100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning all!

    It is 60 degrees here overnite. Makes your 38 degrees seem very chilly, Roger! We had no bad weather here, but we have gotten 2 more inches of rain! We are still at a deficit but the good news is we got rain and the burn ban has been lifted. It is too wet to burn, but I do have a pile!

    I have to get to my paperwork today. So much to do!

    That is funny the dogs were so crazy about the soup! Those are strong veggies so I am surprised! My dogs love broths however, so maybe it should be expected. If I buy a rotisserie chicken, I usually share the chicken breast. It is their absolute favorite.That, and their peanut butter for pills.

    I woke this morning with my ankle just killing me. It feels more like a sprain, from where I hurt it a few years ago. I am not sure if it is gout or it aggravates it. Either way, any walking will be tough today at all. Bummer!

    I just got a few bills I was not expecting. I forgot my deductibles need paying, so my lab bills are more hefty than my usual $6.00! I feel like they take advantage of me doing labs every 3 months, and not, say, six. My numbers are so predictable, and if there is a problem, I will know and could come in. They should cut some slack for compliant people. Insurance kills me! You just can't win! :#

    Take care all! Keep up the good work! ........ Jan :) ......Raspberries in Dec.! :)

    Hi Jan
    I would love 60 degrees overnight, If I had those overnight temperatures the Heat would still be turned off !

    that is what 4 inches of rain now?

    Those are the last berries however as there are no more on the plants :(

    Nothing like unexpected bills to bring the day down.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Out the door it was showing 39 degrees, A little breeze so it was more or less comfortable. I have walked 9,053 steps. It rained overnight where I am, Much of NJ had around 8/10 inch of rain and in the Northwest corner snow up to 3+ inches. The possibility of snow to the north of me came true :)

    I mailed the first three Christmas Cards this morning too.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    How To Drive In Jersey and Stay Alive

    Seriously, there are only two things needed to drive effectively in NJ: A horn and a middle finger. Everything else is superfluous, including knowing where you are going.

    For those of you who live in Jersey or have lived there, these things may come as no surprise. For those who haven't traveled there before, Beware, Be Prepared and Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

    1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name, it is Nork - rhymes with Fork, not New-ark. Also, Trenton is not pronounced Tren-ton, it is Trent-in.

    2. The morning rush hour is from 5 AM to NOON. The evening rush hour is from NOON to 7 PM. Friday's rush hour starts on Thursday morning.

    3. The minimum acceptable speed on the turnpike is 85 mph. On the parkway it's 105 or 110. Anything less is considered "Sissy.." (Just ask the former Governor of NJ)

    4. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Jersey has its own version of traffic rules. For example, cars/trucks with the loudest muffler go first at a four-way stop; the trucks with the biggest tires go second; However, in Monmouth and Burlington counties, SUV-driving/cellphone-talking moms ALWAYS have the right of way.

    5. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear ended, cussed out, and possibly shot.

    6. Never honk at anyone. EVER! Seriously. It's another offense that can get you shot.

    7. Road construction is permanent and continuous in all of Jersey. Detour barrels are moved around for your entertainment pleasure during the middle of the night to make the next day's driving a bit more exciting.

    8. Watch carefully for road hazards such as drunks, skunks, dogs, cats, barrels, cones, celebrities, rubber-neckers, shredded tires, cell-phoners, deer and other road kill, and the homeless feeding on any of these items.

    9. MapQuest does NOT work here -- none of the roads are where they say they are or go where they say they do and all the Turnpike EZ Pass lanes are moved each night once again to make your ride more exciting.

    10. If someone actually has their Turn Signal ON, wave them to the shoulder immediately to let them know it has been "accidentally activated."

    11. If you are in the left lane and only driving 70 in a 55-65 mph zone, you are considered a road hazard and will be "flipped off" accordingly. If you return the flip, you'll be shot.

    12. Do not try to estimate travel time -- just leave Monday afternoon for Tuesday appointments, by noon Thursday for Friday appointments, and right after church on Sunday for anything on Monday morning.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Just lost my full post as I touched the wrong key by mistake.
    Guess I will write in a bit. :s
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited December 2016

    Pretty sure no New Jersey travels in my itineraries! :o Are those your tips? It really is hilarious, except it is so true, I know! I had no idea! That is so worse than down here, hard to believe as it is. No wonder you walk... I hope you did not have an errand day that did not go so well. If so, I am sorry !

    Good job on your steps! My ankle turned into a full blown gout attack so I can not walk much. It took me 35 minutes to get to the bathroom from bed this AM. And 45 minutes to feed the dogs and make coffee. I started taking my med for attack yesterday so I have got in 3 full doses so far. I took my last Aleve, though I am hoping I have some tucked away I bought. I may have waited till I got somewhere with a better price, so it may be Tylenol later.

    I did get my paperwork done yesterday, as I was trying to rest my ankle. I think I made the mailbox today, I hope. It is hard to tell as they come anytime from 10:15 till 3pm. It took me only 20 min. to reach the box at the road so the ankle feels better, except when I have to be on it. I really need dog food for Chester, but he may get some of Mays, just softened.

    Lost my post!

    My post got preserved on this tab, as what I hit caused a new tab to open. Well. That is some kind of miracle! :) I have not ever had the post stay when something else was going on, lol!

    What a day. I have so much to do, like vacuuming and tearing down some boxes, and just piles. Guess that won't happen. I may not make church, and the singing team is doing some special music for Christmas, including Emmanuel. They know it is my favorite, and they tease me because it is written in minor, my favorite key. (They said I have a dark side. All minor key songs tend to be my favorite, lol!) Bummer!

    Going to ice the foot and stay off. Maybe I can hobble tonite!

    Take care! Jan..... I got 7 inches total rain! :)

    P.S. I only lost the post that I lost the post. Though I saw it post! May just need to go back to bed, lol! :#

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Just lost my full post as I touched the wrong key by mistake.
    Guess I will write in a bit. :s

    Hi Jan
    Been there done that.
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Pretty sure no New Jersey travels in my itineraries! :o Are those your tips? It really is hilarious, except it is so true, I know! I had no idea! That is so worse than down here, hard to believe as it is. No wonder you walk... I hope you did not have an errand day that did not go so well. If so, I am sorry !

    Good job on your steps! My ankle turned into a full blown gout attack so I can not walk much. It took me 35 minutes to get to the bathroom from bed this AM. And 45 minutes to feed the dogs and make coffee. I started taking my med for attack yesterday so I have got in 3 full doses so far. I took my last Aleve, though I am hoping I have some tucked away I bought. I may have waited till I got somewhere with a better price, so it may be Tylenol later.

    I did get my paperwork done yesterday, as I was trying to rest my ankle. I think I made the mailbox today, I hope. It is hard to tell as they come anytime from 10:15 till 3pm. It took me only 20 min. to reach the box at the road so the ankle feels better, except when I have to be on it. I really need dog food for Chester, but he may get some of Mays, just softened.

    Lost my post!

    My post got preserved on this tab, as what I hit caused a new tab to open. Well. That is some kind of miracle! :) I have not ever had the post stay when something else was going on, lol!

    What a day. I have so much to do, like vacuuming and tearing down some boxes, and just piles. Guess that won't happen. I may not make church, and the singing team is doing some special music for Christmas, including Emmanuel. They know it is my favorite, and they tease me because it is written in minor, my favorite key. (They said I have a dark side. All minor key songs tend to be my favorite, lol!) Bummer!

    Going to ice the foot and stay off. Maybe I can hobble tonite!

    Take care! Jan..... I got 7 inches total rain! :)

    P.S. I only lost the post that I lost the post. Though I saw it post! May just need to go back to bed, lol! :#
    The NJ driving is not mine, I wish it was :)

    I'm sorry to hear that the ankle was what You thought it was.

    FWIW Our mail comes at different times too, it seems to depend on who is doing the route.

    I have done that too where I opened a new tab.
    Your lost the post post did post. Wow that is a lot of posts :)

    I do not blame You for not wanting to try and get around. Gout is no fun.

    Congratulations on the 7 inches of rain.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Roger i LOVE the Jersey driving tips. That fits perfectly for my Jersey driving experience (circa 1995 and 2008). Once I ignored everything I had been taught, it was fun. The bell at the expressway tollbooths felt like the bell that starts a horse race...where we went from zero to 100 as fast as possible then slowed to merge to one lane around the random and surprise construction barrels.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi all, my sinus issues are stable but not gone. I actually walked atound the block (first time in months), but that was all I could do. Depressing compared to my pre-dog-attack self who used to wog 3 to 10 miles daily (depending on available time). Still able to work full days! My 8th grader took the PSAT (for high school sophomores), and is in the 94th percentile for math! She passed all areas, but that was outstanding. With the added expenses of paying all the mortgage and utilities for my vacant rental house, plus scaping 'extra' for the looming meth-lab removal and repair costs. money is non-existent. Which really sucks for my kid's Christmas and January birthday. But, this too shall pass. So, i used fabric markers on a plain white pillowcase and made her a personalized case with Harry Potter symbols and her Houses' personality traits. I'm Hufflepuff, so signed it with a Badger. I guess having no money does encourage you to be more creative.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Out the door it was showing 36 degrees, It was more or less comfortable. I had a brainstorm yesterday, Well maybe it was a brain drizzle, I checked out a new route to walk for distance using Map My Run and walked it today. It is further than my usual walk and I went through two other towns doing it for a total of three towns walked in today. I have walked 11,744 steps.

    Colder weather is moving in during the overnight hours with forecast overnight lows in the 20s, breezy and daytime highs in the 30s :(
    That is why I extended my walking today in case I cut it short tomorrow and Saturday. I am also thinking of stopping for a breakfast of a couple of Scrambled Eggs and Dry toast as much to warm up as to have breakfast.

    The Heron was flying up the brook today as I walked past and it is a pretty sight flying.

    All I have left for flowers from the yard is the hanging basket we planted with Geraniums and that because it is on the closed in front porch sheltered.

    Seen in the Grocery Store "Tide Chuyen Dung"

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger i LOVE the Jersey driving tips. That fits perfectly for my Jersey driving experience (circa 1995 and 2008). Once I ignored everything I had been taught, it was fun. The bell at the expressway tollbooths felt like the bell that starts a horse race...where we went from zero to 100 as fast as possible then slowed to merge to one lane around the random and surprise construction barrels.
    Hi Val
    Your experience sounds exactly like NJ. My Brother was on the Garden State Parkway this week, He mentioned that he was moving with traffic through a construction zone and when he looked down he was doing 85. in NJ drivers seem to take speed limit signs as advisories :)
    Hi all, my sinus issues are stable but not gone. I actually walked around the block (first time in months), but that was all I could do. Depressing compared to my pre-dog-attack self who used to wog 3 to 10 miles daily (depending on available time). Still able to work full days! My 8th grader took the PSAT (for high school sophomores), and is in the 94th percentile for math! She passed all areas, but that was outstanding. With the added expenses of paying all the mortgage and utilities for my vacant rental house, plus scraping 'extra' for the looming meth-lab removal and repair costs. money is non-existent. Which really sucks for my kid's Christmas and January birthday. But, this too shall pass. So, i used fabric markers on a plain white pillowcase and made her a personalized case with Harry Potter symbols and her Houses' personality traits. I'm Hufflepuff, so signed it with a Badger. I guess having no money does encourage you to be more creative.

    Congratulations on Your 8th Graders achievment
    From Here https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=1
    Mathematics Literacy

    In 2012, average scores in mathematics literacy ranged from 368 in Peru to 613 in Shanghai-CHN. The U.S. average mathematics score (481) was lower than the average for all OECD countries (494). Twenty-nine education systems and two U.S. states had higher average mathematics scores than the U.S. average score and nine had scores not measurably different from the U.S. score. The 29 education systems with scores higher than the U.S. average score were Shanghai-CHN, Singapore, Hong Kong-CHN, Chinese Taipei-CHN, the Republic of Korea, Macao-CHN, Japan, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Estonia, Finland, Canada, Poland, Belgium, Germany, Vietnam, Austria, Australia, Ireland, Slovenia, Denmark, New Zealand, the Czech Republic, France, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Latvia, and Luxembourg. Within the United States, Massachusetts (514) and Connecticut (506) had scores higher than the U.S. average.

    In addition to scoring above the U.S. average, Massachusetts scored above the OECD average. Connecticut scored above the U.S. national average, but its score was not measurably different from the OECD average. Florida's average score (467) was below the U.S. national average.

    Other learning scores there too.

    Yup not having money for Christmas stinks especially for that reason. However You do sound creative.

    Have a Nice day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi all!

    Wonderful news on your steps! You have such a great place to walk! Your geranium is a nice Christmas touch, Roger! We are getting a cold streak for about 3 days. Going from 60 degrees at nite to 20! I have to wrap my pipes today. And get dog food. I am hobbling, but can get around faster and the pain has subsided to just like a sprain that is healing. I can't overdo, as I remember it will come back some, and I don't want that!

    The Tide picture is funny! I have not seen that at a store yet! I will have to keep an eye out!
    We have a lot of Spanish products, and occasional French.

    Val, glad you got out to walk! Every bit helps and can change our perspective! Bills for Christmas do seem to come at the worst times! It is sad other peoples immaturity lands on you and family, but what goes around, comes around. I have seen it many times! Your Potter bag is great! You have many talents. The news on your daughter is wonderful,too! Chip off the ole block!

    I never pictured Vietnam as placing high in the math and education spectrum. Who knew, Rodger!

    One post today...thank goodness! Take care!! Jan... (windy and COLD!) :#
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi all!
    Wonderful news on your steps! You have such a great place to walk! Your geranium is a nice Christmas touch, Roger! We are getting a cold streak for about 3 days. Going from 60 degrees at nite to 20! I have to wrap my pipes today. And get dog food. I am hobbling, but can get around faster and the pain has subsided to just like a sprain that is healing. I can't overdo, as I remember it will come back some, and I don't want that!

    The Tide picture is funny! I have not seen that at a store yet! I will have to keep an eye out!
    We have a lot of Spanish products, and occasional French.

    Val, glad you got out to walk! Every bit helps and can change our perspective! Bills for Christmas do seem to come at the worst times! It is sad other peoples immaturity lands on you and family, but what goes around, comes around. I have seen it many times! Your Potter bag is great! You have many talents. The news on your daughter is wonderful,too! Chip off the ole block!

    I never pictured Vietnam as placing high in the math and education spectrum. Who knew, Rodger!

    One post today...thank goodness! Take care!! Jan... (windy and COLD!) :#

    Hi Jan
    I did notice it said P&G Professional on the bucket :)

    I am undecided as to whether to bring the Geranium in off of the porch by night for the next few nights as it will be really cold and windy out.

    FWIW Between the extra distance walked and then running out to the Ford dealership twice with my brother to look at a F150 I am now at 13,567 steps and the day is not done for another 5+ hours :) It is easier to go that distance when it is spread out over several jaunts out the door.

    I have a feeling that pipes freeze where You are during a cold wave :)

    Good Luck with Your Ankle
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Out the door it was showing 32 degrees, It was less comfortable than yesterday too due to the wind chill. I have walked 7,264 steps as of 8AM. Yesterday I was at 13,567 by 5PM :) so If I miss a few steps today I am not going to worry about it.

    Colder weather is moving in with forecast overnight lows in the 20s for Saturday, breezy and daytime highs in the 30s :(. I am also thinking of stopping for a breakfast on Saturday of a couple of Scrambled Eggs and Dry toast as much to warm up as to have breakfast. I did not stop today, as tomorrow is supposed to be colder.

    The Mechanic did give an OK on the pickup truck and it still needs to have four tires put on it which we could tell looking at it. At 80K miles and a lot less money than a newer one with twice the mileage he decided on to grab it. Has has been looking for a Ford P/U with room behind the seat for groceries so this on will work nicely. His 99 Taurus needs replacing despite still running good due to our mechanic saying You need to replace it due to all the rust. The same reason I had to replace my Pontiac FWIW.

    Have a Great Friday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    It is very chilly here, but sunny. It was down to 29 last nite with a bit of wind chill of a few more degrees. It is cold! May May likes to play with her rubber donut first thing out the door. I can tell you, getting up from a nice warm bed and then playing in my jammies in the cold is not always one of life's greater pleasures! The sun is warm though and we were out a bit and enjoyed the crisp air till my hands were cold and coffee begged to be made!

    My daughter in law is in surgery this mid morning for follow-up on her breast cancer surgery. This should be much more simple a procedure than her first. I was hoping to sit some with my son, but the walk with the parking at the hospital he is at is rather a horrendous walk, so we will just email, I guess. Though I am walking better, I had to go to Winn Dixie in my slippers! I can not get shoes on comfortably yet. People are so funny here, slippers in W.D. are no big thing. Walmart dressing even worse!

    Sounds like you got a real deal for the pick-up. It should make driving on your scary roads better as you will be bigger and above some of the traffic! LOL! I can imagine the rust is a problem with your treated roads. Do they still treat with salt or something new? I guess that is something to be thankful for, our cars rarely experience that. It can be so humid, we do have rust issues though.

    Grateful to be losing, even if it is the same pounds again! Right in time for Christmas dinner, lol! I can not wait to get into newer territory! Your steps are awesome! Keep it up! Stay warm and take care however!

    Have a good week-end! Jan ...sitting with dogs that are sitting in the warm sun thru the windows, with Christmas lights and fire in the fireplace..sipping coffee. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Out the door it was showing 26 degrees, It was semi-comfortable. The forecast breeze has not shown up yet. I have walked 7.9K steps. The forecast for Sunday and Monday is not looking that good either.

    A message just popped up that says
    A restart is required to finish installing the following updates:
    Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3201845).
    and that
    Your device is scheduled to restart outside of active hours. (Active hours are ‏‎8:00 AM to ‏‎5:00 PM.)
    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    It is very chilly here, but sunny. It was down to 29 last nite with a bit of wind chill of a few more degrees. It is cold! May May likes to play with her rubber donut first thing out the door. I can tell you, getting up from a nice warm bed and then playing in my jammies in the cold is not always one of life's greater pleasures! The sun is warm though and we were out a bit and enjoyed the crisp air till my hands were cold and coffee begged to be made!

    My daughter in law is in surgery this mid morning for follow-up on her breast cancer surgery. This should be much more simple a procedure than her first. I was hoping to sit some with my son, but the walk with the parking at the hospital he is at is rather a horrendous walk, so we will just email, I guess. Though I am walking better, I had to go to Winn Dixie in my slippers! I can not get shoes on comfortably yet. People are so funny here, slippers in W.D. are no big thing. Walmart dressing even worse!

    Sounds like you got a real deal for the pick-up. It should make driving on your scary roads better as you will be bigger and above some of the traffic! LOL! I can imagine the rust is a problem with your treated roads. Do they still treat with salt or something new? I guess that is something to be thankful for, our cars rarely experience that. It can be so humid, we do have rust issues though.

    Grateful to be losing, even if it is the same pounds again! Right in time for Christmas dinner, lol! I can not wait to get into newer territory! Your steps are awesome! Keep it up! Stay warm and take care however!

    Have a good week-end! Jan ...sitting with dogs that are sitting in the warm sun thru the windows, with Christmas lights and fire in the fireplace..sipping coffee. :)

    Hi Jan
    Here is a simple question, Why not start the coffee as You head out the door with May May so it is ready when You come and and the coffee cup can be cradled in Your hands to warm them up quickly. If I plan to make coffee for a morning I set up the drip coffee maker the evening ahead as Dinner is in the Microwave.

    I have seen the People of Walmart pictures, some of them can be scary :)

    I wonder if I made it clear? The pickup is for my Brother to replace his Car. I have my High Mileage Buick Century where everything works except the Driver :) It it have over 16,000 miles on it by the end of next year, 2017. It is actually a really low mileage car for a 1999 model. It Looks like this, Not the real car, just an image off of the Internet FWIW.

    I suspect most hospital parking for visitors involves walking a moderate distance. I do not blame You for not walking far while waiting for the Gout to clear up.

    Congratulations on the Pound lost and being under Your calorie goal for the day.

    Good Luck wishes for Your Daughter In Law
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited December 2016

    Hopefully this is our last chilly day. It is supposed to warm up some and be back in the 50's and 60's by Monday! My birdbath is frozen solid, and it is downright cold. I even turned up the heat some, as I have it set fairly low.

    Okay, those Walmart pictures are just plain scary. That will give me nightmares for years, and make me thankful I do not go too often. I was also thankful I did not recognize our Walmarts, as we have 2 close by, not counting Montgomery!

    My bad for not being clear on the truck. I was using the Royal "You", since you both went to look. I did realize it was your brother's. I just was not clear! Sometimes the ya'al gets shortened too! :# Your mileage is pretty low. I have had my new car for 2 months and have over well over 1200 miles on it, I just haven't noticed the last bit what it is up to. If I make trips to Montgomery it is a good 40 mile round trip, which seems much less. Because I live in between two cities, when I go somewhere, it also adds a few miles as there is no straight route to either. But the space is nice! I have been getting 30 miles to the gallon more or less if I drive conservatively as in a luxury car, and not like a bat outta hell as if I was driving a sports car, lol! I had traded my Buick Regal for a Toyota Camry, and they drive very much the same. I was glad because I loved the Regal, just got a better deal on the Camry. :#

    Daughter in law is doing great. They had a long day as they were scheduled for 1 pm surgery, but did not actually start till almost 4:30 PM. She was home by 8 pm though.

    Good idea on the coffee especially for cold days. I used to make coffee the night before, but Chester was so slow eating I started making it in the morning to kill the time waiting for him to eat. He likes someone there while he eats and it can get tedious. The funny thing is, when I did not get out to get his food because of the gout that day, I fed him May's dry food that soaked a few minuted in broth I had left to soften it. He loved it so much, I changed to the dry and broth, and no more begging for him to finish! And I can even leave a few minutes and he still eats. I have a crazy toothless dog that prefers dry with broth to canned food. No more tons of recycling dog tins. I Love it!! Who knew....

    Keep up the great walking! Did you lose your Thanksgiving weight you wanted to lose?

    Stay warm!!! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Hopefully this is our last chilly day. It is supposed to warm up some and be back in the 50's and 60's by Monday! My birdbath is frozen solid, and it is downright cold. I even turned up the heat some, as I have it set fairly low.

    Okay, those Walmart pictures are just plain scary. That will give me nightmares for years, and make me thankful I do not go too often. I was also thankful I did not recognize our Walmarts, as we have 2 close by, not counting Montgomery!

    My bad for not being clear on the truck. I was using the Royal "You", since you both went to look. I did realize it was your brother's. I just was not clear! Sometimes the ya'al gets shortened too! :# Your mileage is pretty low. I have had my new car for 2 months and have over well over 1200 miles on it, I just haven't noticed the last bit what it is up to. If I make trips to Montgomery it is a good 40 mile round trip, which seems much less. Because I live in between two cities, when I go somewhere, it also adds a few miles as there is no straight route to either. But the space is nice! I have been getting 30 miles to the gallon more or less if I drive conservatively as in a luxury car, and not like a bat outta hell as if I was driving a sports car, lol! I had traded my Buick Regal for a Toyota Camry, and they drive very much the same. I was glad because I loved the Regal, just got a better deal on the Camry. :#

    Daughter in law is doing great. They had a long day as they were scheduled for 1 pm surgery, but did not actually start till almost 4:30 PM. She was home by 8 pm though.

    Good idea on the coffee especially for cold days. I used to make coffee the night before, but Chester was so slow eating I started making it in the morning to kill the time waiting for him to eat. He likes someone there while he eats and it can get tedious. The funny thing is, when I did not get out to get his food because of the gout that day, I fed him May's dry food that soaked a few minuted in broth I had left to soften it. He loved it so much, I changed to the dry and broth, and no more begging for him to finish! And I can even leave a few minutes and he still eats. I have a crazy toothless dog that prefers dry with broth to canned food. No more tons of recycling dog tins. I Love it!! Who knew....

    Keep up the great walking! Did you lose your Thanksgiving weight you wanted to lose?

    Stay warm!!! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I was back out with my brother doing some shopping and am now at 11K steps myself at 4PM :)

    It sounds as if You followed the link I posted. What the people of Walmart pictures made me wonder is who does that ?

    I suspect that the dried dog food and broth is less expensive too, Double bonus, lower cost and no recycle.

    If I said I do like the Buick, it is the first car I have had with pretty much everything. Power seats, windows, door locks and Low tire pressure warning. AC of course I have had since the 70s in my cars as well as Power steering and Automatic Transmission.

    I did lose it so that is to the good.

    It sounds as if things are going well for You & yours
    Have a Nice Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Out the door it was showing 25 degrees, It was not that comfortable, It felt colder than yesterday despite there being only 1 degree colder. The forecast is for Snow moving in later today in the afternoon or evening and turning to rain for Monday. I have walked 8.6K steps.

    Yesterday evening we finished the first batch of Fruit Cakes by taking the previously prepared Fruit part of the recipe and Mixing it into the dry ingredients and baking them. They have already been Spritzed while still warm from the oven on the cooling rack with the Brandy and again this morning when removed from the baking pans. There are 3 small loaves and 1 large loaf from this batch.

    Have a Great Sunday