100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Sounds like I would rather be with Roger's skunks than get a shingles vaccine! I hope you feel much better very soon Val! I am glad someone was able to help with your work.

    I have my cardio consult in the morning I should have gone to bed earlier! I didn't! Kind of a waste of time... I know I do not want anything else done or me invaded...Not even sure why I am going... :)

    Lazy day except for church and small group. Lots of rain again. At least no watering!! :#

    Trying to catch up on the articles!! Really some good ones!!

    Happy it is not raining octopus or something gross here!! :D

    Take care all!!! ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    That is a hard one to say. Skunks vs Vaccine...

    It couldn't hurt to go, Well likely not :wink:

    OTOH some people eat Octopus, Not I however.

    Not having to water is a good thing. I watched my neighbor across the street watering every day that we do not get rain. In previous years he did complain about the size of the water bill.

    Have a Good Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Today I felt much better than yesterday, not 100% but fully functional. Put in a solid 10-hour day, then took my kid to dinner at Panera, then shopping for a sofa. I truly enjoy that kiddo!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    good morning!!

    So glad you got out and got to spend time with Em, Val! <3 Hope you get to 100% soon!

    My appt. with cardio was okay. The NP was really nice, I loved her. Even my Dr remembered me and it had to be about 15 years. Guess I will get good treatment, somehow reserved for poor working employees of times past. It was nice! I hate who does her surgeries though- so I hope I will not have to have any. I am going to be scheduled for a stress test and an echo. Hope that will be all I need!! :|

    I do love octopus. My favorite of course being calmari in a light batter! :D

    I do not think I have ever seen a skunk in the wild- imagine!At least you were on the right end, Roger!! It was 99 degrees today with the heat index. No rain- a first in about 2 weeks!

    Oh, my Dr ran me the Mediterranean diet to try. Another try.... :#

    hang tough!! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor posted a few minutes ago

    I'm back from walking and 10 cents. The Temperature out the door was 77 degrees. I short circuited my walk as the warmth sucked the get up and go out of me. We hit a high around 95 degrees Monday, and a Round of Thunder with a torrential downpour around 8:30PM and I did hear more rain hitting the bedroom AC overnight. Today is forecast to be cooler with lowering humidity.

    My brother has been buying Ronzoni 150 Pasta, Same Carbs but lower calorie and tastes good IMO...

    He is already looking forward to food choices for the 4th of July meal where we Go meet with friends to eat and later watch the Fireworks.

    Creepy Texas ghost towns totally worth a road trip this summer

    Fewer than one in 20 street robberies and burglaries are being solved by police, new figures reveal

    POWER OUT Nigeria plunged in to darkness by power grid meltdown as millions watched World Cup build-up on TV

    http://www.drivepedia.com/luxury/lion-statue-antiques-roadshow-tb/?utm_campaign=Lion Statue Story - Desktop USA&amp;utm_source=taboola&amp;utm_medium=newsuk-thesun&amp;utm_term=Antiques+Expert+In+Tears+&+Disbelief+When+He+Stumbles+Across+This+Lion+Statue&amp;utm_content=https://prod-pubplus-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/a1bf3236-16d8-413d-8539-b01c08456ce0.png
    Lion Statue Brings Antiques Roadshow Expert To Tears

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I felt much better than yesterday, not 100% but fully functional. Put in a solid 10-hour day, then took my kid to dinner at Panera, then shopping for a sofa. I truly enjoy that kiddo!
    Hi Val
    Good to hear that You are feeling better.

    I have seen Panera here and there and have never tried one. I think I had Starbucks once :smiley:

    Just Curious, What sort of material for the Sofa, Something easy to clean and more or less Dog Proof ?

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    good morning!!

    So glad you got out and got to spend time with Em, Val! <3 Hope you get to 100% soon!

    My appt. with cardio was okay. The NP was really nice, I loved her. Even my Dr remembered me and it had to be about 15 years. Guess I will get good treatment, somehow reserved for poor working employees of times past. It was nice! I hate who does her surgeries though- so I hope I will not have to have any. I am going to be scheduled for a stress test and an echo. Hope that will be all I need!! :|

    I do love octopus. My favorite of course being calmari in a light batter! :D

    I do not think I have ever seen a skunk in the wild- imagine!At least you were on the right end, Roger!! It was 99 degrees today with the heat index. No rain- a first in about 2 weeks!

