100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And once again I posted more humor this morning, enjoy :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning all!

    Oh Val, I can not believe you have had a ruptured disk this whole time. No wonder you are in such pain. Definitely get a good back man! It would be great if you could find someone recommended by someone who has had that problem. I think you will find more info readily available about this, which is a good thing. Hopefully the beginning of a real solution! :)

    It is so great to know someone else likes crunchy peanut butter! :D Restores my faith in mankind.

    The lines on the above Hawk are awesome. You can certainly see the European influence in the hood design. Wish I had one, lol!

    I did not know they made 66 lb. shredders! Though at first I thought you were talking about a leaf shredder /in MY mind- thinking- chipper, lol. After realizing my mistake, the entire paragraph took on a whole new meaning, lol! <3

    Hope your shoulder feels better!

    So happy for the humor!! ..Jan..take care! (cloudy..Rain, pleez rain!!)...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and did 7400 steps, The temperature this morning was 46/41 degrees. It was a nice day outside for walking.
    I did not get back outside yesterday, however I did hit my daily goal of 10K steps :)
    While I was walking I stopped at the produce store and picked up Bananas that were just green enough that the first one on the counter will ripen for Monday Morning and the rest went into the refrigerator. I also picked up Sweet Plums, Bartlett Pears and a 1 pound container of Strawberries for 99 cents.

    What happens when you leave your dog at home alone:
    Scientists reveal the stress pets go through when isolated

    From Here:
    Few dog owners enjoy leaving their pet alone while they head off to work.
    But most dog lovers have no idea how their animals cope once they have been left alone.
    Now scientists have revealed how dogs spend up to half an hour howling, barking and whining after their owner leaves them alone.

    Find the rest of the article by following the link.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And yet again I posted more humor this morning, enjoy :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning all!

    Oh Val, I can not believe you have had a ruptured disk this whole time. No wonder you are in such pain. Definitely get a good back man! It would be great if you could find someone recommended by someone who has had that problem. I think you will find more info readily available about this, which is a good thing. Hopefully the beginning of a real solution! :)

    It is so great to know someone else likes crunchy peanut butter! :D Restores my faith in mankind.

    The lines on the above Hawk are awesome. You can certainly see the European influence in the hood design. Wish I had one, lol!

    I did not know they made 66 lb. shredders! Though at first I thought you were talking about a leaf shredder /in MY mind- thinking- chipper, lol. After realizing my mistake, the entire paragraph took on a whole new meaning, lol! <3

    Hope your shoulder feels better!

    So happy for the humor!! ..Jan..take care! (cloudy..Rain, pleez rain!!)...

    Hi Jan
    Not a surprise You noticed a European influence :) From the Wikipedia page
    The hood from the older Hawk was retained, but was given a more pronounced (imitation) radiator frame to more closely resemble the cars of Mercedes-Benz, which at the time were distributed by Studebaker. The grille inside the radiator frame was patterned after the Mercedes as well.

    Yup, I do not know what I was thinking :)
    Talk about a pain to get into the basement.

    Link here for the shredder, read all about it :)
    In Short however :smile: Shreds 20 sheets of paper per pass into 397 (5/32” x 1-1/2” Security Level P-4) cross-cut particles; shreds staples, credit cards, paper clips, CDs/DVDs, junk mail
    Continuous run time for up to 45 minutes before a cool down period is needed
    100% Jam Proof System eliminates paper jams and powers through tough jobs
    SafeSense Technology stops shredding when hands touch the paper opening
    14-gallon pull-out bin with LED bin-full indicator
    This item’s packaging will indicate what is inside and cannot be hidden.

    I noticed that You had a good day too.
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 4/22/2017 and was under their calorie goal. View Diary

    Buttons61 12 hours ago, burned 864 calories doing 120 minutes of Gardening, general

    Congratulations, Keep up the Good Work
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning!

    Great job on the walk, Roger! We had some rain too. I was very thankful! It was a long day at church, it seemed. We had a funeral, too. It did clear up nicely for that, which was good!

    No fair making me feel guilty about leaving the dogs! I do wonder what all they do. I think May sits in the sun, meditates, and chases things. I hope Chester sleeps! But one never knows, does one! :#

    That was a great price for the shredder. It is kind of funny there is a huge difference in wt. from what you bought and the just paper shredder. Obviously, but I sure would not really have thought they were that heavy. Amazing!

    I was only 59 degrees today! It felt like heaven! Great humor!

    Have a good Monday! :) ..Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 6500 steps + 1 cent, The temperature this morning was 48/45 degrees. It was a nice day outside for walking.

    Have a Great Monday
    And sill more humor was posted this morning, enjoy :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Great job on the walk, Roger! We had some rain too. I was very thankful! It was a long day at church, it seemed. We had a funeral, too. It did clear up nicely for that, which was good!

    No fair making me feel guilty about leaving the dogs! I do wonder what all they do. I think May sits in the sun, meditates, and chases things. I hope Chester sleeps! But one never knows, does one! :#

    That was a great price for the shredder. It is kind of funny there is a huge difference in wt. from what you bought and the just paper shredder. Obviously, but I sure would not really have thought they were that heavy. Amazing!

    I was only 59 degrees today! It felt like heaven! Great humor!

    Have a good Monday! :) ..Jan
    Hi Jan
    I'm sorry that it made You feel guilty. I suspect that the owners personality has a lot to do with the dogs reactions to being left behind. I believe Your dogs do OK.
    I also though that the tips regarding not using the same routine when leaving the house might be helpful ?

    I thought that the price was high, However the old one kept stopping due to a thermal condition whereas this one has not done that yet. I suspect part of the reason is that it chews through what I'm shredding that I do not manage to keep up with it :)

    I agree that old one I bought at Staples a few years ago is a lot lighter. This one is a lot more powerful an even has a heavier power cord due to the current draw.

    You are rocking it :)
    9 hours ago, Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 4/23/2017 and was under their calorie goal.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I had a really hungry day yesterday. I think because I added a slice of bread and have been eating the oranges, my sugar level is not quite as low as usual. There are worse things than"overeating" a fresh orange! But it is amazing the cravings came back as I added a slight amount of a fairly healthy but refined white fiber bread, and had a little more sugar from fruit than usual. I am happy though that yesterday's struggle was the first in a while. I do need to up my veggie intake a bit, and I have a chicken to defrost, so this should be a good protein day! Thanks for the encouragement!

    It is cloudy today, and right now, quite cool. It does feel heavenly. Glad you found some cents,lol! ;)

    I got quite a few chuckles out of the humor page! I just loved the autocorrect one, as that has happened on occasion. Sometimes my computer picks the oddest non related things when I have misspelled something, and rely on it to fix my mistake. I try to fix mine myself, just to not lose the ability, but my spelling has sure gotten worse with age, lol!

    It is so chilly, I need to close one door on the way for more coffee! A little too breezy at the moment! We have such crazy weather here! On my way to check out the humor! Take care, keep up all the good work! ..Jan ..Have a great day!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    All Saturday, i ran the puppy kissing booth at our Rescue garage sale. Sunday I worked. I tried to mow the back, thankfully the fuse blew...so i took that as a sign and hired a company to mow. I'm happy that I'm back below my pre-Easter weight, and paying attention. I called the new doctor and emailed my MRI report to him. He won't schedule an appointment until after he reads the report.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 6200 steps, Yesterday I went back put in the cfaternoon and ended up over 11K steps for the day. The temperature this morning was 51/52 degrees. It was a nice day outside for walking until the light rain started. That was blown into me as I was on the homeward leg of my walk so I shortcut it slightly :(

    From Here:
    Survey: 1 In 5 Adults In The UK Can’t Change A Lightbulb, Boil An Egg
    22Apr - by Study Finds - 473 - In Brain Studies Education Studies Intelligence Studies
    LONDON — Are you handy enough that if a lightbulb went out in your home you’d be able to change it? Believe it or not, one in five people aren’t so skilled. In fact, a new survey of people in the United Kingdom finds not only do about 20 percent of people not know how to change a bulb — the same number aren’t sure how to boil an egg, either.

    The British insurance company Aviva recently released their annual Home Report which detailed, among numerous findings about how people do work around the house, relatively common tasks that people encounter. The company surveyed 2004 people across the UK in February and March about their habits and roles at home.
    A stunning new survey from the United Kingdom found that one in five people did not know how to change a lightbulb or boil an egg.

    In addition to just one in five not being able to change a lightbulb or boil an egg, the survey found that nearly a third of the participants couldn’t cook any meal on the fly. And if someone were to spill a portion of their meal on their clothes or on the floor, only 59 percent would know how to get rid of the resulting stain.

    Only 37 percent could change a flat tire.

    The findings were even surprising to the folks behind the study.

    “As a nation we tend to take pride in our ability to do things ourselves in and around the home, so it’s a surprise to see there could be a skills gap in places,” says Aviva Propositions Director Adam Beckett in a press release. “That said, we also know that people lead busy lives, so while we enjoy doing things ourselves, we also appreciate the opportunity to leave things to a professional from time to time, particularly with some of the more challenging jobs.”

    Interestingly, while 50 percent of those surveyed said they learned how to do a home task on their by trial and error, plenty of people are turning to the internet for help, especially millennials. The study found four in 10 people aged 25 and under prefer learning do-it-yourself chores online. That’s more than twice the number in the age group who turn to an actual book for help.

    Here’s a look at the polled tasks and the number of people who indicated they could successfully complete them:

    Task Percentage who feel confident doing this task
    Boil an egg 81%
    Change a light bulb 79%
    Cook a complete meal without using a recipe 69%
    Read a map 66%
    Sew on a button 65%
    Unblock a sink 62%
    Remove a stain from a carpet or clothing 59%
    Change a baby’s nappy 57%
    Wire a plug 57%
    ‘Bleed’ a radiator 53%
    Check oil levels in a car 53%
    Put up a shelf 47%
    Put up wallpaper 39%
    Change a flat tyre 37%
    Change a washer on a tap 30%
    Fit tiles 22%

    Click here the link above to read the entire report, which broke down the findings by age groups and revealed many other interesting results.
    Also to read these other articles.
    Mindfulness Practice Benefits Women Much More Than Men, Study Finds
    Study: People Who Bike To Work Live Longer, Have Lower Risk Of Cancer
    Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease — By Eating This Snack With Every Meal, Study Finds

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I had a really hungry day yesterday. I think because I added a slice of bread and have been eating the oranges, my sugar level is not quite as low as usual. There are worse things than"overeating" a fresh orange! But it is amazing the cravings came back as I added a slight amount of a fairly healthy but refined white fiber bread, and had a little more sugar from fruit than usual. I am happy though that yesterday's struggle was the first in a while. I do need to up my veggie intake a bit, and I have a chicken to defrost, so this should be a good protein day! Thanks for the encouragement!

    It is cloudy today, and right now, quite cool. It does feel heavenly. Glad you found some cents,lol! ;)

    I got quite a few chuckles out of the humor page! I just loved the autocorrect one, as that has happened on occasion. Sometimes my computer picks the oddest non related things when I have misspelled something, and rely on it to fix my mistake. I try to fix mine myself, just to not lose the ability, but my spelling has sure gotten worse with age, lol!

    It is so chilly, I need to close one door on the way for more coffee! A little too breezy at the moment! We have such crazy weather here! On my way to check out the humor! Take care, keep up all the good work! ..Jan ..Have a great day!
    Hi Jan
    I would think White bread is the worst and could cause cravings :)
    as an example we currently have a 40 calorie a slice White Bread and a 21 grain 60 calorie per slice organic bread in the house. The Both toast up nicely and work for sandwiches.

    A sugar crash could cause those hunger pangs IMO. The white bread and orange could either or in combination cause that to happen, I could be wrong too.

    10 hours ago, Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 4/24/2017 and was under their calorie goal.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    All Saturday, i ran the puppy kissing booth at our Rescue garage sale. Sunday I worked. I tried to mow the back, thankfully the fuse blew...so i took that as a sign and hired a company to mow. I'm happy that I'm back below my pre-Easter weight, and paying attention. I called the new doctor and emailed my MRI report to him. He won't schedule an appointment until after he reads the report.
    Hi Val
    I freaked out yesterday that I had killed my Basement Vacuum Cleaner, We have one there and one each on the two other floors. No lugging up and down stairs, $50 to save my back, Worth It :)
    What happened was the shredder bag slipped into the Bin and some of the shredded DVDs fell into it. So I was vacuuming them out and it just quit and would not run. However a couple of hours later it worked again so...

    However I think I will use the Wet/Dry shop vacuum to finish. You have fuses and not breakers?

    This would be an example of a 20 amp fuse replacement that is actually a screw in Circuit breaker.

    From a Review
    If you own an older house, then you've had the pleasure of changing fuses. In our little house that means groping around in the dark to find a flashlight so I can find the proper amp fuse. Half the time, the end result is a trip to the hardware store. With these installed, all you have to do is open the fuse box and press the button when it trips. No muss, no fuss, and no pricey bids from electricians to replace the fuse box. I just wish Bussmann made more than two sizes.

    And this is a 15 amp replacement

    FWIW I am not completely surprised the doctor want to get the MRI report first

    Congratulations on this:
    2 hours ago, lost 1 lb since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 18.6 lbs so far.
    Good Luck
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    It is warmer and sunny. I was able to plant a few things and work on the house some, so things are looking up. I guess I need to go to Montgomery and get Chester's medicine, just his arthritis renewal. Hopefully I will do a little of my chores before leaving!

    Val. your picture is priceless! I can't think of a more fun thing to do than running the doggie kissing booth, lol! That usually brings in some good donations! We had one down here with Hank, who is a beautiful rescued lab, whose back legs were severely broken. The rescue sent him to a specialist and he is great. He got out of his doggie collar and raised $200.00 at the kissing booth, a dollar a kiss! I did not get to go and I sure would have liked to! It was a small rescue group, that has really grown thanks to social media and their following, who cough up the bucks when needed, thank goodness! Love rescues!!! <3 Thanks for working with them!!

    Well, the school in Andalusia was not open Friday and a youth is in custody. There has been a total media blackout on what happened. I am guessing maybe a bomb or chemical threat, but that is only a guess. I have not seen this happen before, that there was not some word, especially in follow-up, unless I missed it, but that seems unlikely. You never know...

    Doing better in the hunger pangs department. I will have to eat more chicken and veggies I guess! Just thankful things are restful and quiet here! :)

    Keep up the good work, all! Fingers and toes crossed about the MRI! ..Jan B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    House has circuit breakers (but previous house had fuses). This was the fuse on the electric mower...they stopped making these fuses a few years ago, so I'll need to buy a whole new mower. But for now, they can mow!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    That puppy is Buster. His mom is Heidi. We found her at a gas station...everyone said she had been a street dog all her life. She was very pregnant and delivered 10 puppies around Thanksgiving. All ten are beautiful happy healthy and loved (by their new families)...and mama Heidi got adopted too. Three families adopted two pups each...and it's great because they wear each other out rather than wearing their owners out. I'm "Aunt Val" to the babies and bring them over to my house as needed (babysitting).
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Happy to report that I'm starting to see and feel the loss of these pounds. The first place I lose is my rib cage...I actually have ribs! But that was the shelf that used to provide, um, support...so gravity is taking hold. Lol. Losing without exercising is slower, but feeling better to be back on track. Thanks for all your support and encouragement...and patience!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hip update- it really is my back! At night, I have been sleeping with legs bent and elevated so my back de-compresses. Each morning, I have no hip pain! I'm purposefully tightening my core when i walk, and resting the weight of my upper body (on the kitchen counter) when I feel the hip aching. So, pain is avoidable! Still waiting for the new ortho office to call back. But at least my symptoms are finally consistent with the Dx.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 3400 steps, The temperature this morning was 53/55 degrees. It was not a nice day outside for walking until the light rain stopped. I Got started late and finished early as I am feeling a bit under the weather.
    From Here:


    Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease — By Eating Peanuts With Your Meal, Study Finds
    19Apr - by Study Finds
    STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Looking to add an extra layer of protection against having a heart attack? Just add a side of peanuts to your lunch or dinner.

    A new study finds that including peanuts with a meal helps keep your arteries stronger after eating — an important factor in allowing healthy blood flow, which lowers your risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases that can result in heart attack or stroke.
    A new study finds that eating a side of peanuts with your meal may help keep your arteries healthy and prevent against cardiovascular diseases.

    Researchers at Penn State University studied 15 overweight and obese men who were otherwise healthy, and had them eat a high-fat meal, following by three-ounces of unsalted peanuts (about three times the amount of an average serving) ground into a shake. A control group was then instructed to eat the same meal, but those participants were fed a shake that contained no peanuts, but was similar in size and nutritional value.

    Thirty minutes after the meal, the researchers drew blood from the participants and measured for lipid, lipoprotein, and insulin levels. Blood was drawn again an hour after the meal, and then again at two hours and four hours after the meal. Blood flow was monitored via ultrasound.


    The authors determined that the individuals who consumed the peanut shake saw a 32 percent reduction in levels of triglycerides — or fat in blood — compared to those who had the control shake.

    The researchers say that grounding peanuts into a shake isn’t necessary for the result — people should see the same effect if eaten normally.

    “Typically, whenever we eat something, it causes the arteries to get a little bit stiffer during the post-meal period, but we have shown that if you eat peanuts with your meal, this can help prevent the stiffening response,” says Penny Kris-Etherton, distinguished professor of nutrition at the university, in a press release.

    “When the stiffening response happens in the cells that line the arteries, resulting in decreased elasticity in the arteries, it can limit the availability of nitric oxide, and when there’s less nitric oxide, the arteries don’t dilate that much,” she adds. “What you want is a dilation of the arteries and for them to be really elastic.”

    Kris-Etherton says that stiffened arteries force the heart to work harder and thus raises the risk of disease and potentially heart failure.

    “After a meal, triglycerides increase and this typically decreases the dilation of the arteries, but the peanuts prevent that big increase in triglycerides after the meal,” says Kris-Etherton. “And that may be the mechanism behind this effect, because the triglycerides are not getting so high, which may explain why there is not a decrease in artery elasticity.”

    The study was published last month in the Journal of Nutrition.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    From a post elsewhere, Enjoy :)

    A.A.A.D.D. -Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.

    This is how it manifests:
    I decide to water my garden. As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide it needs washing.

    As I start toward the garage, I notice mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail box earlier. I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.

    I lay my car keys on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full. So I decide to put the bills back on the table & take out the garbage first. But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.

    I take my check book off the table, and see that there is only one check left.My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Pepsi I'd been drinking. I'm going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Pepsi aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over. The Pepsi is getting warm.I decide to put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.

    As I head toward the kitchen with the Pepsi, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye.They need water.I put the Pepsi on the counter and discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning.I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly spot the TV remote someone had left it on the kitchen table.I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV,I'll be looking for the remote, but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs.

    But first I'll water the flowers.I pour some water in the flowers. Quite a bit of it spills on the floor. So, I set the remote back on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.

    At the end of the day: the car isn't washed, the bills aren't paid, there is a warm can of Pepsi sitting on the counter, the flowers still don't actually have enough water, there is still only 1 check in my check book, I can't find the remote, I can't find my glasses, and I don't remember what I did with the car keys.

    Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all damn day, and I'm really tired.

    I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail...