100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I'm still alive. I've missed you guys. Sorry I've been away. My foster dog Buddy had his total hip replacement and got adopted...lives on the shore in Virginia Beach. My next foster dog, Luke, got adopted...but we got to keep him for an additional week when they went on vacation. I had two little girl dogs for a week...completely terrified (hoarding survivors)...i had told the rescue i had to travel for Thanksgiving (before taking the girls), and they treated me as though i was abandoning the dogs! I did what I commented to, but they shoveled on the guilt. I'm sorry for those dogs, but I didn't cause the problem and never said I could take care of them until they were adopted. For all of November I've had a horrendous sinus infection. Thanksgiving week, i had to travel to Indiana...my tenant gave short notice...and destroyed the full bathroom by running a meth lab! I was distraught. Financial hemorrhage. On the good side...While up there, i got to see my bf Anna and her kids, and also my daughter's 1/2 brother and sister and their mom. That's turning into a super nice friendship and it's great for the kids too. After returning to TX, my sinus infection bloomed...so now on steroids and more antibiotics. My weight is bad. Had started at 252....lost 80...regained 67... but now down 4. This sinus infection really made me keep thinking I was going to die from it. Steroids provide huge relief. So, i need to eat for life. Focusing on fiber (for healthy gut bacteria) and protein. So...I would like to be here again. (I need to catchup reading all that happened while i was gone.)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Em (my kid) and her 1/2 brother Isaac are two months apart (both 13), and Michelle is 5. ❤️❤️❤️
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 54 degrees slightly warmer than yesterday. I walked 7.5K steps so far. I had over 10k steps by the end of the day :)
    Yesterday was a little over 2 inches of rain and more forecast for later today, We do need it too.

    FWIW It is now over 1.5 hours Since I filled the Yeti Insulated Coffee cup at the 7-Eleven and it is still warm enough to drink despite that I added a little ice when I filled it so I could start drinking right away. Cold Coffee is something I never have been able to drink.
    Recipe to use leftover Turkey, a little late I know.

    Some Skills here.

    Have a Great Wednesday

    Some Humor
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. I'm still alive. I've missed you guys. Sorry I've been away. My foster dog Buddy had his total hip replacement and got adopted...lives on the shore in Virginia Beach. My next foster dog, Luke, got adopted...but we got to keep him for an additional week when they went on vacation. I had two little girl dogs for a week...completely terrified (hoarding survivors)...i had told the rescue i had to travel for Thanksgiving (before taking the girls), and they treated me as though i was abandoning the dogs! I did what I commented to, but they shoveled on the guilt. I'm sorry for those dogs, but I didn't cause the problem and never said I could take care of them until they were adopted. For all of November I've had a horrendous sinus infection. Thanksgiving week, i had to travel to Indiana...my tenant gave short notice...and destroyed the full bathroom by running a meth lab! I was distraught. Financial hemorrhage. On the good side...While up there, i got to see my bf Anna and her kids, and also my daughter's 1/2 brother and sister and their mom. That's turning into a super nice friendship and it's great for the kids too. After returning to TX, my sinus infection bloomed...so now on steroids and more antibiotics. My weight is bad. Had started at 252....lost 80...regained 67... but now down 4. This sinus infection really made me keep thinking I was going to die from it. Steroids provide huge relief. So, i need to eat for life. Focusing on fiber (for healthy gut bacteria) and protein. So...I would like to be here again. (I need to catchup reading all that happened while i was gone.)

    Hi Val
    I have a suspicion they had no place to put those two dogs and hence their trying to guilt You into keeping them.

    I hope You get over that Sinus infection real soon.

    I am sorry to hear about the destroyed bathroom. Druggies could care less about others.

    It does sound as if there was a silver lining in the visit however.

    Good Luck
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Mad Skills on the Piano by a Child :)

    Hi Jan
    They were saying that the rain would be a huge help with the wildfires and that was before it ever started.

    Slow Losing is much better than Slow Gaining !

