100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good morning!

    Well, I spoke too soon on my big power bill savings. All of a sudden I got cold yesterday, and could not warm up. I ended up by putting on the heat just enough to take the chill from the air. I guess the ground is getting colder and so is the house. From summer to chilly, just like that! I have the thermostat pretty low, and it only comes on occasionally. It is still warm during the day, and doesn't get chilly again till the evening. It looks like winter, even if it doesn't quite seem it.

    Planning to prune my FB after I leave here.--- I did better eating yesterday and stayed in my calorie range. You know something is motivating when you get a taste for fresh salad! I also upped my mid day vegetables which helped. I had gotten rather lax there.

    That is interesting if the outbursts over Trump were orchestrated. I had not thought of that, but seems very possible. Hmmm....

    I have to get my tags today and work on the clothes for church. It was nice being home for 2 days! It is super quiet here with Veterans Day, hope you had a good one! Jan :)

    Ha! Duh, It's Veterans Day, I guess I will do tags on Monday! :#
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 38 degrees this morning 8 degrees cooler than yesterday for the same time, I walked today for 8.6K steps. It was also somewhat windy when I went out the door. I did not see any signs of frost so that is a good think IMO.

    My Plan for today is Pry up more of the old Kitchen Tiles on the floor. Other than that, nothing comes to mind. Laundry was done on Thursday.

    FWIW the handle for the Cup came yesterday and I tried it this morning. It was a big help, The cup was a bit heavy until I drank some of the Coffee :)

    I have been a bit short on my steps the last couple of days as my knees were bothering me somewhat. A light bulb went off over my head and I looked at my shoes, Soles were worn out on the outside edge due to the way I walk so I pulled out a new pair and wore them today. Much better :)

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Well, I spoke too soon on my big power bill savings. All of a sudden I got cold yesterday, and could not warm up. I ended up by putting on the heat just enough to take the chill from the air. I guess the ground is getting colder and so is the house. From summer to chilly, just like that! I have the thermostat pretty low, and it only comes on occasionally. It is still warm during the day, and doesn't get chilly again till the evening. It looks like winter, even if it doesn't quite seem it.

    Planning to prune my FB after I leave here.--- I did better eating yesterday and stayed in my calorie range. You know something is motivating when you get a taste for fresh salad! I also upped my mid day vegetables which helped. I had gotten rather lax there.

    That is interesting if the outbursts over Trump were orchestrated. I had not thought of that, but seems very possible. Hmmm....

    I have to get my tags today and work on the clothes for church. It was nice being home for 2 days! It is super quiet here with Veterans Day, hope you had a good one! Jan :)

    Ha! Duh, It's Veterans Day, I guess I will do tags on Monday! :#

    Hi Jan
    It seems to me that last year we had a longer period where we did not need to run the heat or AC :(

    It just seems strange to me that there are so many protests happening. I also suspect that if they had no coverage on the news they would end much sooner than will happen since they are getting on the news. I wonder what the protesters think will happen as a result of their protesting?

    Wow I can not believe I missed mentioning Veterans Day yesterday

    Congratulations on Eating Better
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Day!

    I am glad you figured out about your shoes. Such a good call! As much walking as you do, you do need a good walking pair! I used to walk in my crocs after work, and it was amazing how comfortable it was.
    I find the disrespect people are showing much more troubling even than the fact we had two crummy candidates. It bothers me such a large group of people do not take into account the fact there is a group of people equal in number that do not feel as they do. Or they do not take into account people can be with them on certain things, but just not on all things, some of which are important differences. Occasionally with the news feeds I will look at comments, and I am appalled by the really nasty comments, just peppered with filth that people use in their language. And that is their norm. The news reports now days cause a lot of problems. I wish they would just report news with integrity in their profession, and not be so full of themselves. Where is Walter Cronkite when you need him!

    Glad your handle worked out! Just think of your cup as you have added weights to your workout! :) Just don't work too hard! Jan B) 54 days and no rain...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 37 degrees this morning 1 whole degree cooler than yesterday for the same time, I walked 9,629 steps. That shows what a difference the new shoes make. I buy the same brand and shoe as they fit from the start and do not need to be broken in. Now that I have opened the box and put them into use I need to order their replacement :) I checked, still available

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Day!