    Oh, my Dr ran me the Mediterranean diet to try. Another try.... :#

    hang tough!! Jan
    Hi Jan
    Finding a Good doctor or NP is tough from what Val says.

    I hate to break it to You:( , But Calamari is Squid, You would know Octopus since from what I have see on cooking shows it is generally the Tentacles that are served. A lot of the time from what I see Calamari is served as rings ?

    We have had them walking in the front yard in previous years and from the smell wafting into the house It seems that they use our driveway as a path on occasion.

    Our heat index in parts of NJ was 100 Degrees yesterday, Today is forecast to be a whopping 5 degrees cooler, Big Whoopee.

    I have always wondered about the Mediterranean Diet, is it the diet or the genetics of the region or a combination.
    I suppose it could not hurt to try although I thought it was more about reducing heart problems than weight loss ???

    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I guess I did not realize calamari was squid. It has the tentacles too so I never realized that! I have had octopus at our Chinese place as well as in Germany where they put it on pizza sometimes, lol. They taste almost the same to me. My bad!

    Glad you found a dime! I had no idea your heat was so high either! Worse than ours! Guess our AC will be high, though my bill did reflect some savings this last month. I guess part of the administration's saving plan?

    Thankful we have few skunks, especially since May May loves to give chase!

    The Diet is named because it offers many foods eaten from the countries surrounding the Med. Sea. Very heavy on fruit and veggies, fish, olive oil. Not much red meat at all. It is heart healthy, but also you will lose the weight if you need to. Not much salt, either, more fresh herbs. It is a good diet. Of course my problem is still portion control! Also pork is really cheap down here. Not much else is, lol! :)

    Have a great day!! Watch that heat!! ...Jan B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I don’t eat any ocean animals. Sofa cannot be fabric...must be wipable...like leather. But I’m too cheap to buy quality leather.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have posted more humor, Let me know how they go over, Thanks

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 72 degrees. It was sort of comfortable outdoors while walking since there was a breeze.

    I may go out to the grocery store while my brother is away later on today too.

    Yesterdays weather forecast indicates rain later today and into Early Thursday morning. Hopefully it will be done raining by the time I get ready to go walking.

    Can You Name All of These Vintage Household Items?

    How party dips can give you Norovirus and even HERPES (and sour cream is the worst for spreading bacteria)police, new figures reveal

    No Surprise to me FWIW
    Four in 10 people have deleted a social media account in the past year due to privacy worries, study says

    When I visited it many years ago it was a nice place to vacation, What a Shame
    "Terrified" San Francisco Tourists Shocked By Aggressive Vagrants, Discarded Needles, Dead Bodies

    Foods that are both fatty and sweet can hijack the part of the brain that regulates food consumption

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I guess I did not realize calamari was squid. It has the tentacles too so I never realized that! I have had octopus at our Chinese place as well as in Germany where they put it on pizza sometimes, lol. They taste almost the same to me. My bad!

    Glad you found a dime! I had no idea your heat was so high either! Worse than ours! Guess our AC will be high, though my bill did reflect some savings this last month. I guess part of the administration's saving plan?

    Thankful we have few skunks, especially since May May loves to give chase!

    The Diet is named because it offers many foods eaten from the countries surrounding the Med. Sea. Very heavy on fruit and veggies, fish, olive oil. Not much red meat at all. It is heart healthy, but also you will lose the weight if you need to. Not much salt, either, more fresh herbs. It is a good diet. Of course my problem is still portion control! Also pork is really cheap down here. Not much else is, lol! :)

    Have a great day!! Watch that heat!! ...Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    They do indeed have tentacles too :smiley:

    It was not nice out walking yesterday, I was suffering from terminal sweat by the time I arrived home despite the shortened distance.

    My brother had a neighbor whose dog never learned not to chase skunks with the expected results from the skunks.

    Since I like Pork, the other white meat as well as Turkey and Chicken Breasts having be cheap would be helpful. I will say that Pork is cheaper than Beef around here.

    Thank You for the further information on the Mediterranean diet.
    Good Luck with it.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I don’t eat any ocean animals. Sofa cannot be fabric...must be wipable...like leather. But I’m too cheap to buy quality leather.

    Hi Val
    Sadly I suspect that Wipe-able may no breathe well when You are sitting on it in hot weather.
    Leather and a Dog may be a bad combination for many reasons.

