100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was walking today, I went further than intended in two sessions. Walked 7500 steps, came home had breakfast and went to the produce store for Bananas. I stopped at the Dollar Store and bought some Buttermilk Waffles, Buttermilk Pancakes, Blueberry Pancakes, and Pumpkin Spice Waffles. 110 calories to 150 calories per serving and 3 to 4 servings per box. I hope they taste good otherwise I just wasted $4 on them and will end up choking them down since I bought them :) Total steps when I got back home 11,500. It was cold when I went out the first time, I wore two layers over my T-Shirt, Gloves and Earmuffs. By the time I got home I was had pocketed the gloves and Earmuffs :) Then walking to the produce store one Knit long Sleeve shirt and no gloves and a backpack for my purchases.

    Have a Good Week
    My misuse of the inserts started my problems. I was supposed to remove the one that came with the shoe, and then put the insert in. I added it on top...which then made the shoe too tight and my foot to high in the shoe that caused the mega-blister. Then my faulty use of a band aid (tape on the blister) caused the skin to rip off. Then my mismatched shoes messed my knees up. Well...today, I wore crocks (with socks!) all day and my feet and knees are happy! Did almost 20K steps.

    Went shopping because I realized I have no casual pants (I have work pants and gym pants, and that's it). So, I bought a new pair of jeans today...size 12!!! (and they fit comfortably...I can sit, and bend, and even ride a horse.) As a teen, I went from size 10 to 18 in a single hop...so I think this is my first time (or at least it is the first time I can remember!). Here's my progress photos...still have another 40# to go.

    Hi Val
    What a great change, Congratulations rdb.gif

    That will do it, I am glad You are OK today :)

    I know what You mean, The Hiking pants are comfortable and with the seven pockets I can carry so many things in case of need.

    Good Luck
    Wow you two are doing so much walking! I can't imagine going 11 miles Val that is fantastic. So sorry to hear about the blister.
    Roger good deals you found on your walk. Did I mention I started back to the gym? Have been doing 11 pieces of sit down equipment in about 45 minutes. I know I am very slow but at least I am able to do some more exercise other than riding just my trike.

    Hi Amanda
    Never apologize for slow, Celebrate the doing! Congratulations on the 45 minutes. When I started walking this spring I was lucky to go around the block. I have gradually extended the distance and step count since then.

    I believe in the saying, The longest journey starts with the first step :)

    Good Luck
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Ama
    Wow you two are doing so much walking! I can't imagine going 11 miles Val that is fantastic. So sorry to hear about the blister.
    Roger good deals you found on your walk. Did I mention I started back to the gym? Have been doing 11 pieces of sit down equipment in about 45 minutes. I know I am very slow but at least I am able to do some more exercise other than riding just my trike.

    Hi Amanda! So happy for you that you're going to the gym. Each day we need to try to match or improve on our previous day. One step at a time, one gym-machine at a time, etc. every little bit helps ... Plus if we are at the gym, on the trike, or out walking...we're not standing at the fridge or pantry right then. Substituting activity time in place of extra eating time has been a beneficial change!

    According to fitbit, I averaged 13k steps daily for the past month. I look for opportunities to go walking. When I started I took all dogs at the same time once around the block. Now I walk the dogs 1 or 2 at a time, and always 2 to 5 times around the long neighborhood loop....and now I found an even longer winding paved path thru the woods. The dogs were elated with the additional walking time plus the smells of the forest creatures (lots of bunnies). It was pretty n I want to go father but I was concerned about safety (lots of places for bad guys to hide). I've had too many bad experiences in my life and I seriously don't want any further incidents. That's part of how I gained all my weight....safer to not go out.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today, Cold and with a breeze that made it feel colder. I stopped at the produce store on the way back and ended up with 2 heads of Lettuce, No bargain, $1.99 a head and not that large. OTOH Yesterday when I stopped they only had a few heads left and they were really beat, picked over left overs from the weekend shoppers.

    Have a Good Day
    Hi Ama
    Wow you two are doing so much walking! I can't imagine going 11 miles Val that is fantastic. So sorry to hear about the blister.
    Roger good deals you found on your walk. Did I mention I started back to the gym? Have been doing 11 pieces of sit down equipment in about 45 minutes. I know I am very slow but at least I am able to do some more exercise other than riding just my trike.

    Hi Amanda! So happy for you that you're going to the gym. Each day we need to try to match or improve on our previous day. One step at a time, one gym-machine at a time, etc. every little bit helps ... Plus if we are at the gym, on the trike, or out walking...we're not standing at the fridge or pantry right then. Substituting activity time in place of extra eating time has been a beneficial change!

    According to fitbit, I averaged 13k steps daily for the past month. I look for opportunities to go walking. When I started I took all dogs at the same time once around the block. Now I walk the dogs 1 or 2 at a time, and always 2 to 5 times around the long neighborhood loop....and now I found an even longer winding paved path thru the woods. The dogs were elated with the additional walking time plus the smells of the forest creatures (lots of bunnies). It was pretty n I want to go father but I was concerned about safety (lots of places for bad guys to hide). I've had too many bad experiences in my life and I seriously don't want any further incidents. That's part of how I gained all my weight....safer to not go out.

    Hi Val
    According to Fitbit I am at 75K steps for a weeks walking counting todays partial walking so far. I only hit 13K one day. I may head for the Library later and look for used books and new releases. The Used books they sell look like new usually, Donated books.

    I agree, exercise is a good way to stay away from the fridge :)

    Have a great day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    What is your FitBit name? I think I'm the same...Hope4Change_Val

    public url: //www.fitbit.com/user/3MKMYK

    And, I joined the Nutrisystem Users, NS FitBitters, and Nutrisystem Friends groups.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went back out yesterday afternoon and walked to the Library and Picked up some New Looking used Books $6 total, I was glad I had worn the backpack there.

    I was out walking today too + 1Cent. The weather was good. Tomorrow promises to be rainy and in the 60s, We will see what the weather forecast shows and what I see outside the window in the morning.

    I just finished today's food menu plan and will be doing several more days ahead when I am done here.

    I just heard from someone:
    I'm not sure if you've heard that the Refugee thread was taken down for a time because of the use of the NutriSystem name in the heading. The facilitators got it back up by changing the name to NS rather than the full name.
    Thus I am changing the names here. I believe the change will be transparent to us. They Must really want people on NuMi and Facebook.

    Have a Good Wednesday
    What is your FitBit name? I think I'm the same...Hope4Change_Val

    public url: //www.fitbit.com/user/3MKMYK

    And, I joined the Nutrisystem Users, NS FitBitters, and Nutrisystem Friends groups.

    Hi Val
    I am only using the Fitbit site right now for steps tracking.

    I am Groftt there. I tend to be somewhat paranoid and thus the information in my profile is different at every site as are my passwords.

    Are both of those last two groups on Fitbit? If I said I do not and have never had an account at FaceBook, Twitter etc., Would that make me strange?

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Those are the fitbit groups that I am in. I've really enjoyed participating in the "challenges." They are fun ways to motivate me to do one more lap...or 10!

    Nothing strange about not having twitter or Facebook. I don't see the point to Twitter (and I have never tweeted). I do have a Facebook account...originally set it up so my older kid could see pics of her little sister when we moved. I only put people I know as "friends"...it is a nice way to keep in touch since I've moved around the country a bit.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The weather during today's walk was OK despite the forecast. The Rain held off until I was home and the Gusty winds have not started blowing yet. Temperatures were in the comfortable range, I only needed a Thin Long Sleeve Shirt and no gloves. I did take a light rain jacket and folding umbrella along just in case but they were not needed.

