100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Well, you were warmer than we were, almost, though it was a nice spring like day.nites in the 40's seem chilly!! Yes, you can laugh! :D

    I did fairly good eating today, though I feel heavy. Hopefully not! I had 5,000 steps by 1 pm and went for 6500, as I slowed down for the day.

    With your walking, I would think your breakfast not too bad... It will be interesting! I did eat before going to church, and that proved wise!

    I did not mean to be up this late! I will have to tell you my "tale" later in the day! I am looking cross eyed! Puppies, too! ..Take care! Jan.. B)

    Hi Jan
    I noticed that You were up into the wee hours of the night :)

    I am happy that it is a low temperature in the 40s rather than that being the high.

    I noticed this
    10 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 2/19/2017 and was under her calorie goal

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor posted a few minutes ago too
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited February 2017

    Well, May woke me early at 7am this morning. A far cry from the 8:30 I would rather!
    Yesterday was such a hoot! I cooked and did well not snacking. I had a good breakfast so I was not too hungry for guest lunch. Then picked wisely with some cantaloupe, plain meat, and 1 tablespoon of chicken casserole I could not resist. The casserole was not bad except it had some ritz cracker topping, but with my small amount, it appeared to do no damage on the scales. Yay, for another Sunday of temperance, lol! So to speak!

    The kicker was I expected an uneventful communion. I had done the trays with juice the night before. When I went for the homemade bread, the entire tupperware filled with the wafers (100+) had apparently sprouted legs and walked away. And thank goodness I knew something was wrong, as I found the lady that bakes them later, and she had not baked any because there were so many. Also, someone had thrown out the backup matzah boxes without replacing or telling anyone! So once again I went for a mad rush to Publix for matzah and extra juice as the secretary gave me the church's business card for the purchase. Again, made it in time, but definitely not a peaceful morning. On top of that I had picked up my friend who broke her shoulder and her husband and was trying to see them, and juggle guest lunch. I was exhausted by the middle of the day, but it was great for my steps, lol! :)

    I am kind of at a plateau for weight and wanting to stay strong! I again passed up some really great desserts! LOL!

    Great job on your walking and having a breakfast treat without going overboard! That is progress! Your new jokes on the humor page were hilarious! It is a good thing we have you to give us a laugh and brighten our day!! :# ..Take care, enjoy the weather! ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Well, May woke me early at 7am this morning. A far cry from the 8:30 I would rather!
    Yesterday was such a hoot! I cooked and did well not snacking. I had a good breakfast so I was not too hungry for guest lunch. Then picked wisely with some cantaloupe, plain meat, and 1 tablespoon of chicken casserole I could not resist. The casserole was not bad except it had some ritz cracker topping, but with my small amount, it appeared to do no damage on the scales. Yay, for another Sunday of temperance, lol! So to speak!

    The kicker was I expected an uneventful communion. I had done the trays with juice the night before. When I went for the homemade bread, the entire tupperware filled with the wafers (100+) had apparently sprouted legs and walked away. And thank goodness I knew something was wrong, as I found the lady that bakes them later, and she had not baked any because there were so many. Also, someone had thrown out the backup matzah boxes without replacing or telling anyone! So once again I went for a mad rush to Publix for matzah and extra juice as the secretary gave me the church's business card for the purchase. Again, made it in time, but definitely not a peaceful morning. On top of that I had picked up my friend who broke her shoulder and her husband and was trying to see them, and juggle guest lunch. I was exhausted by the middle of the day, but it was great for my steps, lol! :)

    I am kind of at a plateau for weight and wanting to stay strong! I again passed up some really great desserts! LOL!

    Great job on your walking and having a breakfast treat without going overboard! That is progress! Your new jokes on the humor page were hilarious! It is a good thing we have you to give us a laugh and brighten our day!! :# ..Take care, enjoy the weather! ..Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    If I said I am up before 6AM... :)
    It sounds as if You did well with Your food choices too.
    My Brother used the Home Fries, Breakfast sausage and Slice of Bacon I brought home at breakfast today with added egg(s) and some sliced Mushrooms in a skillet platter.

    Matzo, matza or matzah depending on who is saying it does not have any taste when I have tried them. We can get a large box free with a $ amount from the ShopRite around Easter (Passover) season. OTOH, They are not even as tasty as Saltines and are a fairly high calorie count from my perusal of a box of them. Just not worth the money IMO even for free :)

    I can see where they could work for Communion however.

