100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I admit! I waited too long to write and went to bed at 10 PM!! I was beyond tired. Roger, I know you are in shock I went to bed on the same day!!!! :D

    I have realized, (how long has it taken me?), I should weigh some items. I would do better as sometimes I am sure that I have not eyeballed something fairly, and of course it is more accurate than measuring. I did not know you weighed your veggies.

    Eating out is very deadly!! But I did good today for Chinese and had veggies and meats, and some sushi. Skipped all the fried rice, noodles, egg rolls and wontons. I did not do half bad!

    Val, thank goodness your court is done. I felt sure you would win, but it always is just plain stressful and sometimes not a sure thing. Thank goodness this was very well done! Hope you will be feeling better too. Did you get to the Dr.?

    I think you will be very successful, BreadLady! You have a great attitude. I am glad the convenience is working for you. You will find some NS dinners (foods) are better than others. It will not take long to figure them out! :)
    I love you make your bread with far less sugar and some other ingredients. I have never tried that( other than subbing unsweet apple sauce in some and find that interesting. I LOVE breads of all kinds!

    I have had only 20 grams carbs for 3 months and I have really enjoyed eating more veggies and some fruits. I cut the starchy ones first if needed but I am sensitive to them. I do find even the really low glycemic ones can really give me bloat for a few days, not just the cabbage type ones either. I am working to find the gram level that works that does not induce too much hunger. Definitely more than 20 grams and probably less than 100 a day. Still working on that top end, and of course watching the starchy carbs as they are worse for me.

    Portion control..my dreaded downfalls... ;) Good info and encouraging as always, Roger!!

    Have a great day everyone!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I posted some more humor, I liked the watch and the Sweet Caroline a lot of thinking went into those

    I'm back home from walking and not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 48 degrees and the forecast high is 60.
    There is rain in the forecast for Friday night into Saturday followed by Rain Sunday night into Monday.

    I like this version better than the original

    Eating raw garlic could help keep your memory sharp in old age by boosting gut health, study suggests

    She lived for 99 years with organs in all the wrong places and never knew it

    Brain zaps boost memory in people over 60, study finds

    Cancer ‘vaccine’ shows promise in human trial of lymphoma patients

    Have a Nice Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I admit! I waited too long to write and went to bed at 10 PM!! I was beyond tired. Roger, I know you are in shock I went to bed on the same day!!!! :D

    I have realized, (how long has it taken me?), I should weigh some items. I would do better as sometimes I am sure that I have not eyeballed something fairly, and of course it is more accurate than measuring. I did not know you weighed your veggies.

    Eating out is very deadly!! But I did good today for Chinese and had veggies and meats, and some sushi. Skipped all the fried rice, noodles, egg rolls and wontons. I did not do half bad!
    Hello Jan
    I am indeed shocked that You retired for the day at 10PM, This is my normal time I creep off to bed here :smiley:

    I quickly found out that Eyeballing does not work for me, I suffer from creeping portion size that way.

    I weigh my Vegetables for a couple of reasons, That way I know how long to Microwave them. Also that way I end up not over or under eating them. I have a tendency to put some Fresh Baby Carrots in with the frozen vegetables unless they are in a 12 ounce (340 gram) bag then I just split that bag and heat 1/2 at a time.

    Deadly is a understatement in my case, As is Going for Takeout from anywhere or having food delivered.

    Congratulations on avoiding all those Carb/Calorie Bombs And they are all so tasty too. I may be weird but I melt some butter into my Fried Rice or Noodles and put bits of butter in the Egg Rolls as I eat them, Wontons fried, Steamed or in Wonton Soup so tasty and so bad for me :(
    Val, thank goodness your court is done. I felt sure you would win, but it always is just plain stressful and sometimes not a sure thing. Thank goodness this was very well done! Hope you will be feeling better too. Did you get to the Dr.?

    I think you will be very successful, BreadLady! You have a great attitude. I am glad the convenience is working for you. You will find some NS dinners (foods) are better than others. It will not take long to figure them out! :)
    I love you make your bread with far less sugar and some other ingredients. I have never tried that( other than subbing unsweet apple sauce in some and find that interesting. I LOVE breads of all kinds!

