100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking and I found 11 cents today. Whee. The Temperature out the door was showing 47 degrees. There is a sort of crescent shaped glow through the clouds this morning.

    NEW WAVE OF WAR ISIS fanatics busted for trying to derail German high speed trains in shocking new terror plot unearthed after caliphate crushed
    The 42-year-old Iraqi, living in Vienna, Austria, is said to have twice stretched steel cables above and across tracks

    I can believe it
    Half of Older Americans Have Nothing in Retirement Savings

    House-hunting in Silicon Valley: tech's newly rich fuel a spectacle of excess
    As flamenco dancers and baristas help show off multimillion-dollar homes, there is no longer room for the middle class

    New Cars in Europe Will Be Prevented From Speeding

    Facebook fights for the right to follow users–and nonusers–around the web

    Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better, Child Services Send a SWAT Team
    "What about the parents' rights to decide what's best for their child?"

    Elitist Vermin
    A helicopter landed in a California poppy field during the super bloom, and officials are furious

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. I worked until 9:30pm last night and tonight. Nose still feels good. Throat still a little sore with cough...never fully recovered from that infection. Court was supposed to be today but got postponed until Tuesday. My dog-Rescue friend sent me flowers today as appreciation for all i do plus with get well wishes. Tomorrow I’m driving Em and her friend to a teenager event at our art museum. So I’ll be out late. Then Saturday is a dog adoption event. Boudreaux is such a lovely doggo. Easy to care for...sweet, calm, and fun. etkbbln173u3.jpeg
    Hi Val
    You need to cut back on Your hours, I bet that You do not get paid for all the time You put in. Not a big surprise that the court date was pushed back, It may be pushed back again too, I hope not however.

    That is a nice looking and expensive looking bouquet of flowers.

    So Busy, Be sure to remember that You come first.

    Have a Good upcoming weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Target Spring Grocery Haul - 10 Healthy Items To Buy..And What To Avoid!

    Dairy free creamed spinach w/ fennel chicken:
    keto tater tot casserole
    Sugar free keto ketchup:
    Avocado oil mayonnaise:
    Insane green beans:
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2019
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning,

    Love the flowers, Val! They are just beautiful and very thoughtful, too! Sounds like quite the week. I know you will be happy when things settle down some! Good luck with the adoption event. And have a great time dropping the kiddos, I actually miss all that car pooling we used to do!

    Creepy articles about The Watcher. There used to be a scary movie with a similar theme. Maybe it is someone from that time era!

    I cannot blame the Chinese food for the craving.. I just love going to Peach Park and their peach products.. no excuse needed. They have wonderful BBQ and waffle fries too!! :#
    Hi Jan
    I do not remember that movie, Do You recall the name so I could look it up ?

    That is a problem any BBQ with a sauce likely has a lot of carbs, Dry Rubs not to any extent that I know of.

    Waffle Fries I can take or leave, Regular, Shoestring and Steak fries are my Kryptonite :smiley:
    jenny and I hit an antique store today. She grabbed up an old butter dish before I did..It was pretty funny. I had been going back to get it, and out she came with her find. It was from the 1950's and had the glass top too. I did get a first print 1940 songbook with piano music of Stephan Foster. A good find in pristine condition.

    Pretty weather here. Pain for Sunday though. Sunshine in the 70;s with cool nights in the upper 40;s..

    Sorry you are still cold, Roger!! :( ...Jan
    The Local nearest Antique store close a while back, Not a huge surprise as the owners Husband had died and she was in her 80s.

    One of these days I really want to go to one of the nearby Goodwill stores and see what they have.
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Supposed to be Rain for Sunday..not pain. No editing button the last few days... :|
    I do not have the button either until after I hit the reload button for the page then I can click the edit button for the post.
    I just tested and as I suspected closing the post and then reopening it also made it editable :smiley: Good Luck with it.

    Stay Dry and safe.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I definitely don’t get paid for overtime...usually work 50 to 70 hours per week.
    Sat dog adoption. Sunday tax preparation (I’ve never been this late). Monday brain CT with IV contrast. Tuesday court. I’m already exhausted.
    Just dropped the girls off. It’s the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio.
    That story about the terrorist trying to derail the high-speed train is frightening.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I already posted new humor

    I'm back home from walking and I found not one cent today. The Temperature out the door was 51 degrees. There is light rain in the forecast for Sunday, Oh well.

    The FCC has fined robocallers $208 million. It's collected $6,790.

