100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Well, I thought I was being smart and got to bed earlier, just after midnite, which is good for me. I woke at 4:45 am and was awake a couple hours. I finally fell asleep again, then kept hitting the snooze and woke late. I did make it to get my blood work by 11 am, which was not what I intended! But it is done. Progress!

    Good job on your steps! I need to watch mine better and add a few. :)

    I'm sorry, I was not too clear about that blue line! Actually, I was thinking both. Being down here, I had visions of some guy with a beer and a bucket of paint and a paintbrush! Probably in the dead of night or some un-opportune time! Not being done by the road crew! I have been down here too long, lol!

    I hate to be on such a good roll with my weight with Thanksgiving coming. I may need to rethink it a little, so my holiday is not in excess! Thank goodness turkey is healthy!

    Have a good Friday and weekend! Jan B) 78 Degrees today!

    Hi Jan
    Midnight is early for You, Wow, I have been running out of steam by 10PM :)

    I'd put money on it having been road crews doing the painting, or maybe the towns workers. Either way.

    Turkey may be healthy however FWIW You can overdo it. Take a look at Your menu items and look up the nutrition values on the Internet and then You can determine the Portion sizes to have.

    Congratulations on the lost Pound
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Hilarious story about the tattoo. I would not have made a bet like that unless it was 110% sure, but even then? Not that! lol! Imagine how much it cost him, and then again if he gets it removed at some point. I have to admire he kept his word!

    Thanks for the encouragement and reminders! I am working out the logistics for Thanksgiving ahead of time, and plan to be sensible! :#

    I am at a plateau I usually hit, but have time to break thru before Thanksgiving, I hope. It would be nice to be in the next 10 lbs to lose area!

    I am planning to hit the newly built Whole Foods that recently opened by my Vet. I have to pick up medicine for Chester anyway, so that inspired my trip! I will treat myself, but only to something healthy, and go after I eat, so I am not hungry. I need fruit and some veggies, so it should work out!

    Thai food sounds good, Have a good time!

    Take care, Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I though that story might be interesting to others :)

    BTW I would need to stay clear of the bakery Section at Whole Food.

    I was at the Produce store earlier and bought 2 Green pears and a tray of each of the Blackberries and Raspberries Due to the low price for them to have a variety of other fruit to go along with the Assorted Apples and oranges.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 44 degrees this morning , I have walked 8,778 steps + 1 cent.

    Today is Lunch with friends at the local Thai Food place, wish me luck making wise choices :)

    Yesterday while I was at the Christmas Tree Shop
    I picked up a jar of Knotts Berry Farm Boysenberry Jelly. I used to love their Boysenberry Pies when we visited there.
    Knott's Berry Farm is a 160-acre (65 ha) amusement park in Buena Park, California.

    Have a Great Saturday
    Enjoy the Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I forgot to mention that we now have Moxie in the House that was purchased at the Christmas Tree Shop too.
    re-1885: Dr. Augustin Thompson...short bio: born in Union ME...Civil war veteran, playwright, and homeopathic physician...set up practice in Lowell, MA, which was home to many patent medicines...wanted to make a cure-all which did not contain harmful ingredients like cocaine and alcohol. Note: no evidence that Moxie was ever commercially produced prior to 1885, even in non-carbonated form. Folklore points to earlier dates, but again, no evidence. Thompson was never a pharmacist, never worked for Ayer Drug Co. as sometimes alleged.

    1885-1899: Moxie Nerve Food invented and patented in 1885. First bottled carbonated beverage made in America. Many wild curative claims. Attempted distribution in Atlanta, Denver, & Chicago, but never really took off except in northeast. Also introduced in lozenge format, but that did not do well. Fantastic claim that basic secret ingredient (now known to be gentian root) was discovered by Thompson's former comrade, a Lt. Moxie (he never existed) while traveling in the wilds of South America somewhere. Unique Moxie bottle wagons were used to dispense Moxie at fairs and amusement parks. Some ads incorporated then-popular "brownies" in them, others promoted a "health and vigor" theme (almost like today's "energy drinks").

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    It is cold here, and the wind blowing is rather bitter. It is in the forties but warming. We are supposed to get in the upper 30's tonite, but I need to double check the weather for the latest!

    Your posts were really interesting! I guess I had forgotten Knotts Berry Farm had the amusement park. The history was really interesting, and I loved reading about the changes they made to keep open and active. Today, that is amazing! There is not much sadder than an old abandoned amusement park. Two of the ones which were large and always crowded when I was young closed. Such good memories there, I never thought they would go the way of drive-ins and become obsolete. They were plenty fun, even if they were not Disney World.

