100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Spent an hour in the bathroom with tornado warnings. It is getting to be a regular thing and tornado season starts in April. Luckily the tornado was radar indicated and did not touch down. It did do some property damage a little north and east of us. Mostly trees, a few roofs, and a cell tower but no one was hurt and damage was minimal, though I am sure scary. I need to bring in my plants for cold. We are sure mixed up weather wise!

    What adorable puppies!! They are so cute. I love that there are more rescues, but just wish people could be more responsible. The intake of dogs here is just staggering, as I am sure it is everywhere. People..... :(

    Taxes should be turned in today but I doubt I will make it. After that I just need to sign an extension. This always happens. I just have so much going on in March as well as procrastination...I never quite make it, lol...I keep getting closer to their deadline however. I am not sure other tax people have a deadline, but I do like who I use...so hate to switch.

    Keto today!! Pray I get back on, lol... :D ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have already posted some humor

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 48 degrees. There is a breeze blowing that picked up as I was walking resulting a bit of a wind chill. Today's high is forecast to be around 50.

    Last night around 8:30PM or 9PM there was a period of heavy rain and wind and lots of Thunder. That makes it as far as My brother and can tell the first thunderstorm here of 2019 unless we slept through a thunderstorm earlier this year.

    Wiped out: Town flushes final roll of 12-year toilet paper supply
    A Bavarian town needed 12 years, but it has finally reached the last roll of a supersized toilet paper order. While the town saved €1,000 with the bulk order, it's planning to establish regular deliveries of two-ply.

    Sounds like the McDonalds incident in the past
    Georgia woman sues Chick-fil-A over incident at drive-thru

    Some Strong Winds indeed
    Strong winds blow over tractor-trailers, cause train derailment

    2nd article down on the page
    Tel Aviv installs ‘zombie lights’ to protect cellphone users

    Strong winds blow over tractor-trailers, cause train derailment

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have 4 and Maggie has 7 of our own dogs. Plus...22 fosters with no kennels. We have many new volunteers fostering which enables us to increase our capacity, but it gets complicated getting everyone to medical appointments and meet & greets. Logistical challenges!
    I just realized I can’t do my taxes until i get my computer fixed. Dead for 2 weeks. Arg.
    My law suit against the ex husband will get filed next week. Not yet sure whether i am needed to attend because it is an agreed order.
    I’ve been complaining to the not nice boss about a big problem with that program since January. He finally understands why I’ve been so panicked. Finally supporting me that it should get shut down until IS fixes their glitch. He is exhausting to deal with because he doesn’t listen.
    Hello Val
    if I said that handling the logistics of all those dogs would give me a headache would You believe me ?

    Depending on the age of the computer is it worth fixing ? That would also depend on whether You have a good computer repair place nearby and I will admit to a prejudice against the Geek Squad having ended up fixing computer that they had touched first. For Software they depend on a Magic Disk, I say that based on previous experiences. Hardware They are not as good with if it goes beyond replacing a failed hard disk and even then they always expected the customer to supply recovery media. The above is in the past since I stopped fixing computers at the end of October of 2012.
    Either way good luck with the computer.
    BTW could You use Your phone with a online tax company such as Turbo Tax ?

    I think if it were me I would be in court, just in case.

    The program has been a problem since January, Yikes. At least it is finally being shut down.

    To bad it took this long, Part of being a good boss is listening as I see it.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Spent an hour in the bathroom with tornado warnings. It is getting to be a regular thing and tornado season starts in April. Luckily the tornado was radar indicated and did not touch down. It did do some property damage a little north and east of us. Mostly trees, a few roofs, and a cell tower but no one was hurt and damage was minimal, though I am sure scary. I need to bring in my plants for cold. We are sure mixed up weather wise!

    What adorable puppies!! They are so cute. I love that there are more rescues, but just wish people could be more responsible. The intake of dogs here is just staggering, as I am sure it is everywhere. People..... :(

    Taxes should be turned in today but I doubt I will make it. After that I just need to sign an extension. This always happens. I just have so much going on in March as well as procrastination...I never quite make it, lol...I keep getting closer to their deadline however. I am not sure other tax people have a deadline, but I do like who I use...so hate to switch.

    Keto today!! Pray I get back on, lol... :D ...Jan
    Hello Jan
    I suspect that is a weakness of the radar systems they can show where better than if the Tornado has touched down. The Cell tower is not the one Your phone uses ?

    Why would taxes need to be turned in now and not until April 15 ?
    When I was working I had more than one accountant as a customer and it seemed to be their MO to file for lots of extensions. Which is strange to me as when You file for an extension You need to pay any taxes that will be due. If only a refund than it is simpler.