    I have had only 20 grams carbs for 3 months and I have really enjoyed eating more veggies and some fruits. I cut the starchy ones first if needed but I am sensitive to them. I do find even the really low glycemic ones can really give me bloat for a few days, not just the cabbage type ones either. I am working to find the gram level that works that does not induce too much hunger. Definitely more than 20 grams and probably less than 100 a day. Still working on that top end, and of course watching the starchy carbs as they are worse for me.

    Portion control..my dreaded downfalls... ;) Good info and encouraging as always, Roger!!

    Have a great day everyone!! ...Jan
    In some ways convenience and the controlled portion size work best for many people including me.

    Interesting that it is not just Cabbage Family members giving You bloat. If You do not already have a Kitchen Scale, look for one that does Grams and Ounces and has a Zero Button. The Zero button lets You add items one at a time and easily weigh them. I wish the Kitchen Scale here had a Zero Button. I need to either turn it off and then on, Let it turn off from a timeout power off or do mental math :(

    I also saw this, Congratulations
    Buttons61 9 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 4/09/2019 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

    Hello Val and BreadLady
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi all! Yesterday was my ENT appointment. Great news, not an aneurism! Great news, he thinks he knows where the pocket of blood forms before it bursts. And great that he cauterized that area yesterday. But OUCH!!!! Felt like face hit with baseball bat. Time will tell. May need to repeat that process but I’ll cross that bridge when i get there.
    Boudreaux and i are in our first 5K ever this coming Saturday. We’ll see how that goes. I rarely get 10k steps in per day but we’re going to do that.
    Tons of work to do. My house is a wreck. Ive been sick for weeks with this sinus infection...on antibiotics so hopefully that will kill it.
    Em was sick yesterday so i made avgo-lemeno soup. Greek chicken, lemon, egg, rice soup. I made a separate batch for me with no rice...LOVED it. So happy that i can make a keto-friendly version that still gives the same comfort as the rice version.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Good day but long. I was calling on someone and just ran behind by about 4 hours. Getting to bed way too late after snoozing on and off trying to watch TV. The gentleman is about 85 and fell about 10 feet or more from doing some work on his house. Both he and his wife are just precious, and I am so glad he is just banged up and sore. Hard to believe he did not break his hip or his neck. I do feel it will take a toll though.

    Val, glad there is some resolution to the problem. Sounds uncomfortable. Please take it a little easy with all you have going on! <3 Hope both you and Em feel better soon!! Good luck on the 5K! :)

    I do have one of those scales, luckily, Roger!! Thanks for the notice on one day of eating better!! LOL! :#

    I actually got a small refund on my taxes for federal! So happy...thought I would be paying several thousand. My state was about 2 1/2 times from last year. :s Still a win considering the federal!!

    Hang tough all!!! o:) ....Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The BEST Keto Bread EVER! (Oven version) | Keto yeast bread | Low Carb Bread | Ketogenic Bread
    It comes so close to regular bread but is a true low carb bread as the carbs are only 2.2g per slice!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted some humor

    I'm back home from walking and not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 39 Degrees.
    The rain in the forecast for Friday night into Saturday followed by Rain Sunday night into Monday. Has changed and it now appears that the rain previously forecast for Friday will be a no show.

    Walmart plans to add thousands of robot helpers to U.S. stores

    The biggest scandals to ever hit Costco

    A powerful spyware app now targets iPhone owners

    Not even the dead are safe :(
    Desperate Venezuelans Looting Cemeteries, Rotten Corpses for Jewelry

    DOG DOCS Dogs have been trained to sniff out cancer with up to 97 per cent accuracy — and up to 18 months before medical tests


    Have a Nice Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi all! Yesterday was my ENT appointment. Great news, not an aneurism! Great news, he thinks he knows where the pocket of blood forms before it bursts. And great that he cauterized that area yesterday. But OUCH!!!! Felt like face hit with baseball bat. Time will tell. May need to repeat that process but I’ll cross that bridge when i get there.
    Boudreaux and i are in our first 5K ever this coming Saturday. We’ll see how that goes. I rarely get 10k steps in per day but we’re going to do that.
    Tons of work to do. My house is a wreck. Ive been sick for weeks with this sinus infection...on antibiotics so hopefully that will kill it.
    Em was sick yesterday so i made avgo-lemeno soup. Greek chicken, lemon, egg, rice soup. I made a separate batch for me with no rice...LOVED it. So happy that i can make a keto-friendly version that still gives the same comfort as the rice version.
    Hello Val
    I hope the cauterization works. Was it a chemical or heat cauterization, I seem to recall they did a chemical on for mom one year when here bloody nose would not stop.

