100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    Don't be to impressed it was a just started drizzle out the door and never got real heavy. So far it has been a light steady rain all day.

    I was watching the News this morning and from what I could see parts of Florida got hammered.

    I can always feel it anymore when I eat junk food. Fortunately the Home Made Sweet Potato Pie is delicious and a reasonable amount of calories and nutrition. I had two smaller wedges of it yesterday for My evening Dessert and my afternoon snack ;) and the scale was kind to me today too.

    I liked the old NS shakes, the new ones not so much sadly. Tomorrow I may try blending some fresh Blueberries into the Vanilla Turboshake. I would not have bought them fresh, I would have bought Frozen however my Brother decided I should have them. I did not have the heart to tell him I still had 1/2 a bag in the freezer :) I hope they make the shake taste better.

    You are welcome, I had four comments from three people regarding them today. I appreciate feedback :)

    Stay safe with the weather moving in
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Good morning. The grape/marble sized thing was mucus that had been compeessed in my sinuses until it was a hard solid object, and then came iut my nose. A horrible sensation. So glad it is out. My brain feels so much better!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking Today for 7,965steps. The temperature was 39 degrees this morning and the Overnight rain had moved out leaving light misting in the air when I was heading out the door. There was some moderate gusts of wind too, that made today's walk less comfortable than yesterdays despite the lack of rain and the warmer temperatures :)

    I stopped at the Grocery store while walking and bought a head of Lettuce, White Onions and Small Tomatoes for my Brother and 5 Bananas, 2 Smallish Plums and some slices of Swiss Cheese to go with the Ham in the wrap. I only need 1/2 slice for taste so that will be 25 calories of Swiss, 60 calories of Ham and 60 calories of Wrap + a smear of Miracle Whip for taste to make up my SC + PF serving.

    The Scale was nice to me this morning for the second day after the New Years Eve Eats. Today I tried some Fresh Blueberries in the Vanilla Turboshake and that did help somewhat :)

    Have a Good Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good morning. The grape/marble sized thing was mucus that had been compeessed in my sinuses until it was a hard solid object, and then came out my nose. A horrible sensation. So glad it is out. My brain feels so much better!

    Hi Val
    That must have been painful even before it came out and I suspect it was really painful coming out too.

    I'm glad You are feeling better now

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    Congratulations on these two achievements.
    Buttons61 11 hours ago
    completed her food and exercise diary for 1/02/2017 and was under her calorie goal
    Buttons61 yesterday
    burned 278 calories doing 60 minutes of Cleaning, light, moderate effort
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    It's hi from soggy Alabama! So weird after being so drought stricken! We had 3.5 inches of rain in just a plain old gully washer yesterday. I had about 9 inches of rain total in the last 3 days! We lost power for about an hour. It was really dark! I had left my emergency light at the church when we packed boxes, so it took me a while to find workable matches, though I had plenty of candles. If not for my infinitesimally small light on my fitbit, I would have been up ****creek! We rarely lose power so I was not as prepared as I should have been. I was enjoying the candle light and reading by flashlight however!

    South Alabama had 4 deaths with one in Florida from the storms. There was a lot of damage from winds and rain along the coast. There is a really nice, not for profit, small zoo, the Gulf Shores Zoo, that had lots of damage to trees and fencing from wind and rain, but lost no animals. It could have been worse all over as the storms were certainly severe.

    I felt a little better yesterday as I ate better! Adding fruit to your shakes was a good idea! It was nice of your brother to get the blueberries. Fresh is good, and you have your frozen backup!

    You definitely get back on track faster than I do! But I will get there! At least I am heading in the right direction!

    Take care in the cold! Waterlogged Jan and wet doggies...... :#
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    It's hi from soggy Alabama! So weird after being so drought stricken! We had 3.5 inches of rain in just a plain old gully washer yesterday. I had about 9 inches of rain total in the last 3 days! We lost power for about an hour. It was really dark! I had left my emergency light at the church when we packed boxes, so it took me a while to find workable matches, though I had plenty of candles. If not for my infinitesimally small light on my fitbit, I would have been up ****creek! We rarely lose power so I was not as prepared as I should have been. I was enjoying the candle light and reading by flashlight however!

    South Alabama had 4 deaths with one in Florida from the storms. There was a lot of damage from winds and rain along the coast. There is a really nice, not for profit, small zoo, the Gulf Shores Zoo, that had lots of damage to trees and fencing from wind and rain, but lost no animals. It could have been worse all over as the storms were certainly severe.

    I felt a little better yesterday as I ate better! Adding fruit to your shakes was a good idea! It was nice of your brother to get the blueberries. Fresh is good, and you have your frozen backup!

    You definitely get back on track faster than I do! But I will get there! At least I am heading in the right direction!

    Take care in the cold! Waterlogged Jan and wet doggies...... :#

    Hi Jan
    I have been seeing reports about the weather down in the Alabama & Georgia areas. Not pretty, When We lose power it usually goes off and on a couple of times and then stays off. I am guessing that is the Electric system trying alternate routings to maintain service.

    We have been having rain most of the day and according to the weather forecast the soaking rain should be moving in around this time into the overnight hours.

