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100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2018
    More Humor :)

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 28 on the porch and 30 on the cable news channel, 14 degrees warmer than yesterday.
    There is rain in the forecast for later today.

    America's most hated companies
    Last Updated Feb 1, 2018

    German mosque must stop broadcasting call to prayer, court finds
    Reuters•February 2, 2018

    Sprawling Maya network discovered under Guatemala jungle

    Cape Town's water crisis hitting tourism - officials
    By Wendell Roelf, ReutersFebruary 2, 2018

    In a bid to limit the economic damage, which could spell jobs losses in a country with 25 percent unemployment

    Earth's magnetic poles ‘about to flip’ killing MILLIONS leaving parts ‘uninhabitable'
    Earth’s magnetic poles have flipped every 200,000 to 300,000 years according to the historical scientific record.
    Scientists believe a flip is long overdue, as the last one was approximately 780,000 years ago.

    I say not happening in my lifetime :)

    Here is a link to a pdf of the Controversial document is anyone is interested
    Or here

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    No weighing today!!I was like a thousand calories over my limit. It figures as I was actually showing a loss of those three lbs I have been playing with today! But the lasagna and potato salad did me in! The rest was not too bad. Of course it was too late by then! >:)

    The singles club is made up of all singles 55 and over. It started as for widows, men and women, then added single and divorced. Cheryl who started it is very careful who she invites. All very nice clean cut people who she has known, or friends. No younger people out for kicks, predators or mean people. Just a safe place for women, though we have some men, mostly widowed. Most are church goers, though not all.

    From the shopping, cooking and carrying I am exhausted. I could barely walk after I got home. I toured 3 levels of her house. It is like the Biltmore Estates, I swear. The house alone is 7,000 sq feet. Then there is a guest house, and apartment on the property. Out of Homes and Gardens, with 20 acres 2 streams.

    I have still got to cut up 2 chickens- guest lunch tomorrow, and i set up communion trays this month. My back is about out, so interesting day Sunday... :|

    Weight watchers is slow if carbs tend to not make you lose weight. I had to eat lots of protein and veg to lose, not much starch. One a day was best, no more than 2. Need to finish prep, was supposed to be in bed by 11:30! :D
    Hi Jan
    Two favorite foods of mine, I like Lasagna whether it be Cheese or Meat & Cheese types with a slight preference for the meat version. Potato Salad with small chunks of Celery and shredded carrot for example.

    Interesting mix in the Singles club. What a shack, only 7,000 square feet and a paltry 20 acres :smiley: I should be so unlucky as to have something like that. Instead My brother and own a 30 by 30 foot house, Oh well, it is big enough to make cleaning it a chore as is. I'm guessing the that hose has a staff too.

    Were the Whole Chickens so much cheaper than the cut up ones so as to make it worth the effort ?
    I watch a show called Worst Cooks in America, they are hilarious, one example from this season was watching some one using a cutting board to cut vegetables. That doesn't sound wrong until You see her using the wooden cutting board as the knife... And watching them try and break down a Whole Chicken, Butchering the poor thing. Until I watched it I though everybody had some kitchen skills. In a previous season they had contestants that sent family members to the hospital with their cooking and others that set the kitchen on fire while trying to cook.

    I find that Carbs tend to slow my loss down if I eat too many versus if the calories are the same amount as from Proteins or Vegetables.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I took Emily Christmas shopping yesterday and she bought jeans and teeshirts plus a new pair of shoes. Today I was supposed to go to a friend’s house to watch the Superbowl (and chat and eat)...but I’m stuck in bed with a cold (lots of sneezing). I’m sick of being sick! But this is way better than that abdominal infection.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I am so happy! I only gained a little under 1 lb. and still in that next 10 lb, category! I am thankful, no doubt! Of course I have leftovers I need to eat judiciously. And beware the lb. that shows up later. Still very happy! :)

    I did not eat at the guest lunch today. Well, I did have a small piece of conecuh sausage, a local that is to die for. But that was it! I did dishes and kept my hands busy... :D

    Totally died after getting home. I hardly pet May, I was so tired...I could not walk again hardly, lol.

