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100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Starting to feel a little better today and more back to normal. I have a touch of diverticulosis so it is possible that aggravated it too. Maybe you were just lucky? The one at 54 yrs did not bother me in the slightest.

    Interesting about the Belviq. It was fine, till it stopped working! Dino DNA. I repeat... Did Jurassic Park teach us nothing?

    Thundering...My Dr called and said my mammogram and bone density were normal. That's good news. Part of me is actually normal! YAY!

    Thursday is my cardio follow-up. Hope that is good news and non invasive also!

    Val, hope Spike is eating better. The German Vet always had me boil up a little lunch meat, cool the broth and offer. My dogs liked it. Then they ate the lunch meat down the road later in the day.

    I like sweet BBQ sauce too. I love Kraft still the best, other than some local ones at the restaurants here. I like rubs too or a combo.The best rubs have brown sugar in them!!

    Political parties. Do not get me started. ... :# News either, lol... :#

    Getting dark here! hang in all...hope things are okay!! ... Jan
    Hi Jan
    I think all the weight loss drugs stop working after a while, Just my humble guess however.

    Oh come on, What could go Wrong with huge meat eating Dinosaurs being recreated :blush:

    Normal is good :wink:

    I think without going and looking that the Sweet baby Ray's I have in the Refrigerator is the one with Brown Sugar too.

    Forget the Political Parties, I call down the wrath of the Almighty on all of them and the news people. I am so tired of people with an axe to grind. I hope the Country survives them.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. I was completely wearing myself out to take care of Ignis and Spike and feeling like i was failing both. Yesterday i sent a text to Ignis mom asking when their house appraisal was....because i was beyond drained. She came to get him last night. I love that dog but he’s super high energy and with segregation for feeding and for spike, it was too much. I slept. Spike slept.
    Hi Val
    I have to wonder if it was coincidence or if they left Ignis with You to get a couple of more days of peace ?
    Our peaceful home returned. Yesterday i took spike to vet (same place as surgery but that vet wasn’t in). This vet complete jerk! Hates chihuahuas, hates pit bulls...treated me like i am stupid. When i said that the other vet said to watch for decrease appetite etc. and that’s what was happening this dude said “what do you want me to do about it?” He didn’t give a hoot about vomiting, no appetite, and choking cough...he griped about spike needing his teeth cleaned. I said there is absolutely no way I’d put a recently severely injured dog under anesthesia when they’re having trouble breathing just for a teeth cleaning! He responded, well, i guess you don’t have the money. I said this has nothing to do with money, but the welfare and life of the dog. He charged me for the post-op visit (first time in my life!). Wretched human.
    That person should not be a Vet, If You have a good relationship with the Vet You saw before You should let them know how You were treated. He could be costing them customers with that sort of attitude.
    Late last night Ignis mom texted me that she wants me to rehome ignis. OMG. She created a monster dog by smothering with love and not teaching it boundaries and properly socializing! I really don’t know how to find him the right home. My fruits and veggies are heavenly! Today I ate broccoli and cantaloupe and grapes and kale and chickpeas. I know not as tasty as sweet BBQ sauced ribs, but it feels good. Did lots of laundry (sheets blankets towels etc). Spike doing better today...eating and most of the time breathing well. Jan -I have diverticulitis too. The only triggers that I know of for me are seeds! I have to stay clear of flaxseed and sesame seeds.
    In this case it may make sense to tell her You can not handle rehoming Ignis right now sue to other issues.
    How Can You justify placing a Dog that attacked Your and that might be triggered by something else in the future ?

    That is good news that Spike is doing better.

    Have a Good Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I think she wanted me to keep him. If I didn’t have Spike I’d consider it, but i do. There’s no way I’d get rid of my dog to get a different one. Grumpy Puppy Rescue (the rescue I routinely work with) posted an ad to rehome him. We disclosed his known issues. We’ll see. Maggie can’t take him because she has 2 tiny plus 6 large doggos. I truly don’t know what will happen to him. I’m still on my veggie kick. Today was cabbage-onions-tomatoes, celery, beets, and grapes.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Work is scary. They just laid off a whole bunvh of middle managers...knowledge and experience. What song played while the Titanic sank? 😰
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Val, that is one strange company. I am practically wordless there...

