100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi Jan
    I am sorry to hear about Your friends.

    I posted some more humor today, I will repeat one that is not a humorous image here.

    Congratulations on the Food Victory. I know exactly what You mean about the Pizza too :)

    I decided to have a treat, well hopefully a treat today. I stopped at the Bagel shop and picked up something described as French Toast flavor. Time will tell if it is a treat :) I just weighed it and with the wrapping it is 199 grams or 7.02 ounces, it did not look that big in the display case :(

    If I said it would not have occurred to me to look on MFP for a calorie count for Communion Wafers. How nice that one friend makes them fresh weekly.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking for 8.7K Steps + 1 Shiny & 1 corroded Penny :) The temperature is 41 degrees. I saw a few flakes of snow as I neared the house. I did see 3 Deer run across the road as I was on the outbound leg.

    I also stopped for some Nectarines, A Head of Lettuce, a couple of Bananas and a box of cereal.

    Have a Great Friday

    California man's two vehicles crushed by different trees in different cities on same day
    posted Jan. 20, 2017
    A California man whose two vehicles were both crushed by trees in different cities on the same day says he feels like "the luckiest guy."

    Georgiy Karpekin said he was at Sacramento City College when strong winds swept over the area Wednesday, leading to an unfortunate discovery in the parking lot.

    "I walked up to my truck and I saw it was 'taco'd' around a tree," he told KTXL-TV.

    Karpekin's truck was indeed "taco'd" -- a fallen tree had reformed the pickup into the shape of a taco shell.

    Karpekin got a ride to his West Sacramento home where he made another shocking discovery -- another tree had fallen on two vehicles parked in front of his house, including his own car.

    "Yeah, and then I come home and two other cars, huh? My luck. I bought a lottery ticket. It didn't win, but..." Karpekin said. "I feel like I'm the luckiest guy. Why? I came out alive. Everything is fine. My insurance is covering it. There's no other way to look at it, right?"

    "You know, life's full of peaks and valleys, man," Karpekin said.

    Karpekin said on Facebook that the damage to the car parked outside his home wasn't as severe as the truck and will soon be completely repaired.

    "You can't help but laugh," he wrote of the ordeal.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    What awesome posts! I will have to share your biscuit humor. They are a thing down here. And deservedly so! It about sums things up, if we remember it! :) I do not know I would be as accepting with the man and his vehicles. I know I would be thankful I was not in them! But I am thinking I would be having a good cry over the irony of the situation! What are the odds!

    I woke up hungry this morning. Funny when you do not stick to a routine, you are tempted.
    I want to get some intentional walking in this afternoon. It has been so soggy out, I was not tempted, though the sun is shining.

    I only thought of the communion wafer for calories as I knew it was around half of a biscuit and enough I should count it if I was not going to cheat on recording! The regular wafers are all pretty much 0, FWIW! There was an article on 20 surprising things found in the MFP calorie bank that was humorous. It was featured on that homepage that changes in offerings. I can't remember them really, but funny things like " it wasn't worth it brownies" or "#**# chips"! Then comment wise was funny, till it got vulgar!

    Pres. Trump is sure making waves upon the complacent in Washington. I do not agree with everything, but I do like the fact he has his sleeves rolled up to work at something and has shaken a few people awake.

    Healthy eating and walking this morning! Love your bagel grew during the time you got home! Let us know how it tasted! ..Jan B) but COLD! for southerners!

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Today I'm taking Em and two of her friends on a tour of UTSA (Civil Engineering). How can a kid choose any university when they've seen none? I'm setting up tours of different universities and various majors once a month...Em is not super enthused, but her friends are. We've had more kids want to come with than I have seatbelts available. I'll get my exercise today!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking for 9.7K Steps. The temperature is 6 degrees colder than yesterday's 41 degrees.

    Later today I'll be going to the ShopRite to pick up some of the food on sale. $10 for 5 Smart Ones Frozen Entrees. Toss in a coupon for a free one with the purchase of 7 and that works out to be $1.75 each for 8 of them.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    What awesome posts! I will have to share your biscuit humor. They are a thing down here. And deservedly so! It about sums things up, if we remember it! :) I do not know I would be as accepting with the man and his vehicles. I know I would be thankful I was not in them! But I am thinking I would be having a good cry over the irony of the situation! What are the odds!

    I woke up hungry this morning. Funny when you do not stick to a routine, you are tempted.
    I want to get some intentional walking in this afternoon. It has been so soggy out, I was not tempted, though the sun is shining.

    I only thought of the communion wafer for calories as I knew it was around half of a biscuit and enough I should count it if I was not going to cheat on recording! The regular wafers are all pretty much 0, FWIW! There was an article on 20 surprising things found in the MFP calorie bank that was humorous. It was featured on that homepage that changes in offerings. I can't remember them really, but funny things like " it wasn't worth it brownies" or "#**# chips"! Then comment wise was funny, till it got vulgar!