    Loved the post on the magnetic poles. It has come up before in Catholic visions and even in some American Indian prophesies. I do think it is coming sooner than we think, i believe it, though maybe not in our lifespan...

    Believe it or not, this lady did her house herself for the last seven years! It was her husband and her dream house and he died of cancer. Really sad. they designed it together. It actually fits her family as they had had both her mom and her husband's mom living with them at times, illness and companionship. She had a big family and they visited a lot when the kids's babies were small. She is downsizing as she is tired keeping it up, and she visits the kids more with their young'uns in school now. Very sad. Few people get to do something like that, and then they spent only a few years in it together... I think she sleeps little and keeps moving to cope, I am not to sure she can take the silence...

    Actually, I was cutting up 2 rotisserie chickens to reheat on a serving platter. It took less time to do that for serving than cutting 2 cantaloupes! That took forever!! I took carrots in a honey sauce and cheesecake. Did not bring home anything! :#

    Glad you could get out with Em, Val! I hope you feel better soon!! ...Jan :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Happy to say that it seems the worst of that cold passed quickly...not feeling too bad this morning. I think I need a lotto ticket...I don’t want to go to work today.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor today

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 34 on the porch and 36 on the cable news channel, Warmer than yesterday. Despite the warmer air than yesterday I ended up short cutting my walking after hitting icy patches and slipping.
    The rain in the forecast for yesterday arrived with a few snow flakes that quickly turned to rain into the evening.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far. Whee

    Drone hovers right above jet landing at Las Vegas airport

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I took Emily Christmas shopping yesterday and she bought jeans and teeshirts plus a new pair of shoes. Today I was supposed to go to a friend’s house to watch the Superbowl (and chat and eat)...but I’m stuck in bed with a cold (lots of sneezing). I’m sick of being sick! But this is way better than that abdominal infection.
    Happy to say that it seems the worst of that cold passed quickly...not feeling too bad this morning. I think I need a lotto ticket...I don’t want to go to work today.

    Hi Val
    I wonder if it was a cold or something in the environment when You were shopping that caused a illness type reaction due to allergy.

    I can understand being tired of working, I got that way around ten years before I could retire. Your Employer can have an effect on that too.

    Congratulations on feeling better, Off to work now I'm guessing :smiley:

    P.S. Michael Mosley: 'Forget walking 10,000 steps a day'
    By Michael Mosley BBC
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I am so happy! I only gained a little under 1 lb. and still in that next 10 lb, category! I am thankful, no doubt! Of course I have leftovers I need to eat judiciously. And beware the lb. that shows up later. Still very happy! :)

    I did not eat at the guest lunch today. Well, I did have a small piece of conecuh sausage, a local that is to die for. But that was it! I did dishes and kept my hands busy... :D

    Totally died after getting home. I hardly pet May, I was so tired...I could not walk again hardly, lol.
    Hi Jan
    I have a feeling that some if not most of that weight gain could be water weight.

    I had to look up that sausage, It would appear from the results that it is a brand rather than any specific flavor ?

    That would be tired when You are too tired to pet the dog :(
    Loved the post on the magnetic poles. It has come up before in Catholic visions and even in some American Indian prophesies. I do think it is coming sooner than we think, i believe it, though maybe not in our lifespan...

    Believe it or not, this lady did her house herself for the last seven years! It was her husband and her dream house and he died of cancer. Really sad. they designed it together. It actually fits her family as they had had both her mom and her husband's mom living with them at times, illness and companionship. She had a big family and they visited a lot when the kids's babies were small. She is downsizing as she is tired keeping it up, and she visits the kids more with their young'uns in school now. Very sad. Few people get to do something like that, and then they spent only a few years in it together... I think she sleeps little and keeps moving to cope, I am not to sure she can take the silence...

