100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Not walking today, I got going late and it is already wet outside, A Off day since my last one I was going to take did not happen should not hurt me one bit :) Crossed Fingers.

    It is a Gloomy looking day outside too, I should be able to walk tomorrow as the worst of today's rain is later on into the overnight and it should be gone or going by Thursday morning. If not then I'll be out in the late morning to afternoon on Thursday.

    Update: Laundry is now started and looking to Vacuum once the Day puts more light in the Living Room

    Have a Nice Day
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I am still not back on a routine. It has been a week of chaos. Monday my horse, P-nut, had choke. (He eats too fast, you can tell he's in my family.) The food gets stuck in his esophagus. The vet checked him out, and it was cleared and he was put on antibiotics in case of pneumonia. I went to church on Weds. and while I was there he layed down and would not get up. The place I board treat the horses like their own horses, or children. They called the vet and had him up and going by the time I got there. The vet said he was impacted. I had time to get him to a non mobile vet, but could not decide. It is almost impossible to tell without surgery, and that runs $7- $10,000 dollars. It was 10 pm by this time, and he seemed to be doing better. I walked him straight for 15 hours, all night and some of the morning. I sat twice for a few minutes, and checked on my dogs twice, while my friends watched him. He was going to the bathroom good- I was watching all nite, but he was sweating again around 3 pm and the vet suggested I put him to sleep. Not my best choice and not what I was hoping. He was such a good boy, and I felt so bad I had not been with him as much the last 2 years that have been so hard and tiring. It happened so fast I still have not processed it. He was ornery but still sweet to the last, and went with kisses and apologies. Love on all the fur babies as much as you can. Their days are not always promised to us either. But I can honestly say I have never been so blessed to be loved by my "animal kingdom", as I have in this lifetime. I will have a field of animal family to meet on the other side. I do not know how God does it, but I know he does.....Maybe one day people will be as wonderful as animals.

    Hi Buttons
    What a sad thing, You have my Sympathy for our Loss. I wish I had the right words to say but I never Know what to say. Death of any kind is hard for me and I know it must be even harder for You.

    Be Safe
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I am still not back on a routine. It has been a week of chaos. Monday my horse, P-nut, had choke. (He eats too fast, you can tell he's in my family.) The food gets stuck in his esophagus. The vet checked him out, and it was cleared and he was put on antibiotics in case of pneumonia. I went to church on Weds. and while I was there he layed down and would not get up. The place I board treat the horses like their own horses, or children. They called the vet and had him up and going by the time I got there. The vet said he was impacted. I had time to get him to a non mobile vet, but could not decide. It is almost impossible to tell without surgery, and that runs $7- $10,000 dollars. It was 10 pm by this time, and he seemed to be doing better. I walked him straight for 15 hours, all night and some of the morning. I sat twice for a few minutes, and checked on my dogs twice, while my friends watched him. He was going to the bathroom good- I was watching all nite, but he was sweating again around 3 pm and the vet suggested I put him to sleep. Not my best choice and not what I was hoping. He was such a good boy, and I felt so bad I had not been with him as much the last 2 years that have been so hard and tiring. It happened so fast I still have not processed it. He was ornery but still sweet to the last, and went with kisses and apologies. Love on all the fur babies as much as you can. Their days are not always promised to us either. But I can honestly say I have never been so blessed to be loved by my "animal kingdom", as I have in this lifetime. I will have a field of animal family to meet on the other side. I do not know how God does it, but I know he does.....Maybe one day people will be as wonderful as animals.

    Oh Jan, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to spend time with P-nut at the end. So happy that your boarding place loved him as their own too. You and I will be super popular with all the animals on the other side! Hugs, Val
    To all of you wonderful people, I say thank you for your encouragement, examples, and support...I hit the 70-pound loss mark today!!! Feeling good and strong. :)

    Hi Val
    What a terrible thing for Jan, I feel so sad for her.

    However, Congratulations on Your weight loss, I am teetering on the brink of another of my Mini goals. That being able to move the 50 pound weight down a notch on the balance beam scale I use.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Boy that move did me in. Diet-wise, mentally, and physically. Just now getting over it. So glad it's done. Now just have to get rid of all those danged boxes!! lol My back deck is full of them.

    Been totally off plan for the last week and gained 6 lbs back! Ugh! Taking the rest of this week off but I am so back on plan come Monday! I'm going to do it this time! I have sidewalks to walk on at my house so I'm going to make use of them. Where I was before didn't have them and every car speeded through the area so much that I wouldn't have trusted being out there walking.

