100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    It is good to pay attention to the things that trigger our body's reactions so we do not take extra blame on us emotionally. It is just amazing how our body can fight us, or heal us. I finally went thru the fridge and got rid of some items that were still okay, but I felt they had been in there too long. With just myself I often do not eat them fast enough. I miss my yogurt as I have cut back on that because the Dr said my calcium was too high. Who knew!

    Back to watering today, I think I will thin a few things out so I can enjoy the fall a bit. And not get caught for winter! Fall at my house is early this year, I drove north about 25 miles yesterday, and they are still green. They had more rain longer than I have.

    Looking for a great day with more exercise! Thanks for being inspirational guys! Jan :)

    P.S. I would faint if I had a hundred dollar water bill! :D

    Hi Jan
    I would not have thought that You could have too high a Calcium level. I always thought that as we got older we might need calcium supplements to fight Osteoporosis.

    I have a problem throwing out foods that are still good, unless I am 110% sure they will never be eaten. I often put parts in the freezer for future use. I have some NS pastries in the freezer to keep them at the best freshness I can have for them.

    BTW Ours is not that high and I am very unhappy at the $60+ water bill from watering the garden. Fresh Vegetables and such do come at a price.

    Good Luck with the exercise
    Thank you both for all your encouragement and support. Aiming to make this another good eating day!

    Hi Val
    I believe You will accomplish that mission of healthy eating.

    Have a Nice Evening
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Another healthy eating day. Feeling more energy but chained to my desk because of work (12+ hour days). But feeling good! FYI - my water bill with three adults, one teen, four dogs and weekly lawn sprinklers is no more than $50/ month.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Only 200 calories and tasty. xu2o8byoovrw.jpeg
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 67 Degrees This morning a change from yesterdays 60 degrees for the same time of day. It was comfortable despite a increase in the humidity. I walked 7354 steps so far + 2 Cents.

    I stopped at the Grocery Store for 3 Bananas and 2 types of Apples including one from New Zealand and 2 Plums, 2 Green Pears. Then headed for home, Three Blocks from Home as Death Valley Days was ending I had the iPod Low Battery warning play in my ears over the closing credits of the radio show. Perfect Timing on the battery charge
    I still see more Raspberries that still need to ripen. Hopefully The weather cooperates and they ripen, they are slow ripening this week.

    Bank and Then CostCo later on this morning once the Bank Opens.

    Have a Great Wednesday

    From Nova
    Posts: 2,825 MFP Staff
    Newest update:
    We added "Inspiring" to reactions today.
    September 13, 2016 5:27PM
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another healthy eating day. Feeling more energy but chained to my desk because of work (12+ hour days). But feeling good! FYI - my water bill with three adults, one teen, four dogs and weekly lawn sprinklers is no more than $50/ month.

    Hi Val
    I can remember not that far back when the water bill was every three month and was $50 for the three month period. As seems to happen a different company bought out and the old one and started to every month billing and then price creep, IMO to recoup the cost of the purchase :(:)

    I am glad to hear that the day went well. Eat well and feel well :)

    You are so lucky our with two adults and nothing else in the winter is around that level :(
    Only 200 calories and tasty. xu2o8byoovrw.jpeg

    Thank You for that information, Limited Edition it says on the picture. To me that means if I like it stock the freezer for when it is gone.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi all!

    My water bill in winter is around $27/month. It has crept up to 60 due to little rain and 95 degree heat. Still a bargain, I guess! I am watering slightly less, next month should be better. I have not seen those potatoes here, I will have to look again and check at Publics, or brave Walmart, lol!

    Great job, Val! You sound like you are back on track, and that is great with those long work days! You definitely are an inspiration to me!

    Thanks for the "inspiring" update Roger. I guess it officially won the contest! :)

    I am having a hungry start, so I had an extra protein and used up some leftover salmon for breakfast. Not my usual fair!

    Most of what I threw away were some old jellies (hard to find like damson plum) and not sugar free or low sugar, I just did not eat fast enough, (because it had sugar), lol, some old OJ, and my milk, that I just could not drink fast enough. I know better than to buy a quart, but thought I would use it faster with my cereal. Apparently not! I hate when I throw away something, but it rarely happens. Sometimes I just forget to use it, and have something instead!

    My bone density is not bad, could be a little better. I think because of my heart he watches the calcium, and also so I do not get stones, which can happen with gout. Yes, that seems like a no win scenario there...

