100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More Humor today too :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good Morning!

    Another busy day. I have a Dr. appt in the early afternoon, and church tonite. I have some cards to write out, and need to look at my income tax. I usually break even, but what a pain.

    I was a little over my calories yesterday, but was running around, so I felt I did pretty good in spite of that. I am trying not to sweat it, since it is a long term commitment! Today I have tweaked a few things, so I should be good. o:) So to speak!

    I was wishing I could get out into the yard, but I can't seem to get there this week. Maybe next week will be easier! Just getting out of the house yesterday seemed a miracle! For every step forward, it was 2 steps back! I felt like I was running in tar! But I will pick up the slack at some point here! :#

    I loved the KFC bouquet! Of course, I would have liked it with real chicken pieces, not just nuggets- but what a great idea! Figures the 2 winners were slim. Life is not fair! LOL!

    You are having a warm spell at 34 degrees! It is very cool, wet, and breezy today. It rained last night, but I only picked up 3/10 inches of rain. It was enough to knock off a fair number of Japanese Magnolia blooms, however. Hmmm, I think I am on the wrong page, lol! I need more coffee!! ....Jan.....Take care.... :D

    P.S. You gotta love a self editing page that moves your boo- boo to the right page and spot!! I was on page 74 and forgot to go to 75! :*
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2017
    I was out walking today and hit 7777 steps :) The temperature is 32 degrees and that is 2 degrees cooler than yesterday, add in that there is a breeze and :(

    I did go over 10K steps yesterday by the time I was ready to retire for the night.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Another busy day. I have a Dr. appt in the early afternoon, and church tonite. I have some cards to write out, and need to look at my income tax. I usually break even, but what a pain.

    I was a little over my calories yesterday, but was running around, so I felt I did pretty good in spite of that. I am trying not to sweat it, since it is a long term commitment! Today I have tweaked a few things, so I should be good. o:) So to speak!

    I was wishing I could get out into the yard, but I can't seem to get there this week. Maybe next week will be easier! Just getting out of the house yesterday seemed a miracle! For every step forward, it was 2 steps back! I felt like I was running in tar! But I will pick up the slack at some point here! :#

    I loved the KFC bouquet! Of course, I would have liked it with real chicken pieces, not just nuggets- but what a great idea! Figures the 2 winners were slim. Life is not fair! LOL!

    You are having a warm spell at 34 degrees! It is very cool, wet, and breezy today. It rained last night, but I only picked up 3/10 inches of rain. It was enough to knock off a fair number of Japanese Magnolia blooms, however. Hmmm, I think I am on the wrong page, lol! I need more coffee!! ....Jan.....Take care.... :D

    P.S. You gotta love a self editing page that moves your boo- boo to the right page and spot!! I was on page 74 and forgot to go to 75! :*

    Hi Jan
    Hopefully Today is a easier day for You.

    I did notice these reports so Congratulations.
    13 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 2/15/2017 and was under her calorie goal
    19 hours ago, lost 2 lbs since her last weigh-in! Buttons61's lost 18 lbs so far.

    No way to know if they are slim, however since life is not fair they probably are. I would love to try some of the new flavor chicken they are advertising on the TV, However I know they must also be a Sugar, Sodium and Calorie Bomb :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    FWIW new Humor was just posted, Enjoy :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I have to go for labs this morning. I miss my coffee! Good job on walking! It is often no fun to walk in the wind at those temperatures! It was chilly this am! 34 degrees when I feed the birds. I think it will warm to the mid 60's, with any luck! :)

    I am like Eeyore, in Winnie the Pooh! Thanks for noticing! (weight loss.)

    Val had posted on the home page that she had gained 9 lbs of fluid in 2 days, then lost 4 quickly. That is unbelievable and aggravating. So, hang in there Val! I am hoping they find some explanation. My B/P pills, one of them, has a diuretic and I take it 2x a day. That is in addition to my lasix. Maybe the level still needs adjusting. (?)