    I thought that was weird too, then I reread it as Spa Amusement park :)

    Good Luck on Your trip today
    Congratulations on Your steps too.

    P.S. Currently I can hear the rain hitting the AC unit :)


    Dang! Mad skills is right! I watched this twice as his hand placement was so wild, I thought it might be dubbed! But I conclude he has a lot of natural born talent! Don't think I ever sounded that good! :#

    The wildfires are so awful. I am afraid the rain might cause damage as well as help.

    Glad you got some rain! I am still waiting. It has trained in a weird direction with so much east and north movement that the rain is still not here. The leading front is still more than an hour away for us, though we are breezy and we have that eeiry atmosphere of a possible tornado. North Alabama had 3 deaths and a lot of damage.

    Hang in there! :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi. I'm still alive. I've missed you guys. Sorry I've been away. My foster dog Buddy had his total hip replacement and got adopted...lives on the shore in Virginia Beach. My next foster dog, Luke, got adopted...but we got to keep him for an additional week when they went on vacation. I had two little girl dogs for a week...completely terrified (hoarding survivors)...i had told the rescue i had to travel for Thanksgiving (before taking the girls), and they treated me as though i was abandoning the dogs! I did what I commented to, but they shoveled on the guilt. I'm sorry for those dogs, but I didn't cause the problem and never said I could take care of them until they were adopted. For all of November I've had a horrendous sinus infection. Thanksgiving week, i had to travel to Indiana...my tenant gave short notice...and destroyed the full bathroom by running a meth lab! I was distraught. Financial hemorrhage. On the good side...While up there, i got to see my bf Anna and her kids, and also my daughter's 1/2 brother and sister and their mom. That's turning into a super nice friendship and it's great for the kids too. After returning to TX, my sinus infection bloomed...so now on steroids and more antibiotics. My weight is bad. Had started at 252....lost 80...regained 67... but now down 4. This sinus infection really made me keep thinking I was going to die from it. Steroids provide huge relief. So, i need to eat for life. Focusing on fiber (for healthy gut bacteria) and protein. So...I would like to be here again. (I need to catchup reading all that happened while i was gone.)

    Well hello! :)

    What a pleasant surprise to open up and find you on here! I am waiting for the shoe to drop here weather wise and I hear actual thunder! We had gone 73 days without significant rain, most places none. My heart goes out to Tenn., so i am not at all complaining.

    Sounds like you have had quite a time! I am sorry about your rental. What a hassle both stress-wise and financially! Sounds like these people have a meet with some karma in their future, just sayin...

    I agree with Roger, the rescue did lay on the guilt. I am sure they were in a hard and desperate place, though that is not a good excuse. Bless you for caring for all those babies!

    I relate to your weight! I did well at Thanksgiving, but am struggling again with the same pounds. I just did not hit below my plateau before the holiday, which would have helped. But you know? You can do it again! I plan to, we can lose together! o:)

    Sorry you were so sick, that must be miserable! You have to learn to put yourself on that list with all the people and four-leggeds you take such good care of! Typical good Mom!

    So glad to hear from you!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Well, the shoe finally dropped and the bottom fell out! I am so thankful to be home! It is raining so hard, you can not see in front of your face! It was 73 degrees at 8 am this morning, but cooler now. I am always thankful I am not on the freeway!

    Had an oops day yesterday, foodwise. I stopped at whole foods and got some packs of Indian food. They had none of the dried fruits other than apricots for the fruitcake, so I guess I can order from Amazon. They also had mostly turkey leftovers on the buffet and in the deli, so I was safe there! Unfortunately picked up some french brioche I had wisely passed up my other trips and noticed they had some of my favorite cookies out, being raspberry and some apricot filled shortbreads. They were not as flavorful with the jam, so I think I can bypass them if tempted again! On the bright side I did buy some broccholi rabe for a song, only $1.00/lb.

