100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning all!

    Roger, I hope you are feeling okay! That is not like you to walk some 4,000 steps on a nice morning. You can't deviate on the post without someone noticing. LOL! :D Thank you for the kind words and encouragement! I was so excited today as I again weighed in in that same 10 lbs, so I am definitely there, if I behave! o:)

    The article on Atlanta was really sobering, but kind of funny in the way it was written. Sometimes you have to laugh so you just do not cry! So thankful I do not live there! Bless their hearts.

    I stayed up too late last nite on a lost and found pet site. Did not get to bed till 2:15 am. However there were some possible leads for a lady whose 6 puppies were stolen by a break in to her house. They were only 2 wks old at the time, about 2 1/2 weeks ago. They recovered one from a lady who saw her post and had been sold the puppy. She was reunited with mom. An animal shelter a little distance away had 5 puppies that were too young to leave the mom. Not sure if they were dumped. I would think so. I am hoping they are her puppies. I was posting to her the news and phone numbers to shelter. I hope they are them... :neutral: People make me so mad... who would do that? She thinks it was someone known to her, but no proof.

    Val, those pics are awesome! And scary! Occasionally if you hit Atlanta the planes come right over you in the car, seems like you could board, they are so low!!! Yikes!! So glad your MRI went well! Isn't it nice when people do their jobs!! :# Prayers for helpful results!!

    Take care all! Have a great day!! ...Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and only did 5200 steps + 11 cents, I misread the weather and turned for home when it started raining on me, and me with no rain gear :) The temperature this morning was 53/51 degrees. It was a nice day outside for walking until the rain came :(
    I did get back outside yesterday afternoon and went shopping for Onions for my Brother and a quart of 1% long life milk for the pantry shelf. I am pretty sure I will use it up before February 20, 2018 :)

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning all!

    Roger, I hope you are feeling okay! That is not like you to walk some 4,000 steps on a nice morning. You can't deviate on the post without someone noticing. LOL! :D Thank you for the kind words and encouragement! I was so excited today as I again weighed in in that same 10 lbs, so I am definitely there, if I behave! o:)

    The article on Atlanta was really sobering, but kind of funny in the way it was written. Sometimes you have to laugh so you just do not cry! So thankful I do not live there! Bless their hearts.
    Hi Jan
    I figured better safe than sorry, I have a suspicion it may have been tied to what I ate the day before. I blew it and had my brother pick up Chinese take out for my dinner when he went for his.
    I had the Chinese mixed vegetable platter with the Brown Sauce on the side and Brown Rice that I added some Butter to, So far sort of OK, however add in the Bone in Spare Ribs, Tasty but....
    Egg Roll, High in fats from the Frying and, well You get the picture.

    Yup, Atlanta has had a tough Month.
    I stayed up too late last nite on a lost and found pet site. Did not get to bed till 2:15 am. However there were some possible leads for a lady whose 6 puppies were stolen by a break in to her house. They were only 2 wks old at the time, about 2 1/2 weeks ago. They recovered one from a lady who saw her post and had been sold the puppy. She was reunited with mom. An animal shelter a little distance away had 5 puppies that were too young to leave the mom. Not sure if they were dumped. I would think so. I am hoping they are her puppies. I was posting to her the news and phone numbers to shelter. I hope they are them... :neutral: People make me so mad... who would do that? She thinks it was someone known to her, but no proof.

    Val, those pics are awesome! And scary! Occasionally if you hit Atlanta the planes come right over you in the car, seems like you could board, they are so low!!! Yikes!! So glad your MRI went well! Isn't it nice when people do their jobs!! :# Prayers for helpful results!!

    Take care all! Have a great day!! ...Jan B)
    You have a Kind heart. I hope Your lead pans out for her. Near here in New York the break in types and the robbers get violent for no reason.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did it once again and posted more humor this morning, enjoy :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Good morning. I successfully avoided chocolate yesterday but forgot to weigh in before eating breakfast. I regularly volunteer for Grumpy Puppy Rescue (we're on Facebook!). My two roles are (1) Val go catch that dog, and (2) Director of Animal Fulfillment...i help people find their new fur-babies....searching rescue sites and shelters, as well as accompanying the person when the meet potential matches. I understand dogs, but people still mystify me. Still no MRI results. Hips has been pretty okay last couple of days. Hope you have a happy Thursday!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val
    You are a kind person for doing that.