    Pres. Trump is sure making waves upon the complacent in Washington. I do not agree with everything, but I do like the fact he has his sleeves rolled up to work at something and has shaken a few people awake.

    Healthy eating and walking this morning! Love your bagel grew during the time you got home! Let us know how it tasted! ..Jan B) but COLD! for southerners!
    Hi Jan
    Ironic is a good word for that happening.

    I know exactly what You mean about a routine. It is so much harder to get over cravings from a cheat than the cheat that only took a few minutes.

    What is sort of funny is that what the British call a Biscuit is what we would call a cookie. Funny things pop into my head when I read things sometimes.

    Sometimes the establishment needs a good shaking up :)
    The sad thing is the protests that turn destructive :(

    The Bagel turned out to have a Cinnamon Sugar dusting and was overall a soft bagel texture that tasted like a sweet slice of French Toast and I am sad to say that it was delicious...
    Now I need to fight the temptation for more in the future :(

    Have a Good Day

    P.S. I'm glad you liked the Biscuit Post
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I'm taking Em and two of her friends on a tour of UTSA (Civil Engineering). How can a kid choose any university when they've seen none? I'm setting up tours of different universities and various majors once a month...Em is not super enthused, but her friends are. We've had more kids want to come with than I have seatbelts available. I'll get my exercise today!

    Hi Val
    Just curious what interests Her? So many new fields and so many that used to be good areas that are not in demand anymore.

    One that comes to mind is the one I used to be involved with. I spent the last 16 years of work in a Computer store, That business is not what it used to be. Nowdays People just replace rather than repair or upgrade since the prices have dropped so low. Add in the lower demand for PCs due to Smartphone and Tablet use and I could see why my location closed.

    Have a Good Day, Enjoy the Tour
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Walked a few miles at UTSA. Em and her friends really loved it and can't wait to see other colleges. Em is leaning toward architecture or engineering, one friend engineering, and the othet criminal justice then law school. They're young and just starting to explore. Today made them all now able to see themselves there.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My garden continues to do well. 3341ovht0aps.jpg
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi !

    Val, sounds like you had a really great time at the college! And productive too! It is quite a thing trying to decide what you are doing the rest of your life! Your garden is looking great!

    Rodger, hope you are doing good and hope you found change! It's cool here, around 38 or so, but still feels mild, not harsh. That is a good thing. Hurrying this morning since I am cooking for church! Hopefully staying on track too!

    Take care all! :) ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking for 10.3K Steps. The temperature is 35 degrees and a nice windless day. The lack of wind means that it felt more comfortable walking than yesterday despite being slightly cooler. There is a slight possibility of snow coming as far north as where I am in my area with south NJ showing as having the snow. There is likely to be snow Tuesday however :(

    Yesterday I went to the ShopRite to pick up some of the food on sale. $10 for 5 Smart Ones Frozen Entrees. Toss in a coupon for a free one with the purchase of 7 and that works out to be $1.75 each for 8 of them. Not a bad price :)

    I had a nice thing happen earlier this week as a type of NSV. I was leaving the Dunkin Donuts Wednesday when a customer leaving behind me complimented me on getting out walking. He mentioned he saw me walking to stay healthy every day. :)

    As I was walking back towards home I saw traffic stopped both ways on a main road, When I got a little closer I saw the reason, a Gaggle of Geese were walking slowly across the road.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Walked a few miles at UTSA. Em and her friends really loved it and can't wait to see other colleges. Em is leaning toward architecture or engineering, one friend engineering, and the other criminal justice then law school. They're young and just starting to explore. Today made them all now able to see themselves there.
    My garden continues to do well. 3341ovht0aps.jpg

    Hi Val
    How fortunate that they are looking at subjects that actually have a future as a career. So many course make me wonder what the graduates end up doing.

    I see the Squash have their true leaves showing already. Keep in mind that All squash including Zucchini are heavy feeders.

    Congratulations on the Window garden
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi !

    Val, sounds like you had a really great time at the college! And productive too! It is quite a thing trying to decide what you are doing the rest of your life! Your garden is looking great!

    Rodger, hope you are doing good and hope you found change! It's cool here, around 38 or so, but still feels mild, not harsh. That is a good thing. Hurrying this morning since I am cooking for church! Hopefully staying on track too!

    Take care all! :) ..Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    Today felt much better than it has for the last few days. It has been windy since last Monday.

    No Money so far today
    New Humor today too

    Congratulations on 14 hours ago
    completed her food and exercise diary for 1/28/2017 and was under her calorie goal
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking for 7.7K Steps. The temperature is 31 degrees and a nice windless day. The lack of wind means that it felt comfortable walking. The slight possibility of snow coming as far north as where I am has not happened, South NJ is showing as having the snow. There is likely to be snow Tuesday however :(

    Have a Great Monday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    Thanks for the jokes posting! I will need them! Apparently my left foot is reacting to the lasix I had to go back on. It brought about a gout attack in just that foot, which is one that had a previous injury. I can't walk to well due to that side, and I am hoping the other foot does not follow suit. I did not sleep too much last night and am out of Aleve, dummy me! I took some extra strength Motrin and that seems to help. I am supposed to go to a concert the 2nd, so it would be great to walk, lol. The parking is usually several blocks away from the venue too. Always something!

    We just have the chilliness from this weather system. Hopefully we will be back warmer in a few days. Can't complain for Feb. though! :) Sorry about your snow! Probably will make walking difficult, though it is pretty when it first comes down!

    Did not fair too well eating at church yesterday, or I fared too well! :| Back to discipline! We have too many good cooks on the last Sundays!

    Have a good Tuesday! Watch the snow when it comes! ..Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I've been on Lasiks for about 5 days...for two days i was having considerable jaw pain. I don't know why, so i ate yogurt for calcium, low salt almonds for salt, and drank four cups of water. The pain stopped. (Calcium and sodium are needed for muscle contractions, and the water was in case i was dehydrated.) so I don't know why i had that pain, but I'm glad it's gone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking for 10.8K Steps. The temperature is 27 degrees and it felt less comfortable walking than yesterday. The snow is forecast to arrive around 10:30 :(

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Thanks for the jokes posting! I will need them! Apparently my left foot is reacting to the lasix I had to go back on. It brought about a gout attack in just that foot, which is one that had a previous injury. I can't walk to well due to that side, and I am hoping the other foot does not follow suit. I did not sleep too much last night and am out of Aleve, dummy me! I took some extra strength Motrin and that seems to help. I am supposed to go to a concert the 2nd, so it would be great to walk, lol. The parking is usually several blocks away from the venue too. Always something!

    We just have the chilliness from this weather system. Hopefully we will be back warmer in a few days. Can't complain for Feb. though! :) Sorry about your snow! Probably will make walking difficult, though it is pretty when it first comes down!

    Did not fair too well eating at church yesterday, or I fared too well! :| Back to discipline! We have too many good cooks on the last Sundays!

    Have a good Tuesday! Watch the snow when it comes! ..Jan

    Hi Jan
    FWIW I posted more humor today...

    My brother was just asking me, does it fell like the temperature is dropping, I answered, It may be, it felt colder towards the end of the walk then at the beginning.
    At least I was able to get out ahead of the snow.

    I see that You recovered from Sunday with Monday :)
    10 hours ago
    completed her food and exercise diary for 1/30/2017 and was under her calorie goal

    Good Luck with the foot
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I've been on Lasiks for about 5 days...for two days i was having considerable jaw pain. I don't know why, so i ate yogurt for calcium, low salt almonds for salt, and drank four cups of water. The pain stopped. (Calcium and sodium are needed for muscle contractions, and the water was in case i was dehydrated.) so I don't know why i had that pain, but I'm glad it's gone.

    Hi Val
    It sounds as if You and Jan are having reactions to the meds.

    I just eat a Banana and take a calcium, zinc, Magnesium combination to prevent leg muscle pain. I used to wake up at night and it would feel like the muscle was knotted up in a ball. With those two simple changes to my diet It does not happen now, Knock Wood.

    Good Luck, hopefully the pain does not happen again
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited January 2017
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I was out walking for 10.3K Steps. The temperature is 35 degrees and a nice windless day. The lack of wind means that it felt more comfortable walking than yesterday despite being slightly cooler. There is a slight possibility of snow coming as far north as where I am in my area with south NJ showing as having the snow. There is likely to be snow Tuesday however :(

    Yesterday I went to the ShopRite to pick up some of the food on sale. $10 for 5 Smart Ones Frozen Entrees. Toss in a coupon for a free one with the purchase of 7 and that works out to be $1.75 each for 8 of them. Not a bad price :)

    I had a nice thing happen earlier this week as a type of NSV. I was leaving the Dunkin Donuts Wednesday when a customer leaving behind me complimented me on getting out walking. He mentioned he saw me walking to stay healthy every day. :)

    As I was walking back towards home I saw traffic stopped both ways on a main road, When I got a little closer I saw the reason, a Gaggle of Geese were walking slowly across the road.

    Have a Great Sunday

    I had meant to comment on the fact someone had noticed your walking, Roger! That was awfully nice that they acknowledged your efforts! And just noticed for that matter as we are all so focused on hurrying thru our day! That was really awesome! I also loved people stopped for the geese. Reminds me of Chester.. not in a hurry for anything! :) Congrats! .. Jan