    How to retrain your brain to say 'no' to overeating: Scientists discover neurons that make us 'forget' we want food

    Inmates deemed ‘dead’ using century-old law in Rhode Island

    Taiwan mulls death penalty for drunk driving
    Taiwan plans to ramp up punishments for those who cause a fatal accident while drunk driving, including the death penalty for the most egregious cases

    Democrats Love a Wealth Tax, But Europeans Are Ditching the Idea

    AI can predict when someone will die with unsettling accuracy
    This isn't the first time experts have harnessed AI's predictive power for healthcare.

    Why do so many pets keep jumping off ‘dog suicide bridge’ in Scotland?

    Have a Good Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I definitely don’t get paid for overtime...usually work 50 to 70 hours per week.
    Sat dog adoption. Sunday tax preparation (I’ve never been this late). Monday brain CT with IV contrast. Tuesday court. I’m already exhausted.
    Just dropped the girls off. It’s the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio.
    That story about the terrorist trying to derail the high-speed train is frightening.
    Hi Val
    I'm not sure that uncompensated time like that is legal these days. I tried a salaried position back in the 70s and it stunk to be kind.

    You have a Busy few days ahead of You. When You say Tax preparation do You mean getting ready for an accountant or that You do Your own ?

    Fortunately the terrorist failed to cause the mayhem that was intended. Germany as well as England and other European countries have been having a worse time with terrorists than we have. What kind of mindset do those vermin have, they attack the people in the countries that took them in ?

    Have a Great Saturday

    Scotch Plains, NJ Marks National Vietnam War Veterans Day on March 29

    Hi Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning.

    Interesting and scary articles abound you have posted! I was looking up The Watchers movie, then forgot to post for the day. What is wrong with people anyway . They certainly do feel very entitled nowadays don't they. Very arrogant.

    Many of the terrorists had no intention of joining the country that they are in. Their sole goal is to take it out, not become part of a positive nation. :s

    Congratulations on finding money again..11 cents..a bigger find!!

    I can not quite get back on keto. I am going to do a few days of more like weight watchers. Church really derails me, especially now that I can not rely on May May coming in and out. It is very stressful missing church, or some aspect of it. Bummer..

    The Watcher movie I remember is the one with Corey Haim. Just reminded me of your article on the N.J. house. There is an older one with Bette Davis I saw as a kid too, though I do not remember that one much..it was a lond time ago!! :#

    I am making a hamburger vegetable soup for today. Just a taste for it...comforting and nostalgic.. ;)

    Val, I will be thinking of you! Sounds like a too busy week, so I will send you some positive vibes and energy your way!! I pray things go well!! You are amazing! <3

    Have a good rest of the week end!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Some humor was posted, The Chinese negotiator sounds like China BTW

    I'm back home from walking and I found a Quarter while I was walking today. The Temperature out the door was 51 degrees. There is light rain in the forecast for Midday, Oh well.

    No free ham yet, for some reason they have not had them at the Grocery Store. We tried Yesterday Morning and the only ones in stock were the Spiral Cut which my brother does not want. According to the Butcher they should have come in on the Afternoon truck so my Brother plans to go today despite being there yesterday :smiley:
    He is afraid that someone might be able to get one based on the money spent to earn it. Last year that caused some headaches and eventually we did get one, OTOH that means someone that did not earn it also got a free ham :(

    Good or Bad, You decide
    Ban on plastic bags comes close to reality in a 3rd state

    Is the robot barista at the Metreon having a midlife crisis?

    At 71, She's Never Felt Pain or Anxiety. Now Scientists Know Why.

    Getting rid of debt may actually make your brain work better

    Fossils show world-wide catastrophe on the day the dinosaurs died

    Have a Good Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning.

    Interesting and scary articles abound you have posted! I was looking up The Watchers movie, then forgot to post for the day. What is wrong with people anyway . They certainly do feel very entitled nowadays don't they. Very arrogant.

    Many of the terrorists had no intention of joining the country that they are in. Their sole goal is to take it out, not become part of a positive nation. :s

    Congratulations on finding money again..11 cents..a bigger find!!

    I can not quite get back on keto. I am going to do a few days of more like weight watchers. Church really derails me, especially now that I can not rely on May May coming in and out. It is very stressful missing church, or some aspect of it. Bummer..
    Hello Jan
    I have to agree with your conclusions about entitlement and that the terrorists only pretend to be interested in becoming a citizen. Germany is paying the price for Angela Merkel having been elected and pushing her agenda IMO.

