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100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Weight Watchers: “it’s a lot harder to eat six chicken breasts than it is to eat six cookies.” So true!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Feeling improved today compared with yesterday. I started the WW tracking yesterday afternoon...going back and filling in everything i had already eaten. Awareness is beneficial. I knew i was having pizza for dinner so i pre-logged that. Thus my lunch then became a huge salad with just vinegar for the dressing plus cherry tomatoes and then strawberries for after. It worked. Even though two of my meals were not healthy choices, balancing the day with a zero-point lunch met my points. I’m pondering buying an infomercial item: 3 week yoga. Again, seeking some structure. I’ll keep you posted on what I do. Happy Saturday!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Even more humor is posted now.

    I'm back from walking again and 15 cents. The temperature this morning was 23 on the porch and 32 on the cable news channel, a little higher than yesterday. Today's high is supposed to be around 50 with rain moving sometime tonight into tomorrow :(

    Pelosi: $1,000 Is ‘Crumbs’ For The Middle Class [VIDEO]
    Amber Athey, 11:43 AM 01/25/2018
    Pelosi previously blasted the bonuses as “crumbs” earlier in January, insisting that they are “pathetic” gifts that mean little to workers.

    The next generation of smartphone cameras could see through walls

    Enviros Push Meat Tax
    Posted by ATR on Wednesday, January 24th, 2018

    California Considers $1,000 Fine for Waiters Offering Unsolicited Plastic Straws
    This sucks.
    Christian Britschgi|Jan. 25, 2018

    Is the humble sandwich a climate change culprit?
    By David Szondy

    California Considers $1,000 Fine for Waiters Offering Unsolicited Plastic Straws
    Posted by Christopher Abbott on Thursday, January 25th, 2018

    Burrito-Seeking Drunk Driver Busted, Cops Say
    Bank drive-thru lane mistaken for a Taco Bell

    January 22, 2018
    Florida Man, 23, Arrested For Fried Chicken Attack On His Girlfriend

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning all!

    Congrats Val! What wonderful news!! I agree with Roger! The less meds, the better!! I am liking this streak you are on! Keep it up!! <3

    We are having a normal day here. Some sunshine, chilly nites and warmer days. Though it is reaching the 60's it is a cooler 60 with chilly breezes, no matter how slight the wind. It is supposed to rain all week end and if it does not stop by Sunday and dry a little, our low will be 20, possible ice or flurries. I am pretending not, lol...

    Why do dogs like to be pet, but insist on sitting just far enough away stretching that far becomes a crisis for the petter... Meet May May, the gold champion at that, she says as her arm drops off trying to pet at arm's length, type and drink coffee all at the same time!
    Hi Jan
    Good Luck with the weather, Think No Ice :) My Brother and I have commented how some days feel colder or warmer even when the room temperature is the same as always, We concluded it could be humidity or the Barometer reading.

    If I were trying to do all three of those I would be extremely lucky not to wreck the keyboard. Keyboards and Liquids do not go well together.
    Wow, the post offerings were diverse today, with high tech things to plain stupidity. Trying to fathom what goes on in the semi brain of the burrito worker...please tell me we are not turning into a nation of idiots! I can attest to the whole location thing and obesity! The south is fattening cooking and fast foods! And here I am trying to make a dent in the fat state of Alabama! :) I have gone to that Taco Bell in Montgomery many times when in Montg. that burned, by the way. The owners were trying to persuade people not to do it, as the vigil was still a crime scene, more or less. The owners are super sweet people, and I guess people will stick by their favorite places! :#
    Sad to say that sort of thing seems to be in the process of becoming common. No one is taught that actions have consequences anymore :( Common sense and thinking for Yourself seems to be falling by the wayside too.

    I was semi curious if You were familiar with that area. Southern Cooking fattening ? :)
    I was visiting a friend today, but she isn't feeling well. I am kind of worried about her. She is kind of frail seeming, and her B/P and sugars are all out of wack, and she is normally very careful. She has had a stroke in the past and she seemed confused this morning. I urged her to see her Doctor, but I feel she will wait till like Monday for her appt.. I am hoping she does not have another pending, as a semi health care worker, I do not like her symptoms....