    Have a Nice Thursday
    Those are the fitbit groups that I am in. I've really enjoyed participating in the "challenges." They are fun ways to motivate me to do one more lap...or 10!

    Nothing strange about not having twitter or Facebook. I don't see the point to Twitter (and I have never tweeted). I do have a Facebook account...originally set it up so my older kid could see pics of her little sister when we moved. I only put people I know as "friends"...it is a nice way to keep in touch since I've moved around the country a bit.

    Hi Val
    FWIW You might want to go over security settings regarding image sharing on Facebook.

    Have a Nice day

  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    Hi NS Buddies - I haven't posted for awhile but just read through some of the recent few pages and am happy that everyone is still here and posting! No WI to report as I finally had the hip replacement surgery on the 11th and right now my right leg is a bit swollen so I decided to wait until next week to start in with the scale. Have mostly been on program since getting out of the hospital so I don't expect a big shock. I am pleased to report however, for those of you who know my story, that I lost 15 of the 25 pounds the surgeon had asked me to lose. As of the morning of the surgery when I weighed last, I was down a total of 85 lbs on Nustrisystem - yay!. As far as recovery - it is moving much quicker than expected. Can't wait to shed the crutches and then the cane so I can start catching up with all of you who are walking so much! Have a great weekend all - Bev
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked today and picked up my coffee from Dunkin Donuts, I got a gift card for $20 from my brother that he would not use, he won it in a drawing at a meeting.

    Then By Registering at DDperks with the card info I got a printable coupon for a free coffee, Best Price I know of.

    It was Cold today, 36 in a nearby town according to News12 when I checked to see what to wear fro my walk.

    Talk about coincidences I was awake at 4:37AM and looked at the Clock/outdoor temperature reading on the clock. 4:37AM and 43.7 degrees on the front porch :)

    Have a Good Weekend
    5mates wrote: »
    Hi NS Buddies - I haven't posted for awhile but just read through some of the recent few pages and am happy that everyone is still here and posting! No WI to report as I finally had the hip replacement surgery on the 11th and right now my right leg is a bit swollen so I decided to wait until next week to start in with the scale. Have mostly been on program since getting out of the hospital so I don't expect a big shock. I am pleased to report however, for those of you who know my story, that I lost 15 of the 25 pounds the surgeon had asked me to lose. As of the morning of the surgery when I weighed last, I was down a total of 85 lbs on Nustrisystem - yay!. As far as recovery - it is moving much quicker than expected. Can't wait to shed the crutches and then the cane so I can start catching up with all of you who are walking so much! Have a great weekend all - Bev

    Hi Bev
    I do remember that You had to lose before the surgery, I am happy that it is done and successfully too.

    Congratulations on that loss and sticking to it during recovery.

    Have You noticed that You now order Frozen A La Carte and shipping is free if You order $50 or more. I had not noticed until Amanda (spamanda) mentioned it in a post.

    Have a Nice Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was walking this morning. Wow was it it cold around 32 degrees, It would not have been bad except that there was a breeze too. I was warm enough except for the exposed area on my face :(

    I am sitting here listening to Chandu the Magician from here
    Lots of Public Domain old time radio shows here to listen to or download for later

    Earlier I was listening to Fibber McGee & Molly
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I'm rarely logging in because on vacation. Drove to Indiana. Left my coat at hotel in Arkansas. Visited my old house; renters are taking decent care if it. Visiting lots of friends we haven't seen in 4 years. Traveling to Indianapolis tomorrow to see more friends. I states away too long; the dogs I played w are old...I don't want this to be my visit w them. Tired!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well, I went walking today, Somewhat colder than Yesterday, No Breeze however so it worked out about the same. I suspect I should have waited til later in the day, Finally the Sun has broken through the clouds :)

    Currently Listening to The Sad Sack Show 1946-06-19, Followed by FredAllen371222_Town_Hall_TonightSanta_Will_Not_Ride_Tonight_Guest_Jack_Benny.mp3 and The Fat Man - Murder Squares the Triangle.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    Hi. I'm rarely logging in because on vacation. Drove to Indiana. Left my coat at hotel in Arkansas. Visited my old house; renters are taking decent care if it. Visiting lots of friends we haven't seen in 4 years. Traveling to Indianapolis tomorrow to see more friends. I states away too long; the dogs I played w are old...I don't want this to be my visit w them. Tired!

