100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2017
    I was out walking today and hit 9176 steps + 1 Cent. The temperature is 51 degrees vs 54 degrees yesterday and was not to bad while walking. I started to feel a little warm due to overdressing. I was wearing to much despite dropping another layer from yesterday :(

    I came home and turned off the heat :)
    Have a Great Saturday

    There was a similar item on the Local Cable news Channel yesterday happening here in NJ :)

    Hairdryers used to strike blow against speeders in Hopeman
    23 February 2017
    From the section NE Scotland, Orkney & Shetland

    Villagers dressed in fluorescent jackets are pointing hairdryers at cars to mimic police using speed cameras in a bid to deter fast drivers in Moray.

    Residents of Hopeman fear someone could be seriously injured or killed by speeding drivers.

    It follows concern about cars reaching speeds of up to 60mph as they travel through the area. There is a long straight leading out of the village.

    Residents including children have now resorted to the hairdryers.

    'Please slow down'

    Moray councillor Dennis Slater, who lives in Hopeman, told BBC Scotland: "It's very dangerous, the speed that the traffic is doing through Hopeman is quite serious, especially when the kids are going to school in the morning - it's quite alarming.

    "This is why some of the residents have resorted to taking out hairdryers and putting on hi-vis vests to try to slow the traffic down.

    "We don't like to be seen standing with hairdryers and hi-vis vests, we are trying to emphasise to people the desperate situation.

    "Please slow down going through our community."

    'Aware of complaints'

    Police Scotland said in a statement: "Road safety is a priority for Police Scotland, particularly for North East division.

    "We are aware of complaints regarding speeding in Hopeman, which we are continuing to address.

    "This aligns with one of our divisional priorities and supports Operation Cedar, which concentrates on reducing the number of serious and fatal road traffic incidents within the North East area."

    Moray Council said it was a matter for Police Scotland.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Still more humor posted now
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Glad you were safe with the fog rolling in. It is amazing how quickly you can lose visibility. You probably made a very wise decision to head back home. At least you know that New Jersey drivers are not the only challenging ones! There is a stretch of road in Tenn. that has pile-ups all the time due to fog. It is I- 75, and for years they had massive pile-ups with people killed in the double digits. The area lies in a valley so retains fog. They put in fog warning lights and used patrol cars to slow people down. After about 10 years of no accidents, they quit patrolling, and the fog lights were not working properly. They had their worst pile up with like 15 killed and hundreds injured. They also found a paper company in the area partly to blame, as particulates bonded with the vapors released by the plant, contributing to the deadly fog. So good job heading home, though I do like how quiet everything gets in a fog! If I am home, lol! :)

    My tax agent always sends a huge questionnaire, which is rather off putting, and I hate to get started. It costs me the same for her to do taxes as using turbo tax, and she knows more than I do, for sure! Probably safer! That is a shame you couldn't e-file yours!

    Glad it is warming up on your end. Makes it hard to dress right with the weather so changeable! We have that problem too! .... I always thought I would be a good juror myself. After seeing it in action, not as sure! ....I will grab the joke on the humorous page so you can see it there! Though if you have to explain it, what does that say about me, lol! :D

    Keep up the good work! ...Jan.. B)

    P.S. Love the postings from 1955! Sounds familiar, doesn't it! And the prices! That is funny and sad! I was 2 years old! LOL!
    Hi Jan
    If I were that paper company I would be afraid of lawsuits from victims of the accidents they contributed too.

    Tomorrow the temperatures are supposed to be much colder. I wish it would stabilize TBH.

    Or what does it say about my sense of humor ?

    That makes You Younger than I :)
    No wonder that some days I feel my age...

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I caught up....sorry I've been away. My neighbor has been working on repairing our mutual fence after the tornado. Lucy had another surgery and she's doing fine now. The special diet from her first surgery apparently sometimes causes anal sac problems which is what caused her to need the second surgery. So now I'm adding canned pumpkin to her food...wish they told me that in the first place. $2/month could have saved the additional $400! Yep, im unhappy with their withholding that info. Garden is growing! I'm faultering on taking care of me.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val
    You have to wonder why that was not mentioned to You, Fees a factor?

    Good news on the Garden.
    Now take care of Yourself
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I caught up....sorry I've been away. My neighbor has been working on repairing our mutual fence after the tornado. Lucy had another surgery and she's doing fine now. The special diet from her first surgery apparently sometimes causes anal sac problems which is what caused her to need the second surgery. So now I'm adding canned pumpkin to her food...wish they told me that in the first place. $2/month could have saved the additional $400! Yep, im unhappy with their withholding that info. Garden is growing! I'm faultering on taking care of me.

