100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Well, hopefully my day goes better! I fed the birds, and fed the dogs and sat with them to have my morning cup of coffee. That is one of my favorite things! Before I could get my first sip, a giant fly plopped in it, and apparently got his first and last sip. Needless to say, out went the fly and coffee into my front azalelas, as a whole different cup and color took it's place. I don't think MFP has the calorie count for that anyway. May May was barking her fool head off, so I finally got up to see why, and we have one of the hugest tractors I ever saw passing by. I am not sure if it was a county thing or they are still cutting cotton as I was pretty slow getting to the action. Only in the South! LOL!

    Okay, as I drink my coffee out of a fresh Harry Potter cup, which for today seems utterly appropriate, "Don't let the Muggles get you down" I am starting again! Having my coffee and my banana at the moment, and knowing the Labor Day quiet is over. May May has totally turned into Paul Revere and giving me commentary, and Chester, Bless his Heart, is just sitting and ignoring us and being zen.

    I will channel Chester! I need to go to Lowes and order a new screen so I have it for cooler weather. Or water and clean. Or some combo.

    Maybe I will make more coffee and contemplate my protein!

    I envy your weather! Enjoy as it lasts! Thanks for the tips on changes in food. I always wonder myself!

    Keep trucking! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Some stray Thoughts :)
    Acme has Lean Cuisine and Eating Healthy frozen dinner Entrees that will work for Lunch or Dinner. The Lean Cuisine are on Sale for $2.19 or $2.49 and the Eating Healthy are 5 for $11. I picked up both today while they are on sale to have some extra variety in my diet. For Lunch I had the Herb Roasted Chicken with Roast Potatoes that was tasty and 170 calories. I have separated them into those 200 calories and below or over 200 calories for dinner. Some of them will work as NS substitutions. Look at the Carbs and Proteins and watch the sodium too.

    I also grabbed some fruit, Two 3 pound bags of navel oranges at $4.99 buy one get one which made the $2.50, Good Price for this area anyway.

    I also have a Box of Mixed Fruit and another of Apple Cinnamon Fruit & grain Cereal bars that taste OK from the Dollar Store so 6 bars for $1 :) 100 calories and fairly high in carbs at 20g OTOH a NS Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies is 17g carb but nicely higher protein. Or to put it another way I forgot to check the Proteins before I bough :( However using them as the extra bit of food I have added to my diet while working on maintaining they do work and taste OK too.

    I mentioned the frozen entrees in case anyone wants a little extra variety.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Well, hopefully my day goes better! I fed the birds, and fed the dogs and sat with them to have my morning cup of coffee. That is one of my favorite things! Before I could get my first sip, a giant fly plopped in it, and apparently got his first and last sip. Needless to say, out went the fly and coffee into my front azalelas, as a whole different cup and color took it's place. I don't think MFP has the calorie count for that anyway. May May was barking her fool head off, so I finally got up to see why, and we have one of the hugest tractors I ever saw passing by. I am not sure if it was a county thing or they are still cutting cotton as I was pretty slow getting to the action. Only in the South! LOL!

    Okay, as I drink my coffee out of a fresh Harry Potter cup, which for today seems utterly appropriate, "Don't let the Muggles get you down" I am starting again! Having my coffee and my banana at the moment, and knowing the Labor Day quiet is over. May May has totally turned into Paul Revere and giving me commentary, and Chester, Bless his Heart, is just sitting and ignoring us and being zen.

    I will channel Chester! I need to go to Lowes and order a new screen so I have it for cooler weather. Or water and clean. Or some combo.

    Maybe I will make more coffee and contemplate my protein!

    I envy your weather! Enjoy as it lasts! Thanks for the tips on changes in food. I always wonder myself!

    Keep trucking! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    Isn't that always the way. At least You saw it before You started wondering why the coffee was lumpy :) I was at a McDonald's one time and I saw a man look like he was trying to spit out the food. He said just as he took a bite a fly landed on it and he swallowed it. Not a happy camper, It happens. I was dived bombed by a Seagull in Orlando, Disney world, that made me very unhappy as it left a Messy present on my shoulder. I swear it did it on purpose :)

    I have been lazy, yesterday I cleaned the one AC filter and today the Basement Toilet, bathroom. Then this afternoon I see that the clean filter light is on in the Large Wall unit AC in the living room, Too late, tomorrow is another day.

