100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. Sofa is “slate” microfiber...looks charcoal in some light and chocolate in other light. Yes, I’ll use trin sheets as an easily washable cover. Puppy met adoptive family last night. Sounds like a very good fit. Only concern is two kids, including a boy under 2. Both parents were good about watching him and teaching him to treat the dogs gently. Meeting additional folks today. I’m already tired.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And humor is posted

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 64 degrees. It was comfortable to slightly cool outdoors while walking since there was a breeze. Yesterdays weather forecast showed rain overnight into this morning and later today. It appears to have been erroneous as it was drying up outside when I left the house and it did not rain on me.

    Japanese worker punished for starting lunch three minutes early
    Managers called TV news conference and bowed in apology at employee’s ‘deeply regrettable’ actions

    New evidence that viruses may play a role in Alzheimer's

    Marijuana users feel MORE pain: Study finds cannabis lowers pain tolerance - meaning users need more painkillers after an injury

    Rats break into ATM, munch through $18,000 in cash

    Judge Who Literally Wrote the Book on Corruption Indicted on Fraud Charges

    What Are ‘Fire Rainbows’? Colorful Sight Seen In Clouds Over New England
    Diabetes Breakthrough: Common Vaccine Can Improve Blood Sugar Levels Long-Term

    Deal Struck On Family Leave, Sales Tax, $15 Minimum Wage

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2018
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Another hot one. We had some heavy showers that popped up yesterday. I did not have to water. Yay!! Surprised me though!

    Val, your couch is really nice! :) Is it a charcoal color or in a different color? I need a new couch rather badly. Just not there yet...Guess the S.C. trip is first, lol...

    I would like no mosquitoes! They like me.... :( They are so light I find swatting them hard, lol. They seem displaced by the air moving it takes to swat at times, lol....

    The guy stealing the cop car is something. I do not understand that mentality that makes their mind jump to these conclusions as the thing to do.....
    Hi Jan
    You are not lucky, Yesterday and today were nicely cool. I am hoping that we get more rain as the rain overnight was not really heavy enough.

    No More Mosquitoes would be so good. I especially hate hearing that whine in my ears, By the time I feel them on my skin it is usually to late and I will itch later :(

    As I see it Crooks are often really dumb. Many times they do more work being crooked than honest work would require.
    I finally caught up and watched all 14 seasons of Grey's Anatomy. It took a while. I did not actually realize the show is still ongoing. I like medical stories, though it becomes more a soap opera as time goes on. Still I will be hooked enough to watch to see what happens to the characters, as long as it is free, lol... It was so nice to watch a reg. 2 hour movie of something else. I watched USS Indianapolis with Nickolas Cage. Though not the greatest production, it was a very watchable movie. I am going to watch another starring Stacy Keech people recommended instead. I knew the story about the ship being sunk and the loss of life with the sharks. I did not know the politics behind it. Very sad..Well, I am behind all movie watching by a few years too. What happens when you do not watch stuff for 20 years...

    I am taking my car for an oil change and get them to even the air in the tires..Geez, technology. Either my old tires never leaked so, or I remained blissfully unaware. Sometimes the old cars were sure built better, considering the price tags of today's cars...

    Take care all!! Have a great day!! ...Jan

    P.S. I got a chuckle from the political joke...I would not post it in a store, but I do not mind laughing at it! Not much of a choice for President that year.
    I had watched it at the beginning when it was a doctor show and then it morphed into a soap and I lost any interest in it. How are You watching it for free ?

    The crop of movies have had no interest to me for years. The only exception would be the Harry Potter movies :smiley:

    I will say that the new tubeless tires are much better than the old Tube tires. Also the newer cars are actually more durable then the ones from the 50s for example.

    I bet You forgot to tell them You wanted new air in the tires to replace the old air :wink:

    Have a Nice Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. Sofa is “slate” microfiber...looks charcoal in some light and chocolate in other light. Yes, I’ll use trin sheets as an easily washable cover. Puppy met adoptive family last night. Sounds like a very good fit. Only concern is two kids, including a boy under 2. Both parents were good about watching him and teaching him to treat the dogs gently. Meeting additional folks today. I’m already tired.
    Hi Val
    I have a Microfiber bath mat and I love the feel of it on my feet. I'm sure it feels good as a sofa material.

    That does sound like a chore teaching a under 2 year old....

    Have a restful weekend
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Oh, the 60's for temp! I think I remember!

    You are quite right! The movies put out now are pretty dismal, for the most part. I am especially disturbed at what often wins for a great pic for awards- and so many other movies are overlooked. Used to be award movies were worth buying always. TBH, most lately are barely worthy of watching...Grey's Anatomy almost everyone is gay now and they always have gay couples treated like 3x more than any traditional stuff. Amazing the agendas that Hollywood has pushed, including pushing movies that never have any God reference. Many of the older movies that predate the mid fifties always had a theme of gratitude and thanksgiving and respect to a higher power even in tragedy. No wonder people have such a narcissist attitude now days. Between that and the video games, hard to believe we raise anyone sane...

