100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Clarification- San Antonio has lots of orthopedic doctors...it was only that referral place that only listed one. I'll contact my insurance company. That referral company is a company "benefit" ... but since our headquarters is in the Los Angeles area, I think that effects how many they list in Texas. Roger-that long ago job offer was from Lockheed Martin. Work is beyond crazy...need to work most of the weekend... so I just played hookie at took Em to the movies to see Beauty and the Beast. I really enjoyed time with my kid and enjoyed the movie too. (Playing hookie---i only worked 58 hrs this week!) i wish I hadn't regained all that weight, but i did. Glad to be back on track.

    Hi Val
    Thank You for the Clarification I would call Lockheed Martin a Prestigious company with a long history of innovation too. How Nice that they wanted You :)

    That sounds like more than enough hours without working the weekend too, Bummer :(

    Good Luck locating a Good Orthopedic Doctor
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning all,

    Val, I am so glad you got out some, even with the week-end work! Have not seen that movie yet, but heard it was pretty good. I am hoping for good results when you have researched your options. Just knowing the problem is half the battle, as I know you know! :)

    Rodger, I think you are getting our rain! You and Mississippi before it gets here, you after! We are in the thunderstorm mode, so expecting rain Sunday nite, possibly severe again. We had 2 EF1 and 2 EF0 tornadoes , both quick spin-ups and most rural. Some damage to trees and lines and roofing on mobile homes. I got all of 1/16th of an inch of rain, but happy all are safe!

    I have a gift certificate for Longhorn steak house, so Jenny and I are going for lunch. I am hoping to be good- except for the bread and butter, lol! I did lose a lb. but I don't think it registered on the home page. I had to go back and clean up the computer, and I scanned it also, and that fixed the problem. It would not let me use the little like tags at the bottom of our posts, but that got resolved too. Guess the problem was me!! :D

    Hoping to get outside and do a little in the yard. Also have guest lunch for Sunday. I just wish I could get things in order in the house, before I poop out! Still a lot to go thru and throw out or donate. I have to go back Monday and turn in my paperwork for my passport. I could not answer a few questions from memory, so had to come home. I had to drive to CVS pharmacy for a passport pic as the municipal building's camera is broken, for 2 years. It may still take an extra zag, as I think the girl may not have given me the correct format for the photo. We will see! I got extra steps as municipal building would not let me in with my purse, just the paperwork and small change purse, so I had to walk back to the car. Only 90 degrees and 75% humidity! :p

    Great job on the steps,Roger! I envy your weather! Val, keep peeping at that next bear, lol! Take care all!! .. Jan..cloudy... weird day!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning all,

    Val, I am so glad you got out some, even with the week-end work! Have not seen that movie yet, but heard it was pretty good. I am hoping for good results when you have researched your options. Just knowing the problem is half the battle, as I know you know! :)

    Rodger, I think you are getting our rain! You and Mississippi before it gets here, you after! We are in the thunderstorm mode, so expecting rain Sunday nite, possibly severe again. We had 2 EF1 and 2 EF0 tornadoes , both quick spin-ups and most rural. Some damage to trees and lines and roofing on mobile homes. I got all of 1/16th of an inch of rain, but happy all are safe!

    I have a gift certificate for Longhorn steak house, so Jenny and I are going for lunch. I am hoping to be good- except for the bread and butter, lol! I did lose a lb. but I don't think it registered on the home page. I had to go back and clean up the computer, and I scanned it also, and that fixed the problem. It would not let me use the little like tags at the bottom of our posts, but that got resolved too. Guess the problem was me!! :D

    Hoping to get outside and do a little in the yard. Also have guest lunch for Sunday. I just wish I could get things in order in the house, before I poop out! Still a lot to go thru and throw out or donate. I have to go back Monday and turn in my paperwork for my passport. I could not answer a few questions from memory, so had to come home. I had to drive to CVS pharmacy for a passport pic as the municipal building's camera is broken, for 2 years. It may still take an extra zag, as I think the girl may not have given me the correct format for the photo. We will see! I got extra steps as municipal building would not let me in with my purse, just the paperwork and small change purse, so I had to walk back to the car. Only 90 degrees and 75% humidity! :p

    Great job on the steps,Roger! I envy your weather! Val, keep peeping at that next bear, lol! Take care all!! .. Jan..cloudy... weird day!

