100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Even more humor today, my Brother keeps sending them and I keep using them :)

    I was out walking this morning and did 6500 steps. The temperature this morning is cooler than Sundays at 45/45 degrees. Currently the Sun is shining and the warmth from it feels good.
    The weekend weather was weird here. Last nights forecast showed temperatures below normal through next Sunday :(

    It dawned on me that I had not eaten my Banana yet and I was feeling a little hungry as a result so I went and had that before I post this reply. I cut off a end of it for later to go on my cereal I will be having for breakfast. Today is a large bowl, 28g 100 calories and 50 calories of 1% milk and the rest of the Banana sliced into it probably around 10AM since I just at the Banana at 8:30 :)

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again
    You might find this interesting or maybe not? I was poking in the small junk room in the basement and ran across a 1.2mb 5.25" floppy drive and since I still have disks I wan to look at in that format I ordered a cable to allow it and a 1.44Mb drive to connect to the computer. Since they use different connectors I had no cable for the 1.2Mb drive. Everything came Saturday. Power cable Y adapter as they also have different power connectors and the Floppy cable and installed everything Saturday. I thing my 1.44Mb drive is No good, Back to Amazon for a replacement if testing proves that to be the case. That is my suspicion as I could read disks in the USB external and not it it. Why use the internal? The USB one was introducing a lag everytime I brought up the Windows 10 This PC to access drives :(

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi there. My friend is all moved! From a third floor apartment to a different third floor apartment. Two years ago I helped her move from a second floor apartment to this third floor. But then i was in very good shape and i was much more useful. But...still helped today. She's almost 30, and i saw her two weeks ago...she looked aweful. She was on antibiotics but just didn't look right. The day she finished those antibiotics she spiked a fever (plus felt as bad as she looked)....she had multiple huge kidney stones. She had one surgery where they put a catheter in...all the way to the kidneys to drain the infection. She looks so much better!!! She goes back for another surgery soon to have the stones removed. She's in so much pain and her belly is bloated. Thankfully this time she hired movers for the furniture! So today I packed up her pantry and fridge, and other forgotten odds and ends. Filled her car and mine. After we packed the food and i needed to get it to the car, I really faced my inabilities. So I proposed that if we ATE all the food, we wouldn't have as much to carry! She chuckled but that hurt her. I wasn't bad...just ate three string cheese (my lunch). Thank you for wishing her well! She's a good human and she's had challenging times that she navigated well, and things are really coming together for her now. So happy for her. This evening I'm feeling really hungry!!! I ate my regular dinner...then had a bowl of blueberries. I'm trying to not get derailed! Hope you both had a lovely weekend!

    Hi Val
    You got it done. I would not wish Kidney Stones on a enemy let alone a friend.

    I hope she is better real soon. You are a Good Friend for helping her.

    I have a serving of fruit with each of my three meals. Banana in the morning, A Apple or Nectarine or Plum with Lunch and a Citrus with Dinner. Currently that is Mandarin Oranges and previously it was Clementines. Whatever is on sale :)

    Have a Good Upcoming Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I am glad your friend was able to get movers, Val. The third floor is no joke for moving! I would be dead just moving odds and ends. Your poor friend! I hurt just thinking about what you wrote about her. She sounds very brave and very lucky she found a Dr. to catch that in time. Wow, not a text book case, I don't think! All that work sounds like you built up an appetite! Have lots of protein and don't succumb! I hope you have an easy day coming up sometime soon!

    Great job adding steps Roger! I know house walking is not your favorite thing!-- I did not mean to be confusing! I had meant I would be eating the home fries all the time at breakfast, lol! No way they would make it home, for me later or someone else! That is awesome!.. I would have to make some kind of fig topping, and have some over ice cream. That is a whole other story! Thanks for the humor! They were all pretty funny!

    It was warm today. The heat came on in the morning, and by 3 pm, I needed the A/C! How is that for confusing! We have been blessed with rain, and our temps are getting more normal. What a roller coaster spring!