    I am glad you figured out about your shoes. Such a good call! As much walking as you do, you do need a good walking pair! I used to walk in my crocs after work, and it was amazing how comfortable it was.
    I find the disrespect people are showing much more troubling even than the fact we had two crummy candidates. It bothers me such a large group of people do not take into account the fact there is a group of people equal in number that do not feel as they do. Or they do not take into account people can be with them on certain things, but just not on all things, some of which are important differences. Occasionally with the news feeds I will look at comments, and I am appalled by the really nasty comments, just peppered with filth that people use in their language. And that is their norm. The news reports now days cause a lot of problems. I wish they would just report news with integrity in their profession, and not be so full of themselves. Where is Walter Cronkite when you need him!

    Glad your handle worked out! Just think of your cup as you have added weights to your workout! :) Just don't work too hard! Jan B) 54 days and no rain...

    Hi Jan
    And now it seems that the protests have spread further as they have now happened in Newark, NJ too.

    On another note here in NJ I have to wonder what they are thinking...
    Newark Plans To Give 75 Ex-Cons Jobs, Healthcare To Fight Murder Rate
    What are Newark authorities planning to do with 75 of the city’s most high-risk ex-convicts? Give them jobs and healthcare.


    The News is so Biased anymore It is almost not worth watching. They cover non news and ignore real news much of the time and then they wonder why their credibility has taken a hit and fallen to lowest in many years? I could tell them :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    People should have been out protesting 2 such lousy candidates. Sometimes I think Russia has made good on her promise of destroying us from within. Do you think they sent cells here to infiltrate us at various levels, both socially and politically? I am amazed at the moral and ethical drop just in my life time.... I will be interested to see where N.J. places those inmates. Alabama's prison system in the worst and growing even more so daily. I guess we are just burying our heads here.

    I could not help but get tickled how incredulous the media divas were, crying and carrying on. I guess they think everyone is paid, pampered and thinks like they do. Geez!

    I had salmon and a great big salad tonite. I even had just a few calories left. I may be on a roll! Physical, not Pillsbury! (Till Thanksgiving, lol!).

    Hope you checked out the moon. It is closest to the earth at 6:30. am, the 14th. I think Eastern, but maybe my time. It was not as big as I have seen it, but it is big without illusion, and really bright. I may be too lazy to get out the telescope, but it is impressive! And it's 9:45 pm the 13th. :o

    Great job on the walking! Your new shoes helped. Very clever to but your next pair now! I walked my 5,000 again and it scared me and I missed the fireworks on the fitbit. I do my best on Sundays, walking that church! We filled 12 large boxes for Pakistan. About half of what we have. The next box will go before Easter. they have restrictions and it is kind of expensive.

    Take care! Stay warm! It is chilly here at night! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    HI Jan
    They are not inmates, they are being released to Newark. As if the city did not have enough crime and shootings.
    Much of the change in things IMO has accelerated due to the rise of social media. I also blame the Schools.

    I agree You would have thought the end of the world was imminent from all the Media and the Protesters.

    Did You locate Your lost Glasses?

    Congratulations on being under Your calorie Goal. I noticed on the home page :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 37 degrees this morning the same as yesterday for the same time, I walked 7,470 steps. I stopped at the Grocery Store and picked up 2 Bananas, 2 Honey Crisp Apples to last me until discount day on Wednesday as well as 3 Poblano Peppers and a head a lettuce for my brother. That seems fair to me since he picked up Light & Fit Greek Yogurt for me yesterday :)

    Just Wow!
    18th century statue destroyed by selfie-taking tourist
    By Sarah Mulé | Nov. 11, 2016 at 1:13 PM

    LISBON, Portugal, Nov. 11 (UPI) -- A priceless 300-year-old statue in Lisbon's National Museum of Ancient Art shattered after it was knocked over by a Brazilian tourist trying to snap a selfie.

    Museum officials said the statue of Saint Michael, which dates back to the early 1700s, is broken beyond repair.

    The offending tourist reportedly posted a photo of the destroyed statue to Facebook and said, "It's the price to be paid for free entrances on the first Sunday of every month'

    If you thought this story sounded familiar, that's because it does: In May, another tourist destroyed a different Lisbon statue while posing for a selfie, in that case atop the Rossio train station in the capital.

    No Remorse there from the sound of it.

    Did Everybody see the Super Moon last night?

    Have a Great Monday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Very chilly start to your morning up there, Roger! Kudos to you walking in the cooler weather. We are having wildfires down here due to the dryness.

    I e-mailed Val and she is taking care of some rescued poodles and socializing them. I am passing along a "hi" and she misses you! Her daughter is doing really well in school and activities. I think we are both a little slow in the losing our weight department! But it was good to hear from her!

    I wonder if the person was charged with breaking the statue. I would hope so, but how sad it happened and how stupid and wasteful. Some people do appear to be becoming more ignorant as time passes.

    Super moon was impressive.-- I have not found my glasses. We packed with the bags intact, and I am not sure I want to empty and repack. :s I have a day or two still, as we need to inventory and add last minute books.

    What did you all use the poblano peppers with? I have visions of them stuffed with cheese, but I figured you are doing something more healthy?

    Take care! Jan B) but chilly!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 48 degrees this morning 11 degrees warmer than yesterday for the same time, I walked 7.895 steps. The weather is rainy today or I mightg have gone somewhat further. It is not a heavy rain, it is raining enough to be a nuisance however :)
    Princeton Polling Expert Who Called Election Wrong Eats a Bug on CNN to Honor Promise
    Dr. Sam Wang, founder of the Princeton Election Consortium, proved he is a man of his word on Saturday when he ate a bug on CNN.
    “It’s totally over. If Trump wins more than 240 electoral votes, I will eat a bug,” Wang tweeted on October 18.

    On CNN last Saturday, three days before the election, Wang doubled down on that promise.
    “Dr. Wang, you were so sure of the outcome you tweeted recently that you would ‘eat a bug’ if Donald Trump pulled this thing out. Now that was pre-Comey, the latest Comey revelation, but it is that still your view?” CNN’s Michael Smerconish asked Wang on November 5.
    “Yeah, what I said in that tweet was that Trump was unlikely to break 240 electoral votes and I think that’s pretty much the same. Honestly, this race is the most stable statistically since Eisenhower beat Stevenson in ’52. So I think things are looking the same and we should stay calm,” Wang responded.

    Wang also said the odds were about four to one in favor of the Democrats winning control of the Senate. On election day, however, Republicans maintained their Senate majority.

    On Saturday, Wang delivered on his promise, live on CNN.
    “What about the bug?” Smerconish asked, with a broad smile on his face.
    “Can you see this?” Wang responded.
    “This is a can of gourmet style crickets. Gourmet from the point of view of a pet, I should say,” Wang said as he held up a small can for the camera.
    “I’m told that it’s a great source of protein,” he added.
    “Now, Mike, you really want me to do this,” Wang asked.
    Smerconish did not let him off the hook.
    “I kind of would,” Smerconish answered. “Let’s put it to bed, once and for all.”
    “Like John the Baptist in the wilderness, he ate locusts and honey. So I regard myself as being in the wilderness a little. After all, I was wrong. A lot of people were wrong, but nobody else made the promise I did,” Wang said.
    “See this, here it goes,” Wang said, as he stuck a spoon into a bowl he held in his left hand, scooped up a cricket, placed it in his mouth, and swallowed the bug.
    “You’re a man of your word, Dr. Wang. How was it, by the way?” Smerconish asked.
    “Kind of mostly honeyish, a little nutty,” Wang responded.
    “You delivered, OK? You’re a man of your word. I appreciate it. It was sensationalistic, but it was worth it.” Smerconish said.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Very chilly start to your morning up there, Roger! Kudos to you walking in the cooler weather. We are having wildfires down here due to the dryness.