    Actually, I was cutting up 2 rotisserie chickens to reheat on a serving platter. It took less time to do that for serving than cutting 2 cantaloupes! That took forever!! I took carrots in a honey sauce and cheesecake. Did not bring home anything! :#

    Glad you could get out with Em, Val! I hope you feel better soon!! ...Jan :)
    I am sure that since they have found evidence of it happening in the past that the poles could shift again.
    There are so many possible civilization ending possibilities that I ignore them, I include the Super Volcano that could erupt in the Midwest. That would be this one if You are interested.
    The Yellowstone Caldera is a volcanic caldera and supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park in the Western United States, sometimes referred to as the Yellowstone Supervolcano

    That is sad... You could be right about the moving around.

    Ah, I had thought You bought Raw Chickens, Silly me :)
    Around here the best value is the ones from CostCo, They are reasonably priced and huge. Whee, Carrots in a honey sauce and Cheesecake, I would have been doomed.

    Congratulations on resisting bringing any home.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I survived another day of work. I got compliments on my new role. Luckily I happen to have experience in that subject so I had relevant info to contribute. Re cold vs allergies—I can usually tell the difference plus im on daily allergy meds. Allergies make me sneeze but usually don’t make me feel sick. Whatever it was, glad it left quickly!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning all!

    I was headed to the doctor and spent the day instead helping that lady from church I was trying to help. I feel so sad when people cannot seem to cope even with several people helping. I think she just does not have the capacity to make enough good choices to outweigh the bad she makes. I think she needs to be in some kind of home or something. More supervision than a friendly helper can give. Bummer day... :s

    Still holding at my spot, even eating my leftover lasagna carefully, and yay, the pasta is gone! I can concentrate more on more protein and less carbs for a few days!! But dang it was good!! :#

    I am blown away by your progress Roger! I feel you get good results especially because the NS works well for you!!
    I am still tweaking as using reg. meals thrown in is often not as disciplined. But slowly I am getting there, just with those pesky eating days, usually church or out, lol!

    Val, I am glad there was some positive coming from work. That part is awesome!! <3 Glad you are over the cold and it was a short duration thing!!

    Take care all, and Roger be careful as on that ice! Well wishes for all Tuesday!!! :) Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor again

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 25 on the porch and 27 on the cable news channel, Cooler than yesterday. Their is Snow turning to rain in the forecast for Tomorrow.
    The footing was good this morning. If Yesterdays weather forecast is to be believed the day will start with snow and turn to rain where I am and be mainly a rain event in South Jersey.

    Well I was sore for the rest of the day yesterday and I do have a smallish bruise, Oh well it could have been worse. I got out later in the morning again as I walked to the bank which brought up my walking time to normal. It had turned bitter out due to a brisk breeze with gusts of wind that went through my clothes.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far. Whee

    Half-shark half-dolphin: Mysterious sea creature discovery baffles experts
    By Siba Jackson / Published 4th February 2018

    California city to experiment with 'universal basic income'
    Residents to get $500 a month, no questions asked, as starting point

    February 2, 2018
    Arkansas Cops Arrest Man Named Shelby Mustang GT500 Miller

    Egypt says 4,400-year-old tomb discovered outside Cairo

    Have a Great Tuesday

    Karma at work
    Woman Breaks Her Leg While Stealing A Package From A Porch
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I survived another day of work. I got compliments on my new role. Luckily I happen to have experience in that subject so I had relevant info to contribute. Re cold vs allergies—I can usually tell the difference plus im on daily allergy meds. Allergies make me sneeze but usually don’t make me feel sick. Whatever it was, glad it left quickly!

    Hi Val
    Hmm... I have run into chemicals in the air in the past that took my breath away, made my nose run, Throat burn and eyes burn which is why I was wondering.

    The black ice that formed yesterday got me yesterday when walking. I was crossing a side road, luckily no traffic when I slipped on the ice and took a tumble. As slick as the road was I did not try and get up. If You can imagine seeing it, what I ended up doing was sliding on my backside to the curb to find enough traction to stand up and then I reversed back to the house. It seemed as if the sidewalks and roads were getting icier as the morning went on.

    Congratulations on getting compliments
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning all!