    Life is not simple! I am heading for humor, thank you, Roger, and then the lab! :#

    Take care! .. a very hungry Jan.... :p
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan

    I would miss my coffee too, However I drink it balck and I still drink it even if I am going for blood work :)

    I saw that, Mega Water retention for her. I hope that gets sorted out quickly
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I'm still kicking. I have bronchitis and sinus infection. All my blood work came back perfect...no issues w heart kidneys liver, etc. he doesn't know why my lower legs have edema. Last night I measured my calf circumference and again this morning after sleeping with my legs higher than my heart... each calf lost a full inch over night! From Amazon i ordered a calf air compression gizmo. My garden is doing well! My kid (who rarely asks for anything) asked if we could go yo the bookstore last night...she wanted an SAT study guide...i was thrilled to oblige. The clerk told her thay she could order her college textbooks online...i said, um, she's in middle school. The lady looked at her then me then back again. Jan - in answer to your question about my dogs and the puppies. Since the puppies were only here overnight, i did not integrate them with the pack. I did hold each pup and let everyone smell everyone else, and Duke was not impressed. I did let Spike, chihuahua, loose with the pups. It was okay until the pups got overly interested in my 11yo old man...he growled at them and then just climbed on my lap and refused to acknowledge them. I've never had a fog fight, and im very careful about introductions so i keep it that way.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 8468 steps :) The temperature is 27 degrees vs 32 degrees yesterday, add in that there is a occasional slight breeze and :(

    We should get into the 40s today, a little warmer tomorrow and up to 60 + Sunday and then back into the 50s for next week. So we will be having warmer than normal weather, According to the weather forecast last night, the weather they are having in the Soith should be moving northward over the next few days.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. I'm still kicking. I have bronchitis and sinus infection. All my blood work came back perfect...no issues w heart kidneys liver, etc. he doesn't know why my lower legs have edema. Last night I measured my calf circumference and again this morning after sleeping with my legs higher than my heart... each calf lost a full inch over night! From Amazon i ordered a calf air compression gizmo. My garden is doing well! My kid (who rarely asks for anything) asked if we could go yo the bookstore last night...she wanted an SAT study guide...i was thrilled to oblige. The clerk told her thay she could order her college textbooks online...i said, um, she's in middle school. The lady looked at her then me then back again. Jan - in answer to your question about my dogs and the puppies. Since the puppies were only here overnight, i did not integrate them with the pack. I did hold each pup and let everyone smell everyone else, and Duke was not impressed. I did let Spike, chihuahua, loose with the pups. It was okay until the pups got overly interested in my 11yo old man...he growled at them and then just climbed on my lap and refused to acknowledge them. I've never had a fog fight, and im very careful about introductions so i keep it that way.

    Hi Val
    It sure sounds like a circulation issue IMO. Have You asked Your doctor for a referral to someone that can look into it further?

    Your Garden is looking great. It sounds as You Kid looks like a college age Teen.

    Congratulations on this, I noticed it earlier :)
    2 hours ago, lost 1 lb since her last weigh-in! Hope4change_val's lost 14.6 lbs so far.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More Humor today too, I am overstocked with it :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi All!

    Roger, I am glad to know you will be getting some warmer temperatures. This weather is sure crazy! I am really conditioned to the South it seems. I have my little temp range I like, and it is the 70-80 degree range. Guess I would be in trouble if I was anywhere North! Glad you have humor in abundance! LOL! :D

    Val, your garden looks great! Should not be too long till you can move it outside, I would think. Our March is pretty warm, though it seems we always have one time of some craziness at some point in the month! I am glad you thought of those stockings. I would think they would help. I am sorry to hear about the bronchitis and sinus infections. Small wonder you were feeling poorly! How aggravating on the fluid build-up. I have been wracking my brain but I sure do not know why is seems so prevalent. I am glad your other tests were fine. I did have two thoughts. (for me that can be a lot, lol!) It may be the way you are sitting. My couch has gotten a little saggy, and when I sit there, it tends to cut off my circulation more than I would like, and my feet and lower legs swell. Check out your seat you do the most work in, as you have to sit. Can you sit on one of those giant balls instead? I am wondering about a hormone level maybe, but I would have to research that a little. Though simple is often it, back to the mechanics of sitting! Did you have to switch from Lasix to anything else?