    Poor doggie, hope he finds a better home. he needs an active sort who dotes on him. he would probably be good as an only dog. may may is fine, but I can not mix anyone with her. She might do okay, but I can not take that chance. I hate it as I would like to do holding for transport foster, short term ones... oh well...I am not much on trading in dogs either..it is just wrong...especially as they age....Grrr to those people....

    Veggies sound good!! I stopped for late lunch, pre supper today at a place called Sweet Baby Janes. Best veggie and salad buffet and pretty decent meats, casseroles and biscuits, corn bread and roll buffet. Had mostly meatloaf, country fried steak and then veggies and a small piece of corn bread. Okay, the mashed potatoes were really carby, but I still did pretty good... considering, lol..all I had today.

    Pretty sure the Titanic was singing Nearer My God to Thee....

    My stress test showed a 45% cardiac output. It should be 55% and above. However my echo had me at 65% so no heart cath, Yay!!! There is one area they want to watch so I go back in 6 mos, or sooner if I have any chest pain. Something about a walking cardiac wall movement??? Thankful for now, I will take what I can get!!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Did not mean to post yet..duh...

    Stupid stupid Vet......I would have probably done something rash...Congrats on your restraint. I sure would not ever get an appt with that one ever, even if I had to change vets...

    Roger, glad you are doing good!! In one year I have made NO progress,,,lol. I lost 30 some pounds and then put it back. That is discouraging.... :s here we go again....I have to get my blood sugar down, even if I fast for church related things- my biggest problem!

    0130 and wide awake! Should not have had tea at late lunch... :#

    take care all!! jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2018
    I shall be posting more humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 76 degrees,Yesterday at 10PM it was still 86 degrees, it was Sort of comfortable while walking due to somewhat lower humidity and a gentle breeze.
    The Temperatures did not drop as low overnight as was forecast, I suspect due to the low clouds. I could hear low flying aircraft and sometimes I could see the glow through the clouds of the lights on them.

    I did my recovering from the heat today while walking. To explain as I walked I worked up a bit of a sweat so I took advantage of town benches along the roads and a chair in front of a eatery to sit and let the gentle breeze cool me down. Does that make me lazy or ???

    I also wandered into the back yard to see if any of the latest crop of Raspberries survived critters eating them, Wow, I actually got as many this morning in one go as I had managed to get up to now from earlier crops.


    Detroit schools shutting off drinking water because of lead, copper

    More than half of Michigan students failed M-STEP literacy exam

    Farmers should 'smile' at their livestock to produce better meat

    Like that wouldn't drive businesses out of Florida...
    Gillum Wants 40% Corporate Tax Rate Hike

    Cops: Victim was killed for being in crosswalk at Gwinnett Walmart

    Logged off: meet the teens who refuse to use social media

    Women are better drivers than men, study finds

    Bad Idea IMO
    Robot teachers invade Chinese kindergartens

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I think she wanted me to keep him. If I didn’t have Spike I’d consider it, but i do. There’s no way I’d get rid of my dog to get a different one. Grumpy Puppy Rescue (the rescue I routinely work with) posted an ad to rehome him. We disclosed his known issues. We’ll see. Maggie can’t take him because she has 2 tiny plus 6 large doggos. I truly don’t know what will happen to him. I’m still on my veggie kick. Today was cabbage-onions-tomatoes, celery, beets, and grapes.
    Work is scary. They just laid off a whole bunvh of middle managers...knowledge and experience. What song played while the Titanic sank? 😰
    Hi Val
    I suspect that You are correct that she was hoping You would like Ignis enough after having him to take him.

    With those issues I do not know who would take that dog, Only someone with no dog I suspect. Good Luck placing him.

    From the sound of what You have been saying It seems that You work for a company that keeps shooting themselves in the foot or is flailing around trying to find something that works.

    Time to Jump Ship ahead of the rush ?

