100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 41 degrees and a occasional stray rain drop and it was OK walking however. I hit 8,434 steps + 1 Cent today too, that makes 4 cents since last last Friday.

    The Pumpkin Pies are done, and the Turkey is cooked and sitting in the oven to slowly cool off, the snack tray items with Sweet Gherkins, Celery, Carrots are cut up and in a Ziploc bag. It looks like it will be Biscuits to go with the Leftover Turkey Gravy as well as with the Holiday Meal. The plan is to quarter the Red Potatoes and mash them with the skin on.

    So today's menu:
    Turkey, Bread Stuffing that has some dices Celery and Diced Onion and Butter cooked in with it, Mashed Red Potatoes, Home Made Gravy, Biscuits, Mixed Frozen vegetables, Pumpkin Pie with Home made whipped Cream :) Snack Tray of Vegetables including Black Olives and of Course Home Made Cranberry Sauce that was made the other day.

    Today's Breakfast is a Banana and a Chocolate NS protein Shake. We eat the Main holiday meals sometime after noon so that will be the next food, Then Leftovers for Dinner.

    I hope everybody is ready for the Holiday :)
    Have a Great Thanksgiving

    Er, in the previous message I say best made pans, oops. It should have said best made plans :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited November 2016

    I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! Everything came out down here really well, and I had such a taste for it! Thanksgiving is my favorite since we "wait " so long for the holiday meal again. All the way from Easter usually, unless we have something else entirely instead of adding ham, too! You sound like you had a feast! Which pie did you finally go with of the trial pumpkin pies? I think I would have had to have both!

    Thanks for the recipe for the fruitcake. It sounds delicious. I may have trouble finding currants. Maybe Whole Foods will have them, or I can find them on line. That is something they just do not get here. :/

    I did take a food coma nap! I also went slightly over my calories, but I did so much better than I usually do, I am not going to sweat it! Well.....I will eventually, lol!

    Even the puppies had their feast. They will be pretty sad when the turkey is gone! Next will be my favorite- Turkey sandwiches and cranberry on toasted bread. I may save some turkey and make a weight watchers white sauce and have some creamed turkey. I might can save a few calories with their recipe!

    The weather station sounded interesting! I would have probably said the same thing as you though about it arriving. I am not sure whether we would have opened it or not! You sure do not want it broken, and find out at Christmas! I think I would rewrap it just before Christmas (so I could use it early) and I would be surprised all over again! :)

    Glad you said the pans astray was a misprint. I kept going back to figure what post I had missed in the recipes and foods and was lost! Got a chuckle! :*

    Be good! Keep walking off Thanksgiving! Jan (cloudy!)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 45 degrees a bit warmer than yesterday. I only walked 6,039 steps on this walk as I was feeling a bit under the weather.

    I hope everybody Had a Great Holiday
    Have a Great Friday
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! Everything came out down here really well, and I had such a taste for it! Thanksgiving is my favorite since we "wait " so long for the holiday meal again. All the way from Easter usually, unless we have something else entirely instead of adding ham, too! You sound like you had a feast! Which pie did you finally go with of the trial pumpkin pies? I think I would have had to have both!

    Thanks for the recipe for the fruitcake. It sounds delicious. I may have trouble finding currants. Maybe Whole Foods will have them, or I can find them on line. That is something they just do not get here. :/
    Hi Jan
    I'm making this reply in segments so I can follow it easier :)
    The trial Pies Were Sweet Potato Pies, So we have not done them yet, we will most likely do one for Christmas Day. My Brother being somewhat of a traditionalist had to have Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving, just like the meal must have Turkey with Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Home Made Gravy, and Home Made Cranberry sauce.

    We got most of the dried fruits from Nuts.com, However I know You can find Currants on Amazon for example. Nuts.com however only had free shipping with a $59 order. And they come from within NJ too. We could actually have gone there and picked them up FWIW. However I just added some Shelled Pistachio Nuts to get the order to be larger enough. They will get used in Baklava, Here is one recipe for that version by Michael Symon.
    This is just the ingredients. A true dieters delight, If Your goal is weight gain that is :)
    For the Baklava:
    1 pound pistachios and/or walnuts, coarsely ground, plus more for garnish
    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, or to taste
    1 cup ground zwieback crackers or breadcrumbs
    4 sticks unsalted butter, melted
    16 sheets phyllo dough (thawed, if frozen), cut in half
    For the Syrup:
    3 cups sugar
    1 6 -to-8-ounce jar honey
    1 to 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
    I did take a food coma nap! I also went slightly over my calories, but I did so much better than I usually do, I am not going to sweat it! Well.....I will eventually, lol!