    You seem to have had a rough Sunday. Hopefully next Sunday goes better.

    I had many plateaus over the last few years of weight loss. The trick as I see it is not to let it get into Your head and make You throw the door open to temptation.

    I am happy to share the humor and appreciate the feedback.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 8,484 steps. The temperature is 31 degrees vs 45 degrees yesterday and to bad while walking.

    Tomorrow is Grocery Store Day for Bananas and whatever fruit looks good at a good price. There is a possibility of Showers in the forecast.

    Have a Great Tuesday

    A huge misunderstanding’: Contractor guts wrong Fort Worth house


    When a TCU-area rental house was gutted last week, just before it was to be sold, the owners had lots of questions.

    Thinking burglars had destroyed the house and taken all the fixtures, they called Fort Worth police to report the crime. Their plight — remarkable in part because of the thoroughness of the burglars, who took appliances, toilets, furniture, cabinets, shutters, doors, molding and even the doorbell — made the news in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

    Worse still, owners Lee and Lelia Beckelman, of the Houston area, had a contract to sell the house at 2736 Forest Park Blvd. Their son had lived there with roommates while he attended TCU, but he moved out in August and the last roommate left in October.

    Their real estate agent found the place gutted Feb. 9. Essentially all that remained were walls, bathtubs and some of the flooring.

    But as it turns out, the whole episode was an honest mistake.

    As Fort Worth police were beginning the investigation, they got a phone call from a contractor who explained what happened, said Fort Worth Police Department Sgt. W.D. Paine.

    The contractor told police that the man who owned a house at 2700 Forest Park Blvd. hired him to gut it, Paine said. When the contractor and crew arrived at the street, they saw what appeared to be an address on the curb, “2700 Forest Park Boulevard,” directly in front of a house.

    The crew didn’t notice that the numbers on the house said 2736, not 2700.

    “It was a huge misunderstanding,” Paine said.

    The owner of 2700 Forest Park didn’t give the contractor any keys, and instructed him to just kick the door in to get inside, Paine said. The contractor did just that, and he and his crew removed almost everything inside over three days, during which they told neighbors they had been hired for the work.

    Paine said police don’t intend to charge the contractor for the “big goof-up.”

    “We can’t really file a criminal mischief charge because his intent wasn’t to deprive them of the property,” Paine said. “We’re leaving it up to the contractor and victim to settle it.”

    Lelia Beckelman said Friday that they have spoken to the contractor. Neither the police nor the Beckelmans released the contractor’s name.

    “He feels really bad and is willing to make us whole and restore things,” she said. “He’s an honest guy.”

    Paine said the contractor had offered to restore the house or even buy it for the selling price. Beckelman said it was listed for $369,000, but didn’t want to disclose the contract price.

    She said the current plan is for the contractor to return everything that had been taken and restore the house, at the least.

    “He is bending over backwards for us,” Beckelman said. “We are grateful that he was honest and admitted the mistake and wants to reconcile."
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I see You did it again :)
    12 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 2/20/2017 and was under her calorie goal

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    BTW New Humor Today
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well, it is rainy today and feels like your kind of weather, though it is in the 60's, it doesn't feel like it! I am hanging in there. No weight loss, but another inch. I will take it! I had some baked acorn squash last nite that was so good! I was still around 25 carbs and 12 sugars for that day, give or take, and it sure hit the spot. I was not that hungry, so had that and a couple strips of bacon, as I did not have that for breakfast. I ate backwards today! :#

    Good job on your walking! I need to do that more! I am trying to keep between 5-6,000 steps, but I was so tired from Sunday, I missed it yesterday by a few. Such is life!

    The contractor story is awful, though it happens more than we think! The family was very lucky it was such a kind and legitimate company, though the stress, surely added a few years! Had they not been, I am sure they had a case, but settling and fixing is so much better!

    I am heading for the Dr's office in a bit for my scripts for refills, and the driver's license people to renew my driver's license. I have found if I hit the Doc at 12:35ish, I usually wait about 1/4th the time, lol! My license expired, I think I am in a grace period, and they luckily sent a notice, though they seemed late... although not as late as I. (eye rolling!)