    Keep up the great work! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    My water bill in winter is around $27/month. It has crept up to 60 due to little rain and 95 degree heat. Still a bargain, I guess! I am watering slightly less, next month should be better. I have not seen those potatoes here, I will have to look again and check at Publics, or brave Walmart, lol!

    Great job, Val! You sound like you are back on track, and that is great with those long work days! You definitely are an inspiration to me!

    Thanks for the "inspiring" update Roger. I guess it officially won the contest! :)

    I am having a hungry start, so I had an extra protein and used up some leftover salmon for breakfast. Not my usual fair!

    Most of what I threw away were some old jellies (hard to find like damson plum) and not sugar free or low sugar, I just did not eat fast enough, (because it had sugar), lol, some old OJ, and my milk, that I just could not drink fast enough. I know better than to buy a quart, but thought I would use it faster with my cereal. Apparently not! I hate when I throw away something, but it rarely happens. Sometimes I just forget to use it, and have something instead!

    My bone density is not bad, could be a little better. I think because of my heart he watches the calcium, and also so I do not get stones, which can happen with gout. Yes, that seems like a no win scenario there...

    Keep up the great work! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I Start with the 1% quart of UHT milk from the Dollar store and thus I know it is pretty fresh since Non refrigerated the one I have on the shelf to back up the open one has a sell by date of July xx, 2017. When I open it that is when I put it in the refrigerator the day before. I use it on cereal until it is gone and then switch back to hot Breakfasts until I have cycled through those and then open the next quart of milk for cold cereal. When I say Cycles through, that means one of each of the NS frozen breakfasts, excluding the baked Blueberry Oatmeal. That One I can imitate with the low sugar Quaker Oatmeal and add Blueberries from the freezer :)
    The Other thing I work into that is the Blueberry Waffles 2 per serving 70g and 150 calories and Blueberry pancakes 2 or 3 at 60 calories per and 1 ounce each also from the dollar store as they are pretty tasty. I also use some of the NS pancakes and Waffles. I do modify the Two Hot breakfast sandwiches by adding a 1/2 slice of Velveeta to them at 20 calories to improve the taste.

    Did I mention that I look for tasty inexpensive foods I can use to stretch the NS foods? Call me Cheap or Call me frugal, I don't care :)

    Here is today's bargain. I bought a 20 pack of Skinny Cow Ice cream Sandwiches that has two flavors in it, those being Vanilla 71g and Cookies and Cream 70g to stretch the NS desserts. The 20 Pack from CostCo was $9.79 vs the Grocery Store price of $5.99 for 6 a decent savings. A bit high in carbohydrates @ 29g and only 150 calories each. with 4G Protein and 4 fluid ounces. The Vanilla is good if slightly sweet tasting. The Cookie was nice and soft and tasty too.
    Cookies and Cream https://www.skinnycow.com/products/detail.aspx?id=16
    and vanilla https://www.skinnycow.com/products/detail.aspx?id=19

    My Brother finds these less traditional jellies and Jams at the Grocery store that have decent specs by looking in the Kosher Aisle of all places.

    Also I tried a Slice of Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin bread at 80 calories toasted last night with a light smear of Butter for the taste as the extra Carb serving I add to my daily food while working on holding my weight. It was Pretty good too, It came from the freezer case at the ShopRite Grocery Store.
    Q: What is the difference between "Enriched" White Breads and Sprouted Food for Life Breads?

    A: "Enriched" White Breads are made from the starchy "endosperm" of the wheat kernel (the inside portion), which contains few vitamins and minerals (mostly carbohydrates). The milling of grain into white flour requires the removal of the bran and the germ. During this process, important natural fiber and bran are lost (including 21 vitamins and minerals). 5 vitamins and minerals (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, calcium and folic acid) are added back into the flour and are thus, called "enriched". By contrast, Food for Life sprouted breads are made from freshly sprouted grains, which contain all of the fiber, bran, vitamins and minerals of the original grain plus a sizeable increase in those nutrients

    Congratulations on the Good Bone Density
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Another good eating day. I knew I wouldn't have time to cook so this morning I threw stuff in the crockpot. I suppose it would be considered cabbage soup...since it is mostly red cabbage. Tasty and guilt free!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 68 Degrees This morning a not much of a change from yesterday. It was comfortable with qa decrease in the humidity. I walked 9,100 steps so far + 15 Cents.