    I think it is a country thing, not limited to the south however as I am sure in the Grain belt it happens too.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 74 degrees out the door just as warm as yesterday for the same time of day, however it was not as comfortable as the humidity is somewhat higher and there was a gentle breeze, Today 7.9K Steps. Today has more clouds and a nice breeze :) however it is a dreary looking day with dark clouds. The lack of Sun made the walk OK.

    I stopped at the Grocery store and bought 3 pieces of fruit and a box of cereal that was on sale and saved 10% from the Senior Discount Day.

    Have a Great Wednesday

    From Here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10453967/new-reaction#latest
    Hey all,

    We'd love to add a new positive reaction, and we're taking a vote. We'll enable the one with the most votes.

    Here are three options: Inspiring, Feelings, and Congrats

    1. If you'd like to vote for Inspiring - Click "Insightful"

    2. If you'd like to vote for Feelings - Click "Like"

    3. If you'd like to vote for Congrats - Click "Awesome"
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Thanks for the voting post. I rather like the choice of 3 and hate that they may take away any of them. I wonder why eliminating any is that important. Does it save money somehow?
    Ah, the confusions of life! LOL!

    My day yesterday did not exactly improve! May May went from Paul Revere to the Galloping Gourmet. She caught one of the squirrels yesterday. At least she did not bring it in the house. I did finally reach my son to come and remove his little self as I just could not do it. Snakes I can do, not furry little critters. My son had to come from Montgomery so it really killed his evening home, or at least a good hour of it! Dang aging parent!

    Our oranges run a little cheaper here, but not much! You got a good price! Let me know if you think the NS chocolate muffins taste different. They are one of my favorites.

    I watered early this am when I fed the birds and it was nice. May May likes to catch the water, so now I have a bit of wet dog that likes to be pet. (Are we sensing a theme here?) So I guess I will go back to watering a little later so I do not have wet dog to love first thing in the A.M.

    I have plenty of protein, as I stopped by the dollar store a few days ago, and bought several cans of salmon and some tuna. I am about out of fruit and veggies, so I may need to make a run today. I need to do my a/c filter so your post was a good reminder!

    Keep up the consistent effort! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 72 degrees out the door slightly cooler than yesterday for the same time of day, however it was not any more comfortable as the humidity is somewhat higher, Today 8,871 Steps + One Nickel four blocks from home on the return leg. Today is forecast to hit 92 degrees, The average temperature for this time of year is in the 70s. Tomorrow should be a little warmer too :( The lack of Sun from getting out early made the walk Tolerable.

    Here is a picture of the latest Eggplants on the more prolific plant followed by a few of the figs growing on our Fig tree, We have had four so far off of the two trees, This Is the first year they have been planted.


    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Thanks for the voting post. I rather like the choice of 3 and hate that they may take away any of them. I wonder why eliminating any is that important. Does it save money somehow?
    Ah, the confusions of life! LOL!

    My day yesterday did not exactly improve! May May went from Paul Revere to the Galloping Gourmet. She caught one of the squirrels yesterday. At least she did not bring it in the house. I did finally reach my son to come and remove his little self as I just could not do it. Snakes I can do, not furry little critters. My son had to come from Montgomery so it really killed his evening home, or at least a good hour of it! Dang aging parent!

    Our oranges run a little cheaper here, but not much! You got a good price! Let me know if you think the NS chocolate muffins taste different. They are one of my favorites.

    I watered early this am when I fed the birds and it was nice. May May likes to catch the water, so now I have a bit of wet dog that likes to be pet. (Are we sensing a theme here?) So I guess I will go back to watering a little later so I do not have wet dog to love first thing in the A.M.

    I have plenty of protein, as I stopped by the dollar store a few days ago, and bought several cans of salmon and some tuna. I am about out of fruit and veggies, so I may need to make a run today. I need to do my a/c filter so your post was a good reminder!