    Even the puppies had their feast. They will be pretty sad when the turkey is gone! Next will be my favorite- Turkey sandwiches and cranberry on toasted bread. I may save some turkey and make a weight watchers white sauce and have some creamed turkey. I might can save a few calories with their recipe!

    The weather station sounded interesting! I would have probably said the same thing as you though about it arriving. I am not sure whether we would have opened it or not! You sure do not want it broken, and find out at Christmas! I think I would rewrap it just before Christmas (so I could use it early) and I would be surprised all over again! :)

    Glad you said the pans astray was a misprint. I kept going back to figure what post I had missed in the recipes and foods and was lost! Got a chuckle! :*

    Be good! Keep walking off Thanksgiving! Jan (cloudy!)

    My mistake with the weather Station was not mentioning that It would be obvious if it was damaged without it being unwrapped :(

    I think that I ended up the day better than I expected too, especially since I had most of everything for Lunch and Dinner except the Pumpkin Pie. I'll use that as a Smart Carb for my Snacks today without the Home Made Whipped Cream.

    Well before Bedtime the Kitchen was finished, All of the Pans cleaned and put away, Dishes done, Turkey broken down off of the Bones and on a large platter for the Dark meat and Another one for the Breast meat. I know have enough White meat to take me past Christmas when used 2 or 3 ounces a day for a Power Fuel. Today is Vacuum Seal day and Freeze much of the leftover Turkey and Dressing.

    I hope their Recipe works, from what I have seen they have once again revamped their program now they penalize anything with sugar, Evidently they have decided that what was working is no good and Sugar is now the enemy. My reading shows that many members are dropping them since what was fine and within points is now have a super high point count due to having sugar in it.

    I am wondering about making some sort of Turkey soup. Cream of Turkey if I can find a low calorie recipe or maybe Turkey Noodle using low calorie noodles which I know are out there.

    Enjoy Your Turkey Sandwich and The Creamed Turkey Too.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Again
    Pans was a bit of a mistake :)

    In the news the other day. I found it hard to believe personally however here is a link.
    WASHINGTON — Matthew Horn, a software engineer from Boulder, Colo., canceled Christmas plans with his family in Texas. Nancy Sundin, a social worker in Spokane, Wash., has called off Thanksgiving with her mother and brother. Ruth Dorancy, a software designer in Chicago, decided to move her wedding so that her fiancé’s grandmother and aunt, strong Trump supporters from Florida, could not attend.

    The election is over, but the repercussions in people’s lives may be just beginning as families across the United States contemplate uncomfortable holidays — or decide to bypass them — and relationships among friends, relatives and spouses are tested across the political divide.

    Democrats have dug in their heels, and in some cases are refusing to sit across the table from relatives who voted for President-elect Donald J. Trump, a man they say stands for things they abhor. Many who voted for Mr. Trump say it is the liberals who are to blame for discord, unfairly tarring them with the odious label of “racist” just because they voted for someone else.

    I find that inconceivable. How can You do that to Family? Over an Election!

    Oh Well
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again
    Talk about bad losers.
    One of Michigan’s 16 electors who will be called upon to cast a vote validating the election of Donald Trump in the Electoral College has testified on video that he and others in the state are receiving “dozens and dozens of death threats” from Hillary Clinton supporters urging them to switch their votes to Clinton.

    But Clinton supporters have “deluged Banerian and other GOP electors with pleas and nasty emails to reverse course and cast their ballots for Clinton,” the Michigan Republican Party is reporting.

    “You have people saying ‘you’re a hateful bigot, I hope you die,'” he told the News in a 6-minute video interview. “I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive.”

    He said that while many of the emails are clearly death threats, others would fall into the category of “death wishes.”

    Things like, “do society a favor and throw yourself in front of a bus.”

    “I’ve just gotten a lot of ‘you’re a hateful bigot and I hope you die,’ which is kind of ironic,” Banerian said, “that they’re calling me hateful and yet wishing for my death. They don’t even know me.”

    It appears that things are ugly and getting worse.

