100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    So...a rescue in Virginia had acquired a shelter dog in San Antonio and was having it driven to Virginia. But The driver lost the dog. They thought they found it at another shelter and needed someone to get it or it would be put down. So, yep...i an housing a pitt/lab (sweetheart). But...then they figured out this was a different dog. They will still take this one...but they are having people trying to catch the other one (who keeps being spotted). In addition, we've picked up five other black dogs from that one neighborhood...luckily four were microchipped, and the other one was taken in by a local shelter. The people in Virginia were amazed at how many loose dogs we have here. It's sad. So, now we are waiting for the VA folks to set up a transport to VA. That's what I've been up to.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 60 Degrees This morning a 5 degree change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking, I did wear a light long sleeve shirt and light gloves. I have walked 8,686 steps so far and once again no Cents. Now that I am back I am having a Chocolate NS Protein Shake, later I will have the remaining 1/3 of the Banana I ate before going out to walk. I will follow that up with either the NS Frozen Baked Blueberry Oatmeal or 2 of the Dollar Store Blueberry Waffles. I do have one more Delicious NS Frozen Cinnamon Roll that I plan to have on Sunday Morning and then I will most likely switch back to assorted Cold Cereals for Breakfast until I use up that Quart of Dollar Store milk which takes a few days at 4 ounces per day for the cereal :)

    Yesterday eating what I did at the Diner seems to have worked as my weight this morning was the same. I am still getting Raspberries from the late season plants which means that planting two types one earlier and one late fruiting type worked :) After picking the ripe ones this morning and some Climbing Green Beans I turned on the Soaker Hoses in the garden as it looked as if it were due to be watered.

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    So...a rescue in Virginia had acquired a shelter dog in San Antonio and was having it driven to Virginia. But The driver lost the dog. They thought they found it at another shelter and needed someone to get it or it would be put down. So, yep...i an housing a pitt/lab (sweetheart). But...then they figured out this was a different dog. They will still take this one...but they are having people trying to catch the other one (who keeps being spotted). In addition, we've picked up five other black dogs from that one neighborhood...luckily four were microchipped, and the other one was taken in by a local shelter. The people in Virginia were amazed at how many loose dogs we have here. It's sad. So, now we are waiting for the VA folks to set up a transport to VA. That's what I've been up to.

    Hi Val
    That Microchipping seems to be a really useful technology from what I have observed. I am not surprised how many loose dogs are out there. There will always be some people that acquire a pet and then when they realize how much time and work is needed between everything including cleaning up after them and getting food they just turn them loose :( So Sad!

    You have a Good Heart, Take Care
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi !

    Sounds like your diner plan worked, Roger! Making those healthy substitutions did it! I keep forgetting I have my protein shakes in my cupboard. I may need a note to remind me. I also have quite a few Kung Pao noodles. I love the broth but the noodle part is becoming less than my favorite. I was just craving them, and I must be burnt out on them! I still have a little trouble loving whole grain noodles instead of white! These are really whole grain and don't I know that as time passes! LOL!

    Thanks for sending those links about the memorial. I guess my friend was right! The media sure did not cover it well, if you did not know of it either! Maybe it was an anti Putin statement!

    Val, we have a heartbreaking amount of rescue dogs here, and not so rescued. If people would spay their pets it would help a whole lot. I can not believe people are so ignorant and care so little down here. Makes me angry! We have a lot of abuse and dog fighting too. It is down right scary. Bless you for stepping up!

    Waiting for my phone appointment with social security. They are late calling as my appointment time is passing. I feel an Oh, dear moment coming!

    Take care all -- up to 4,000 steps a day, I can't quite hit that 5,000 regularly yet! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi !

    Sounds like your diner plan worked, Roger! Making those healthy substitutions did it! I keep forgetting I have my protein shakes in my cupboard. I may need a note to remind me. I also have quite a few Kung Pao noodles. I love the broth but the noodle part is becoming less than my favorite. I was just craving them, and I must be burnt out on them! I still have a little trouble loving whole grain noodles instead of white! These are really whole grain and don't I know that as time passes! LOL!

    Thanks for sending those links about the memorial. I guess my friend was right! The media sure did not cover it well, if you did not know of it either! Maybe it was an anti Putin statement!

    Val, we have a heartbreaking amount of rescue dogs here, and not so rescued. If people would spay their pets it would help a whole lot. I can not believe people are so ignorant and care so little down here. Makes me angry! We have a lot of abuse and dog fighting too. It is down right scary. Bless you for stepping up!

    Waiting for my phone appointment with social security. They are late calling as my appointment time is passing. I feel an Oh, dear moment coming!

    Take care all -- up to 4,000 steps a day, I can't quite hit that 5,000 regularly yet! Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    What I do is I set up the cup that came with the Stick Blender AKA Immersion Blender after I dry the cup from the mornings usage by putting the next days flavor packet sitting in it unopened as a reminder. I use a Cuisinart Smart Stick where the Power head comes off at a button press for easy cleaning.

    Have You ever seen the "eating right for healthy living" frozen meals brand? I see them on sale in the Acme circular from today through next Thursday at a great price $1.79 :) I plan to buy several, The five grain & beef I had last night was tasty.

    The Steps will come it took me quite a while to work up to where I currently am for steps.

    Good Luck with Social Security
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    What a great idea about the packet set up! I will do that! Thanks! I was hungry last night so I had my Kung Pao packet with just the broth. It hit the spot as it seems fall like with the air on. As long as I do not go outside and get the heat blast, all is good! It helped having the broth for hunger, and yet not so many calories! We do not have that brand of frozen meals. We are kind of lucky to have the basics! Many market items advertised we will never see. Hungry Girl always sends out some neat new and healthy items usually packaged for one serving, but unless there is a online place to buy, they are not usually available down here. You are in a pretty good area for getting some good deals. We get enough good things, it is usually me that falters! LOL!

    The social security guy was very nice. He did call late, that worried me. But once he did everything went smoothly. I just have to go back down to the office and submit 2 documents and then I am good. My check comes out retroactive to August 1, so I can put some of that back in the bank. I am a happy camper!

    It is rough to have a day when my steps are down, but I was really tired from cutting and clearing some land. Apparently I did not step much, but exerted much! I will get there!

    Thanks for the encouragement! Always appreciated! Jan B) " watering every day!"

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I think that is why I keep some of the NS Lower calorie soups in the cupboard, just in case :)
    The NS Chicken Noodle Soup is 110 calories and the NS Homestyle Chicken soup is 120 calories, and in case of need I have them on hand if I catch a cold or the Flu.

    My Brother is likely going to the ShopRite Supermarket Tomorrow so I will head to the Acme then rather than having him move his car in and out of the driveway specially so I can do that shopping. I park in front of his car as he is in and out with his much more than I am, I get much of my shopping done when I am walking. $1.79 for the living healthy and $1.99 for many of the Lean Cuisine entrees make them worth stocking up on. I can use selected lower calorie ones for lunch, the lowest is 180 calories for a 8 or 9 ounce entree and the higher calorie ones for Dinner. Toss in the Cold Cereal and given that I overstocked with A La Carte Add ons that will get me another three months before I need to do the following NS order around the End of December as this one is due to ship on the 30th. Not to mention if I buy on sale they end up cheaper than adding the NS frozen A La Carte even with the standard 20% discount and then saving 40% on top of that by using the NS gift cards I bough on sale a while back. According to my calculations that means the A La Carte items cost slightly under 50% of the displayed price.

    I'm glad the Social Security call went smoothly. FWIW our nearest office is around a 20 minute drive, Then Go in take a number and wait longer to be called than the drive was :)

    Yup You did burn the calories from the effort, it just does not show as steps sadly :(

    Maybe You will get some needed rain sooner rather than later

    Thank You for Your kind Words
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 55 Degrees This morning a 10 degree change to cooler from yesterday. I did wear a somewhat heavier long sleeve shirt and light gloves. I have walked 7,700 steps so far and still no Cents. Now that I am back I am have had a NS Vanilla Coffee flavor Shake. Breakfast will be the Delicious NS Frozen Cinnamon Roll and then I may finish off the $Store Blueberry waffles on Monday & Tuesday and then switch back to assorted Cold Cereals for Breakfast until I use up the unopened Quart of Dollar Store milk which is good until July 2017 if unopened Using it takes a few days at 4 ounces per day for the cereal :)
    I need to clean out a bit more space in the Freezer and freezer section as my upcoming delivery is scheduled to ship on Friday the 30th of September which means it could come as soon as Saturday October 1st :) OTOH I see Hot Pocket & Lean Pocket for sale where I would end up paying $1.80 for two of breakfast or lunch types and 90 cents per meal for a entree is an attractive price :)

    Have a Good Sunday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I took the rescue dog to the vet...leg joint completely broken. The vet (he's new..I've been there sux years!) asked what i had done to the dog. I was horrified and started crying abd gave him the shelter paperwork tgat said the dig was lame before the 24-hours i had him. He chilled but that was really upsetting. The doc said it wint change the prognosis is we wait until he's in Virginia to have his surgery. Gave him worm meds...and 24 hours later I already see that he's putting on weight. 33 lbs, but should be 45 lbs. he's a good boy and getting on well with my pack.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val
    I can see where that would be upsetting to You. Are You going to use a different vet in the future? I tend to vote with my feet and spend my money elsewhere.

    O wonder why the Vet said to wait. I would tend to think that sort of thing should be done ASAP.

    Be Good and do not let people that jump to conclusions get to You
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Well, it sure helps to read the chart first and ask a few questions before putting his foot in his mouth or having his head up.... elsewhere. Either way Val, it is hard to practice medicine or do much of anything else that way. I would probably ask who my vet was on making other appointments! That is wonderful the dog gets along with your other dogs! That is a nice recovery for him. That matters!

    55 degrees- I can only dream! It is 95 here, dry and kind of miserable. Everyone is ready for Fall, though early early morning was nice. I see a sneaky winter coming! :)

    Keep up the good practices and good deals..maybe you will find some cents soon, Roger!

    Hang in there Val! keep your eye on the goal!! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 50 Degrees This morning 5 degrees cooler than yesterday. I did wear a somewhat heavier long sleeve shirt over a light long sleeve shirt and light gloves. I have walked 8,090 steps so far and still no Cents. I have had a NS Chocolate flavor Shake. Breakfast will be either the NS Baked Blueberry Oatmeal or the $Store Blueberry waffles or to a Cold Cereal Breakfast.

    The weather looks like rain overnight into Tuesday morning, I will have to decide what I am doing for walking then if at all. Also it is supposed to be warmer which may play into my decision.

    Have a Good Monday

    Hi Jan
    I concur, Look and check before leaping to conclusions.

    I don't know if the 50 degrees this morning is good or bad, I am ambivalent regarding heat or cold. I know that in the cold I can wear more layers, OTOH Cold fingers seem to run in the family. If I could keep the gloves on in the winter The fingers would stay OK, however You can not really use a Kleenex that way. And as the fingers get colder they don't seem to warm back up. Last Year I used heating packs on the really cold mornings in the Mittens and they seemed to help. Hmmm.... I need to go online to Amazon and see what the prices are and maybe order so I have them on-hand for when I need them. Last year they were expensive at the local sporting goods store. I also want to see if I can find a reusable type.

    Mr scale was kind to me this morning showing a loss from yesterday. If the weight stays there I will log it here. I tend to not log weight based on a one day result. When I see it stay for several days then I figure it is not a fluke and log it.

    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    What a good idea to look at your weight a day or two before charting! I never thought of that, but it makes good sense. Of course, I am not as stable as you, lol! :) I had to buy some new batteries for my scale as it is "lo" and not registering. Amazon had a good price for a small pack. Hopefully it will be here today. They had a pack of fifty , more expensive, but a good unit price. What does one do with a fifty pack? I skipped that one!

    Seems there is a syndrome for the cold fingers problem, but nothing else is coming to me. It will at some weird time, like 2 am.

    The man I hope to do the painting for the house comes Friday, so I should burn some calories getting things right this week. I hope his price will be reasonable. Upkeep sure takes some money and energy!

    Those warmers are wonderful for keeping hands warm. We have a Bass Pro shop here, though sometimes the sporting good stores beat their prices. Even Walmart carries them down here, though that can be hit and miss as they do not stock early on that!

    I broke down and bought some maple sausages from Morningstar. It must be a fall thing. I like that with egg and I am going to try the low carb biscuit recipe and see what happens. Just for a change.

    Have a great day, too! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 66 Degrees This morning a large change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking despite a increase in the humidity. I have walked 8,361 steps so far and once again no Cents. I did see a penny however it was stuck into the driveway and did not pick up when I tried :(
    It rained overnight and the rain was finished earlier than the originally forecast time so it was OK to walk although I did take a small folding umbrella along in my back pocket, just in case.

    Tomorrow is Grocery Store day for Bananas and Apples or Apples and Nectarines or Plums or all three to last until Sunday morning ainxe it is 10% senior discount day. With the advertised price per pound the bananas will be 26 cents a pound, Hard to beat that price unless they look really poor :)

    I ended up unhappy yesterday, It appears that the Walking Appetites AKA Deer have discovered the Three Columnar Apple Trees in the back Yard. The first two pictures show the damage and the third picture shows the wire cages I ended up putting around them to protect them. Hopefully :)

    Have a Good Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    What a good idea to look at your weight a day or two before charting! I never thought of that, but it makes good sense. Of course, I am not as stable as you, lol! :) I had to buy some new batteries for my scale as it is "lo" and not registering. Amazon had a good price for a small pack. Hopefully it will be here today. They had a pack of fifty , more expensive, but a good unit price. What does one do with a fifty pack? I skipped that one!

    Seems there is a syndrome for the cold fingers problem, but nothing else is coming to me. It will at some weird time, like 2 am.

    The man I hope to do the painting for the house comes Friday, so I should burn some calories getting things right this week. I hope his price will be reasonable. Upkeep sure takes some money and energy!

    Those warmers are wonderful for keeping hands warm. We have a Bass Pro shop here, though sometimes the sporting good stores beat their prices. Even Walmart carries them down here, though that can be hit and miss as they do not stock early on that!

    I broke down and bought some maple sausages from Morningstar. It must be a fall thing. I like that with egg and I am going to try the low carb biscuit recipe and see what happens. Just for a change.

    Have a great day, too! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I have to look at the weight over a period of a few days as it fluctuates. I have seen a Decent price for a Pack of Duracell batteries that have AAA & AA from Newegg, however I buy them at at CostCo as the price is decent there too. The AA come in a 40 pack and the AAA come in a 32 pack. They have a nice storage life too. Both of the ones I have on hand show a best by 2025 :) We use a fair amount what with Multiple remotes on three floors and the Wireless Keyboard and Mouse etc. Not to mention that the Cameras eat batteries too.

    If You remember the syndrome I'll be interested to hear.

    Guess who forgot to go on Amazon yesterday and look at hand warmers?

    I do not think there is anything wrong as such with Morningstar sausages. I just look at the Sodium and calories and then select. I bought Sausage crumbles to add to the NS Pizzas last year :) So they can be worked into what You eat. FWIW I like the Maple flavor too.

    Enjoy the Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited September 2016

    Oh my gosh, Roger! I would have had to have myself a little cry if those were my apple trees! I know you hated to discover that! :'( The wiring should protect them in the future, you look to have done a good job! I can't believe those deer found them, although you have said enough to tell me it is true! I have witnessed their amazing jumps, so I do not know why I am surprised, but I am. I just would think the established fences would discourage it. Apparently you have more deer than me here in the country! Occasionally, we get one, not often! At least you will get some more growth before the frost hits, I think.

    There must have been something in the air. I could not remember where I had put my combination for my safe with my important papers. I could not remember it correctly. I had moved it because it was too obvious where it was, I felt. I swear I had remembered where I moved it , but could not find it. I looked for about 2 hrs. and finally gave up and ordered a copy of my marriage certificate on line that was certified so I could get back to the Social Security office. I looked again before I went to bed because I was just so angry that I could not believe I could not find that combo. And there it was, where I had thought I had moved it, and had somehow just managed to overlook it every time. (like 3x!).

    So I did manage to find the certificate and the divorce papers and finished everything with my case worker. I had made the deadline by two days to receive my check by Oct. I am happy that it is retroactive and I will be able to put some money back in the savings. My case worker was happy, and I was happy that it was all over, so hopefully I will have no more problems. I still can not believe I could not find that combo, or that I spent money on a new certificate, to find my original 4 hours later. (rolled eyes).

    Well, At least it worked out, and it never hurts to have 1 extra certified copy! I sure hope my routing no's are correct, and I did not include too many or too few no.s Sorta lol!

    I am splurging and having some light Philly cheese that is pumpkin and cinnamon flavored on my toast to celebrate I lived thru yesterday and today. Anything to celebrate, no matter how strange, makes a good day! Hope your week gets better! Jan B)
    P.S. Congratulations on your Pound lost! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Oh my gosh, Roger! I would have had to have myself a little cry if those were my apple trees! I know you hated to discover that! :'( The wiring should protect them in the future, you look to have done a good job! I can't believe those deer found them, although you have said enough to tell me it is true! I have witnessed their amazing jumps, so I do not know why I am surprised, but I am. I just would think the established fences would discourage it. Apparently you have more deer than me here in the country! Occasionally, we get one, not often! At least you will get some more growth before the frost hits, I think.

    There must have been something in the air. I could not remember where I had put my combination for my safe with my important papers. I could not remember it correctly. I had moved it because it was too obvious where it was, I felt. I swear I had remembered where I moved it , but could not find it. I looked for about 2 hrs. and finally gave up and ordered a copy of my marriage certificate on line that was certified so I could get back to the Social Security office. I looked again before I went to bed because I was just so angry that I could not believe I could not find that combo. And there it was, where I had thought I had moved it, and had somehow just managed to overlook it every time. (like 3x!).

    So I did manage to find the certificate and the divorce papers and finished everything with my case worker. I had made the deadline by two days to receive my check by Oct. I am happy that it is retroactive and I will be able to put some money back in the savings. My case worker was happy, and I was happy that it was all over, so hopefully I will have no more problems. I still can not believe I could not find that combo, or that I spent money on a new certificate, to find my original 4 hours later. (rolled eyes).

    Well, At least it worked out, and it never hurts to have 1 extra certified copy! I sure hope my routing no's are correct, and I did not include too many or too few no.s Sorta lol!

    I am splurging and having some light Philly cheese that is pumpkin and cinnamon flavored on my toast to celebrate I lived thru yesterday and today. Anything to celebrate, no matter how strange, makes a good day! Hope your week gets better! Jan B)
    P.S. Congratulations on your Pound lost! :)

    Hi Jan
    If I said I was more than a little unhappy....

    I have done that too. I look and look and later find something where I already looked. Sometimes it works differently, My brother will be looking for something in the drawers in the kitchen and not finding it and I do find it right where he looked too.

    I have two birth certificates on hand, One certified copy from the county and one the original from the Hospital that Mom held onto for all these many years :)

    Yesterday I saw 3 Deer running out of a side street a 10 or 15 minute walk from home and other times I have seen as many as 6 running around in a pack.

    Some Days I feel like celebrating that I am Still here.

    Have a Nice Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 55 Degrees This morning a large change from yesterday. It was still comfortable walking since I added a layer second layer of long sleeve shirt and Gloves. I have walked 8,080 steps so far and 10 Cents. It is now time to change to long pants for my walks, especially since some dummy, me, spilled coffee on his hiking shorts.

    I stopped at the Grocery Store day for Bananas, Green Pears and Nectarines. Since it is 10% senior discount day. With the advertised price per pound the bananas will be 26 cents a pound, Hard to beat that price so I picked up enough to last me to next Wednesday and they are already in the refrigerator along with a couple of Pears and Nectarines. I still have a Apple from earlier and three days worth of Grapes that my brother picked up for me on a whim yesterday. He also brought home some Blackberries that are already eaten with my DInner as the SC as They usually last the shortest time. The Grapes were two servings of Large Green and tow servings of Large Red Grapes.

    Later I will go over my upcoming NS order as Thursday 6PM is the latest I can make changes.

    Have a Good Wednesday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    We managed to have a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon so I did not have to water. I was so grateful! I forgot to look to see how much rain we got. Not a ton, but some. Always a good thing. It was chilly when I fed the birds this morning. Being down here has sure messed with my thermostat. It was either in the low 60's or maybe very upper 50's. It was wonderful. But I was cold. Go figure. But I love it!!! Maybe it will be Fall!

    I tried the low carb biscuits recipe. It comes out more as a muffin with my pans, but it was good. It did remind me of a biscuit. I can make my mind up whether I would like it enough to ever go that route. I think not. I think I would rather have the real thing and struggle with my amounts! It is like the first one is great. But then I find I do not want it again. It could be it seems like it should be a whole wheat product, but isn't. It seems like my body (mind?) just really does not want it. I do not know if it is the texture, or maybe the richness, as they usually use full and real ingredients, like butter and real cream, but no sugar. I was thinking maybe my body was just rebelling against having such good for me ingredients (flour) and low sugar, but what ever it is, I did not like it! The thought of having it as biscuit and gravy makes me actually nauseated. That could help dieting, lol! I guess I know why my friend made a face and said there were no good subs for bread products or brown sugar! :s

    On that note, I am back to my healthy fruits, veggies, simple carbs, and NS things and healthy extras! My one experiment was enough there!

    Have a good Weds. You are on a roll with cents! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    With out last rain we got a whopping 1/4 inch :( We could use more, inches more TBH.

    Thank You for the feedback on the Low Carb Biscuit. Being Lazy I would be looking at Frozen or Refrigerator Biscuits were the Nutrition information is on the package :)

    So far a find that I do not mind the lower calorie breads or wraps. My Brother buys a Multi Grain at 40 calories per slice that is OK and I find that the assorted flavors of the 60 calorie wraps are good too.

    Have a Nice Day

    P.S. I think You were thinking of Raynaud's disease?