    You are right! I had forgotten how much trouble tires with tubes were! I am still unconvinced about the newer plastic cars and their longevity. My car has worn places and the paint comes off very easily. You expect some dings, but I am really careful. The slightest touch can peel it away. They are so light it is amazing kids learn to drive safely. You can not take your eyes from the road hardly enough to read street signs. Forget looking at something interesting for a few seconds, lol...

    I did have my oil changed, tires looked at, 20,000 mile check up and all around look that I am good for travel.. and coffee. And it was free under warranty. That was good- I like free... :#

    I watched the Stacy Keech film about the Indianapolis. I thought it was more real seeming, with little made up facts to "hold interest". I think it was called Night of the Shark. I want to watch the true account put together by survivors. It is free on Amazon at the moment.

    Technically, I guess I did not watch Grey's Anatomy for free as I pay $7.00 a month for Netflix. However I did watch 14 seasons of that, as well as a few movies, and other series for that $7.00. I FELT it was free!!! LOL!! :)

    Val, sounds like good prospects for your pup! That is just wonderful! <3

    Get some rest all! Do not work to hard- except on eating good stuff for your bodies!!

    Jan B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Now, I’m torn...i like both families who applied to adopt Boudreaux!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Yet more humor was just posted :smiley:

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 68 degrees. As it has been for the last couple of days it was comfortable to slightly cool outdoors while walking since there was a breeze. As I was walking I was hit by a few small drops of water and around the mid point of the walk it turned into a light drizzle that soon ended.

    A Generation of Americans Is Entering Old Age the Least Prepared in Decades

    Caffeine could protect the heart by helping it make energy, mouse study finds

    Someone Is Stealing Italy’s Most Precious Cheese

    Busted flush: Japan fans spark plumbing pinch in World Cup loo dash

    Bill Gates donates £3million to create mosquitos that kill each other using SEX

    Thirty Years On, How Well Do Global Warming Predictions Stand Up?

    Out of control iguanas infesting South Florida

    Plus-size clothing and overweight models are normalising obesity, warn experts

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Oh, the 60's for temp! I think I remember!

    You are quite right! The movies put out now are pretty dismal, for the most part. I am especially disturbed at what often wins for a great pic for awards- and so many other movies are overlooked. Used to be award movies were worth buying always. TBH, most lately are barely worthy of watching...Grey's Anatomy almost everyone is gay now and they always have gay couples treated like 3x more than any traditional stuff. Amazing the agendas that Hollywood has pushed, including pushing movies that never have any God reference. Many of the older movies that predate the mid fifties always had a theme of gratitude and thanksgiving and respect to a higher power even in tragedy. No wonder people have such a narcissist attitude now days. Between that and the video games, hard to believe we raise anyone sane...
    Hi Jan
    Sixties should be nice for You. Did Your area get any of the bad weather I was seeing on the Saturday news broadcasts ?

    If I said Hollywood has gone way to the extreme left and is now pushing an agenda that I do not agree with. Much of what is on TV anymore is also very political. Magazines too. Look at this link for example.

    Time’s crying girl photo controversy, explained
    The crying girl on the magazine’s cover wasn’t separated from her mom at the border.[/]

    Sorry for the political item.
    You are right! I had forgotten how much trouble tires with tubes were! I am still unconvinced about the newer plastic cars and their longevity. My car has worn places and the paint comes off very easily. You expect some dings, but I am really careful. The slightest touch can peel it away. They are so light it is amazing kids learn to drive safely. You can not take your eyes from the road hardly enough to read street signs. Forget looking at something interesting for a few seconds, lol...

    I did have my oil changed, tires looked at, 20,000 mile check up and all around look that I am good for travel.. and coffee. And it was free under warranty. That was good- I like free... :#
    Yup, with a tube tire if You picked up a nail it went flat quickly, With Tubeless tires You usually have a really slow leak.

    Free is a real good price :smiley:
    I watched the Stacy Keech film about the Indianapolis. I thought it was more real seeming, with little made up facts to "hold interest". I think it was called Night of the Shark. I want to watch the true account put together by survivors. It is free on Amazon at the moment.

    Technically, I guess I did not watch Grey's Anatomy for free as I pay $7.00 a month for Netflix. However I did watch 14 seasons of that, as well as a few movies, and other series for that $7.00. I FELT it was free!!! LOL!! :)

    Val, sounds like good prospects for your pup! That is just wonderful! <3

    Get some rest all! Do not work to hard- except on eating good stuff for your bodies!!