    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Another hot day...and kind of a lazy one. I went to lunch with a friend, and really did not do much when I got back. Well, I did pet May till my arm wanted to fall off!! :#

    Nice job walking Roger, even with the sprinkles and heat. My air is really running. It should be a glorious bill, lol!

    It is hard picking furniture when you have pets! I waited a long time to put in my tile that resembles hard wood flooring, and love the darker wood. While it cleans well, it was not a great choice with a dog that sheds white fur- enough for a second dog!

    I may never eat chip dip socially again...Interesting about the sweet and fat foods..Must be why chips are always my downfall, followed by pancakes and syrup when trying to diet... >:)

    Hope everyone has a great day!! ...Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I posted more humor, Enjoy

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 71 degrees. Once again it was sort of comfortable outdoors while walking since there was a breeze. Then on the return leg the overdue rain appeared and I had to use the Disposable Rain Poncho. That made it less comfortable as the Poncho blocked the breeze, Oh well :(
    We were supposed to have rain overnight into the early morning, Instead it was bone dry when I left the house and the rain did not arrive until a little while after 5:30AM, and was over by 6AM, It was heavy once it started OTOH and could come back as it is dreary looking day out the window. Wednesday's high temperature was in the mid 80s.

    Home price insanity: $2.6 million for 900 square feet

    Elon Musk emails employees about 'extensive and damaging sabotage' by employee

    How alcohol protects the heart: Scientists discover moderate drinking teaches heart cells how to toughen up

    DNA test solves mystery of wolf-like creature shot in Montana

    Spraying snake with gas leads to house blaze in Finland

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Another hot day...and kind of a lazy one. I went to lunch with a friend, and really did not do much when I got back. Well, I did pet May till my arm wanted to fall off!! :#

    Nice job walking Roger, even with the sprinkles and heat. My air is really running. It should be a glorious bill, lol!

    It is hard picking furniture when you have pets! I waited a long time to put in my tile that resembles hard wood flooring, and love the darker wood. While it cleans well, it was not a great choice with a dog that sheds white fur- enough for a second dog!

    I may never eat chip dip socially again...Interesting about the sweet and fat foods..Must be why chips are always my downfall, followed by pancakes and syrup when trying to diet... >:)

    Hope everyone has a great day!! ...Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    HHH weather does that to me, I get to where I do not want to do anything.

    That is one of the floorings I am thinking about for the kitchen floor. The removal of the old flooring is pretty much done, The Underlayment needs to come up and their is a layer of plywood under that which needs replacing in a damaged are and then the Subfloor needs securing to the joists to eliminate squeaks.

    Lucky me, I was never a Dip user so I missed that problem.

    I hear You with Pancakes, French toast and Even Toast with Jelly. If I am eating them out they always get Butter and Syrup for example.

    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Usually the early bird gets the worm- you got the shower! At least you had your poncho though!! I eat dip with people I know well and trust, lol! Still....lol!

    Sounds like a lot of work in the kitchen! Great that you can do that! I am very happy with my floor. It looks great and you cannot really tell it is not wood. It cleans very easily with just plain water and spills are no problem. Of course as with most hard tile- you drop something- it is gone! You do not have the pet problem, so that eliminates a good deal of work! When I bought it, I had 3 black dogs and did not have May, my white shedd-er. I still like the dark wood as opposed to light, just my preference! In my kitchen I have tile which is a terra cotta color. Looks like an Italian cafe. They are tile squares about 14 in x 14 in. Much harder to keep clean, FWIW!

    Loved the humor! I do not know how I get so behind, but I sure appreciate the laughs!

    Glad I do not own Tesla.... If people would not pay ridiculous prices for real estate, would it go down?... That is just criminal, really.. Glad they figured out the poor grey wolf. Sure did not help her any. For a 2-3 year old, she looked in poor condition, like she had had a rough time of it. :'(

    Still do not have a handle on my over doing my portions... :s

    I need to do some work today, since I have been lax!