    Very cool about your daughter! She will be well prepared! Be proud, mama! That is funny about your dogs and the puppies. I can just see their faces as they all experience these puppies, or not, as the case may be! You do a great job blending and introducing! I still can not get May to not harass Chester as much as I would like, though she is better. But hard headed. The drop it command works the best, (she does not have Chester in her mouth, lol!), but it is the most successful. That is followed by " May, leave him alone!!" She loves to check out his lips and teeth, not Chester's favorite thing, and wash his ears. He kind of likes that, but does not admit it! :# He misses a lot of play cues with her, and never joins in, he just never did. He does snuggle up to her bed at nite by the morning, but will not use one himself. Interesting household I have!

    Well, a day home finally, but catch up time! Not to mention Income tax time. I would rather go back to bed! I need to still get to sleep earlier!! :* Take care all! Keep up the losing!! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    It seems I like the same temperature range, However here is where I am :)

    Thanks I think for reminding to do my Taxes
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    New Humor today

    I was out walking today and hit 10,829steps + 11 cents from yesterday that I forgot to menion :) The temperature is 31 degrees vs 27 degrees yesterday.

    I need to load more Old Time Radio shows into the iPod today when I plug it in to charge. It announced in my ear 2+ blocks from home "Low Battery" :)

    Have a Great Weekend

    Meridian man's pet squirrel goes nuts on burglar
    From Here:

    Adam Pearl walked into his Meridian home Tuesday and realized something didn't seem right.

    "I came in the front door and I saw snow prints out in the front driveway going to the back of the house, so I thought something was awry because no one usually goes through the yard," said Pearl.

    Pearl was immediately greeted by his pet squirrel Joey when he got home, but the he started noticing a few doors that would normally be closed were open.

    After making his way to the back bedroom, his fear was confirmed once he stated looking at his gun safe.

    "I started looking at it and saw the scratches that are around the locking area and at that point I knew somebody was definitely in here messing around," explained Pearl.

    Pearl called Meridian Police and when officer Ashley Turner came out to take a look, Joey just had to say hello.

    "During her investigations Joey had run in the bedroom just screwing around like he always does between her legs and kind of startled her," explained Pearl. She says whoa, what was that, and I said ahhh don't worry about that, that's just Joey, my pet squirrel ya know."

    Officer Turner asked Pearl if Joey would bite.

    "I said, well, he usually doesn't bite but you never know cause he is a squirrel," replied Pearl.

    Officer Turner went on her way, only to return a few hours later with some of his stolen belongings and some unbelievable news.

    "She said while she was questioning the individual he had scratches on his hands so she asked him 'did you get that from the squirrel' and he says yeah, damn thing kept attacking me and wouldn't stop until I left," said Pearl.

    Now Joey is being hailed a hero.

    "Nobody can believe it because who can say they have a squirrel that guards their house, which is crazy," said Pearl. "You can't ask for much more than that. He is a pain in the butt, but he is great."

    Pearl said he thanked Joey by giving him his favorite treat, the candy whoppers!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Well, you are darn near having a warm-up! Great job on walking and finding money! It has been a while since that happened! I hate when I forget to charge something. I usually get my reminders on the late side, it seems. I have to charge my fitbit every night. I usually remember, having it run out only once, and I saw low battery once. For me, that is pretty good! Mind like a sieve!

    Sorry to remind you about taxes. It is a bummer, isn't it! You wait all January, and are stressed in March, and for some reason February seems to go so fast, it is hard to do them, lol! :/

    I love the squirrel story! I would have liked to see the burglar trying to rob that place with Joey helping. Pearl was very lucky the robber did not open the doors and have Joey escape outdoors. That would have been rather sad, as I wonder if Joey could make it on his own, or come back. Glad for the happy ending! :#

    It is grey and drizzly today. I forgot to see how much rain we got during the night, not much, but not much sun or drying either! I have guest lunch again tomorrow, and I have been a little hungry yesterday and today. I hope the cooking and carry of food is not a downfall, lol! I wish I would have signed up for a different week, but they sure needed help this week! I will be strong, and sure eat before I cook or go in the morning, lol! - 3 more lbs. and I will be at the lowest place I have been in more than a year. :)

    Take care and give those taxes a think ,lol! ..Jan...going for more coffee!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2017
    I was out walking today and hit 8,859steps. The temperature is 47 degrees vs 31 degrees yesterday and very nice for walking too.

