100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    Terri - also - congrats on the WI - every lb or ounce is one less.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Good morning, everyone! Things have been CRAZY in my life. I'm moving Saturday! UGH! Soooo much stuff to do. Did lose a lb for my WI this morning, so I'm happy about that. But this move has me so stressed. My face is breaking out from it, but I'm not over eating. I could use a couple able bodies to help move if you feel so inclined! lol Right now it's just me, my 17 year old son, my 23 year old daughter and my 4'10" sister-in-law. This is going to be interesting. That's for sure. I put out an email to my grad students requesting help but no one has offered to help yet. UGH!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    I wish I were closer (I'm in TX)...but moving is great exercise. I have helped two people from work move, and I have an offer out at the office if anyone wants moving help...I'll be there. It is harder when there are few people doing the moving...so, take care, prioritize, hang in there. Congrats on your new place!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I am so sorry to hear about Shirl. I know she had health problems, but she also seemed active and full of life. I know she was filled with kindness and love. I am shocked, and my heart goes out to her family, and to all of you who knew her even better. <3

    Hi Jan! So good to hear from you.

    After I got done crying, I pictured Shirl's spirit flying around visiting each of us to see all that we had talked about (our fridges, pets, families, hobbies), and continue to cheer us on. We still have her in our hearts!

    Hugs, Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    San Antonio is finally in the 60s at night and 80s in the day...supposed to get some rain over the next few days because of that low pressure system in the gulf. Houston always gets the rain worse than SA.

    I didn't walk any of the dogs today...Oscar (dog) is moving around the house well today. As a heads-up, when it is his time to go, I will be a crying mess...I seriously love that dog...he's helped me through some really hard times. (Crap...I'm already crying...but he's okay.)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2015
    It was in the forties this morning when I went out for my walk. I am thinking of going to the nearby party store to see what they carry tomorrow morning.

    Have a Good Week
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I am so sorry to hear about Shirl. I know she had health problems, but she also seemed active and full of life. I know she was filled with kindness and love. I am shocked, and my heart goes out to her family, and to all of you who knew her even better. <3

    Hi Buttons
    In one way with her health issues I was not completely surprised but still saddened.

    5mates wrote: »
    You're do right about sleep helping w weight loss ...and health in general. My normal average sleep per fitbit is 2-3 hrs. Last 2 nights I've improved to just over 4! I know, that's still not good. I try.

    Hi Val - I don't wear mine to bed anymore because it troubled me about the sleep I was not getting - probably kept me awake thinking about it :) I decided to just wear it during active periods...
    5mates wrote: »
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Good morning, everyone! Things have been CRAZY in my life. I'm moving Saturday! UGH! Soooo much stuff to do. Did lose a lb for my WI this morning, so I'm happy about that. But this move has me so stressed. My face is breaking out from it, but I'm not over eating. I could use a couple able bodies to help move if you feel so inclined! lol Right now it's just me, my 17 year old son, my 23 year old daughter and my 4'10" sister-in-law. This is going to be interesting. That's for sure. I put out an email to my grad students requesting help but no one has offered to help yet. UGH!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Having just moved myself last weekend - I can feel your pain! Perhaps the grad students would work for beer? :)

    Sometimes I prefer not knowing too, it keeps me from worrying and losing sleep. That sleep tracking and size is one reason I chose the Fitbit Zip, Nice and small and when the battery runs down I throw it away and install the spare :) No remembering to charge it. Same type of reason I like this Cell phone, I get days on one charge.

    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I am so sorry to hear about Shirl. I know she had health problems, but she also seemed active and full of life. I know she was filled with kindness and love. I am shocked, and my heart goes out to her family, and to all of you who knew her even better. <3

    Hi Jan! So good to hear from you.

    After I got done crying, I pictured Shirl's spirit flying around visiting each of us to see all that we had talked about (our fridges, pets, families, hobbies), and continue to cheer us on. We still have her in our hearts!

    Hugs, Val

    Hi Val
    I was hoping not to depress anyone, obviously I did not succeed. I weighed letting everybody know vs letting them think she just dropped out of the group.

  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, everyone. This move is killing me! lol You don't realize just how much stuff you actually have until you move. UGH! Just my bedroom and bathroom to pack up then it's time to hit the basement and go through all of it. Need to get rid of a bunch of stuff. Goodwill is going to love me in the next few days. lol I haven't been on plan this week. Been trying but not succeeding too much. I totally can't wait until this move is over so things will get back into a normal rhythm again. Hopefully sooner than later.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked this morning + 1 Whole Penny :)
    It was a better day than yesterday outside during the walk, I ended up taking the gloves off and my hands were OK that way.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Terri
    Good Luck with the moving. I think that in my area at least if You have a lot to donate including furniture they pickup. I know the Lupus people do.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Walked this morning, The temperature was OK, Slightly colder than Yesterday but not bad. Then later after breakfast I cleaned some of the Nuts I have picked up and set them to dry, cracked a few from a earlier cleaning run.

    Have Good Thursday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi everyone. Had a rough week...we have a temp employee who knows nothing, and refuses to do anything our regular folks tell her to do. Very frustrating! San Antonio is supposed to get heavy rain tonight thru tomorrow night... Very glad I intentionally chose to live on high ground!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Went walking today & 25 Cents right up the street from my house.

    It was a bit chilly this morning, Still only 48 degrees at 10:30AM Too.

    Have a Nice Weekend
    Hi everyone. Had a rough week...we have a temp employee who knows nothing, and refuses to do anything our regular folks tell her to do. Very frustrating! San Antonio is supposed to get heavy rain tonight thru tomorrow night... Very glad I intentionally chose to live on high ground!

    Hi Val
    I have been there dealing with that type of employee and the only trick is to make sure they do not shift blame for problems to others. They tend to move one fairly quickly too.

    I do not blame you for feeling glad about where You chose to live. I do feel sorry for those who bought without researching elevations first. Builder will build anywhere they can whether it is a good spot or not and hope the period before flooding lets them off of the hook. Flood Maps are only a rough guide, 100 year floods can still strike and in the nature of things more often than 100 years between :)

    I have seen the weather maps, Stay Dry
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I decided to take a off day from walking, not a great looking day outside
    Grocery Shopping and cleaning day instead.

    Have a Nice Sunday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Good morning. My family had no impact from all the rains. I think we ended up with 6-7". My Oscar (dog) is feeling better...he's walking well and even insisted on jogging a bit.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Val
    I have been there dealing with that type of employee and the only trick is to make sure they do not shift blame for problems to others. They tend to move one fairly quickly too.

    I do not blame you for feeling glad about where You chose to live. I do feel sorry for those who bought without researching elevations first. Builder will build anywhere they can whether it is a good spot or not and hope the period before flooding lets them off of the hook. Flood Maps are only a rough guide, 100 year floods can still strike and in the nature of things more often than 100 years between :)

    I have seen the weather maps, Stay Dry

    Roger, you are so right...she did that; she threw our team under the bus during a management review meeting where the writers (my team) are on the call but not allowed to speak. Our boss is back from vacation today!

    My choice for high ground was made after I talked w the local Red Cross (I had never lived in a hurricane prone area). I'm also grateful I had a choice!

    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I decided to walk yesterday afternoon after all as the light rain had moved on earlier.
    I walked today too. It was a fair amount cooler than yesterday, 43 degrees showing on the front porch.

    Have a Good Day
    Good morning. My family had no impact from all the rains. I think we ended up with 6-7". My Oscar (dog) is feeling better...he's walking well and even insisted on jogging a bit.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Val
    I have been there dealing with that type of employee and the only trick is to make sure they do not shift blame for problems to others. They tend to move one fairly quickly too.

    I do not blame you for feeling glad about where You chose to live. I do feel sorry for those who bought without researching elevations first. Builder will build anywhere they can whether it is a good spot or not and hope the period before flooding lets them off of the hook. Flood Maps are only a rough guide, 100 year floods can still strike and in the nature of things more often than 100 years between :)

    I have seen the weather maps, Stay Dry

    Roger, you are so right...she did that; she threw our team under the bus during a management review meeting where the writers (my team) are on the call but not allowed to speak. Our boss is back from vacation today!

    My choice for high ground was made after I talked w the local Red Cross (I had never lived in a hurricane prone area). I'm also grateful I had a choice!

    Hope everyone has a good week!

    Hi Val
    I'm glad to hear that with that much rain You had no problems!

    Sorry to hear that I was right regarding the Temp employee. Hopefully You can get things fixed to remove her with the Boss coming back today.