    Thanks, The warmer weather seems to be bringing out the money :wink:

    Good Luck, I have to wonder which version of Weight Watchers ? They seem to keep changing it.
    The Watcher movie I remember is the one with Corey Haim. Just reminded me of your article on the N.J. house. There is an older one with Bette Davis I saw as a kid too, though I do not remember that one much..it was a lond time ago!! :#

    I am making a hamburger vegetable soup for today. Just a taste for it...comforting and nostalgic.. ;)

    Val, I will be thinking of you! Sounds like a too busy week, so I will send you some positive vibes and energy your way!! I pray things go well!! You are amazing! <3

    Have a good rest of the week end!! ...Jan
    Hamburger Vegetable Soup ? Loose fried Meat or shaped and cooked to hold the shape in the soup. That is a soup I am not familiar with.

    Thank You for the Information on the movie, when I looked up movies with Corey Haim there were a lot more than I would have Thought were made :smile:

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I need to go read those articles you posted Roger. Interesting info. I take hours to find my tax stuff and figure out what i need. Then i send it to a guy.
    Dog adoption at Petsmart was busy and hectic. We had eight adoptions. Boudreaux was scared. He was so happy to come home! So was i. I (and all our volunteers) wear purple shirts thst say Grumpy Puppy Rescue. I walk into the store and an angry woman starts yelling at me that i took her dog and she wants it back! I said I’ve known this dog for almost a year and the person who initially adopted him, signed a surrender form, so I amm 100% sure that i do not have your dog. She got more upset, “not THAT one!” I said my four are at home, they’ve never been out if my care and i have 9 to 14 years of vet records to prove they are mine.” I walked away. She followed yelling “i want my dog back!” I said “I don’t know you or yor dog.” “Aren’t you from Schertz Animal Control?” “ No, (pointing to my shirt) I’m with GrumpyPuppyRescue”. “But Schertz said you took my dog”. “ I don’t have your dog” it didn’t get better! 🙄😩🤬
    At the event, someone brought donuts and fir lunch breakfast tacos. One lady asked “are you still doing that diet?” Yes. “How long are you going to do that?” “Forever.” “No, really.” “Okay, just for the next fifty years.”
    Finished laundry, dushes, and currently cooking for the week (turkey and cabbage).
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Val, I just can not believe some people. That is awful someone is like that. I am sure it was upsetting. Especially as you were out doing something good and time consuming also. It is hard work taking care of rescues. <3

    Church was great. Glad to be home though...and it is chilly. Down in the upper 30's and a stiff wind
    all day.....BRrrrrrrr :|

    I had just loose hamburger for soup with veggies and canned tomatoes. Always made it, I don't know
    from where!

    Stayed up too late tonite. I need to work in the yard Monday..

    Have a good one!! Val, get some rest!!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor was posted

    I'm back home from walking and I no money as I was walking today. The Temperature out the door was 33 degrees. There was a breeze blowing this morning that took the wind chill into the 20s and felt worse when I was facing into it.
    Still no Ham, Sunday the Butcher said next weekend. What the heck, is there a shortage of Cooks brand Hams or is it a issue with the one store ?
    Since My brother was going to the market Sunday I added a few things from the Circular and ended up spending $15 on a couple of boxes of cereal, Butter and a breakfast bowl from evol called Smoked Uncured Ham Benedict that was tasty when I tried it last week. If You hold their logo up to the mirror the backwards facing evol becomes love :smiley:
    200 calories and 21g carbohydrates works for me.

    We did have the rain that was forecast yesterday from around 9AM when it started with light sprinkles into the afternoon, Rain amounts were reported to be around 2/10s of an inch. The rain forecast for this week is 0% for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 80% for Friday and 20% for Saturday according to News12 the local cable only news channel.

    Americans aren't getting enough sleep and it's killing us

    Not a surprise to me that Google Manipulates searches, So now I use bing.com in place of Google.
    Brazil’s Top Election Court Catches Google Manipulating Search Results to Point to Negative Entries on Bolsonaro …Just Like They Do with Conservatives in America

    Have a Good Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I need to go read those articles you posted Roger. Interesting info. I take hours to find my tax stuff and figure out what i need. Then i send it to a guy.
    Dog adoption at Petsmart was busy and hectic. We had eight adoptions. Boudreaux was scared. He was so happy to come home! So was i. I (and all our volunteers) wear purple shirts that say Grumpy Puppy Rescue. I walk into the store and an angry woman starts yelling at me that i took her dog and she wants it back! I said I’ve known this dog for almost a year and the person who initially adopted him, signed a surrender form, so I am 100% sure that i do not have your dog. She got more upset, “not THAT one!” I said my four are at home, they’ve never been out if my care and i have 9 to 14 years of vet records to prove they are mine.” I walked away. She followed yelling “i want my dog back!” I said “I don’t know you or yor dog.” “Aren’t you from Schertz Animal Control?” “ No, (pointing to my shirt) I’m with GrumpyPuppyRescue”. “But Schertz said you took my dog”. “ I don’t have your dog” it didn’t get better! 🙄😩🤬
    At the event, someone brought donuts and fir lunch breakfast tacos. One lady asked “are you still doing that diet?” Yes. “How long are you going to do that?” “Forever.” “No, really.” “Okay, just for the next fifty years.”
    Finished laundry, dushes, and currently cooking for the week (turkey and cabbage).
    Hi Val
    FWIW as the tax info comes in with the mail and throughout the year anything that might be useful is put into a Folder, One of those ones that has 12 compartments by my brother. Then once the last thing comes in the mail from his pensions he makes the appointment to have his taxes done. As I say FWIW, I don't bother since I only have one pension and the Social Security payments and Do not do deductions.

