100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    HI All!

    I eat my banana for that reason ( the leg cramps). I guess the potassium helps. I noticed since I cut my yogurt with the calcium, my calved ache a little but do not go into an actual cramp.

    One of the best ways to release that cramp is to flex your foot hard towards the front of your shin, and keep that position till it releases. I have tried that and it has always helped. It is an old OB trick they used when the mama's had leg cramps. They did not worry then so much about them throwing a clot that way. Works for men too, LOL! It has helped me, and worth a try!

    My car got it's oil change, and they think the light came on because the gas cap was not on properly. He said if that was not it, it was something little, so I will not worry. At least it is not on now! My car has a touchy spot associated with the catalytic converter also, but runs well with all else.

    Kind of blew my Friday, as I got home, ate lunch, sat with the dogs a bit for their relax time, and then did not feel like doing much. I did clear out one flower bed for fall, but still have a little more to do. I hate when I can not finish a task, and I have no free time till Monday. Oh well... the best laid plans....

    Thanks for the dog walker info! I knew Val would know, lol!

    Hope you find more change , Roger! Jan :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 68 Degrees This morning a not much of a change from yesterday. It was still comfortable with a increase in the humidity. I walked 7,500 steps so far and no Cents.

    I suppose that most of You have heard of the IED explosion at the NJ shore along the route of the Semper Five Run that luckily caused no injuries due to a delayed start so it only hurt the Garbage Can.

    Then This one
    NEW YORK — Authorities here found and on early Sunday removed an explosive device — reportedly a pressure cooker — near the site of a Saturday night blast that injured more than two dozen people in the Chelsea neighborhood.

    At a news conference before the discovery of a second device, Mayor Bill de Blasio said the explosion injured at least 29 people but that there was no specific terrorist threat.

    A device believed to be a pressure cooker was subsequently found on West 27th Street, four blocks from the initial blast on West 23rd, according to New York Police Department. The NYPD tweeted at about 2:24 a.m. ET Sunday that, "The suspicious device on West 27 Street in Chelsea has been safely removed by the NYPD Bomb Squad."

    Saying no Specific Terrorist Threat just mean to me that they had no threat it would happen not that it is not a terrorist action. The Pressure Cooker reminds me of the Boston marathon explosions sadly.

    I will be curious to see what Our Presidential candidates say about it.

    Have a Safe Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    HI All!

    I eat my banana for that reason ( the leg cramps). I guess the potassium helps. I noticed since I cut my yogurt with the calcium, my calved ache a little but do not go into an actual cramp.

    One of the best ways to release that cramp is to flex your foot hard towards the front of your shin, and keep that position till it releases. I have tried that and it has always helped. It is an old OB trick they used when the mama's had leg cramps. They did not worry then so much about them throwing a clot that way. Works for men too, LOL! It has helped me, and worth a try!

    My car got it's oil change, and they think the light came on because the gas cap was not on properly. He said if that was not it, it was something little, so I will not worry. At least it is not on now! My car has a touchy spot associated with the catalytic converter also, but runs well with all else.

    Kind of blew my Friday, as I got home, ate lunch, sat with the dogs a bit for their relax time, and then did not feel like doing much. I did clear out one flower bed for fall, but still have a little more to do. I hate when I can not finish a task, and I have no free time till Monday. Oh well... the best laid plans....

    Thanks for the dog walker info! I knew Val would know, lol!

    Hope you find more change , Roger! Jan :)

    Hi Jan
    Interesting information to keep in mind if I get another leg cramp, Thanks.
    You could try a Calcium tablet and see if it helps.

    Now that You mention it I remember My Brother having that problem with the Gas Cap being loose causing the Check Engine Light to come on. Here in NJ we do not have Self Service for Gas nor are we allowed to pump our own gas as I understand.

    In General as I understand it a failed Catalytic Converter will not affect the way the engine runs and will cause more pollution however.

    If the worst that happened is something did not get finished there are worse things that could have happened to You.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Okay, I am down right envious you do not pump gas! I never heard of such! I get so tired of pumping my own gas. Just once again I would like to hear someone come to my car door and ask, "Fill her up??,." Check your oil?", and clean my windows! There is one full service across town somewhere. I may have to find it, just to have a nostalgic moment!!! :o

    I left for church early and had guest lunch, so I have not heard the news. I had heard of the marathon device, but not the other. Just so frightening. I wonder if someone will take credit.