    I was headed to the doctor and spent the day instead helping that lady from church I was trying to help. I feel so sad when people cannot seem to cope even with several people helping. I think she just does not have the capacity to make enough good choices to outweigh the bad she makes. I think she needs to be in some kind of home or something. More supervision than a friendly helper can give. Bummer day... :s

    Still holding at my spot, even eating my leftover lasagna carefully, and yay, the pasta is gone! I can concentrate more on more protein and less carbs for a few days!! But dang it was good!! :#

    I am blown away by your progress Roger! I feel you get good results especially because the NS works well for you!!
    I am still tweaking as using reg. meals thrown in is often not as disciplined. But slowly I am getting there, just with those pesky eating days, usually church or out, lol!

    Val, I am glad there was some positive coming from work. That part is awesome!! <3 Glad you are over the cold and it was a short duration thing!!

    Take care all, and Roger be careful as on that ice! Well wishes for all Tuesday!!! :) Jan

    Hi Jan
    Lasagna is so tasty, just so fattening too. I have had to avoid eating out. When we meet friends for a meal it will usually be at the Diner, a Chinese Buffet or the Thai place, none of which are small entrees.
    I do tend to take the easy way and buy Frozen Entrees to supplement the NS Lunches and Dinners with tasty other flavors.

    I'm sorry to hear that the lady makes bad choices :(

    I saw this:
    Buttons61 8 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 2/05/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Roger-glad that your fall wasn’t worse. Hope you feel better soon. I have work boots with good non-slip treds that i used in Ohio and Indiana which heped. I’ve seen ads for grip thingys that attach to shoes to prevent slipping. Jan-sorry your friend is having such a hard time. Does anyone have power of attorney to make decisions on her behalf? Such a difficult situation.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Still more humor is now available

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 26 on the porch and 31 on the cable news channel. The Snow in the forecast that should turn to rain has not yet started, thus the walking was OK, It would have been better without the mild breeze adding a wind chill :(

    As I look out the window right now at 7:15 I see that the snow has arrived, It appears that I made it back to the house with a small margin of time ahead of the snow. Lucky me not having to go out into the rush hour and drive in snow.

    ‘I wake up ... from nightmares:’ Why Whole Foods workers are hating life
    By Madeleine Marr
    February 05, 2018 12:16 PM

    Banks Shutter 1,700 Branches in Fastest Decline on Record
    Lenders keep cutting despite growing economy as customers move online
    By Rachel Louise Ensign, Christina Rexrode and Coulter Jones
    Updated Feb. 5, 2018 11:37 a.m. ET

    Newsweek Guts Its Top Edit Staff Amid Legal Turmoil
    Staffers who spoke to The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity pointed out that the fired editors had all published pieces reporting on the company’s recent troubles.
    Maxwell Tani, 02.05.18 1:29 PM ET

    ‘Don’t fight over 10p SANDWICH’ Cops break up massive brawl in Asda reduced aisle

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger-glad that your fall wasn’t worse. Hope you feel better soon. I have work boots with good non-slip treds that i used in Ohio and Indiana which helped. I’ve seen ads for grip thingys that attach to shoes to prevent slipping. Jan-sorry your friend is having such a hard time. Does anyone have power of attorney to make decisions on her behalf? Such a difficult situation.

    Hi Val
    I have footwear that has an aggressive tread that I could have worn if I had thought they would be needed. OTOH they are no better on ice, nothing I have works on ice. I suspect I would need something with spikes that attached to the shoes, I also suspect that if I spent the money on them that given that I walk on sidewalks or roads that the spikes would wear off really quickly.

    Thanks for the Suggestions

    Hi Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I spent most of yesterday helping that lady and getting her back on track. She has multi problems, a lot of which are psychological. Great heart but too much baggage. She is kind of the most stable in her family, sad to say.. The few siblings do not want to deal with her anymore, and she is more stable than her children. The whole family is dysfunctional. it is not so much of a power of attorney thing as she needs to live in a half way house situation permanently, which I believe does not exist as a service. I only see her surviving in a situation where she has some guidance because she knows what to do, but is so unfocused she cannot sustain positive progress to support herself. It is complicated. I would not dare risk the repercussions because she has every chance to do well, and always blows it at the most critical time to pull it together. She is very smart and quick, but gets so full of the trivial, she cannot keep track of the important. If anyone needed disability it is her. I do not condone handouts, but in this case, try as she can, she seems incapable of being able to put it together and sustaining. Any one that had a power of attorney for her would be putting themselves in a very dangerous position. I can not help her anymore, other than advice or she will drag me down with her, especially financially. It is sad because she tries so hard, unlike some that just want handouts and milk it. Truly shows how the system does not help those who need it, but can grant others to use the system and take advantage. Tirade over.... :(