    Everyone just keep on, we are doing good! :) Slow and steady! :# ..Jan

    Hi Jan
    You are correct and sadly it appears I will be doing that today too.
    If I said that the Home fries do not tempt me nearly as much as French Fries do would You believe it?
    Oh, Oh, I mentioned French Fries and now i feel a craving for some :( Lucky it is only 9:15 AM :)

    What I do is let the heat run at night and then as the day begins I tend to turn it off if the weather forecast indicates that it could end up too warm. Call me Frugal or call me cheap it works for me :)

    Keep up the good work. I noticed :)
    8 hours ago, Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 5/07/2017 and was under Buttons61's calorie
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    That is funny you can be tempted by the same product but fixed in different ways would make the difference in being tempted or not! I usually succumb to a product no matter the cooking method! I have just about taken off the weight I gained. One more pound! Boy it does take a while to lose again. I have a picture from 1999 and I was at my goal weight from weight watchers. As wonderful as it was, I just could not sustain it and gained it back rather quickly. The funny thing was I knew I was not stable. I hope I can do better this time, and I think I will as I am eating a little differently. The bad thing about a high protein diet and low carb or Paleo is when you get off it, you gain very quickly, if you are not faithful to eating well. I guess a payback from losing steadily!

    Your floppy disk story is interesting. While I can not totally follow the technical part I certainly appreciate the know how behind it! I hate having to wait on any replacements to finish a task, but it will be great to get it working correctly! :)

    We are back to seasonal temps. Thank goodness! It was nice for one day to be chilly. I could turn on the fireplace and it was cozy. But our lack of real winter and this strange spring has done one nice thing. For me anyhow! We have had a really protracted spring season about 4 times here. Pretty nice as spring is normally short and goes right into hot weather. It has been great in that respect!

    I have a little more planting. I actually wanted one lantana bush, but they had a six pack instead. You can never have too many, though they are younger! And I found a mounding primrose in a pale pink that will come back every year. If I can protect it from my yard people! That is a drawback having other people mowing! I like to leave sections of wild flowers if they spring up, but it is not practical with a yard service. I have some paperwork to plough thru also, mainly filing. I do not know why I procrastinate with that, but I do. :#

    So little time... so little get up and go! I am going to take a minute and read the new humor however! That is a highlight!! Take care! ..Jan B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I did pretty well resisting temptation today...went to a mini bundt cake shop, and bought one for each of my kids...and none for me. I'm having canned corn as a snack...not perfect but way better than previous. Still no MRI disc...called the insurance company to ask then to encourage release of the disc. They said they do not interfere with anyone's records release practices BUT they'd be happy to pay and additional $700 for me to have a new MRI. Crazy. I called the records folks again...now they claim they mailed it on 5/1. I don't believe that! Anyway, they said im welcome to pick up a copy...will do that after work. Today after work, met w notary to sign my closing papers...she burst out laughing when she saw that i will receive $800. I hope that will cover the most recent repairs. I just need it iff my books! Super busy at work...it's Monday and I already have 20 hours worked. I have so many meetings all day, that i need my evenings to to my work. Here's a weird but good thing...my hip was much better than usual today! Even though doc #1 said no exercise until no pain...maybe I should...so i made an appointment with him to discuss and see if back PT would help. Hugs...off to bed.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 7700 steps + 1 Cent. The temperature this morning is the same as yesterday 46/44 degrees. I had over 10K steps by Dinnertime Monday as I did a little House walking to bring up the step count.

    Since I had the 1.2 Mb drive and disks laying around I figured why not see what was on them before cutting them into pieces for disposal. I did find that of the few I tested some read and some did not. Oh well.....
    I also need to do some testing to determine why the 1.44Mb internal drive is not reading disks that test good in a USB external. That will be todays project, Pull the drive, change the cable and see if it is the cable or the drive. I'm pretty sure the floppy port is good as the 1.2Mb drive if placed on the end of the cable instead of the 1.44Mb drive works.

    CDs can go bad to, Do You recall the chatter about this, Disk Rot?
    Disc rot is a phrase describing the tendency of CD or DVD or other optical discs to become unreadable due to physical or chemical deterioration. The causes of this effect vary from oxidation of the reflective layer, to physical scuffing and abrasion of disc surfaces or edges, including visible scratches, to other kinds of reactions with contaminants, to ultra-violet light damage and de-bonding of the adhesive used to adhere the layers of the disc together.

    Not to mention that on a CD You can easily trash the disk by damaging the top surface, That is why when the DVD was designed they moved to Data layer to the center where it was protected by the plastic layers on the top and bottom. FWIW If You need to only destroy the data on a DVD simply but carefully so as not to get cut, use something sharp like a razor knife and pry the top and bottom apart , Voila, Done :) Even simpler with a CD, Just take the razor knife and make a few slices through the top layer where only the thin lacquer protects the data layer.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    That is funny you can be tempted by the same product but fixed in different ways would make the difference in being tempted or not! I usually succumb to a product no matter the cooking method! I have just about taken off the weight I gained. One more pound! Boy it does take a while to lose again. I have a picture from 1999 and I was at my goal weight from weight watchers. As wonderful as it was, I just could not sustain it and gained it back rather quickly. The funny thing was I knew I was not stable. I hope I can do better this time, and I think I will as I am eating a little differently. The bad thing about a high protein diet and low carb or Paleo is when you get off it, you gain very quickly, if you are not faithful to eating well. I guess a payback from losing steadily!