    Hi Jan
    I see You got out for yard work :)
    You will be fine at Longhorn, Be strong from the start and have them take away the bread and Butter :)

    Just curious what did the scan find?
    Hmm... 90 degrees and more or less humid, Yuck.

    Congratulations on the 1 pound loss.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val

    Congratulations on this
    2 hours ago
    lost 1.2 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 21.4 lbs so far.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I was able to walk the length of the mall and back. Had considerable hip pain for about 10 minutes then it subsided. I didn't get any work done.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    The system from Texas that caused so much damage in Texas, ( and hopefully not by Val), was overtaken by a cold front and lessened the storms for us . We did get some rain at times, heavy, but we were actually good here. We needed rain! We are certainly familiar with that kind of damage, and it is awful. Lots of terrible flood stories from Ark. and Missouri.

    Longhorn went well, but I did give in to a piece of key lime pie! That put me over for the day, but was so good, I hardly felt bad! We stopped at a little Korean store and my daughter bought kimchi and a veggie concoction, and I did forego my favorite bag of snacks. They are like the old honey pop cereal and a cross between that and a potato chip lite nugget. They are really good, so I was good and skipped it! They only had the large size. I would have eaten it all.

    The bad news is church did not go too well. I had more than I should have, but really little amts. so better than I used to. Many things I did not taste. The culprit was bringing too much fried chicken home, as 2 of us brought some. Got into that for supper. Not good! :* I will not go by the scales for at least 2 days! But it will come off! LOL!

    I am not sure my computer was the problem. I used just the cccleaner, and that cleared a ton of old stuff, like 780,000 of the units they use that I do not remember, even if I see it every day. (megabytes maybe, lol...the 780 part is right...lol). The dog rescue sites and facebook is a lot of that, daily. (Then I used webroot to scan, and it was fine.) So I am not sure if that was the delay. The other computer scan usually says it is either a network problem or modem problem. Beyond me... But nothing posted by anyone yesterday showed up till this morning on the home page for me, and the days switched like they usually do, not like yesterday...Hmmmm....It may well have been my server, it is funky at times! Good today though.

    Really sticky and humid now, though cooler. You can be humid and cooler outside, or drier and stuffy inside, lol! Keep up the good work losing all! I am right behind you! After I recover from today! :# Thanks for encouragement, Rodger! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 5300 steps, The temperature this morning was 60/52 degrees. It was another so so day outside for walking. )
    The air is somewhat hazy outside. While I was walking I did see a Fox come up a side road running through peoples front yards and turn down the cross street heading towards the park. That makes two Foxes I have seen in different parts of town.

    Our Weather forecast Sunday night indicated Semi to severe Thunderstorms overnight on Monday into Tuesday.

    I ended up the day at 10.1K+ yesterday for a step count.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor posted this morning
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was able to walk the length of the mall and back. Had considerable hip pain for about 10 minutes then it subsided. I didn't get any work done.

    Hi Val
    I hope You are free from the severe weather effects.

    Congratulations on Your Perserverence
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    The system from Texas that caused so much damage in Texas, ( and hopefully not by Val), was overtaken by a cold front and lessened the storms for us . We did get some rain at times, heavy, but we were actually good here. We needed rain! We are certainly familiar with that kind of damage, and it is awful. Lots of terrible flood stories from Ark. and Missouri.

    Longhorn went well, but I did give in to a piece of key lime pie! That put me over for the day, but was so good, I hardly felt bad! We stopped at a little Korean store and my daughter bought kimchi and a veggie concoction, and I did forego my favorite bag of snacks. They are like the old honey pop cereal and a cross between that and a potato chip lite nugget. They are really good, so I was good and skipped it! They only had the large size. I would have eaten it all.

    The bad news is church did not go too well. I had more than I should have, but really little amts. so better than I used to. Many things I did not taste. The culprit was bringing too much fried chicken home, as 2 of us brought some. Got into that for supper. Not good! :* I will not go by the scales for at least 2 days! But it will come off! LOL!

    I am not sure my computer was the problem. I used just the cccleaner, and that cleared a ton of old stuff, like 780,000 of the units they use that I do not remember, even if I see it every day. (megabytes maybe, lol...the 780 part is right...lol). The dog rescue sites and facebook is a lot of that, daily. (Then I used webroot to scan, and it was fine.) So I am not sure if that was the delay. The other computer scan usually says it is either a network problem or modem problem. Beyond me... But nothing posted by anyone yesterday showed up till this morning on the home page for me, and the days switched like they usually do, not like yesterday...Hmmmm....It may well have been my server, it is funky at times! Good today though.