    Have a great day, y'all!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I got out and walked this morning, T-Shirt weather :)
    A shame today is not Halloween, The day is so nice with the rain out of the area.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Terri
    Where I walk depends on the time of day too. Today for example I got out of the house at 8AM so I chose my route to have sidewalks and be able to cross our local highway at the Traffic Lights for safety. If I had gone our earlier I would have had a wider range of choices of where to walk. As an example I do not want to be going past the schools as the amount of people dropping off their kids makes getting across the streets somewhat treacherous.

    So I understand completely why You did not want to walk where cars speed.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Good morning, everyone! Boy that move did me in. Diet-wise, mentally, and physically. Just now getting over it. So glad it's done. Now just have to get rid of all those danged boxes!! lol My back deck is full of them.

    Been totally off plan for the last week and gained 6 lbs back! Ugh! Taking the rest of this week off but I am so back on plan come Monday! I'm going to do it this time! I have sidewalks to walk on at my house so I'm going to make use of them. Where I was before didn't have them and every car speeded through the area so much that I wouldn't have trusted being out there walking.

    Have a great day, y'all!

    Congrats on completing the move! Hurray for sidewalks...makes a very nice difference. Cars speed around my neighborhood too...I prefer early early morning when they are still asleep or just getting ready for the day. Evenings here are the worst...all sorts of surprises and people and loose animals. Too much to manage sometimes w my doggies.

    One of my quirky habits really paid off today. Before we cross any street, I always tell my doggies "Wait" and they wait until I say "Cross." When we have to go around any of the dozen or so cars that park across the sidewalk, I say "street" (to go into the street, but not cross it) and "Up" (back on the sidewalk) when we get around the car. I always have them on leashes, so this was just a good quirky habit. Well...this morning, it saved Duke's life....I accidentally dropped his leash and he ran to the corner (ahead of me). I said "Wait" and he did!!! And then a car sped by. Then I got hold of his leash and said "Cross." I never expected to be in that situation...a loose dog that knows he wants to cross that street...and a car coming. But he listened...and Duke is really the least likely of my dogs to obey.

    I need to eat and then run to the hardware store. Oh, hmm...just remembered it is supposed to rain tonight. I'll have to think about that!

    Hope you all have a super evening an day tomorrow.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2015
    I got out walking this morning at 7:40, temperature around 58 degrees when I started, Nice clear sky too. Warming up nicely into the high 50s. I believe I will do a shorter walk Tomorrow as I expect to be up and down for Trick or Treaters.

    Have a Nice Friday
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Good morning, everyone! Boy that move did me in. Diet-wise, mentally, and physically. Just now getting over it. So glad it's done. Now just have to get rid of all those danged boxes!! lol My back deck is full of them.

    Been totally off plan for the last week and gained 6 lbs back! Ugh! Taking the rest of this week off but I am so back on plan come Monday! I'm going to do it this time! I have sidewalks to walk on at my house so I'm going to make use of them. Where I was before didn't have them and every car speeded through the area so much that I wouldn't have trusted being out there walking.

    Have a great day, y'all!

    Congrats on completing the move! Hurray for sidewalks...makes a very nice difference. Cars speed around my neighborhood too...I prefer early early morning when they are still asleep or just getting ready for the day. Evenings here are the worst...all sorts of surprises and people and loose animals. Too much to manage sometimes w my doggies.

    One of my quirky habits really paid off today. Before we cross any street, I always tell my doggies "Wait" and they wait until I say "Cross." When we have to go around any of the dozen or so cars that park across the sidewalk, I say "street" (to go into the street, but not cross it) and "Up" (back on the sidewalk) when we get around the car. I always have them on leashes, so this was just a good quirky habit. Well...this morning, it saved Duke's life....I accidentally dropped his leash and he ran to the corner (ahead of me). I said "Wait" and he did!!! And then a car sped by. Then I got hold of his leash and said "Cross." I never expected to be in that situation...a loose dog that knows he wants to cross that street...and a car coming. But he listened...and Duke is really the least likely of my dogs to obey.

    I need to eat and then run to the hardware store. Oh, hmm...just remembered it is supposed to rain tonight. I'll have to think about that!

    Hope you all have a super evening an day tomorrow.


    Hi Val
    Good Job on training the dogs. Your patience paid off.
    BTW I would not call that a quirky habit, I would call it common sense :)

    The One problem I have had lately walking is that I see cars idling in their driveways and The back windows are still fogged up, You do not know if they will back out when You are behind them or not.