    You would think I might notice the gas cap I put on wrong, LOL, but i am just happy it was found and no major problems.

    I passed 5,000 steps today and scared myself silly when the fitbit went off and celebrated! Guess if I did that more it would not come as a shock!! That is 3x this last three weeks. Doing a little better.

    Oh, the candidates. I truly do not know what to do. I do not like either candidate and do not even have a least favorite candidate. this may be the first election ever I do not vote for a president. I may write in Roosevelt. :s Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 75 Degrees This morning warmer than yesterday. It was semi comfortable with a increase in the humidity. I walked 7,400 steps on the nose right now and Two Cents.

    I got rained on for about 10 minutes this morning while walking, However having heard the weather forecast and seeing that there had been a light rain before I got up I took Umbrellas with me. I strap the Medium size one to my Backpack which I used as a carrier to free my hands until I needed it and a smaller folding one in a pocket, just in case. I did get a little damp while removing the backpack and deploying the Umbrella. It started as I was heading up the street for my Morning coffee and then stopped after I cam out from getting the coffee.

    I suppose that most of You have heard of the IED explosion at the Elizabeth Train Station Overnight? The Explosion was triggered by a Bomb disposal robot when it clipped a wire attempting to disarm one of the 5 devices.

    From Here:
    ELIZABETH, N.J. — The bomb drama rattling the New York region arrived here Sunday night when two men walked out of Hector’s Place Restaurant near the city’s train station and found a backpack containing five explosives resting atop a municipal garbage can, Mayor J. Christian Bollwage said.

    After finding that the backpack contained “wires and a pipe,” the mayor said, the men dropped the item in the street and contacted the Elizabeth Police Department around 8:45 p.m. The police, in turn, called the Union County bomb squad, and the investigation was quickly turned over to the F.B.I. and the New Jersey State Police, Mr. Bollwage said.

    The F.B.I. then sent in a pair of robots and determined that the backpack held five bombs, some of which were pipe bombs, the mayor said.

    Around 12:30 a.m., the robots tried to clip a wire to disarm one bomb and accidentally detonated it, the mayor said.

    “As a robot was trying to disarm one of the devices, it exploded,” he said. No injuries were reported.

    The mayor said around 3 a.m. Monday that one robot was destroyed and another had a mechanical arm blown off.

    Have a Safe Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Okay, I am down right envious you do not pump gas! I never heard of such! I get so tired of pumping my own gas. Just once again I would like to hear someone come to my car door and ask, "Fill her up??,." Check your oil?", and clean my windows! There is one full service across town somewhere. I may have to find it, just to have a nostalgic moment!!! :o

    I left for church early and had guest lunch, so I have not heard the news. I had heard of the marathon device, but not the other. Just so frightening. I wonder if someone will take credit.

    You would think I might notice the gas cap I put on wrong, LOL, but i am just happy it was found and no major problems.

    I passed 5,000 steps today and scared myself silly when the fitbit went off and celebrated! Guess if I did that more it would not come as a shock!! That is 3x this last three weeks. Doing a little better.

    Oh, the candidates. I truly do not know what to do. I do not like either candidate and do not even have a least favorite candidate. this may be the first election ever I do not vote for a president. I may write in Roosevelt. :s Jan

    Hi Jan
    The first time I drove out of NJ and stopped for gas I was shocked at the price difference between Full Service and self service at the same station. I had no problem pumping my own as I had worked at a Atlantic Richfield Station that became Arco later on.

    One news broadcast did show someones manifesto and then that disappeared form later broadcasts.
    OK Found it online here, more or less :)
    NYC Bombing a Protest of Anti-LGBT Bias, or Is Claim a Hoax?

    Police are investigating this among several claims about the explosion in the heavily LGBT Chelsea area.
    September 18 2016 4:40 PM EDT Updated September 18 2016 6:37 PM EDT

    A Tumblr user has claimed that Saturday's bombing in New York City's heavily gay Chelsea neighborhood was a protest against the oppression of LGBT people.

    Meanwhile, other claims are coming in to police, such as a 911 call from an unidentified man saying there will be more explosions and a handwritten letter, partly in Arabic, found in a plastic bag containing a second explosive device.