    I have seen the adds for the Christmastree Shop. It is fun to look thru the offerings! I had vaguely heard of the Moxie drink, but the pictures were great and I loved the history. Talk about a company holding on!

    I did fairly well at Whole foods. I did not partake of the hot foods, though I would like to have! I saved calories for a pizza slice and had the veggie, so that was not too bad. It had almost exactly what the store that had just closed (out of business), up the street had, so I do not know if they will stay in business either. Prices on most stuff was very high, but there were some bargains, if that is what you eat. I did succumb to half a chocolate bourbon pecan pie, which will still take a while to eat, as the calories are rather high. I am fitting it in and had wanted some for Thanksgiving, so I am spreading it out. Raspberries and blackberries were 6.99 a carton now, as the other stores around here! The Amy's brand soups and food are a lot cheaper, as is the Ezekiel's brand of breads.The bakery is mostly cakes, not much bread, so I lucked out! I forgot to go back to buy the Halos ice cream, which is well as I have this pie! :#

    Hope you did well at the Thai place! It is nice to get out! :) Eat well now! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 38 degrees and very breezy this morning and as I started walking up the street I see that in addition to the extremely loud Thunderstorm before midnight, loud enough to wake my brother and I out of a sound sleep that we had some snow overnight. Not much but noticeable in some yards with the grass sticking up through it and on some of the cars, not all cars strangely. I have only walked 6.8K steps due to the wind that at times blew hard enough I had to lean into it.

    No Saturday Lunch at the Thai food Restaurant :( One of the participants had car trouble, Tire was flat and ruined so we are rescheduled for next Saturday, after Thanksgiving, Oh well.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    It is cold here, and the wind blowing is rather bitter. It is in the forties but warming. We are supposed to get in the upper 30's tonite, but I need to double check the weather for the latest!

    Your posts were really interesting! I guess I had forgotten Knotts Berry Farm had the amusement park. The history was really interesting, and I loved reading about the changes they made to keep open and active. Today, that is amazing! There is not much sadder than an old abandoned amusement park. Two of the ones which were large and always crowded when I was young closed. Such good memories there, I never thought they would go the way of drive-ins and become obsolete. They were plenty fun, even if they were not Disney World.

    I have seen the adds for the Christmastree Shop. It is fun to look thru the offerings! I had vaguely heard of the Moxie drink, but the pictures were great and I loved the history. Talk about a company holding on!

    I did fairly well at Whole foods. I did not partake of the hot foods, though I would like to have! I saved calories for a pizza slice and had the veggie, so that was not too bad. It had almost exactly what the store that had just closed (out of business), up the street had, so I do not know if they will stay in business either. Prices on most stuff was very high, but there were some bargains, if that is what you eat. I did succumb to half a chocolate bourbon pecan pie, which will still take a while to eat, as the calories are rather high. I am fitting it in and had wanted some for Thanksgiving, so I am spreading it out. Raspberries and blackberries were 6.99 a carton now, as the other stores around here! The Amy's brand soups and food are a lot cheaper, as is the Ezekiel's brand of breads.The bakery is mostly cakes, not much bread, so I lucked out! I forgot to go back to buy the Halos ice cream, which is well as I have this pie! :#

    Hope you did well at the Thai place! It is nice to get out! :) Eat well now! Jan

    Hi Jan
    No Lunch, The weather this morning is breezy and rather bitter here too. Clear skies however so it should be a nice sunny day especially if the breeze dies down.

    I Agree, I had run across these photos a while back, there are many photos via the link below.
    Nearly a decade after Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans, one landmark remains vacant as a testament to the city’s devastation following the storm.

    Six Flags New Orleans has been abandoned since the 2005 hurricane made landfall: empty roller coasters and attractions fill the ghostly scene, which is still very much surrounded by water. There are even alligators floating around in some of the water on the 150-acre site.

    Photographer Seph Lawless has chronicled the desolate nature of the theme park in a set of photos recently released to the public.

    So sad :( I can only guess that it was not doing that good or they would not have left it closed.

    The two 6 ounce cartons, 1 each of the Raspberries and Blackberries were a grand total of $2.98. I would have thought where You are that You would get good local fruits and produce.

    It is somewhat normal to have some things be less expensive in one store vs other items in a different store. That is why both my Grandfather and Father would go to several grocery stores on shopping day. The Ezekiel Bread is Good just not worth the price locally.