  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Been waiting on a call from the bank on a holiday loan. It is nerve racking, for sure! If it weren't for me wanting to give my kids a good Christmas I wouldn't be dealing with them. I HATE dealing with banks! lol

    Anyways, have a great weekend and Halloween, everyone!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Terri
    Good Luck with the bank
    Have a Good Weekend and Holiday too
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Last night after my post, I went to lowes and bought 400 pounds of rocks n dirt. Then feeling invincible, I carried each 50 pound bag 100' to my back yard. Then a hot bath n a hot cup of tea. Well my back started hurting so badly...fortunately my friend the heating pad was there for me...no pain or stiffness this morning! Then 3" rain plus nearby tornados so no wog today. Trying to get my steps in tonight at home.

    Thx Roger. It would be smart to officially train them with those commands. But I really have not...I've just conditioned them to word associations. I went from terror to relief in those couple seconds...so thankful it worked out and Duke is safe.

    I have officially trained them all to "go home!" Since that's often what people say to a loose dog.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did a shorter than usual walk today, since I expect to be getting up and down and going to the door a lot with Trick or Treaters :)

    17 degrees colder in nearby Somerville, Frost on everything and Cold outside.

    During my walk today on four of the streets were trees that had been TP'd, One street with Broken Eggs and On Street that had empty Shaving Cream Aerosol cans laying on it. The Last evening before Halloween is called Mischief Night. Some Years I had to clean soap off of the car windows to drive to work. Luckily Our street was not touched the last few years.

    Have a happy Halloween
    Last night after my post, I went to lowes and bought 400 pounds of rocks n dirt. Then feeling invincible, I carried each 50 pound bag 100' to my back yard. Then a hot bath n a hot cup of tea. Well my back started hurting so badly...fortunately my friend the heating pad was there for me...no pain or stiffness this morning! Then 3" rain plus nearby tornados so no wog today. Trying to get my steps in tonight at home.

    Thx Roger. It would be smart to officially train them with those commands. But I really have not...I've just conditioned them to word associations. I went from terror to relief in those couple seconds...so thankful it worked out and Duke is safe.

    I have officially trained them all to "go home!" Since that's often what people say to a loose dog.

    Hi Val
    IMO That is still training. I learned my Driver License Number from having to write it several times a day when I worked the one job back in the 70s.

    That sort of carting is why we bought a Cart to move things. It has two wheels in front and two legs back by the handle. The two wheels makes it more stable than a wheelbarrow. It has a section that overhangs the front wheels that makes it easy to load so that the Wheels do the carrying and not the handles.

    Glad to hear that The Heat Pad worked, Back pain can be a killer
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Love the pics...artistic w a spooky edge. You're such a good guy...getting and disbursing candy. I didn't buy and...put a note in the door "sorry-no candy." I uses to, but the second year at this house we were outside chatting a nice neighbors when a group of wild young adults came and took Em's (9 years old) candy and took my bowl with all the candy. I don't need that...do that was the lady time. I do really love the way your neighbors decorate!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking and did a bit more than intended, 3+ miles, probably nearer 4 miles.

    The weather was beautiful, Mid 50s. I wore a sweatshirt and gloves for the start and removed the gloves after getting my coffee at McDs for the rest of the walk.

    We had 78 Trick or Treaters for Halloween. They started coming at 4:15 and we were done by 7:30

    Enjoy the day
    Love the pics...artistic w a spooky edge. You're such a good guy...getting and disbursing candy. I didn't buy and...put a note in the door "sorry-no candy." I uses to, but the second year at this house we were outside chatting a nice neighbors when a group of wild young adults came and took Em's (9 years old) candy and took my bowl with all the candy. I don't need that...do that was the lady time. I do really love the way your neighbors decorate!

    Hi Val
    I can see how that would sour You on the Holiday. It only takes a very small minority to ruin it for all. I think I would have just moved on from that. What we did was look out and see how many were coming and take the right amount out with us. My Brother really gets into Holidays :)

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I should be more into holidays...I have a kid! Last night she was going thru drawers n pantry in the kitchen . I asked what she was looking for. She said candy. I gave her calcium supplement caramel chews! She was not amused and called it "wanna-be candy." So we went to Walmart m she got a bag of dum dums. The streets were crazy w crowds of people (even worse than when I quit). Wild people drive to this neighborhood and park to go trick or treating. That incident a few yrs back could have easily ended w Em or me hurt, and that's not worth it. San Antonio is a leader for drunk driving and assaults.

    Because Oscar is doing so well, he wants to go faster...I watched the chihuahua while jogging w Oscar and determined that wasn't fair to the little dude. So took the chihuahua walking all by himself (after taking Oscar, then Duke/Lucy).
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today should hopefully be a good day for weight loss. I got my usual walk in +10 cents, then when I got home I filled 5 leaf bags from the front Yard. Tomorrow The back yard :) Nice Weather This Week, I started out in a sweatshirt and removed it for part of the walk due the temperatures warming up.