    Keep up the consistent effort! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I'm guessing that this will be added and nothing removed. It looks like Inspiring is a little ahead of Awesome and way behind is Feelings :)

    I am surprised that a squirrel was caught TBH, They are always looking around at any noise.

    I have one of each of the muffins out to be eaten as desired or needed. I have more in the Freezer in the basement to keep them as fresh as I can. I plan to post if the shipment ever gets here :)

    Interesting that Your Oranges are less expensive, Around here lately they have been running high. When I looked at a bag of Tangerines the least expensive for them was $4.99 to a high of $7.99 and that is for a 3 pound bag :( I like Tangerines and Clementines too, tasty and a easy peel.

    I did sense a Theme catching things.

    I am in good shape for protein currently as I have a bunch of hard Boiled Eggs in the refrigerator that my Brother did. The price was really good too, the Box of 18 came for free when he bought two of something he buys and needed anyway.

    If we watch the Sale Advertisements we can find Solid White Tuna for around $1 a can for name brands on sale. I also have 90 calorie cans of White meat Chicken that were on sale for under $1 a can in the cupboard.

    Yesterday morning I cleaned the last AC filter, I will most likely clean them again when the cooling season ends so they are ready for the following year.

    While I was walking I have been auditioning Old Time Radio Shows to rotate in next. Yesterday the Charlie Chan Radio Show was good, today's Baby Snooks Show, Philo Vance and Topper from the War years, WWII, were keepers too.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Love your eggplants, they look great! Your fig tree is producing, pretty good for a new little guy! makes me want to plant one! We are in a very dry drought condition. I personally think my yard is severe. Think crunchy or concrete.

    I went to a friends house yesterday for dinner, and had a wonderful turkey meatloaf, rolled with spinach and ricotta cheese. She makes it like a jelly roll. She buys healthy and organic, and it was wonderful! She makes a homemade ketchup do die for! I could taste a difference!

    Off to visit today too. It should be a relaxing coffee (decaf) experience!

    Great job on the steps. I am at 3000, not bad for me and noon! :) Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Love your eggplants, they look great! Your fig tree is producing, pretty good for a new little guy! makes me want to plant one! We are in a very dry drought condition. I personally think my yard is severe. Think crunchy or concrete.

    I went to a friends house yesterday for dinner, and had a wonderful turkey meatloaf, rolled with spinach and ricotta cheese. She makes it like a jelly roll. She buys healthy and organic, and it was wonderful! She makes a homemade ketchup do die for! I could taste a difference!

    Off to visit today too. It should be a relaxing coffee (decaf) experience!

    Great job on the steps. I am at 3000, not bad for me and noon! :) Jan

    Hi Jan
    The Eggplants are growing very well this year and Productive too.

    I got the NS Box of Discount Shelf Stable food I ordered last week on the discount. I will be reviewing the two new items in the box, probably tomorrow. One is the NutriCrush bar form the box of 7 and the other is the Penne Bolognese with Meat Sauce, I was somewhat surprised it came in a pouch, I should have known :)
    The Packaging is getting cheaper that way where they can.

    If You do not mind watering they seem to grow good in pots too from what I have read, From Here http://www.nj.com/insidejersey/index.ssf/2009/07/go_figure.html
    He originally planted trees in the ground and wrapped them every fall in layers of burlap and old carpeting. Now he's gone exclusively to pots, which can be sheltered in an unheated garage or outbuilding during the winter.

    "I use 15-gallon pots with built-in handles that two people can easily lug around," says Lerner. "I don't have anything in the ground anymore -- I think that's where people run into trouble."

    More on that page.

    Figs are not hardy in this area so they have to be protected from the winter .
    From Here: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/16/nyregion/16figtrees.html?_r=0
    An uncle planted it there before Mr. Pando left the northwestern mountains of Greece in 1993 to join him in New York. Mr. Pando says the tree does not like winter. So every year, after the last of its leaves have fallen but before the ground has frozen, Mr. Pando, his wife and his son wrap it in blankets and plastic bags.

    “In winter, tree sleep,” Mr. Pando, 72, said in broken English, closing his eyes as if to reinforce his point.
    More on that page.

    That Food sounds delicious too.

    Buying Healthy & Organic is beyond my Budget so I guess it is a good thing I do not mind Prepared foods

    Have a Nice Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 82 degrees out the door 10 degrees warmer than yesterday for the same time of day. It was not comfortable as the humidity is somewhat higher, I could smell the humidity as soon as I went out the door. I did work up somewhat of a sweat walking :(

    While Walking I listened to Blondie, Mr. Moto and Mystery in the Air with Peter Lorre

    Below are links to the two new items I tried Yesterday from Yesterdays Delivery.

    Have a Great Friday

    Penne Bolognese with Meat Sauce 200 calories 9 Ounces Review Here

    NutriCrush Bars Review link Here
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Good reviews on the new NS items! Those bars sound like something I would like. NS is so nice when you know you do not worry so much about the nutritional value, it is on track. I hate when I mess up and buy something I thought would be healthy and I overlooked something important. I am usually okay with the carbs, occasionally I buy something and then realize the fat may be a little higher than I need.Packaging is tricky.

    It was only 75 degrees this am at 8:30 am. It felt like a cold front and fall like! The days heat up to 90-95 but cooler at night. I am not sure we will have a fall. I am afraid we will have hot days, and then Bam! We will have winter. We will see!

    I am trying to conscientiously walk a little more. It is slow progress! :|

    Do you still have your link you have done on your jokes and humorous stories? I thought of it the other day, but could not find it!

    Keep trucking! Really enjoy your blog! Jan B)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Good reviews on the new NS items! Those bars sound like something I would like. NS is so nice when you know you do not worry so much about the nutritional value, it is on track. I hate when I mess up and buy something I thought would be healthy and I overlooked something important. I am usually okay with the carbs, occasionally I buy something and then realize the fat may be a little higher than I need.Packaging is tricky.

    It was only 75 degrees this am at 8:30 am. It felt like a cold front and fall like! The days heat up to 90-95 but cooler at night. I am not sure we will have a fall. I am afraid we will have hot days, and then Bam! We will have winter. We will see!

    I am trying to conscientiously walk a little more. It is slow progress! :|

    Do you still have your link you have done on your jokes and humorous stories? I thought of it the other day, but could not find it!

    Keep trucking! Really enjoy your blog! Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    I will put it this way, only order what You can afford to lose or waste. When I get a clunker I donate it rather than waste it.

    I have overlooked something to when Buying, I thought I had read the label carefully when I bought two Boston Market frozen dinners for variety and found that I had completely missed the high sodium. FWIW I found that the Atkins Frozen dinners are High Sodium too.

    The Problem with the NutriCrush Bars is they are not sold singly, You have to pay $19.99 for a 7 pack and for some people I suspect they could be sweeter :) I liked that there is more of them T 1.6 ounces than the normal snacks at 1.3 to 1.4 ounces.

    Our Day today is in Your temperature range but the overnight lows was not that low :(

    Humorous Pictures are here:

    I will have to look for any stories, I do not recall posting any here.

    Have a Good Upcoming Weekend
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Roger and Jan. I've caught up with reading your posts. The eggplant are beautiful! Thanks for explaining the Ellery Queen riddle. I've not been doing well...indulging in crap, and I feel like crep and have regained a lot of weight. My calves have retained so much water...notable edema. So, yes, it's time to take care if my health! I'm enjoying a grapefruit for breakfast. Baby step in the right direction. I hope to be here more frequently. I'm really glad that you two are here! Thsnks. Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Roger and Jan. I've caught up with reading your posts. The eggplant are beautiful! Thanks for explaining the Ellery Queen riddle. I've not been doing well...indulging in crap, and I feel like crep and have regained a lot of weight. My calves have retained so much water...notable edema. So, yes, it's time to take care if my health! I'm enjoying a grapefruit for breakfast. Baby step in the right direction. I hope to be here more frequently. I'm really glad that you two are here! Thanks. Val
    Hi Val
    I suspect that You are holding a lot of water weight from what You are saying, A few days of a better diet and that should clear up. I find that Too many Carbs have that effect on me FWIW.

    I do not know how You treat Your Grapefruit if You even do. My Grandfather used to slice it in half the night before and sprinkle sugar on it to sweeten it up for breakfast :)

    When I eat Grapefruit it is usually slices in a fruit salad or I used to get these large 8 pound glass jars that had Grapefruit, Orange and Pineapple slices in it to eat. I still have one or two of those jars with lids as they are glass and a really handy large size.

    Good Luck and have a Great weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 79 degrees out the door a little cooler yesterday. It was not comfortable as the humidity is somewhat higher, I did work up somewhat of a sweat walking :( So far today 9,138 steps and 11 cents.

    While Walking today I listened to The Lux Radio Show and something fairly recent called The Strange Seeker. While walking I made a stop at the Post Office, Picked up coffee and stopped at the Grocery Store AKA Supermarket and picked up three Bananas a Green Pear, 2 Black plums, A Fuji Apple, and a Pink Lady Apple. Nothing like a variety. They are to be used with the Navel oranges I have left and will take me to next Wednesday when It will be 10% off Senior Discount day once again. My Daily usage amounts to a Banana, 2 or 3 other fruits. for example I may have a Navel Orange & a Black Plum with Dinner and a Apple with my lunch and of course the Banana before I head out the door walking so I am not walking on a empty stomach when I have my Coffee, not to mention that helps with cravings when I am in the supermarket, Convenience Stores, McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts picking up my morning coffee

    Below are links to the two new items I tried.

    Have a Great Weekend

    Penne Bolognese with Meat Sauce 200 calories 9 Ounces Review Here

    NutriCrush Bars Review link Here
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi All,

    Thanks for posting the humorous picture link, Roger, that was what I was looking for. I love those! Well, your weather sounds like mine. Things have definitely changed weather-wise since I was little. And that is getting to be a longer and longer cycle, lol!

    May May has stayed out of trouble for a few days now. That is always appreciated, bless her heart. Chester is still zen. My son says he is just old and looks zen. He is a laid back little fellow .

    You have wonderful dedication Roger. No banana would hold me back from McD or Dunkin Donuts I am afraid! I am hooked on Dunkin's coffee and brew it at home- where there are no donuts!

    Val, it was so good to hear from you! I do understand how you feel! I am having some trouble myself sticking to a good eating plan for more than a day or two at a time. I am being the yo yo with my next five pounds, not a good thing. The brain gets it, I need work on self discipline I guess. We can't give up! I am not supposed to have grapefruit because of my cholesterol medicine. I crave it, though every now and then. And I have some, the ruby red being my favorite. But rarely. I ate it with a small amt of sugar or sweetener, cut in half too. DelMonte makes a cup of it for 100 calories in a no added sugar that is good. Hmmm, a lot of things I love are not good for me!

    Keep up the steps, Roger in spite of the humidity! I need to do some shopping today, maybe I can pack in some extra steps and be DISCIPLINED! Val, Keep in touch! Jan B)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Three Recipes below in three posts

    Baked Beans
    This is Our preferred recipe
    * 2 cups navy beans
    * 1/2 pound bacon *
    * 1 onion, finely diced
    * 3 tablespoons molasses
    * 2 teaspoons salt
    * 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
    * 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
    * 1/2 cup ketchup
    * 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
    * 1/4 cup brown sugar

    1. Soak beans overnight in cold water. Simmer the beans in the same water until tender, approximately 1 to 2 hours. Drain and reserve the liquid.
    2. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
    3. Arrange the beans in a 2 quart bean pot or casserole dish by placing a portion of the beans in the bottom of dish, and layering them with bacon and onion.
    4. In a saucepan, combine molasses, salt, pepper, dry mustard, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and brown sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and pour over beans. Pour in just enough of the reserved bean water to cover the beans. Cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil.
    5. Bake for 3 to 4 hours in the preheated oven, until beans are tender. Remove the lid about halfway through cooking, and add more liquid if necessary to prevent the beans from getting too dry.

    * bacon can be reduced if desired, just use proper old fashioned smoked bacon, have it sliced 3/8 to 1/2 inch thick, easier to get a nice even dice.

    *if you don't have a beanpot, use a tall ovenproof vessel with a cover.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Pastrami Recipe One
    Simply cut open the package of corned beef, rinsed it off, dried it a bit, and then coated it with a mixture of ground black pepper, ground coriander seed, some paprika, and some dry mustard. Wrapped in plastic tightly and let it sit in the fridge overnight.

    Smoked the next day for about 4 1/2 hours in the 220-250 range using peach wood...fat cap up, .no basting. Internal temp was about 150 when I pulled it. Went on the gas for about 4 minutes a side over medium low heat.

    Pastrami Recipe two
    Take the corned beef and rub with spice mix equal amounts to cover and crust
    Amounts needed will vary based on the size of the meat so the below are a starting point.
    1 Tablespoon Coriander ground more if needed
    1 teaspoon Black Pepper ground more if needed
    1 Tablespoon Paprika optional

    Bake in the oven at 250* till the internal temp reaches 165-175*
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Easy Beer Bread Recipe
    This recipe should only take 10 minutes to prepare. The longest part is greasing the bread pan. The beer you use will determine how much the bread will rise and the density of the bread.

    Note: ( a teaspoon of baking powder will help lighten texture, I often do this.)

    Mix Sugar and flour in a large bowl, add beer. Mix with a wooden spoon until nice and sticky. Grease (butter) bread pan. pour in batter and use back of spoon to smooth out batter. Bake for 40-50 minutes or till a butter knife inserted into center comes out clean. Let cool at least 10 minutes before removing from pan.

    I used Becks dark beer, comes out good
    also black and tan
    and harp dark
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    Thanks for posting the humorous picture link, Roger, that was what I was looking for. I love those! Well, your weather sounds like mine. Things have definitely changed weather-wise since I was little. And that is getting to be a longer and longer cycle, lol!

    May May has stayed out of trouble for a few days now. That is always appreciated, bless her heart. Chester is still zen. My son says he is just old and looks zen. He is a laid back little fellow .

    You have wonderful dedication Roger. No banana would hold me back from McD or Dunkin Donuts I am afraid! I am hooked on Dunkin's coffee and brew it at home- where there are no donuts!

    Val, it was so good to hear from you! I do understand how you feel! I am having some trouble myself sticking to a good eating plan for more than a day or two at a time. I am being the yo yo with my next five pounds, not a good thing. The brain gets it, I need work on self discipline I guess. We can't give up! I am not supposed to have grapefruit because of my cholesterol medicine. I crave it, though every now and then. And I have some, the ruby red being my favorite. But rarely. I ate it with a small amt of sugar or sweetener, cut in half too. DelMonte makes a cup of it for 100 calories in a no added sugar that is good. Hmmm, a lot of things I love are not good for me!

    Keep up the steps, Roger in spite of the humidity! I need to do some shopping today, maybe I can pack in some extra steps and be DISCIPLINED! Val, Keep in touch! Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    I Do not think the Banana will completely stop me especially when I can get a free donut at Dunkin Donuts by showing a AARP card. OTOH I find that getting on the scale every morning helps with incentive to resist too. The Banana is part of the solution in my mind.

    I'm glad I guessed correctly, Enjoy the Humor.

    I know You are happy that May May is staying out of trouble.

    I have been known to pick up small sealed fruit cups that come in assorted flavors from some factory and not store packaged in the Produce Aisle. They are handy as They have Nutrition information on them.

    Here is a suggestion for Your next Grocery shopping.
    Look at the Lean Cuisine Entrees with an eye to using some for lunch. I have found that a fair number are equal in calories to the NS lunch entrees and in general will have more content too. Example: Steak Portabella at 160 calories and 7.5 ounces weight.
    Beef Post Roast 210 Calories and 9 ounces.
    Echo Lake Foods brand Pancakes and Waffles from the Dollar Store are tasty too.

    Thank You for the nice words