100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Out the door it was showing 19 degrees with a little breeze, Being crazy I walked 8.5K steps.

    My latest NS orders were delivered yesterday. Between Wednesday & Thursday all the deliveries were weird. Wednesday UPS dropped packages on the unused side porch despite the label saying place inside front porch and on the front porch was a package via FedEx for the neighbor across the street and then on Thursday I saw the FedEx driver heading up to the neighbor across the street with my NS order. I am guessing that the cause is the Christmas Rush :)

    I Will be updating the food reviews group here later
    I have reviewed Four items already and more are started with information and no review so I can update them later

    On the order delivered yesterday they substituted Chicken Tortellini for the Bean Bolognese :( I had ordered that as it could be used for Lunch or dinner so I;m not real happy about that.
    Also I know I had ordered the Coffee Protein Shake, No Shake or substitutions. I suspect it has been Discontinued and as it was A La Carte they did not substitute for it. I will be calling later to check on that guess.

    Have a Great Friday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    That temp is a little chilly. We are cool, in the 30's at nite, and 49 earlier, but it is sunny. The Grinch might be in full swing! We did not get our boxes off. It would have been $7,000.00 to mail them DHL. The person coordinating apparently did not ask before going to Birmingham. They had said it was a little more than UPS. UPS was about 20.00 a box, or closer to $300.00. Not good.....

    Maybe you had a different UPS driver, not as familiar with the reg. drop offs! That is pretty strange! Christmas is rather hectic! :) Substitutes for NS are often no fun. And I hate when something I want is not available. Since it is computerized, I would like to think if I order the same product a couple months, it should know I am going to be ordering again with plenty warning and be available! Isn't that part of the joy of a computerized system? LOL! :# Some of the strangest things are often discontinued!

    I am supposed to meet with someone at 4:00 pm ish in Montgomery tonite. They had offered a 3:30 appt yesterday, and I did not realize I needed to see them, and by this am, the time was gone. So I am meeting the sec. to get copies for the person so we can phone conference next week instead. I love politeness. They asked if that was convenient. Well, I had not much choice.... So I will be in the heart of Mongomery at 4-5pm, 25 miles from home, in the dark, driving during the worst of rush hour Christmas traffic, with my lack of depth perception. Yep, at 63 yrs old, that is totally convenient, esp. with my financial person who gave me no warning they were in town to do business... Okay. Done with my rant.....

    Okay, they just called and cancelled, so now I can just go to Prattville when I want and have it faxed. I think I need to get someone local all the time. I will try to dig out my paperwork and figure out how to do that..... :|

    I did get my long distance cards in the mail....on time.

    A challenging Friday.....Stay warm.....Jan B)

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hello from Texas. Tomorrow will be almost 80, then overnight freeze (really <32), and Sunday's high 40. I was getting sicker and sicker...so i went to the ENT who did my sinus surgeries in 2013. In addition to him knowing his way around sinuses, he knows me and that I really can feel when something is stuck in there. I hate the long metal probe, and suctioning feels horrible. As before he could not get it all out, but prescribed a suite of meds i had before that helped, so I have hope! Cooked a pot of stuffed cabbage soup...with turkey (rare treat). Hugs to all! Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Out the door it was showing 24 degrees with a little breeze, Being crazy I walked in the snow for 6.1K steps. That is 3/4 of my goal step count, however I turned for home when the falling snow started turning to rain. It looks like around 1 inch of snow. I geared up for the walk with Insulated Boots, Rain gear from head to toe.

    My latest NS order had changes from what I ordered, All of the Protein Shakes have now been discontinued. They replaced the 2 Protein Shake Classic Combo-28 pack $51.50 I had ordered with TurboShake Chocolate and Vanilla - 28 packs $79.98. Needless to say I will not be reordering them at that price. I need to investigate and see if I got them at the old price vs the new price. Then also replaced the Bean Bolognese with Cheese Tortellini. I also did not get a replacement for the Coffee Protein shake as it was A La Carte and they had no direct substitute, I called and complained about that. It appears that I will be buying ready to drink Protein shakes via CostCo and the grocery store since two flavors from NS and a higher price too :(
    Several items are showing Low inventory including the two that they substituted.

    I Will be updating more of the new food items here:
    I have reviewed Four items already and more are started with information and no review so I can update them later

    Here it is almost Christmas already with next Saturday being Christmas Eve
    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    That temp is a little chilly. We are cool, in the 30's at nite, and 49 earlier, but it is sunny. The Grinch might be in full swing! We did not get our boxes off. It would have been $7,000.00 to mail them DHL. The person coordinating apparently did not ask before going to Birmingham. They had said it was a little more than UPS. UPS was about 20.00 a box, or closer to $300.00. Not good.....

    Maybe you had a different UPS driver, not as familiar with the reg. drop offs! That is pretty strange! Christmas is rather hectic! :) Substitutes for NS are often no fun. And I hate when something I want is not available. Since it is computerized, I would like to think if I order the same product a couple months, it should know I am going to be ordering again with plenty warning and be available! Isn't that part of the joy of a computerized system? LOL! :# Some of the strangest things are often discontinued!

    I am supposed to meet with someone at 4:00 pm ish in Montgomery tonite. They had offered a 3:30 appt yesterday, and I did not realize I needed to see them, and by this am, the time was gone. So I am meeting the sec. to get copies for the person so we can phone conference next week instead. I love politeness. They asked if that was convenient. Well, I had not much choice.... So I will be in the heart of Mongomery at 4-5pm, 25 miles from home, in the dark, driving during the worst of rush hour Christmas traffic, with my lack of depth perception. Yep, at 63 yrs old, that is totally convenient, esp. with my financial person who gave me no warning they were in town to do business... Okay. Done with my rant.....

    Okay, they just called and cancelled, so now I can just go to Prattville when I want and have it faxed. I think I need to get someone local all the time. I will try to dig out my paperwork and figure out how to do that..... :|

    I did get my long distance cards in the mail....on time.

    A challenging Friday.....Stay warm.....Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    I would not mind Your temperatures compared to our winter normal temps.

    That is some difference in price, Wow!

    The order page did say that some things were in low supply and might be substituted which lets them off of the hook legally I suspect. I still complained however. I have a sneaky suspicion that the Protein shakes being discontinued may be tied to the price change to a higher price so that the lower priced product does not take away sales from the higher priced item, Just my suspicious nature I guess.

    I think I would look into someone closer to home, OTOH if the results have been good it might be smart to stay with what works, It is hard to say IMO. Color me ambivalent :)

    I still have a couple of Christmas Cards to do, One is right here in town and the rest in state. I should get them out Monday.

    Have a Nice Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hello from Texas. Tomorrow will be almost 80, then overnight freeze (really <32), and Sunday's high 40. I was getting sicker and sicker...so i went to the ENT who did my sinus surgeries in 2013. In addition to him knowing his way around sinuses, he knows me and that I really can feel when something is stuck in there. I hate the long metal probe, and suctioning feels horrible. As before he could not get it all out, but prescribed a suite of meds i had before that helped, so I have hope! Cooked a pot of stuffed cabbage soup...with turkey (rare treat). Hugs to all! Val

    Hi Val
    I'm saddened to hear that the Sinus problem is being so stubborn for You.

    Currently Dean Martin is singing Let It Snow on the Radio :)

    That is some temperature swing You will be experiencing.

    If I'm reading that right stuffed with Turkey Cabbage?