    unfortunately crazy people are out there. It is possible that Someone at GrumpyPuppyRescue did end up with crazy ladies dog but to blame You personally, Not to smart.

    Diet ? I think so until, well forever in my case.

    Cooking ahead makes sense to me, When I was brown bagging it I setup the weeks worth of lunches and froze them. That kept the fresh and they had finished defrosting or near enough that the Microwave made short work of them. Not just Sandwiches either, Until they stopped it the Local ShopRite Hot food section on Sunday had great food. Rib Eye steaks, Bacon, Sweet Italian Sausage and Peppers, BBQ Ribs and of Fried Chicken and assorted Vegetables so I could create nice meal plates that went straight into the freezer :smiley:

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Val, I just can not believe some people. That is awful someone is like that. I am sure it was upsetting. Especially as you were out doing something good and time consuming also. It is hard work taking care of rescues. <3

    Church was great. Glad to be home though...and it is chilly. Down in the upper 30's and a stiff wind
    all day.....BRrrrrrrr :|

    I had just loose hamburger for soup with veggies and canned tomatoes. Always made it, I don't know
    from where!

    Stayed up too late tonite. I need to work in the yard Monday..

    Have a good one!! Val, get some rest!!! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    I can believe it years ago to reduce crowding New York City turned crazy people loose.

    That Sounds Like my Monday weather, Not nice out, I did get out Saturday when it was warm and trimmed back the Berry Bushes so that is done except for the bagging part to get to the curb for the weekly City Pickup.

    That sort of sounds like a variation on Minestrone Soup :wink: It also sounds healthy and Tasty.

    You seem to stay up late a lot TBH, You night owl you :smiley:

    Enjoy the Day despite the Yard Work
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Today must be an uphill battle. I guess it is funny. For some reason my phone is showing to check my telephone line. (landline) I thought I had touched something on the phone by mistake, but if so I can not find it. So I reset my modem that has my internet and phone, and now I am showing nothing.. I was doing better before I "fixed" it, lol.
    I guess I am writing this on battery because the link was open. Who knows?

    In back tracking for a phone no. on my phone a few days ago, I saw a message from my lawn guy from 2 wks ago. He had not left a message and somehow I missed it. Hopefully I can reconnect and get him coming. My yard is really long, but I love it as all the meadow "weeds" are blooming. Looks like wild chamomile and something resembling a blue larkspur. If I was mowing my own lawn I would mow around the bigger patches. It must have looked worse than I thought though as a neighbor offered to mow it if I hired him. He awoke me from a dead sleep during a nap, so he must have thought I was a total idiot. I could not talk as I was not awake and certainly did not expect him! Pretty sure he did not believe I had hired someone. lol...

    Pretty day today so hopefully I can get out and collect branches to prepare for mowing. I wish I could get my little mower going for a few things, or get a new one to my house. Sometimes my son drives me crazy. I wish he would check if I need something like his truck to get a mower. He is always so busy though I really do not ask. Not sure it would fit in my daughters trunk or mine, though it might out of the box but unassembled. My seats go down, however there are two metal looking boxes containing something that actually block stuff from loading to all that space from the trunk. Dumbest design I have ever seen, lol... :s I really should have bought a truck, lol...

    I keep trying to get to bed early. I do not know what happens!!

    Have a great day!! ....Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My day started with three attempts to start an IV. Otherwise the CT scan went as expected. That IV contrast sure makes me feel really weird for a bit. In case you haven’t had it (good for you)...it causes your whole body to feel super hot. Work was uneventful. Maggie dropped off another dog just for the day. Later another foster picked him up. Tonight was my second weight loss support group...we made paintings. Clearly, I have no art skills. But it was fun.
    Tomorrow is court.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More is already posted

    I'm back home from walking and not one cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 33 degrees. Yesterdays breeze is gone and the walking was more comfortable than Monday's walk.

    My brother got me yesterday, when he told me he had a winning lottery ticket for $500 I believed him, Then April Fools.

    Today I am moderately busy, Bank, Grocery store, Dollar Store and send a problem report to Amazon. I ordered a 6 pack of A23 batteries. The padded envelope inside of the Amazon padded Envelope indicates 6 batteries and contained two 2 packs of the batteries for a shortage of 1/3 of the total. The A23 is a small 12 volt battery that fits the remote to control 3 remote power on and off switches.

    Just wrong In My Opinion, Or just another ploy to get control of more money.
    Governor Murphy enacts law for New Jersey to create automatic enrollment retirement plan for private-sector workers
    The law requires employers with 25 or more employees to establish an automatic payroll deduction for their employees, who will be enrolled at 3 percent unless they opt out or choose a different contribution level.

    The Russians Just Did A Fly-By Of Area 51
    Russia's specially equipped Tu-154M Open Skies aircraft is doing a grand tour of America's most sensitive military installations out west.

    'Cow toilets' in Netherlands aim to cut e-moo-ssions

    Tiny First Temple find could be first proof of aide to biblical King Josiah
    Rare seal impression from 8th century BCE, bearing the name Nathan-Melech, found in dig at large Iron Age administrative center in Jerusalem’s City of David

    US man charged with trying to steal item from Auschwitz

    Have a Good Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Today must be an uphill battle. I guess it is funny. For some reason my phone is showing to check my telephone line. (landline) I thought I had touched something on the phone by mistake, but if so I can not find it. So I reset my modem that has my internet and phone, and now I am showing nothing.. I was doing better before I "fixed" it, lol.
    I guess I am writing this on battery because the link was open. Who knows?

    In back tracking for a phone no. on my phone a few days ago, I saw a message from my lawn guy from 2 wks ago. He had not left a message and somehow I missed it. Hopefully I can reconnect and get him coming. My yard is really long, but I love it as all the meadow "weeds" are blooming. Looks like wild chamomile and something resembling a blue larkspur. If I was mowing my own lawn I would mow around the bigger patches. It must have looked worse than I thought though as a neighbor offered to mow it if I hired him. He awoke me from a dead sleep during a nap, so he must have thought I was a total idiot. I could not talk as I was not awake and certainly did not expect him! Pretty sure he did not believe I had hired someone. lol...
    Good Morning
    I end up powering off the Cable Modem and the Router when I see that the speeds have dropped and that fixes it so far, Knock Wood.

    Do You really care what a so called neighbor thinks ? A real neighbor would have offered to mow the lawn for free. The one neighbor down the street mows the woman's lawn that lives across the street, She doesn't get around real well on foot and he takes care of her driveway when it snows. That is the definition of a neighbor.

    Yesterday I noticed that we have Miniature Daffodils, What I remember as a Anemone, and Hyacinths blooming. The grass is just starting to turn green, You are way ahead of us that way.
    Pretty day today so hopefully I can get out and collect branches to prepare for mowing. I wish I could get my little mower going for a few things, or get a new one to my house. Sometimes my son drives me crazy. I wish he would check if I need something like his truck to get a mower. He is always so busy though I really do not ask. Not sure it would fit in my daughters trunk or mine, though it might out of the box but unassembled. My seats go down, however there are two metal looking boxes containing something that actually block stuff from loading to all that space from the trunk. Dumbest design I have ever seen, lol... :s I really should have bought a truck, lol...

    I keep trying to get to bed early. I do not know what happens!!

    Have a great day!! ....Jan
    My next door neighbor cured the hard starting mower problem, He got one that uses a rechargeable battery and the neighbor on the other side uses a electric mower that needs a extension cord. Some years ago talking to my Car Insurance agent, She mentioned that her mower had an electric start.

    Now that my brother has a F150 Pickup with the 6 foot bed and gang-box picking up large items is so much easier. Years ago when I bought my first HDTV a 32" I had trouble getting in the car. The last two were bought before the F150 from Amazon and delivered :wink:

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    My day started with three attempts to start an IV. Otherwise the CT scan went as expected. That IV contrast sure makes me feel really weird for a bit. In case you haven’t had it (good for you)...it causes your whole body to feel super hot. Work was uneventful. Maggie dropped off another dog just for the day. Later another foster picked him up. Tonight was my second weight loss support group...we made paintings. Clearly, I have no art skills. But it was fun.
    Tomorrow is court.
    Hello Val
    Three attempts Yikes, either You have really poor veins of the person doing it needs more training. I recall my brother had that in the past and he mentioned a similar effect from the Contrast.

    I would not say that about the painting. I like it and the reflections on the water are a good touch.

    Good Luck at Court Today