    What is wrong with Procrastination, I deny that is a problem as a card carrying member of the Procrastination group :wink:

    Good Luck with the Keto, I am staring to have a craving for Chinese. Unfortunately lots of the tasty are high carb :( So What to do ?


    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 3/15/2019 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Yep, the radar shows winds aloft. Actually you can see a debris ball even on my computer radar. I think when the meteorologist puts on their reflectivity they can often see it better and with experience they can often tell. sometimes I think it is hard depending on how the winds are blowing. I was better at the older software when you could just see the hooks better. We lived in La. and I could spend the extra time outside watching before the weather people announced it or the sirens blew. I still take these warnings very seriously in Al. because they are so unpredictable here. The last few come over my house, where they used to usually be north and south. I am not so fond of this new pattern. I actually got some pillows this time...after that crazy EF -4 hit a few weeks ago. The cell tower that was downed was not mine. It was the same storm but had traveled about 20 miles from me.

    My tax people like stuff turned in by March 15. They guarantee filing before April 15. After March 15, they just have an extension filed in case they are not done by April 15th. I assume they do a lot of taxes..Mine are simple, but I do not understand taxes and dividends especially from stock so I have someone do it. They charge the same as Turbo tax which confused me when last I used it. A question from my stocks left me paying either zero or 3 thousand. I went with the zero, (as the year before..could have been wrong.. :o ) but I usually pay around 3 thousand now. I assume it is the difference from what I pull out of those funds which is counted as taxable income. I pay tax now when I pull it out so it is slightly better at tax time.. But Uncle Sam gets a huge chunk nonetheless.I hate it.. I try to make it on just my social pay and AF retirement, but it rarely covers enough for extra large vet bills, car and house insurance and the like. I have tried to economize. I eat out way less, but there is not much to cut out. I hate to say it, but church costs me a fortune, I could save 50.00 a month and get rid of my landline. I just hate to do that. I do like my cell phone, esp the weather appt and gps and that is only 30.00 dollars.The rest is regular bills- not much cutting there...I should do a little better on my food bill so as to supplement the church social bills. :) May could not eat so many Rachael Ray dog bones, but bless her heart..she loves them...I am a pushover and she gets them when I leave her at home, lol.. :#

    I procrastinated since I was little!! :D

    When I do the Chinese buffet I always do chicken skewers, some crab, broccoli, shrimp, chicken wings, green beans, ribs, and maybe some fruit, several times. I shake off the sauce as much as I can. I skip the egg rolls, wontons, rice and low mein..all my favorite of course!! Good luck!! :)

    Watch the wind..we are having it, too!! ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Goid luck with the weather to both of you! I love the uneventful weather here. Roger- I completely hate Geeksquad and Bedt Buy...but i needed a quick solution. Bought new computer and they are pulling stuff off the dead one. Today’s issue was they changed the phone number on my account to my work number. We all know how non-permanent that is. Literally 10 calls to get that fixed. I think it’s fixed but we’ll see.
    Charlie is curled up on my lap. Love this little dude. Next Sunday we’re going to Austin to meet a potential adopter. Had extensive emails with her and I think this will be a great fit. She might beed me to keep him till next month because she’s about to move. That’s fine by me.
    Oh...that boss wasn’t listening. He didn’t understand the plan. And now it’s a mess (bigger). I had nightmares last night about him. All night. I feel horrid today.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor has been posted

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 34 degrees. The walking was fine as there is no breeze blowing :smiley:

    The weather forecast is saying that there is a chance of flakes for Monday, If I was and I am not a betting man I would bet that there are none tomorrow.

    Something I saw on the Cable News Channel this morning.
    3 used cars at this N.J. dealer will be on sale this weekend. WAY on sale. Like, $1 each.

    Are eggs good or bad for you? New research rekindles debate

    Harvard University uncovers DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration

    Astronomer says aliens might zap black holes with lasers to travel the galaxy
    The idea is a futuristic upgrade of a technique NASA has used for decades.