    I am so glad to hear from you! I was about to message! I wondered if you were by that tornado, apparently you were... Wow, I am glad you are okay! Glad Lucy is okay too! It is a shame that did not share about the pumpkin, like you said, it would have been rather helpful!

    Sometimes life gets in the way of our trying to make progress and changes! Your garden is an indicator of you, supposedly, so all is not lost! :) How did your DR appt's go? Weren't you going back? Or maybe I missed it and forgot.. see? I am confused half the time, too, lol! Roger is right! (When is he not, lol!) Now take care of you!!! <3 ...Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    Even I do not have my heat off! LOL! We hit in the 80's yesterday, but the house was still very cool. I did open up some to warm the house! Pollen counts are really high, in the 8's of 10. I have so much to do, but at one thing accomplished a day, not making much progress! That is okay!

    I did drop a pound. This last week has been like pulling teeth, trying to drop. I will just be at a critical point , then vacation. What a challenge!

    Home a day! Hope to get outside to work, and inside too! I may need to go fill my communion tray, but that will be later. I am kind of glad this is my last Sunday, it has been so eventful!... It is a beautiful sunny day with fluffy white clouds and blue skies! I will take it! :)

    Such a shame about that little town in Scotland. You would think people could slow down just going thru there. Nice response though!! Speeding seems to be a universal problem!!

    Keep up the good work! ... Jan B) and breezy!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    After $600 of co-pays, nothing is wrong with me and they don't know why my legs swell. Doc left it up to me whether i want to stay on Lasiks or not. I hated the side effects and it didn't help that much with my edema. On days when I'm more active, edema is not bad (even without Lasoks)...so, I'm trying to take that path.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I don't remember if i told you folks...on Em's math competition from two weeks ago, she was in the top 1.3%...but only the top 1% moved on to State. Right now, she's in an engineering competition (first one ever). She takes time to open up to new people, and this is in groups of strangers, so, I'm not thinking she'll want to do these competitions. We'll see.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2017
    I was out walking today and hit 9319 steps. The temperature was 39 degrees and along the walk I saw it had dropped to 37 degrees vs 51 degrees yesterday and was not that great for walking due wind gusts :(

    I stopped at the Local grocery store and Picked up Gala Apples for $0.79 cents a pound and Bartlett Pears for $1.29. I did not pick up Bananas as my brother will be picking them up at the ShopRite on a coupon for 2 free pounds with a $10 purchase and it is hard to beat that price :)

    We did have a Thunderstorm roll through around 6 and some areas of NJ had pea sized hail too.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Even I do not have my heat off! LOL! We hit in the 80's yesterday, but the house was still very cool. I did open up some to warm the house! Pollen counts are really high, in the 8's of 10. I have so much to do, but at one thing accomplished a day, not making much progress! That is okay!

    I did drop a pound. This last week has been like pulling teeth, trying to drop. I will just be at a critical point , then vacation. What a challenge!

    Home a day! Hope to get outside to work, and inside too! I may need to go fill my communion tray, but that will be later. I am kind of glad this is my last Sunday, it has been so eventful!... It is a beautiful sunny day with fluffy white clouds and blue skies! I will take it! :)

    Such a shame about that little town in Scotland. You would think people could slow down just going thru there. Nice response though!! Speeding seems to be a universal problem!!

    Keep up the good work! ... Jan B) and breezy!

    Hi Jan
    I woke up around Midnight and said to myself, time to turn the heat on again :)

    So true about the speeders, I see them here, I may have a radar speed gun but I can tell when they are speeding :)

    Congratulations on these too.
    yesterday, lost 1 lb since her last weigh-in! Buttons61's lost 20 lbs so far.
    12 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 2/25/2017 and was under her calorie goal

    Today is cloudy and with a fair breeze too, When I can see it moving the leafless branches I know it is breezy.

    have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm playing with the size tag here :)

    Still more Humor today
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Rodger, thank you for explaining the joke...I can not believe I was so dense! More said on that on the humorous page! :)

    It was chilly here too! Glad you did not freeze! It would be hard walking in the gusts with that temperature. You did really well on the number of steps for the weather! Glad you did not get damaging hail! It was sunny here with a clear blue sky today,( Sunday), and cool but very pleasant with the sun. We are to have some severe weather on Weds.