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. The soup is a lazy-person's way to make stuffed cabbage but not go through the work of actually making the cabbage roles. Browned ground turkey and garlic and spices. Drained fat. Added uncooked rice and chopped raw cabbage plus three cans of stewed tomatoes plus one box of chicken broth and worchestire sauceand bay leaves....simmer 1/2 hour. Very tasty and filling! Tadtes just like stuffed cabbage with way fewer steps.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I need go keep a medical diary. From memory I don't think i was sick much st all the year i was eating right and wogging. Yet this year of immibility and overeating---I've been sick a lot.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi All,

    Val, stuffed cabbage is one of my favorites! I am okay with making a soup! I have done that on occasion also when not wanting to roll. They used to make a good frozen rolls and a good one that came in cans that with doctoring, tasted good, but alas, no more! Oh my, I am getting old enough to long for discontinued items that no one makes, and hardly no one remembers.... :# I hope you will be feeling better with the added meds and more protein things! (not meat! if not wanted!) But you do have to really watch certain things extra hard if you don't eat meat. (Which you probably know!). Sinus problems are no fun, and hard to feel if that is the cause, they are so tricky. Good call getting them checked out! Hang tough!
    Your weather is weirder than ours, lol!

    Rodger, you are a trooper! I commend you for walking! I still need to do local cards and wrap. I have gotten a little carried away with the Christmas goodies. I will not be a happy camper for several mornings I am afraid! I also must say a good word for UPS. They try, they just cannot guarantee packages for Pakistan once it hits the border. We must be thankful we live where we do, even with the craziness lately. It must be awful to live in a country run by such oppressive people, I mean it is, but how often do we take many little things for granted. We are blessed people so far!

    Love Dean Martin and Bing Crosby at Christmas. Must be time for Holiday Inn and White Christmas and Miracle on 42nd Street! And a few Scrooges!..... :)

    Take care all! Dress warmly and/or appropriately depending on the day, LOL! Jan B) 72 Deg.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Out the door it was showing 36 degrees with snow still on the ground and sidewalks in places and of course Fog with visibility of 0.3 miles according to the 6AM News12 Weather report. I walked 8.5K steps and 2 cents as well as stopping at the Grocery Store for 3 Bananas and 3 Pink Lady Apples + 1 Honey Crisp.

    I Will be updating the food reviews group here later
    I will be updating the last Two new items that I received in this last delivery.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. The soup is a lazy-person's way to make stuffed cabbage but not go through the work of actually making the cabbage roles. Browned ground turkey and garlic and spices. Drained fat. Added uncooked rice and chopped raw cabbage plus three cans of stewed tomatoes plus one box of chicken broth and Worcestershire sauce and bay leaves....simmer 1/2 hour. Very tasty and filling! Tastes just like stuffed cabbage with way fewer steps.
    I need go keep a medical diary. From memory I don't think i was sick much st all the year i was eating right and wogging. Yet this year of immobility and overeating---I've been sick a lot.

    Hi Val
    Interesting method, I would have thought that doing it that way would make the neat and rice to watery, It seems I was wrong :)

    You could be right. I suppose You could try going back through posts You made here and see if they give You any insight into Your previous health.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    Val, stuffed cabbage is one of my favorites! I am okay with making a soup! I have done that on occasion also when not wanting to roll. They used to make a good frozen rolls and a good one that came in cans that with doctoring, tasted good, but alas, no more! Oh my, I am getting old enough to long for discontinued items that no one makes, and hardly no one remembers.... :# I hope you will be feeling better with the added meds and more protein things! (not meat! if not wanted!) But you do have to really watch certain things extra hard if you don't eat meat. (Which you probably know!). Sinus problems are no fun, and hard to feel if that is the cause, they are so tricky. Good call getting them checked out! Hang tough!
    Your weather is weirder than ours, lol!
    Hi Jan
    FWIW You could look in the ethnic foods aisle for a replacement. My brother sometimes buy Stuffed Grape Leafs that are a similar non meat filling, He likes them.
    Here is a review for example:
    I discoverd That I LOVED stuffed grape leaves after trying the ones on the Kroger mediterranian olive bar. At $7.99/lb I decided to try to find them cheaper on amazon, my go to shopping site! The Kroger deli associate told me the ones they offer on the bar are the Divina brand.

    Rice, water, vine leaves, soybean oil, onions, dill, salt, citric acid, mint, black pepper

    Rodger, you are a trooper! I commend you for walking! I still need to do local cards and wrap. I have gotten a little carried away with the Christmas goodies. I will not be a happy camper for several mornings I am afraid! I also must say a good word for UPS. They try, they just cannot guarantee packages for Pakistan once it hits the border. We must be thankful we live where we do, even with the craziness lately. It must be awful to live in a country run by such oppressive people, I mean it is, but how often do we take many little things for granted. We are blessed people so far!

    Love Dean Martin and Bing Crosby at Christmas. Must be time for Holiday Inn and White Christmas and Miracle on 42nd Street! And a few Scrooges!..... :)

    Take care all! Dress warmly and/or appropriately depending on the day, LOL! Jan B) 72 Deg.
    As You can see I got out walking today. A little before I hit the Midpoint of my walk it started drizzling and by the midpoint it was raining steady and continued for the balance of my walk. Tomorrow may be different as it is supposed to be much colder overnight and if things do not dry off they will be ice and I am not crazy enough to walk on ice.

    I wonder if the shipping address showed the Church? If so that could also be a reason for the packages loss. For a supposedly tolerant religion they tolerate none but their own IMO.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    This morning it was 29 and windy...went to the post office and a few errands...and my coat was safe at home nice and warm. Oops. I got the bill on the rental house repairs and am beyond relieved that it was only $3,000. That's a lot, but i was actually afrayit would be much worse. The added $1,400 lost in waiting for the repairs makes it worse, but so far i can still keep the heat on and the kids and dogs fed and housed. So, I'm grateful. The new sinus regime is going well.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Out the door it was showing 26 degrees with a little ice still on the ground and sidewalks in places where it melted Yesterday during the warmup where parts of NJ got up to 60 degrees. I walked 8.6K steps and 1 cent so far, yesterday I reached 11K steps by the end of the day.

    I finished updating the food reviews group yesterday with the last of the new NS foods

    Fast… and furious: Car owner fails in desperate bid to stop his £270,000 Lamborghini being smashed to pieces in Taiwan because it was fitted with fake plates
    The Lamborghini Murciélago is thought to be a custom LP 670–4 SuperVeloce
    Its owner was pulled over back in 2013 at a routine police checkpoint by officers
    Supercar was found to have the registration plates of an £18,000 Ford Sedan
    Authorities decided to completely destroy it to avoid illegal parts being sold on
    The custom Murciélago - though to be an LP 670–4 SuperVeloce - had been impounded because it was being driven on a public road without a valid registration number in 2013.

    After three years of appeals, the government decided to demolish the luxury car in front of horrified onlookers.

    Scroll down for video with the link below

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    This morning it was 29 and windy...went to the post office and a few errands...and my coat was safe at home nice and warm. Oops. I got the bill on the rental house repairs and am beyond relieved that it was only $3,000. That's a lot, but i was actually afrayit would be much worse. The added $1,400 lost in waiting for the repairs makes it worse, but so far i can still keep the heat on and the kids and dogs fed and housed. So, I'm grateful. The new sinus regime is going well.

    Hi Val
    I'm sure we have all done that, I know I have. For some reason it felt colder than it was today outside. Tomorrow will be worse I'm sure as it supposed to be down around 10 degrees overnight :(

    It sounds as if it could have been worse with Your rental house.

    How nice that the Sinus is getting better
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    It is 37 degrees here and the wind is really blowing. We had a cold rain all day yesterday, but I forgot to check my rain gauge! I think I just wanted to get back in the house! I found my lost sweater in the car, I had forgot I had put it in a box with a few other things and moved it for room. I also promptly forgot it at a friends house, but at least I know where I lost it this time!

    That seemed ridiculous to destroy that car. It could have been sold outside of the country and the money given to the poor or something. Almost as dumb as the guy buying such an expensive car, and not paying for plates. I wonder how he got it into the country to begin with. What an all around waste.

    I think my friend had put his private name on the boxes, and not the church. There is just not privacy in that country, or a respect for personal rights. The people live a pretty harsh life, esp. women and children, even with compliance to Moslem law, or sharia, depending on the region.