    What a week! What a month. Does January seem rather long to you, lol? :o ...Jan

    P.S. I think there is a CONGRATULATIONS in order for Sat. Roger!! You should be reaching 1000 log in's I think!!! Did not want to miss it! Phenomenal!!

    Did You see the recent news where they have extended the time period where prompt treatment after a stroke leads to a better recovery after a stroke ?

    I hope Your friend is OK too. Is it possible that the Blood Sugar level could be making her feel confused ? I know people that had small strokes and recovered nicely FWIW.

    Wow , How did I miss that coming up, Yes I had not noticed. You are 100% correct, this morning it did say
    1000 Day Streak, Whee !

    Thank You for letting me know.

    Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    January seemed short to me...I missed it. I just did something new (for me)...I joined Weight Watchers. I also ordered a new Fitbit...my other one died around the time of the doberman attack. Really wanting to find the wagon and get back on. Jan—-my doggies don’t play games—they get closer and closer and too close when i pet them. Your friend’s symptoms are concerning and (from my experience), symptoms can change quickly! Hoping all the best for her. I’m actually going out to dinner tonight (ha...need to read the WW info!) with a friend who has chronic health issues and is feeling down. And, tomorrow having lunch with a former work colleague who’s like a dad-figure for me—nicest guy! And, back to work Monday. Even just today not taking the antibiotics I’m already feeling better.

    Hi Val
    All the months seem short anymore.

    Good Luck with Weight Watchers, I found that in my case I have had better success with NS. OTOH It has been so many years since I did WW that I know it has changed several times in the meantime so My results may not match yours at all. I will be interested in hearing how You do. I am still doing the NS plan as far as the different types of foods, however I have been using the NS foods approximately 1/3 of the time, Alternating Cereals with NS hot breakfast foods + Blueberry Waffles and Blueberry pancakes for example. For Lunches and Dinners I also use the Lean Cuisine frozen entrees from the grocery Store. Some of them are mighty tasty IMO.

    Hopefully that dinner makes Your friend feel better.

    Congratulations on getting ready to resume working.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    P.S. The Time Limited eating experiment seems to be going well. I start by 6AM and am finished by 4PM. No hunger pangs either. I have also been having Breakfast, Dinner and finally Lunch at the same time.

    Example: For my Pre walk food I had a NS Honey Wheat Bagel instead of a Banana, Breakfast this morning was a NS Sausage Egg Muffin with 1/2 slice of Velveeta at 20 calories and it adds just the right amount of cheese. Dinner will likely be either a NS Dinner Entree or a Lean Cuisine steak Portobello entree at 170 calories or a LC Sesame Noodles with Vegetables at 280 calories. Lunch will be a NS Melt and Dinner and Lunch will of course have 170 grams of frozen vegetables, some side Protein and a Apple or Tangerine per the NS plan :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning,

    Val, so glad you are doing well. I think I had done well on weight watchers. I belonged 2x. I actually lost to my goal weight the first time. I just could not seem to sustain it though. It is a good program. I think it and NS is good. It is just the determination of staying with it. Having been ill, you may find it sustains you to get in good health and stay there!! :)

    All your offerings sound so good, Roger, it is making me hungry! I am glad your approach seems to be working and you have figured out how to use your foods!!

    I am entrenched in watching The Queen, about Elizabeth and the history from King George on down. It is a mini series on Netflix and is so good. I have a lot more sympathy for Elizabeth, Phillip and even Charles. I am glad I am watching it, and seems to run with History without taking much liberty. It is fascinating and heartbreaking.

    The posts are strange. They seem silly, like the straw one, but on reading are actually some valid point. I think a fine and fining the waiter a bit much, though! Same about the sandwiches. Who thinks about the carbon footprint like that! Yet strangely relevant! :o

    Rain expected all day Sunday. We need it... Keep on keeping on!! :) ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Roger-congratulations on logging in to MFP for 1,000 days! Well done.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Some more humor today

    I'm back from walking again and No cents. The temperature this morning was 50 on the porch and 50 on the cable news channel, higher than yesterday. Today's when I left to go walking there was a light rain falling, the rain appears to have ended as I approached the house.
    The scale was lower than yesterday morning, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working well so far.

    Three teens face criminal charges after exposing allergic classmate to pineapple juice
    By Brian C. Rittmeyer | Friday, Jan. 26, 2018, 6:39 a.m.
    This seems like a weird allergy to me, Roger

    Loyal dogs guard dead body of their friend after it was hit and killed on a busy road
    Onlookers were amazed as they watched the four canines take up their positions in the middle of the street until the dog's body was moved
    By Gabriel Zamfir, Updated18:23, 26 JAN 2018

    San Jose earthquake brings Bay Area total to 7 in last week
    By Sophie Haigney Published 7:41 am, Friday, January 26, 2018

    Whistling at women & asking for phone number could cost men €350 in France
    Published time: 26 Jan, 2018 11:14

    Rhode Island, Connecticut and Illinois are the 'worst possible states to live in' (but Louisiana and Mississippi aren't much better)
    21-25% of residents were unhappy with these state, according to a survey
    Among the happiest were those in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and Texas
    One Reddit forum poster said CT and RI had an 'inferiority complex'
    By Nick Enoch for MailOnline, Updated: 01:12 EST, 27 January 2018

    Escaped prisoner from Dallas caught sneaking back into prison with snacks, booze, home-cooked food
    Written by Tom Steele, Breaking News Producer, Filed under Crime Yesterday

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning,

    Val, so glad you are doing well. I think I had done well on weight watchers. I belonged 2x. I actually lost to my goal weight the first time. I just could not seem to sustain it though. It is a good program. I think it and NS is good. It is just the determination of staying with it. Having been ill, you may find it sustains you to get in good health and stay there!! :)

    All your offerings sound so good, Roger, it is making me hungry! I am glad your approach seems to be working and you have figured out how to use your foods!!
    Hi Jan
    I thought I had the Canadian Bacon, Egg and Cheese on English in the freezer section, I looked and did not find it OTOH I did find one more of the Sausage & Egg English than I remembered bring up from the basement so I had that two days in a roll with a 1/2 slice of Velveeta :)

    I had the Sesame Noodles with Vegetables LC Entree at Noon, It was really tasty too Once I threw out the Red peppers, Not caring for peppers in my food. 280 Calories.
    I am entrenched in watching The Queen, about Elizabeth and the history from King George on down. It is a mini series on Netflix and is so good. I have a lot more sympathy for Elizabeth, Phillip and even Charles. I am glad I am watching it, and seems to run with History without taking much liberty. It is fascinating and heartbreaking.

    The posts are strange. They seem silly, like the straw one, but on reading are actually some valid point. I think a fine and fining the waiter a bit much, though! Same about the sandwiches. Who thinks about the carbon footprint like that! Yet strangely relevant! :o

    Rain expected all day Sunday. We need it... Keep on keeping on!! :) ...Jan
    If I said I dropped my Netflix subscription as I was no using it...
    There is so much to watch on regular TV as well as the Cable Channels that I get via satellite that I had no time to watch anyway despite having a media player that could stream Netflix.

    My brother seems to find weird but interesting news links that the Mainstream news broadcasts do not touch upon.

    Considering that I like meat :) I am not happy that the Green types are attacking meat eating. Straws was interesting OTOH. I also remember using the Spiral Paper straws as a Youth and not caring for them.

    I think Our rain has now ended, Of course it ended as I was on the last 2 blocks of my walking :(

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger-congratulations on logging in to MFP for 1,000 days! Well done.
    Hi Val
    I'm wondering if You are ambivalent about returning to work?

    Thank You for noticing :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I feel guilty not working. I know my absence puts more on my colleagues (for the hard-working ones, I feel badly). My boss just called...she’s being railroaded and is no longer my boss. A royal jerk that knows nothing and won’t listen will be my boss. I’m rather sick about that change. But, I really do need a paycheck!!!! (Well, one that is more than $7!)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I am freezing. It is 60 degrees outside and I have my heat on 73, but because it is not cycling so much, I am just just cold and damp. I have on a warm cotton shirt, and my blanket, but I am just laughing. I guess my body needs high 70- thru the lower 90's. I may need to move further South, lol!! :D

    We had 3 inches of rain! We are still in a deficit, though.

    I just was not going to mention work, Val. :D It seemed like a no win thing! It is amazing they can survive with such personnel change. I would be ashamed to run a company like that... So sorry...

    Okay, that picture of the dog pack and companions tore me up..... :'(

    Box of tissue....moments later....Poor babies...