    From Here
    What Was The Last Tune Played On The Titanic? The most popular claim has been the final tune played by the musicians was a hymn, either one titled "Autumn" or "Nearer My God To Thee," which has at least three different tunes associated with it.
    Nearer My God To Thee is the most common song associated from what I have seen and heard.

    I noticed This
    hope4change_val 34 minutes ago
    lost 0.4 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 17.4 lbs so far.
    hope4change_val 35 minutes ago
    has logged in for 250 days in a row!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Val, that is one strange company. I am practically wordless there...

    Poor doggie, hope he finds a better home. he needs an active sort who dotes on him. he would probably be good as an only dog. may may is fine, but I can not mix anyone with her. She might do okay, but I can not take that chance. I hate it as I would like to do holding for transport foster, short term ones... oh well...I am not much on trading in dogs either..it is just wrong...especially as they age....Grrr to those people....
    Hi Jan
    You can see what I think is happening with that company in my post to Val.

    In a possible defense of the Dogs owner, there is a chance that they are going somewhere that does not allow Dogs or had restrictions on the breed. More likely they are just tired of taking care of a undisciplined dog however.
    Veggies sound good!! I stopped for late lunch, pre supper today at a place called Sweet Baby Janes. Best veggie and salad buffet and pretty decent meats, casseroles and biscuits, corn bread and roll buffet. Had mostly meatloaf, country fried steak and then veggies and a small piece of corn bread. Okay, the mashed potatoes were really carby, but I still did pretty good... considering, lol..all I had today.

    Pretty sure the Titanic was singing Nearer My God to Thee....
    That sounds like a tempting eatery, Country Fried Steak is breaded around here and suspect where You are, Thus Carbs in the breading, Corn bread and Mashed Potatoes. I should talk I had a Ham and Cheese Omelet and used the toast that came with it. The Home fries are in the refrigerator for my brothers breakfast use if he desires. FWIW I still think of the old term for Refrigerator AK Ice Box :blush:
    Unfortunately that led me to cook up some White Rice and use lots of butter on it, Dang it :blush:

    I really Loved a place that had a great Hot and Cold Buffet and menu foods too. The Hot Food bar I would usually get the Beef Short Ribs, The Cold had great Roast Turkey Breast that was carved from a real Turkey Breast and not some lunch meat type Turkey. That I would use freshly baked Rye bread, Mayo and over a inch of Turkey with some mayo on the side as a dip. Then I would Follow that up with one of their large Rib Eye Steaks. Not a place for anyone on a Diet. My Brother and His Wife would load up on the Unpeeled Shrimp from the cold Buffet. They closed years ago sadly.

    Once Again see my reply to Val about the Titanic and the last song.
    My stress test showed a 45% cardiac output. It should be 55% and above. However my echo had me at 65% so no heart cath, Yay!!! There is one area they want to watch so I go back in 6 mos, or sooner if I have any chest pain. Something about a walking cardiac wall movement??? Thankful for now, I will take what I can get!!
    Ouch, 45% :( OTOH if no pains that is to the good.
    I was curious so I Googled it and this came up
    to evaluate heart-wall movement and overall heart function with a technique called cardiac gating. ... You should wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes.
    Did they tell You what would be involved ?
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Did not mean to post yet..duh...

    Stupid stupid Vet......I would have probably done something rash...Congrats on your restraint. I sure would not ever get an appt with that one ever, even if I had to change vets...

    Roger, glad you are doing good!! In one year I have made NO progress,,,lol. I lost 30 some pounds and then put it back. That is discouraging.... :s here we go again....I have to get my blood sugar down, even if I fast for church related things- my biggest problem!

    0130 and wide awake! Should not have had tea at late lunch... :#

    take care all!! jan
    I do that too, when that happens I select Edit and carry on.

    I agree with You, That is a Vet to avoid. How can they be any use with an attitude like that. I wonder if for some reason he was trying to get rid of Val as a customer ?

    I have been Yo Yo'ing up and down this last year. Don't feel bad, My swings are larger that I like too.

    Do You check Your Blood Sugar ? I have the testing equipment and I use it once in a while. I figured at the price why not.

    Have a Good Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    For the past few weeks, I had been eating poorly (ice cream, chips, etc.) my clothes were tight but I avoided the scale...three days of healthy eating brought that back down. I was happier and felt better when i had lost that weight... I need to stay on the bandwagon. I can’t afford more health issues. I’m missing out on desirable activities because of the extra fat I’m carrying. I know I should get out before I’m forced out. I have a history of trying to make unhealthy relationships work far after any sane person would have cut the cord. I’m doing it again! ☹️
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I bought a new book: “A Pound of Cure” by Matthew Weiner. He’s a bariatric surgeon. He says that calorie restriction diets don’t work because your body’s “thermostat” causes us to gain or lose weight to get back to it’s normal setting. He says there are only two ways to lower that setting: 1. Gastric Sleeve surgery or 2. This eating system. There are 12 stages in the system. Stage 1 is for two weeks: zero dairy, grains, junk, added sugar, artificial sweeteners. Protein limited to 3 servings women, 4 servings men, with at least one of the protein servings being vegetarian protein; at least 1 pound of vegetables, unlimited fruits,1 serving fat, 2 servings raw nuts. I’m still reading to see where this is going. So, I have not staerted these 2 weeks.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Late to bed again!! Dr appt. that went well. Then out to dinner and back to the same buffet! Jenny wanted to check it out. I did lose a little!! Tried to limit those carbs and did okay. The best veggies, especially the sauteed cabbage in it's own juice...

    Insightful postings!! Val, that diet looks very interesting. May be something to that...

    Roger, glad you got some raspberries!! :D Going to bed, and hope to catch up some Sat!

    Stay on track all!!!! :) ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I will once again be posting more humor in a few minutes

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 70 degrees,Once again it was Sort of comfortable while walking due to lower humidity and a gentle breeze. The Humidity has dropped from Oppressive to Uncomfortable :(
    We had some intermittent rain yesterday and from the way things looked out the door there was no further rain overnight. There are some showers in the forecast for today.

    BIBLE BOMBSHELL: Archaeologists unearth site of Jesus’ ‘water into wine' miracle
    THE RIDDLE of the site of Jesus’ ‘first miracle’ has baffled religious scholars for centuries.

    Russia plans £4.5million Jurassic Park-style cloning facility to bring extinct species like woolly mammoths back to life

    New Zealand Town May Ban Cats to Protect Other Species

    This credit card payment mistake costs Americans more than $1 billion

    Ride-hailing vs. car ownership: Here’s which really costs more
    The average cost to own a car in urban areas is $10,049 per year including parking, according to new research from travel organization AAA.
    In contrast, ride-hailing services cost $20,118 per year to cover the same distance.

    Maine DOT denies request from PETA to put up memorial for lobsters killed in crash

    Cursing could cost you $500 in Myrtle Beach

    He’s been studying in the U.S. legally for 7 years. Bank of America froze his account anyway

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    For the past few weeks, I had been eating poorly (ice cream, chips, etc.) my clothes were tight but I avoided the scale...three days of healthy eating brought that back down. I was happier and felt better when i had lost that weight... I need to stay on the bandwagon. I can’t afford more health issues. I’m missing out on desirable activities because of the extra fat I’m carrying. I know I should get out before I’m forced out. I have a history of trying to make unhealthy relationships work far after any sane person would have cut the cord. I’m doing it again! ☹️
    Hi Val
    I hope work works out for You, They sound dysfunctional from what You have said.

    Don't feel bad I try and make things work far longer than I should too so...
    I bought a new book: “A Pound of Cure” by Matthew Weiner. He’s a bariatric surgeon. He says that calorie restriction diets don’t work because your body’s “thermostat” causes us to gain or lose weight to get back to it’s normal setting. He says there are only two ways to lower that setting: 1. Gastric Sleeve surgery or 2. This eating system. There are 12 stages in the system. Stage 1 is for two weeks: zero dairy, grains, junk, added sugar, artificial sweeteners. Protein limited to 3 servings women, 4 servings men, with at least one of the protein servings being vegetarian protein; at least 1 pound of vegetables, unlimited fruits,1 serving fat, 2 servings raw nuts. I’m still reading to see where this is going. So, I have not started these 2 weeks.
    Of those two I would definitely be trying the second one as it avoids what I have seen as useless surgery that fails in the long run. Our last Governor had Lapband surgery and it worked initially but in the end he was still plump.
    If I were having a procedure the Lapband is better as it leaves the stomach intact as I see it. However nothing is long term is news eating habits are not imbedded.

    As You know What I ended up with is NS over surgery.

    I gather from the weather forecasts I saw that South Jersey had a lot more rain than we had where I am, I saw reports of over 4 inches in one are down there.

    BTW I recently learned from observation that Duncan Donuts has a 1/2 decaf button on their registers :smiley

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Before I forget, thanks for that images the information looks interesting.
    The weak point in it is the unlimited fruit part IMO.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!!

    Late to bed again!! Dr appt. that went well. Then out to dinner and back to the same buffet! Jenny wanted to check it out. I did lose a little!! Tried to limit those carbs and did okay. The best veggies, especially the sauteed cabbage in it's own juice...

    Insightful postings!! Val, that diet looks very interesting. May be something to that...

    Roger, glad you got some raspberries!! :D Going to bed, and hope to catch up some Sat!

    Stay on track all!!!! :) ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    My brother was complaining yesterday that he went to pick tomatoes and found that the majority of the ripe ones were 1/2 eaten with what looked like Squirrel Teeth marks. I did not make him happier when I said that the Sacrificial Tomatoes were likely why I found a bunch of ripe Raspberries :wink:

    Those Darn Carbs are what get me. I'm still feeling the effects of the Rice I cooked two days ago. The Rice was delicious with all the butter I melted into it before pulling the pan out of the Rice Cooker. I do not have the patience to cook rice on the stove top, either under-cooked or burnt on the bottom every time I tried doing it on the stove. Under-cooked would be that the water was gone in the pan before the rice finished cooking :( The Rice Cooker seems to work best for me, one to three cups of Rice with 2 to 6 cups of water. It can do that much and I have done that much before I started on NS.

    A Double Congratulations on the Good Dr. Appointment and controlling foods at the Buffet
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    With my limited partial experience with the metabolic reset...when you eat a pound of veggies per day...there’s not much time or room for too many fruits. I’m still having coffee with cream! Phase 2 says to eat at least two pounds if veggies per day,..That would be challenging.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!

    Oh those critters!! Still better than feeding your garden to worms...

    Val, if I ate 2 lbs of vegetables I would be in the bathroom the entire day, lol!! :#
    I also think storing those vegetables is a challenge without losing them!!Kind of like juicing..Storage and shopping is a challenge...

    Interesting articles! Russia and Jurrasic park- just what we need...If they would use the nuclear accident site, would we have Godzilla?.... :s

    Jenny's Farmtown is killing me! It gets so intricate at times I may go nuts! I love planning my fields though!! I am up to 12 farms, lol...

    She is really liking her keto diet. I just think I will stick to a more weight watchers approach and really keep the starchy carbs to 1 at a day, no more than 2....again...

    She was a rice expert and swore by the rice cooker! I love rice and butter!! No more this week Roger, lol...

    Yeah, the whole thing really does come down to control and changing your habits and portions for your good...So difficult for very complex reasons...

    The good news is we can keep trying! At least we have some losing, and not all gain!! That would be bad!!

    Take care all....Be centered and be focused on feeling lighter!! :) ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor is going to be posted in a minute or two...\

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 66 degrees, It was more or less comfortable while walking due to lower humidity and a gentle breeze. The Humidity is still in the Oppressive.

    New Study: Baltimore Drivers Are The Worst

    Man has arm amputated days after contracting flesh-eating bacteria from sushi

    One reason not to use Mastercard IMO
    Google and Mastercard Cut a Secret Ad Deal to Track Retail Sales

    Have a Great Sunday