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  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2016
    It is showing 46 degrees this morning and it was cloudy starting out, Then that turned into a drizzle followed by a light rain on the way back. OTOH there was a touch of snow in a news broadcast from up North o where I am so it could be worse, Probably not so good for the morning commute up that way. I walked today for 7,714 steps. The forecast high for today is in the 50s :(
    The chance of the first snow of the season in the northwest corner of the state forecast for today appears to have come true.

    I should mention that the Dining Room table is 1/2 covered with Drying Sweet Potatoes from the garden, some of which got a little large at almost 2 pounds each. The last of the tomatoes are sitting there, Mainly green right now so I am hoping they turn ripe. Not much else to do with Cherry tomatoes that are green I suspect.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Your witch had quite the response here! I almost lost my morning coffee laughing, and the dogs thought I was crazy.

    Chester is almost back to normal. I picked up Jiff's natural no stir peanut butter as it was on sale and lower sodium. I forgot how soft it is, so trying to give Chester his pills in it is a hoot. I just put the blobs in a bowl and stick the pill in because otherwise it runs and sticks to my fingers. Thank goodness he just eats it all, no sweat!

    Hard to imagine you all possibly getting frost! It is back in the 60's at nite, and can still be hot in the sun during the day! I think we were in the mid 80's. Still wearing flip flops! :)

    I am going to tackle the house, as soon as my caffeine kicks in! I basically just rested yesterday and was exhausted from the last few weeks. I mixed a little instant caffeinated coffee in with my regular decafe brew as I just can not get going. I almost bought the Folger's 1/2 caff, but that usually still has too much caffeine for my B/P. Drat!

    I did get in 3219 steps yesterday, that was good!

    Keep warm! have a good Thurs.! Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    I liked it when I saw it while walking. I tried to take a picture but the camera is not that good with low light so I found a similar image on the Internet :)

    Natural No Stir Peanut Butter, I'm puzzled all the peanut Butter I have used I just used it as is from the jar.

    We definitely had a frost I thought the car might be just wet but when I ran my fingers across it it was hard and icy to the touch. That makes it the first one of the Season, I am waiting for more frosts as the Sunchokes AKA Jerusalem Artichokes are supposed to be better after they have been frosted before being dug for use.

    I think You could have mixed Your own to use, 3/4 decaf to 1/4 regular coffee...
    How did it taste using the instant coffee? The Folgers is what my brother picked up for me to use :)

    Good Luck getting going
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is showing 46 degrees this morning and cloudy, The rain has moved out overnight. I walked today for 8,422 steps. The forecast high for today is in the 50s :(
    And the chance of the first snow of the season in the northwest corner of the state for Thursday happened with rain for the rest of us.

    Have a Great Friday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Envy that cool weather some! Snow for a one time deal sounds kind of nice! It won't be long before you get some!

    Alabama , the entire state. is officially in drought conditions with central Al. now nearing severe drought conditions. They are saying this is a worst case in the last 100 years, as all kinds of records for heat and rainfall are being broken. The ground is like talcum powder, and any burning is banned. Even the weeds are dying. :/

    I am back working at the house, but it is slow going!

    Keep up all the good work and have a great week-end! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    You know it is dry when even the weeds die :)

    It has been weird weather this year AFAICT.

    Slow but steady gets the job done just as nicely as fast and furious and has less of an impact on Your life as a benefit.

    Have a Nice Upcoming Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is showing 40 degrees this morning, I walked today for 9,666 steps. The forecast high for today is in the 60s.

    About how I feel when I look at the news as I reach for the Mute or skip button on the remote
    Have a Great Weekend
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning !

    The truck is great! Maybe they were behind on their deliveries! :#

    Only a few more days and maybe we can put this election behind us! Of course, then there are the weeks of recap! lol!

    Watching movies on the computer, one does get to miss all the rhetoric!

    Off to buy Halloween candy for tomorrow nite at the church. It is trunk or treat night. They decorate their car trunks as stations, it is pretty cute! I just know my son's family has been building a jail from PVC pipe and painting it silver. I forgot what they will be!

    Take care! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is showing 60 degrees this morning quite a bit warmer than yesterday for the same time, I walked today for 8,871 steps. The forecast high for today is in the 60s. No sunshine yet either.

    Yesterday while walking I had a Deer running around on the street ahead of me for part of my walk. It would run ahead, freeze in place until I got to close and run again :) Then a little further on I saw the Blue Heron standing motionless in the brook waiting for it's breakfast to swim past.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning !

    The truck is great! Maybe they were behind on their deliveries! :#

    Only a few more days and maybe we can put this election behind us! Of course, then there are the weeks of recap! lol!

    Watching movies on the computer, one does get to miss all the rhetoric!

    Off to buy Halloween candy for tomorrow nite at the church. It is trunk or treat night. They decorate their car trunks as stations, it is pretty cute! I just know my son's family has been building a jail from PVC pipe and painting it silver. I forgot what they will be!

    Take care! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I hope it ends there and does not end up going to the Supreme court as has happened a while ago.

    That sounds like a fun night for both the parents and the kids :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2016
    It is showing 48 degrees this morning somewhat cooler than yesterday's 60 degrees for the same time, I walked today for 7.7K steps. The forecast high for today is 56. We had Thunderstorms roll through Yesterday twice with a short break in-between and short lived heavy rain and some wind.

    Yesterday when I returned from walking I browsed through the Garden area and picked a few small Raspberries, There may be a few more that will ripen as they are almost there. I also picked the last of the Green Beans. The rest of the garden is done and the leaves on the Fig Trees are curling from the previous frost.


    Have a Great Halloween
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well, I survived our Halloween at the church! It was really nice. My son and daughter-in- law dressed as cops from the 20's and the kids were the jail birds, otherwise known as the candy robbers, in black and white striped dresses and sparkly tights with black knit hats and masks. They were pretty cute. They used a car cover to cover their car, decorated with big signs that said paddy wagon and church police. The 7 year old thought up the idea and they won 1st place. (Unfortunately that was only candy, lol!)
    We don't get trick or treaters here, so I should have a quiet night! I did one of your maneuvers and walked 4,899 steps. I wanted to hit 5,000, then totally forgot till just after midnite, and it was too late!

    It was 88 degrees at 4 pm last nite. Our low was pleasant after the sun went down and in the 60's. No rain at all. Some of my older trees are looking rather desperate. I need to get the sprinkler out this week.

    I may get you to describe a thunderstorm for me in a few weeks, least I forget! :#

    Have a good Tues.! Jan B)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    That sounds like a Great idea and they won first prize too!

    I have been known to walk back and forth in the bedroom if I notice I am only a few steps short of my daily goal :)

    The biggest problem here is running the sprinkler puts the water bill through the roof.
    Then in a declared drought emergency they mandate when You can run a sprinkler.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is showing 38 degrees this morning 10 degrees cooler than yesterday's 48 degrees for the same time, I walked today for 8.8K steps. The forecast high for today is around 61. Tomorrows high is predicted to be 71 and Thursdays for 73 degrees.

    We gave out 50cent coins AKA Kennedy 1/2 dollars. We went through 59 dollars of them. We ended up with 118 Trick or Treaters before we closed up for the night. All were in nice costumes too. FWIW we give out money for three reasons, leftovers never spoil :), No temptation to overeat with them, and carrying on Moms tradition of doing it, we just adjusted up the amount from a quarter to a half dollar.
    Now it is time to de-decorate from Halloween and look for the Thanksgiving window decoration

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Oh my, I can hardly remember what 38 degrees even feels like. Here it is like the endless summer but without the surfing! We are all complaining of joint pain, lol, I think from the temperature variances of night time and day. You seem to have it too if you are in the 30's one night and the 70's the next day. So far, this is the craziest "winter" ever in my book!

    How great you get the trick or treaters! I think giving out the money is actually a great idea. I spent close to what you did on chocolate, and the coins are certainly a better deal, all the way around. What a nice memory you have of your Mom's tradition!

    I have a few shelves to put up in the living room, and some curtains in the kitchen and those rooms will be done, except for painting trim. I still have 1 1/2 bedrooms to put in order, and multi trips to the thrift shop to leave some unneeded things. Unfortunately this week seems to high-jacked by a clothes drive we did at church to send to Pakistan. One of our members has started a school for children there, and we were delayed sending boxes because of the violence there. The school had to relocate, and there is much persecution there. Many families do not like the violence that is becoming part of their society. We do not really push them to be Christian, but many embrace it after years of being unstable and mistreated. We forget how lucky we are here, in spite of our current "trials!"

    Yep, trying to wade thru all those Christmas decorations at the stores and remember Thanksgiving first, lol! :/ They were out the last week of August I think, before Labor Day!

    The hot weather has left me in the mood for salads! A plus in my book!

    Take care! Jan B)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Well, finally found the clothes for packing for Pakistan in one of the closets. I will have to sort them again, and bring my own light source. Bummer. They wanted to paint the room it was in. Kind of our fault for not getting it done a little sooner.

    Then off to Lowes to see about the screen. What a bummer there too!

    Hope it is not bummer day.. but it is Chili day. I can sit in the a/c and pretend. (fall)

    Hope you are good! (?) Have a great day! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I agree big swings in temperatures :) Not my cup of tea either.

    The Costumes are nice too, We seem to get 99% in good costumes.

    Hijacked, hmm... There are worse things to get hijacked by.

    Christians are under attack in many parts of the world sadly. I am not sure if it something new or that we just never heard about it before.

    I just finished taking down and putting into storage that Halloween decorations and Pulling down the Thanksgiving Decorations in preparation for that holiday.

    The Newark NJ Sunday paper had an article about how retailers are decorating and selling Christmas items even before Halloween was past. :(

    Stay Cool
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 57 degrees this morning a bit warmer than yesterday for the same time, I walked today for 13.9k steps. The forecast high for today is in the 70s. The steps are high as I went back out to go to the bank that opens at 9AM :)

    I picked a handful of Raspberries this morning after my walk. It seems that the frost has not hurt them that way sop far. They are the only thing left growing in the garden now.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited November 2016

    Congratulations on the steps! That is awesome! I have to admit I am pretty impressed! You have really deserved that handful of raspberries on your accomplishment! :) It is also really impressive you can pick raspberries in November!

    I was set to brag on my accomplishment, though it pales by comparison! I managed to walk 7,476 steps yesterday. That was because our church building is kind of sprawled out due to design so I got in those extra steps! I need to do that every day, lol! Still, I know you will appreciate it, humble as it is, lol!

    This can be your laugh for the day.... After I checked about 25 tall garbage bags of stuff, which is about half, I got ready to go. Somewhere in those bags are my glasses, which must have dropped off in the bending and packing of said stuff. I used my prescription sun glasses to get home, and found my old pair of glasses. When I do the final pack, I will have to be on the look out for them. Can you believe? I almost left them in the car, but didn't. There is an old Calvin and Hobbs cartoon, that Calvin once again gets into trouble and thinks, "I have got to start listening to those little voices! " ...... :#

    I have read many articles and must agree, that the tone has changed about Christians in the last decades, especially in the U.S. We have gone to a society that once had our foundations in Christian moral code, to a tolerance of Christians, to now people being rather hostile and aggressive if we do not think as they want us to, and accusing us of being intolerant for the times. As the years progress, they have rather taken God's word as their own, but totally in disagreement with what God's word often says. Few people really know the Bible well, (and I was one), but often take others and one's own opinions of what they knew in a very elementary way and run with it. The old movies were always made with some mention of God, and thankfulness, and then no longer were that way. It is very discernible if you like old movies and I have noticed it and was amazed. And well, with the radicalized elements out today , world wide that is just a whole other ball game. Ha ha! Sorry about the soap box....

    Keep up the good work! Take care! Jan B) still setting heat and drought records.. :/
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I was not planning on getting all those steps :) And I will admit to feeling tired too. However I wanted to get that deposit made so I can get a payment in the mail. I do have until the 20th for it to get to its destination luckily.

    The One Raspberry plant surprises me with how long it is producing fruit. There are still more on it that are nearly ready to eat, Red but not a deep enough red, I can tell when they are ripe as they pull of easily, not ripe resist being picked. The catalog did describe them as late fruiting, this is beyond that however.

    Congratulations on getting all those steps. I know it takes time to work up the step count.

    Off onto another topic, I am amazed that I see very, very few signs on lawns for either presidential candidate. Much fewer that the last few elections. I take that as a sing that there is no enthusiasm for any of the candidates.

    That is how we learn, I am still learning hard lessons. I hope You find them in the first bags You look in.

    Back to cooler weather tomorrow.

    I hope there is a rebound in religion as the pendulum swings back the other way.
    Sadly I am waiting for then to change the currency next as part of the attack on all things religious and other things such as the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Have a nice day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 54 degrees this morning a bit cooler than yesterday for the same time, I walked today for 9,590 steps. I stopped at the Grocery Store and picked up some Bananas for Sunday through Wednesday morning and 2 Black Plums. The Bananas I picked out are a little green and I did that so I could use the last one from my last purchase tomorrow while they start to ripen up.

    I saw a similar sign while walking :)


    Have a Great Friday