    Checking out the humor, and on my way. Have a good day! :) Stay safe! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 7.7K steps + 11 Cents. The temperature is 41 degrees vs 31 degrees yesterday and not to bad while walking. I was able to lighten up what I wear as a result.

    I stopped at the Grocery Store Day for Bananas and picked up some nectarines as they looked good at a good price. The possibility of Showers in yesterdays forecast may have happened overnight, If that happened it happened early enough for the ground to dry out so I am guessing that the rain went north of me instead.

    Have a Great Wednesday

    From Here: http://fox8.com/2017/02/21/video-thief-knocks-himself-out-during-store-break-in/
    Video: thief knocks himself out during store break-in

    KRON, Ohio – Groups of thieves targeted Leprechaun Liquor Store on Manchester Road twice in one week, with one suspect appearing to knock himself out as he tried to make a getaway.
    The break-ins were both captured on surveillance video.
    In the most recent incident on February 19, video showed three men smashed a concrete block through the store’s front door and scrambling inside just before 4 a.m. They stole $1,000 in cigarettes, according to a police report.

    With the alarm sounding as they rushed to leave, one suspect is seen falling over a counter door, where he appears to be unconscious. His accomplices left him there for a short time before one returned to drag the injured man out by his feet and then toss him in the back seat of a Pontiac Bonneville before the car drove away
    More in the link above including Video.

    5th Grader asks for Police help with homework on Facebook and they help :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Well, it is rainy today and feels like your kind of weather, though it is in the 60's, it doesn't feel like it! I am hanging in there. No weight loss, but another inch. I will take it! I had some baked acorn squash last nite that was so good! I was still around 25 carbs and 12 sugars for that day, give or take, and it sure hit the spot. I was not that hungry, so had that and a couple strips of bacon, as I did not have that for breakfast. I ate backwards today! :#

    Good job on your walking! I need to do that more! I am trying to keep between 5-6,000 steps, but I was so tired from Sunday, I missed it yesterday by a few. Such is life!

    The contractor story is awful, though it happens more than we think! The family was very lucky it was such a kind and legitimate company, though the stress, surely added a few years! Had they not been, I am sure they had a case, but settling and fixing is so much better!

    I am heading for the Dr's office in a bit for my scripts for refills, and the driver's license people to renew my driver's license. I have found if I hit the Doc at 12:35ish, I usually wait about 1/4th the time, lol! My license expired, I think I am in a grace period, and they luckily sent a notice, though they seemed late... although not as late as I. (eye rolling!)

    Checking out the humor, and on my way. Have a good day! :) Stay safe! ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    I sometimes reverse my meals and have Dinner first and Breakfast last :)

    I do feel that rain does make the day feel less comfortable too.

    Congrats on the Inch off. IMO that is fat converting to muscle.

    Good Luck at the Doctors.

    I do not think NJ gives You any grace period on License renewals.

    Glad You are enjoying the Humor

    Also Congratulations on this post:
    13 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 2/21/2017 and was under her calorie goal

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Also more Humor has been posted.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good morning!

    Great steps and congratulations on finding change! You find 11 cents often, that is kind of funny! The humor page was really funny! I like the one with the rare steaks and the kitty! I also love when a new page pops up and we don't have to scroll to the very end of a page, lol. How is that for lazy on my part! :# By the way, that was awesome when you had in your 660 days, (plus now!), you have checked in! I had noticed that!!

    This week has been an experience. I have been waiting for my mutual fund lady to set my Feb. time that she is in Al. Finally I had to call, and she is coming in March, not Feb. like she said. I was not a happy camper. So she is trying to get my funds to me in the next week and a half. It would be easier if I had a printer, but alas. So, I am thinking, why did you not set this up in Jan. when you knew we would be doing this.... She is really nice and personable, but sure does things strangely. You would think all things were in place as it is the same company, just a different agent. How weird. I am trying to get the dogs ready for boarding, get my meds renewed, which is always a three day operation, and look at my income tax. I did get my driver's license renewed.So I am making progress! Yay! :)

    Still at this plateau, and wishing I could drop a couple lbs. before traveling.I was so excited to go to the Dr. with my loss, and somehow,my weight was the same, I am guessing because I had gained, then loss over the last three months. So hopefully, in the next three months I will move into newer territory. Still happy though! ..Take care!! Jan.. Cloudy, had 1.75 rain!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 6.8K steps. The temperature is 43 degrees vs 41 degrees yesterday and was not to bad while walking until...
    I shall explain, When I left the house at 6:05 it was clear out, Then as I was getting my coffee the fog started moving in. Therefore I decided to head back to the house early. I figured as the visibility kept dropping that when I had to cross streets it would become less safe as I could not see them as far away nor they Me. I also turned off the Green Hornet Radio Shows I was listening to on the iPod so I could hear the cars easier.