    That was a very smart move talking to the Red Cross. They are most likely the best source for that sort of information.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Walk/jogged 7.5 miles today! Feeling re-invigorated to get my weight moving the right direction and get stronger. Feeling good! I climbed my other tree today w my pruners and hacksaw. I did a rather nice job trimming it. Shoulder is a little sore, but a good kind if sore.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I love my boss...she's supportive and protective of me and our team. I sent her an email Sunday night welcoming her back...and explaining the highlights of all that temp had done. My boss reaffirmed how valuable I am to her and the team and was sorry to hear of my dreadful experience, acknowledging the inappropriateness of what happened. Three others also emailed her about that woman. Boss had a talk w temp. It got her attention. during today's call in meeting, I was polite and spoke up about my concerns over the proposal (nothing about that person, but just how to make our product the best we can)....and my team also spoke up supporting my concerns, and she was silent.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking earlier, About an hour later than Yesterday as It was around 35 Degrees at 7AM :(
    Nice Looking day so far, Rain on the way for Wednesday into Thursday however.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
    Walk/jogged 7.5 miles today! Feeling re-invigorated to get my weight moving the right direction and get stronger. Feeling good! I climbed my other tree today w my pruners and hacksaw. I did a rather nice job trimming it. Shoulder is a little sore, but a good kind if sore.
    I love my boss...she's supportive and protective of me and our team. I sent her an email Sunday night welcoming her back...and explaining the highlights of all that temp had done. My boss reaffirmed how valuable I am to her and the team and was sorry to hear of my dreadful experience, acknowledging the inappropriateness of what happened. Three others also emailed her about that woman. Boss had a talk w temp. It got her attention. during today's call in meeting, I was polite and spoke up about my concerns over the proposal (nothing about that person, but just how to make our product the best we can)....and my team also spoke up supporting my concerns, and she was silent.

    Hi Val
    Nice job of taking the wind out of her sails :)
    With the others saying the same thing it is hard to defend against.

    Congratulations on Your walk
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited October 2015
    I am still not back on a routine. It has been a week of chaos. Monday my horse, P-nut, had choke. (He eats too fast, you can tell he's in my family.) The food gets stuck in his esophagus. The vet checked him out, and it was cleared and he was put on antibiotics in case of pneumonia. I went to church on Weds. and while I was there he layed down and would not get up. The place I board treat the horses like their own horses, or children. They called the vet and had him up and going by the time I got there. The vet said he was impacted. I had time to get him to a non mobile vet, but could not decide. It is almost impossible to tell without surgery, and that runs $7- $10,000 dollars. It was 10 pm by this time, and he seemed to be doing better. I walked him straight for 15 hours, all night and some of the morning. I sat twice for a few minutes, and checked on my dogs twice, while my friends watched him. He was going to the bathroom good- I was watching all nite, but he was sweating again around 3 pm and the vet suggested I put him to sleep. Not my best choice and not what I was hoping. He was such a good boy, and I felt so bad I had not been with him as much the last 2 years that have been so hard and tiring. It happened so fast I still have not processed it. He was ornery but still sweet to the last, and went with kisses and apologies. Love on all the fur babies as much as you can. Their days are not always promised to us either. But I can honestly say I have never been so blessed to be loved by my "animal kingdom", as I have in this lifetime. I will have a field of animal family to meet on the other side. I do not know how God does it, but I know he does.....Maybe one day people will be as wonderful as animals.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I am still not back on a routine. It has been a week of chaos. Monday my horse, P-nut, had choke. (He eats too fast, you can tell he's in my family.) The food gets stuck in his esophagus. The vet checked him out, and it was cleared and he was put on antibiotics in case of pneumonia. I went to church on Weds. and while I was there he layed down and would not get up. The place I board treat the horses like their own horses, or children. They called the vet and had him up and going by the time I got there. The vet said he was impacted. I had time to get him to a non mobile vet, but could not decide. It is almost impossible to tell without surgery, and that runs $7- $10,000 dollars. It was 10 pm by this time, and he seemed to be doing better. I walked him straight for 15 hours, all night and some of the morning. I sat twice for a few minutes, and checked on my dogs twice, while my friends watched him. He was going to the bathroom good- I was watching all nite, but he was sweating again around 3 pm and the vet suggested I put him to sleep. Not my best choice and not what I was hoping. He was such a good boy, and I felt so bad I had not been with him as much the last 2 years that have been so hard and tiring. It happened so fast I still have not processed it. He was ornery but still sweet to the last, and went with kisses and apologies. Love on all the fur babies as much as you can. Their days are not always promised to us either. But I can honestly say I have never been so blessed to be loved by my "animal kingdom", as I have in this lifetime. I will have a field of animal family to meet on the other side. I do not know how God does it, but I know he does.....Maybe one day people will be as wonderful as animals.

    Oh Jan, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to spend time with P-nut at the end. So happy that your boarding place loved him as their own too. You and I will be super popular with all the animals on the other side! Hugs, Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    To all of you wonderful people, I say thank you for your encouragement, examples, and support...I hit the 70-pound loss mark today!!! Feeling good and strong. :)