    Lord Almighty
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sounds like Thanksgiving went well! The old joke about it takes so long to cook, and gets eaten so quickly is true! I purposely tried to make my sides in small amounts, so I had few left-overs. It was just right. I did miss my pie for breakfast, but calorie wise it was good to eat it a few days before hand!

    I can not believe those posts! Have we as a society really become that mean and petty? Occasionally on reading a few comments on news articles I know I am appalled at most comments and language. I do not even do Tweet reading, and the fact anyone quotes celebrities as being wise anymore floors me, as most have never been. Unbelievable!

    I still have my old WW recipes. The old system worked fine, so a good thing is it doesn't matter about their new stuff, I don't have it anyway! It was a pretty small turkey, I may not have that many left-overs! lol! I may need to pick up a few cans of pumpkin before they disappear. I made a pumpkin soup to die for to use up the last can, and I think I will use it a lot in the fall. It is from a Readers Digest cookbook called Eat Well-Stay Well. It had 500 recipes that list by main ingredient that is good for you. Each recipe so far has been great!
    This was under pumpkin:

    Pumpkin Cheese Soup
    In a small saucepan saute one small onion and 2 cloves garlic in 2 tsp. olive oil till tender. Add 15 oz. can pumpkin puree, 1& 1/2 c. lowfat milk, 3/4 tsp. salt, and 1/2 tsp. pepper. Boil 1 minute. Add 1 cup cheddar cheese and stir till melted. Serves 4. Cal 223: Fat 13g. Sod. 640 I had veggie broth on hand, no milk, so I used that. I did add a touch of nutmeg and a little sweetener, even though it is supposed to be savory. I had on hand a cheddar with cranberries I used, but I could easily try a low fat cheddar which would make the stats a little better. I halved the recipe, and had 2 servings, as I was behind calories at the time, and used it for supper and I was stuffed. It was good!

    Hope you are not coming down with something! And hope you feel better!

    Take care! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I have to say I truly am disappointed in people these days in some things and areas.
    I am thinking about going and Vacuum sealing the leftovers in a little while.

    I put the Pumpkin pies back in to bake some more, hopefully that will help. I am not sure where we went wrong that caused the Crust to be raw in the the middle unless it bubbled up somehow. As always we baked with the Pie Pans sitting on a Flat Baking Sheet. That is supposed to help cook the Bottom faster than the top. I also have now washed and folded my Laundry, finishing my chores for the day.

    I am feeling better and am thinking about going out to finish my walk in a little while. I avoid the entire tweet thing by not joining Facebook or twitter :)

    Smart Move keeping all that old information from WW.
    I'll be honest, I could have sworn that Canned Pumpkin was available year round in the Baking goods aisle of the supermarket. OTOH Sale prices are most likely this time of year.

    Congratulations and handling the food so well.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    These were Pumpkin Pies so no top crust. We used a new Toy my Brother picked up on one of them, It is a metal ring that covers the edge of the crust and leaves the center open to keep the crust from getting too brown.

    On the Plus side I re-baked the Pumpkin Pies this morning and just had a slice, all of two inches wide at the crust end and it was delicious. I had passed on tasting it yesterday and then when my Brother mentioned that the crust was under done and displayed it I passed on it until the re-bake :)

    I ran across this elsewhere referring to overeating for Holidays.
    "There's a phrase for days like yesterday.....Just Resume! Yep, no recriminations, or guilt, etc...just simply resume. :)"

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 46 degrees one whole degree warmer than yesterday. I only walked 6,932 steps on this walk.
    I was feeling better later in the day on Friday So I walked to the Dollar Store and Bought a Box of Blueberry Waffles and a box of Blueberry Pancakes and a quart of 1% milk, Use by Date of September 2017. I ended up over 10K steps on the return from that walk :)

    Have a Great Weekend
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited November 2016

    Glad you are feeling better! I had to get out today and get something for "The Well" at church. That is a little coffee bar we have in the church foyer where anyone can meet and get a cup of free coffee and just sit or visit. It is run by donations, so tomorrow is my day I am donating some cookies to go with the coffee!

    Yes, the holidays are not an easy time for us trying to eat sensibly! I did better on Thanksgiving than the day after! I had a rather large (really!) piece of an apple- pear crumble that remarkably does not take long to defrost from the freezer and heat for dessert as apparently I did miss my pie at some point, though I did not want any the day before Thanksgiving! Oh well! I did much better today and feel better not eating quite so much!