    Tomorrows plan Vote during the morning walk.

    Have a Good Week

    Hi Val
    I can see why You are not into the Holiday. It just sad how a few can ruin things for all the others.

    Have a Good Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    For a Monday, it was pretty good. Still duper busy w work. Skipped my morning wog, but did my evening. Work had big bowls of candy out, and I took 10 pieces and brought them all home to my kid. My lunch was homemade ground turkey and kale soup. Yummy! I just got my 70# bear, so I'll post a new pic soon.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked today, again :)
    Four Stops, 1really beat-up Penny, Post office, 7 Eleven for the Ex-large Refill, Polling place to Vote, then to the Bank to make a deposit.

    Beautiful day out for walking too.

    Have a Nice Election Day
    For a Monday, it was pretty good. Still duper busy w work. Skipped my morning wog, but did my evening. Work had big bowls of candy out, and I took 10 pieces and brought them all home to my kid. My lunch was homemade ground turkey and kale soup. Yummy! I just got my 70# bear, so I'll post a new pic soon.

    Hi Val
    Congratulations on the New bear. I should get the latest one in my next BBB, If I let it process next week, That might be a plan, that way the one after that will fall between Thanksgiving and Christmas and the one after that in January.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I'm sicker today than yesterday. Not too bad, but sore throat n feeling yucky all over. My doggies are disappointed that we're not out wogging. Expecting more rain, floods, winds, and tornados tonight thru Sat (again). This is really unusual fir San Antionio.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,074 Member
    For a Monday, it was pretty good. Still duper busy w work. Skipped my morning wog, but did my evening. Work had big bowls of candy out, and I took 10 pieces and brought them all home to my kid. My lunch was homemade ground turkey and kale soup. Yummy! I just got my 70# bear, so I'll post a new pic soon.

    That soup sounds delish. I am going to have to try it.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I ended up walking 3 miles today, longer than planned + One battered Dime.

    A really Nice day if You exclude the Light Mist and Drizzle for the first part of it, I used the umbrella for about 5 minutes and that was it. I went out in a Thin Long Sleeve Shirt and it was getting warm by the end of the day :)

    Have a Great Thursday
    I'm sicker today than yesterday. Not too bad, but sore throat n feeling yucky all over. My doggies are disappointed that we're not out wogging. Expecting more rain, floods, winds, and tornados tonight thru Sat (again). This is really unusual fir San Antionio.

    Hi Val
    I'm sorry to hear that You are worse than Yesterday.

    I can see that Texas is getting a Pounding lately from storms when I watch the ABC World News. And then I seem to remember a drought before that, Feast or Famine it seems like.

    Good Luck and Get Well Soon
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    For a Monday, it was pretty good. Still duper busy w work. Skipped my morning wog, but did my evening. Work had big bowls of candy out, and I took 10 pieces and brought them all home to my kid. My lunch was homemade ground turkey and kale soup. Yummy! I just got my 70# bear, so I'll post a new pic soon.

    That soup sounds delish. I am going to have to try it.

    I just thought I would say hello here, so Hello :)

    Have a Good Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Feeling better today! Got my 10k steps in (drizzle this morning, and hot n humid this evening). Dogs were elated to go out wogging after staying home 2 days.

    I love that soup. W a little olive oil n garlic, brown a package of ground turkey breast. When cooked, add 10 cups water w diced onion, bell pepper, celery, carrots, mushrooms, and bring to boil. The add a huge bunch if kale (stems removed). Cook till kale tender.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Walked today, It was 67 Degrees and damp outside when I left. The Streets were wet but I never saw any precipitation. 9,000 steps so I walked further than I planned to :)

    Have a Good Friday
    Feeling better today! Got my 10k steps in (drizzle this morning, and hot n humid this evening). Dogs were elated to go out wogging after staying home 2 days.

    I love that soup. W a little olive oil n garlic, brown a package of ground turkey breast. When cooked, add 10 cups water w diced onion, bell pepper, celery, carrots, mushrooms, and bring to boil. The add a huge bunch if kale (stems removed). Cook till kale tender.

    Hi Val
    I'm glad to hear You are feeling better today and got out walking too. I'm showing 9604 steps so far. I have pulled frozen food from the basement freezer and brought it up to the Kitchen freezer section and created 7 days of Menus including today's so that is one chore finished. My 1/2 half of the freezer is now jammed full with all those days of frozen including all the frozen vegetables :)

    Have a Nice Day