    I e-mailed Val and she is taking care of some rescued poodles and socializing them. I am passing along a "hi" and she misses you! Her daughter is doing really well in school and activities. I think we are both a little slow in the losing our weight department! But it was good to hear from her!

    I wonder if the person was charged with breaking the statue. I would hope so, but how sad it happened and how stupid and wasteful. Some people do appear to be becoming more ignorant as time passes.

    Super moon was impressive.-- I have not found my glasses. We packed with the bags intact, and I am not sure I want to empty and repack. :s I have a day or two still, as we need to inventory and add last minute books.

    What did you all use the poblano peppers with? I have visions of them stuffed with cheese, but I figured you are doing something more healthy?

    Take care! Jan B) but chilly!

    Hi Jan
    Are Your Wildfires also due to Arson as has happened in some areas?
    You could have our rain if You want to come and get it :)

    I hope You find the glasses, Replacing them would not be cheap :(

    My Brother fries the peppers, one a day in his his breakfast. I have to beat a retreat behind a closed door as frying them puts something in the air that makes it hard to breathe and makes my nose run too. They do not bother him FWIW.

    Some people have removed themselves from the gene pool trying to do Selfies, People it is not worth it.

    What I read was that he would most likely be charged with the destruction of public property the same as the Idiot in May. Posting this It's the price to be paid for free entrances on the first Sunday of every month will not be helpful to him either and shows a mentality of, Words fail me :(

    Thank You for the Information on Val
    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Earlier today we showed that, contrary to USA Today's claims that the anti-Trump protests across the nation are "spontaneous, involving people from all walks of life", according to Wikileaks documents at least two of the people profiled by USA Today have a history of being professional agitators for the Democratic party, whose task is to stir up popular protests and - in extreme cases - unleash rioting, such as the following clip showing the latest day of violent protests in Portland revealed.

    Now, courtesy of a Zero Hedge reader, we have visual confirmation of how a substantial portion of these professional, paid protesters arrive at the site of the protest, in this case Chicago.

    As our reader notes, "I have a video of 5 city blocks on the West side of Chicago lined with busses from Wisconsin (Badger Bus Lines) bringing in protestors. The Sears tower is visible in the background."

    The video was taken at 3:30pm on South Canal Street in Chicago on Saturday. As our reader points out, hundreds of the participants that took part in the downtown Chicago protests from November 12 were bused in using these vehicles. Other arrived by train.

    Interesting and depressing too
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Rain? Um....I forget....seems familiar! :#

    I think most of our fires were accidental, like cigarettes out the car or someone burning when they shouldn't be. I don't think they were deliberate unless I missed hearing it. It is just so dry. When I throw May May's little donut she likes, she sometimes loses it in a cloud of dust, or I lose her in a big cloud, lol!

    Dumb people....glad that person who shattered the masterpiece will be prosecuted, though it won't bring back the statue. I am not even sure about his statement, it really makes no sense, unless he just thinks since he so cheap, we should expect it, which makes it even more dumb and pathetic. And paid, brought in agitators? Don't get me started... They should have to have a permit so everyone knows who they really are, although I do not even think they should do it, though I am sure it would be a violation of their rights that way. Common sense is in short supply.

    On a lighter note, I wonder how many calories crickets are? (I hope they don't catch on!) :s

    I am done running around. I finally got my tags done, and my car title has shown up. That makes me caught up for the moment on stressful jobs! Yay!!

    I am switching up my salad to lettuce with walnuts and apples, for a change. I am using Ken's light Raspberry Vinagrette dressing. It is yummy, so I measure, because I could drink it for wine. I will write you the nutrition when I getup. I am too lazy right now, and am sipping a wonderful cup of warm decaff coffee with carnation mocha creamer, that is worth every calorie! I was out for a few days and used an unworthy substitute!

    Take care! Our low was same as yours last nite! lol! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 43 degrees this morning , I have walked 7,918 steps. The rain yesterday amounted to more than the forecast.

    I checked to Raspberry Bushes and Yea, I found 8 ready to eat and a possibility of a few more. It seems that the frost we have had has not harmed them :)
    I also stopped and picked up some Bananas, $0.19 a pound, A hard to beat price and then 10% off of that :):)
    I am also still eating a few Cherry Tomatoes as they slowly ripen on the counter from the garden. We picked what was left before the hard freeze a little while ago.