    Have a Great Thursday

    Thor's (Jupiter's) day
    Painting depicting the Norse god Thunor (the Norse Thor), after whom Thursday is named, by Mårten Eskil Winge, 1872

    The name is derived from Old English Þūnresdæg and Middle English Thuresday (with loss of -n-, first in northern dialects, from influence of Old Norse Þorsdagr) meaning "Thor's Day".It was named after the Norse god of Thunder. Thor [1][2][3] Thunor, Donar (German, Donnerstag) and Thor are derived from the name of the Germanic god of thunder, Thunraz, equivalent to Jupiter in the interpretatio romana. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another good eating day. I knew I wouldn't have time to cook so this morning I threw stuff in the crockpot. I suppose it would be considered cabbage soup...since it is mostly red cabbage. Tasty and guilt free!

    Hi Val
    Congratulations on that achievement. I had an off day yesterday (Wednesday) as I had a Chinese Lunch Special of Green Beans and Chicken with a EggRoll. I paid the price this morning at the scale as that rascal said 2.75 pounds up. I Know most if not all of it is water weight, I need to remember not to eat that again as TBH it was not that good :(

    Bottom Line You did a lot better than I did. The saving part is I am not working at losing currently although there is a slow downward trend over several weeks.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    In the weird news Arena :)
    'We need human interaction': meet the LA man who walks people for a living
    Chuck McCarthy recently auditioned as a homicidal biker for a TV show, but the actor is finding glimmers of fame, and possibly a business franchise, with another role: Los Angeles’s first people walker.

    He walks humans for $7 a mile around the streets and park near his home, pioneering an alternative to dog walking that requires no leash, just an ability to walk, talk and, above all, listen.

    The idea initially struck the underemployed actor several months ago as a joke, an imaginary way to make extra cash, until it became real.

    “The more I thought about it, the less crazy it seemed,” said McCarthy, draining a bottle of water – he now takes hydration seriously – and heading out into the sunshine for another walk, this time with the Guardian trotting in step.

    A homemade scrawl across his T-shirt declared him The People Walker, low-budget, mobile advertising. “I’ve been doing walks almost every single day for the past week and I’m getting repeat clients, which is what you want.”

    A stroll with this soft-spoken, hirsute hulk seems to be what much of LA wants, judging by the response to his Facebook page and homemade flyers.

    “Need motivation to walk?” they ask from lamp posts. “Scared to walk alone at night? Don’t like walking alone at all? Don’t want people to see you walking alone and just assume you have no friends? Don’t like listening to music or podcasts but can’t walk alone in silence, forced to face thoughts of the unknown future, or your own insignificance in the ever expanding universe?”

    For many, the answer to one or all of the above seems to be “yes”. McCarthy is fielding hundreds of emails from the lonely, the curious and the adventurous, all seeking a stranger’s ambulatory company.

    “I try to listen more than talk,” he said this week, striding past handsome houses in Los Feliz, a leafy neighbourhood near Hollywood.

    Conversations with clients are seldom confessional, but he respects confidences. “It’s mostly surface, small-talk type stuff. But I think it’s therapeutic even if they’re not baring their souls.”

    It’s mostly surface, small-talk type stuff. But I think it’s therapeutic even if they’re not baring their souls

    Grumbling about traffic, for instance, felt better when delivered to an actual human ear rather than posted on social media. “Tweeting about it and getting no response just makes you feel sadder.”

    So many requests have poured in that McCarthy has recruited five other walkers to serve different parts of LA, though he will not take any cut from their earnings until he figures out a professional business model.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    That "people walker" made tge news here in TX too.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was a cool 57 Degrees This morning. It was comfortable Walking, I have walked exactly 7,800 steps so far + 10 Cents found near the start of my walk as I was crossing the road from picking up my Morning Coffee.

    As I was heading up for my coffee this morning I was a block from home when suddenly I felt something Bump my leg. Then a friendly young Young dog started running in circles around me making side trips to sniff things. It followed along for a couple of blocks before heading off. I did see the owner out with two of her dogs when looked back, I do see here some mornings bringing the recycling or Garbage to the Curb and we exchange Greetings.

    Have a Great Friday
    That "people walker" made the news here in TX too.

    Hi Val
    I saw it in one of the news links my brother sends me daily, he often finds weird news :)

    That one was definitely fits into the Weird category.
    $7 a hour is also below Minimum wage. Hopefully the news article does not get government types involved.

    Have a Nice Day, TGIF
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Morning all!