    Glad you are feeling better and your walking was more steps ! :)

    You could be right on the pumpkin. I just do not remember seeing it after the holidays, so I thought I would take no chances. I always have to ask where the cranberry is. I buy berries for home made, but a can of the jellied because I like that on my sandwiches. I can never remember it is with the canned fruit down here (and probably everywhere). I always think it is on an end shelf with all the other holiday goodies and it isn't. After 43 years you would think I would remember!

    It was chilly and windy today, and I feel like I may be trying to get a sore throat. I think it is the dryness with the furnace, coupled with the extremes in temperatures between night and day. Hopefully not!

    Have a good week-end too! Jan 80% chance rain on Tuesday!!!!!!!! :#
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 37 degrees a bit cooler than yesterday. I walked 8,909 steps + 1 Cent. I ended up with 10,022 steps yesterday and too much Thai food. The scale was not happy with me this morning. Now I have to resume and get rid of that extra weight :(

    The only left overs I plan to eat are the Turkey breast that I broke down into two day packages of 4.5 Ounces Plus or minus a little. According to http://www.ohpoultry.org/fastfacts/docs/nutrition/Turkey nutrition facts.pdf
    a 3 ounce portion is 120 calories so the 2.25 ounce portion of it will be a good Power Fuel.
    Turkey Nutrition Facts
    A three-ounce serving of boneless, skinless turkey breast contains 26 grams of protein,
    one gram of fat and 0 grams of saturated fat.

    A skinless turkey breast has eight percent more protein than the same size serving of
    boneless skinless chicken breast or trimmed top loin beefsteak

    I have done most of today's goal, I did my walk and went a little further than usual and am nearly ready to go finish my spread out Breakfast. Banana before the walk, Protein Shake after and in a little while a Sunday treat, a NS Frozen Cinnamon Roll to finish my breakfast :)

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Glad you are feeling better! I had to get out today and get something for "The Well" at church. That is a little coffee bar we have in the church foyer where anyone can meet and get a cup of free coffee and just sit or visit. It is run by donations, so tomorrow is my day I am donating some cookies to go with the coffee!

    Yes, the holidays are not an easy time for us trying to eat sensibly! I did better on Thanksgiving than the day after! I had a rather large (really!) piece of an apple- pear crumble that remarkably does not take long to defrost from the freezer and heat for dessert as apparently I did miss my pie at some point, though I did not want any the day before Thanksgiving! Oh well! I did much better today and feel better not eating quite so much!

    Glad you are feeling better and your walking was more steps ! :)

    You could be right on the pumpkin. I just do not remember seeing it after the holidays, so I thought I would take no chances. I always have to ask where the cranberry is. I buy berries for home made, but a can of the jellied because I like that on my sandwiches. I can never remember it is with the canned fruit down here (and probably everywhere). I always think it is on an end shelf with all the other holiday goodies and it isn't. After 43 years you would think I would remember!

    It was chilly and windy today, and I feel like I may be trying to get a sore throat. I think it is the dryness with the furnace, coupled with the extremes in temperatures between night and day. Hopefully not!

    Have a good week-end too! Jan 80% chance rain on Tuesday!!!!!!!! :#

    Hi Jan
    New Humor posted today in a few minutes :)

    I have had a few small slices of the Home made pumpkin Pie myself so I know exactly what You mean Crumble Dessert.

    Good Luck avoiding the sore throat.
    Hopefully You will get the rain You need. We are short 9 to 12 inches of rain for the year and they are predicting a soaker for rain later in the week. Maybe we both will be lucky.

    Congratulations on being under Your calorie goal again
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited November 2016

    What kind of Thai food did you get? That is a punch right after Thanksgiving, though it is really great to eat something so different! It will not take too long to walk it off at the rate you walk!

    I felt fine today, so it may just have been allergies. It is so dry and dusty, a lot of people were complaining about their throats, so maybe I will be okay. A friend picked up some fresh lemons from a relative's tree in south Georgia. I can't decide whether to make a soothing tea, or lemonade. I think I have enough to do both! The lemon are the size of the big naval oranges! Impressive!