    Jan B)
    I ended up dropping streaming on Netflix as I was not watching anything and then later I dropped the mail movies too so No Monthly Netflix bill these days.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Now, I’m torn...i like both families who applied to adopt Boudreaux!
    Hi Val
    Nice looking Dog.
    Decisions, decisions...
    Good Luck making that decision
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Noticed this a minute ago
    Good Going

    Buttons61 yesterday
    lost 2 lbs since last weighing in!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Boudreaux is now named Knox...and having a great time with his new dad. I feel like I’m so far behind in my chores. Today (in addition to delivering Knox, walking dogs at the shelter, and trimming 5 dogs’ toenails), t mowed my lawn and trimmed my dogs’ toenails!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning,

    Val, you made me tired just listening to what you did. I wish I was intrepid enough to trim May's nails. I can not make myself do it- I am always afraid I will hit a vein. Who got the dog? The family with the child or the other. I know he is ecstatic- and he is so stinking cute!! Loved his picture. Who was the doggie behind you? :)

    I probably blew the 2 lbs with guest lunch at church today! I ran all day Sat. and with cooking and setting up, I could not walk by the time church was over. I skipped small group, and also wanted to stay with May, as I am leaving her on Tuesday. I fell asleep from 2 pm till after 5 pm, I was so beat. And I can barely walk now.

    My first trip Sat. was to the vet in Montgomery. I received a surprise phone call on Friday to come get a cast of Chester's paw print and the vet had clipped some hair. The vet was going to do that if she had time after he died. I just assumed she had not. Being he died last Dec. they are not real speedy or organized, however it was a sweet last memory, however late.

    I have yet to discover how one can be retired and so behind....Val, I understand with work and pups and all.... Me.. not so much!! :#

    Interesting articles. My generation did not save as much because some prices seem at an unreasonable and inflated value. It can be pretty hard. I agree with the lack of pensions now too, replaced by 401's and self saves. Would like to wring that guy's neck at me being relaxed and comfortable being obese. Hardly.. an insensitive thin jerk...I had heard of cheese burglaries in the past also. And in France too. Nothing is sacred!!

    Take care all! Rest Val!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more humor, Enjoy

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 68 degrees. As it has been for the last couple of days it was comfortable to slightly cool outdoors while walking since there was a breeze. There is a heat wave in the forecast starting Friday, The overnight Lows are also forecast to be in the mid 70s :(

    ‘Under Siege’: Hunting Arrows Shot At Elderly Couple’s Home

    U.S. Median Age Hits All-Time High of 38; Record 86,248 Are 100 or Older
    Of the 86,248 centenarians, 68,354 were women and only 17,894 were men.

    Boeing's robot submarine is back roaming off the California coast

    London BLOODBATH: 'Parents should count their knives' to help fight crime says minister

    MASTERPIECE MYSTERY Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘earliest painting discovered’ after 600 years by eagle-eyed art sleuth who spotted it hiding a fascinating secret

    About 1,000 DC Public Schools Teachers Are Unlicensed

    Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America
    A new study ranks each state, plus D.C., by their psychopathic tendencies. The race for first? It isn’t even close.

    CHEESED OFF Britain facing halloumi shortage as farmers in Cyprus struggle to meet demand

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Boudreaux is now named Knox...and having a great time with his new dad. I feel like I’m so far behind in my chores. Today (in addition to delivering Knox, walking dogs at the shelter, and trimming 5 dogs’ toenails), t mowed my lawn and trimmed my dogs’ toenails!

    Hi Val
    That is good news.

    You are making me tired just reading your days activities.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning,

    Val, you made me tired just listening to what you did. I wish I was intrepid enough to trim May's nails. I can not make myself do it- I am always afraid I will hit a vein. Who got the dog? The family with the child or the other. I know he is ecstatic- and he is so stinking cute!! Loved his picture. Who was the doggie behind you? :)

    I probably blew the 2 lbs with guest lunch at church today! I ran all day Sat. and with cooking and setting up, I could not walk by the time church was over. I skipped small group, and also wanted to stay with May, as I am leaving her on Tuesday. I fell asleep from 2 pm till after 5 pm, I was so beat. And I can barely walk now.

    My first trip Sat. was to the vet in Montgomery. I received a surprise phone call on Friday to come get a cast of Chester's paw print and the vet had clipped some hair. The vet was going to do that if she had time after he died. I just assumed she had not. Being he died last Dec. they are not real speedy or organized, however it was a sweet last memory, however late.
    Hi Jan
    According to what I saw this morning You should be OK despite the Guest Lunch, whatever that is ?

    Disorganized sounds like a understatement.
    I have yet to discover how one can be retired and so behind....Val, I understand with work and pups and all.... Me.. not so much!! :#

    Interesting articles. My generation did not save as much because some prices seem at an unreasonable and inflated value. It can be pretty hard. I agree with the lack of pensions now too, replaced by 401's and self saves. Would like to wring that guy's neck at me being relaxed and comfortable being obese. Hardly.. an insensitive thin jerk...I had heard of cheese burglaries in the past also. And in France too. Nothing is sacred!!