    I know from Observation and from the news that some NJ towns have painted a Blue line down the middle of the road. Anywhere else?
    Thin blue lines painted on roadways? They appear in N.J. to support police, unlikely in Pa.
    The Thin Blue Line.

    Most of us have heard the expression. It's often used to describe those few who protect the rest of us from crime and chaos.

    But thin blue lines are beginning to show up on roadways around the country – and in some cases, they're running right down the middle of the road, between two thicker, yellow lines.

    Is it a sign of support for local police departments? Or can it be a point of confusion – and even be a safety concern -- for drivers?

    "I think there are appropriate ways to show support, and people should pursue those appropriate ways," said Greg Penny, spokesman for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's District 8, which includes the Harrisburg region.

    Blue lines between solid, yellow lines haves have been seen recently in New Jersey, but Penny said this is not permitted on state-owned roads in Pennsylvania.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Rain? Um....I forget....seems familiar! :#

    I think most of our fires were accidental, like cigarettes out the car or someone burning when they shouldn't be. I don't think they were deliberate unless I missed hearing it. It is just so dry. When I throw May May's little donut she likes, she sometimes loses it in a cloud of dust, or I lose her in a big cloud, lol!

    Dumb people....glad that person who shattered the masterpiece will be prosecuted, though it won't bring back the statue. I am not even sure about his statement, it really makes no sense, unless he just thinks since he so cheap, we should expect it, which makes it even more dumb and pathetic. And paid, brought in agitators? Don't get me started... They should have to have a permit so everyone knows who they really are, although I do not even think they should do it, though I am sure it would be a violation of their rights that way. Common sense is in short supply.

    On a lighter note, I wonder how many calories crickets are? (I hope they don't catch on!) :s

    I am done running around. I finally got my tags done, and my car title has shown up. That makes me caught up for the moment on stressful jobs! Yay!!

    I am switching up my salad to lettuce with walnuts and apples, for a change. I am using Ken's light Raspberry Vinagrette dressing. It is yummy, so I measure, because I could drink it for wine. I will write you the nutrition when I getup. I am too lazy right now, and am sipping a wonderful cup of warm decaff coffee with carnation mocha creamer, that is worth every calorie! I was out for a few days and used an unworthy substitute!

    Take care! Our low was same as yours last nite! lol! Jan

    Hi Jan
    Parts of NJ ranged from a trace of rain to over 2 inches of rain, Newark NJ broke their rain amount record for example.

    Just curious, that donut is it a chew toy or a real donut?

    If that sort of thing was happening when they were trying to get healthy at least it would make a little sense, But for a Selfie ?

    I understand that many Bugs are a source of protein. I think I'll pass however.

    Here in NJ You do not own the car nor can You register it for plates without the Title.

    That Salad sounds delicious. I have used a similar Salad Dressing in the past that I liked too. I just do not recall the brand however.

    I have been getting this coffee lately as it is a different taste.
    Sustainable, Single-Origin Nicaraguan Coffee is now Available at 7-Eleven :)

    I of course drink all my coffee black and unsweetened as do the rest of the family.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Congratulations on your pound lost! That is dedication for you!

    A few people in western Alabama got some sprinkles of rain. And a few people saw one or two rain drops in central Al. I saw none, and the few that did, really counted drops on one hand. Better than nothing! We have another shot at rain on Sat. I can't believe you are still finding raspberries!

    May Mays donut is plastic. I probably would have eaten it otherwise, lol! For that matter, so would she have!

    The lady who transferred my plates did not even want to see my title. I had brought it in case I did not have all the paperwork I needed. All went good however.

    I had not heard anything on the blue line till you posted. Interesting they could get it painted without interfering with traffic. It does sound a little dangerous.

    Take care and keep up the good work! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 48 degrees this morning , I have walked 8,449 steps. The weather forecast is for warmer today, even more warmth on Friday and warmer still Saturday. Up to around 65 for Saturday as of this mornings forecast highs. Colder on Sunday with Precipitation moving in.