    The New York Police Department has not established the veracity of the two Tumblr posts, which were on a page with a rainbow flag and titles "I'm the NY Bomber," the city's Daily News reports. One read in part, “I did it because I cannot stand society. I cannot live in a world where homosexuals like myself as well as the rest of the LGBTQ+ community are looked down upon by society.” The second post expressed reservations about taking lives.

    Both were published Sunday, and the page was taken down this afternoon, the Daily News reports. Sources told the paper that police were speaking to local LGBT activists about the page.

    Nut jobs or truth? I do not know if we will ever know.
    OTOH finding five more explosive devices in NJ lends some credence to the 911 caller.

    Ha! My Simple Fitbit never makes noise, if it did I would wonder what the heck.

    You could always write in "Mickey Mouse"
    Not a Thrilling election at all.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi all!

    Hoping your pain is better, Val. Thinking of you!

    I am inclined to think the 911 call may be more legit. Bless people trying to investigate it. Sorry for the robots, so glad they were not humans though! Scary the device went off, I hope that is not a new level of the bomber's maturity. It has to be especially frightening after experiencing 9/11. All these people of N.Y sure have my admiration. (except for those responsible, obviously.) It is scary N.J. is experiencing this. Hopefully they have some leads we are not being told that will help.

    Did you ever think the world would experience this global problem? I remember my parents being afraid during the Cuban missile crisis and "preparing, " though it would have done precious little good in retrospect. It gives a new prospective to those living at the time of the World Wars, and a sense of sadness to those living in countries that experience all this everyday, and in a widespread area of their country. That is no way to grow up or live. What a time for Micky Mouse leadership....

    Good news and preparation on your walks! I plan to work a little and keep those steps to 5000. I have lots of fruits and veggies to eat, more than usual as one member of our church brings boxes of his peaches and apples to share at the end of his season. We are a lucky bunch! It offsets that SMALL piece of pecan pie I could not resist at church! Oh the holiday season is coming here- even if it is still 90 degrees! Jan B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi all. Thanks for the calcium and banana recommendations. Apparently something in cupcakes also prevents cramps. Yep, fell off that horse...but I'll try your suggestions.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Jan -i am so with you about the presidential candidates.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    Hoping your pain is better, Val. Thinking of you!

    I am inclined to think the 911 call may be more legit. Bless people trying to investigate it. Sorry for the robots, so glad they were not humans though! Scary the device went off, I hope that is not a new level of the bomber's maturity. It has to be especially frightening after experiencing 9/11. All these people of N.Y sure have my admiration. (except for those responsible, obviously.) It is scary N.J. is experiencing this. Hopefully they have some leads we are not being told that will help.

    Did you ever think the world would experience this global problem? I remember my parents being afraid during the Cuban missile crisis and "preparing, " though it would have done precious little good in retrospect. It gives a new prospective to those living at the time of the World Wars, and a sense of sadness to those living in countries that experience all this everyday, and in a widespread area of their country. That is no way to grow up or live. What a time for Micky Mouse leadership....

    Good news and preparation on your walks! I plan to work a little and keep those steps to 5000. I have lots of fruits and veggies to eat, more than usual as one member of our church brings boxes of his peaches and apples to share at the end of his season. We are a lucky bunch! It offsets that SMALL piece of pecan pie I could not resist at church! Oh the holiday season is coming here- even if it is still 90 degrees! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    Well according to the noon news they have the villain in custody, Yea!

    In the past I was optimistic that the world was headed for a better place, OTOH I was around during Korea and Vietnam. Now they have a real Nut Job running North Korea, And many of the advances of past presidents are gone.

    Oh My, Pecan Pie, It is so Tasty too. At least it was not Mississippi Mud Pie as in the recipe from Food Network Magazine

    Or Shoo-Fly Pie as in this recipe.

    How Nice You have someone at Church sharing foods
    My Brother has been gifting the neighbors once the garden got going good.

    Have a Nice Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi all. Thanks for the calcium and banana recommendations. Apparently something in cupcakes also prevents cramps. Yep, fell off that horse...but I'll try your suggestions.

    Hi Val
    I think Bananas and Mineral supplements are better for You too :)

    Good Luck avoiding Sweets, They are my main weakness :(
    Jan - i am so with you about the presidential candidates.

    Hi Again
    I am not as thrilled as You and Jan are with the presidential Candidates. They seem to be a complete waste.

    I am so tempted to do a write in :)

    Have a Good Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 68 Degrees This morning a nice change from yesterday. It was still comfortable with a increase in the humidity. I have walked 8.4K steps so far and no Cents.

    The Sunchokes have finally started to bloom, It is about time, the tallest ones are higher than the Gutters on the house :)

    They seem to have caught the Bomber and on the Plus side they also found more explosive devices in the house that the capture had prevented being set.

    Have a Good Tuesday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I've been sick since Saturday...goong to doctor this afternoon. Very dizzy...middle ear pressure. Plus overall yucky, wsnt to curl up in a ball.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I've been sick since Saturday...goong to doctor this afternoon. Very dizzy...middle ear pressure. Plus overall yucky, wsnt to curl up in a ball.

    I hope you feel better very soon! There is lots of stuff going around down here. I guess the start of the school year just brings it on. Sounds like a soup comfort food day! Just do light versions! I experienced no cramping when I ate my small piece of pecan pie, heh,heh! :# Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi All!

    So glad they caught that bomber. Sounds like he was just mad and out for revenge for how he felt he and family were being treated at the family restaurant. Also sounds like being involved in his terrorist cause appealed to him as the way to go. As bad as it was, it sure could have been much worse. Lucky for all he did not hide his tracks, or think anything of his aftermath. People are sad. Until people themselves want peace and a good life in their own heart, it is hard for the world to change.

    How far away are you from the New Jersey sites, Roger? That is kind of unsettling...

    Hope to see pictures when your sunchokes bloom! They sound like my hydrandea, it is to the gutter also. I did work on my front area which is overgrown. I have a huge pile to burn, just from the front. I want to redo my front so it is easier to take care of, but I need to really get to my kitchen and laundry as I am wanting to paint there, and having a walk thru to get an estimate for cost. It will be on the higher side I am afraid, as there is stuff I can not reach, and they will be moving and putting back. Working on that area today!

    Wish this work was helping with the weight, but still about the same with some up fluctuations! Nice way to say I had a bit too many calories yesterday! Yard work makes me hungry!! :) Take care all, feel better soon Val! Jan B)

    P.S. Checking out those recipes you posted, Roger. I think they sound low cal! LOL!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I've been sick since Saturday...going to doctor this afternoon. Very dizzy...middle ear pressure. Plus overall yucky, want to curl up in a ball.

    Hi Val
    I hope The Doctor helps You. I avoid the doctor if I am sick as much as I can.

    I do keep some of the NS chicken Noodle and Home-style chicken noodle soup in the cupboard, Just in case. I find that it helps. I do not know if it really helps or if it is a Placebo effect, however whatever works.

    Get well Quickly
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I've been sick since Saturday...going to doctor this afternoon. Very dizzy...middle ear pressure. Plus overall yucky, want to curl up in a ball.

    I hope you feel better very soon! There is lots of stuff going around down here. I guess the start of the school year just brings it on. Sounds like a soup comfort food day! Just do light versions! I experienced no cramping when I ate my small piece of pecan pie, heh,heh! :# Jan

    Hi Jan
    I do not worry about cramping, I worry about the scale hating me :)

    I am glad You enjoyed it, what is life with no treats?
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All!

    So glad they caught that bomber. Sounds like he was just mad and out for revenge for how he felt he and family were being treated at the family restaurant. Also sounds like being involved in his terrorist cause appealed to him as the way to go. As bad as it was, it sure could have been much worse. Lucky for all he did not hide his tracks, or think anything of his aftermath. People are sad. Until people themselves want peace and a good life in their own heart, it is hard for the world to change.

    How far away are you from the New Jersey sites, Roger? That is kind of unsettling...

    Hope to see pictures when your sunchokes bloom! They sound like my hydrandea, it is to the gutter also. I did work on my front area which is overgrown. I have a huge pile to burn, just from the front. I want to redo my front so it is easier to take care of, but I need to really get to my kitchen and laundry as I am wanting to paint there, and having a walk thru to get an estimate for cost. It will be on the higher side I am afraid, as there is stuff I can not reach, and they will be moving and putting back. Working on that area today!