    Great job with the steps! I thought the weather would interfere, but glad it was not too icy. I enjoyed the reviews I have read so far for the NS food.

    I pick up the grape leaves when I see them, I like them too. I have a passed down recipe for the cabbage rolls that are really good. I make them sometimes, but just buy a really small head of cabbage and make only a few roles, maybe 6. The rest I shred for the top of the pot, and put in an apple quarter for flavor, as the recipe calls for a little brown sugar to go in the tomato sauce. I cheat occasionally and use tomato soup also with fixings. :#

    Val, glad things are settled with your repairs! That should make your stress level drop in a good way! And glad you are feeling better! :)

    Hang in there, all! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    It is 37 degrees here and the wind is really blowing. We had a cold rain all day yesterday, but I forgot to check my rain gauge! I think I just wanted to get back in the house! I found my lost sweater in the car, I had forgot I had put it in a box with a few other things and moved it for room. I also promptly forgot it at a friends house, but at least I know where I lost it this time!

    That seemed ridiculous to destroy that car. It could have been sold outside of the country and the money given to the poor or something. Almost as dumb as the guy buying such an expensive car, and not paying for plates. I wonder how he got it into the country to begin with. What an all around waste.

    I think my friend had put his private name on the boxes, and not the church. There is just not privacy in that country, or a respect for personal rights. The people live a pretty harsh life, esp. women and children, even with compliance to Moslem law, or sharia, depending on the region.

    Great job with the steps! I thought the weather would interfere, but glad it was not too icy. I enjoyed the reviews I have read so far for the NS food.

    I pick up the grape leaves when I see them, I like them too. I have a passed down recipe for the cabbage rolls that are really good. I make them sometimes, but just buy a really small head of cabbage and make only a few roles, maybe 6. The rest I shred for the top of the pot, and put in an apple quarter for flavor, as the recipe calls for a little brown sugar to go in the tomato sauce. I cheat occasionally and use tomato soup also with fixings. :#

    Val, glad things are settled with your repairs! That should make your stress level drop in a good way! And glad you are feeling better! :)

    Hang in there, all! Jan
    Hi Jan
    What I did on Saturday & Sunday when I was short steps was X walk in the house, Or to put it another way from the right front room to the left rear room and then the left front room to the right rear room crossing the two two paths in the center of the house. That was I was over 10 K steps. Today without doing that I am at 10K steps as I walked further since it was dry outside and dry footing :)

    I agree, however it is their country to do with what they want. If they want to destroy the car I am sure it was well publicized and did send their intended message. How do You spend all that money and then go cheap on the plates, Wow!

    You would think that as harsh as Sharia law is they would have no stealing, however I guess poverty trumps all.

    I only mentioned the Grape leaves as I did not know if You knew of them.

    I hope You stayed dry yesterday and warm today, this is the weather to become ill.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I'm 1/2 Greek (the side that learned to cook)...and i love dolmathes (stuffed grape leaves) w avgo lemeno sauce (egg and lemon). Tonight's dinner came out beyond fabulous... spicy curried tofu with zoodle!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Good morning. Hope you have a happy Tuesday.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Out the door it was showing 14.3 degrees on the closed in front porch, That means it was colder. I walked 7.5K steps, luckily there was no wind today.

    The gifts Bill Gates has given to Redditors as a secret Santa for the last four years
    How does it feel when the world’s richest man is your secret Santa?

    “Flabbergasted” is how Aerrix, a Reddit user who got a gigantic box of gifts from Bill Gates last week described it.

    Since 2009, Reddit’s gift exchange has brought holiday cheer to strangers’ doorsteps. Last year, over 120,000 people from 150 countries joined in the world’s largest secret Santa exchange, which matches participants through a “giant daisy chain.” Each Santa is given a person’s username so they can scour through the profile to find the perfect gift. There is no fee to take part, but the guidelines recommend spending at least $20 on your gift.

    Have a Great Tuesday