today till noon (govt deadlines). This morning had a hard grape/marble-sized mass come out (same side as always). Better out than in! But holy moly this is freakish.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val
    Sound deadening panels Might work, I can not say as I suspect that Your dogs may hear better than You or I would.

    I am not sure what this means
    "This morning had a hard grape/marble-sized mass come out (same side as always). Better out than in! But holy moly this is freakish."

    Did I miss something in the past?

    I am sorry to hear that You have to work the Holiday. OTOH the Man at the 7-Eleven says they never close and I have never been there early in the morning where is not the one person on duty.

    Have a Great Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Home the rest of today! Happy Dance!

    Rodger, even we do not have much gunfire out here in the country! Except for hunting season! I do not envy anyone having idiots in the city firing guns. Duh...

    Val, sorry about the babies being scared. I know how miserable that is for them and you can't really explain. The rescues say it is the no. one day, with fourth of July, for lost and scattered pets. At least they were safe at home with you and they could not get out. It was really quiet here this year. One or two fireworks and that was it. Might have been the weather. I am guessing you are talking about your sinuses.... I hope...lol! :s Both the kids and I got something similar on our tonsils from drainage. Of course, that is easier to fix. Could you use a vaporizer or a humidifier? I wonder if it would help. I will look for the indian remedy to thin out secretions. It escapes me for the moment!

    It is foggy beyond belief, and raining steady now. We have had 2 inches already! Yes, Alabama is loving it, and still needed it! I am glad to not be in North Alabama. They will be at that awkward freezing line for a night or two.

    I envy the puppy playing! Nothing better than puppy breath! :)
    Take care all! Jan

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    In Your case if it was raining that could be the reason :)

    Being where the rain could freeze is no fun. I am always happy when That Mixed precipitation line is to my north or south. I would rather deal with rain or Snow than icing.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking Today for 8,564step. The temperature was 34 degrees this morning and the forecast rain arrived just as I was heading out the door :)
    It was not too bad out so I did get ny walking in. I was afraid it might be icy with slippery footing. Luckily for me that is only happening North of where I am. Traffic is very light today, It is even lighter than yesterday morning. It seemed weird to see the lightest traffic day of the Christmas to New Years holiday.

    Have a Good Monday

    P.S. New Humorous images posted today.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Glad you just got rain and not ice. You are right, ice is just dangerous! I had 6000 steps yesterday. I am not sure how I accomplished it, but it was nice! Impressed you walked in the rain! Very dedicated!

    We have had 2 days drizzly rain for 2 inches, and had 3.25 inches last nite. I have some flooding in small spots on the land, more like pooling, but I was so surprised we had that much rain. I never heard it! I think my hearing is going, (along with everything else), seriously! We are due for some nasty weather this afternoon and evening, possible tornados, and flooding. South of us is getting hammered at the moment, but we are in a lull.

    Seriously eating better today. I am really feeling the effects of a little bit of unhealthy eating the last few days. Too many carbs and too big of portions! I have lots of cleaning today, that should help! I know when my nutrisystem shake tastes good, it is time to get busy!

    Thanks for posting more on the humorous page! :)
    Take care! Jan