    Wish this work was helping with the weight, but still about the same with some up fluctuations! Nice way to say I had a bit too many calories yesterday! Yard work makes me hungry!! :) Take care all, feel better soon Val! Jan B)

    P.S. Checking out those recipes you posted, Roger. I think they sound low cal! LOL!

    How far away am I, far enough :)
    I have worked in the one area and used to visit the other infrequently. FWIW on my one job driving for a living I covered Long Island, The 5 Boroughs, as far north into NY state as Albany and central and northern NJ. Not on the same day of course :):)

    The Sunchokes have started to bloom however for such a tall plants the flowers are sort of small IMO. I hope they taste good when the roots are harvested after they die down.

    My grandparents used to burn much of the yard waste and some of the trash too. I miss the smell of burning leaves, However burning things is not allowed here in this area.

    My Brother and I broke down and had the large back bedroom painted for us as it needed a lot of things moved too.

    FWIW I did not claim they were low calorie, Just that they were very tasty :)

    Have a Nice Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 68 Degrees This morning no change from yesterday. It was still comfortable walking despite no appreciable decrease in the humidity. I have walked 8,222 steps so far and once again no Cents.

    I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some fruits, Then Clumsy me dropped one of the bananas on the floor, Naturally it was the greenest one that needs to ripen :(
    I also picked up a 4 ounce 4 slice of Cooked ham lunch meat at 35 calories per slice and 390 sodium to use as a protein. So I will most likely pair it at 1 slice of ham and a slice of Velveeta at 40 calorie a slice on a 60 calorie Wrap or 1/2slice of wrap or as my brother calls it a wish sandwich because You wish it had some meat and cheese in it.

    The Humidity is supposed to drop throughout the day, Today through Friday out high is forecast to be in the 80s above normal for this time of year.

    Have a Good Wednesday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi all!

    Val, awesome loss that you posted! Maybe being sick helps! But I hope you are on the mend! I go to the Dr. as little as possible, but sometimes you just have to. I am sure I have financed several of his vacations-lol! :)

    Roger. Glad you weren't to close to the bombs, it definitely is different when it is your state, though.

    I have had a rash of "drops" myself getting things out of the refrigerator. I have dropped light miracle whip, and thankfully only cracked the top, jelly which is a mess to clean up as the glass really shatters on the tile, and mustard. That did make the kitchen smell rather like a deli! Needless to say, I have tried to be extra careful!

    One of my friends has posted (facebook) a picture of a beautiful tear drop memorial given by Russia to remember 9/11. It is in N.J. so I figured you could tell us a little more on it. I remember it being given, but she didn't and had wished she had heard more on it. I thought you might have a little FYI.

    Keep going on our journey everyone! Jan B)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I had not heard of it so I did a little search, Here is a link to Snopes.com
    Photographs show a New Jersey monument to the victims of 9/11 that was donated by Russia.
    There is some information there and it is a True thing according to snopes. I wonder why I never saw it in the news here?
    You could send here that link I put in above. BTW This is the Google Link I searched with. I highlighted this from Your post and pasted it into Google since I'm lazy as well as a slow typist :)
    tear drop memorial given by Russia to remember 9/11. It is in N.J.

    YouTube Link

    In My case the Banana did not make a mess, it is just the waste as I suspect much of it will end up bruised. OTOH when I dropped the bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the time floor id broke and made a slippery mess that was also full of sharp glass shards :(

    Have a Nice Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 65 Degrees This morning a small change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking with a decrease in the humidity. I have walked 9,870 steps so far and once again no Cents.

    I Got Lucky today, fate saved me from myself :) Since my plan for the day was to stop at the dollar store for a quart or two of 1% Milk, Good until August 15, 2017 and 50 calories for the 4 ounces I put on my cold cereal I ended up buying two quarts as the one they run out of is the 1% and not the 2% or Whole Milk. I also bought 4 assorted flavors of Hot Pockets that I will use for lunches. Then I walked over to the Bank and deposited a small check. Since the opening times were 8AM and 8:30 AM I walked up to the Diner for breakfast to kill time which explains the step count and the Lucky part as I asked for a slice of Carrot Cake to go when I finished my Two Eggs and Fruit bowl that I selected in place of the Home Fries and part of the Whole Wheat Toast with a smear of butter. The lucky part is that they were out of Carrot Cake, Saved from myself :)

    Have a Good Thursday