100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    My Indiana house is getting tons of rain. We are supposed to close on or around the 12th. I really need that to go through!!! Final repairs are supposed to be done the 9th. I didn't record weight today because it was slightly up...delayed reaction to those onion rings. Jan--I know what you mean about finishing off leftovers. Fortunately i did not give this affliction to my child...she has no qualms about leaving food uneaten. I feel paralyzed when i see her plate.... she ate one bite and the rest sits there. Lately I've been good about asking her to wrap it up...rather than my ingrained habit of inhaling anything left! Pissed at the MRI people...they said it takes a week from request to receipt...they've had my signed request for more than a week...and just sent the request to the other department today! Seriously the worst service (same place as the rude doctor). Happy Wednesday!

    Hi Val
    I understand exactly what happened to You. Onion Rings, Good ones anyway, are something that if I eat one they are all inhaled as they trigger me :(

    I usually take two days for the full effect of anything like that to take effect. If I eat Chinese Takeout for example later that day and into the next day I feel uncomfortable, then the second day the weight peaks even though I am eating properly afterwards.

    I would feel happy She does that as long as enough is being eaten. That is Good news IMO.
    Hi. The good news is that I've settled back in to my healthy eating routine (except for those accidental onion rings two days ago). So no cravings. Also good that the Indiana house repairs are underway...and we might close on the 12th. Also good that i see the back surgeon on the 18th. I had a frustrating end to my work day...TWO HOURS with four calls from me to The IS help desk plus two calls from my client to our IS help desk. IS guy was wrong and i was accurate...but he was new and he assumed i was mistaken about what i was saying. I have so much work to do but I'm still so pissed off. I wish i were able to go for a walk!

    It sounds like mostly good news except for what happened at work.

    Hopefully You will get more good news on the 18th.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Roger, you found a whole quarter! That is a good start for the day! I always get a laugh if I forget something. Nine times out of ten, it is on the list in front of me, and checking it before leaving, I still forget it! :*

    I managed to finally get everything together on my passport. Now, only to wait 4-6 wks! I rather hope the trip goes easier. It is a pain gathering things, then half they don't look at. Just glad it is done, and they were nice, if not a little battleworn. Courtesy is always a plus.

    It's cool here in the mornings, but really warm for the day. Should be an interesting summer, and I am hoping we do not have over 100's days. We will see. At least we are getting rain. A plus, better than last year!

    I have to make a trip to the store today. I get so little done when I go out, and come home, lol! Then church tonite. I do have to charge up my lawnmower. I have gotten the plug out. --Hey, it's a start! Have a wonderful day! Distractions are not always bad, lol! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    These Senior moments are annoying. OTOH I have putting things where I can't lose them for so many years and then discovering them much later :)

    Your passport comment reminded me that I remarked to my brother, I wonder if these people that win out of the country vacations on shows like Wheel of Fortune already have one or does the trip expire before they get one?

    Wait, charge up the lawnmower makes it sound like a Electric model with a battery but then You mention a spark plug?

    When is the trip? If it will take 4 to 6 weeks to get the passport that would seem to indicate during summertime at the earliest.

    My brother has had a passport for many years, however his is not for travel, In NJ You need so many points of ID to renew Your license and a Passport is good for many of them as is Your Birth Certificate. Strangely enough I still have mine, Mom saved the one from the hospital.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2017
    I cried a bunch during the night...this move to exclude preexisting conditions has me terrified. Very little sleep....and I feel like crap today. Hope everyone has a good day.

    Hi Val
    I think You are worried about something that will have no effect on You. I have seen interpretations of it and for 99% or higher of the population that already have insurance it will have no effect as long as You have insurance and maintain it. The people that have no insurance have been having a free ride IMO since with the law as it is written they can sign up and start paying regular rates is something catastrophic happens to them.

    From Here CNN:
    Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump says the Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act "guarantees" coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions

    Trump's comments come days after moderate New Jersey Rep. Tom MacArthur and leaders of the conservative House Freedom Caucus cut a deal that would require insurers to cover those with pre-existing conditions; but, unlike the mandate under Obamacare, insurers could charge them higher rates than others in the plan if they allow their coverage to lapse

    Vice President Mike Pence also vowed that the Trump administration is "keeping our promises to protect people who have pre-existing conditions."
    Pence explained how states could change coverage for those with pre-existing conditions.
    "You take people that have pre-existing and costly conditions and put them into a high-risk pool," Pence said to NBC's Chuck Todd. "And you subsidize that so that it is affordable to those individuals. And so, you're guaranteeing coverage for pre-existing conditions. And the flexibility that you're referring to in this latest MacArthur amendment, states can only apply for that waiver and flexibility if they have either a federal or state high-risk pool that guarantees that people will be able to have coverage, and it'll be affordable."

    Notice that part I put in Bold and Italics above where it say If they allow their coverage to lapse. I am afraid You are letting the news people worry You about something.

    I hope this helps?
    More details in the article and via google searches.

    Have a Nice Day

    P.S. this is not worrying me as I have Medicare being past 65 Years Old. I do not think they would dare to tamper with that as the backlash would be bad for either party.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning all!

    I think you are dead on, Roger. Val, even though I have pre-existing conditions, esp. with my blood pressure, I have always been covered. You just do not want your insurance to lapse. then it would matter. I was still covered changing insurance after we left the Air Force and elected not to get Cobra coverage at over 1200 dollars per person a month. We did without and prayed we had nothing catastrophic and were under the deadline, timewise, for a new job with coverage. Because it is documented with the insurance, it was fine. We sweated a little mind you over the deadline, but we thought eating and keeping a house was more important than the gift of "Cobra", which is a farce. I am sorry these exasperating people stress you! Sometimes it is just a lot of head shaking as things get so complicated! But you are definitely holding your own, keep it up! <3

    Roger, I am still looking for a silicon mat I bought for baking Paleo. I put it somewhere, and thought it was not the best place, but I would remember when I needed it. And I haven't....apparently. I still can not find it. :#

    Yep, electric self propelled mower. If I mentioned spark plugs, I did not mean to. Just taking 3 days to plug it in. That is sad! My last passport was 30 years old. That is pretty sad also! You can actually get a passport in close to 24 hours, if you expedite with a private company. There are a few everywhere, but of course the price goes up depending on what you need. I guess game show winners can pay for passports from their spending money for the trip if need be, as they usually get cash too. The regular passport place will expedite mailing also for a little extra. We do not go till mid October, so we have time. I have bought a winter jacket though, lol. Still need a scarf and gloves! Just in case! :)

    Sounds like you got a lot done, outside. I am having a lazy streak, though running around. Also got moderately stressed and also just got into a chip craving at the same time. Could not help it... I will pay for that several days. Amazing how these processed foods cause cravings, once sampled. I should know better!

    Hang in there all! Keep on track! :) Thanks for humor!! ..Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning all!

    I think you are dead on, Roger. Val, even though I have pre-existing conditions, esp. with my blood pressure, I have always been covered. You just do not want your insurance to lapse. then it would matter. I was still covered changing insurance after we left the Air Force and elected not to get Cobra coverage at over 1200 dollars per person a month. We did without and prayed we had nothing catastrophic and were under the deadline, timewise, for a new job with coverage. Because it is documented with the insurance, it was fine. We sweated a little mind you over the deadline, but we thought eating and keeping a house was more important than the gift of "Cobra", which is a farce. I am sorry these exasperating people stress you! Sometimes it is just a lot of head shaking as things get so complicated! But you are definitely holding your own, keep it up! <3

    Roger, I am still looking for a silicon mat I bought for baking Paleo. I put it somewhere, and thought it was not the best place, but I would remember when I needed it. And I haven't....apparently. I still can not find it. :#

    Yep, electric self propelled mower. If I mentioned spark plugs, I did not mean to. Just taking 3 days to plug it in. That is sad! My last passport was 30 years old. That is pretty sad also! You can actually get a passport in close to 24 hours, if you expedite with a private company. There are a few everywhere, but of course the price goes up depending on what you need. I guess game show winners can pay for passports from their spending money for the trip if need be, as they usually get cash too. The regular passport place will expedite mailing also for a little extra. We do not go till mid October, so we have time. I have bought a winter jacket though, lol. Still need a scarf and gloves! Just in case! :)

    Sounds like you got a lot done, outside. I am having a lazy streak, though running around. Also got moderately stressed and also just got into a chip craving at the same time. Could not help it... I will pay for that several days. Amazing how these processed foods cause cravings, once sampled. I should know better!

    Hang in there all! Keep on track! :) Thanks for humor!! ..Jan

    Hi Jan
    Not so strangely my Brother passed on COBRA too :)

    Actually when I look back I see where You said "I have gotten the plug out" I just read that as Spark Plug :(

    Did You need a silicon mat I for baking Paleo? I would have thought that one of the Non Stick Cookie Sheets would work. OTOH I gather that those slow down the cooking of the bottom and that lets the top brown better?

    I have been craving Potato Chips, If I saw snack single serve bags I would buy one. I know what would happen if I bought a larger bag, I would be reaching in and it would be empty :) Same sort of problem if I bought one of the large boxes of snack size, they would be there and I would end up eating more than a single bag :(

    You and Val may find the article I ran across and plan to link below in the next post interesting. I plan to quote some of it.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2017
    I Put in Bold some of the interesting points. My take on it is that there has been to much fear mongering going on even before it passed.

    BREAKING: House Narrowly Passes Healthcare Bill -- Here's What You Need to Know

    : The AHCA grandfathers in everyone who has been included in Obamacare's expansion of Medicaid, then "transition's Medicaid into a system in which each state receives a certain amount of money for each of its residents in the program and has more flexibility over how the program functions. That allocation would revert to per person spending levels from 2016 and then grow each year at the rate of medical inflation. However, states would still receive enhanced Obamacare-levels of spending for individuals who were grandfathered in by having enrolled in expanded Medicaid before 2020." Medicaid already suffered from major flaws such as poor health outcomes and seriously constricted access to care before Obamacare expanded it significantly. One-in-three doctors are not accepting new Medicaid patients. The status quo is hugely expensive, putting major strains on state budgets, and not working well. The whole program cries out for reform, which the AHCA delivers.

    PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: The legislation maintains several of the more popular mandates and protections under Obamacare (although it's worth noting that some of those requirements become much less popular once people are told how much they cost). People with pre-existing conditions must be covered, adult children can stay on their parents' plans through age 26, coverage plans must comply with Obamacare's categories of "essential health benefits," and consumers with pre-existing conditions cannot be charged more than others. On the latter two mandate categories, states have the option to seek waivers from some of the EHB's and "community rating" restrictions. In order to be granted a waiver, states must attest and demonstrate that they are doing so in pursuit of lowering premiums and/or covering more people. Recall that before Obamacare, every single state had a set of mandates and regulations in place. So even if some states apply for and receive voluntary waivers, there will be protections and requirements for consumers who live there. Fear-mongering about a return to the "wild west" are exaggerated.

    No matter where they live, anyone who has continuous coverage (including people with pre-existing conditions who signed up for plans under Obamacare) cannot be impacted by a "community rating" waiver, immediately or in the future. And those consumers without coverage who decide to obtain it must be able to purchase to it. Average consumers who do this will be charged a one-time 30 percent surcharge on their plan for one year. Consumers with pre-existing conditions must have access to a high risk pool, which will be especially important in so-called waiver states. The AHCA directs upwards of $130 billion to these and similar funds. I strongly recommend this piece by Avik Roy, who argues that the fixation on pre-existing conditions (a worthwhile and compassionate concern) has taken on an outsized role in these debates. Part of his evidence is the fact that enrollment in Obamacare's "bridge" program to help bring Americans with pre-existing ailments into the insurance fold between the law's passage in 2010 and implementation barely broke into six figures.

    Full disclosure FWIW The Townhall site I found this on is a Conservative leaning site. However I have seen other items from them and they seem to hew to the truth.

    I hope this helps
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    At my company, they have so many layoffs and restructuring...everyone can be let go at anytime. Fortunately my resilience to tolerate pain is a key advantage....aside from the layoffs, normal people quit because of the stress...thus, I continue to survive. (Thus my fear of lack of insurance and financial collapse.) I know...far from ideal, but I'll keep it. I had another unbelievably stressful day today. But, happily i did not turn to food as a crutch! I'm elated that I didn't pass my food issues to my kid.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 6200 steps. The temperature this morning is warmer than Thursdays at 54/52 degrees. Yesterday I ended the day with 11,500 steps. I ended up going back out in the afternoon which is why the step count was up. Currently it is a darl, dreary day outside. The forecast rain has not arrived beyond a light drizzle that went away. The breeze that was predicted has arrived however :)

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    At my company, they have so many layoffs and restructuring...everyone can be let go at anytime. Fortunately my resilience to tolerate pain is a key advantage....aside from the layoffs, normal people quit because of the stress...thus, I continue to survive. (Thus my fear of lack of insurance and financial collapse.) I know...far from ideal, but I'll keep it. I had another unbelievably stressful day today. But, happily i did not turn to food as a crutch! I'm elated that I didn't pass my food issues to my kid.

    Hi Val
    I would most likely not be happy working where You are, Stress bothers me, usually it causes sleeplessness.

    Keep Up the Good Work
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    New Humor once again
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited May 2017

    Dark and dreary here too! Rodger, you are warmer, lol! It was 49 deg. with a slight wind when I fed the birdies. The house is a little chilly, but not quite enough for heat. It will warm pretty soon, I am sure. I bought a few flowers to add some color to the yard. We had some nice rain yesterday on and off, and a bit of a misty rain this morning.

    It is a shame work for most Americans is so stressful and unfulfilling at times. It seems most people are not really happy with what they do. I guess I am really happy Val, that you take such a great interest in Em's interest and schooling. So often it is what you drift into, not what you love or interests you. And sometimes it seems like just practicality. Oh, if I knew then what I know now,lol! :)

    Taking Chester to the vet for his follow-up for his thyroid. It is such an all day thing! Loading the kennel is the worst, because it barely fits in the car. It reminds me of squeezing into a pair of jeans. :# Maybe I will take the scenic route and not the freeway, lol! It was a lot more fun when we could stop for a treat, but not too many Paleo type drive thru's. I wish they had mobile vets! I swear they would make a fortune. I guess with gas prices, they might have to charge a fortune!

    Interesting reading on the health care. It is such a complicated issue ... I think I will mosey to the humor, though. I am not quite ready to be a grown up yet this morning, lol!

    Take care all! Keep up the good work! ...Jan..brrrr! :#

    P.S. The silicon mat helps mostly because the almond flour or coconut flour is so sticky and delicate. You can bake it on a regular pan with not that problem, but the mat is just easier. The cookie products tend to be a little more fragile after baking than reg. flour when it is used. Oh where did I put it! LOL!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Dark and dreary here too! Rodger, you are warmer, lol! It was 49 deg. with a slight wind when I fed the birdies. The house is a little chilly, but not quite enough for heat. It will warm pretty soon, I am sure. I bought a few flowers to add some color to the yard. We had some nice rain yesterday on and off, and a bit of a misty rain this morning.

    It is a shame work for most Americans is so stressful and unfulfilling at times. It seems most people are not really happy with what they do. I guess I am really happy Val, that you take such a great interest in Em's interest and schooling. So often it is what you drift into, not what you love or interests you. And sometimes it seems like just practicality. Oh, if I knew then what I know now,lol! :)

    Taking Chester to the vet for his follow-up for his thyroid. It is such an all day thing! Loading the kennel is the worst, because it barely fits in the car. It reminds me of squeezing into a pair of jeans. :# Maybe I will take the scenic route and not the freeway, lol! It was a lot more fun when we could stop for a treat, but not too many Paleo type drive thru's. I wish they had mobile vets! I swear they would make a fortune. I guess with gas prices, they might have to charge a fortune!

    Interesting reading on the health care. It is such a complicated issue ... I think I will mosey to the humor, though. I am not quite ready to be a grown up yet this morning, lol!

    Take care all! Keep up the good work! ...Jan..brrrr! :#

    P.S. The silicon mat helps mostly because the almond flour or coconut flour is so sticky and delicate. You can bake it on a regular pan with not that problem, but the mat is just easier. The cookie products tend to be a little more fragile after baking than reg. flour when it is used. Oh where did I put it! LOL!

    Hi Jan
    I actually turned the heat on to take the chill off of the house. I'm such a softy with the cold :)

    I have heard of mobile pet grooming, I suspect that the logistics of all the equipment and supplies preclude a mobile Vet however.

    Agreed, I think the warnings about dire consequences if the ACA is repealed are way overdone.

    BTW it isn't affordable for many people if they make just a little too much to get subsidies. Despite the Lies that You can keep You health insurance if You like it. I have family member that lost the insurance they were happy with and ended up paying a lot more for less coverage due to Obamacare. Oh well enough politicking....

    Have a nice day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Working all day today, and some of tomorrow. Sunday afternoon I'll be trying to help a friend clean her apartment. She just had emergency surgery....so between us, I'm the more able bodied one right now. Have a good weekend.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More New Humor Today

    I was out walking this morning and did 8800 steps. The temperature this morning is warmer than Thursdays at 60/62 degrees. Currently it is a darkish, dreary day outside. There was a light Rain around 6:20 according to my brother :) I slept late and missed it :( Not.

    While I was out I stopped for 2 Eggs and Whole Wheat Toast as breakfast and brought the Home-fries back since my brother will use them later today with his dinner or Sunday morning as a part of Sunday's breakfast.

    The Phone just rang with a number that I looked and and did not answer. The number is 862-210-2406, A quick Google search shows it has been used for several types of scams. I never answer as there is always a possibility that I might slip up and say "Yes" or something else in the affirmative that could be recorded and used as proof I purchased something.

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    Congratulations on the consistency
    16 hours ago, Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 5/05/2017 and was under Buttons61's calorie
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Working all day today, and some of tomorrow. Sunday afternoon I'll be trying to help a friend clean her apartment. She just had emergency surgery....so between us, I'm the more able bodied one right now. Have a good weekend.

    Hi Val
    If I said I have over a case of canned Figs sitting on the Kitchen Table that We were gifted with by a friend doing something similar.

    I hope Your friend is OK.

    4 hours ago
    lost 0.4 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 22.8 lbs so far.

    I'm sorry That You have to work the weekend away :(
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    It is 60 degrees and sunny. Yesterday never got warmer and the wind was brisk. I ended up turning on the heat for the day and nite. Pretty outside today, but still a little chilly in the house. Strange strange weather. It is a nice day to work outside since it is a little warmer. We should be in the 80's by Sunday.

    Val, that is really nice you are able to help your friend. She is lucky to have you! :) Hopefully you both will improve as time goes by! Don't forget to take small breaks in that working! You are doing great on your losing! Awesome!

    Glad you sleep in occasionally, Rodger! Still an awesome job walking! I am not sure I could pass up those potatoes like you do. You have awesome willpower! I am doing better the last day or so. I think the cravings are out of my system for now! I need to keep my carbs and sugar low, however. That is a lot of figs by the way! It does make a great thank you!

    Have a good week end, all, and keep trucking! ...Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    It is 60 degrees and sunny. Yesterday never got warmer and the wind was brisk. I ended up turning on the heat for the day and nite. Pretty outside today, but still a little chilly in the house. Strange strange weather. It is a nice day to work outside since it is a little warmer. We should be in the 80's by Sunday.

    Val, that is really nice you are able to help your friend. She is lucky to have you! :) Hopefully you both will improve as time goes by! Don't forget to take small breaks in that working! You are doing great on your losing! Awesome!

    Glad you sleep in occasionally, Rodger! Still an awesome job walking! I am not sure I could pass up those potatoes like you do. You have awesome willpower! I am doing better the last day or so. I think the cravings are out of my system for now! I need to keep my carbs and sugar low, however. That is a lot of figs by the way! It does make a great thank you!

    Have a good week end, all, and keep trucking! ...Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    Did You mean the Figs where You said Potatoes? :)

    We are supposed to be below normal temperatures for the upcoming week :(

    I may have to do a little walking in the house this afternoon, depends on if it looks like I will reach my step goal. Yesterday for example I was over that goal by 1300 steps.

    Congratulations on being consistent it works.
    yesterday, has logged in for 275 days in a row!
    10 hours ago Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 5/06/2017 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

    Hi Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi there. My friend is all moved! From a third floor apartment to a different third floor apartment. Two years ago I helped her move from a second floor apartment to this third floor. But then i was in very good shape and i was much more useful. But...still helped today. She's almost 30, and i saw her two weeks ago...she looked aweful. She was on antibiotics but just didn't look right. The day she finished those antibiotics she spiked a fever (plus felt as bad as she looked)....she had multiple huge kidney stones. She had one surgery where they put a catheter in...all the way to the kidneys to drain the infection. She looks so much better!!! She goes back for another surgery soon to have the stones removed. She's in so much pain and her belly is bloated. Thankfully this time she hired movers for the furniture! So today I packed up her pantry and fridge, and other forgotten odds and ends. Filled her car and mine. After we packed the food and i needed to get it to the car, I really faced my inabilities. So I proposed that if we ATE all the food, we wouldn't have as much to carry! She chuckled but that hurt her. I wasn't bad...just ate three string cheese (my lunch). Thank you for wishing her well! She's a good human and she's had challenging times that she navigated well, and things are really coming together for her now. So happy for her. This evening I'm feeling really hungry!!! I ate my regular dinner...then had a bowl of blueberries. I'm trying to not get derailed! Hope you both had a lovely weekend!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I am glad your friend was able to get movers, Val. The third floor is no joke for moving! I would be dead just moving odds and ends. Your poor friend! I hurt just thinking about what you wrote about her. She sounds very brave and very lucky she found a Dr. to catch that in time. Wow, not a text book case, I don't think! All that work sounds like you built up an appetite! Have lots of protein and don't succumb! I hope you have an easy day coming up sometime soon!

    Great job adding steps Roger! I know house walking is not your favorite thing!-- I did not mean to be confusing! I had meant I would be eating the home fries all the time at breakfast, lol! No way they would make it home, for me later or someone else! That is awesome!.. I would have to make some kind of fig topping, and have some over ice cream. That is a whole other story! Thanks for the humor! They were all pretty funny!

    It was warm today. The heat came on in the morning, and by 3 pm, I needed the A/C! How is that for confusing! We have been blessed with rain, and our temps are getting more normal. What a roller coaster spring!

    Everyone just keep on, we are doing good! :) Slow and steady! :# ..Jan