    Really sticky and humid now, though cooler. You can be humid and cooler outside, or drier and stuffy inside, lol! Keep up the good work losing all! I am right behind you! After I recover from today! :# Thanks for encouragement, Rodger! ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    I might have given in to Key Lime Pie too. As it is I have two 1/4 pie wedges of two types of Shoo Flie Pie in the freezer from Thursday, One is a regular Wet Bottom and the Other is a Chocolate Wet Bottom flavor. From here:
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoofly_pieFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Shoofly pie Wet-bottom Shoofly Pie
    Alternative names Shoo-fly pie
    Type Pie
    Place of origin United States
    Region or state Pennsylvania
    Main ingredients Pie shell, molasses
    Variations Montgomery pie, chess pie
    Cookbook: Shoofly pie Media: Shoofly pie

    Shoofly pie (or shoo-fly pie) is a molasses pie or cake that developed its traditional form among the Pennsylvania Dutch in the 1880s, who ate it with strong black coffee for breakfast. It is called Melassich Riwwelboi or Melassichriwwelkuche
    (molasses crumb cake) in the Pennsylvania Dutch language.

    The scale actually treated me OK this morning considering that my brother baked a reduced sodium Ham and I threw three smallish Potatoes in next to the roaster. I over ate on the ham and I ate all three potatoes between lunch and dinner. I used some of his home made ham gravy as a dipping sauce for the ham and the Potatoes at lunch. Ham broth from the roaster, 2% milk and flour.

    I am familiar with CCleaner, Just be somewhat careful using it the registry cleaning functions are usually safe, OTOH it has been know to do damage if that is used. So if it recommends backing up changes before it does them I suggest doing so.

    It has occurred to me that I can get rid of the Shoo Flie Pies today and the Sticky Buns in the freezer when my brother goes to drop of the sliced Summer Salami and crackers to friends. The Salami and the Pastries all came from Dietrichs out in Pennsylvania. I did have a taste off the pies before freezing them, of course.

    Have a Successful Week
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Well, we got 3 inches of rain with that system, which we really needed! It was quite nice, actually, as we avoided really bad weather! We had foxes where we lived, (I live on Foxwood Rd.) and used to see them at nite on my way to work. I have not seen any for about eight years, as the traffic and building has taken it's toll. We may have them, but they have wisely ventured away from the immediate area a little deeper in the woods. I do miss seeing them.

    I have no one to blame for Sunday! I need to wrap and freeze those portions better when I come from church. I really felt the sodium, and it was not pleasant. But I have done better, I just need to work on changes with the "next thing". I hope I learned my lesson. I was fine after lunch, but overeating later did not feel good, and I did not feel very good later in the night. I did prefer my new changes, and so did my body. It was a very good reminder! Luckily the other leftovers are green beans and cantaloupe! And precious little of that! :)

    Chess pie and bars are big down here! I love them. Butter on a plate with crisp! I have not had shoo fly pie since I lived in Ohio 40 years ago. We went to a Pennsylvania dutch restaurant in Chagrin Falls occasionally. I always got dumplings of some sort! Love them! Also the best apple dumplings I remember! I also love real old fashioned molasses soft cookies. Yum!!I Guess you can tell I was always losing weight, lol!

    I will back up my changes, I have not been doing that with the cleaner. Thanks!

    Good job with the steps, and headed for humor, Roger! Good of you to post for us! :#

    Val, super proud of your efforts these last weeks! Love the roll you are on!! <3 ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I took Em to Sonic yesterday, and out of nlind habit...I ordered and ate onion rings...then thought...oh crap, I'm trying to lose this fat, why did I do that? So, I skipped dinner. Drank ginger tea at bedtime. Was very surprised that i lost today. They did taste awesome, but I'd rather stick to my normal dinner of beans rather than have that treat and then be hungry. I literally didn't even mean to cheat...just an unconscious habit. San Antonio weather has been nice...the storms have been going across north of us. Supposed to get rain tomorrow.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I have done that too, Val! It is amazing what gets ingrained in our subconscious and the things we do because of them! I wish new habits were more easily acquired! It takes much longer than they say! :D Good for you adjusting and not blowing it! That's an A+. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Still wet here from the rain. It is quite cool in the morning and really nice! I braved the scales from Sunday, and they were not kind. What a dumb mistake I made. Talk about doing something from habit. I was not even hungry- I just ate the leftovers because they were there. Guess I will pay for that for a few more days... :s

    I will work on my passport again today. At some point it should be acceptable, lol! And the yard. I need to work on the untouched part. That will burn some calories for sure.