    Wishing I had chocolate in the house, I have the calories....

    I have calories! Thinking cheery thought....Life.. bitter and sweet!! Jan, Take care all!! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And yet more humor is posted

    I'm back from walking again and No cents. The temperature this morning was 40 on the porch and 39 on the cable news channel, lower than yesterday.
    The scale was lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is still working well so far.

    Connecticut’s Mayors ask Hartford to save them from collective bargaining.

    Super Bowl brings massive security resources to Minneapolis

    The rise of the 'gym party' for adults - how getting sweaty replaced getting sloshed
    By Lucy Holden, 27 January 2018

    Investigation spurred after photos show raw meat being wheeled into 99 Ranch Market with Costco cart
    By Michelle Robertson, Updated 7:10 pm, Friday, January 26, 2018

    this is a weird one to me
    Conservatives are more attractive than liberals, study finds
    Posted Saturday 27 January 2018

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I feel guilty not working. I know my absence puts more on my colleagues (for the hard-working ones, I feel badly). My boss just called...she’s being railroaded and is no longer my boss. A royal jerk that knows nothing and won’t listen will be my boss. I’m rather sick about that change. But, I really do need a paycheck!!!! (Well, one that is more than $7!)

    Hi Val
    I can understand the feeling guilty, There seems to be a lot of churn where You work in the upper echelons as I remember from Your posts.

    Paychecks, I remember those :) I'm waiting for my ersatz paychecks, that would be the pension check that gets mailed on the 1st and Social Security that is next due February 14th. Over two weeks away :(

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I am freezing. It is 60 degrees outside and I have my heat on 73, but because it is not cycling so much, I am just just cold and damp. I have on a warm cotton shirt, and my blanket, but I am just laughing. I guess my body needs high 70- thru the lower 90's. I may need to move further South, lol!! :D

    We had 3 inches of rain! We are still in a deficit, though.

    I just was not going to mention work, Val. :D It seemed like a no win thing! It is amazing they can survive with such personnel change. I would be ashamed to run a company like that... So sorry...

    Okay, that picture of the dog pack and companions tore me up..... :'(

    Box of tissue....moments later....Poor babies...

    Wishing I had chocolate in the house, I have the calories....

    I have calories! Thinking cheery thought....Life.. bitter and sweet!! Jan, Take care all!! :)

    Hi Jan
    That feeling clammy can happen in the winter and the summer, As You noticed the heat not needing to run much contributes to that and in the summer if the AC does not need to run much to remove the humidity it happens too :(

    3 inches is a lot of rain, was there much flooding ?

    I found this interesting on the news yesterday. The news was related to the use of discarded Christmas Trees to slow erosion of the coastline.
    Louisiana's Governor Declares State Of Emergency Over Disappearing Coastline

    It adds that the pace of erosion is getting faster: "more than 1,800 square miles of land between 1932 and 2010, including 300 square miles of marshland between 2004 and 2008 alone."

    The governor estimates that if no further action is taken, "2,250 square miles of coastal Louisiana is expected to be lost" in the next 50 years.

    I'm sorry that the Dogs had that effect, I had not thought about it from that angle.

    Chocolate, I have become partial to Dark Chocolate and of course the NS Chocolates that melt in Your mouth.

    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Good insight into the humidity factor! It does explain how air feels different at the same temperature! I had 3 inches at my house of rain. It varies where you are a lot down here, I had standing water for a bit. Low lying areas did too, that typically have a problem. just for a bit though. Most people stayed home or were somewhere. Traffic was lighter than usual. :)

    The doggie picture was a great tribute. I guess it just bothered me no people helped, no cars stopped. That could have happened later I suppose...We also had a great tragedy for rescue this last week. An elderly lady in her 70's died as the rescue she ran at her house caught fire . She died trying to save as many dogs as she could. She had a respectable rescue for 40 some years, early on, and was still topnotch. She rescued over 20 dogs and got them to safety before she succumbed. Rescues took in them, as well as the others as the firemen saved them, but they lost quite a few, also. I never saw the final lost, but did not look for it either. The rescues said little publicly, but more from grief than anything else. One of a rescue's worst nightmare.