    My fit bit came off this afternoon and I thought I lost it. Luckily it had dropped off in the car on the gearshift box. That was a relief. It messed up my steps a bit, but I can adjust it, though it may not be as accurate. I was just happy to find it! Now, if I could remember where I put these extra plastic pieces to use for just preventing that happening.... :o

    I had my supper a little late. I made up some ground sirloin beef, onion, carrot, and zucchini and simmered it to get a broth. I then added some arrowroot powder, onion salt, and paprika with a small amt of water. It makes up a Paleo okay gravy. I could have reduced it more, but I was hungry. It was a thin type of gravy, but not broth and tasted pretty good. I only used 1/8 cup arrowroot powder so it cut the carbs some, but was still low. We shall see how it does losing wise! Believe it or not, after adding my food, I was 500 calories short! I had 3 meals and 1 snack, with enough carbs due to veggies and fruit. My hamburger was lean ground sirloin on sale, so not many calories! I had to have 2 pieces of cheddar cheese to bring my calories up- such a hardship! I like this "diet" lifestyle so far, lol! :#

    Val! I feel your pain on spending money and time, yet having unanswered questions! How crazy! Maybe you are just cutting off your circulation by the way you sit! At least you can stop the lasix if you want, that was good for those side effects. :)

    Also wonderful news with Em. She may surprise you, as she seems to have a real love for math and engineering. It is wonderful you have given her that desire to learn! And you are such a positive strong example for her! Proud of you! Mom's tend to be a little behind when you think of all the 2 and 4 leggeds you mother too! <3 I also think you should spend 15 minutes on your back with your legs propped up the wall! You could do this while planning or on the phone, or something instead if sitting! It could relieve your edema and you could feel rebellious, lol! :#

    Keep plugging my friends! ...Jan.. B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 6,707 steps so far. The temperature was 31 degrees vs 39 degrees yesterday and was tolerable for walking. I will be going back out later which is why the step count looks low.

    Have a Great Monday

    From Here
    Bees Can Learn to Play “Soccer.” Score One for Insect Intelligence
    Bees, despite their sesame seed-sized brains, are smarter than we think.
    Related Content in the article

    “Often people view insects as unthinking machines,” says Clint Perry, a biologist who studies the evolution of cognition in insects at Queen Mary University of London. Science has recently challenged that human-centric assumption, by revealing that the busy buzzers can use tools, count to four, learn “foreign languages" and even experience some semblance of sugar-derived happiness—traits usually associated with larger-brained animals.

    Now, Perry and his colleagues have released the results of a creative new experiment in which they essentially taught bumblebees how to play "bee soccer." The insects’ ability to grasp this novel task is a big score for insect intelligence, demonstrating that they’re even more complex thinkers than we thought. Moreover, they did it all not just in spite of their tiny brains—but because of them.

    For the study, published in the February 23 issue of Science, researchers gave a group of bees a novel goal (literally): to move a ball about half their size into a designated target area. The idea was to present them with a task that they would never have encountered in nature. Not only did the bees succeed at this challenge—earning them a sugary treat—but they astonished researchers by figuring out how to meet their new goal in several different ways.

    Some bees succeeded at getting their ball into the goal with no demonstration at all, or by first watching the ball move on its own. But the ones that watched other bees successfully complete the game learned to play more quickly and easily. Most impressively, the insects didn't simply copy each other—they watched their companions do it, then figured out on their own how to accomplish the task even more efficiently using their own techniques.

    The results show that bees can master complex, social behaviors without any prior experience—which could be a boon in a world where they face vast ecological changes and pressures.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Rodger, thank you for explaining the joke...I can not believe I was so dense! More said on that on the humorous page! :)

    It was chilly here too! Glad you did not freeze! It would be hard walking in the gusts with that temperature. You did really well on the number of steps for the weather! Glad you did not get damaging hail! It was sunny here with a clear blue sky today,( Sunday), and cool but very pleasant with the sun. We are to have some severe weather on Weds.

    My fit bit came off this afternoon and I thought I lost it. Luckily it had dropped off in the car on the gearshift box. That was a relief. It messed up my steps a bit, but I can adjust it, though it may not be as accurate. I was just happy to find it! Now, if I could remember where I put these extra plastic pieces to use for just preventing that happening.... :o
    Hi Jan
    I commented on the humor page. Some humor by Vix on there too.
    I think we may be hit by the same weather Wednesday :) or is it :(

    That's good news. I have had things like that happen to me too.
    Last year I thought I had dropped my wallet out of the pocket while walking so I had my Brother drive me around the route I had walked so I could hop out an check stopping points. Luckily I found it in the House :) Since then I do not take it with me, I carry a little folding gizmo with a expired Drivers License as ID in a back pocket.
    Live and learn
    I had my supper a little late. I made up some ground sirloin beef, onion, carrot, and zucchini and simmered it to get a broth. I then added some arrowroot powder, onion salt, and paprika with a small amt of water. It makes up a Paleo okay gravy. I could have reduced it more, but I was hungry. It was a thin type of gravy, but not broth and tasted pretty good. I only used 1/8 cup arrowroot powder so it cut the carbs some, but was still low. We shall see how it does losing wise! Believe it or not, after adding my food, I was 500 calories short! I had 3 meals and 1 snack, with enough carbs due to veggies and fruit. My hamburger was lean ground sirloin on sale, so not many calories! I had to have 2 pieces of cheddar cheese to bring my calories up- such a hardship! I like this "diet" lifestyle so far, lol! :#
    Congratulations on the being under despite that meal. I did see it on the Home Page :)

    Are You trying Paleo? I am not sure if I buy into that, I suspect the benefits touted by proponents could be due to where they live and the amount of activity they do.
    Val! I feel your pain on spending money and time, yet having unanswered questions! How crazy! Maybe you are just cutting off your circulation by the way you sit! At least you can stop the lasix if you want, that was good for those side effects. :)

    Also wonderful news with Em. She may surprise you, as she seems to have a real love for math and engineering. It is wonderful you have given her that desire to learn! And you are such a positive strong example for her! Proud of you! Mom's tend to be a little behind when you think of all the 2 and 4 leggeds you mother too! <3 I also think you should spend 15 minutes on your back with your legs propped up the wall! You could do this while planning or on the phone, or something instead if sitting! It could relieve your edema and you could feel rebellious, lol! :#

    Keep plugging my friends! ...Jan.. B)

    That could help and no way can I see it hurting Val.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Even more humor posted today.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 6,893 steps so far. The temperature was 46 degrees vs 31 degrees yesterday and was tolerable for walking. I went back out yesterday and ended the day with 11.5K steps.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Even more humor posted today.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi Jan
    Congratulations on this
    13 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 2/27/2017 and was under her calorie goal

    What is Pancake Day?
    Pancakes on Pancake Day.
    Pancake Day, also called Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras (which is French for "Fat Tuesday"), is the last day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. It's called so due to the tradition of eating pancakes on the day. This tradition comes from a time where any remaining rich foods were eaten on the day before Lent to use them up, and fasting begins. The date can vary from as early as February 3rd to as late as March 9th.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I am a little behind ! I washed Chester yesterday and thought I had him stuck in the tub. He is really hard to lift, and I can not do it too well anymore! I was out for the day, I felt!! I am going today to take him to the vet for his yearly shots, though they are not quite yearly anymore! It is an all day operation!

    Yep, Mardi Gras is a big thing down here. I remember having hot cross buns around this time. Probably closer to Easter. You do not see them anymore. Pancakes sound good! :)

    Great job on your steps yesterday! You done good!!

    Humor was great, and I am headed that way to see the newest one!

    Supposed to be 80 today, but my heat is cycling and it is cold, grey and foggy. The fog is nice! I am not seeing 80! :D

    For now I am doing Paleo. My daughter got me a great slow cooker book, with great recipes. I like the no additive, no sugar aspect and can feel the difference. I eat some diary though, so not true paleo. And I eat mine cooked, not a raw paleo person. It is great due to the high protein, and the good fats are satisfying. I think that and good quality food is why most of my cravings stop and I have greater will power. I will add something if I really want something off it, but so far, I have been fine. We will see! I am wanting a small hamburger with a bun, but I have a new paleo biscuit recipe that looks promising, so I will try that! I definitely felt better in like 3 days getting off sugar and additives! It really is a low low carb diet, lol!

    Take care- headed for the Montgomery zoo freeway!-- ..Jan

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Jan- I love your idea about my lying down with my feet up on the wall...but then I worry if i were to get stuck like that. Well...I have to go back to DC this summer and meet even more executive managers....so I have to at least get back down to last year's size. I'm being considered for a newly created position that would have way more corporate visibility. I'd even have my own box on the org chart! Yesterday the company president (three levels above me) contacted me directly asking for specific data. So I sent it to her. Today her direct report (two levels above me) told my boss that she was irked that i excluded her. Lovely. My boss took the heat but said anytime the top wants something to include all the middle. That's why i love being a do-er rather than a manager! My edema is minimal even though I'm off Lasiks so that's good. Garden growing! And I stockpiled dry beans (16 pounds)!