    Take care all! Rest Val!! ...Jan
    I swear I got more things done before I retired :wink:

    I wish I had saved more, Luckily I do have one pension that helps out with the Social Security.
    A 401K is not a replacement IMO.

    There seems to be a Movement that accepts Obesity and strangely to me they shame members that decide to lose weight :* I have seen it mentioned in posts here in the past.
    The fat acceptance movement (also known as the size acceptance, fat liberation, fat activism, fativism, fat justice, or fat power movement)[citation needed] is a social movement seeking to change anti-fat bias in social attitudes. Areas of contention include the aesthetic, legal, and medical approaches to people whose bodies are fatter than the social norm. The movement has been criticized, with Cathy Young, writing for the Boston Globe, claiming that "the fat acceptance movement is hazardous to our health", and Barbara Kay, writing for the National Post, stating that "fat-acceptance is not the answer to obesity."

    Buttons61 9 hours ago
    lost 1 lb since last weighing in! Buttons61's lost 3 lbs so far.
    Buttons61 9 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 6/24/2018

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Knox went to the single man, Robert. During our first meeting, He stepped away to take a call...puppy folloed him! At that meeting whennwe we’re leaving, he gave Knox smooches (big guy, fresh out if the Army). Knox had veen worried about the little boy; granted the parents did a great job if guiding the kids. With Robert, Knox will go everywhere he goes...with the family, he’d pretty much be a house and yard dog (like mine!). But Knox would rather go places and be involved. The fog behind me in the picture is Buster! I’m his god-mother if anything happens to his parents. Buster is one of 10 puppies born the day after Grumpy Puppy Rescue picked up a prego stray. Just got done working a 13 hour day. Well, I’m not done, I’m just wiped out! So I stopped. I like my weekend business MUCH MORE than this work stuff. Sigh.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have just posted more humor :smiley:

    I'm back from walking and a dime + something I have not identified due to damage, It does not look like a American coin. The Temperature out the door was 63 degrees. it was comfortable to slightly cool outdoors while walking since there was a breeze. There is a heat wave in the forecast starting Friday with humidity moving in Friday :(

    Why mosquitoes at Disney World don’t exist – even though it is built in a swamp

    Mystery of the 6,000-year-old drawings across 9,000 square miles of Saudi desert

    Saudi air defences intercept missile above Saudi capital - state media

    Dead bodies found at Walmart stores a nationwide phenomenon

    The end of memes? Campaigners dismayed at European internet ruling

    US 'not ready' for increasing level of deadly bug diseases

    Sea sponges may hold key to fighting killer infections

    US imported more seafood in 2017 than any prior year

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Knox went to the single man, Robert. During our first meeting, He stepped away to take a call...puppy followed him! At that meeting when we we’re leaving, he gave Knox smooches (big guy, fresh out if the Army). Knox had been worried about the little boy; granted the parents did a great job if guiding the kids. With Robert, Knox will go everywhere he goes...with the family, he’d pretty much be a house and yard dog (like mine!). But Knox would rather go places and be involved. The fog behind me in the picture is Buster! I’m his god-mother if anything happens to his parents. Buster is one of 10 puppies born the day after Grumpy Puppy Rescue picked up a prego stray. Just got done working a 13 hour day. Well, I’m not done, I’m just wiped out! So I stopped. I like my weekend business MUCH MORE than this work stuff. Sigh.
    Hi Val
    Yikes a 13 hour day and not done. I suspect You need to learn how to do something that took me a long time to learn. That was how to leave work at work and relax when I went home. That would have been during to the 16 years I worked a retail location doing computer repair, data recovery, Virus cleaning and Upgrades.

    Congratulations on placing Knox.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Yesterday ran most of the day! Exhausted! Leaving in less than an hour, so short and sweet. The boarding place opens at 8 am so late on the road IMO. Oh well. S.C. here we come.

    Heat indexes at 103 the last few days and the week. Not better in S.C. lol!

    Good choice with Knox! :) Stay cool, all! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Yesterday ran most of the day! Exhausted! Leaving in less than an hour, so short and sweet. The boarding place opens at 8 am so late on the road IMO. Oh well. S.C. here we come.

    Heat indexes at 103 the last few days and the week. Not better in S.C. lol!

    Good choice with Knox! :) Stay cool, all! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    Did You have to ship that weather my way timed to arrive Friday into the next week :wink:

    I saw this
    Buttons61 yesterday
    lost 1 lb since last weighing in! Buttons61's lost 4 lbs so far.
    And This
    Buttons61 yesterday
    has logged in for 230 days in a row!

    Enjoy S.C.