    I ordered my glasses and they should be in in a week. They sure are expensive. It was the add- ons, as I got insurance, no line bifocals, a safety coating, a no glare coating, and they are transitional, darkening if I go out. They are the best glasses I ever had :'( , as I had the same features on the pair I "donated " to Pakistan, lol! Lenscrafters is an expensive place, however they are really customer friendly and do sell quality lenses. I got a medical discount for my Dr visit, so should get a refund. I have very small cataracts starting, age appropriate I guess!

    Everybody stay safe and stay on track! Guess I need the inspiration! :)

    Jan "singing in the rain!"
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi again. You are both right about the silver lining with my former tenant. Through my initial tears i said at least I didn't have to pay to evict her, and at least she didn't pour cement down the toilets. Initially i asked for her address and she never responded. Then I pointed out that without her address, id be forced to have the Sheriffs serve her court papers at her place of employment, or to announce the suit in all the local newspapers....she sent me an address and said to send the bill there. She didn't say she'd pay it, but that's something. I ate healthfully today! My gut already feels better...and I feel better that I'm on my priority list again. Thank you both for being here! ~Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 54 degrees the same as yesterday however with a Cold Breeze. I walked 8,660K steps so far. I was near 10k steps by the end of the Yesterday :)
    Yesterday we had more rain and totals for the state are over 3 inches in some parts, lower where I am, We needed it too.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Dang! Mad skills is right! I watched this twice as his hand placement was so wild, I thought it might be dubbed! But I conclude he has a lot of natural born talent! Don't think I ever sounded that good! :#

    The wildfires are so awful. I am afraid the rain might cause damage as well as help.

    Glad you got some rain! I am still waiting. It has trained in a weird direction with so much east and north movement that the rain is still not here. The leading front is still more than an hour away for us, though we are breezy and we have that eeiry atmosphere of a possible tornado. North Alabama had 3 deaths and a lot of damage.

    Hang in there! :)

    Hi Jan
    I saw that there was a outbreak of tornados in the south.. The Wildfires and the destruction have been in the news. Sadly caused by humans too.
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Well, the shoe finally dropped and the bottom fell out! I am so thankful to be home! It is raining so hard, you can not see in front of your face! It was 73 degrees at 8 am this morning, but cooler now. I am always thankful I am not on the freeway!

    Had an oops day yesterday, foodwise. I stopped at whole foods and got some packs of Indian food. They had none of the dried fruits other than apricots for the fruitcake, so I guess I can order from Amazon. They also had mostly turkey leftovers on the buffet and in the deli, so I was safe there! Unfortunately picked up some french brioche I had wisely passed up my other trips and noticed they had some of my favorite cookies out, being raspberry and some apricot filled shortbreads. They were not as flavorful with the jam, so I think I can bypass them if tempted again! On the bright side I did buy some broccholi rabe for a song, only $1.00/lb.

    I ordered my glasses and they should be in in a week. They sure are expensive. It was the add- ons, as I got insurance, no line bifocals, a safety coating, a no glare coating, and they are transitional, darkening if I go out. They are the best glasses I ever had :'( , as I had the same features on the pair I "donated " to Pakistan, lol! Lenscrafters is an expensive place, however they are really customer friendly and do sell quality lenses. I got a medical discount for my Dr visit, so should get a refund. I have very small cataracts starting, age appropriate I guess!

    Everybody stay safe and stay on track! Guess I need the inspiration! :)

    Jan "singing in the rain!"

    Whee, Raining for You finally :)
    I always hated being on the road in the rain, let alone when the sky opened up. At least You needed it. I walked past one of our brooks here in town and it is running a little bit over the banks.

    As for the bread here is what MFP says about it.
    Servings: 8, 1/8 brioche.

    I would just go ahead and portion it out and enjoy a slice and freeze the rest of it in individual servings.

    I have had the same experience where foods that I used to love are just not that tasty anymore. Temptations is why I try and wear blinders and make few trips to the Grocery store :)

    Part of the high cost of replacement glases IMO is that they rip us off for the frames.

    Every Family member that developed Cataracts, they were age related too.

    My Brother Likes Broccoli Rabe too.