    It is nice to hear that Your hips are doing better. I hope the MRI is helpful.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi Jan
    I have to ask, what is going on down there ? I am referencing this news article. It seems like giant overkill to me.

    Alabama School Expels Student For One Year Over a Squirt Gun
    Posted at 2:11 pm on April 19, 2017
    We know that zero tolerance usually goes hand-in-hand with zero common sense, but this may be the worst example of that sad truth we’ve seen to date. In Prattville, AL, the parents of a 16-year-old student are furious, and speaking out after their daughter’s future was blown to pieces by her school’s Zero Tolerance Policy.

    In February, the Autauga County Board of Education expelled Sara Allena “Laney” Nichols for a year – not only from Prattville High School, but from all schools in the county. She was also banned from school property and all extra-curricular activities for the same period. Her mother, Tara Herring, admits she had a water gun on campus, but questions the severity of the punishment of an otherwise exemplary student.

    Laney’s parents said their daughter’s nightmare began on January 27, when a male classmate gave Laney a black squirt gun in a hallway at the end of the school day. The school’s surveillance cameras caught Laney putting the squirt gun into her backpack, later tossing it into the backseat of her vehicle as she left school property.

    A fellow student saw the exchange and, not knowing it was a squirt gun, went to school authorities on January 31 to report the incident.

    “The little girl who went to the office was scared to death,” Laney’s mother Tara Herring said. “She saw the boy hand Laney the gun on Friday and didn’t know the gun wasn’t real. She did what she was supposed to do, she went to the authorities. They did what they were supposed to do when they were told a gun may be in the school.”

    “Laney admitted she had the gun and told them it was a water gun and in her car. She and the other boy were silly and made a mistake. But the punishment she received was completely out of line for what happened.”

    Herring admits the water gun was black in color, but insists the administration should have used common sense because “the second you picked it up, you know its plastic and a toy. After the principal and school officials knew it was a water gun, things should never have progressed this far.”

    Spence Agee, the school’s superintendent, has declined to comment, citing a policy forbidding comments on any disciplinary actions relating to students.

    “We admit what she did was wrong. I was hoping this could be a teachable moment for her,” Herring said. “We’re not saying she should not have been punished. But she took a 10-day suspension. And then the board expelled her. We feel the expulsion is excessive.”

    Excessive is an understatement. While Laney has been homeschooled since her suspension and subsequent expulsion, her parents are hoping to get her and her younger sister accepted to nearby Autauga Academy.

    The family has hired an attorney to remove the expulsion from her academic records, which could negatively affect her chances to get into college.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning all,

    You must be getting all our rain , Rodger! We are dry, dry here! Yep, I got an ice cream craving out of the way, so I understand about wanting Chinese. That will be on my list a little down the road! You will just have to have 2 good days to make up for it! ;) You are much better than I , bouncing back!

    Val, I really admire what you do. Working with the dogs is so much easier than working with people, but what you do involves both. With your rescues and responsibilities at Grumpy rescue I am constantly amazed at what you accomplish! LOL, can I be like you when I grow up? :#

    Wow, Rodger, I am really mixed on that report about the school. Schools are so different than when we went. Discipline and respect are quite a problem. Prattville High is only a few miles from me. We are in that district, and in fact, my daughter teaches within that district. I have to say I side with the school. If she had a pink or green one or something really obvious, maybe I would feel differently, but I doubt it. But it was obviously looking like a real gun, and then you are in real trouble, because there is no room for error. She should not have accepted it and told the kid to never do it again or she would have reported it. The gun policy has been in place a long long time, probably since Columbine. We have officers that come in and talk about it all the time, and about safety, including shooters, and bombs. This area everyone and their grandma owns guns, and this area still have a lot of shoot -um- up mentality here. We have a lot of crimes against animals being shot or burned or abused. There is no way this girl did not know. We also have had shootings in the Montgomery school districts, just 20 miles away. We also have a lot of what I call "inbreeding" here. Not genetically, but if you know the right people you can get away with murder, as these family friendships go back generations. I know my daughter would risk her life for these students. My son is also a teacher at a college, and they once had a shooter on campus, not related to the college, and I had to wait till I heard things, and he was okay. To me, this is like yelling fire when there is none, or making remarks at an airport about bombs or terrorism, you just do not do it. Having said that, I support the expulsion, even the district expulsion. As to it following her, maybe there should be something there for mitigating circumstances, or just a consequence of home school with no record. It is just such a known no-no. Probably this is not most people's view, and I might feel differently knowing her, but some rules have to be for everyone. We have just passed something in the senate we no longer need permits for concealed weapons. I am hoping it does not pass, as is law enforcement. Also, the school has signs it is a no weapon facility on the door. Aren't you glad you asked? :| I am sorry for her...

    Okay that was heavy for one cup of coffee! What do you think? I will need that humor page, I think! LOL! And my second cup of coffee... Have a great day, in spite of my preaching. I do feel something could be worked out so it does not follow her. I like animals... people are kinda dumb. I include myself, lol! Take care, Jan... B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I have an appointment tomorrow to get my MRI results. Here there is supposedly zero tolerance for any guns including fake or water guns...yet yesterday there was an eight year old girl who found a loaded gun in her backpack when she got to school. She didn't get in trouble because her parents admitted putting the loaded gun in there. Ladt year a daycare worker found a loaded gun in a diaper bag of a one year old. Dad forgot where he put it. I must have gotten distracted when writing earlier...the reason I mentioned the dogs is that i currently am juggling four dog requests...which is fun but keeps me super busy.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    When Em was 6 years old...she was threatened with paddling or expulsion because she skipped in the hallway (step hop step hop). The teacher and principal were insane so I withdrew her from school!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    MRI humor:
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2017
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Once again I posted more humor this morning, enjoy :)

    An Anthropologist was taking lessons from a witch doctor in South America.

    The witch doctor said "this palm tree helps stop constipation."

    The anthropologist said "How?"

    The witch doctor replied "with fronds like these who needs enemas?"

    I was out walking today and did 5800 steps + 1 cent, The temperature this morning was 49/49 degrees. It was a nice day outside for walking until the rain came,
    i was prepared since I took my backpack with the rain jacket along, unfortunately I was facing into the breeze and the rain blowing into my face made me decide to shorten my walk :(
    I did get back outside yesterday afternoon and went for more steps bringing my step count for the day to a little over 10K when I arrived back home and over 11K by the end of the day :)

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning all,

    You must be getting all our rain , Rodger! We are dry, dry here! Yep, I got an ice cream craving out of the way, so I understand about wanting Chinese. That will be on my list a little down the road! You will just have to have 2 good days to make up for it! ;) You are much better than I , bouncing back!

    Val, I really admire what you do. Working with the dogs is so much easier than working with people, but what you do involves both. With your rescues and responsibilities at Grumpy rescue I am constantly amazed at what you accomplish! LOL, can I be like you when I grow up? :#

    Wow, Rodger, I am really mixed on that report about the school. Schools are so different than when we went. Discipline and respect are quite a problem. Prattville High is only a few miles from me. We are in that district, and in fact, my daughter teaches within that district. I have to say I side with the school. If she had a pink or green one or something really obvious, maybe I would feel differently, but I doubt it. But it was obviously looking like a real gun, and then you are in real trouble, because there is no room for error. She should not have accepted it and told the kid to never do it again or she would have reported it. The gun policy has been in place a long long time, probably since Columbine. We have officers that come in and talk about it all the time, and about safety, including shooters, and bombs. This area everyone and their grandma owns guns, and this area still have a lot of shoot -um- up mentality here. We have a lot of crimes against animals being shot or burned or abused. There is no way this girl did not know. We also have had shootings in the Montgomery school districts, just 20 miles away. We also have a lot of what I call "inbreeding" here. Not genetically, but if you know the right people you can get away with murder, as these family friendships go back generations. I know my daughter would risk her life for these students. My son is also a teacher at a college, and they once had a shooter on campus, not related to the college, and I had to wait till I heard things, and he was okay. To me, this is like yelling fire when there is none, or making remarks at an airport about bombs or terrorism, you just do not do it. Having said that, I support the expulsion, even the district expulsion. As to it following her, maybe there should be something there for mitigating circumstances, or just a consequence of home school with no record. It is just such a known no-no. Probably this is not most people's view, and I might feel differently knowing her, but some rules have to be for everyone. We have just passed something in the senate we no longer need permits for concealed weapons. I am hoping it does not pass, as is law enforcement. Also, the school has signs it is a no weapon facility on the door. Aren't you glad you asked? :| I am sorry for her...

    Okay that was heavy for one cup of coffee! What do you think? I will need that humor page, I think! LOL! And my second cup of coffee... Have a great day, in spite of my preaching. I do feel something could be worked out so it does not follow her. I like animals... people are kinda dumb. I include myself, lol! Take care, Jan... B)

    Hi Jan
    I think my view is against rigid guidelines with no room for any variation based on circumstances to come into it.

    There is a possibility of rain in the forecast for days.

    I noticed where it said
    21 hours ago, lost 1 lb since last weighing in! Buttons61's lost 24 lbs so far

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am currently converting a Episode of The Fat Man radio show from 1947

    the Fat Man became one of radio’s great icons with its opening:

    There he goes, into that drugstore.
    He’s stepping on the scales.
    Weight: 239 pounds.
    Fortune: Danger.
    Who is it?

    That will be followed with
    The new Adventures of The Thin Man- The passionate Palooka July 6, 1948
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have an appointment tomorrow to get my MRI results. Here there is supposedly zero tolerance for any guns including fake or water guns...yet yesterday there was an eight year old girl who found a loaded gun in her backpack when she got to school. She didn't get in trouble because her parents admitted putting the loaded gun in there. Last year a daycare worker found a loaded gun in a diaper bag of a one year old. Dad forgot where he put it. I must have gotten distracted when writing earlier...the reason I mentioned the dogs is that i currently am juggling four dog requests...which is fun but keeps me super busy.

    Hi Val
    Those two examples sound like common sense working hand in hand with zero tolerance.
    That makes more sense to me TBH :)
    When Em was 6 years old...she was threatened with paddling or expulsion because she skipped in the hallway (step hop step hop). The teacher and principal were insane so I withdrew her from school!

    Wow, that sounds like such a over reaction that I do not blame You for thinking that or withdrawing her from that school. Good for You.
    MRI humor:
    Good Humor, I liked it
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I must have issues of hidden anger, lol! I am glad the kids above were not punished, however, I do think the parents, at least the back pack one should be fined. Can you fine for stupidity? I agree, Rodger, room for circumstances! Like I said, hidden issues. :/

    Yep, skipping in the hall is not a paddling or expulsion event!

    It's okay, I never realized I had such a minority opinion until I found out the rest of the world prefered smooth peanut butter and not crunchy, lol! Just shocked! :#

    Your humor page was awesome, Roger! They all struck me as great!

    Val, Hoping for positive results to handle your hip!

    Really happy with my one pound loss! I am indeed in that next 10 lbs. for true! Thanks for the continued encouragement!

    Watering, at home, and visiting my friend today. She has finished her radiation treatments and chemo up and was able to travel to her wedding celebration in La. she wanted to attend. She is doing so well. Some people do amaze me, thank goodness! :)

    Have a great day ! Roger, send us some rain!! ..Jan.. B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My hip is fine. It's the ruptured disc in my back that's the problem. That doc is history...rude obnoxious and uninformative (I stood up for myself but stayed professional)...plus he doesn't do backs. Plus...that clinic is losing its preferred status with my insurance. More google and YouTube learning for me! Zero lifting.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and did 7660 steps, The temperature this morning was 51/53 degrees. It was a nice day outside for walking until the rain came as I was heading back home, I was prepared just in case as I took My rain jacket along. I did not put the rain jacket on as it was a light drizzly type of rain and the Hood on the Hoodie protected my head and the hoodie was enough to keep me dry for the last minutes.
    I did not get back outside yesterday :(

    On a different note. I may have mentioned that I ordered a New Shredder ? Anyway...
    I suspect that is why I woke up during the night with a sore left shoulder :( I did not lift it, I slid it and then when I took it down the stairs I laid it on the wide side and slid it down slowly from below letting friction and the rungs keep it to a safe speed.

    It came Yesterday, Talk about heavy duty as well as just plain heavy. 66 Pounds shipping weight, Labels saying Two man Lift and and Team lift. I suspect from two different sources. It is a beast and came with a bottle of Oil to lubricate the cutting wheels each time You change the Bag or if not using a bag empty the Bin. The Bin is larger too. It does a more rectangular cut than the old one so I expect to use both, It is much faster too, It chews through CDs and DVDs easily and fast. The old one despite saying it shreds discs too often stalls on a overload and auto reverses making doing them frustrating. Bottom Line is that it was not cheap OTOH I went cheap a couple of years ago when I bought the last one at Staples and it only really worked well on paper. Live and Learn :)

    Tying into the First image of today's post
    I drove Moms 51 when I started driving and a 1964 Hawk Grand Turismo. That is the one with the Long hood.

    Pictures for anyone curious can be found on that website.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Studebaker Gran Turismo Hawk
    Manufacturer Studebaker
    Production 1962-December 1963
    (1962-1964 model years)
    Assembly South Bend, Indiana, United States of America
    Australia [1]
    Body and chassis
    Body style 2-door coupe
    Layout FR layout

    The Studebaker Gran Turismo Hawk (or GT Hawk), a sporty coupe sold between 1962 and 1964, was the final development of the Studebaker Hawk series that began with the Golden Hawk of 1956.
    It had the 289-cubic-inch (4.7 L) V8 engine (210 or 225 horsepower) teamed with a four-speed on the floor

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I must have issues of hidden anger, lol! I am glad the kids above were not punished, however, I do think the parents, at least the back pack one should be fined. Can you fine for stupidity? I agree, Rodger, room for circumstances! Like I said, hidden issues. :/

    Yep, skipping in the hall is not a paddling or expulsion event!

    It's okay, I never realized I had such a minority opinion until I found out the rest of the world prefered smooth peanut butter and not crunchy, lol! Just shocked! :#

    Your humor page was awesome, Roger! They all struck me as great!

    Val, Hoping for positive results to handle your hip!

    Really happy with my one pound loss! I am indeed in that next 10 lbs. for true! Thanks for the continued encouragement!

    Watering, at home, and visiting my friend today. She has finished her radiation treatments and chemo up and was able to travel to her wedding celebration in La. she wanted to attend. She is doing so well. Some people do amaze me, thank goodness! :)

    Have a great day ! Roger, send us some rain!! ..Jan.. B)

    Hi Jan
    You probably can not fine for Stupid, however You should be able to do something, in that case I suspect is more a lack of supervision.

    What Minority, I like my Peanut Butter Crunchy too :)

    That is good news about Your friend.

    Buttons61 yesterday, has logged in for 260 days in a row!
    Buttons61 13 hours ago, Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 4/21/2017 and was under their calorie goal.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    My hip is fine. It's the ruptured disc in my back that's the problem. That doc is history...rude obnoxious and uninformative (I stood up for myself but stayed professional)...plus he doesn't do backs. Plus...that clinic is losing its preferred status with my insurance. More google and YouTube learning for me! Zero lifting.

    Hi Val
    I believe they can fix that type of problem fairly easily. I hope I'm right. I know that once mom found the right doctor who did some sort of cementing on her back problem it was all good. I don't know if it was the same problem You are having, hers was from a fall. Several other doctors all prescribed Therapy and a back brace along with potent pain killers :(

    She persisted and did not give up.

    Good Luck with Your research