    I stopped for a light Breakfast while walking and had two Eggs, a slice of Bacon, a small slice of Ham and some Rye toast. I packaged up The Large Breakfast Sausage, Slice of Bacon and Home Fries and brought them home where my Brother will use them. He likes those Fat sausages, I never did. I bought that special since I felt like a taste of Bacon and Ham :)

    Then I stopped at the grocery Store for three Bananas, Gala Apples and Bartlett Pears + saving 10cents for using the discount Key tag. I also looked at the price on shredded Wheat Whole Wheat & Bran Spoon size and made a note of the price so my brother can compare it with the Shop Rite price when he heads over there later. Whichever is cheaper will be the key, ShopRite Price or Local Grocery Store @ $3.89 - 10% on Wednesday when I stop there for more Bananas.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2017
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Well, you are darn near having a warm-up! Great job on walking and finding money! It has been a while since that happened! I hate when I forget to charge something. I usually get my reminders on the late side, it seems. I have to charge my fitbit every night. I usually remember, having it run out only once, and I saw low battery once. For me, that is pretty good! Mind like a sieve!

    Sorry to remind you about taxes. It is a bummer, isn't it! You wait all January, and are stressed in March, and for some reason February seems to go so fast, it is hard to do them, lol! :/

    I love the squirrel story! I would have liked to see the burglar trying to rob that place with Joey helping. Pearl was very lucky the robber did not open the doors and have Joey escape outdoors. That would have been rather sad, as I wonder if Joey could make it on his own, or come back. Glad for the happy ending! :#

    It is grey and drizzly today. I forgot to see how much rain we got during the night, not much, but not much sun or drying either! I have guest lunch again tomorrow, and I have been a little hungry yesterday and today. I hope the cooking and carry of food is not a downfall, lol! I wish I would have signed up for a different week, but they sure needed help this week! I will be strong, and sure eat before I cook or go in the morning, lol! - 3 more lbs. and I will be at the lowest place I have been in more than a year. :)

    Take care and give those taxes a think ,lol! ..Jan...going for more coffee!
    Hi Jan
    It has warmed up for sure, Parts of NJ hit 67 to 68 degrees Saturday and a possibility for the same today.
    It was nice not having to dress up so warm today, not to mention that I used the heated Gloves which make it easier to hold the Coffee and Stick while walking compared to the Heated Mittens. Now to go plug in the batteries to charge for tomorrow.

    We have around a 50/50 mix of clouds and Blue sky right now. The clouds seem to be losing as there were more clouds earlier :)

    I thought the Squirrel store was interesting. Guard Squirrel on duty LOL.

    It will be interesting for me to see how the light Breakfast looks at the scale tomorrow Morning.

    When the iPod says Low battery I can do at least two hours more. What I lose when that happens is convenience. Normally I can Control the Volume right through the Sweatshirts. When a Low battery Alert happens I have to pull it out and hit the Button twice, once to bring up the display and a second time to get control of volume and content.

    I was listening to Philip Marlowe by Raymond Chandler while walking today.

    IMO eating first before going should be just as beneficial as eating before going Grocery Shopping to Curb Binge Buying.
    Good Luck

    Congratulations on Your Achievements
    8 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 2/18/2017 and was under her calorie goal
    yesterday, lost 1 lb since her last weigh-in! Buttons61's lost 19 lbs so far.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Well, you were warmer than we were, almost, though it was a nice spring like day.nites in the 40's seem chilly!! Yes, you can laugh! :D

    I did fairly good eating today, though I feel heavy. Hopefully not! I had 5,000 steps by 1 pm and went for 6500, as I slowed down for the day.

    With your walking, I would think your breakfast not too bad... It will be interesting! I did eat before going to church, and that proved wise!

    I did not mean to be up this late! I will have to tell you my "tale" later in the day! I am looking cross eyed! Puppies, too! ..Take care! Jan.. B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 8,058 steps. The temperature is 45 degrees vs 47 degrees yesterday and very nice for walking too.
    Here in NJ many areas had record warmth, I saw a bunch of 68 degree reports and one higher at 69 degrees. So strange for February.

    yesterdays light Breakfast while walking does not seem to have had any impact as far as weight gain when I scaled myself this morning :)

    Have a Great Monday AKA Presidents Day