    Congratulations on another day under calories and avoiding the temptations of the hot foods.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited November 2016

    Sorry you did not go for Thai food! But it helps you stay out of trouble eating till the next week-end! LOL!

    It is still chilly here with frost and freeze in north Alabama. The wind is bad here, but a nice fall day when it is not blowing. I cooked for church, and ate a few things that I probably should not have. However, I was pretty full, so was planning on just a salad for dinner. Our group meets again on Sunday night, and they decided to meet at Hardees of all places, really not diet friendly, and we just visited. I had a small cheeseburger and shared some onion rings, but it put me over. Honestly, every time I hit this spot for my weight, something interferes. However, I intend to get right on it! But Drat! Wish we had just our regular meeting!

    I have seen the pictures of the abandoned malls. Your link was interesting. Really for 10 years, some of the things did not look too bad. That alligator though! It was really sad and such a waste. I really wish they would make companies responsible when things are abandoned that there is some clean-up. I guess with something that big, it is hard and expensive. Some cities do demand the premises be a certain condition to avoid the blight of abandoned places if there is no resale. I do like that, FWIW.

    Berries did go on sale for $2.99/carton this week-end! Just the week-end though!

    Sounds like you had Thundersnow! :)

    Have a good Monday! I will be at the Dr. (prescription time!) Jan - 63 days, no rain! :( Geez, note time!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    If only it did help with food, Unfortunately that means Turkey Day on Thursday with one day to recover and then Thai food Saturday, I can not decide whether to be :( or :)

    We have not had any Hardees all that close to me in years if ever. There are only two in all of NJ. I suspect that You could find something at Hardees to eat, these days most chains have something usable that way.
    Even White Castle has somethings that will work when dieting. What I have done is hollow out the bun and be careful what I order from them. You may have seen them in the freezer section? Otherwise the closes to Alabama seems to be in Tennessee :)

    As far as cleaning up I would have thought that there would be something salvageable to reuse in their other locations at a minimum.

    Thundersnow is what it would have been.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again
    The Wind is still gusting, wind gusts into the 20s MPH. I ran off to CostCo since when I went to pull the Last Bag of Frozen Vegetables I thought was in the freezer it was not there.

    Steps so far after that are 9,749 :) I spent $60 there with everything, Two trays of Apples, Gala & Fuji, 18 pack of Greek Yogurt and three bags of Vegetables. I was not afraid of the apples as I have never gotten a bad tray of them from CostCo.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited November 2016

    I guess I am glad to be here! I seem to not take to temperatures below 60 degrees. I have been spoiled here!

    Great job on your steps! I was at 4615 and forgot to walk more yesterday to set off my fitbit. I hate when I have the thought, but it disappears before I do it! :/

    My appointments went well. I got my refill prescriptions and do not take one of my gout meds unless I have an attack. We also cut out my Lasix, which might help my feet some. Hopefully my feet won't swell! I need to watch my sodium more now. Tomorrow I will hit the base and fill my prescriptions and I will be set. Always good!

    I got some free persimmons from a guy at church who owns an orchard and he always shares. They were yummy. I only tried one about 2 years ago. I never had had one before that time.

    Take care and keep warm. people are getting sick here. The Dr.offices were all full. Mostly colds though and short lasting stomach bugs.

    Thanksgiving followed by Thai food! I would be thankful, just not TOO thankful! :#

    Stay warm!! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 37 degrees today the same as yesterday and still breezy this morning. The wind chill makes it uncomfortable walking. I hit 11K steps yesterday between the mornings walk and the bank stop on the way to CostCo and shopping at CostCo :)
    There was one pair of people at the CostCo that had two shopping carts piled with their large pies. One Cart was Pumpkin Pies and the Other with lots of Apple Pies. I wondered what they were going to do with all of them, My brother suggested that they were probably going to be handed out with Thanksgiving meals which makes sense.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I guess I am glad to be here! I seem to not take to temperatures below 60 degrees. I have been spoiled here!

    Great job on your steps! I was at 4615 and forgot to walk more yesterday to set off my fitbit. I hate when I have the thought, but it disappears before I do it! :/

    My appointments went well. I got my refill prescriptions and do not take one of my gout meds unless I have an attack. We also cut out my Lasix, which might help my feet some. Hopefully my feet won't swell! I need to watch my sodium more now. Tomorrow I will hit the base and fill my prescriptions and I will be set. Always good!

    I got some free persimmons from a guy at church who owns an orchard and he always shares. They were yummy. I only tried one about 2 years ago. I never had had one before that time.

    Take care and keep warm. people are getting sick here. The Dr.offices were all full. Mostly colds though and short lasting stomach bugs.

    Thanksgiving followed by Thai food! I would be thankful, just not TOO thankful! :#

    Stay warm!! Jan

    Hi Jan
    I think we all have days where a thought comes and fades away undone, I know I do that.

    Congratulations on being able to reduce the amount of medications You need. I know I need to watch my sodium. Use salt or eat salty things and I retain lots of water, OTOH Sweets do that to me too. I can't win :)

    Nothing beats free.

    I need to lose some weight ahead of those double diet killers.

    Stay well and avoid the sicknesses going around
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I did not get much done today. I fed the puppies and the birds, straightened up and then went to get my medicine. I waited 2 and 1/2 hours for it, but spent it reading, so it was pleasant. I guess they were swamped due to the upcoming holiday and influx of sick people.

    The traffic is heavy and crazy. School is out this week, and of course the fore mentioned holiday being the cause I guess. It was so sad to read about that bus accident in Tenn. I can not imagine losing a child that way.

    I have been having whole grain pancakes for breakfast since it turned cold, and adding a tablespoon of pumpkin and some cinnamon to the batter. It has hit the spot. I actually got some weight gain, I assume from Sunday, which was kind of a bummer, since it had not registered before. You never know! But did get back on track and felt good doing so!

    The carts of pies made me laugh! It reminded me of being in the thrift store. Two guys walked out with three huge carts of all kinds of stuffed animals. It turned out they were on the committee that throws out toys for the parades, and they could get them all for a song. :)

    Keep up the good work! Are you cooking for Thanksgiving?

    Watch the wind too! Jan 29 tonite! Brrrr!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 34 degrees and a occasional puff of wind this morning and it was OK walking. I hit 8,211 steps + 1 Cent on the mornings walk. I spent $8.25 after the Senior Discount at the Supermarket on my walk. I picked up a few last minute items for my brother, Mostly. A couple of cans of Evaporated Milk, some Yellow Onions, Lettuce etc.
    Today will be more baking, Yesterday we dropped off two homemade Sweet Potato Pies for taste feedback on which recipe is better, The Alton brown one or the one by Dave Lieberman. Alton's uses a regular pie crust and is topped with Chopped Pecans and Dave's uses a Graham Cracker Crust, We varied that by making it with a Ginger Snap Cookie Crust as a variation :)

    I hope everybody is ready for the Holiday
    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I did not get much done today. I fed the puppies and the birds, straightened up and then went to get my medicine. I waited 2 and 1/2 hours for it, but spent it reading, so it was pleasant. I guess they were swamped due to the upcoming holiday and influx of sick people.

    The traffic is heavy and crazy. School is out this week, and of course the fore mentioned holiday being the cause I guess. It was so sad to read about that bus accident in Tenn. I can not imagine losing a child that way.

    I have been having whole grain pancakes for breakfast since it turned cold, and adding a tablespoon of pumpkin and some cinnamon to the batter. It has hit the spot. I actually got some weight gain, I assume from Sunday, which was kind of a bummer, since it had not registered before. You never know! But did get back on track and felt good doing so!

    The carts of pies made me laugh! It reminded me of being in the thrift store. Two guys walked out with three huge carts of all kinds of stuffed animals. It turned out they were on the committee that throws out toys for the parades, and they could get them all for a song. :)

    Keep up the good work! Are you cooking for Thanksgiving?

    Watch the wind too! Jan 29 tonite! Brrrr!

    Hi Jan
    That is a shame and from what I saw on the news speed was the cause and the driver had complaints about that issue as well as having been in a accident earlier this year too. I suspect that whoever is in charge of the School Buses is or will be in deep trouble over this. Sad is right, No parent should have to bury a child :(

    Whole Grain Pancakes sounds delicious. I am thinking about having some of the Quaker Lower Sugar Oatmeal later on for my Mid Morning snack. I do add a packet of sweetener since I have a sweet tooth :)

    I posted some more humorous pictures yesterday, here is the link, just in case or to make it easier to find.

    That actually makes sense to stretch the budget to allow for toys throw out at the parade.

    Actually my Brother does the Holiday cooking, I do help with parts of it as well as the Cleanup.
    Today's baking will be a Pumpkin Pie for our Holiday pie and maybe a loaf of beer bread. A very Simple but tasty recipe. The alternative to the beer bread is Biscuits to go with the Leftover Turkey Gravy as well as with the Holiday Meal.

    Now that the Dried Fruits have been delivered it is nearly time for my brother to bake the Alton Brown's Recipe Fruit Cake that gets handed out to friends. It is so much better than the ones You get commercially. This is the one that even his friends that normally do not like or eat fruit cake love.

    Congratulations on the 110 days logins and being under Your calorie Goal.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Thanks for posting the humerus link. I have it, but plan to bookmark it! And thanks for the congrats!

    All of a sudden I have my motivation back. I do not know what happened, but I like it!

    I am so glad I will have a quiet Thanksgiving at home! (I had turned down a couple invites...) At the last minute, we girls got together at 7 am to have coffee and talk with our friend who has the brain tumor. She is having chemo one week out of a month. She is doing well, but typically the prognosis is poor. She has been a little more quiet, and she seems to think she is losing words some. She seems sharp to me! I am going over again this afternoon as her hubby wanted to go hunting with his gran-daughter, but he does not like to leave his wife alone, obviously. So I am not home too much but had a wonderful day so far visiting, and a beautiful sunrise that turned everything rose colored and beautiful. It may be that way every morning- I am not up at 6 am usually! :) but I do think it was extra pretty this morning anyway!

    I am one of those people who love fruitcake and take real offense to people who throw it around or shoot at it!

    I am splurging, because it will be 100 calories, but believe it or not I want plain ole Pillsbury crescent rolls from the can with my meal. And I have become "southern" as I am having cornbread dressing! Usually I fill the neck with cornbread dressing, and stuff with sage/herb dressing. I get to be lazy and just had the taste for cornbread. I am sure by next year I will want the gang to all get together, but this year I am cherishing my day. ( with the immediate family of doggies who are with me thru thick and thin!) I plan to read, play the piano, and marathon a couple movies like I have the whole day! :#

    Have a happy Thanksgiving and many Blessings to you and yours! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Jan
    How nice to have Your Motivation back :) In my case I have found that if I eat something sugary that is when I lose control :(

    I am sorry to hear about Your friend. Sometimes it works, I had family where it did work so.... Hopefully.

    I am out the door around Sunrise right not and was out the door an hour + before sunrise until we went off of Daylight Saving Time. Most mornings it is just a sunrise, every now and then however, Whee.

    If I said as a Midwesterner and North-easterner The only time I have had Cornbread stuffing is in a frozen Dinner entree... We always used a seasoned bread stuffing, in the Neck and the rest of the Turkey, Leftover either went around the Turkey in the Roaster or in a separate pan in the Oven. This year for example We Baked two pumpkin Pies Today and a Pan of Stuffing. We are also set up to make the same amount to stuff the Turkey With.

    FWIW here is a link to the Fruitcake that everyone likes
    1 cup golden raisins
    1 cup currants
    1/2 cup sun dried cranberries
    1/2 cup sun dried blueberries
    1/2 cup sun dried cherries
    1/2 cup dried apricots, chopped
    Zest of one lemon, chopped coarsely
    Zest of one orange, chopped coarsely
    1/4 cup candied ginger, chopped
    1 cup gold rum
    1 cup sugar
    5 ounces unsalted butter (1 1/4 sticks)
    1 cup unfiltered apple juice
    4 whole cloves, ground
    6 allspice berries, ground
    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    1 teaspoon ground ginger
    1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
    1 1/2 teaspoons salt
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    2 eggs
    1/4 to 1/2 cup toasted pecans, broken
    Brandy for basting and/or spritzing
    Not real low calorie ingredients :)
    My Brother takes either Rum or Brandy and sprays it every few days for a few weeks before handing them out to friends.

    Have a Great Thanksgiving

    P.S. Notice none of those hard Candied Fruits that so many Fruitcakes seem to have in them. Although I have been known to suggest Maraschino Cherries as an addition for the one I eat off of.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Best made pans that go astray...

    My Sister got the weather station. I know I specified Gift Wrap from Amazon and a Gift Card and mentioned in the email I sent here that It was for her Christmas Gift, I may be at fault however as I also said to check for breakage and never mentioned it would be obvious if it was damaged without needing to open it. However Her email saying I got it also said it is beautiful, Oh well. At least She seems to really like it. Either Way, It is nice to know it arrived in good shape and is good looking.

    Have a Enjoyable Holiday