    I say this tongue in cheek, however have You thought about some form of advertising for the dog rescue organization along with a I'm available for Boudreaux to wear, The more I think about it that could work :wink:

    When You are sick it saps all the strength away so...

    Greek Chicken ? Is that the seasoning or the cooking method or both ?

    Even Though I know that the rice is bad for me, I might have still put a little bit in if it were I making the soup. I hope it helped and that Em had already bounced back from being sick.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Good day but long. I was calling on someone and just ran behind by about 4 hours. Getting to bed way too late after snoozing on and off trying to watch TV. The gentleman is about 85 and fell about 10 feet or more from doing some work on his house. Both he and his wife are just precious, and I am so glad he is just banged up and sore. Hard to believe he did not break his hip or his neck. I do feel it will take a toll though.

    Val, glad there is some resolution to the problem. Sounds uncomfortable. Please take it a little easy with all you have going on! <3 Hope both you and Em feel better soon!! Good luck on the 5K! :)

    I do have one of those scales, luckily, Roger!! Thanks for the notice on one day of eating better!! LOL! :#

    I actually got a small refund on my taxes for federal! So happy...thought I would be paying several thousand. My state was about 2 1/2 times from last year. :s Still a win considering the federal!!

    Hang tough all!!! o:) ....Jan
    Hello Jan
    I suspect that men are less likley to have brittle bones, I could also be wrong.

    When I have trouble keeping my eyes open when watching TV, I just kill it and trundle off to a proper bed.

    Lucky You, even my brother has admitted he wishes he had spent a little more on a scale with a zero button, and he is cheap :smiley:

    My refund came in February as I filed within a few days of Tax season, Yesterday My Brothers tax refund arrived. No direct deposit into a bank account for either of us.
    Getting a refund of any size beats paying, Congratulations

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Chemical cauterzation caused burning sensation.
    The soup is a Greek recipe and includes chicken, lemon, egg, and optional rice.
    I ll be wearing my Grumpy Puppy Rescue shirt, and Boudreaux will wear his “adopt me” vest.
    Em bounced back quickly (young immune system!), and is back at school.
    I’m drowning in work, but it’s just work, no angry boss (haven’t heard from him in at least a week or two!).
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning,

    Val, Sounds like good news on all fronts! <3 Good luck with the pups!

    Ate at Red Lobster for lunch. I remember taking most of our family out for supper there when the kids were mid aged growing up for what I spent for one person.. How times have changed!! It was good though. I can see me not going till next year either, lol... :D I had to laugh. We waited about 5 minutes for a hostess to appear. I think all of about 4 tables had people. And they said it would be about a 4 to 7 minute wait. There was no one there and it was noon. (at those prices I can see why!). Our food and service was great, but as we left, we were the only ones there...used to be unless you got there at like 11 am , you waited for a table and both room were filled to the brim, always, and most of the day.. Like 60-80 tables or probably more. I wonder if their days are numbered....

    Sorry no money Roger! Slim pickens again!!

    Catching up on humor...it's great!! :D ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I shall be posting Humor Shortly

    I'm back home from walking and not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 50 Degrees. There was a breeze when I headed out the door that ended before I returned home.
    The rain in the forecast is for Friday night into Saturday followed by Rain Sunday night into Monday. That has changed once again back to what they forecasting earlier in the week.

    Decades after nuclear disaster, tourism is booming in Chernobyl

    Your car is watching you. Who owns the data?
    Computers on wheels raise thorny questions about data privacy

    Fukushima disaster: first residents return to town next to nuclear plant
    Parts of Okuma are open for business once again, but only a few hundred former residents have moved home.

    'Flight shame' has Swedes rethinking air travel

    Entitled Gen Z workers want raises, promotions just for showing up

    Tiny Indiana town with population of 3 is for sale

    Charges dropped against pet owner because law doesn’t protect fish

    Have a Nice Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Chemical cauterization caused burning sensation.
    The soup is a Greek recipe and includes chicken, lemon, egg, and optional rice.
    I ll be wearing my Grumpy Puppy Rescue shirt, and Boudreaux will wear his “adopt me” vest.
    Em bounced back quickly (young immune system!), and is back at school.
    I’m drowning in work, but it’s just work, no angry boss (haven’t heard from him in at least a week or two!).
    Hello Val
    I'm sure that the Chemical cauterization burned, OTOH if it ends the bleeding it should be worth the short term pain ?

    Contact information on the shirt and Adopt me vest ?
    Phone and Website info or only one.

    I watched a TV show called Storage Wars Texas and one Person, Mary, was handing out flyers for a Hoopty Sale with no date, time or location on them and she did that on purpose, and she was surprised that no one showed up for the sale, She honestly thought that interested buyers would look that information up and come to the sale. The kindest thing I can think is that they are out there. I know that You and Your organization are a whole lot smarter.

    I wish I had a Immune system like that, Ah to be young again, if I could only wave a magic wand or have a wish granted.

    That sounds like a blessing with no contact by that person.

    Have a Nice Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning,

    Val, Sounds like good news on all fronts! <3 Good luck with the pups!

    Ate at Red Lobster for lunch. I remember taking most of our family out for supper there when the kids were mid aged growing up for what I spent for one person.. How times have changed!! It was good though. I can see me not going till next year either, lol... :D I had to laugh. We waited about 5 minutes for a hostess to appear. I think all of about 4 tables had people. And they said it would be about a 4 to 7 minute wait. There was no one there and it was noon. (at those prices I can see why!). Our food and service was great, but as we left, we were the only ones there...used to be unless you got there at like 11 am , you waited for a table and both room were filled to the brim, always, and most of the day.. Like 60-80 tables or probably more. I wonder if their days are numbered....

    Sorry no money Roger! Slim pickens again!!

    Catching up on humor...it's great!! :D ...Jan
    Hello Jan
    Since I don't eat Seafood I have never been to Red Lobster. If they had lots of empty tables there was no reason to wait for a Hostess or another 4 to 7 minute wait. With that sort of thing I can see why they were empty. If I were You I might be tempted to contact the chain and complain especially since it is a valid complaint. Not to mention that You might score a freebie meal(s) for letting them know.

    With that sort of service I could see how at least that location is on it's last legs.

    All chain foods are so much more expensive than they used to be, Fast food for example is not inexpensive food and not even fast on occasion. The nearby Wendy's will ask You to move the car to the side out of the driveway if there be a delay. I understand that the chain has sensors to track how long a car is at the window which explains why they move You so You do not hurt the on-time at the window stats.

    Slim Pickens for money, true.
    When I saw Slim Pickens My mind went to the actor

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Happy Friday. The Swedes not flying was interesting. The idiots wanting raises and promotions for showing up piss ne off! We have two like that and I have no patience for that. Although i hate any irresponsible pet owners...I rather expected the fish guy to get away with it. In texas, police don’t pursue even the jerks who chain their dogs and move away. We’ve gotten a few dogs that way.
    Tomorrow is the 5k, but current predictions are that a big thunderstorm will be right there right then, so...we’ll see.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Yesterday had the most delicious salad: lettuce, spinach, red bell pepper, asparagus, chicken, and cheeses.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor Shortly

    I'm home and feeling tired and taking into consideration the weather I did not go walking and Therefore not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature outside is 62 Degrees. The rain in the forecast is for Friday night into Saturday has happened and currently the rain has ceased a short while ago, however the 6AM Weather Radar shows that there is more rain to the west moving this way.

    A question if I may, My brother is complaining about the price of Canned Butter Beans, So I was wondering what they cost elsewhere if I am not imposing.

    Coffee Shop Criminals Strike Again, Grabbing Computers From Patrons

    Why Do We Need Sleep? Israeli Scientists Solve the Mystery
    Groundbreaking research shows that when a zebrafish sleeps, so do its nerve cells – freeing them to focus on repairing their DNA

    Millennials talking? Strange things happen at the Masters where cell phones are banned

    The Phrase "Man's Best Friend" originated in a court of law. Back in October 28, 1869, A man's dog (named old drum), was shot to death by a neighbor. Animals had no rights back in those days, but the man wanted justice and so he hired 3 lawyers to sue the man who shot his dog. One of these lawyers, named George Graham Vest, is given credit for originally coining the phrase "Man's Best Friend" during his final summation to the jury. By the time he was finished with his speech, the jury only took 2 minutes to reach a verdict. The jury awarded the victim $5 (a very large amount of money back then). The jury also wanted the man to be sent to prison, but there were no laws governing this type of incident back then so the judge was not able to honor the jury's request for prison time.

    This is a record of the final summation given by the lawyer...

    Gentlemen of the Jury

    The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son and daughter that he had reared with loving care may become ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him when he may need it most. Man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees and do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our head. The only absolutely unselfish friend a man may have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.

    A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and poverty, in health and sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, when the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he can be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of a pauper as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert... he remains.

    When riches take wings and reputations fall to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens. If fortune drives the master forth an outcast into the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies, and when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his grave side will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws and his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death.[/b]

    Have a Nice Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Happy Friday. The Swedes not flying was interesting. The idiots wanting raises and promotions for showing up piss me off! We have two like that and I have no patience for that. Although i hate any irresponsible pet owners...I rather expected the fish guy to get away with it. In texas, police don’t pursue even the jerks who chain their dogs and move away. We’ve gotten a few dogs that way.
    Tomorrow is the 5k, but current predictions are that a big thunderstorm will be right there right then, so...we’ll see.
    Good Morning Val
    I thought that was interesting too.

    Those people are the ones that absorbed the wrong lessons in school. I consider that a consequence of the instant gratification of wants anymore. Toss in things like safe spaces in schools and no wonder we have raised a mollycoddled generation. They Get breaks throughout the school year and the summer off and expect that will continue as they work. Toss in the way some schools pass them nearly automatically and a recipe for spoiled workers is happening.

    I know it isn't legal but if I were an employer I would only hire older workers and be looking at their work history.

    It was a reason I did not see coming as to why fish guy got off.

    The Police in New York City and it's suburbs have been going after people that leave dogs out in the yard during the winter so maybe a Petition pushing better enforcement ?

    OTOH running in the rain should keep You cooled off under the rain gear.
    Yesterday had the most delicious salad: lettuce, spinach, red bell pepper, asparagus, chicken, and cheeses.
    That does look tasty, I might have added more Chicken if it were mine.

    Good Luck with the 5K

    Good Morning Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    We finished the 5K! I’m sad that i was such a disappointment to Boudreaux. Every time the runners passed us, he would bolt to go running with them. I held him back. I jogged a little, but not much. Even with me, he still had fun...and we let him run off leash at Maggie’s in her huge yard.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I totally forgot I did not come back and respond. I had read the days writings and had started to respond..and oddly I got that MFP prompt with the light bulb that I needed to be signed in to respond. The funny thing was I was signed in. I think I had just tried to do things too fast, and in the buffering something did not register right. I exited to just get it all caught up..and totally forgot to go back.. I did my food this morning for yesterday, and as Jenny and I went for seafood...well I was a bit over so not in a hurry to post my food. I have a few days home, so I will definately be limiting my carbs kind of low. I am back to short of breath and some trouble walking...you would think I would know better!!

    The postings were very interesting on both Chernobyl and Fukushima. I do not know why I have this fascination. But I do. Same way with the dropping of the A-bombs and its fallout. I find very little info on it for the public in this time of google and other references. Still lots of cover up and to me what must be under reporting of anything negative. As you said, the entitlement of people is really an issue. And not surprised the fish guy was not punished. I get lots of fish die often without abuse, but I do feel the larger fish should have some protection in certain circumstances, which that guy did have. But still fighting a weird mentality and enforcement for just cats, dogs, horses and livestock..I get it..quite unfortunately.

    Loved the salad, Val. :)

    Loved the history behind man's best friend, I never knew!! :)

    Preparing for a wild nite and day with the weather tonite. I am working in the yard today, after insuring I was indeed moving by having a cup of caffeine after a cup or two of no caffeine provided little movement or desire.. :#

    Take care all! ...Jan B)