    Hi Val
    New Avatar from Halloween?

    I hate it when I do that and leave things behind :)

    It sounds as if You are covering lots of ground and I hope it is all going well, so far it sounds OK.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    On today's walk I went a new route due to the stops I wanted to make.
    1st Post Office, Then Dunkin Donuts for a Extra large Black Coffee on the Gift Card from my Brother, then while there I picked up the Free Boston Creme Doughnut for him, The Last receipt had a place to take a survey and enter a validation code for a free doughnut :) Then some walking and back to the bank to make a deposit for both of us and home. 8K+ steps.

    It was only a couple of degrees warmer than yesterday when I started out, No real breeze however and then it warmed up by the time I left the bank.

    Last Night we started the Holiday baking with Banana nut Muffins using Hickory Nuts. I ended up eating some of them since I had not had any of those for years. Then Peeled to many Bananas so I ate the extra one :) and Tasted the Batter after filling the Muffin Tin.

    Today is prep day. I already peeled the potatoes and they are cooking, While I did that he Made the Dressing AKA Stuffing and it is in the Oven, Later on a Pumpkin Pie and a Mincemeat pie. Tonight the Turkey goes in the oven on am lowish heat so that it can rest and firm up tomorrow before being carved. It will still be warm FWIW. He also made Carrot sticks and Celery Sticks as snacks. Tomorrow probably the plate using them with Black Olives, Spanish Olives with Pimento and Home Made Deviled Eggs.

    Have a Nice Thanksgiving Eve :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I got out walking this morning. Despite the fact that it will be warmer later today it was within a degree or two of Yesterdays temperature.

    The Turkey is cooked and out of the roaster sitting in the oven, Two Pumpkin Pies and one Apple Pie are cooked. The Mashed Potatoes, A Sweet Potato Cassoulet, Two Homemade Lasagna, Candied Carrots and Stuffing are ready to be warmed up in the oven. The Deviled Eggs are being prepared right now, The Celery and Carrots are slivered for a appetizer tray, the Sweet Gherkins, and Black Olives are ready to be opened and used too.

    If I said my Brother goes overboard for the Holidays :)

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I found it very interesting that I actually lost weight this Monday, which is my weigh in day. From Thursday until really yesterday, I was completely off plan. I watched what I ate, to a certain point. I ate cake and pie just about every day. I exercised, but not as much as I normally do. I made sure I drank water, but I did not force myself to drink as much water as I normally do. I basically ate when I was hungry and not on any particular schedule.
    The down side was a lot of the food did a number on my stomach, as I was not used to eating such rich foods. On a caloric level, it was probably about the same as my ns plan or maybe a bit more. Not sure why, but I was glad that I did not gain. I am back on my plan today.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Walked again today, for now the rain has moved out and the next wave of heavier rain will be in later today.

    We are going out to the Christmas Tree shop later to look at Window and Yard Decorations.

    Have a Nice Wednesday
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I found it very interesting that I actually lost weight this Monday, which is my weigh in day. From Thursday until really yesterday, I was completely off plan. I watched what I ate, to a certain point. I ate cake and pie just about every day. I exercised, but not as much as I normally do. I made sure I drank water, but I did not force myself to drink as much water as I normally do. I basically ate when I was hungry and not on any particular schedule.
    The down side was a lot of the food did a number on my stomach, as I was not used to eating such rich foods. On a caloric level, it was probably about the same as my ns plan or maybe a bit more. Not sure why, but I was glad that I did not gain. I am back on my plan today.

    You did better than I, I ended up gaining a little weight, Once the water weight came off. I was not happy with that either. I blame the Made from fresh apples Apple Pie and the Homemade Pumpkin Pie with home made Whipped Cream topping.

    I noticed that My stomach did not care for the rich foods to much either, I am not sue if that is good or bad :)

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi! I'm back. Ate everything under the sun Wednesdat thru Sunday (up 4 lbs; dropped 1 yesterday). All my Indiana friends are NOT into health or fitness.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Driving home was rough...had horrible weather n traffic the entire (>1,000 miles) way! Rained so hard I kept trying to make the wipers go faster than the fastest setting...I took the hint and pulled off the road until I could see again. Picked up the coat I had left in Arksnsas. When I got home Sunday, I got a major bloody nose and threw up. But Monday I was all better. Then busier than ever at work...till today when things lightened up. Tuesday, walked Oscar ( my old 110 lbs mastiff/lab)....he collapsed and lay there for 1/2 hour. I sat with him petting his giant head. He was still in pain (untreated Lymmes Disease from former owner gave him permanent joint damage n pain) unable to stand, so I called my roommate and she brought the car to take us home. Next day, he could get around the house ok, but clearly hurting. Vet gave a shot of cortisone...and said to get his weight down to reduce joint pressure. So, now i feed the other 3 dogs on my bed (Oscar can't get up there) and I measure n supervise Oscars meals. He had a good walk today...but limping at end. Will call vet for pain pills for him.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked today, a reverse route, You see things that way You miss going in the other direction :)
    Factoid: During the walk I passed 5 houses where I could see the Solar panels on the roof, Others may have had them on the side of the roof I could not see. It seems they are becoming more popular

    Have a Nice Thursday
    Hi! I'm back. Ate everything under the sun Wednesdat thru Sunday (up 4 lbs; dropped 1 yesterday). All my Indiana friends are NOT into health or fitness.
    Driving home was rough...had horrible weather n traffic the entire (>1,000 miles) way! Rained so hard I kept trying to make the wipers go faster than the fastest setting...I took the hint and pulled off the road until I could see again. Picked up the coat I had left in Arkansas. When I got home Sunday, I got a major bloody nose and threw up. But Monday I was all better. Then busier than ever at work...till today when things lightened up. Tuesday, walked Oscar ( my old 110 lbs mastiff/lab)....he collapsed and lay there for 1/2 hour. I sat with him petting his giant head. He was still in pain (untreated Lymmes Disease from former owner gave him permanent joint damage n pain) unable to stand, so I called my roommate and she brought the car to take us home. Next day, he could get around the house ok, but clearly hurting. Vet gave a shot of cortisone...and said to get his weight down to reduce joint pressure. So, now i feed the other 3 dogs on my bed (Oscar can't get up there) and I measure n supervise Oscars meals. He had a good walk today...but limping at end. Will call vet for pain pills for him.

    Hi Val
    It took until this morning to get back to within 1/4 pound of where I was Thanksgiving Morning myself. I feel Your pain at the gain.

    A bloody nose is not joke, I had one that put me in the hospital when I was a teenager as it would not stop.

    I hope the weight reduction helps Oscar, The shots my help but...

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking today, cold, 26 degrees in a nearby town, 31degrees on the close in front porch, Frost on the cars and lawns as I started out. Walking it was cold in the shade and when I got into the Sun those areas were OK. I walked by the Post Office and mailed a CC payment, then to the 7-Eleven for a extra large coffee refill, $1.34, $1.92 if not a refill so a decent saving :)

    It is now a nice sunny day outside. I have a NS Honey Bagel set out for my mid Morning PF + SC snack per plan.

    I finally hit a weight below Thanksgiving morning today. Tough Holiday, I knew most of it would come quickly as it went up to fast to be a true weight gain. OTOH I stayed in Onderland :)

    Have a Great Weekend