    I wore a similar hat while walking today with the exception that the hat band says "Happy St. Patrick's Day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Yep, the radar shows winds aloft. Actually you can see a debris ball even on my computer radar. I think when the meteorologist puts on their reflectivity they can often see it better and with experience they can often tell. sometimes I think it is hard depending on how the winds are blowing. I was better at the older software when you could just see the hooks better. We lived in La. and I could spend the extra time outside watching before the weather people announced it or the sirens blew. I still take these warnings very seriously in Al. because they are so unpredictable here. The last few come over my house, where they used to usually be north and south. I am not so fond of this new pattern. I actually got some pillows this time...after that crazy EF -4 hit a few weeks ago. The cell tower that was downed was not mine. It was the same storm but had traveled about 20 miles from me.
    Hello Jan
    That would be scary to me where the last few passed over the house. They are so unpredictable everywhere. You do not want to be anywhere near an EF 4

    I'm not sure what older software You mean, would that be software the looks at info from weather sites ? Computer radar ?
    My tax people like stuff turned in by March 15. They guarantee filing before April 15. After March 15, they just have an extension filed in case they are not done by April 15th. I assume they do a lot of taxes..Mine are simple, but I do not understand taxes and dividends especially from stock so I have someone do it. They charge the same as Turbo tax which confused me when last I used it. A question from my stocks left me paying either zero or 3 thousand. I went with the zero, (as the year before..could have been wrong.. :o ) but I usually pay around 3 thousand now. I assume it is the difference from what I pull out of those funds which is counted as taxable income. I pay tax now when I pull it out so it is slightly better at tax time.. But Uncle Sam gets a huge chunk nonetheless.I hate it.. I try to make it on just my social pay and AF retirement, but it rarely covers enough for extra large vet bills, car and house insurance and the like. I have tried to economize. I eat out way less, but there is not much to cut out. I hate to say it, but church costs me a fortune, I could save 50.00 a month and get rid of my landline. I just hate to do that. I do like my cell phone, esp the weather appt and gps and that is only 30.00 dollars.The rest is regular bills- not much cutting there...I should do a little better on my food bill so as to supplement the church social bills. :) May could not eat so many Rachael Ray dog bones, but bless her heart..she loves them...I am a pushover and she gets them when I leave her at home, lol.. :#

    I procrastinated since I was little!! :D
    That makes sense once You explain it that they want things by the 15th of March. Since my return is very simple I can use the free TurboTax website and they E-File both state and Federal income tax forms.

    I did have a question when the money went into the funds was it a tax deferred until withdrawal retirement fund ? If the taxes were paid on the money that went in then as I understand it only the interest would be taxable ?

    I had held onto my landline until Verizon turned it off as a part of their plan to get a toe in the door with their Fios service which has Phone, TV and Internet available. That is when I went with the cheapest plan on Consumer Cellular. BTW did You get a Senior Discount from them ?

    How so is the Church Expensive ? I have spent way to much on Takeout foods and eating out too :(
    When I do the Chinese buffet I always do chicken skewers, some crab, broccoli, shrimp, chicken wings, green beans, ribs, and maybe some fruit, several times. I shake off the sauce as much as I can. I skip the egg rolls, wontons, rice and low mein..all my favorite of course!! Good luck!! :)

    Watch the wind..we are having it, too!! ...Jan
    I do not recall the Local Chinese Buffets having Chicken Skewers, hmm. OTOH the one especially has lots of different seafood, not that I eat seafood. That one has Roast Beef, Roast Ham sliced to order. Strangely enough around here they also have slices of Pizza, French Fries and other non Chinese foods :smiley:
    That is a smart way to go Avoiding those Calorie bombs knows as egg rolls, wontons, rice and low mein

    I hope to eat well today, Mainly Fresh cooked Corned Beef and Cabbage and avoid the starchy foods my brother wants to also have such as boiled Potatoes and Irish Soda Bread to name two of them, Wish me luck

    Have a Nice Holiday Dinner
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good luck with the weather to both of you! I love the uneventful weather here. Roger- I completely hate Geeksquad and Best Buy...but i needed a quick solution. Bought new computer and they are pulling stuff off the dead one. Today’s issue was they changed the phone number on my account to my work number. We all know how non-permanent that is. Literally 10 calls to get that fixed. I think it’s fixed but we’ll see.
    Charlie is curled up on my lap. Love this little dude. Next Sunday we’re going to Austin to meet a potential adopter. Had extensive emails with her and I think this will be a great fit. She might need me to keep him till next month because she’s about to move. That’s fine by me.
    Oh...that boss wasn’t listening. He didn’t understand the plan. And now it’s a mess (bigger). I had nightmares last night about him. All night. I feel horrid today.
    Hello Val
    Part of my issue with the Geek Squad is that I do not trust them to not look at what the pull off or store it safely, It is hard to pull things off without at a minimum looking at the names of the files.

    How in the heck did they even get Your work number and then change it, At a minimum they should have room in their software for a primary and a secondary number or as my old Cell phone names them Mobile, Home, Work 1, work 2.

    Good Luck with the adoption, I see You would not mind holding onto Charlie somewhat longer.

    You really need to shift to another department if possible where You work. A bigger mess, Yikes now what did he do, make changes without thinking them trough ?