    Val, glad you were untouched by the storms. I had to look up where Canton was, Texas is rather big! :#

    Well, here's to doing better! It figures I would do this a week before my Dr. visit! :# Hopefully it will come off as fast as I put it on! :| Have a great day!!! :) ..Jan.. B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I posted more humor

    I was out walking this morning and did 7400 steps + 1 Quarter, The temperature this morning is cooler than Tuesdays 59/59 degrees.
    Currently it is a beautiful looking day outside the window.

    I went to the ShopRite and spent around $40. I planned to get some more protein shakes and Fruit. I managed to forget the Protein shakes :( Now I need to go back in the next couple of days or switch to using an alternative before I go walking. I may be able to get there this morning :)

    Have a Great Wednesday

    Back later unless I get distracted :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Congratulations to val and Buttons on these:
    yesterday, lost 0.6 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 22.4 lbs so far.
    10 hours ago, Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 5/02/2017 and was under Buttons61's calorie

    Have a Great Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My Indiana house is getting tons of rain. We are supposed to close on or around the 12th. I really need that to go through!!! Final repairs are supposed to be done the 9th. I didn't record weight today because it was slightly up...delayed reaction to those onion rings. Jan--I know what you mean about finishing off leftovers. Fortunately i did not give this affliction to my child...she has no qualms about leaving food uneaten. I feel paralyzed when i see her plate.... she ate one bite and the rest sits there. Lately I've been good about asking her to wrap it up...rather than my ingrained habit of inhaling anything left! Pissed at the MRI people...they said it takes a week from request to receipt...they've had my signed request for more than a week...and just sent the request to the other department today! Seriously the worst service (same place as the rude doctor). Happy Wednesday!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Roger, you found a whole quarter! That is a good start for the day! I always get a laugh if I forget something. Nine times out of ten, it is on the list in front of me, and checking it before leaving, I still forget it! :*

    I managed to finally get everything together on my passport. Now, only to wait 4-6 wks! I rather hope the trip goes easier. It is a pain gathering things, then half they don't look at. Just glad it is done, and they were nice, if not a little battleworn. Courtesy is always a plus.

    It's cool here in the mornings, but really warm for the day. Should be an interesting summer, and I am hoping we do not have over 100's days. We will see. At least we are getting rain. A plus, better than last year!

    I have to make a trip to the store today. I get so little done when I go out, and come home, lol! Then church tonite. I do have to charge up my lawnmower. I have gotten the plug out. --Hey, it's a start! Have a wonderful day! Distractions are not always bad, lol! Jan B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. The good news is that I've settled back in to my healthy eating routine (except for those accidental onion rings two days ago). So no cravings. Also good that the Indiana house repairs are underway...and we might close on the 12th. Also good that i see the back surgeon on the 18th. I had a frustrating end to my work day...TWO HOURS with four calls from me to The IS help desk plus two calls from my client to our IS help desk. IS guy was wrong and i was accurate...but he was new and he assumed i was mistaken about what i was saying. I have so much work to do but I'm still so pissed off. I wish i were able to go for a walk!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I cried a bunch during the night...this move to exclude preexisting conditions has me terrified. Very little sleep....and I feel like crap today. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 6000 steps + 1 cent. The temperature this morning is cooler than yesterday at 45/41 degrees. Yesterday between the Grocery Shopping, unloading Garden supplies and then spreading Lime on the yard I ended up the day with 13,800 steps so between these two days I am near my average goal of steps.
    Currently it is a beautiful looking day outside the window.

    I went to the ShopRite again Wednesday and spent around $69.95. I planned to get some more protein shakes and Fruit. The Atkins Protein shakes were on sale where the best price was to buy three, so I took advantage of that and bought three of three different flavors so I now have a 36 day supply of them plus 7 Muscle Milk Chocolate Protein Shakes. I also bought a bag of Clementines on sale so between those and the Pinata Apples I bought Yesterday and the Bananas on hand I am good for fruit too. Then since Poland Spring Water is on sale I bought three and got a coupon for $2 off a future purchase as long as I use it before May 17th.

    I managed to forget something again, OTOH it was seltzers for my brother and a optional if they were on sale only item. I really need to start creating a shopping list.

    Have a Great Thursday