    Your floppy disk story is interesting. While I can not totally follow the technical part I certainly appreciate the know how behind it! I hate having to wait on any replacements to finish a task, but it will be great to get it working correctly! :)

    We are back to seasonal temps. Thank goodness! It was nice for one day to be chilly. I could turn on the fireplace and it was cozy. But our lack of real winter and this strange spring has done one nice thing. For me anyhow! We have had a really protracted spring season about 4 times here. Pretty nice as spring is normally short and goes right into hot weather. It has been great in that respect!

    I have a little more planting. I actually wanted one lantana bush, but they had a six pack instead. You can never have too many, though they are younger! And I found a mounding primrose in a pale pink that will come back every year. If I can protect it from my yard people! That is a drawback having other people mowing! I like to leave sections of wild flowers if they spring up, but it is not practical with a yard service. I have some paperwork to plough thru also, mainly filing. I do not know why I procrastinate with that, but I do. :#

    So little time... so little get up and go! I am going to take a minute and read the new humor however! That is a highlight!! Take care! ..Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    The floppy disk saga has a new installment today :)
    In general I like potatoes, it is just that French Fries are so much tastier IMO than Home Fries, Mashed, Baked or Boiled.

    I Know what You mean, after the NS diet one cheat day and voila, blammo. That takes some work to get rid of.

    How nice for You to be having such great weather.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did post more humor, Once again :)
    Hi. I did pretty well resisting temptation today...went to a mini bundt cake shop, and bought one for each of my kids...and none for me. I'm having canned corn as a snack...not perfect but way better than previous. Still no MRI disc...called the insurance company to ask then to encourage release of the disc. They said they do not interfere with anyone's records release practices BUT they'd be happy to pay and additional $700 for me to have a new MRI. Crazy. I called the records folks again...now they claim they mailed it on 5/1. I don't believe that! Anyway, they said im welcome to pick up a copy...will do that after work. Today after work, met w notary to sign my closing papers...she burst out laughing when she saw that i will receive $800. I hope that will cover the most recent repairs. I just need it iff my books! Super busy at work...it's Monday and I already have 20 hours worked. I have so many meetings all day, that i need my evenings to to my work. Here's a weird but good thing...my hip was much better than usual today! Even though doc #1 said no exercise until no pain...maybe I should...so i made an appointment with him to discuss and see if back PT would help. Hugs...off to bed.

    Hi Val
    Congratulations on resisting the Mini Bundt cake.

    Good Luck getting the MRI. It seems weird that the insurance company would be willing to pay for a new MRI instead of pushing to get the one already done released.

    That does seem a bit weird, OTOH no pain is a good thing no matter why.

    make sure You get enough rest. You may be doing to much, I have found over the years that a company will keep piling on more and more work as long as You able to do it. They feel that if You leave they can get someone else :(

    I'm sure that is a weight off of Your shoulders signing the papers.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning all!

    Val, you sure lead a crazy life! I am always so impressed by how capable you are! At least you will get your disc, even if the whole procedure for retrieval seems skewed. Really, it is all good! You resisted temptation, still ate well, and your house is off your lists of things to have to worry about! All that seems like a cause for celebration! <3

    Rodger, That is really interesting about the disk rot and also removing data. And here they seem so indestructible to me! It is interesting how much you know about electronics! I think when we were in school, they should have given girls a half semester of something related to that, as well as home ec! I did get a half semester of shop and made a great box that was pretty fun! Of course now days they have no art, almost no music, and kids can't sew on a button or change a light bulb... :#

    I charged my mower, so today, if it starts I can clean up part of the area the yard people were supposed to be caring for. Then for harder work under the trees! Should be good for exercise and calories! Only 3 days to vacation. I just wish I felt less guilty leaving the doggies. It will go quicker for me than for them. Einstein's theory of relativity in work...