    Have a Enjoyable Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi again. You are both right about the silver lining with my former tenant. Through my initial tears i said at least I didn't have to pay to evict her, and at least she didn't pour cement down the toilets. Initially i asked for her address and she never responded. Then I pointed out that without her address, id be forced to have the Sheriffs serve her court papers at her place of employment, or to announce the suit in all the local newspapers....she sent me an address and said to send the bill there. She didn't say she'd pay it, but that's something. I ate healthfully today! My gut already feels better...and I feel better that I'm on my priority list again. Thank you both for being here! ~Val

    Hi Val
    I had one other stray though about Your rental property, At least it did not blow up.

    I hope she Pays up. if not do not wait to long to sue.

    It sounds as if Your Sinus is feeling better too.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi !

    Val, it is so good to see you on here! You are on fire with your weight loss and motivation! I love it! I hope your rental problems get solved quickly!

    Roger, thanks for the brioche info. Why did I not think to get it out of sight in portions? I definitely need to stay away from Whole Foods unless I am in the freezer section buying healthy! Well, I did get it out of sight, just not in the best way! :/

    It does amaze me I can not seem to remember how bad I will feel physically if I overindulge.
    Duh...Seems it should be a no brainer.

    Well, my fitbit has disappeared off my computer again. Where does it go? And why??

    Take care all! Jan B)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I do not have a problem with the software on the computer disappearing thankfully. In my case it is getting it to sync for some reason. I could try changing the dongle as I have two now, one from when I bought it and a second one when they shipped an entire FitBit Zip box after I contacted them with about a dead FitBit under warranty.

    I have not tried them yet however my brother returned from the ShopRite Grocery Store with Ancient Grains wraps. the wraps They are 60 calories for the entire 8" Wrap, Hopefully they will be tasty too, I like their Honey Wheat and Whole Wheat as well as other flavors.

    Don't feel bad I believe we have all done that sort of thing. I have also found that after eating a little bit they just do not taste like what I remember nor are nearly as tasty. I also can not seem to remember how bad I will feel physically if I overindulge :(

    However I have gotten rid of some of the junk foods that I bought after temptation called my name, I try throw them in the garbage unwrapped and that solves that. In the case of a bread I might also dribble water on it just to be sure. The problem is that usually happens after I have eaten some. Such as the recent episode with Mince Meat Pie, Fruit based of course.

    Have a Good Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. Sinuses are improving, but I'm still weak and wiped out. My body is loving all the fiber! Most of that 5 pounds has been removed by eating fiber. Both times i was pregnant i ate very healthfully because i wanted to feed my babies the best that I could. So now, I'm focusing on feeding my gut bacteria the best that I can (thinking of them as my responsibility to take good care of). Wishing the best of health for us all! ~Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Out the door today it was showing 40 degrees a significant cooling off from yesterday. I walked 7K steps so far.

    Yesterday I found a few more ripe Raspberries. They just keep ripening from the fruit that set before it got colder :)

    Have a Great Friday

    Hi Val
    I'm glad to hear that You are improving.

    Thank You for the wish too
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Lost 6.6 pounds this week. I miss feeling good and being active...so It's goid that im back and paying attention. Continuing with my fiber focus, Google says the highest fiber is in split peas, next legumes. So cooking in the crockpot is split peas with onion, celery, black beans, and spices. It smells good. Fyi, my hip still hurts...but not nearly as bad as it used to. Hope you all have a super Friday! San Antonio is expecting a couple inches of rain through the weekend.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Lucky Me :(
    Lost 6.6 pounds this week. I miss feeling good and being active...so It's goid that im back and paying attention. Continuing with my fiber focus, Google says the highest fiber is in split peas, next legumes. So cooking in the crockpot is split peas with onion, celery, black beans, and spices. It smells good. Fyi, my hip still hurts...but not nearly as bad as it used to. Hope you all have a super Friday! San Antonio is expecting a couple inches of rain through the weekend.

    Hi Val
    Funny that You should mention Split pea Soup, There is a pot on the stove right now that my brother started yesterday :) It smells good and a quick taste test shows that it is good tasting.

    Yours sounds delicious too

    I am glad Your hip is feeling better.
    It was sort of cold today, not so much from the temperature as from the breeze caused Wind Chill. That continues tomorrow too.

    Enjoy the rain.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi all!

    Val, I must have caught your wave link! I picked up some probiotics just to help the cause! I love thinking of my gut bacteria as my little babies I need to care for! Who would have thought that but you! :) Maybe I will give other parts of my anatomy a name like people name cars or something and it might help! I think I should name my heart to be heart healthy and conscious!.....maybe Mabel!

    Thanks for the tips, Roger! I have also decided I will bring as little into the house as possible if it is just not healthy! I have made myself throw out something after a serving or two that I could not get in a smaller size. It is hard! I have tried the ancient grains and I like them. Holidays are just tough as you fight the nostalgia of some foods. They were a big part of growing up and things I liked to carry on tradition wise. What a delicate balance! I am tickled you are still eating those raspberries!

    Val, continue to feel better from that sinus infection! I am glad your hip is better. You may always be able to give a weather report from it, lol, but hey, you saved money on a barometer! Thanks for the well wishes and personifying my problems- I can feel motivated that way!

    And Roger what can we say- thanks for providing us a platform and for the encouragements and attention to the details! :)

    Take care.....Jan B) ..... P.S. fitbit is back...( it's ba-ack... said in a sing songy voice....)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    It was sort of cold today, not so much from the temperature as from the breeze caused Wind Chill. That continues tomorrow too.

    There is a pot of pea soup on the stove right now that my brother started yesterday :) It smells good and a quick taste test shows that it is good tasting.

    Enjoy the Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    Val, I must have caught your wave link! I picked up some probiotics just to help the cause! I love thinking of my gut bacteria as my little babies I need to care for! Who would have thought that but you! :) Maybe I will give other parts of my anatomy a name like people name cars or something and it might help! I think I should name my heart to be heart healthy and conscious!.....maybe Mabel!

    Thanks for the tips, Roger! I have also decided I will bring as little into the house as possible if it is just not healthy! I have made myself throw out something after a serving or two that I could not get in a smaller size. It is hard! I have tried the ancient grains and I like them. Holidays are just tough as you fight the nostalgia of some foods. They were a big part of growing up and things I liked to carry on tradition wise. What a delicate balance! I am tickled you are still eating those raspberries!

    Val, continue to feel better from that sinus infection! I am glad your hip is better. You may always be able to give a weather report from it, lol, but hey, you saved money on a barometer! Thanks for the well wishes and personifying my problems- I can feel motivated that way!

    And Roger what can we say- thanks for providing us a platform and for the encouragements and attention to the details! :)

    Take care.....Jan B) ..... P.S. fitbit is back...( it's ba-ack... said in a sing songy voice....)

    Hi Jan
    It is sad that the stores have no real interest in small portions on their items. I feel bad throwing food away but what can You do? Donate, how do You donate a cut into pie or cake for example?

    I agree that Holidays are tough that is why I am trying to lose a little under my unofficial goal weight to be ready for the Two Holiday Sunday's in a Row. I was discussing the menu with my brother and we have decided on Low Salt Ham for Christmas and Leftovers for New Years. The size is To Be Determined based on what they have available.

    For my Lunch I had thought about the NS Bean Bolgenese (Spelling?) however since My Brother brought home some Meatloaf in Brown Gravy from the grocery store and I am thinking about rinsing off the gravy before heating it and putting it in a wrap with either Ketchup or Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce. I suspect that getting rid of the gravy will also lower the amount of Sodium. It shows a serving size of one slice and 150 calories :)
    After heating I think I will put it on the Ancient Grains wrap to see how they are.

    As You say, The Thanksgiving and Christmas meals my brother wants are based entirely on what we had from Mom for the Holiday.

    Am I forgetting something? I did not know You had FitBit problems

    Have a Nice Day