    9-12 inches of rain is a lot to be down! Maybe we all will get beneficial rain! Thanks for noticing me back on track. I may have time to get where I am going weight-wise before Christmas dinner hits! :#

    Have a good Monday and walk off that Thai! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    It was showing 36 degrees a bit cooler than yesterday. I walked 6.8K steps so far since I will be going out later walking again. I had over 10k steps by 3PM yesterday and neglected to see the total steps for the day at the end of the day :)

    Today I have started the day off with some banana before I want walking and am now enjoying a NS Vanilla Protein Shake withe rest of that banana blended in.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    What kind of Thai food did you get? That is a punch right after Thanksgiving, though it is really great to eat something so different! It will not take too long to walk it off at the rate you walk!

    I felt fine today, so it may just have been allergies. It is so dry and dusty, a lot of people were complaining about their throats, so maybe I will be okay. A friend picked up some fresh lemons from a relative's tree in south Georgia. I can't decide whether to make a soothing tea, or lemonade. I think I have enough to do both! The lemon are the size of the big naval oranges! Impressive!

    9-12 inches of rain is a lot to be down! Maybe we all will get beneficial rain! Thanks for noticing me back on track. I may have time to get where I am going weight-wise before Christmas dinner hits! :#

    Have a good Monday and walk off that Thai! Jan

    Hi Jan
    I see You were once again under Your goal for calories, Congratulations.

    I ended up having the Chicken Pad Thai as I have a bit of a sweet tooth, I thought about having the Chicken PAD SEE-EW and one of the skewers of Chicken Satay or maybe the Chicken Thai Fried Rice. I like their STICKY RICE WITH THAI CUSTARD however I passed on it this time :)

    I will be happy to get back down to my lowest weight ahead of the Christmas Dinner. Traditionally that would be Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Salad, Vegetable, a dish with slivered Carrots and Celery, Black Olives, Pie with Home Made Whipped Cream. Then New Years we have been doing Leftovers. Last year that was Ham, Turkey, Bread Stuffing. Or to put it another way, the left overs from Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners pulled from the freezer.

    A relative in Southern California had Lemon trees in the yard and they were so much tastier than the ones from the store. OTOH they were tree ripened which makes a difference too.

    I hope You are right, If we get the forecast rain I may stay home from walking during it as a cold winter rain is miserable to be in, Oh Well.

    Did I mention that I had a few Raspberries off of the bushes in the garden, I am amazed how long they produced, I hope the last few ripen before the frost eats them instead of me :)

    I'm glad You feel better too.
    Enjoy the Fresh Lemons
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I am having a weird day! I have pet May till my arm might drop off. (Reminds me of an old Snoopy cartoon!) That is what happens when I am home 3 days and then go away twice! I have been really heavy weighing, and my left leg was swelling. I took one of my Diuretic pills I had stopped, and lost 8 lbs. Most of that was not because I was under my calories again the last few days. I am thinking I may need to go back on them, but maybe every other day or something. My Doc will just love me coming back... :/

    It is cloudy and warmer. I am so ready for some rain. The front does not look too impressive for us in the southern end, so i am hoping that changes and the front does not fall apart!

    My son brought me a turkey leg and thigh he had froze for me! So I am (happily) back in a few leftovers. We will have turkey again for Christmas with the traditional trimmings, and probably do the same for Easter. We usually have ham, too, but since the gout, I will stick with the turkey I think!

    I plan to use the lemons with some chicken thighs too, and put some under the skin with some fresh rosemary to bake. I just will not eat the skin, but it should be flavorful.

    I can't believe you still have raspberries and it is almost Dec.! How are the sunchokes coming?

    Great job on ordering your Thai to minimize damage!
    I am going to order some things from Amazon and try your fruitcake recipe!

    Have a good day! Fingers and toes crossed for rain, lol! --Jan

    P.S. Loved your humor pics, they are all good! :#
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 52 degrees somewhat warmer than yesterday. I walked 8K steps. I had over 10k steps by Noon yesterday and neglected to see what the total steps for the day were at the end of the day :(
    The Forecast rain started as I was on the outbound leg of this morning walk. I managed to go one Block before it started with the stray drops of rain, during the walk the rain slowly increased to a light drizzle and then a real light rain. The Heavy rain is in the near future for today and another round of rain tomorrow. We do need it and the forecast is for 1 to 2 inches total.

    I had a few more Raspberries off of the bushes in the garden, I am amazed how long they produced, I hope the last few that are hanging in there ripen before the frost eats them instead of me :)

    In the weird news segment today:
    People paid Cards Against Humanity more than $100,000 to dig a hole
    The creators of Cards Against Humanity, the "party game for horrible people," raised more than $100,000 and threw it into a hole.

    Starting at 1 p.m. ET on Friday, Cards Against Humanity launched its Holiday Hole campaign. For every dollar donated, the company added several seconds to the "dig clock."

    While the majority of folks appeared to have donated a meager $5 to the campaign, several people spent more than $1,000 for the "cause."

    It is unclear if all of the $100,573 raised went into the equipment rental and labor costs or if the company has any leftover funds for use as it sees fit. The company is slated to release an update about the event soon.

    Cards Against Humanity did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment.

    The company tweeted on Sunday that the "hole got dug," signifying the end of the whole hole digging event.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2016
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I am having a weird day! I have pet May till my arm might drop off. (Reminds me of an old Snoopy cartoon!) That is what happens when I am home 3 days and then go away twice! I have been really heavy weighing, and my left leg was swelling. I took one of my Diuretic pills I had stopped, and lost 8 lbs. Most of that was not because I was under my calories again the last few days. I am thinking I may need to go back on them, but maybe every other day or something. My Doc will just love me coming back... :/

    It is cloudy and warmer. I am so ready for some rain. The front does not look too impressive for us in the southern end, so i am hoping that changes and the front does not fall apart!

    My son brought me a turkey leg and thigh he had froze for me! So I am (happily) back in a few leftovers. We will have turkey again for Christmas with the traditional trimmings, and probably do the same for Easter. We usually have ham, too, but since the gout, I will stick with the turkey I think!

    I plan to use the lemons with some chicken thighs too, and put some under the skin with some fresh rosemary to bake. I just will not eat the skin, but it should be flavorful.

    I can't believe you still have raspberries and it is almost Dec.! How are the sunchokes coming?

    Great job on ordering your Thai to minimize damage!
    I am going to order some things from Amazon and try your fruitcake recipe!

    Have a good day! Fingers and toes crossed for rain, lol! --Jan

    P.S. Loved your humor pics, they are all good! :#

    Hi Jan
    I'm glad You enjoyed them.

    I know about water weight, I dropped 1.5 pounds in the last 24 hours, Most if not all had to be water weight :)

    The Sunchokes are dug up and drying...

    I would not call that Minimizing the damage as it was a much larger portion of the Rice Noodles than I remembered. Suddenly I looked at the plate and it was empty :(

    If You have a a Trader Joes or maybe a Whole Foods Near You I suspect You could buy more appropriately sized fruit portions.

    Good Luck with the Rain

    Other Weird News from today's Local Cable News :)
    Japanese city to build bizarre ‘spamusement’ theme park with hot spring rollercoasters
    The mayor of Beppu, a city famed for its hot springs, issued a challenge on social media last week: if his YouTube video hit a million views, he would build a ‘spamusement park’ in the city.

    A week later, the video hash 1.8million views, so the park will be going ahead.

    It will feature hot tubs that patrons can soak in - as they fly down a rollercoaster wearing only a towel.

    Mayor Yasuhiro Nagano announced on Facebook that the video hit the million-mark four days after it was released.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    We had 3.5 inches of rain! It was glorious! I hope we get some more! It should have been beneficial in putting out some of the wildfires, esp. at Gatlinburg. (I hope!).

    Trip today to Montgomery for my annual eye exam, and " my Stupidity" replacement glasses, lol!

    At least you did not order the sticky rice custard too! I still think you did fairly good, noodles not withstanding! :#

    I saw the hole dug story. How bizarre! I am afraid I would not have contributed! Too many other things to contribute to, even if it was kind of a joke...

    I was still half asleep. At first I was reading the spa park as spam park, and I am thinking no way, who likes to be spammed (on line). Then realized it was spa- that is weird, but could be kind of fun, but only in hot weather I would guess. Hope they have big towels!! :#

    I did hit my 5000 steps yesterday, thanks to leaf raking! Slow going on losing the post Thanksgiving feast!

    Take care! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Mad Skills on the Piano by a Child :)

    Hi Jan
    They were saying that the rain would be a huge help with the wildfires and that was before it ever started.

    Slow Losing is much better than Slow Gaining !

    I thought that was weird too, then I reread it as Spa Amusement park :)

    Good Luck on Your trip today
    Congratulations on Your steps too.

    P.S. Currently I can hear the rain hitting the AC unit :)