    Really wonderful job on your steps, especially with the weather, Rodger! It must seem strange to have your highs and lows almost the same for so long! Be good!! Jan B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Well...today i ate 1/3 of a mini bundt cake...yummy. I went to the orthopedic clinic and picked up a disc that was labeled as having my xray and mri. I baby-sat a 6 month old puppy (Buster) while his mom had photos taken of their house (getting ready to sell). He's totally lovable but quite the rascal. Hoping no floods or tornadoes before my closing on Friday...and good health and safety for the buyer. I gave notice on my rental house utilities and insurance...so im ready!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I'm slow but figured it out...i know why the horrid ortho guy would not release my records...they had yo have LEGAL review them! I can't tell you how much I hate people who lack integrity!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And I did it again, more new humor has been posted

    I was out walking this morning and did 7800+ steps. The temperature this morning is 49/49 degrees. I had over 10K steps Tuesday as I did a little House walking to bring up the step count.
    It was a nice day to walk, not breezy, no Sun glare in my eyes and wearing a hoodie it was a comfortable temperature too.
    I will be going out later on to CostCo as I am nearing the end of my last bag of frozen vegetables. So my shopping list is Fruit, maybe. Truvia Sweetener, Some Protein shakes and of course the Veges.

    This one is hard for me to grasp or to put it another way, What the heck !
    From Here: http://www.wbrc.com/story/35355907/middle-school-student-suspended-for-liking-photo-of-gun-on-instagram?clienttype=generic&utm_content=buffer194c2&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
    Middle school student suspended for 'liking' photo of gun on Instagram
    TRENTON, OH (FOX19) -

    An Edgewood Middle School student was handed a 10-day suspension for “liking” a picture of a gun on Instagram with the caption “ready."

    The parents of Zachary Bowlin posted a picture of the intended suspension notice which read, “The reason for the intended suspension is as follows: Liking a post on social media that indicated potential school violence.”

    "I was livid, I mean, I’m sitting here thinking ‘you just suspended him for ten days for liking a picture of a gun on a social media site," father Marty Bowlin said. "He never shared, he never commented, he never made a threatening post… anything on the site, just liked it."

    The picture in question is of an airsoft gun, and according to the students’ parents, their child didn’t comment on the post but simply liked the picture.

    "I liked it, scrolling down Instagram at night about 7, 8 o’clock I liked it," Zacahry said. "The next morning they called me down [to the office] patted me down and checked me for weapons."

    Since receiving the notice, the family said the school has dropped the suspension and there will be no repercussions for the child’s actions.

    Friday morning an email went out to parents stating:

    “Yesterday evening school officials were made aware to an alleged threat of a student bringing a gun to school. We act on any potential threat to student safety swiftly and with the utmost importance. This morning, the alleged threat was addressed and we can assure you that all students at Edgewood Middle School are safe and school will continue as normal. Thank you”

    More Info by following the link
    An completely over the top reaction IMO.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning all!

    Val, you sure lead a crazy life! I am always so impressed by how capable you are! At least you will get your disc, even if the whole procedure for retrieval seems skewed. Really, it is all good! You resisted temptation, still ate well, and your house is off your lists of things to have to worry about! All that seems like a cause for celebration! <3

    Rodger, That is really interesting about the disk rot and also removing data. And here they seem so indestructible to me! It is interesting how much you know about electronics! I think when we were in school, they should have given girls a half semester of something related to that, as well as home ec! I did get a half semester of shop and made a great box that was pretty fun! Of course now days they have no art, almost no music, and kids can't sew on a button or change a light bulb... :#

    I charged my mower, so today, if it starts I can clean up part of the area the yard people were supposed to be caring for. Then for harder work under the trees! Should be good for exercise and calories! Only 3 days to vacation. I just wish I felt less guilty leaving the doggies. It will go quicker for me than for them. Einstein's theory of relativity in work...

    Really wonderful job on your steps, especially with the weather, Rodger! It must seem strange to have your highs and lows almost the same for so long! Be good!! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I remembered reading about Laser Rot back when Laserdiscs were the source for movies in the home. That would be back before DVDs caught on.

    I did have Electronics courses back in High School. However that was back when most things were still using Tubes and Transistors were the coming thing :)

    I would not feel to badly, it is not as if You could take the dogs with You.

    9 hours ago, Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 5/09/2017 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal.
    And This
    Buttons61 9 hours ago, burned 1,493 calories doing 180 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Mowing lawn, general"

    Keep it up
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well...today i ate 1/3 of a mini bundt cake...yummy. I went to the orthopedic clinic and picked up a disc that was labeled as having my xray and mri. I baby-sat a 6 month old puppy (Buster) while his mom had photos taken of their house (getting ready to sell). He's totally lovable but quite the rascal. Hoping no floods or tornadoes before my closing on Friday...and good health and safety for the buyer. I gave notice on my rental house utilities and insurance...so im ready!

    Hi Val
    I hope all goes well too. Good Luck Friday
    On the good side at least it is not in California :)
    They are predicting that area is overdue for a Major Earthquake.
    I'm slow but figured it out...i know why the horrid ortho guy would not release my records...they had yo have LEGAL review them! I can't tell you how much I hate people who lack integrity!
    Some people have yet to figure out that Honesty is the best Policy, even if it is a little more work.

    I hope the Disc gets things moving
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Well, I am kind of sore this morning. I love my little lawnmower, it is just such a good product. It goes thru anything! I had a major mess with branches I had to pick up. And my grass was pretty high, field high. But it was fairly easy as I had cut last year, my yard people just did not keep up with it. Hopefully this year they will have no excuse. The lawn mower is small so it just takes awhile. I am not a fast walker, even if I am propelled, as least when I remember to do that, lol. But my ankles are just killing me today, I can barely walk on them!

    Babysitting a puppy sounds like fun, Val! I am sure he kept you moving, however. I feel kind of sorry for May, as I poop out faster than she does sometimes. She could have used a younger person maybe, but she is treated well and gets lots of love, treats, and kisses. I do have to just look at her occasionally when I am tired, but she loves snoozing too. So that is good. Good job on eating in moderation with the cake! Sounds like things are coming together!

    Good job on getting your steps in, Rodger! I did get almost 9,000 yesterday, but I will not be there today I don't think. I still have a little to do outside, but I need to replace the little flap where the mulch blows out on the lawnmower. I will get covered in mulch again if I don't buy it first, but I probably will mow before I get to the dealer. Messy! :#

    Yeah, that is a weird article on the suspension. All I can think is that it was reported by another parent or student, which then legally, they must follow up on it. Otherwise I am not sure why they would even know. I would think the kid would not have the principle or teachers on his instagram notes. It is awful though, imagine if he acted on buying and any impulse, and it was shown they had seen that and ignored it. I would not want to be in their shoes making decisions or acting on incoming info. At least it was dropped. We have had three instances of kids bring guns to school, since we last talked about it only weeks ago, including one in which an innocent 14 year old girl was killed when leaving the school. It is a real problem. People are kind of insane nowadays...

    Hoping to lose another pound before Friday. It may happen! Everyone keep up the great work! Stay safe and rest some! ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 8400+ steps and 2 Cents. The temperature this morning is 49/47 degrees.
    I went to CostCo where I picked up 3 bags of frozen vegetables, Fruit, Truvia Sweetener, and 3 flavors of Protein shakes. Then being curious I went further to the sort of nearby Wegmans, Wow, They are not cheap. $9.50 for the Hot Food Bar which had lots of low cost items in the Taste of Asia and Taste of Mexico sections and a so so selection of regular foods. I doubt I will be going there again as I was completely underwhelmed by the Value for cost.

    I had over 11K steps yesterday after the extra walking at CostCo and Wegmans. Later I need to go to UPS and ship back the floppy drive. Testing showed it to be the problem. Since I will be out I need to take the gas can and pick up fuel for the mower and Tiller too. Since I am around a 1/2 tank in the car I might as well fill it too :)

    There is a really light haze in the sky and the Sun is shining through it so it should warm up into the 60s later on. It does seem that we will be hit with drenching AKA Soaking? rain Saturday and possibly into Sunday from a Nor'easter.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Well, I am kind of sore this morning. I love my little lawnmower, it is just such a good product. It goes thru anything! I had a major mess with branches I had to pick up. And my grass was pretty high, field high. But it was fairly easy as I had cut last year, my yard people just did not keep up with it. Hopefully this year they will have no excuse. The lawn mower is small so it just takes awhile. I am not a fast walker, even if I am propelled, as least when I remember to do that, lol. But my ankles are just killing me today, I can barely walk on them!

    Babysitting a puppy sounds like fun, Val! I am sure he kept you moving, however. I feel kind of sorry for May, as I poop out faster than she does sometimes. She could have used a younger person maybe, but she is treated well and gets lots of love, treats, and kisses. I do have to just look at her occasionally when I am tired, but she loves snoozing too. So that is good. Good job on eating in moderation with the cake! Sounds like things are coming together!

    Good job on getting your steps in, Rodger! I did get almost 9,000 yesterday, but I will not be there today I don't think. I still have a little to do outside, but I need to replace the little flap where the mulch blows out on the lawnmower. I will get covered in mulch again if I don't buy it first, but I probably will mow before I get to the dealer. Messy! :#

    Yeah, that is a weird article on the suspension. All I can think is that it was reported by another parent or student, which then legally, they must follow up on it. Otherwise I am not sure why they would even know. I would think the kid would not have the principle or teachers on his instagram notes. It is awful though, imagine if he acted on buying and any impulse, and it was shown they had seen that and ignored it. I would not want to be in their shoes making decisions or acting on incoming info. At least it was dropped. We have had three instances of kids bring guns to school, since we last talked about it only weeks ago, including one in which an innocent 14 year old girl was killed when leaving the school. It is a real problem. People are kind of insane nowadays...

    Hoping to lose another pound before Friday. It may happen! Everyone keep up the great work! Stay safe and rest some! ..Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    You are keeping active and that is all good :)

    Our Mower does not have and never had a flap as far as I can remember. I should have spent a little bit more for one with a catcher bag so I do not blow grass clippings onto the neighbors driveway, oops :)

    If they brought real gun to school that is a different thing completely. They put a school on lockdown when they caught a student with a BB gun from what I saw on the news broadcast in NY, and I did see where the caught a student elsewhere with Knives and Gasoline and a hit list in the Backpack.

    I can only conclude that the world has lost its collective mind. I do not remember ever hearing about all the shootings and such happening in schools when I was in school.

    Kind of Insane maybe a understatement.

    I noticed You have been nicely consistent.

    11 hours ago, Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 5/10/2017 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal.
    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!
    Glad you found a little change! It has been kind of scarce this spring! :) Well, if you brought me pie and was my neighbor I would forgive the grass clippings! lol!

    I think you have hit the mark with the kind of insane. Where my daughter teaches, some of the teachers know nothing about discipline in the classroom. The principle has no training as being a principle and it is a zoo. Jenny is strict and lays down the rule at the beginning of the year. Most problem kids that give other teachers headaches, Jenny has had no problems with. This last year if she sends a child to the principle for a problem , which is rare, the principle gives no consequences and the child learns nothing. She has three children in one class that are very disruptive and are documented problems. Jenny has said that those kids should NEVER be allowed in the same classroom, but the administrators just do not get it. She puts her foot down in her class, but she says she has never "taught" (because you can't) kids like they are. She has given the other kids in the classroom the right to speak to these kids, as long as there is no swearing and done in an acceptable manner if they are impacting the kids right to learn. They were testing, and the disruptive kids started up, and were apparently told by over half the class to shut up, it is testing time. Jenny adds 2 cents, and will usually hold the disruptive kids after class to reinforce when it is time to do as asked, you will do it in her classroom. She has no doubt these three will grow up to be some serial killers, or in some way harm or kill someone. They are total sociopaths at this point. She teaches 7th grade. Most schools are not as clueless as this one, thank goodness. When I went to school, there was maybe one troublemaker per grade. Things have really really changed. The last time I subbed in a 6th grade classroom, I practically had no control. And I have had plenty of experience, have what I thought was that teacher's voice, and never had had a problem. I was just dumbfounded.

    I went to dinner and stayed under my calories, barely, but I sure had a great time! I might not lose till I get back from vacation though! :D I already know that it is going to go too fast! That is so funny.

    I went to a food outlet store that used to be an old Albertson's. Their prices on meat were so much better than Winn Dixie's, I just cannot justify going elsewhere. I was able to buy several cuts of meat, that I just refused to buy in a few years at Winn Dixie prices. The quality is the same. Which I must say, is not the quality of meat I had eaten say 25 years ago. It is almost like the next lower grade. They must save the good stuff for restaurants and overseas shipping.

    Keep up the excellent walking! I can almost not hobble today! I need to walk a little more and keep it up! Be safe! ..Jan B) P.S. Great humor!!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2017
    And yet more has now been posted :)

    I was out walking this morning and did 6600+ steps. The temperature this morning is 46
    46/44 degrees. It does seem that we will be hit with drenching AKA Soaking? rain Saturday and possibly into Sunday from a Nor'easter. So no change in that forecast so far. Predicted rainfalls of 3 inches in the southeast end of NJ to 1 inch in the northwest corner of the sate.
    I had over 11.8K steps yesterday after yard work and running to UPS.

    Have a Great Friday