    I also am glad you were not hurt, Roger! It sounded like a very unpleasant situation, and one that you could really have been hurt worse! Scary, and I know how careful you are! No repeats please!!

    All somber stories in your post. I worked for a company like many of the stories. Sometimes it is like management goes to stupid school... :s

    I am the lowest weight I have been in 9 months. Not the lowest though in a year. Slow progress, but happy there is progress!

    Looks like icky weather for the south and east for a day! Take care all!! Have a good day! :) ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    13-hour day...this new role is even more crazy than the rest of my job. Jan—that is a sad and frustrating situation. Congrats on doing well with your weight! Roger—glad you beat the snow!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have posted more humor

    I'm back from walking again and 1 cent. The temperature this morning was 27 on the porch and 28 on the cable news channel. The Snow yesterday turned to rain and by 7PM all the snow was melted away by the rain. I did have to detour slightly around a few icy spots on the sidewalks, overall everything had dried out by the time I left to go walking.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far. Whee

    [bRare dinosaur discovery in Egypt could signal more finds
    By MAGGIE HYDE[/b]

    Fort Worth father now an amputee after flu complications

    Secret lives of Bay Area part-time profs: Here's why they work at Safeway, live out of cars
    Ted Andersen, SFGATE Updated 5:18 pm, Monday, February 5, 2018

    Electric shock to the brain boosts memory '15 per cent'

    Cops realize tiger is stuffed animal after 45-minute standoff

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I spent most of yesterday helping that lady and getting her back on track. She has multi problems, a lot of which are psychological. Great heart but too much baggage. She is kind of the most stable in her family, sad to say.. The few siblings do not want to deal with her anymore, and she is more stable than her children. The whole family is dysfunctional. it is not so much of a power of attorney thing as she needs to live in a half way house situation permanently, which I believe does not exist as a service. I only see her surviving in a situation where she has some guidance because she knows what to do, but is so unfocused she cannot sustain positive progress to support herself. It is complicated. I would not dare risk the repercussions because she has every chance to do well, and always blows it at the most critical time to pull it together. She is very smart and quick, but gets so full of the trivial, she cannot keep track of the important. If anyone needed disability it is her. I do not condone handouts, but in this case, try as she can, she seems incapable of being able to put it together and sustaining. Any one that had a power of attorney for her would be putting themselves in a very dangerous position. I can not help her anymore, other than advice or she will drag me down with her, especially financially. It is sad because she tries so hard, unlike some that just want handouts and milk it. Truly shows how the system does not help those who need it, but can grant others to use the system and take advantage. Tirade over.... :(
    Hi Jan
    I must agree with Your premise regarding way the system works. Some people can game the system to their advantage. Be careful not to get caught up in a mess.
    I also am glad you were not hurt, Roger! It sounded like a very unpleasant situation, and one that you could really have been hurt worse! Scary, and I know how careful you are! No repeats please!!

    All somber stories in your post. I worked for a company like many of the stories. Sometimes it is like management goes to stupid school... :s

    I am the lowest weight I have been in 9 months. Not the lowest though in a year. Slow progress, but happy there is progress!

    Looks like icky weather for the south and east for a day! Take care all!! Have a good day! :) ...Jan
    It was not too bad as long as I was careful walking once I realized that things were icing up.

    The last person I worked for turned out to be a screamer, sadly.

    I saw the loss posted as shown below :)

    Buttons61 19 hours ago
    lost 1 lb since last weighing in! Buttons61's lost 14 lbs so far.
    and this
    Buttons61 19 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 2/07/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal
