100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I do not feel I did that good OTOH either. I also Like creamed dried beef AKA SOS.

    I hope we do have a good weekend here and have good weather too.
    I do remember the HP candies from the movies. I am a little surprised that someone sold them however :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Yesterday I ended up at 10.3K + Steps, Today I have done 8.6K Steps + 1 cent so far, It was 75 degrees out the door. Cooler weather is forecast for next week starting Monday with overnight lows in the 60s and highs in the 80s which will be the coolest in a while.

    FWIW here is a Picture of the Home made Pastrami, Eggplant Parmesan, Three Types of Tomatoes and Anaheim Peppers from the garden.
    And here is the Pastrami sliced BTW that is not me holding the Pastrami :)

    Have a Great Sunday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Jan and Roger. Sorry I've been away for 12 messages! I live that you both have fresh things growing. I have a super small yard, and 4 dogs...plus the Texas heat kills plants if you're nit on top of it. I do have a peach tree, but the birds git them all while i was away. That's okay...I like feeding the birds. Jan-dorry about the gout...but glad you are taking care of it and on the path to getting it under control. Roger the pastrami is beautiful (i do miss red meat evert now and then). I've been busy working. Yesterday I had a pretty significant anxiety attack...so Netfix, under my weighted blanket, lavender oil on my sheets, hot tea, and time...better today. I know the trigger. I do love to be helpful, but that person that I got a job for with me has been severely not respecting me or my boundaries....and I've been so blunt and direct, but she won't/can't stop. I don't think it's malicious but that doesn't mean I'm not feeling the damage. Boundaries! Today I'm doing something new for me...I'm going to a luncheon at a lady's house to watch live streaming folk music. Another new thing i did was turned in an application to volunteer for my city's animal control center...driving animals to rescue groups or wildlife to rehab centers...with occasional dog walking/kennel cleaning. Ah!!! Me--the introvert---trying to be social!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan and Roger. Sorry I've been away for 12 messages! I live that you both have fresh things growing. I have a super small yard, and 4 dogs...plus the Texas heat kills plants if you're nit on top of it. I do have a peach tree, but the birds git them all while i was away. That's okay...I like feeding the birds. Jan-dorry about the gout...but glad you are taking care of it and on the path to getting it under control. Roger the pastrami is beautiful (i do miss red meat evert now and then). I've been busy working. Yesterday I had a pretty significant anxiety attack...so Netfix, under my weighted blanket, lavender oil on my sheets, hot tea, and time...better today. I know the trigger. I do love to be helpful, but that person that I got a job for with me has been severely not respecting me or my boundaries....and I've been so blunt and direct, but she won't/can't stop. I don't think it's malicious but that doesn't mean I'm not feeling the damage. Boundaries! Today I'm doing something new for me...I'm going to a luncheon at a lady's house to watch live streaming folk music. Another new thing i did was turned in an application to volunteer for my city's animal control center...driving animals to rescue groups or wildlife to rehab centers...with occasional dog walking/kennel cleaning. Ah!!! Me--the introvert---trying to be social!

    Hi Val
    Not to worry about being MIA :)

    I am sure that the Texas heat is hard on plants.

    The nicest thing I can say is that some people do not take a hint no matter how direct.

    What a nice thing to do volunteering like that.

    Have a Great Day

    P.S. I did post pictures of the Homemade Pastrami and will be posting the recipe when my brother sends it to me.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Oh my! That is some good looking pastrami and parm! You did good Roger! I could have taken the parm dish, a fork and ran! LOL!

    Your home grown veggies were beautiful! And...

    You put in some major steps the last 2 days! Awesome!

    Val! Missed your input, glad you are back! Your getting out sounds interesting. Of course, you can never go bad getting out with animals! Sorry for the anxiety attack. It is not funny, but it
    is (perhaps ironic?) that you did all that traveling, of which I was quite impressed, but got an attack once home. I would be the other way around, and have one for sure. Glad you tucked in and I hope it helped! Yeah, we have boundary issues with my daughter in law. They're fine, as long as they are hers! Love her dearly, but it is hard to always have things at your own expense. Being with work makes yours hard!

    Life is for learning. Thank goodness! We get better at it! :) Jan

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Woo Hoo, It was in the 60s this morning, Well barely, 69.7 Degrees to be exact. Yesterday I ended up at 10.5K + Steps, Today I have done 7.6K Steps + No cents. Cooler weather is forecast for Monday through Wednesday, with overnight lows in the 60s and highs in the 80s which will be the coolest in a while.

    Have a Great Week
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Oh my! That is some good looking pastrami and parm! You did good Roger! I could have taken the parm dish, a fork and ran! LOL!

    Your home grown veggies were beautiful! And...

    You put in some major steps the last 2 days! Awesome!

    Val! Missed your input, glad you are back! Your getting out sounds interesting. Of course, you can never go bad getting out with animals! Sorry for the anxiety attack. It is not funny, but it
    is (perhaps ironic?) that you did all that traveling, of which I was quite impressed, but got an attack once home. I would be the other way around, and have one for sure. Glad you tucked in and I hope it helped! Yeah, we have boundary issues with my daughter in law. They're fine, as long as they are hers! Love her dearly, but it is hard to always have things at your own expense. Being with work makes yours hard!

    Life is for learning. Thank goodness! We get better at it! :) Jan
    Hi Jan
    We have had at least 10 Eggplants off of the two plants and there is at least one more ready to pick and another small one growing on the one plant at first glance. The other plant is semi hidden by the Blooming Sweet Potato plants, Yup they are in bloom and looking just like large Morning Glories. Right Now there is a Twin Eggplant parm in the freezer for later once the fresh ones are done. For now my Brother is Using them as well as handing them out to neighbors on both sides of us. We left the other one along with the Baked beans, Pastrami leftovers behind when we returned home. That was the plan and was our contribution. Those Peter Luger Hamburgers were expensive too, I saw the price label.Luger-Burger, Over 1/2 lb., on a Bun
    with French Fries and/or Cheese & Bacon
    Served Daily Until 3:45 PM


    Our SunChokes are still not in bloom.
    The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), also called sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple or topinambour, is a species of sunflower native to eastern North America
    And they should be blooming with Sunflower type blooms440px-Sunroot_top.jpg
    They look healthy enough are almost up to the Gutters, Approximately 8 foot tall currently :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi all!

    Little humidity here. It is heaven. That is ya'al's contribution of a "cold" front passing thru. And I thank you! We did hit 69 for a night low, but before the humidity left. Tonite should be nice!

    Love your sunchokes! I did not know they grew that high! Or is that just yours? Really gorgeous pictures!

    Invested in some tart cherries and brussel sprouts for my gout. Both of which I love. I bought coffee on sale yesterday, and picked up 2 bags. Unfortunately one was not decafe like I thought. I think I will mix it at a 4:1 ratio and see if that will work. It will extend my coffee for a while, and maybe give me some morning incentive. I do not think it will enough caffeine to aggravate the gout, and hopefully not keep me awake at night. I mistook the aqua label "made in Sweden" for decaf label in the artificial light in the store! I hate when I do things like that. Apparently I should have bought some carrots for my eyesight!

    Roger, I really want to know how much those hamburgers were! I just laughed when I saw the price on 2 steaks! (shipped). Though I bet they are good!!

    Take care all! Persevere! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    If You go back You will see I mentioned that ours were still not in bloom :(
    It is our first Year Growing them so I do not know if the height is an anomaly or normal. We only put some fertilizer in the bed with them at planting. We have not even been watering them regularly.

    My Brother Picked up some 1/2 Regular & 1/2 Decaf blend for me a while back. I do my blending when I buy coffee on the walk and stop at Quick Chek or 7-Eleven as they have assorted Coffees, If I get a Duncan Donut Coffee I just take it as is. Today I got the Extreme Caffeine as I had a very poor night sleep and needed something to get going.

    From the WebMD Site
    When habitual and occasional caffeine drinkers were looked at separately, the link was only observed in people with gout who typically drink less than two caffeinated beverages a day, Neogi tells WebMD.

    "As little as three servings a day could do it for these people," she says.

    "In contrast, in people with gout who usually have two or more caffeinated beverages a day, increasing caffeine intake doesn't appear to raise the risk of gout attacks," Neogi says.

    So maybe that is why I have been OK with regular coffee or it could be the Allopurinol I take daily or a combination of both.

    Have You ever looked at the Omaha Steaks prices? This is the current sale price from their website :)
    The Best of Omaha Steaks 41717EMX
    2 (4 oz.) Filet Mignons
    2 (4 oz.) Top Sirloins
    2 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops
    4 (3 oz.) Gourmet Jumbo Franks
    4 (4 oz.) Caramel Apple Tartlets
    Signature Seasoning Packet
    This Combo Ships FREE! $132.95 $59.99
    $60 for 1 Pound of beef and 8 ounces of Pork Chops and 12 ounces of Hot Dogs.
    Some Bargain at $1.67 and ounce :) or over $26 a pound ! Yikes.

    Back to Your Question, As I remember the price showed 2 burgers in the packet at more than $6. Not what I would buy,

    I have a Bag of Frozen Cherries in the Big Freezer from CostCo that I keep forgetting to bring up from the basement to the kitchen :(

    Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    P.S. Enjoy the better weather :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I can tell I did a lot yesterday. Today I do not feel so productive. I am trying to do some fall cleaning as I clean, but I am drinking my coffee at the moment and am just enjoying the pokey hour. Roger, sorry you had a poor sleep night. I hate when that happens. It does seem to take a day to recover!

    I did trim some bushes on my way to feed the birds. Now to actually accomplish something!

    I had my cherries and some almonds as my last snack of the day after supper. It sure seemed to help combat the evening munchies. It is definitely a keeper.

    I had wondered about the caffeine and gout. I had not had a chance to see how much it might take to affect it, so that is useful. Usually I do not take it because of my blood pressure and sleep issues, so I may be okay! :)

    Food prices, especially beef, do not get me started! With everyone eating chicken for health reasons, why does beef stay so high? Well, we have to cut back on that red meat anyway!

    Hope you get back to your normal routine! Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Good evening. Jan-during my travels, I did have moderate anxiety a couple of times. Not much happening here. Got my teeth cleaned...no cavities. Em has after school stuff 3 of 5 days. Im happy for her, but im still adjusting to the school schedule.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 64s this morning, Today I have done 8.9K Steps + No cents. While I was walking and Listening to a 1948 Radio show called Escape, Episode was called A Tooth for Paul Revere I noticed that the iPod battery was showing no bars so when that ended I switched to music for the balance of my walk as when the battery gets to low it keeps playing but You can not bring up the Interface to switch or Pause playback :)

    Some Pictures from the backyard when I returned. The first is the Sweet Potato plants in bloom and the others are some of the late fruiting Raspberries, I took the pictures and then ate the Ripe Berries, Nice and sweet too.




    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    FWIW I am posting some more funny pictures in a little while.
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I can tell I did a lot yesterday. Today I do not feel so productive. I am trying to do some fall cleaning as I clean, but I am drinking my coffee at the moment and am just enjoying the pokey hour. Roger, sorry you had a poor sleep night. I hate when that happens. It does seem to take a day to recover!

    I did trim some bushes on my way to feed the birds. Now to actually accomplish something!

    I had my cherries and some almonds as my last snack of the day after supper. It sure seemed to help combat the evening munchies. It is definitely a keeper.