    I was so hot yesterday, all day. Even at night. Then I saw we were up to 98 degrees yesterday. That would do it! I must have skipped the weather report! We are supposed to have a cooling trend in a week, maybe even in the high 50's at night. I can't wait!

    I was up at 5:30 to attend our women's group. So of course I feel asleep several times trying to watch Masada with Peter O'Toole that nite. I had a bit of a time being sleepy in spite of my melatonin. You would think after 5 years, I would still not go into that nite mode!

    On the bright side, I hit 5,000 steps once, and my average is in the 3,500 range. I need better, but at least it is not as low as when my feet were bothering me before!

    That is interesting about the people walker. Apparently a need, though I sure would be googling the walker, lol! I wonder what the average pay is for dog walkers!

    I have to take the car for an oil change, and my engine light is staying on. So NOT how I wanted to spend this day! I want to be home and fall clean.

    I love the Ezeckiel brand of bread, but never tried the raisin. I will have to pick some up in honor of fall. I have a home made apple butter, low sugar recipe tagged somewhere I need to dig out, that would be great with it! And fall- like!

    Take care all! Keep up the keeping up! Jan B)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Morning all!

    I was so hot yesterday, all day. Even at night. Then I saw we were up to 98 degrees yesterday. That would do it! I must have skipped the weather report! We are supposed to have a cooling trend in a week, maybe even in the high 50's at night. I can't wait!

    I was up at 5:30 to attend our women's group. So of course I feel asleep several times trying to watch Masada with Peter O'Toole that nite. I had a bit of a time being sleepy in spite of my melatonin. You would think after 5 years, I would still not go into that nite mode!

    On the bright side, I hit 5,000 steps once, and my average is in the 3,500 range. I need better, but at least it is not as low as when my feet were bothering me before!

    That is interesting about the people walker. Apparently a need, though I sure would be googling the walker, lol! I wonder what the average pay is for dog walkers!

    I have to take the car for an oil change, and my engine light is staying on. So NOT how I wanted to spend this day! I want to be home and fall clean.

    I love the Ezeckiel brand of bread, but never tried the raisin. I will have to pick some up in honor of fall. I have a home made apple butter, low sugar recipe tagged somewhere I need to dig out, that would be great with it! And fall- like!

    Take care all! Keep up the keeping up! Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    98 degrees will do it for sure :)
    I am happy we finally have decent weather forecast for a length of time.

    That is a interesting question, how much do dog walkers get? OTOH they usually seem to walk more than one at a time from what I understand.

    I am guessing You mean the Check Engine Light and not a Low Oil pressure or charging system warning? I had that several times over the years on my Pontiac and every time it seems that a Oxygen Sensor had failed.

    I have a Feeling the Cinnamon Raisin Bread would be good with the right Jelly or Jam.

    Congratulations on getting out again with the increasing step count.
    Sleep Well
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Dog walkers get $15 for a half hour visit.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Dog walkers get $15 for a half hour visit.

    Thank You for that information
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Since the day after I returned to healthy eating, I've been having severe foot or leg cramps (mostly at night). I've not increased my physical activity, only changed my eating. Every night I've awoken to the overwhelming pain. I can't figure it out.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was a cool 57 Degrees This morning, a exact copy of Yesterday for weather. It was comfortable Walking, I have walked exactly 8,974 steps :) so far + No Cents found :( While Walking I did see a largish turtle in the brook I walked over it on the bridge.

    I did Stop at the Grocery Store this morning and pick up some more fruit, I also stopped at the Dollar store as I was running later than usual due to the route I walked. The only thing I ended up doing there was Saying Good Morning as they were sold out of the 1% milk I was planning on getting to go on the shelf as a backup Quart.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Since the day after I returned to healthy eating, I've been having severe foot or leg cramps (mostly at night). I've not increased my physical activity, only changed my eating. Every night I've awoken to the overwhelming pain. I can't figure it out.

    Hi Val
    I used to get woken up many nights with severe cramps in the lower leg. Since I added a Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc tablet and a Banana a day I have been cramp free for a couple of years at least. The Mineral Tablet helped and the Banana a day finished the job. You can buy smaller Bananas and get the benefit IMO and I buy the Mineral Tablet at CostCo for the price.

    When The pain would hit it felt as if the muscle in the back of the leg was tying itself into a knot and I would have to lay there massaging it to get the pain to go away.

    I do wonder why the switch to healthy eating is causing the problem.

    Good Luck and Stay pain free