    I love recycled Christmas trees! They can be used again for something useful!! <3

    This week will be a doosey. Thursday I committed to my group going to eat, then was invited to a birthday lunch the same day. On Sat. I am making lasagna for Sat. buffet, (all good cooks!), and Sunday is guest lunch for church. I can not get below this plateau I am at, just needing time and perseverance! Not a good tome for the "let's party week!" :D

    Glad your diet method is coming along, Roger! Val, I wish you good vibes for heading to work again!!

    Be good all! ..Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    This morning I put in a new DVD of beginning senior yoga...i was so tired and shaky after five minutes! LOL. So sad that I’ve become so weak. That’s just ridiculous...it’s me...the DVD appears quite tame. I lasted through my work day. I need to win the lottery...this is for the birds. Good news, I’m still employed. Dinner tonight was a big salad with tomatoes and judt vinegar as the dressing. Plus garlic portabella mushrooms with a splash of mesquite marinade. Full happy stomach.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor again

    I'm back from walking again and No cents. The temperature this morning was 33 on the porch and 31 on the cable news channel, lower than yesterday. The snow from the yesterday's forecast did arrive overnight and had stopped by the time I left for my walk. This mornings forecast shows more snow arriving later today.

    The scale was lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working well so far.

    Winton meat company responds after photos of raw meat entering store go viral
    By Brian Clark, January 27, 2018 09:20 AM

    Sky's the limit for Japan's pint-sized Olympic skateboarding hope
    Sky Brown is not your typical nine-year-old.

    The Florida is the worst state in the nation in every way, new rankings say
    By Howard Cohen, January 28, 2018 10:38 AM


    Flu Season From Hell Keeps Getting Worse
    Now your kids are spreading it. More than 50,000 deaths are expected before it finally ends.
    By Michelle Cortez, Updated on https://imageshack.com/a/img923/7452/Ku1RCe.jpgJanuary 26, 2018, 5:08 PM EST

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Good insight into the humidity factor! It does explain how air feels different at the same temperature! I had 3 inches at my house of rain. It varies where you are a lot down here, I had standing water for a bit. Low lying areas did too, that typically have a problem. just for a bit though. Most people stayed home or were somewhere. Traffic was lighter than usual. :)

    The doggie picture was a great tribute. I guess it just bothered me no people helped, no cars stopped. That could have happened later I suppose...We also had a great tragedy for rescue this last week. An elderly lady in her 70's died as the rescue she ran at her house caught fire . She died trying to save as many dogs as she could. She had a respectable rescue for 40 some years, early on, and was still topnotch. She rescued over 20 dogs and got them to safety before she succumbed. Rescues took in them, as well as the others as the firemen saved them, but they lost quite a few, also. I never saw the final lost, but did not look for it either. The rescues said little publicly, but more from grief than anything else. One of a rescue's worst nightmare.
    Hi Jan
    I thought I recalled that people moved the dog off of the road ?

    I'm sorry to hear the bad news regarding the Fire.
    I love recycled Christmas trees! They can be used again for something useful!! <3

    This week will be a doosey. Thursday I committed to my group going to eat, then was invited to a birthday lunch the same day. On Sat. I am making lasagna for Sat. buffet, (all good cooks!), and Sunday is guest lunch for church. I can not get below this plateau I am at, just needing time and perseverance! Not a good tome for the "let's party week!" :D

    Glad your diet method is coming along, Roger! Val, I wish you good vibes for heading to work again!!

    Be good all! ..Jan

    FWIW it's worth so far so good with not eating after 4PM, Once again the scale was kind to me this morning. My current food schedule is
    A Protein shake before I walk, followed by Breakfast at 8AM. Mid morning snack at 10AM, Dinner at Noon, 2PM Mid-afternoon snack and Lunch at 3:30PM. I had bought some Store made Lasagna on the 21st. Lots of cheese and since I bought the Meat Version lots of meat. That Italian Deli makes their own foods. You can pick up all kinds of Homemade Raviolis in many flavors. Their Italian Breaded Chicken Fillets are tasty too and make a great Sandwich. The trick is to only eat a little bit of the Lasagna at any time. I am now lower than I have been since New Years Day. I still have a way to go after the three holidays feasts.

    Have a Nice Day & Good Luck

    Congratulations on this:
    Buttons61 5 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 1/29/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal