100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 68 Degrees This morning a large change from yesterday. It was still comfortable walking however. I have walked 7.4K steps so far and 0 Cents. I have changed to long pants for my walks, So of course it warmed up :)
    I geared up in rain gear since the weather map showed rain over my area with more coming in from the west so of course I did not need it as it only drizzled a little bit. The predicted rain has not happened as it was still dry under the trees.

    While walking I also picked up a bunch of Black Walnuts off of the street as I had a Plastic bag just in case the weather forecast was wrong. I had noticed them the other day when I had nothing to put them in :(

    Later I will go over my upcoming NS order as today at 6PM is the latest I can make changes.

    Have a Good Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    How Does the Garden Grow :)
    The Sunchokes finally Blooming

    First Egglant with 4 still growing on it

    Second Eggplant with 4 growing on it too
    One large enough to pick



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I WAS thinking of Reynauds syndrome. I looked it up yesterday, and I think that was what I was remembering! Good deducting! It is all those detective tapes you listen to! It may not apply though, and could just be circulation.

    It is beautiful fall weather, though still warm during the day, especially in the sun. We were at 65 degrees when I feed the birds, chilly and wonderful! I think we are to be in the upper 80's a few days, I will take it!

    I have a whole grain wrap at 90 calories, that is one of the lowest I have found where I usually shop and I like it. The low carb benefit was nice, as a biscuit had only 8 carbs, and high protein, like 20 grams, but just not worth the taste. I guess I just do not want to be that healthy!

    Picking up those black walnuts was a wonderful savings. They are still pretty expensive down here.

    I have been fall cleaning and boy can I tell! I woke up stiff and sore from doing walls and floor molding. I have today to finish my main stuff, as the painter is coming to give me some estimates tomorrow. I am sure it will seem a fortune, but my rooms need painting badly. This guy comes recommended, I just hope he is reasonable!

    I need to look at some NS ala carte things, I am somewhat unbalanced! lol!

    Keep up the great work! Jan B) with a cool breeze!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    They have been covering the Train Crashing into Hoboken's NJ Transit Terminal there. It never stopped at the end of the line. 100+ Injured and the last I heard 1 dead.
    From Here:
    HOBOKEN, N.J. — A commuter train crashed at a station in New Jersey during the Thursday morning rush, killing at least one person and injuring about 100 others, a number of them seriously, the authorities said.

    “There are fatalities,” said a senior transportation official who did not want to be identified because he was not authorized to speak publicly. “There are a significant number of injuries. The train was going very fast. There are structural concerns about the facility.”
    “The first car was pretty well destroyed,” he said at the station. “The whole roof was caved in. The seats were broken.”
    The train went “over the bumper block, through the depot,” and came to rest at the wall right before the station’s waiting area, Mr. Larson told reporters during a segment that was broadcast on CNN
    “There were wires down, water pouring from the ceiling, the roof had collapsed and there was people climbing out of windows of the train,” he said.

    They are still waiting to find out what happened, the news broadcast did not know if it was a mechanical problem, or a Medical problem with the engineer or what.

    I have finalized my NS order this morning and it closes out at 6Pm today and has a ship date of the 30th so since it comes from the next state, usually under 24 hours from the ship date Saturday might be busy checking it in and putting the frozen away.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I WAS thinking of Reynauds syndrome. I looked it up yesterday, and I think that was what I was remembering! Good deducting! It is all those detective tapes you listen to! It may not apply though, and could just be circulation.

    It is beautiful fall weather, though still warm during the day, especially in the sun. We were at 65 degrees when I feed the birds, chilly and wonderful! I think we are to be in the upper 80's a few days, I will take it!

    I have a whole grain wrap at 90 calories, that is one of the lowest I have found where I usually shop and I like it. The low carb benefit was nice, as a biscuit had only 8 carbs, and high protein, like 20 grams, but just not worth the taste. I guess I just do not want to be that healthy!

    Picking up those black walnuts was a wonderful savings. They are still pretty expensive down here.

    I have been fall cleaning and boy can I tell! I woke up stiff and sore from doing walls and floor molding. I have today to finish my main stuff, as the painter is coming to give me some estimates tomorrow. I am sure it will seem a fortune, but my rooms need painting badly. This guy comes recommended, I just hope he is reasonable!

    I need to look at some NS ala carte things, I am somewhat unbalanced! lol!

    Keep up the great work! Jan B) with a cool breeze!
    Hi Jan
    These are the wraps I have been using, Mainly the Honey Wheat, Multi-Grain and Whole Wheat wraps at 60 calories per wrap. They are available on Amazon too, but the ones I see are Six of the 8 count packs :( price is not that great if I remember the Grocery Store price. I just heard from my brother currently at the ShopRite and the normal price is $3.99 and on sale this week at $2.99 so I had him pick me up a Honey Wheat as I had just finished the last of them.

    I looked at Raynauds and I do not recall my fingers looking like they describe, They just slowly get colder when I have to take my gloves off and never warm up again. To combat that I have ordered two types of Reusable Hand warmers that should fit in my gloves. One Type recharges by boiling in a pot of water and the other is a rechargeable that sounds like it might be better as it lasts longer, However I ordered both to be safe as the Boiling recharge type get hotter and thus might be better on really cold days.

    Here is the Nutritional data from the Honey Wheat. Since I am more concerned with the Calorie count than the Carb Count they are fine for me and tasty too. It has to be tasty as well as good for You :)

    The Black Walnuts are expensive everywhere. I do wonder why I did not see them last year as I have walked that street. Hopefully they are from this years crop, I suspect so as many were laying in the road. The benefit of that is that the cars break the outer shell of leaving the inne shell where the nut meat is nearly ready to crack. I do still need to clean them a little bit further to get rid of any residue however. If that had not happened then the process becomes dry, remove outer shell clean and dry again then crack.

    It is nice that Your weather has finally turned better.
    Fall Cleaning, TBH any cleaning is extremely low on my list of things I like :)

    In a Humorous Vein, I have been unbalanced for years.
    To be serious if You can order the A La Carte items with Your Auto Delivery that usually works out to be the best time unless You can take advantage of a one day NS Sale event.
    Do not forget to use the NS Gift cards from CostCo. Even off sale they still are only $79.99 per $100 face value. On Sale they are even a better deal.

    Have Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 58 Degrees This morning a largish change from yesterday. It was still comfortable walking however. I have walked 9K steps so far and 0 Cents. I took a chance and only took a folding umbrella along as there is rain in the weather forecast and the weather radar showed showed rain to the west. I did not need (use) it as it only drizzled a little bit on the final 1/3 of my walk.

    I looked at my email and I see the confirmation email for my upcoming NS order.
    No tracking or indication that it has shipped, I sort of would like it not to come until next week to let me free up a bit more space in the basement freezer :)

    Have a Good Friday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Great pictures of the sunchokes, they are interesting! Seeing your eggplants made me wish I had planted a few! maybe next year!

    The painter showed up and is really great. I am waiting for my estimate. I think it will be less than I am thinking! I hope. My yard guys did not show up, maybe I was on the wrong week. I am really relaxing. Still spring (fall) cleaning, but not under pressure. At this point I can barely move. I have strained muscles I did not remember having, lol! Almost too tired to just get up for water!

    I am at a plateau at the moment. better than gaining. I also changed my scale batteries so I can weigh again. It is nice to be accountable again!

    I had not heard about the train accident until I read your post How awful. I am going to chart my food and catch more news on computer.

    Have a great day! Jan B)

    Wishing for rain from the hurricane it sounds like we won't get-darn!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 58 Degrees this morning no real change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking however. I have walked 9.6K steps so far and 0 Cents. I took a folding umbrella along as there is a chance of rain in the weather forecast. However everything is drying up nicely despite the weather forecast. The day is still dreary looking and forecast to stay that way until into tomorrow.

    I looked at my email and I see tracking number for my upcoming NS order.
    No tracking or indication that it has shipped would indicate to me that I should not expect to see it today which is fine by me :)

    Have a Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Great pictures of the sunchokes, they are interesting! Seeing your eggplants made me wish I had planted a few! maybe next year!

    The painter showed up and is really great. I am waiting for my estimate. I think it will be less than I am thinking! I hope. My yard guys did not show up, maybe I was on the wrong week. I am really relaxing. Still spring (fall) cleaning, but not under pressure. At this point I can barely move. I have strained muscles I did not remember having, lol! Almost too tired to just get up for water!

    I am at a plateau at the moment. better than gaining. I also changed my scale batteries so I can weigh again. It is nice to be accountable again!

    I had not heard about the train accident until I read your post How awful. I am going to chart my food and catch more news on computer.

    Have a great day! Jan B)

    Wishing for rain from the hurricane it sounds like we won't get-darn!

    Hi Jan
    My Brother is happy with the way they have produced for him. Only two plants and they produced enough that he has given some to neighbors as well as some of the home made Eggplant Parm. I even have some vacuum sealed eggplant Parm in the basement freezer there is so much of it for later this year once the plants are finished by the weather.

    I was talking to an acquaintance and he mentioned that he will take whatever rain we get to help reduce the water bill size from watering :)

    Good news that You liked the painter, One worry down.

    I always felt it in muscles I had not used when I did something I was not used to doing too. That is one of the reasons why I eased into walking.

    Our weather forecast for Hurricane Matthew still does not have any idea where it is going past Florida and since NJ is well north of that point...

    A Plateau is better than a gain, OTOH figuring out why can be a nuisance. Some of the things that helped me break one in the past is
    1. Calorie Cycling
    From here: http://www.rd.com/health/healthy-eating/lose-weight-with-calorie-cycling/
    However, recent reputable studies show that alternating calorie intake may be good for weight loss and your health.
    And from here:
    STRATEGY #1: The 5-2 Refeed
    If you still have some body fat to lose, I recommend spending the majority of your week in a calorie deficit.
    5-6 days a week eat your base fat loss diet (10-12 calories per/lb). This can include training and non-training days.
    1-2 days a week spike calories to maintenance levels or higher (15+). This should fall on the days of your most intense training sessions.
    Since carbohydrates increase leptin levels more so than dietary fats or protein, I recommend increasing calories primarily via carbohydrates.
    In other words, protein and dietary fat remain relatively the same throughout the week. Carbs go up or down based on the day.

    STRATEGY #2: The 3-4 Cycle
    If you are interested in body re-composition (maintaining current weight while improving quality of that weight, simultaneous but subtle shifts in muscle gain and fat loss, etc.), cycle days of lower calories to optimally burn fat with days of higher calories to support systematic recovery and muscle growth.
    Over the course of the week, average eating at or near your maintenance calorie levels (15 cals/lb).
    On your 3-4 rest days a week, eat at calorie levels geared towards fat loss (12 calories/lb).
    On your 3-4 training days, eat at calorie levels geared towards building muscle mass (18 calories/lb). Increase calories primarily via carbohydrates.

    2. Try reversing Your meals, IE Your Dinner at breakfast time and Lunch as normal and Your Breakfast at Dinner time.

    Good Luck
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I had forgot about reversing the orders of meals, and I knew that! (Eyes roll)! I do change my calories a little but you gave me plenty more info on that. Thanks! My motivation is coming back-always a good thing.

    I had to go to Montgomery to get Chester his pain pills for his back and arthritis. Oh my, the crazy people were out! I am not a slow driver if the weather is good, usually 5mph over what is posted), but most people were driving around and changing lanes like I was standing still. They had to be doing 90 or so on the freeway and even pretty fast on the regular roads. I think it may have scared 3 lbs. off me and broke my plateau! :#

    I also was good and did not stop at fast foods, deli's, ice cream places, ect. You get the picture. It practically killed me! But I remained firm and came home to eat!

    I plan to work some outside today, it is so pretty. That is the plan, though sitting for lunch can sure slow me down and change my good intentions. I could use the rest after that marathon clean, and I do have more to do! We will see....

    Keep up the good work! Jan o:)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 58 Degrees this morning no change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking however. I only walked 5617 steps so far and One Shiny Quarter that was laying there. I took a folding umbrella along as there a chance of drizzle in the weather forecast. The day is dreary looking once again and it was misting. My Step count is low today as I gad a Bad Night, Yesterday I was well over my goal of 10K steps and the average for these two days will be over my goal so that is OK.

    Despite not eating or drinking anything in common beyond Bottles of water Both my brother and I had rough nights with some of sort of stomach flux :( Quite likely we caught what I hope is a 24 hour stomach bug. We were both in the same places Yesterday, a close by sporting goods store is having a closing sale and it was jammed with cars circling the parking lot looking for a place to park, we got lucky as we turned in a car pulled out and we grabbed that spot. The checkout line was over a hour in length. Then on to the produce store for a couple of things my brother needed. I ended up with a lifetime guarantee Backpack at 20% off as my cheapo $10 one is going bad, rip in the bottom and and I had to repair the shoulder straps twice. Since it was by way of being a experiment to see if I would use one I think I got my moneys worth out of it.

    I looked at my email and I see no tracking number for my upcoming NS order this morning.

    Have a Good Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2016
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I had forgot about reversing the orders of meals, and I knew that! (Eyes roll)! I do change my calories a little but you gave me plenty more info on that. Thanks! My motivation is coming back-always a good thing.

    I had to go to Montgomery to get Chester his pain pills for his back and arthritis. Oh my, the crazy people were out! I am not a slow driver if the weather is good, usually 5mph over what is posted), but most people were driving around and changing lanes like I was standing still. They had to be doing 90 or so on the freeway and even pretty fast on the regular roads. I think it may have scared 3 lbs. off me and broke my plateau! :#

    I also was good and did not stop at fast foods, deli's, ice cream places, etc. You get the picture. It practically killed me! But I remained firm and came home to eat!

    I plan to work some outside today, it is so pretty. That is the plan, though sitting for lunch can sure slow me down and change my good intentions. I could use the rest after that marathon clean, and I do have more to do! We will see....

    Keep up the good work! Jan o:)

    Hi Jan
    It is not just where You are, my brother when he gets on the Garden State Parkway a limited access Toll road is doing 80 and being passed like he is standing still by some of the cars.

    If I got on that road I would most likely be the subject of road rage as I was driving at only 5MPH over the limit, Not being in a hurry or feeling the need to be one of the fastest cars on the road :)

    I hope it You did break Your plateau.

    Congratulations on not stopping for junk food, Some days it can be really hard to skip too.

    FWIW It appears that the New Motor fuel tax increase will pass this time taking up from one of the lowest taxes to one of the highest :(

    Good Luck working today
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2016
    It was 62 Degrees this morning a small change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking however. I walked 8626 steps so far and 1 Cent that was laying there a few blocks from home on the homeward leg. I took a folding umbrella along as there a chance of spotty showers according to the weather forecast. The day is dreary looking once again :(

    I looked at my email and I still see no tracking number for my upcoming NS order this morning.

    Have a Good Monday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I am enjoying our cool nights even if the days are a little warm. Everyone here is so ready for fall! Sorry you both had the bug! It is going on here also, but kind of isolated and sporadic. It is not in full swing at all yet! I hope you all feel better soon!

    Still on the plateau, church did me in! I had a little too much at luncheon, followed by dessert at small group later that night. Most of which I would not have if I would have been home! :)

    Nice going finding the quarter! That should make the days less gloomy! I kind of like cloudy days sometimes. I feel lazy and like to read or watch movies. I do not get a lot done! Fortunately it is blue skies here all week, I think, as I do have some things I need to do!

    I need to do some yard work as well as go to Lowes and order some screens. One for my back door, and one for a back window. I can't take advantage of all this nice cool evening air properly. I have been trying to get that done for about a year or longer... :#

    The weatherman here posted a joke on his facebook page. Because of the cool weather he had a graph that 59 degrees feels like 59. But 57 degrees feels like 32 degrees. And 55 degrees feels like 0! Sad to say, it is true here. I guess because it is normally just so hot and humid. It just cracked me up!

    Have a great Tuesday! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    It seems to have been a 24 hour bug of some kind. I blame my brother, Either I caught it from him or the Sporting goods store that is having a closing sale and the Produce store. The cash register line at Efingers was around 1.5 hours long and grew longer while we were in it :)
    A Little Blurb about them.
    Efinger Sporting Goods Co. is New Jersey's largest family owned sporting goods retailer and one of the largest team dealers in the United States. We are sporting goods. Since 1909, Efinger has serviced its customers in both retail and team equipment
    A Shame as they have been in the area longer than I have been on this earth.

    There was actually a few bits of sunshine today, most of the day is still cloudy however. I wonder how much impact the Hurricane that is is starting in pounding Caribbean will have on the upcoming weekend weather.

    Enjoy the nicer weather and Good luck finding the screens. We would go to our local Lumber Yard to get the screens replaced in the frames here.

    Interesting that Religion got You :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2016
    It was 66 Degrees this morning a small change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking however. I walked 9982 steps. I took a folding umbrella along as the weather radar this morning showed spotty showers moving in from the east. The day is dreary looking once again and it did mist or drizzle slightly for a few minutes on the outbound and inbound near the house :(

    I also picked a few more Raspberries that had turned ripe and delicious :)

    I looked at my email and I still see no tracking number for my upcoming NS order this morning, I can not decide if that is good or bad as it gives me another day to use more frozen food and make room in the freezer, I overstocked at the Acme when it was on sale.

    Have a Good Tuesday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Yes, I think the close quarters did you all in with the bug! That is remarkable about Efingers being in business so long. Those long lived places are still around across the country, though they are growing fewer. You must have a lot of patience to put up with the traffic and people. A few businesses like that were lost to fire down here. It is really sad, especially when the original structures are destroyed. I love old historical places and building and items. Maybe cause I have reached vintage age! Next will be heirloom, almost antique!

    Great job on your steps! And you get your raspberry reward! I am still flirting with the 4,000 mark, but at least I know where I am.

    I hope your order is sent okay. That does seem strange you have not heard when you expected to.... Thank goodness the hurricane appears to be projected off the coast, so far anyway, it would be rather a disaster if it follows the coast itself. Hopefully that will not change. My stepmother sounded baleful with the news in S.C. They have had rain and lightening and tornadoes for the last two hurricanes. She is a few hours inland, and her area seems between the two usually worst hit areas so far, but she is not fond of them! And we sit wishing we would have the rain, though a cat 4 storm would not be too good for our coast!

    I am fixing to check the news next about the Caribbean. My heart sure goes out to them. I know a lot of people that have people in the area. :( Take care! Jan (a little cloudy, nice!)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I think they had been flooded out in the older location in Bound Brook and or outgrew it as they moved some years back.

    As it happens I got out twice more today, I caught a ride to the bank with my brother who was going on from there so I walked back home and then I noticed I had missed paying a Credit Card bill that was due the 8th so I wrote that out and walked to the Post office. So far as of 5:45Pm I am now at 16,971 steps altogether :)

    I think I may sleep well tonight. My Brother came back from his meeting with a weakness of mine in the food category so I ended up eating Macaroni & Cheese made using Ziti instead of the Elbow Macaroni such as You would see in Kraft Dinner. Tasty too. I have a piece of Breaded Chicken Breast that I will most likely remove the breading to heat and eat and some more of the Mac & Cheese :( He also brought some Chopped Salad which I will also have as part of my dinner along with the other 1/2 of my days vegetables and some Chocolate Cookies that I should not have eaten either but they were tasty...

    OH well tomorrow is another day and I was a 1/2 pound under my previous lowest weight this morning so I am not going to kill myself over the food choices :) Especially as I am trying to do maintenance :) Still I know Mr. Scale will be unhappy tomorrow due to water retention from the cheese and extra carbs.

    I am pretty sure they have the order since I did get the confirmation email just no tracking number yet and the latest I could change it was the 29th and it could have shipped as early as the 30th.

    I finally have enough room for it in the freezer too, always a good thing when the order is frozen for all three meals and one of the two snack selections and more frozen and Shelf Stable for the second snack selections. Lucky me that men get two snacks on the plan I signed up with.

    I agree, we need rain but not the several feet of it that they are forecasting for some of the islands in the Caribbean.

    I do not blame Your mother worrying about the Hurricanes, I am Leary too after all those days without power after Sandy.

    Have a Nice Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 58 Degrees this morning a change to the cooler from yesterdays temperature. It was comfortable walking however. I walked 7500 steps today to this point in time. Yesterday I ended up with 17,625 steps :)
    Already from Sunday to Today I am at 44,376 steps
    I stopped at the Grocery Store on my walk and Picked up 4 Bananas, 2 Honey Crisp Apples, 2 Green Pear, 2 nectarines, 3 Red Delicious and for my Brother 3 Large Poblano Peppers and 3 small Jalap peppers.

    I looked at my email and I see a tracking number for my upcoming NS order this morning, that is the good and since it shows Shipment information sent to FedEx Chambersburg, PA Anticipated ship date: Wed 10/05/2016 CHAMBERSBURG, PA US That indicates I should see something Tomorrow. I see no indication of whether it is Ready to Go AKA Shelf Stable or the frozen portion or both however :(

    Have a Good Wednesday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    That is really incredible news on your steps! Isn't it amazing what a few extra trips can do! You may be surprised when you weigh, all that walking might have counteracted your splurge. It does not hurt for an occasional indulgement. It is when you do not get immediately back on track that kills you! I went over my calories yesterday myself. Just a hungry day, and I let the stress get me!

    I finally made it to Lowes after 2 years, looked and walked around, and could not find someone to wait on me. Which turned out okay, because when I seriously went to look for someone, I could not find all my measurements or list. I figured I had put it down at home at the last minute. I also missed the last of the growing season plants as I wanted to pick up just one lantus to complete my backyard arrangement. When I got to the car, there was my list on the front seat I had apparently dropped from my purse and not noticed. I was tired and a little frustrated by then, so having only managed to pick up a paint brush, I headed for home. Thursday I will try again...lol.

    I have to hit the vet today, Chester had a swelling on his nose. Not sure if he was bit by something, or might have a tooth problem. It looks better today, after some benedryl. We will check it out anyway.

    Looks like the storm is taking a more western path. Not a good thing. At least you should get your shipment before any rains start I think!

    Keep up the good work! Jan B)