    Take care all!! :) Be good!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have posted more humor, Enjoy
    BTW I would like some feedback on the last item :smiley:

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 71 degrees. Once again it was sort of comfortable outdoors while walking since there was a breeze. I did see squirrels foraging for their breakfast in the Garbage cans in front of the shopping center :smiley:

    Mosquitoes Might Like Your Smell, But They Remember Your Swat, Study Finds

    Why did the snake cross the road? Who knows, but Virginia cops stopped traffic for it

    Fixing a massive NYC plumbing leak, 55 stories underground

    Beer may lack fizz in Europe amid carbon dioxide shortage

    He had been out of jail for 30 minutes — then stole a police car, SC cops say

    Facebook Will Harass You Mercilessly if You Try to Break Up

    Have a Great Friday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I ordered a new sofa. Not wipable. We’ll see. And I didn’t get the cheapest. 🙄
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Usually the early bird gets the worm- you got the shower! At least you had your poncho though!! I eat dip with people I know well and trust, lol! Still....lol!

    Sounds like a lot of work in the kitchen! Great that you can do that! I am very happy with my floor. It looks great and you cannot really tell it is not wood. It cleans very easily with just plain water and spills are no problem. Of course as with most hard tile- you drop something- it is gone! You do not have the pet problem, so that eliminates a good deal of work! When I bought it, I had 3 black dogs and did not have May, my white shedd-er. I still like the dark wood as opposed to light, just my preference! In my kitchen I have tile which is a terra cotta color. Looks like an Italian cafe. They are tile squares about 14 in x 14 in. Much harder to keep clean, FWIW!
    Hi Jan
    I was happy I had the Poncho, The drawback to using it is it cost money and is a one time item.

    Your Terra Cotta Tile sound a lot like the Quarry Tile used in McDonalds, Extremely durable and easy cleaning.

    What Color flooring is a matter we are tossing back and forth. Get flooring that shows all spills or hides them. Showing spills makes it easy to find, OTOH that looks messy :smiley:
    Loved the humor! I do not know how I get so behind, but I sure appreciate the laughs!

    Glad I do not own Tesla.... If people would not pay ridiculous prices for real estate, would it go down?... That is just criminal, really.. Glad they figured out the poor grey wolf. Sure did not help her any. For a 2-3 year old, she looked in poor condition, like she had had a rough time of it. :'(

    Still do not have a handle on my over doing my portions... :s

    I need to do some work today, since I have been lax!

    Take care all!! :) Be good!! ...Jan
    Regarding the humor, I do try...

    The problem is if You do not pay the prices for the real estate where do You live out there ?

    The Main Problem with Electric Cars as I see it is that they just shift the Pollution from producing the energy from the car to the power plant.

    Controlling Portions is easy, says the person that has the same problem.
    The solution is easy to say, hard to do, Only eat at home :wink:
    The other is carry a food scale when You go out to eat, Not likely BTW.

    You might find this link interesting.
    Study: Tech Could Eliminate Mosquitoes ‘On A Continental Scale’

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I ordered a new sofa. Not wipable. We’ll see. And I didn’t get the cheapest. 🙄
    Hi Val
    I am of the belief that buying quality pays off in the long run. Have You considered covers for the new Sofa.
    It is a nice looking piece of furniture.

    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good Morning!

    Another hot one. We had some heavy showers that popped up yesterday. I did not have to water. Yay!! Surprised me though!

    Val, your couch is really nice! :) Is it a charcoal color or in a different color? I need a new couch rather badly. Just not there yet...Guess the S.C. trip is first, lol...

    I would like no mosquitoes! They like me.... :( They are so light I find swatting them hard, lol. They seem displaced by the air moving it takes to swat at times, lol....

    The guy stealing the cop car is something. I do not understand that mentality that makes their mind jump to these conclusions as the thing to do.....

    I finally caught up and watched all 14 seasons of Grey's Anatomy. It took a while. I did not actually realize the show is still ongoing. I like medical stories, though it becomes more a soap opera as time goes on. Still I will be hooked enough to watch to see what happens to the characters, as long as it is free, lol... It was so nice to watch a reg. 2 hour movie of something else. I watched USS Indianapolis with Nickolas Cage. Though not the greatest production, it was a very watchable movie. I am going to watch another starring Stacy Keech people recommended instead. I knew the story about the ship being sunk and the loss of life with the sharks. I did not know the politics behind it. Very sad..Well, I am behind all movie watching by a few years too. What happens when you do not watch stuff for 20 years...

    I am taking my car for an oil change and get them to even the air in the tires..Geez, technology. Either my old tires never leaked so, or I remained blissfully unaware. Sometimes the old cars were sure built better, considering the price tags of today's cars...

    Take care all!! Have a great day!! ...Jan

    P.S. I got a chuckle from the political joke...I would not post it in a store, but I do not mind laughing at it! Not much of a choice for President that year.