100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My employer is laying off left and right. If I tell them how sick i am, id be out...and loose everything. On my 'day off' I spent it at the hospital getting my ekg and leg-vein doppler. Same day as a batch of layoffs.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    On a happier note, growing your own veggies makes you appreciate them more. Previously i was not very particular about wasteful veggie trimmings, but now I'm sure to get every bit of goodness.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking for 9.4K Steps The temperature is warmer than yesterday at 40 degrees with Sunshine, and comfortable for walking.

    I stopped at the Grocery Store for Bananas, 2 Black Plums and some Mixed Nuts in the shell for me and Lettuce and 1.5 Dozen large Eggs for my Brother.

    Have a Great Monday
    My employer is laying off left and right. If I tell them how sick i am, id be out...and loose everything. On my 'day off' I spent it at the hospital getting my ekg and leg-vein doppler. Same day as a batch of layoffs.

    Hi Val
    I wonder why all the lay offs, are they that slow?
    How long to get the results of the testing?
    On a happier note, growing your own veggies makes you appreciate them more. Previously i was not very particular about wasteful veggie trimmings, but now I'm sure to get every bit of goodness.

    Not to mention does it get any fresher than plant to table on the same day :)

    Have You thought about composting the trimmings?

    Have a Nice upcoming Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    New Humor today
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Sunday was a long day at church with a small group meeting at a friends house later. We had some great discussions about the world today and generational gaps and the ways to combat that. Always interesting. We got 1.5 inches of rain, and are due to have storms Tues. into Weds. My forsythia is in bloom, as are the spring bulbs for various yards. My tulip tree is blooming, though not fully. Bless it's heart. I know it is confused. Not real sure we will get winter this year. It is a weird one!

    Val, sorry to hear about your company lay-offs. I understand what a position that puts you in. You have given a lot to that company, and it sounds like they appreciate you. It is never where you want to be though, hearing those lay offs. I love your veggies, on a real bright note! You all are right, that brings farm to table to a new level! :)

    Roger, that is a really interesting article on stress and work hours. I can sure attest to it's validity! When I add my 20 years working nights, small wonder I match up to people older than I am by a decade or so! Not very sure the American work mentality will ever put the employee and their treatment above the bottom line of making money. A few companies do, and that is heartening, but I think they are far and few !

    Humor ALWAYS appreciated! .. Keep plugging all! ;) ..Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Our layoff are stemming from yet another reorganization. This time, management teo levels up canned long-lime productive employees without even talking to our manager. We can't make sense of it.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I was super sick last night hacking up my lungs. Feeling a but better today but still sick (with a cold). Thursday i get my blood drawn for heart, liver, kidney function, and i see the doc the 15th to get the results. Leg edema still present but much less!!!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    During the day yesterday, i was feeling okay. Last night i was up again coughing up my lungs. I need to try my humidifier at night. It's going to be 90 degrees here today. We literally had only 2 days of winter.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Even though I'm still a ball of blubber, the six pounds I've lost this week feels so much better.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking for 7K Steps, The temperature is 4 degrees cooler than yesterday with light off & on rain.
    I was up and out the door early myself. When I looked out the window things were already wet :(
    it is supposed to rain off and on all day into tomorrow.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Sunday was a long day at church with a small group meeting at a friends house later. We had some great discussions about the world today and generational gaps and the ways to combat that. Always interesting. We got 1.5 inches of rain, and are due to have storms Tues. into Weds. My forsythia is in bloom, as are the spring bulbs for various yards. My tulip tree is blooming, though not fully. Bless it's heart. I know it is confused. Not real sure we will get winter this year. It is a weird one!

    Val, sorry to hear about your company lay-offs. I understand what a position that puts you in. You have given a lot to that company, and it sounds like they appreciate you. It is never where you want to be though, hearing those lay offs. I love your veggies, on a real bright note! You all are right, that brings farm to table to a new level! :)

    Roger, that is a really interesting article on stress and work hours. I can sure attest to it's validity! When I add my 20 years working nights, small wonder I match up to people older than I am by a decade or so! Not very sure the American work mentality will ever put the employee and their treatment above the bottom line of making money. A few companies do, and that is heartening, but I think they are far and few !

    Humor ALWAYS appreciated! .. Keep plugging all! ;) ..Jan

    Hi Jan
    I just posted more humor :)

    I suspect that the generational gap will be hard to overcome due to the early indoctrination of Kids.

    Enjoy Your flowers. Ours are not even thinking about blooming.

    I worked either Nights or 53 hour weeks from 1982 until Sandy hit NJ in 2012. I blame that for my weight gain, Since I did not manage to lose and keep off weight until I was retired :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Our layoff are stemming from yet another reorganization. This time, management teo levels up canned long-lime productive employees without even talking to our manager. We can't make sense of it.

    HI Val
    I have a suspicion that they were being pressured by upper management to reduce by x number of people with no time to investigate who to keep.
    During the day yesterday, i was feeling okay. Last night i was up again coughing up my lungs. I need to try my humidifier at night. It's going to be 90 degrees here today. We literally had only 2 days of winter.

    I'm sorry to hear You are still feeling poorly. I have noticed that when I am sick I feel best in the morning and then as the day progresses it is downhill from morning.

    2 whole days of winter, Whoo Hoo.
    Even though I'm still a ball of blubber, the six pounds I've lost this week feels so much better.

    I noticed right away that every loss helped. In my case not eating lots of sugar helps with warm weather too. I never put the Window AC in this bedroom for the last summer since I did not feel it. I used to have a heavy on the sugar and starches such as Pasta, Potatoes, Breads, pastries and lots of sugar if I did eat cold cereal. Switching to NS and Sweetener instead of Sugar was a real help that way. If I eat some cake now I feel warm compared to how I feel without it.

    Good Luck and Keep up the good Work
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    Val, so sorry about your cold and coughing! But the up side is you really are doing wonderful on losing! It is with great pleasure I see it on the home page that we check in to for our days!! That is awesome! :)

    Great humor, Roger! I always really get to laugh with all of them! I always loved all of Reader's Digest humorous offerings! Mind wanderings... Life should be that way. And often isn't! :#

    I had to get a little drastic, and really up my protein and cut my carbs. I was eating way too many carbs and sugar and could not control my cravings. I am still craving some, but I can tell it is better as this is my second day of doing that. Sure wish I did not love the white starches that are so unhealthy for us. I am really carb sensitive, and I know better than to go down the comfort food lane, lol!

    Chilly in the house as it is fairly warm outside so the heat does not come on as often. It has rained and stormed all day, and it is gloomy and soggy. One bolt of lightening hit in the yard fairly close! I should have a good weight loss tomorrow from it, scared the **** out of me!

    Take care all! Good thing your steps are good, Roger, your change you find has been mighty puny lately! LOL! ..Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi there, i set up my humidifier so hoping tonight won't be as bad. Roger...I'm the same feeling best in the morning and then deteriorating as the day goes on. Jan...When I have a little sugar or starch my cravings go haywire but when I have none, the cravings don't crop up much. I had an hour of fun this evening. A friend rescued a pregnant pooch off the streets. Around Thanksgiving she gave birth to ten puppies! Today was a reunion so they could get their second set of shots. It was fun to play with all the babies again (well, two moved out of state, so only eight pups today). t8p19j1vcx5w.jpg
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking for 8.7K Steps, The temperature is 36 degrees and there seems to be a light fog and overnight there was some rain.

    Have a Great Wednesday

    N.J.'s oldest nurse, 97, rewrites the rules on aging

    As the digital numbers flashed on the blood pressure monitor, Emerson’s public health nurse got right to the point with her 82-year-old patient.

    “When did you have your last physical? Do you go for a physical every year?” Kathryn Hodges asked.

    "Not really,” Kenneth Dunne said.

    “Well, you should,” the nurse said, jotting on a form. “We always say if that number is over 90, you should get it checked out. Are you on blood pressure medication? Did you get a flu shot?"

    When “Kay” Hodges advises and cajoles, her words are bolstered by experience – three quarters of a century’s worth.

    At 97, she is both New Jersey’s oldest licensed registered nurse and a poster girl for people who stay active and productive at such an advanced age.
    Those over 90 are the fastest-growing segment of the population. By 2050, 10 percent of all senior citizens will be either a nonagenarian or a centenarian, the Census Bureau forecasts.

    Of course, physical or cognitive impairments, or both, enfeeble many in this age group. The most fortunate are like the fiercely independent Hodges, whose biggest complaint is a bothersome knee.

    Look around and you’ll find people in their 90s living in their own homes, driving, volunteering, serving their communities and churches – even continuing in their professions. Hodges, who walks unaided and tools around in a 25-year-old Buick Roadmaster wagon with oxidized paint and a GRAMPIE vanity plate, does all of those things.
    What she has no plans to do is stop.

    “I want to leave this Earth with my boots on,” Hodges said. “I want to keep working. It’s the love of my life, other than my husband, who was a great guy.”

    The former Kathryn Appley grew up in Emerson and graduated from Westwood High School in 1937. She had to wait till the following year, after her 18th birthday, to begin the nursing program at Hackensack Hospital.

    “Crazy, isn’t it?” she said, laughing. “I always wanted to be a nurse, and I’ve always been one!”
    Hodges in an undated family portrait, circa 1940s.

    She finished nursing school in 1941, months before Pearl Harbor. The following year, she married her high school sweetheart, Donald Hodges. The couple settled in Westwood.

    On her first job, Hodges performed physicals on employees of a medical laboratory. After taking a few years off when her two sons were little, she became the public health nurse for the borough of Westwood. She also started as a Westwood poll worker. Last Nov. 8, her 55th general election, she rose before sunrise and put in a 15-hour day as the judge at her district’s polling place.

    Hodges has been Emerson’s public health nurse – a part-time post that involves health screenings, education and prevention – since 1967. Her cheerful office is located in the senior center. Most who come to see her, for a blood pressure check or for the advice of a seasoned and accessible nurse, are elderly.

    “They talk about this little pain, that little pain. Maybe I can be of some help to them,” Hodges said. “You have to have a love of people and a real desire to keep them well, so they be active citizens and do their own thing.”
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Val, so sorry about your cold and coughing! But the up side is you really are doing wonderful on losing! It is with great pleasure I see it on the home page that we check in to for our days!! That is awesome! :)

    Great humor, Roger! I always really get to laugh with all of them! I always loved all of Reader's Digest humorous offerings! Mind wanderings... Life should be that way. And often isn't! :#

    I had to get a little drastic, and really up my protein and cut my carbs. I was eating way too many carbs and sugar and could not control my cravings. I am still craving some, but I can tell it is better as this is my second day of doing that. Sure wish I did not love the white starches that are so unhealthy for us. I am really carb sensitive, and I know better than to go down the comfort food lane, lol!

    Chilly in the house as it is fairly warm outside so the heat does not come on as often. It has rained and stormed all day, and it is gloomy and soggy. One bolt of lightening hit in the yard fairly close! I should have a good weight loss tomorrow from it, scared the **** out of me!

    Take care all! Good thing your steps are good, Roger, your change you find has been mighty puny lately! LOL! ..Jan

    Hi Jan
    I did see this that You posted too 7 hours ago
    completed her food and exercise diary for 2/07/2017 and was under her calorie goal.

    I find that if I eat anything with sugar content I spiral out of control :( It is not just You. I love Potatoes too however those starches do the same thing to me as Sugar. So no potatoes or Pastries :)

    I am not sure how tomorrow will play out walking as the last weather forecast I saw earlier this morning shows Snow starting before 5AM Thursday and showed much of NJ in the 5 to 10 inch snow fall and also stated that it would accumulate fast :(

    You were Lucky that the Lightning did not damage anything in the house

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi there, i set up my humidifier so hoping tonight won't be as bad. Roger...I'm the same feeling best in the morning and then deteriorating as the day goes on. Jan...When I have a little sugar or starch my cravings go haywire but when I have none, the cravings don't crop up much. I had an hour of fun this evening. A friend rescued a pregnant pooch off the streets. Around Thanksgiving she gave birth to ten puppies! Today was a reunion so they could get their second set of shots. It was fun to play with all the babies again (well, two moved out of state, so only eight pups today). t8p19j1vcx5w.jpg
    Hi Val
    I suspect that Sugars have the effect on many people, And that is also why the food manufacturers use so much sugar in different forms.

    It sounds as if You had a Good Day

    P.S. More humor shortly too.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Posted :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I had a good day. My cold is almost gone! I'm still cautious but this looks like it will be the first cold in a year that I fought off bt myself...vs the others that continued into sinus infections and needed antibiotics etc. i had my blood drawn today in advance of next Wednesday's doctor appointment. I'm so glad to be here with you guys and to really be back working on living rather than giving up.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    So, i just said I thought i was kicking this cold...just washed my sinuses and was surprised at all that was in there. Note to self...I really need to keep regular with my sinus washing! On a more pleasant note...veggies are growing. The things I first thought were zucchini, i now think may be cauliflower. But either was I'm excited about growing my food! k02f6ms8fyu7.jpg