    I hope You have a Good Day today and have a nice St. Patrick's Day meal to relax with.

    I saw this Congratulations
    hope4change_val yesterday
    lost 0.5 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 17.3 lbs so far.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I had a nice day. Grocery shopping with my kid. A stranger complimented me on her goid manners. Got a lot of work done. Picked up my nee computer with no trauma. I don’t have anything of interest to them...a gazillion pics of dogs. Trying to figure out where to take em on summer vacation, or Christmas vacation. Did s Little yard work. Take care, Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor is now posted, Enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was showing 32 degrees. The time and temperature sign I passed showed 25 which I suspect was more accurate based on how it felt while walking.
    I guess I could call yesterday's weather forecast accurate where they said a few flakes could fall today and sure enough I saw a few stray flakes while walking.

    I saw 5 deer trotting down the road near the start of my walk and while I was sitting in the living room I saw a different 5 deer in the front yard nibbling on my lawn.

    Robocalls about your bills can pour in every day, all day

    Solomoon: A New Trend Where Newlyweds Spend Their Honeymoon Away From Each Other

    I thought was a design feature ?
    Apple Watch detects irregular heart beat in large U.S. study

    Woman ‘sucked into parents’ grave’ suing Long Island cemetery

    Newark's mayor exploring universal basic income program

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. I had a nice day. Grocery shopping with my kid. A stranger complimented me on her goid manners. Got a lot of work done. Picked up my nee computer with no trauma. I don’t have anything of interest to them...a gazillion pics of dogs. Trying to figure out where to take em on summer vacation, or Christmas vacation. Did s Little yard work. Take care, Val
    Hi Val
    The Sunday was good, I did overeat from the St. Patrick's day meal. Way to much Corned Beef, Cabbage, three small potatoes and for the Coup De Grace a roll my brother picked up fresh at the grocery store that I cut in half, smeared with butter and doused with homemade gravy. The scale told me I overdid it and indicated that I was up a pound. I suspect that a lot of that is water weight from the Potatoes and Bread + Gravy and I should be OK in a day or two and be where I weighed Sunday Morning.

    A couple of suggestions, Back up the pictures if You are interested in preserving them. Since thumb drives are now inexpensive they work real well for that. Nice to have a new and probably speedier computer. Do the Geek Squad still push having them optimize the new computer for only a few dollars more ?

    It is always nice to get compliments.

    It is still early to be doing yard work with many overnights dipping below freezing and the lawn still brown rather than greening up.

    Good Luck deciding where to put the dogs on vacation if I understand that correctly ? If So could someone in Your rescue group take them temporarily ?

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    edited March 2019
    Another one of my former pups was surrendered today. Boudreaux is now almost a year old. Super sweet. I need a bigger bed with six dogs.
    That boss was actually nice today. Hurray.
    I had an epiphany. My body really doesn’t need a lot of food. 🤣
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Boy way I right about needing a bigger bed (said the single woman with a King-sized bed). LOL. For most of the night, I couldn’t move my legs. My knee locked up, so I got up. Which then caused 6 excited doggos to be sure it was breakfast time. I didn’t want to disappoint, so they had breakfast at 3am. Fortunately they are happy to go back to bed. I got a better spot this time. I know I’m an odd duck. But I do love my dogs and want them to feel safe and wanted. Happy Tuesday!
    This pic was during the night. L-R: Boudreaux, my leg, Charlie, my leg/foot, Duke, Lucy, and Spike was up near my side.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor is already posted

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was showing 34 degrees. There was a bright white orb in the sky lighting my way this morning. With that for much of my walk I was casting two shadows, one from the streetlights and a second equally distinct from the Moonlight.

    The Scale looked favorably at me this morning and told me that I was a 1/4 pound under where I was Sunday Morning before overeating the St. Patty's Day foods :smiley:

    Yesterday my brother baked some discounted Sausage from his Sunday trip to the market so I stuck in a baking pan with the bacon I had in the fridge. Or to put it another way, why run the oven twice when You can get double duty out of one bake. So now I have precooked bacon I can use to spiff up the NS Chicken sandwich and the NS Hamburger and to add a little to the NS Pizzas. I was afraid that the nice Bacon sandwich I made with some of it along with Slice of 40 calorie bread that I used to soak up the drippings would impact my weight, Evidently the alterations I made to my days foods compensated for that.

    Young Americans Hilariously Explain Why Lowering the Voting Age to 16 Is a Terrible Idea

    If You get the idea I think people over react You are right.
    Report: Popping Balloons May Have Triggered Active Shooter Warning That Cleared Michigan Campus

    LOOK INTO THE FUTURE Foldable screen, triple camera and a FART sensor – the weirdest tech Apple’s iPhone 11 could feature
    Would any of these features make you want an iPhone?
    We've tracked down some of the wackiest features that could make it into the 2019 iPhone – although we wouldn't count on it.

    I feel Sorry for them TBH
    IX babies in just nine minutes defying one in 4.7 billion odds
    Thelma Chiaka from Houston, Texas gave birth to six children in less time than it takes to drink a cup of tea

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another one of my former pups was surrendered today. Boudreaux is now almost a year old. Super sweet. I need a bigger bed with six dogs.
    That boss was actually nice today. Hurray.
    I had an epiphany. My body really doesn’t need a lot of food. 🤣
    Hello Val
    That is too bad I suspect that being a year old will make a future adoption harder ?

    Wow, I wonder what happened to make him nice.

    Our bodies may not need a lot of food, However my opinion is and this is just an opinion FWIW.
    I feel that thousands of years of a feast or famine type of eating makes our bodies want to store food in the good times for the lean times. Good times - Summer and Fall
    Lean times would be Winter and Spring before things start producing edibles. Even when our ancestors could get out and hunt towards spring the prey would be lean.
    I could also be wrong ? But it would explain a lot.
    Boy way I right about needing a bigger bed (said the single woman with a King-sized bed). LOL. For most of the night, I couldn’t move my legs. My knee locked up, so I got up. Which then caused 6 excited doggos to be sure it was breakfast time. I didn’t want to disappoint, so they had breakfast at 3am. Fortunately they are happy to go back to bed. I got a better spot this time. I know I’m an odd duck. But I do love my dogs and want them to feel safe and wanted. Happy Tuesday!
    This pic was during the night. L-R: Boudreaux, my leg, Charlie, my leg/foot, Duke, Lucy, and Spike was up near my side.
    Without going Custom for the bed, mattress set and sheets what is there bigger to get and what size room would be needed ?
    My knees get stiff if I even sit in the same position I can only guess how bad they would be If I could not move them all night. I suspect that I would have trouble staying upright until the loosened up.

    Have a Great Day

    Hello Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Jan - hoping all is well for you.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I am okay. My termite inspector was coming and I was madly cleaning house. I was gone and busy all week so it was a mess. It is better but I was still kind of embarrassed. He goes around with a flashlight and checks everything. Church was long and I was tired and I cleaned all day Monday and Tuesday morning. I waited too late to write Monday nite..I know better and went to sleep instead. I do better to write earlier and record foods earlier. Of course did not do that again tonite!! lol...

    Why did you get your doggie back?? I remember him cuze I never remember how to spell his name. Loved the pictures of them all asleep with you. Wish May would do that, I miss it!!

    Just put two kings together, Val... :D

    Yep, those are tax deferred accounts. Recommended by experts..not by me after using it... :#

    Yum...Bacon!! Good luck on doing well with St Patty's Roger... :) You would be right with that feast or famine theory, IMO..

    I does not surprise me Em got those compliments, Val!! <3

    Take care all... ..Jan

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I shall be posting more humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was showing 33 degrees. Rain in the forecast for Thursday :(

    Yesterday we drove over to a new Grocery store that just opened in the area, We found out when a circular for them appeared in the Weekly Circular delivery arrived in the mail.
    Some prices were good and some not. An example of what my brother thought was a good price was Chicken Leg & Thigh Quarters for $0.27 a pound in bulk. Myself I do not shop enough to know a good price when I see it. They appear to have just opened and had not even finished filling the shelves. One interesting thing is that the store is a combined Grocery Store and a True Value Hardware store that use the same set of registers.

    He's thinking of running for President ? Why ?
    De Blasio speaks to crowd of only 20 people in New Hampshire
    Only 20 people showed up Sunday to hear the leader of America’s largest city hold a roundtable on mental health — including the 14 people on the panel and just six in the audience.

    New York City Mayor's pandering to special interests again, The article is a interesting read OTOH
    ‘Meatless Mondays’ don’t fight climate change or boost kids’ health

    Lab meat’ closer to supermarkets as US regulators outline oversight

    Americans feel guilty about almost a third of the food they eat

    How Fragile are they
    Stress Mess: 3 In 5 Millennials Say Life More Stressful Now Than Ever Before
    From slow WiFi to broken phone screens to zero “likes” on social media, everyday stressors are causing young adults to have struggles falling asleep 138 nights each year, researchers say.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hi Jan - hoping all is well for you.
    Hi Val
    I hope You are having a good rest of the week.

    Before I forget, Congratulations
    hope4change_val yesterday
    lost 1.1 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 18.4 lbs so far.