    I had wondered about the caffeine and gout. I had not had a chance to see how much it might take to affect it, so that is useful. Usually I do not take it because of my blood pressure and sleep issues, so I may be okay! :)

    Food prices, especially beef, do not get me started! With everyone eating chicken for health reasons, why does beef stay so high? Well, we have to cut back on that red meat anyway!

    Hope you get back to your normal routine! Jan
    Hi Jan
    Have I mentioned that I have frozen Cherries in the Basement Freezer that I keep forgetting to bring up and use? :)

    I had the NS Sweet & Salty Snack Mix for my Dessert, Pretzel Balls, Peanuts and Almonds.

    From what I have seen on the Internet Beef prices are starting to drop due to several factors. From what I saw Demand remains high too.

    Do we need to cut back on Red Meats? At least it does not have to be well cooked to be safe as Fowl does. I love a Good Rib Eye or Burger.

    Today later on My brother is planning to bake the Left over free Turkey 20.79 pounds of it. Plenty of leftovers there. We Will earn another free one for Thanksgiving this year and maybe two so We are using this one up now.

    Thank You for well wishes, I do seem to be back to regular routine and was 10% over my step count goal today.

    Good evening. Jan-during my travels, I did have moderate anxiety a couple of times. Not much happening here. Got my teeth cleaned...no cavities. Em has after school stuff 3 of 5 days. I'm happy for her, but I'm still adjusting to the school schedule.

    Hi Val
    I always hate going to the Dentist and put it off as long as I can.

    It just seems early for school to me :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi All,

    Val, I am glad nothing much is happening there! Always a good and hopefully peaceful thing! Even now when the days are getting shorter and the sun is moving for winter, I feel that twinge of the kids going to school and me releasing that summer time with more hours to spend with them. And they are in their latter 30's! It is getting dark here earlier at night, so I have to watch the time and not get stuck out somewhere where I can not see at night to drive, if I do not know the road! I am with Roger. School never started till after Labor Day. And that was nice, as I recall! :)

    Roger, your plants are awesome! I should be planting food, not flowers, but sometimes I just can't help myself! Maybe next year I will be more organized (and energetic) to take on produce! I bought some eggplant, as all that eggplant talk gave me such a taste for it! I won't fry it though, much as I would like. I keep losing and gaining the same 4 lbs. Time to move on!

    What they sometimes can do to a steak done here is a sin. Many people still cook a good steak to death down here, and just die if even some pink is left. You are lucky they will share a table if you have rare! It is changing slowly with the cooking show influence and chef's that offer a variety of cuisine. My favorite is still rib steak with a bone, (not part of one!), and of course, I would not turn down a rib eye either! The South makes up for it by their chicken fried steak and white gravy! That is something I limit now unfortunately! Or fortunately! :)

    I am going to have my cherries and walnuts (for my brain!) tonite as I am out of almonds for my after dinner snack.

    Roger, don't forget to bring up those cherries from the basement! Good job bouncing back to your steps! Jan B)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hmmmm, I have this taste for turkey now!!!!! o:)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    Val, I am glad nothing much is happening there! Always a good and hopefully peaceful thing! Even now when the days are getting shorter and the sun is moving for winter, I feel that twinge of the kids going to school and me releasing that summer time with more hours to spend with them. And they are in their latter 30's! It is getting dark here earlier at night, so I have to watch the time and not get stuck out somewhere where I can not see at night to drive, if I do not know the road! I am with Roger. School never started till after Labor Day. And that was nice, as I recall! :)

    Roger, your plants are awesome! I should be planting food, not flowers, but sometimes I just can't help myself! Maybe next year I will be more organized (and energetic) to take on produce! I bought some eggplant, as all that eggplant talk gave me such a taste for it! I won't fry it though, much as I would like. I keep losing and gaining the same 4 lbs. Time to move on!

    What they sometimes can do to a steak done here is a sin. Many people still cook a good steak to death down here, and just die if even some pink is left. You are lucky they will share a table if you have rare! It is changing slowly with the cooking show influence and chef's that offer a variety of cuisine. My favorite is still rib steak with a bone, (not part of one!), and of course, I would not turn down a rib eye either! The South makes up for it by their chicken fried steak and white gravy! That is something I limit now unfortunately! Or fortunately! :)

    I am going to have my cherries and walnuts (for my brain!) tonite as I am out of almonds for my after dinner snack.

    Roger, don't forget to bring up those cherries from the basement! Good job bouncing back to your steps! Jan B)
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hmmmm, I have this taste for turkey now!!!!! o:)

    Hi Jan
    As of 5:43PM I am now at 10,455 steps so done for the day and still hours to go :) I would take it a little easy except that with The turkey Cooked and turned off sitting in the oven for dinner and my brother mashing potatoes which I will have some of since I did the labor of peeling them :) I plan on 4 Ounces of Turkey which according to the Nutrition Label is 180 calories some Mashed Potatoes at Approximately 32 calories per Ounce according to the Internet and 6 ounces of Frozen Broccoli, Cauliflower and two types of carrots from CostCo. I say Approximately as the Internet says that for Mashed Potatoes with Whole Milk but he will most likely use 2% but also Butter. so who know for sure. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Thursdays and Fridays weigh ins. And I forgot the Bread Stuffing too :( A weakness of mine.

    Tomorrow I want to Mow the grass too after I walk.

    We went out and picked tons of Tomatoes to.

    At the same time I do like the crusty end cut on the roast Prime Rib the Diner serves on Sundays when I can get it. That crusty end has a different taste.

    And I wish I could eat Sausage Gravy on Biscuits but the calories, Wow.

    I am not a huge fan of English Walnuts as I prefer Black Walnuts....
    My After Dinner snack will be some kind of fruit, either one of the White Nectarines I picked up this morning on my walk at 10% off Senior Wednesday Discount or Maybe the Bartlett Pear, same source or one of the Older CostCo Bought Apples. I also Bought some Gala Apples as they were the best price $0.99 less 10% :)

    I have enough Bananas in the refrigerator to last me until Monday or Tuesday as I eat one every day before leaving for my walk.

    I will say this the Home Roasted Turkey is a much better Calorie and Sodium than the Deli or Store Parts.

    I wish I could give You some Turkey, I will be Vacuum Sealing some for later on as it started out a rather large one.

    Have a nice Evening

    BTW Flowers do seem to require less care IMO
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Oh yes, I just looked it up and the bread stuffing looks to be 50 calories a ounce and that is not counting the fats from the home made stock and the 1/4 pound of butter my Brother used in it.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi all! I love going to the dentist...its one of the few places where kids and bosses and neighbors don't bother me...the only thing asked of me is "open wider" or "stop snoring."
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    It was 69 this morning, Today I have done 7.8K Steps + No cents. While I was walking and Listening to a 1948 Radio show called Escape. 7 More episodes left and then decision time for what to listen to while walking :)

    It was still comfortable out the door and on the return. I abandoned my plans to mow this morning since my neighbor Sealed the Driveway and no matter how careful I am some of the cut grass always ends up on it. Tomorrow I know it will be somewhat less comfortable but I do need to be a good neighbor :)

    Later on today we need to strip the Turkey Carcass so it can go out the door for the last of this weeks garbage pickup and not hang around the kitchen garbage to smell up the place over the weekend. That also means weighing it into portions and freezing it and some of the Stuffing and maybe mashed Potatoes. I did not care for them after defrosting them the last time, My brother claimed I did not handle them right so they had the right texture when Microwaved.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi all! I love going to the dentist...its one of the few places where kids and bosses and neighbors don't bother me...the only thing asked of me is "open wider" or "stop snoring."

    Hi Val
    Good for You, a place to escape to :)

    I do not know how You could snore, I have enough of a problem just keeping my mouth open wide enough....

    Have a Nice Day