    I need to go for Breakfast shortly and then Remove more of the Kitchen Tile. Some of it comes up easy and some is really secured.

    Have a Great Thursday
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Congratulations on your pound lost! That is dedication for you!

    A few people in western Alabama got some sprinkles of rain. And a few people saw one or two rain drops in central Al. I saw none, and the few that did, really counted drops on one hand. Better than nothing! We have another shot at rain on Sat. I can't believe you are still finding raspberries!

    May Mays donut is plastic. I probably would have eaten it otherwise, lol! For that matter, so would she have!

    The lady who transferred my plates did not even want to see my title. I had brought it in case I did not have all the paperwork I needed. All went good however.

    I had not heard anything on the blue line till you posted. Interesting they could get it painted without interfering with traffic. It does sound a little dangerous.

    Take care and keep up the good work! Jan

    Hi Jan
    Thank You for Your kind words. I see that You were once again under Your calorie goal for Wednesday, Congratulations.

    The Raspberries that are left really slow ripening and Not setting any new fruit. What I have been getting is what set before the weather changed. Considering it is the first year they were planted I am surprised that I get as many as I did too.

    I am not sure How You mean painted without interfering with traffic? Do You mean the line as a distraction? If so that is why Pennsylvania does not allow them on state roads, their towns can do it if they desire. Or did You mean when they painted them? If So I believe they use the exact same methodology as when they paint the Single, Double and Crosswalks lines.

    Good Luck getting Rain on Saturday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Well, I thought I was being smart and got to bed earlier, just after midnite, which is good for me. I woke at 4:45 am and was awake a couple hours. I finally fell asleep again, then kept hitting the snooze and woke late. I did make it to get my blood work by 11 am, which was not what I intended! But it is done. Progress!

    Good job on your steps! I need to watch mine better and add a few. :)

    I'm sorry, I was not too clear about that blue line! Actually, I was thinking both. Being down here, I had visions of some guy with a beer and a bucket of paint and a paintbrush! Probably in the dead of night or some un-opportune time! Not being done by the road crew! I have been down here too long, lol!

    I hate to be on such a good roll with my weight with Thanksgiving coming. I may need to rethink it a little, so my holiday is not in excess! Thank goodness turkey is healthy!

    Have a good Friday and weekend! Jan B) 78 Degrees today!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 42 degrees this morning , I have walked 8,778 steps + 1 cent.

    Tomorrow is Lunch with friends at the local Thai Food place.
    Seen on the Local Cable news channel this morning, Another bad bet paid off :)
    Trump Stamp: Iowa Man Gets Tattoo on Lower Back After Losing Bet.
    Editor's Note: Content and language in video below may not be suitable for all viewers
    DAVENPORT, Iowa – Zach Cobert supports Bernie Sanders - but it's Donald Trump whose leaving the biggest imprint on his life.

    "Oh my God, what am I doing here?"
    Zach is settling a bet with a buddy. He promised to get a tattoo of Donald Trump on his body if Trump won the election. "Oh snap, today's the day."
    Let the ink flow: "You guys wanted this."
    In the era of social media, Zach went to a tattoo artist and posted every mark and every drawn wisp of Donald Trump's hair live on Facebook. "I'm thinking about my life, how it went wrong, now I'm getting a Trump stamp."
    The picture was picked by his Facebook followers. So was the location: on Zach's lower back.
    "The stupidest thing I've done for views." No argument from his girlfriend.
    "I'm not happy with it," said Jenni Gang. "No. I have to look at it forever."
    Other people at 3-D Skin Lab have their doubts, but a bet's a bet.
    "It's something that I would do so I can't call it too stupid," said fellow customer Josh.
    You can question the sanity, but not the commitment.
    Zach sat in place for hours as the tattoo took shape. And it's not done yet - he has to return to have it finished.
    All this for something he really doesn't want. "I just wish I was getting a normal tattoo, something I wanted."
    And it may make him re-think future bets. Well, maybe.
    "If I keep losing bets, maybe I'll keep going."

    Have a Great Friday