100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Oh Shirl!!!! That's dreadful...I'm do sorry. But, to your credit, you sound great and just dealing with what needs to be dealt with. But seriously, that's more than enough!!! Glad the hotel allows doggies and gives you a clean quiet place to rest! Take care, Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Jan, so glad you're not in SC right now and glad your step-mom is safe and fairing ok with all the floods. What an ordeal the Carolinas are going thru.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Somewhat colder when I was walking this morning, I could see my breath once the sky started lightening up, in the 40s in a nearby town. Not uncomfortable however as there was no breeze.

    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hey all! I am having trouble getting back on track after my month of that indiscriminate eating. I did exercise while I was gone, but having trouble doing that at home! I have decided to focus on my inflammation to get me back on track.

    I really identify with the comment about feeling so bad when not eating properly, after doing well. It is like my body rebels in pain if not eating better now. An interesting paradox that my body at times fight to get back to my heavier weight!! Yeah... mental game!

    So glad I am not in Columbia, S.C. now with my step-mom. (other than for comfort). She has tap water again, boiling it, but still can not get anywhere. Has TP, an essential! And food for about 3 1/2 days. I am sending a care package by mail, which resumed thanks to national guard and duces from Fort Jackson. Some of the first flood pictures were down from her area on the main drag. Her street is fine, just still flooded to get anywhere!

    Shirl, glad you are mending!!

    Val, mental image of you trekking to Roger's for monetary finds gave me a chuckle. If we all trekked there we would hardly have to watch our eating! LOL!

    Take care all! We can do it!! <3 Jan

    Hi Jan
    Since I know it can be hard to get back on track I just try and stay on plan. Not always that easy either.

    I have been seeing pictures from down that way showing the devastation. It sounds like Your Step Mom is lucky to be above the flooding.

    Got to run so, Later
    Well things got worse today.

    Fridge repair called - no part - not til Monday - that means 12 days since it broke. LG - 6 yrs old - being told fridges only expected to last 7 to 10 years - baloney. Will call LG tomorrow to see if they can give us any compensation.

    Went to pick up my 2 doz pre ordered donuts - the clerk said she forgot. That's the zone we're in now.

    Monday - my neighbor and her sis needed to use the potty - they were locked out of their home. Sis flushed, toilet decided it was Niagara falls, so jumping into unexpected remodel tomorrow. The wet guy was here most of the afternoon, The drying out part is almost 4k. Have to gut the bathroom including vanity and sink, replace 3 rooms of flooring - our bedroom and my scrap/craft room. The have to tear out all affected walls up 2 feet or so and steam clean the hall carpet as we've been treading back and forth.

    So they'll be here at 9 tomorrow to start to pack things up, take apart our sleep no bed, hopefully will be less of a pain than a box spring and mattress, hoping it's only down until we're dried out as this is projected to go to mid December. The really good news - Wet says it's category 3 water which means bacteria in it - smelling funky already - Insurance company is going with toilet malfunction which means repair won't be capped at 5k. Don't know how much pack out will cost, pod is 400 to start with, plus you have to buy your own lock. They're putting a lockbox on the house as they need to come every 12 hrs to check progress.

    The pod company hit us with a 50 upcharge for delivery tomorrow - and wanted another 50 to deliver prior to 1pm - they'll pack stuff up and move it out once it arrives.

    Insurance will pay for 3 nights at a hotel while they're drying us out - found one 2 exits away that welcomes our pup - so at least we have a clean, non germy, quiet place to go crash at. Sleeping in the living room tonight. Guess these machines are loud - will be interesting. Derailed my bd card making as they are tearing that room apart too. Rebuild expected to be at least 5k - thankfully I keep all my receipts and pay the deductible, but gonna be in disarray quite a while. Will be fun, I hope, to pick new wall colors and not have to put work in. May go with laminate instead of carpet - now's our chance - we're on a slab - it will take 3 days to pull moisture out of that too. Learned way more than I ever wanted to know today.

    I was discombobulated due to broken fridge - this should be a barrel of fun.

    My son showed up while the extraction guy was here - he said - what the heck - I said, breaking news - 10-15k repairs.

    I'll keep you posted.

    Went out for a nice turkey dinner tonight - only ate half.

    Coughing every 10-15 min - having difficulty breathing - mold and bacteria not helping. Didn't realize how funky the house smelled til we closed it up and left it.

    Hi Shirl
    7 to 10 years life, No Thank You for that brand. I would expect a Refrigerator to be good for 20+ years!

    I guess no one got to the water shut off on the toilet or the water main in time. Bummer!

    It sounds as if You are getting problems in waves too.

    I had looked at those pods in the past, they did not look to be that inexpensive to me. For what We were looking to get one for a moving and storage outfit would have been close in cost.

    When You say Laminate are You talking the flooring that has a real wood surface with a really tough surface and can usually be sanded once if needed or one of the ones that has a printed on with a wood or whatever design?

    Good Luck
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Val
    I know exactly what You are saying, I can not bring myself to walk past even a single penny :)
    I find it odd that I find money on the sidewalks, Does no one else pick up any money?

    So next year You can get $200 total if I read Your Post correctly.


    I earned the first $100, spread across 12-months of paychecks...to earning the other $100, I have to participate in their phone or online program because I'm still classified as obese. (I wish they paid for gym membership, but that $200 would cover the base program at planet fitness.)

    My wogs are in the dark and I'm managing 3 or 4 dogs at a time...so never find money then. I only rarely find change when out and about during daylight and not in neighborhood.

    Hi Val
    I guess I would go for the max return and do it online vs Phone in.

    I would thing 3 or 4 dogs could really keep You going. The Dog walkers I see with one or two have a hard time as is, the poor fellow out with 4 doesn't seem to make much progress before they try and stop.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi everyone! Had an NSV last that made me feel really good! I shop for clothes at Goodwill. (Don't judge me! lol) And I was in there last night looking for a pair of capri's. Now when I started losing weight I was almost in 26's. I found 2 pairs of capri's in a size 20 and thought "Hmmmm I wonder!" so off I went to the dressing room to try them on. Low and behold they FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I was ecstatic! I can't believe it! I am now down 2 full pant sizes! Weeeeeeeee!!!! lol Boy! Makes all this fuss of not losing recently so small!
  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    Terri - Great to hear about your NSV - that's something to crow about Love it when the smaller size fits and fits well!
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Received my 30 lb bear yesterday in my brown box... Tried the chocolate donut this morning... Less then appealing. Thought it'd be more sweet but it was like eating sandwich bread. Only 2 pounds away from being in the 200's!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another day another 2.9 miles and 15 cents.
    Warmish out today, I wore a light long sleeve shirt and it was almost too much. Weatherman is saying maybe 80 degrees later and rain later, then cooler tomorrow.

    Have a Good Friday
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! Had an NSV last that made me feel really good! I shop for clothes at Goodwill. (Don't judge me! lol) And I was in there last night looking for a pair of capri's. Now when I started losing weight I was almost in 26's. I found 2 pairs of capri's in a size 20 and thought "Hmmmm I wonder!" so off I went to the dressing room to try them on. Low and behold they FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I was ecstatic! I can't believe it! I am now down 2 full pant sizes! Weeeeeeeee!!!! lol Boy! Makes all this fuss of not losing recently so small!

    Hi Terri
    Congratulations on Your Big NSV!

    Enjoy the upcoming weekend
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Received my 30 lb bear yesterday in my brown box... Tried the chocolate donut this morning... Less then appealing. Thought it'd be more sweet but it was like eating sandwich bread. Only 2 pounds away from being in the 200's!


    Hi Daisylee
    Perfect topic to go in our NutriSystem Food Reviews section here:

    If You had asked me I would have steered You away from the donut, I have tried it cold, warmed, dunked in coffee and none of those made it that tasty. Part of it to me is the density and texture. I always likes a Light fluffy Glazed Donut.

    BTW I was not impressed with the Shelf Stable Cinnamon Bun. I do order 7 of the Frozen Cinnamon Rolls however, so much lighter, larger and tastier IMO.

    Congratulations on nearing the 200s. The Bears help with motivation too. Congratulations one earning it.

    Enjoy the day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! Had an NSV last that made me feel really good! I shop for clothes at Goodwill. (Don't judge me! lol) And I was in there last night looking for a pair of capri's. Now when I started losing weight I was almost in 26's. I found 2 pairs of capri's in a size 20 and thought "Hmmmm I wonder!" so off I went to the dressing room to try them on. Low and behold they FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I was ecstatic! I can't believe it! I am now down 2 full pant sizes! Weeeeeeeee!!!! lol Boy! Makes all this fuss of not losing recently so small!

    Congrats on the super find and the skinnier you!!!! I'm a Goodwill shopper too!.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Received my 30 lb bear yesterday in my brown box... Tried the chocolate donut this morning... Less then appealing. Thought it'd be more sweet but it was like eating sandwich bread. Only 2 pounds away from being in the 200's!


    Way to go Daisy!!! As a relatively new ONEderlander, I say "Come on Down!" It feels great to be on this side.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Cooler today when walking, Sweatshirt & Gloves Weather. I got out the door an hour later than I was a couple of weeks ago. I slept in to honor the weekend tradition :)

    Enjoy the Weekend
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Received my 30 lb bear yesterday in my brown box... Tried the chocolate donut this morning... Less then appealing. Thought it'd be more sweet but it was like eating sandwich bread. Only 2 pounds away from being in the 200's!


    Way to go Daisy!!! As a relatively new ONEderlander, I say "Come on Down!" It feels great to be on this side.

    HI Val
    I hope to be there in Ondederland With Both of You before Thanksgiving.

    Way to go
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Roger- that's awesome! Cheering you on your way to ONEderland. ~Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked today, 12 cents too :)
    It was 36 degrees in a nearby town, Somerville NJ. The weather forecast is for it to double that temperature for a Daytime high today.

    2015 Weekend Journey through the Past
    I will most likely be heading here later today and talking to Francine.
    http://www.co.somerset.nj.us/schistoryweekend/pdf/2015 Participating Historic Sites.pdf

    On the walk I took a new route for part of it and flexed part of my breakfast. This is what I did
    White Castle Breakfast slider w/ Bacon, Egg, Cheese:
    Serving Size 84g, 210 Calories, Protein 1g, Fat12g, Total Carb 13g, Sodium510 mg, Fat Calories 110, Sat Fat 5g, Trans Fat 0g, Cholesterol 180mg, Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 2g

    From Here: http://www.nutrition-charts.com/white-castle-nutrition-facts-calorie-information/
    Then I sat down and removed most of the Bread from the top of the bun, put the Egg, Cheese & Bacon on what was left of the Bun, And threw away the bottom of the bun and ate it as a open face sandwich. I am thinking removing 2/3rds of the bun that way brought the calorie down pretty good. It was the first White Castle anything since the end of 2013 too.

    I think that was a fairly successful Flex?

    Then I had My banana and a NutriSystem Strawberry Protein Shake when I got home from the Produce store.
    I picked up 1 Lettuce for me and two for my Brother, And for him some nice White Mushrooms, a Zuchinni, 4 Cortland Apples and a box of cherry tomatoes. That 10 Pounds 12 ounces total weight of the backpack & Contents, It sure felt heavy heading home from there too. Hard to believe I used to carry a lot more everywhere :)

    Have a Nice Sunday
    Roger- that's awesome! Cheering you on your way to ONEderland. ~Val

    Hi Val
    Thank You for the kind words, I have been working at it and as You can see I am attempting to do creative flexing today. I think I did OK. The sodium is a little high and I blame the Bacon for that as I was watching The Young lady cooking my eggs as well as others that she set up to be the base for Sausage, Egg & Cheese sandwiches. I saw no salt being added but bacon is usually high and that is despite being only a few short slices that did not even reach from side to side of the bun nor did the cheese overflow the bun and if You know White Castle You know that buns are not that big to start with :)

    The next few days on the scale will tell me if I did it right or blew it.

    Have a Good Day
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    I made it! Barely lol but I'm here in the 200's!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    I made it! Barely lol but I'm here in the 200's!

    Awesome Daisy - congrats on getting to the 2's!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Somewhat warmer than Yesterday during my walk & 2 Cents, Still cold overnight in the 40s due to the clear sky, That is also why it is warming up quickly with the sun up now.

    Went to an Event Yesterday.
    We were out of the house for 2 3/4 hours as it was nearby. It turned out to be not so much of a walking thing as that they were using rooms in the house with tours. House goes back before the revolutionary war, George Washington spent on season there and there were 10,000 troops in the surrounding area. A Talk at the start, Then a 4 horse race with Stick horses You could bet on using replica money they provided. A Demonstration of a dance from then that everybody participated in. Another talk where we all threw dice to see what Job we would have had, My Luck Hessian Prisoner. Then free Root Beer or bottled water in the tavern room with assorted games of the period.

    Have a Good Monday
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    I made it! Barely lol but I'm here in the 200's!

    Hi Daisylee
    Congratulations on Your achievement. I bet You were doing the Happy Dance!

    Have a Good Week
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello, everyone! Started out late today. Spent the morning in bed catching up on Zzzz's for the first part of the holiday. lol Just now ate breakfast. lol I am so far behind eating! Well I wasn't perfect all last week but I did lose the 5 lbs that I gained the week before when I was really bad. I did a modified Fast 5. As in I stayed true for the day but had issues at night. But I did lose, so that's a good thing. I still can't get under 240 though. So frustrating! I am hoping this week goes well and I get into the 230's. Hope everyone has a great Monday! Let's do this!!!!!

    @RogerToo That sounded fun. I like to do things like that. I haven't done one in awhile. Need to get out more!

    @Daisylee87 Way to go! That's awesome! Keep it up!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I walked 5 miles today, and did a major trim job on one of my front yard oak trees. It was 97 degrees, so could not do more. Other tree will have to edit. Wrist hurts a bit. (I font have one of those pole trimmers...I climbed up in the tree w my hacksaw and pruners!)
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, y'all! I hate days like this. I have to work both jobs (full-time one and part-time one). Had to be at 1st one at 8am, get off at 5, go straight to 2nd one by 5:15 and not get off until 10pm. UGHHHHHH I do it about 3 times a week so you think I would be used to it but I'm not. 14 hour days are killer! I also have to go right before lunch and get my bi-weekly shot. I get weighed there so I tend to not eat anything until afterwards so my eating on time is not on time! Like I said... I hate days like this.

    I get to go look at a new townhouse that I'm trying to rent tomorrow. I know I'm going to like it. I just hope I can come up with the money to get into it. We HATE the place we're at right now. Sooooo can't wait to move. I hate moving so much but I'll do it just to get outta the current place. lol

    I promise I'm not trying to be Negative Nancy. It just ended up being that way. lol I'm feeling good otherwise!

    Have a great day!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi All
    I had sad news yesterday. Shirl from the 100+ message thread who currently posted in it here and for quite a while in the old NutriSystems Forum thread has passed away.
    Shirls last post was October 8, 2015 2:07AM
    It appears that she died later that day.

    Obit from here:

    Private family services were held for Shirley M. (nee Bitsko) Petrasko, 65, of Euclid.
    Mrs. Petrasko died Oct. 8, 2015, in Eastlake.
    She was born May 12, 1950, in Cleveland.
    Shirley enjoyed scrapbooking and genealogy.
    She was the beloved wife of 22 years to David A. Petrasko; and loving mother of William B. Snell and Jason A. Petrasko.
    Shirley was preceded in death by her parents, John and Jeannette (nee Capman) Bitsko.
    Contributions in her memory are suggested to any Breast Cancer Awareness Organization.
    Arrangements are entrusted to McMahon-Coyne

    Shirl Posted her interest in genealogy and how She made Greeting Cards for family members as well as other topics.

    Shirl Did have health issues and fought them to the end.

    I am sorry to mention this but felt that if anybody knew here through her postings they might want to know.

    Roger :(
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm afraid I don't feel like posting right now.
    Back Tomorrow