    I will be heading out to the Grocery Store later for a couple of bottles of Spring Water that is on sale so that will increase my step count.

    Have a Great Thursday

    Police warn of blackmail letters claiming you are cheating on your spouse
    To watch this video go to the page

    RICHMOND, Va., -- An unwed and single Richmond man wants to warn the public about a letter he received claiming he cheated on his wife.

    “I thought, who was this mystery wife that I don’t have?" Matt Edwards asked. "This must be a scam. I don’t have a wife.”

    The letter reads, "I’m going to cut to the chase. I know you have cheated on your wife. More importantly I have evidence of the infidelity."

    The scammer then gives the victim two options – to pay $2,000 through an electronic online Bitcoin money account or the “evidence” of the infidelity would be sent to the victim’s friends and family.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Great steps and congratulations on finding change! You find 11 cents often, that is kind of funny! The humor page was really funny! I like the one with the rare steaks and the kitty! I also love when a new page pops up and we don't have to scroll to the very end of a page, lol. How is that for lazy on my part! :# By the way, that was awesome when you had in your 660 days, (plus now!), you have checked in! I had noticed that!!

    This week has been an experience. I have been waiting for my mutual fund lady to set my Feb. time that she is in Al. Finally I had to call, and she is coming in March, not Feb. like she said. I was not a happy camper. So she is trying to get my funds to me in the next week and a half. It would be easier if I had a printer, but alas. So, I am thinking, why did you not set this up in Jan. when you knew we would be doing this.... She is really nice and personable, but sure does things strangely. You would think all things were in place as it is the same company, just a different agent. How weird. I am trying to get the dogs ready for boarding, get my meds renewed, which is always a three day operation, and look at my income tax. I did get my driver's license renewed.So I am making progress! Yay! :)

    Still at this plateau, and wishing I could drop a couple lbs. before traveling.I was so excited to go to the Dr. with my loss, and somehow,my weight was the same, I am guessing because I had gained, then loss over the last three months. So hopefully, in the next three months I will move into newer territory. Still happy though! ..Take care!! Jan.. Cloudy, had 1.75 rain!

    Hi Jan
    To get to the end of the page have You tried hitting the End key? That works for me.

    I think I would dump that person/company...
    I paid a huge $50 for my B&W Laser printer, It prints really fast too and I get Reams of pages printed before I need to change the Toner cartridge. I also bought a spare toner at the same time as it was on sale as a combo price. I purchased through Newegg.com. I did sign up for their daily specials email to keep an eye peeled for electronic bargains.

    Three days seems like a lot to get a prescription(s) renewed.

    Being the same weight is also a victory, it beats the heck out of gaining. Before NS I gained very year so...

    I mailed off my Income Tax yesterday. I had to mail it since I needed information off of last years to do eFile and I put that one someplace safe so I would not lose it and could not find it this year, Darn it.

    Congrats on getting the Drivers License renewed.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And still more humor posted
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!

    Ha, ha! I never tried hitting the end key, I told you I was technically challenged! It never occurred to me! :| Thank you!

    Well, my financial lady set me up and will take only one day to get my funds. That was worth a mad dash into Montgomery traffic to sign the paperwork. I made a mad dash this morning too, to attend court and support a friend whose husband is being sued by her son over some private matters. Since you have described the traffic in New Jersey you know of what I speak. Oh my gosh. If I drove that daily, I would leave at 6 am and just plan breakfast in Montgomery every day with the extra hour of so, lol.

    The court was very interesting. I have only been called for jury duty one time for Elmore county, and the jury was filled before they called me, only time ever in court. This was Montgomery county, and there were two cases ahead of my friend's husband. The first was a guy who was out of prison who had served 10 years, and then was found guilty by jury for committing a robbery with a gun. I thought his lawyer quite articulate. She kept pleading it was mistaken ID and did not make the judge too happy she was pleading consideration in sentencing because he was innocent, since he had been convicted again and had a rather long rap sheet. Finally the judge seemed ready to sentence, yet I really did not think she had seemed to argue or talk out of turn, she was just long winded and trying to fight for her client and yet respectful. The judge got fed up and said had she not kept opening her mouth, he would have been sentenced in the lower guidelines, but instead sentenced her client to life imprisonment, the higher end. He is known as a very strict judge and had kept saying her client was a menace. The second group was also a robbery by a young man who had nine children and no job. He mumbled something about working on cars, but had no work record, and the judge was not impressed. This man also was in jail, having been found guilty of violating his parole with drug charges. He was sentenced for several years. After all that, my friends got a continuance because of a technical issue in the law that had to be researched further. If the lawyers on both sides and Judge were having trouble interpreting the law, that will be some research they all were having to do, so we all go back in 3 weeks, more or less.

    That is pretty funny your income tax is off, and I am still contemplating mine. I need to get busy! I will do just that and catch up on housework. Maybe if I move more, it will help with the next couple pounds! I was over just a little for calories yesterday by like 70 calories. Poor planning! Your funnies were funny !!! I am missing something with the paper towel holder one! I am still contemplating that! :# Take care! Have a great day!! ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 8K steps. The temperature is 54 degrees vs 43 degrees yesterday and was not to bad while walking until...
    I started to feel a little warm due to overdressing. I was wearing to much despite dropping a layer :(

    Have a Great Friday

    Comments made in the year 1955!

    'I'll tell you one thing, if things keep going the way
    they are, it's going to be impossible
    To buy a week's groceries for $20.00.

    'Have you seen the new cars coming out next year?
    It won't be long before $2,000.00 will only buy a
    used one.

    'If cigarettes keep going up in price,
    I'm going to quit.
    A quarter a pack is ridiculous.

    'Did you hear the post office is thinking about
    charging a dime just to mail a letter?

    'If they raise the minimum wage to $1.00,
    Nobody will be able to hire outside help at the store. '

    'When I first started driving,
    Who would have thought gas would someday cost 29cents a gallon..
    Guess we'd be better off leaving the car in the garage.

    'I'm afraid to send my kids to the movies any more..
    Ever since they let Clark Gable get by with saying
    It seems every new movie has either HELL or DAMN in it.

    'I read the other day where some scientist thinks
    it's possible to put a man on the moon by the
    end of the century.
    They even have some fellows they call astronauts
    preparing for it down in Texas .

    'Did you see where some baseball player just signed a
    contract for $75,000 a year just to play ball?
    It wouldn't surprise me if someday they'll be
    making more than the President.

    'I never thought I'd see the day all our kitchen
    appliances would be electric.
    They are even making electric typewriters now.

    'It's too bad things are so tough nowadays..
    I see where a few married women are having to work
    to make ends meet.

    'It won't be long before young couples are going to
    have to hire someone
    To watch their kids so they can both work.

    'I'm afraid the Volkswagen car is going to open the
    door to a whole lot of foreign business.

    'Thank goodness I won't live to see the day when the
    Government takes half our income in taxes.
    I sometimes wonder if we are electing the best
    people to congress.

    'The drive-in restaurant is convenient in nice weather,
    But I seriously doubt they will ever catch on.

    'There is no sense going to Lincoln
    Or Omaha anymore for a weekend,
    It costs nearly $15.00 a night to stay in a hotel.

    'No one can afford to be sick anymore,
    At $35.00 a day in the hospital it's too rich for
    my blood.'

    'If they think I'll pay 50 cents for a hair cut, forget it.'

    The Cubs will definitely win a World Series before the end of this century.

    Is it just me or does the Earth seem to be getting warmer?

    Remind me to buy some more asbestos insulation for the attic.

    Damn!... that rascal Rock Hudson gets all the girls!

    Vietnam? Where’s that?

    The Cubs will definitely win a World Series before the end of this century.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!!

    Ha, ha! I never tried hitting the end key, I told you I was technically challenged! It never occurred to me! :| Thank you!

    Well, my financial lady set me up and will take only one day to get my funds. That was worth a mad dash into Montgomery traffic to sign the paperwork. I made a mad dash this morning too, to attend court and support a friend whose husband is being sued by her son over some private matters. Since you have described the traffic in New Jersey you know of what I speak. Oh my gosh. If I drove that daily, I would leave at 6 am and just plan breakfast in Montgomery every day with the extra hour of so, lol.
    Hi Jan
    I'm glad it worked for You. I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts since it is easier than having to keep reaching for the mouse.
    BTW if You accidentally delete something in a message try using the Ctrl Key + the Z key (Ctrl Z) that is the undo shortcut vs going to the edit menu.

    How nice that You will be in the money, So to speak :)
    Even if it is Your money originally.

    I am so happy not to have to drive in the rush hour too.
    The court was very interesting. I have only been called for jury duty one time for Elmore county, and the jury was filled before they called me, only time ever in court. This was Montgomery county, and there were two cases ahead of my friend's husband. The first was a guy who was out of prison who had served 10 years, and then was found guilty by jury for committing a robbery with a gun. I thought his lawyer quite articulate. She kept pleading it was mistaken ID and did not make the judge too happy she was pleading consideration in sentencing because he was innocent, since he had been convicted again and had a rather long rap sheet. Finally the judge seemed ready to sentence, yet I really did not think she had seemed to argue or talk out of turn, she was just long winded and trying to fight for her client and yet respectful. The judge got fed up and said had she not kept opening her mouth, he would have been sentenced in the lower guidelines, but instead sentenced her client to life imprisonment, the higher end. He is known as a very strict judge and had kept saying her client was a menace. The second group was also a robbery by a young man who had nine children and no job. He mumbled something about working on cars, but had no work record, and the judge was not impressed. This man also was in jail, having been found guilty of violating his parole with drug charges. He was sentenced for several years. After all that, my friends got a continuance because of a technical issue in the law that had to be researched further. If the lawyers on both sides and Judge were having trouble interpreting the law, that will be some research they all were having to do, so we all go back in 3 weeks, more or less.
    Some of the those technicalities can be tricky.

    We used to be able to watch some of the local municipal courts on a Cable channel. They cover quite a range of things in them too.

    I suspect I would not make a good juror :)
    I would hate to have to decide someones fate.
    That is pretty funny your income tax is off, and I am still contemplating mine. I need to get busy! I will do just that and catch up on housework. Maybe if I move more, it will help with the next couple pounds! I was over just a little for calories yesterday by like 70 calories. Poor planning! Your funnies were funny !!! I am missing something with the paper towel holder one! I am still contemplating that! :# Take care! Have a great day!! ..Jan B)

    I wish I could have eFiled. I know that mailing it will slow it down as will checking the send me a check box vs Direct Deposit.

    Strange, I just saw this notice: 11 hours ago
    completed her food and exercise diary for 2/23/2017 and was under her calorie goal.
    Oh wait different days and TBH 70 calories is not too bad.
    Congratulations :)

    Paper Towel holder one? I do not recall that one. If You were to go to that post, select quote and then put the link for the image in Your reply it would be helpful.

    Thank You
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Still more humor posted now
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good morning!

    Glad you were safe with the fog rolling in. It is amazing how quickly you can lose visibility. You probably made a very wise decision to head back home. At least you know that New Jersey drivers are not the only challenging ones! There is a stretch of road in Tenn. that has pile-ups all the time due to fog. It is I- 75, and for years they had massive pile-ups with people killed in the double digits. The area lies in a valley so retains fog. They put in fog warning lights and used patrol cars to slow people down. After about 10 years of no accidents, they quit patrolling, and the fog lights were not working properly. They had their worst pile up with like 15 killed and hundreds injured. They also found a paper company in the area partly to blame, as particulates bonded with the vapors released by the plant, contributing to the deadly fog. So good job heading home, though I do like how quiet everything gets in a fog! If I am home, lol! :)

    My tax agent always sends a huge questionnaire, which is rather off putting, and I hate to get started. It costs me the same for her to do taxes as using turbo tax, and she knows more than I do, for sure! Probably safer! That is a shame you couldn't e-file yours!

    Glad it is warming up on your end. Makes it hard to dress right with the weather so changeable! We have that problem too! .... I always thought I would be a good juror myself. After seeing it in action, not as sure! ....I will grab the joke on the humorous page so you can see it there! Though if you have to explain it, what does that say about me, lol! :D

    Keep up the good work! ...Jan.. B)

    P.S. Love the postings from 1955! Sounds familiar, doesn't it! And the prices! That is funny and sad! I was 2 years old! LOL!