    I have flashlights all over the house. One sits on the window sill in the Living Room as it is solar powered. It will run around 20 minutes on a charge before running down and that is long enough to find an alternate light source. Then as a Backup my brother gave me a emergency type radio one Christmas that Runs on Batteries, has solar cells for power and can even run the radio using the crank handle for manual power in the dark. It also has a light and a charging port for Cell phones :)

    Last year, a few months ago IOWs I bought two LED lamps that run on AA batteries and can sit on the table. using one of them gives enough light to read by, barely but usable. They have two metal rings that work on a touch basis for on and off. I have also been transitioning to LED flashlights as they give a better battery life.

    I hope the small Zoo recovers.

    Have a Safe, Dry Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did the Three town walk today where I leave my town and clip the corners of two other towns before returning to my town. While I was out walking Today I did 9,935steps. The temperature was 42 degrees this morning and the overnight rain had stopped, However the ground was still wet and it is just now starting to dry up 2+ hours later.

    Traffic was heavy and noisy due to driving on the wet roads. Later on today after a forecast high of 50 or higher a Cold front moves in with overnight lows in the 20s and a wind chill in the Teens :(

    Have a Good Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    Congratulations on Your achievements. I saw where You posted the following.

    Buttons61 11 hours ago
    completed her food and exercise diary for 1/03/2017 and was under her calorie goal
    Buttons61 17 hours ago
    lost 5 lbs since her last weigh-in!

    Good Going or should I say Going good ?
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I am thankful the weight is coming off quickly! I have to stay on track or it comes back quickly too! I just want to get to where I was before Christmas, then work hard as there are no holidays coming for a while, and Easter is more manageable! Perfect time for getting into new territory. Thanks for the encouraging post!

    It is cold here, too! It is 50, but with a brisk damp wind. I think we are getting down to the mid to low 30's tonite. I need to troop out and re-cover the honeysuckle, which looks good at the moment. :)

    I am definitely going to revamp my emergency lighting! I appreciate the suggestions! I sure missed my lantern. It was a Coleman LED one, and is pretty bright. I need to remember to ask for it back, lol! I like the crank radio, I always meant to get one. I am thinking I should invest in a generator, so I can cook, and power my bi-pap at night. That is just in the thought stage. We have not had hurricane damage in a while, so we are due. We have been lucky so far and been missed. Usually we lose power up to 2- 3 days, though I am first on the line to get it back. That was a pleasant surprise.

    I have to get out today for birdseed and creamer. I may need to switch Chester back to canned food. He takes forever now to get him to eat. Soaking his food in stock is as much a pain as lots of cans to be recycled, and stock is not cheap. I can make some homemade also cheaper, but that is kind of a pain on a regular basis. Can't win sometimes! :|

    Stay warm! Great walk and step count! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    Your overnight low is still lower than what the weather forecast is for me. I am especially afraid of the Wind chill predictions of being in the teens :(

    I think You can get a hand crank radio fairly cheap. If You decide to get one look for a model that has AM, FM an Weather bands.

    I have been thinking about a generator too, However since even the people that had generators had problems getting Gas for them I am thinking of getting either a Diesel Powered model of a Dual Fuel model that runs on Gas or Propane for portable. The Ones that get built in usually run off of the gas company feed to the house.

    FWIW we were out back cleaning up the shed ahead of getting a Disposal service such as 1-800-Got-Junk and that got me more steps and exercise. I am now up to 12,159 steps so far with all that cleaning up :)

    Good Luck with Chester
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking Today and I did 7.4K steps. The temperature was 28 degrees this morning a fair decrease from yesterday morning and a somewhat bitter feel to it due to the breeze.

    Later on overnight we have snow in the forecast into Friday morning :(

    I am taking the Green Hornet files from Yesterday and adjusting the level so they all play back without my having to increase or decrease the volume from episode to episode. Some of them need a increase of over 7 db to keep them from playing back at to low a level. I am also adjusting them to be compatible with the iPod as it seems somewhat finicky regarding Sample rates and the bit rates. That problem or need started cropping up late last year after a iTunes update.

    Have a Good Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I noticed these on the home page.
    Buttons61 yesterday
    lost 2 lbs since her last weigh-in! Buttons61's lost 7 lbs so far.
    Buttons61 11 hours ago
    completed her food and exercise diary for 1/04/2017 and was under her calorie goal
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    That is awesome with the 12,000+ steps. I did not have that many when we went to Savannah and walked all day! I never heard of that disposal service. Is that like the rent a pods, but for junk? I should have done that at my step mothers!

    Thanks for the encouraging feedback! I have another loss, and I was shocked! That might mean I will hang at my usual plateau for a bit, but we will see! That was all the Christmas weight, and 5 more pounds and I will be back at my lowest for a while. Then I need to get busy! I do feel better, duh.... :)

    Interesting info about the generators. I will look into that further. Gas availability is an important issue, though we do get plenty of warning, usually.

    I do apologize for whining on our temperatures. All those 90+ days make sissies out of most of us down here when it comes to cold, lol! This morning seemed downright chilly, and here it was 50 degrees at 10 am. It did not feel that way! I can't hardly remember the really cold weather, as it has been almost 25 years since I was in Germany. I am shocked by that thought actually... I had to pause and reflect... It feels like it should be 10 years maybe. Gosh!

    We may get sleet/snow flakes tonite or tomorrow, depending on the push from the gulf meeting the westerly flow. Right now the sun is out, and it seems too warm for it. Depends on our low also, which was 36 last nite. I have not looked at the latest update yet.

    Be careful with your weather coming in! Fresh snow can be slippery as I recall. I do not envy your bundling from the real cold! :# ....Jan B) but chilly!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking Today and I did 4K steps AKA 1/2 of my normal step count since a little way into the walk the footing was getting slippery. The temperature was 28 degrees this morning the same as Yesterdays. It snowed overnight, possibly an inch +/- around here.

    We have snow in the forecast for Saturday morning too, Possibly deeper than today's snowfall :( So far they seem to be saying 2 to 7 inches and they still are not sure as it seems to depend on the track it takes.

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    That is awesome with the 12,000+ steps. I did not have that many when we went to Savannah and walked all day! I never heard of that disposal service. Is that like the rent a pods, but for junk? I should have done that at my step mothers!

    Hi Jan
    Just from curiosity what happens when You go to their website and enter a nearby zip code for Your state or Your Step Mothers ?
    As an example, when I enter a Birmingham Zip code 35210 they show appointments available
    FWIW I picked Birmingham as it is a city I could remember the name of :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Thanks for the encouraging feedback! I have another loss, and I was shocked! That might mean I will hang at my usual plateau for a bit, but we will see! That was all the Christmas weight, and 5 more pounds and I will be back at my lowest for a while. Then I need to get busy! I do feel better, duh.... :)

    Interesting info about the generators. I will look into that further. Gas availability is an important issue, though we do get plenty of warning, usually.

    I do apologize for whining on our temperatures. All those 90+ days make sissies out of most of us down here when it comes to cold, lol! This morning seemed downright chilly, and here it was 50 degrees at 10 am. It did not feel that way! I can't hardly remember the really cold weather, as it has been almost 25 years since I was in Germany. I am shocked by that thought actually... I had to pause and reflect... It feels like it should be 10 years maybe. Gosh!

    We may get sleet/snow flakes tonite or tomorrow, depending on the push from the gulf meeting the westerly flow. Right now the sun is out, and it seems too warm for it. Depends on our low also, which was 36 last nite. I have not looked at the latest update yet.

    Be careful with your weather coming in! Fresh snow can be slippery as I recall. I do not envy your bundling from the real cold! :# ....Jan B) but chilly!

    Hi Again
    Congratulations on the losses. It is not how fast You lose TBH, it is losing or Maintaining vs Gaining :)
    I feel Optimistic since I have been losing the Holiday weight this week too, Yea!
    Feeling better is the best gauge of success IMO. I know that anymore if I slip up and eat junk I feel the effects later the same day or the next day depending on when I do it.

    I had not noticed any whining about temperatures. We all feel it when the temps are outside of our normal range.

    I seem to remember hearing that Germany has cold winters.

    Stay Safe with the incoming weather
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Good call to head back to the house if it was getting slick! I had checked a weather map before bed as the system was coming in and was in Mississippi. It was snowing and icing there. It was 38 degrees with rain, and an occasional sleet pellet here when feeding the birds. The wind is brisk. I have not checked the weather update yet. If it does not dry out and it freezes tonite, it will be interesting. At the moment, though, the rain has slacked off. The wind might dry the pavement. School was cancelled, which is a hoot, but down here a wise choice as many people can not drive safely. We shall see. The moisture coming from the gulf was less than I expected. That might be a saving grace! The best part is being retired, and not having to worry about the whole scenario! :)

    Germans drive in anything, and are quite good at it! Of course, on the autobahn if there is an accident, it can involve lots of cars. We heard of ones involving 50+ cars, and one closer to 100 cars, due to snow and freezing fog. That rarely happens, though. They know their laws and drive with precision. They do get snow in the 12-36 inch range that stays. Of course, that was 25 years ago! Climate change might have occurred.

    I forgot to write of a great experience yesterday while feeding the birds! I heard all this honking and commotion instead of the usual dog and rooster sounds, and 8 beautiful geese flew directly low over me in their V formation. I was a little worried for them as they seemed headed north. (I would be going south, lol!). I have seen them in autumn, but higher up, so this seemed unusual for here, anyway! It was great!

    Great job on being sensible with losing, BTW! Always a help! ...Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Checked local weather. Tons of moisture from the gulf! Ice and sleet should be headed my way as the temperature drops. Just about 10 miles north is sleet. We are at rain still. Apparently we are due to get hit as the temps drop. I-65 north is a icy mess. I hope everyone is smart and gets home or to shelter. Sat will be interesting after all. :o
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went out early for my walking Today and I did 9,675 steps. The temperature was 24 degrees this morning and more of a wind then yesterdays It has not started to snow yet although there is snow in the forecast for this morning.

    Have a Great Weekend